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SEC Project

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In this project a detailed review of tour and travels management system. The main objectives of this
website to know the package related to the trip and journey with best facility and
current offer. Searching will be very easy .At a single click will be able to fetch the required
data. Nowadays, there are multiple travel packages existing from the various websites to
approximately all the locations over the world.

A customer demonstrates that it is extremely complicated to search for the multiple of the
packages as for significant websites, contact, and communication with the travel agentsand
more options that exists in it which is a passive method and time-consuming.

This project will assist travellers to recommend the best Travel Package among all the
packages relevant information such as image, hotel facility, Google map facility, transport
facility and description about the places where they want to visit. The tour and travels
management system will be helpful for tourism.
The main purpose of Tour and travels management system is to provide a best facility and travelling
services for a customer to book hotels, flight and bus ticket for trip purpose. We have developed tour and
travels management system to provide a search platform find their tour places according to their choices.
This is instead of to provide the best traveling services to the customers and travel agents. We have
expanded tours and travel administration strategy to provide an exploration platform where a tourist can
find their trip spots according to their choices.
This method further assists to promote reliable and fascinating tourism so that people can celebrate their
vacations in their favourite places.
This process also encourages to expanding tourism with different cultures, communities, so that they
enhance the tourism experience, adventure, and build pride.
We create this system to establish and expand the structure of tourism that provides healthy interaction
opportunities for tourists and natives and improves a Better awareness of different cultures, traditional
lifestyles, traditional knowledge and moralities. This system moreover provides a better way to connect
with various events.
This system also provides trip-related information like which spots are tourist attractions, cities, and
regions. Tourists can also fetch the Map and navigation system and climate information.
This project is useful for tourists who are unfamiliar with the places where they want to visit. The
application displays geographic-based data to the people shifting to the different cities and to the people
who are ready to go on a journey.
Project Profile

Project Definition Tour and Travel Management System

Objective Main Objective of this system is to provide Online Registration, Tour

Package Information, Ticket Booking, Online Payment and Searching
Facility for Customer and also Generate Different types of Report.

Front-end Microsoft ASP.Net 2010 with c# Framework 4.0.

Back-end SQL Server 2008.

Tools M.S.Office, Adobe Photoshop.

Internal Guide Mr. Tariq Rafiq

Developed By 1. Danish Riasat

2. Usama Abbas
3. Sajjad Irshad
4. Ahsan Azeem
5. Rao Ahsan Saleem
Existing System

 All Work are done Manually.

 In Manual Booking System Customer has to go to the Travelling office.
 Ask Inquiry for Travelling then Book ticket Finally Pay Payment & Collect Receipt.
 Difficult To Maintain the Customer Details of Package and Payment
Receipt in Register.
 They Register Tour Package in the notebook.
 Add advertisement in Local newspaper or Local Market.
 Use Travelling Facility For the Limited Area or Person.
Need for New System

 To Create Web Based Application For our Organization.

 To Provide Search Facility For Customer.
 To Generate Different Types of Reports.
 To Provide the online Ticket Booking and online Payment Facility
For Customer.
 To Provide package Details.
 Customer Can Cancel the Booking then Return 15% Less Deduct
From the Amount.
 Services provided by Tour and travels System.
Function Specification
 Modules that will be there in the projects are :

 Customer: TRAVELER :-
- Registration(Login) - Registration
- View package -Login
- Search package -manage tour
- Booking - Manage tour package cost
- Give Payment - Manage Bus(travels)
- booking Cancellation
- Give Feedback
 Admin:
- registration(Login)
- Manage User
- Manage Tour-package
- Manage Ticket Booking
- Manage Payment
- View Cancellation
-View feedback
 Visitor:
- View site
- Give feedback
User Specification

- admin can manage the user and receive package from traveler & package

- Traveler create the package and give to admin.

- customer can view package and booking.

- Visitor view side and give feedback.
Hardware & Software Specification
 Hardware Specification :

 Server Side:

Processor 2.0 GHZ

Hard Disk 30 GB free space

 Client Side:

Processor 1.0 GHZ

RAM 512 MB
Hard Disk 2 GB free space
 Software Specification :
 Server Side:

Operating System Window Server 2008 or any compatible operating


Runtime Environment .Net Framework 4.0

Web Server IIS 7.0
Front End Microsoft Asp.Net 2010 with c#
Back End SQL server 2008
Other Tools Adobe Photoshop,MS office,
Crystal Report 9.0

 Client Side:

Operating System Window XP or any compatible os.

Web Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 or any
compatible web browser.
System flowchart
Timeline Chart
Data Flow Diagram

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a diagram that describes the flow of data
and the processes that change or transform data throughout a system. The
Data Flow Diagram reviews the current physical system, prepares input and
output specification, specifies the implementation plan etc.

Four basic symbols are used to construct data flow diagrams. They are
symbols that represent data source, data flows, and data transformations and
data storage. The points at which data are transformed are represented by
enclosed figures, usually circles, which are called nodes.

