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50-01 AUTHORITY OF THE ENGINEER. The Engineer has immediate charge of the engineering details
of the project and is responsible for Contract administration. The Engineer has authority to reject defective
material and suspend work not performed in accordance with the Contract. The Engineer has authority to
accept completed work, issue Directives, Interim Work Authorizations, and Change Orders, and
recommend Contract payments.

The Engineer will decide all questions about the quality and acceptability of the materials furnished and
whether the work performed by the Contractor was in accordance with the Contract, the Contractor’s rate
of progress, Contract interpretation and all other questions relating to Contract compliance.

The Engineer has authority to suspend work for reasons listed under Subsection 80-06. If the suspension
is to protect the traveling public from imminent harm, the Engineer may orally order the suspension of
work. Following an oral order of suspension, the Engineer will promptly give written notice of suspension
to the Contractor. In other circumstances, the Engineer will give the Contractor written notice of
suspension before suspension of work. A notice of suspension will state the defects or reasons for a
suspension, the corrective actions required to stop suspension, and the time allowed to complete
corrective actions. If the Contractor fails to take the corrective action within the specified time, the
Engineer may:

a. Suspend the work until it is corrected; and

b. Employ others to correct the condition and deduct the cost from the Contract amount.

The Engineer may, at reasonable times, inspect any part of the plant or place of business of the
Contractor or any subcontractor that is related to Contract performance, including private or commercial
plants, shops, offices, or other places of business.

The Engineer may audit all books and records related to performance of the Contract, whether kept by
the Contractor or a subcontractor, including cost or pricing data submitted under Subsection 40-02.

50-02 PLANS AND WORKING DRAWINGS. The Department shall provide the Contractor at least two
full size sets of the conformed Plans and Contract including Special Provisions. If cross-sections are
available, one set will be provided if requested in writing by the Contractor. The Contractor shall keep a
complete set of these documents available on the project site at all times.

The Contractor shall supplement structure plans with working drawings that include all details that may be
required to adequately control the work and that are not included in the Plans furnished by the
Department. The Contractor shall not perform work or order materials until the working drawings for such
work, or for changes, are approved by the Engineer. The Engineer’s approval of working drawings or
changes shall not be deemed a determination that the working drawings or changes comply with federal,
state or local laws, rules, regulations and ordinances. It is Contractor’s duty to ensure the working
drawings comply with the Contract and any applicable federal, state or local laws, rules, regulations, and

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval any required preliminary detail or working
drawings. The project name and number shall be stated in the title block for all drawings, as shall the
state bridge number, when applicable. The Contractor shall submit drawings in either an electronic or
paper format that is acceptable to the Engineer. When paper copies are submitted, provide three sets.

The Contractor shall submit drawings to the Engineer in time to allow for review and correction before
beginning the work detailed in the drawing. The Engineer shall return one set of these drawings, either
approved or marked with corrections to be made, and shall retain the other sets. The Engineer's approval
of working drawings does not change the Contract requirements or release the Contractor of the
responsibility for successful completion of the work.

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The Contractor is responsible for the accuracy of dimensions and details and for conformity of the working
drawings with the Plans and Specifications. The Contractor shall indicate clearly on the working drawings
any intended deviations from the Plans and Specifications and itemize and explain each deviation in the
Contractor's transmittal letter. The Engineer may order the Contractor to comply with the Plans and
Specifications at the Contractor's sole expense if the approved working drawings deviate from the Plans
and Specifications and the Contractor failed to itemize and explain the deviations in the Contractor's
transmittal letter.

Once the Contractor receives approval of the working drawings, the Contractor shall furnish to the

a. Enough additional copies to provide eight approved sets of prints;

b. One set of reproducible transparencies (polyester film); and

c. If requested, an electronic file in AutoCAD drawing interchange format (.DXF).

The Contractor shall include the cost of furnishing all working drawings in the Contract price.

50-03 CONFORMITY WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Work performed and materials furnished
shall conform to the Plans, Specifications and approved Working Drawings, and be within specified
tolerances. When tolerances are not specified, the Engineer will determine the limits allowed in each

All work or material not conforming to the Plans, Specifications, and approved Working Drawings is
considered unacceptable unless the Engineer finds that reasonably acceptable work has been produced.
In this event, the Engineer may allow non-conforming work or material to remain in place, but at a
reduced price. The Engineer will document the basis of acceptance and payment by Change Order,
unless the contract specifies a method to adjust the price of that item.

