Bias Dependent Attenuation of Coplanar Transmission Lines On Silicon
Bias Dependent Attenuation of Coplanar Transmission Lines On Silicon
Bias Dependent Attenuation of Coplanar Transmission Lines On Silicon
W. Zhao, C. Schllhorn, E. Kasper, Institut fr Halbleitertechnik, Universitt Stuttgart Pfaffenwaldring 47, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany
1. Introduction
Recent trends toward wireless communication and short range sensing with low power radars strengthen the need for integrated circuits in the microwave and millimeter-wave region (frequencies from 10GHz to 100GHz). For the integration of active devices with passive networks or antenna a low loss substrate is required. These substrates may be either dielectric materials like ceramics in hybrid integration or high resistivity semiconductors in the case of monolithic integration. We concentrate on silicon because of the high integration potential of this semiconductor material.
3. Attenuation mechanisms
The attenuation of a coplanar transmission line depends on the conductor losses of the metallization and on the substrate losses caused by bulk and interface the conductivity. With increasing line width w of the signal line the conductor losses decrease while the substrate losses are nearly constant. In contrast to the frequency dependent conductor losses the substrate losses do not depend on the frequency [3], [4], [5], [6]. For high resistivity substrates the substrate losses are very small compared to the conductivity losses [7]. This leads to a respectable reduction of the attenuation when the line width of the signal line is increased from 20m to 45m (Fig. 2). Up to 40GHz attenuation values below 1dB/mm were obtained in typical experiment. Even with a small signal width w=20m low losses were obtained. But often the attenuation depends on the oxide quality. The reason for this behaviour is explained in the next section.
2.0 1.8
Attenuation (dB/mm)
1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5G 10G 15G 20G 25G 30G 35G
Frequency (Hz)
leads to a higher attenuation. In the case of accumulation majority carriers (holes for ptype substrate) and in the case of inversion minority carriers (electrons for p-type substrate) are induced. As can be seen in figure 4 for increasing positive and negative voltage an increase in attenuation is measured. A positive voltage leads to an inversion while a negative voltage leads to accumulation in p-type substrates.
Capacity pF
CV measurement CV-Messung
0 -10 -5 0 5
Bias V
Fig. 3: CV-measurement of the signal line demonstrating the bias dependent depletion case between accumulation and inversion
2.0 1.8
bias=+2V bias= 0V bias=-2V bias=-3V bias=-6V bias=-8V
Attenuation (dB/mm)
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 4: Attenuation of a coplanar transmission line with different bias voltages. (Dimensions: signal line width w=20m, ground to ground spacing d=50m) The bias dependence proves that a considerable part of the losses can be attributed to interface charges. A considerable reduction of losses may be obtained by proper design (e.g. oxide thickness) or proper bias.
5. Conclusion
A satisfactory explanation of attenuation of coplanar transmission lines on high resistivity silicon substrates was obtained. The results of our measurements show the frequency and geometry dependence of the attenuation of CPW on high resistivity silicon. In the investigated frequency regime 1-35GHz we demonstrated acceptable loss properties of CPW. Furthermore the possibility to influence the charge densities by means of a bias voltage between the signal and ground line was shown. In our next efforts we will examine the more conventional Czochralski (CZ) wafers as a substrate material for silicon monolithic mm-wave integrated circuits and we will quantify the improvement obtained by oxide patterning.
Acknowledgement :
Parts of this work was supported by the German Ministry of Research. The authors would like to thank Dr. Coenning and D. Wiegner for RF measurements, T. Guenkova for theoretical calculations, J. Eberhardt for processing, M. Ulm and J. Schier for discussion.
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