(A ) Source of Destination of data

(B )
Flow of Data


(D) Storage
Context Level Data Flow Diagram
First level Data Flow Diagram for ADMIN

Request Response
Tour & Travel

Response Request
First Level Data Flow Diagram for Customer
Second level Data Flow Diagram for ADMIN
Second Level Data Flow Diagram for Customer
Use case Diagram

Feedback Detail

Package Detail
Activity Diagram
Class Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Data Dictionary

1. Table Name: Login_mst

Description: To store the admin, customer, Traveler Login Details
Primary Key: User Name

Sr. Name DataType Constraint Description


1 Username Varchar(10) Primary Key To store the

2 User_Type Varchar(10) Not null To store user type
like admin,

3 Password nvarchar(10) Not null To store the

2. Table Name: AgeRegistration_mst
Description: To store Agent Personal Information.
Primary Key: Company_name

Sr. Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

1 Name Varchar(50) Not null To store the Name of
2 Company_Name Varchar(50) Primary Key To store Company Name.

3 Address Varchar(50) Not null To store address.

4 City Varchar(50) Not null To store city.

5 Zip_code Numeric(18,0) Not null To store Agent zip code.

6 Country Varchar(50) Not null To store country.

7 Mobile no Numeric(18,0) Not null To store mobile number.

8 Email_id Nvarchar(30) Not null To store the Email id.

9 Comment Varchar(50) Not null To store Comment.
3. Table Name: AgePackage_Management
Description: To store Agent Package Detail.
Primary Key: Tour_id

Sr . Field Name Data Type Constraint Description


1 Agent_Name Varchar(50) Not Null To Store Agent Name.

2 Agent_mobile Numeric(18,0) Not Null To Store Mobile
3 Company_Name Varchar(50) Not Null To Store company
4 Tour_id Numeric(18,0) Primary To Store Tour id.
5 Package_type Varchar(50) Not null To store Package type
like royal, Holiday.
Sr . Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

6 Category Varchar(50) Not null To store tour Catrgory.

7 Tour_place Varchar(50) Not null To store the tour place.

8 Days Numeric(18,0) Not null To store tour days.

9 Amount Numeric(18,0) Not null To store tour amount.

4. Table Name: Booking_mst
Description: it can store Booking Detail.
Primary Key: Booking_id

Sr . Field Name Data Type Constraint Description


1 Booking_id Integer Primary Key To Store Booking id

2 Traveler_ name Varchar (50) Not null To store Booking

traveler name

3 Package_id Integer Not null To Store Package id

4 Package_name Varchar(20) Not null To store package

5 Create Date Date Time Not null Create date of record.

6 Update Date Date Time Not null Update date of record.

5. Table Name: category_master
Description: To store travels category Detail.
Primary Key: c_id

Sr . Field Name Data Type Constraint Description


1 C_id Integer Primary key To store category id.

2 Package_type Varchar(10) Not null To store the package

type. Like holiday
3 category Varchar(20) Not null To store category like
royal, delux etc.
6. Table Name: country_master
Description: To store country Detail.
Primary Key: country_id

Sr . Field Name Data Type Constraint Description


1 Country_id Integer Primary Key To store the country id.

2 country Varchar(10) Not null To store the country name.

7. Table Name: AdmPackage_management
description: it store the Package Detail Like type, days, amount etc.
Primary Key: id

Sr.no Field Name Data Type constraint Description

1 Id Numeric(18,0) Primary Key To store Package id.

2 Package Type Varchar(30) Not null To store Package Type like

Holiday, Royal etc.

3 Category Varchar(15) Not null To store Package Category

like Group tour, adventure
tour etc.

4 Tour_Place Varchar(15) Not null To store Tour Place name.

5 Days Nchar (10) Not null To store tour package

6 Amount Varchar(20) Not null To store Amount of Tour

8.Table Name: Feedback
Description: to store the feedback details.

Sr. Field Name Data Type Constraint Description


1 Name Integer Not null To store name.

2 Emailid Varchar(30) Not null To store email id.

3 Contact_no Numeric(10) Not null To store contact no.

4 Feedback Varchar(30) Not null To store feedback status.

Input Design


Description: Home page of Tour and Travel Management system.


Description: Registration Page for Agent.


Description: Details of available Tour Packages.


Description: Booking Page to create Booking For Customer.


Description: Admin Login Page admin login hear.


Description: Home Page For Admin.


Description: Admin Manage Package Management .


Description: Admin Package Management information .


Description: Admin can view Customer and traveller Feedback.


Description: Admin can add and view package category.


Description: Admin Show customer Booking Details.


Description: Agent Login Page.


Description: Home Page For Agent.


Description: Agent manage the package Management.


Description: Agent view package information.


Description: Customer and Visitor Give Feedback.

Sr No. Test case Expected Actual Pass/Fail
1. Admin login case Is admin Successfully login Pass
Provided true
username &
password for
2. Invalid Is username and Error message Fail
username/password password wrong
case then error message
3. View page case Is requested page Successfully view Pass
available? that page
4. Test field All information All information Pass
must be input must be input
5. Registration Enter null in It will show Pass
mandatory fields message that
enter the data.
Enter incorrect data It will show Pass
message that
enter the correct
6. User login case Is User provided Successfully login Pass
true user name
& password for
7. Invalid Is username and Error message Fail
username/password password wrong
case then error message
8. View page case Is requested page Successfully view Pass
available? that page
9. Validation Test Cases Mandatory field You have to Pass
should not be enter some value
blank into mandatory
The field value Only 10 Pass
must have the number are
predefined range enter in the
A predefines Check the Pass
format should be proper
follow format of
10. Manage Profile User can edit info The Message will Pass
of the profile be
“Profile edit

• After the system implemented and conversion is completed, a review of system is usually
conducted by users and analyst this is called post implementation review.
• The most fundamental concern post implementation review is determining the system has met
its objective, that is analyst want to know if the performance level of the system has improved
and if the system is producing the result intended.
• If neither is happening, one may question whether the system can be considered successful.

• By using current system, all the requirements of all users are fulfilled.

•In future we will give facility of online donation.

•We will include more functionality as per user requirement.
•Not a single website is ever consider as complete forever firstly because there is always
something new requirement also are growing day by day.
•We want to improved our home page, as it is the main thing which attracts all users.

By: Kogent Solution Inc. dreamtech
 The Complete Reference ASP.NET
3. System Analysis and Design Software Application
By: Brian Siler and Jeff Spots
• www.Google.com
• www.Codeguru.com
• www.Saveearth.org

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