The failure of the Department to strictly enforce the Contract in one or more instances does not waive its
right to do so in other or future instances.


Specifications, Plans, Special Provisions, and all supplementary documents are essential parts of the
Contract. They are intended to complement each other and describe and provide for a complete project.
A requirement occurring in one is as binding as if occurring in all.

In case of conflict, calculated dimensions will govern over scaled dimensions. In the event that any of the
following listed contract documents conflict with another listed contract document, the order of
precedence is (with a. having precedence over b., and b. having precedence over c., etc.):

a. Special Provisions

b. Plans

c. Standard Specifications

d. Materials testing standards

e. FAA Advisory Circulars

The Contractor shall not take advantage of any apparent error or omission in the Contract documents.
The Contractor may not base a claim for additional compensation or Contract time on a patent error,
omission, or conflict in the Contract documents. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately of
any apparent errors or omissions in the Contract documents. The Engineer will make any corrections or
interpretations necessary to fulfill the intent of the Contract.

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50-05 COOPERATION BY CONTRACTOR. The Contractor shall give the work the constant attention
necessary for its progress, and shall cooperate fully with the Engineer, Department staff, and other
contractors in every way possible.

Either the Contractor’s Superintendent or an acting Superintendent with authority to represent and act for
the Contractor shall be available within the proximity of the project whenever work is occurring. The
Contractor shall employ, as its agent, a competent superintendent thoroughly experienced in the type of
work being performed and capable of reading and thoroughly understanding the Plans and Specifications.
The Contractor shall provide 24-hour contact information for the Superintendent. The Contractor shall
ensure that the superintendent is available at all times to receive and execute Directives and other
instructions from the Engineer, to supervise workers and to coordinate the work of subcontractors. The
Contractor shall give the superintendent full authority to supply the resources required. The Contractor
shall furnish superintendence regardless of the amount of work sublet.


a. Bid Considerations. Bidders shall include in their bid the cost of:

(1) Providing uninterrupted operation of all visual and electronic signals, including power supplies
and Lighting used in the guidance of aircraft, except as specified in the CSPP and SPCD;

(2) All utility work that is specified in the Contract as work to be performed by the Contractor;

(3) Working around or through all permanent and temporary utilities shown on the Plans, in both
their present and adjusted positions;

(4) Accommodating the removal, adjustment, or relocation of utilities shown on the Plans by
entities other than the Contractor;

(5) Construction and removal of temporary utilities, to provide temporary utility service during the
construction or repair of a permanent utility; and

(6) Other utility work not specifically identified as compensable in Subparagraph d


The Department will show the approximate locations of utilities it knows to be within the work
zone on the Plans. Bidders shall expect that the location, elevation and nature of utilities may
vary from what is shown on the Plans and shall factor those contingencies into the bid price.
Additional utilities may exist that are not shown on the Plans. Compensation related to utilities not
shown on the plans will only be available according to Subparagraph d Compensation.

When an entity other than the Contractor is to remove, adjust, or relocate any utility, or perform
other utility related work within the project boundaries, the applicable completion dates or specific
calendar days to complete the removal, adjustment, relocation, or other utility related work may
be stated in the Special Provisions. If no date is stated in the Special Provisions, the Contractor
shall work cooperatively with the utility owner during the Project.

b. Cooperation with Utility Owners. The Contractor assumes the obligation of coordinating their
activities with utility owners, and shall cooperate with utility owners to facilitate removal,
adjustment, or relocation operations, avoid duplication of work, and prevent unnecessary
interruption of services. When a utility owner is identified in the Contract as being responsible for
removing, adjusting, or relocating a utility, the Contractor shall give the utility owner 15 days
advance written notice regarding the dates when the utility owner is required to begin and end

The Contractor shall cooperate with utility owners to determine a utility progress schedule for all
parties’ utility work. The Contractor shall submit the schedule to the Engineer before beginning

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that portion of utility work. The Contractor shall update the utility progress schedule monthly and
shall note time delays and their cause.

Utility owners are not required to work in more than one location at a time, and shall be allowed to
complete a specific section of work prior to commencing another section. Utility owners will not
normally perform adjustment or relocation of underground utilities when the ground is frozen.
Utility owners may prohibit the Contractor, through the Engineer, from working near utilities when
the ground is frozen.

The Department has sole discretion to grant permits for utility work within the state right-of-way.
The Contractor shall allow parties with utility permits to work and make excavations in the project.

If utility owners do not complete their work in a timely manner, the Engineer may direct the
Contractor to temporarily relocate the utilities, to construct new utilities, or to make necessary
repairs to complete the utility work.

c. Utility Work. The Contractor shall:

(1) Make all necessary arrangements with utility owners to locate all utilities that may be within
an area of work before excavation in that area, according to AS 42.30.400;

(2) Provide right-of-way staking and construction staking with lines and grades before excavation
in that area;

(3) Prevent damage to utilities or utility property within or adjacent to the project;

(4) Carefully uncover utilities where they intersect the work;

(5) Immediately stop excavating in the vicinity of a utility and notify the Engineer and the utility
owner if an underground utility is discovered that was not field marked or was inaccurately
field marked;

(6) Promptly notify the utility owner, the Engineer, and the Airport Manager in the event of
accidental interruption of utility service, and cooperate with the utility owner and the Engineer
until service is restored;

(7) Take all precautions necessary to protect the safety of workers and the public when
performing work involving utilities;

(8) Follow an approved TCP;

(9) Keep the length of open trench excavation to a minimum, backfill trenches as work is

(10)Cover open trenches with metal plates capable of bearing traffic where traffic will cross

(11)Maintain continuous utility service and install temporary utility systems where needed;

(12)Ensure all excavation conforms to AS 42.30.400 – 42.30.490;

(13)Ensure all excavation and utility work conforms to excavation requirements in 29 CFR 1926,
Subpart P, and confined space requirements in 29 CFR 1926.21(b)(6);

(14)Ensure all work undertaken near energized high voltage overhead electrical lines or
conductors conforms to AS 18.60.670, AS 18.60.675, AS 18.60.680 or other applicable law;

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(15)Ensure all work undertaken near energized high voltage underground electric lines or
conductors conforms to all applicable laws and safety requirements of the utility owner;

(16)When required by the utility owner, provide for a cable watch of overhead power,
underground power, telephone, and gas;

(17)Obtain plan approval from the local fire authority, and provide for the continued service of fire
hydrants, before working around fire hydrants;

(18)Do all pressure testing or camera testing required to verify utility acceptance in a timely
manner; and

(19)Coordinate the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) (Item P-641) with their work
and the utility companies’ work.

d. Compensation.

(1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Subparagraph d, no equitable adjustment will
be paid by the Department:

(a) Due to any variations in location, elevation, and nature of utilities shown on the Plans, or
the operation of removing, adjusting, or relocating them;

(b) For any delays, inconvenience, or damage sustained as a result of interference from
utility owners, interference from utilities, or interference from the operation of removing,
adjusting, or relocating utilities; or

(c) For any adjustments or relocations of utilities requested for the Contractor’s convenience.

(2) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Subparagraph d, the Engineer will issue a
Change Order with equitable adjustment if:

(a) Utilities not shown on the Plans require removal, adjustment, or relocation;

(b) Conflicts occur between utilities not shown on the Plans and other necessary work; or

(c) Conflicts due to the required elevation of a utility occur between new and existing utilities
that are both shown on the Plans.

(3) When the Contractor damages utilities, the utility owner may choose to repair the damage or
require the Contractor to repair the damage. When the Contractor damages utilities:

(a) No equitable adjustment will be paid by the Department, and the Contractor shall be
solely responsible for repair costs and expenses, when:

1. The Contractor failed to obtain field locates before performing the work that resulted
in the damage;

2. The utility was field located by the utility owner or operator, and the field locate is
accurate within 24 horizontal inches if the utility is buried 10 feet deep or less, or the
field locate is accurate within 30 horizontal inches if the utility is buried deeper than
10 feet;

3. The plan profile or the field locate does not indicate or inaccurately indicates the
elevation of a buried utility;

4. The utility is visible in the field; or

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5. The Contractor could otherwise reasonably have been aware of the utility.

(b) The Engineer will issue a Change Order with an equitable adjustment for the cost of
repairing damage if:

1. The field locate by the owner or operator of a buried utility erred by more than 24
horizontal inches if the utility is buried 10 feet deep or less, or 30 horizontal inches if
the utility is buried deeper than 10 feet;

2. The utility was not shown on the Plans or other Contract documents, and the
Contractor could not reasonably have been expected to be aware of the utility’s
existence; or

3. The Contractor made a written request for a field locate according to AS 42.30.400,
the utility owner did not locate the utility according to AS 42.30.410, and the
Contractor could not reasonably have been expected to be aware of the utility’s
existence or location.

(4) If a delay is caused by a utility owner, is beyond the control of the Contractor, and is not the
result of the Contractor’s fault or negligence, the Engineer may issue a Change Order with an
equitable adjustment to contract time, but no equitable adjustment will be made for the cost of
delay, inconvenience or damage. Additional contract time may be granted if the cause of
delay is because a utility owner is to perform utility work:

(a) By dates stated in the Special Provisions, and the utility work is not completed by the
dates stated; or

(b) In cooperation with the Contractor and the utility owner does not complete the work in a
timely manner, based on a written progress schedule agreed upon by the Contractor, the
utility owner, and the Engineer.

(5) If the Engineer orders the Contractor to make necessary construction or repairs due to
incomplete utility work by utility owners, the Contractor will be paid as specifically provided for
in the Contract, or the Engineer will issue a Change Order with equitable adjustment.

e. Cooperation with Airport Management and FAA. The Contractor shall coordinate their
activities and cooperate with the Airport Management and the FAA, and shall provide 45 days
advance written notice to them before working on utilities in the Air Operations Area. All
coordination with Airport Management and the FAA shall be through the Engineer. Refer to the
CSPP for coordination requirements. The Contractor shall include and cooperate with Airport
Management, the FAA, and the Engineer, in determining a utility progress schedule for work on
the Airport Property.

The Contractor shall submit a written plan to repair damaged utilities to the Engineer, and shall
follow the plan when repairing damaged utilities. The plan shall identify repair personnel or
subcontractors. The Contractor shall not work on or adjacent to utilities unless repair personnel
are available to repair damaged utilities. Personnel repairing utilities shall be licensed for the work
required, and shall have the tools and material required to repair damaged utilities within the time
limits required.

When damage affects, or may in the Engineer’s opinion affect, the function of navigational or
visual aids, the Contractor shall repair damage within two hours. When damage affects, or may in
the Engineer’s opinion affect, the function of utilities, the Contractor shall repair the damage
within 24 hours.

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50-07 COOPERATION BETWEEN CONTRACTORS. The Department may, at any time, contract for and
perform other or additional work on or near the Project. The Contractor shall allow other contractors
reasonable access across or through the Project.

The Contractor shall cooperate with other contractors working on or near the Project, and shall conduct
work without interrupting or inhibiting the work of other contractors. All contractors working on or near the
Project shall accept all liability, financial or otherwise, in connection with their Contract. No claim shall be
made by the Contractor or paid by the Department for any inconvenience, delay, damage or loss of any
kind to the Contractor due to the presence or work of other contractors working on or near the Project.

The Contractor shall coordinate and sequence the work with other contractors working within the same
project limits. The Contractor shall properly join the work with work performed by other contractors and
shall perform the work in the proper sequence to that of the others. The Contractor shall arrange, place,
and dispose of materials without interfering with the operations of other contractors on the same project.
The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the Department from any damages or claims
caused by inconvenience, delay, or loss that the Contractor causes to other contractors.

50-08 SURVEY CONTROL. The Department will provide sufficient horizontal and vertical control data to
establish the planned lines, grades, slopes, shapes, and structures. The Contractor shall provide all
additional survey work to maintain control during the project.

50-09 DUTIES OF THE INSPECTOR. The Department’s inspectors are authorized to examine all work
done and materials furnished, but cannot approve work or materials. Only the Engineer can approve work
or materials. The inspectors can reject work or materials until any issues can be referred to and decided
by the Engineer. The inspectors may not alter or waive any Contract requirements, issue instructions
contrary to the Contract or act as foremen for the Contractor.

50-10 INSPECTION OF WORK. All materials and each part and detail of the work shall be subject to
inspection by the Department for compliance with the Contract. The Contractor shall allow safe access to
all parts of the work and provide information and assistance to the Engineer to ensure a complete and
detailed inspection.

Any work done or materials used without inspection by an authorized Department representative may be
ordered removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense, unless the Department failed to inspect after
being given reasonable written notice that the work was to be performed.

The Contractor shall remove and uncover portions of finished work when directed. After inspection, the
Contractor shall restore the work to Contract requirements. The cost to uncover and restore work shall be
at the Contractor’s expense, except the Department will pay the cost to uncover and restore work if (1) an
authorized Department representative had previously inspected the work or the Contractor had provided
reasonable prior written notice that the work was to be performed and (2) the Department finds the
uncovered work to be acceptable. If the Department finds the uncovered work to be unacceptable, the
cost to correct the work, or remove and replace the work, shall be at the Contractor's expense.

Representatives of Contract funding agencies have the right to inspect the work. This right does not make
that entity a party to the Contract and does not interfere with the rights of parties to the Contract.

The Department's observations, inspections, tests and approvals shall not relieve the Contractor from
properly fulfilling its Contract obligations and performing the work according to the Contract. Work that
has been inspected but contains latent or hidden defects shall not be deemed acceptable even though it
has been inspected and found to be according to the Contract.

The State of Alaska Department of Labor may require electrical inspection of Public Structures. The
Contractor shall request inspection by contacting the Electrical Inspector in Anchorage, Alaska, Phone
(907) 269-4925. The Contractor shall request inspection a minimum of two weeks prior to the expected
date of inspection being needed. If more than one item requires inspection, the Contractor shall submit a

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list to the Engineer and Electrical Inspector, with dates for all stages that requires inspection. The
Department has no control over or responsibility for the timing of inspections by the Electrical Inspector.

50-11 REMOVAL OF UNACCEPTABLE AND UNAUTHORIZED WORK. All work that does not conform
to the requirements of the Contract shall be deemed unacceptable by the Engineer, unless otherwise
determined acceptable under Subsection 50–03. The Contractor shall correct, or remove and replace,
work or material that the Engineer deems unacceptable, as ordered by the Engineer and at no additional
cost to the Department.

The Contractor shall establish necessary lines and grades before performing work. Work done before
necessary lines and grades are established, work done contrary to the Department's instructions, work
done beyond the limits shown in the Contract, or any extra work done without authority, will be considered
as unauthorized and shall not be paid for by the Department, and may be ordered removed or replaced at
no additional cost to the Department.

If the Contractor fails to promptly correct, remove, or replace unacceptable or unauthorized work as
ordered by the Engineer, the Engineer may employ others to remedy or remove and replace the work and
will deduct the cost from the Contract payment.

50-12 LOAD RESTRICTIONS. The Contractor shall comply with all vehicle legal size and weight
regulations of 17 AAC 25 and the Administrative Permit Manual, and shall obtain permits from the
DOT&PF Division of Measurement Standards & Commercial Vehicle Enforcement before moving
oversize or overweight equipment on a state highway.

The Engineer may permit oversize and overweight vehicle movements within the project limits provided
the Contractor submits a written request and an acceptable Traffic Control Plan. No overloads will be
permitted on a pavement, base or structure that will remain in place in the completed project. The
Contractor shall be responsible for all damage done by their equipment due to overloads, and for damage
done by a load placed on a material that is curing and has not reached adequate strength to support the

50-13 MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. The Contractor shall maintain the airport and related
airport facilities located within the project from the date construction begins until the Contractor receives a
letter of project completion. The Contractor shall maintain these areas continually and effectively on a
daily basis, with adequate resources to keep them in satisfactory condition at all times. The Contractor
shall maintain those areas outside the project that are affected by the work, such as haul routes, detour
routes, structures, material sites, and equipment storage sites during periods of their use.

Do not place foreign objects and debris (FOD) or any debris capable of causing damage to aircraft
landing gears or propellers or of being ingested in jet engines on surfaces in active aircraft movement
areas. Ensure that all loose material and debris has been removed from the sides of equipment and haul
vehicles prior to travel on airport or road surfaces. Keep all active runway, taxiway, and apron areas free
of materials spilled by your operations. Clean spilled materials off of closed runways, taxiways, or aprons
prior to opening these areas to aircraft. If FOD is spilled on an active runway, taxiway, or apron, remove it
immediately. The Engineer reserves the right to suspend all hauling operations until FOD is removed from
active aircraft movement areas. Hauling time lost due to the suspended haul will not be considered
reason to extend contract time or reason for a claim. The Engineer will allow hauling to continue when the
spilled material is cleaned up to his satisfaction. FOD preventive measures and FOD cleanup of runways,
taxiways, haul routes, and equipment is subsidiary to the contract and no additional payment will be

The Engineer may relieve the Contractor of this maintenance responsibility for specified portions of the

a. During a seasonal suspension of work. Approximately one month prior to seasonal suspension of
work, the Contractor shall hold a preliminary meeting with the Engineer and Airport Management
to outline the work the Contractor expects to complete before shut down and the condition the

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project is to be left in. The Contractor shall then schedule a field review for acceptance by the
Department for winter maintenance. At the field review a punch list shall be prepared for
implementation prior to acceptance. In order for the Contractor to be relieved of winter
maintenance responsibility, the surface of all embankments shall be properly crowned for
drainage, all edge lighting shall be in good working order, and all NAVAIDS installed by the
Contractor shall first have been accepted by the FAA. After acceptance for winter maintenance
and until the Contractor resumes construction operations, maintenance of the facility agreed upon
will be the responsibility of the Department; or

b. Following partial completion (Subsection 50-14); or

c. Following project completion (Subsection 50-15).

The Department is responsible for routine snow removal and ice control only on those portions of the
project that the Department accepts for maintenance.

The Contractor shall maintain previously constructed work until a subsequent course, layer, or structure
covers that work. The Contractor shall repair damage done to the work as described in Subsection 70-15.

All costs of maintenance work shall be subsidiary to the prices bid on the various contract items, and the
Contractor will not be paid an additional amount for such work.

If in the Engineer’s opinion, the Contractor at any time fails to provide adequate maintenance, the
Engineer will notify the Contractor of such noncompliance. The notification will specify the areas or
structures for which there is inadequate maintenance, the corrective maintenance required, and the time
allowed to complete corrective maintenance. If the Contractor fails to take the corrective action within the
specified time, the Engineer may:

a. Suspend the work until corrective maintenance is completed;

b. Assess a traffic price adjustment against the Contract Amount when an adjustment rate is
specified in the Contract; and

c. Employ others for corrective maintenance and deduct the cost from the Contract amount.

50-14 PARTIAL COMPLETION. The Contractor may submit a written request for partial acceptance of a
substantially complete geographically separate portion of the project. The Engineer will accept the portion
in writing before project completion and relieve the Contractor of further maintenance responsibility for the
completed work, if the Engineer inspects the portion and finds that it is substantially complete to Contract
requirements, and acceptance is in the best interest of the State.

Partial completion of the portion neither voids nor alters any Contract terms.

50-15 PROJECT COMPLETION. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer, in writing, upon substantial
completion of all work provided for under the Contract. The Engineer will then schedule and conduct the
final inspection. If the inspection discloses that any work is incomplete or unsatisfactory, the Engineer will
give the Contractor a list of work items that must be completed or corrected to reach substantial
completion and to reach final completion. The Contractor shall promptly complete or correct any work
determined unsatisfactory by the final inspection and request a re-inspection.

The Engineer will identify the date of substantial completion in a letter of substantial completion. The letter
of substantial completion will relieve the Contractor of further maintenance responsibility of the completed
work. The letter of substantial completion will not stop Contract time or relieve the Contractor of the
obligation to fully complete the work as required by the Contract specifications.

When all physical work and cleanup provided for under the Contract is found to be complete, the
Engineer will issue a letter of project completion. Project completion stops the Contract time, but does not
relieve the Contractor of any other Contract obligations.

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50-16 FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND RECORD RETENTION. The Department will issue the letter of Final
Acceptance after all of the following:

a. Project completion;

b. Receipt of all certificates, as-builts, warranties, and other required documents;

c. Receipt of the Contractor's Release, with no exceptions;

d. Certification of payment of payroll and revenue taxes by DOLWD and State Dept. of Revenue;

e. Final payment under the Contract.

Final Acceptance will release the Contractor from further Contract obligations, except those:

a. Specified under Subsection 70-19;

b. Required by law or regulation; or

c. Continuing obligations established by provisions of this Contract, such as warranty, guaranty,

indemnity, insurance, or bond.

The Contractor and the subcontractors shall maintain all books and records relating to performance of the
Contract for three years after the date of final payment of the Contract and each subcontract.

50-17 CLAIMS. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer as soon as the Contractor becomes aware of
any act or occurrence that may form the basis of a claim for additional compensation or an extension of
Contract time or of any dispute regarding a question of fact or interpretation of the Contract. The Engineer
has no obligation to investigate any fact or occurrence that might form the basis of a claim or to provide
any additional compensation or extension of Contract time unless the Contractor notifies the Engineer in a
timely manner of all facts the Contractor believes form the basis for the claim.

If the Contractor believes that he is entitled to an extension of Contract time, the Contractor must state the
contract section on which the extension request is based, provide the Engineer with sufficient information
to demonstrate that the Contractor has suffered excusable delay, and show the specific amount of time to
which the Contractor is claiming entitlement. The Department will not grant an extension of Contract Time
if the Contractor does not timely submit revised schedules in accordance with Subsection 80-03.

If the basis of claim or dispute is not resolved by agreement within seven days of the date the Engineer is
notified by the Contractor, the Contractor shall within the next fourteen days submit a Contractor Intent to
Claim (Form 25D-18) to the Engineer. Failure to submit a Contractor Intent to Claim as required under
this section constitutes a waiver of any future claim arising from or relating to the alleged act or

If the Contractor believes additional compensation or time is warranted, the Contractor shall immediately
begin keeping complete, accurate, and specific daily records concerning every detail of the potential claim
including actual costs incurred, and shall give the Engineer access to any such records and furnish the
Engineer copies, if requested. Equipment costs must be based on the Contractor's internal rates for
ownership, depreciation, and operating expenses and not on published rental rates. In computing
damages, or costs claimed for a change order, or for any other claim against the Department for
additional time, compensation or both, the contractor must establish actual damages based on internal
costs for equipment, labor or efficiencies. Total cost, modified total cost or jury verdict forms of
presentation of damage claims are not permitted. Labor inefficiencies must be shown to actually have
occurred and can be proven solely based on job records. Theoretical studies are not a permissible means
of showing labor inefficiencies. Home office overhead will not be allowed as a component of any claim
against the Department.

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The Contractor shall submit a written claim to the Contracting Officer within 90 days after the date the
Contractor became aware of the basis of the claim or should have known of the basis of the claim,
whichever is earlier. Any Claim not filed within this 90-day period will be deemed irrevocably waived by
the Contractor, regardless of whether the requested relief is sought for the ultimate benefit of the
Contractor or its subcontractor(s). The Contracting Officer will issue a written acknowledgement upon
receipt of the claim.

The Contractor waives any right to claim if the Engineer was not notified properly or afforded the
opportunity to inspect conditions or monitor actual costs or if the Claim is not filed on the date required.

a. The written Claim must include all of the following:

(1) The act, event, or condition giving rise to the claim;

(2) The Contract provisions that apply to the claim and that provide for the requested relief;

(3) The item or items of Contract work affected and how they were affected;

(4) The specific relief requested, including Contract time if applicable, and the basis upon which it
was calculated;

(5) Revised progress schedules under Subsection 80–03; and

(6) A certification signed by the Contractor that to the best of the contractor's knowledge and
belief, the data submitted is accurate, complete, and current and is the actual cost to the
contractor or additional time for performing the additional work or supplying the additional

b. The claim, in order to be considered, must show:

(1) That the Contractor suffered damages or delay;

(2) The damages or delay were caused by the act, event, or condition listed in the claim; and

(3) That the Contract entitled the Contractor for relief due to the act, event, or condition specified
in the Claim.

The Department may request the Contractor to provide additional information relating to the claim at any
time before issuing a decision. The Contractor shall provide the Department with the requested additional
information within 30 days of receiving a request. Failure to furnish the additional information may be
regarded as a waiver of the claim.

The Contracting Officer will issue a decision within 90 days of receipt of all information relating to the
claim. The time for the Contracting Officer to issue a decision may be extended according to AS

The Contracting Officer's decision is final and conclusive unless the Contractor delivers a notice of appeal
to the Commissioner within 14 days of receipt of the decision. The Contractor shall also serve a copy of
the notice of appeal on the Contracting Officer.

Appeals from a Contracting Officer’s decision shall be decided according to the State Procurement
Code’s appeal procedures, including AS 36.30.625, AS 36.30.627, AS 36.30.630, and AS 36.30.631.

Criminal and civil penalties authorized under AS 36.30.687 (including, but not limited to, forfeiture of all
claimed amounts) may be imposed on the Contractor if the Contractor makes or uses a misrepresentation
in support of a claim, or defrauds or attempts to defraud the Department at any stage of prosecuting a
claim under this Contract.

Proj Name 5/23

AIP/Proj # GCP-50-11

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