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2nd Annual e-health conference


H Kasan1 and K Lubout2 Rand Water, Johannesburg, South Africa hkasan@randwater.co.za, klubout@randwater.co.za

1. Abstract
Water utilities act as water services providers to municipalities (water services authorities) in most of the major metropolitan areas in South Africa. These water utilities manage a significant portion of the water supply chain and influence both up and downstream activities in this chain. It thus stands to reason that these agencies play a pivotal role in the development and implementation of appropriate water management plans aligned to universally accepted practice. The importance of provision of good quality drinking water is paramount for sustaining good public health and life. Therefore water utilities and municipalities may be considered to be in the business of public health. Water Safety Plans are a critical tool for ensuring public health. These plans utilize a risk based approach on a pro-active basis to mitigate against the risk of poor water quality provision and therefore poor public health. As a leader in the water industry in South Africa, Rand Water is well advanced in implementing a customised water safety plan in its area of operation, and has been requested by various stakeholders in the industry to assist with a similar process in other regions. This communication will focus on Rand Waters experience of implementing water safety plans and the strategic value that has been gained by the water utility for its customers and consumers.

2. Introduction
Johannesburg was founded to mine gold. Today, it thrives, as the continents greatest industrial hub is due to something else - water. In 1887 this mineral rich but water poor region was confronted with a major challenge - the affordable supply of good quality drinking water to a region devoid of a sustainable water resource. Private interests took the opportunity to obtain concessions from the state to provide mines and households with water, but supplies remained erratic and charges were high.

In 1903 Rand Water (water utility) was appointed as the sole bulk supplier of water to Johannesburg and today it supplies water to the entire province of Gauteng and parts of four adjoining provinces (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Rand Water Service Area Raw water is purchased from the Department of Water Affairs, the national custodian of all water resources. Initially groundwater from dolomitic compartments to the west of Johannesburg was utilised, but since 1923 surface water from the Vaal River (70 km from Johannesburg) has been the major source of supply. A number of inter-basin transfer schemes (Tugela-Vaal, Lesotho Highlands Water Project) were implemented during this period to meet growing demand in this water scarce region.

The organisation purifies an average 3700 M of water per day, distributes this drinking water via a distribution network of 55 reservoirs and 3000 km of large pipelines to 19 local authorities (water services authorities). These local authorities in turn reticulate this water to 12 million consumers, as well as mines and industries. Drinking water is currently being supplied to a service area covering 18000 km2 (Rand Water, 2007). A contractual agreement regulates service provision between Rand Water and the 19 Water Services Authorities. Water quality compliance to the national standard (SANS 241) forms an integral part of this contract. Rand Water, the largest and longest-standing water utility in South Africa, is often used as an example of the role water utilities play in water safety plan implementation. Water utilities country-wide find themselves in a very similar position.

3. Water safety plans in South Africa

The application of a Water Safety Plan (WSP) will ensure drinking water quality and protect public health. This plan encompasses the entire supply chain from catchment to consumer (McCann, B. 2003). Essentially, Water Safety Plans are well documented risk based management plans based on knowledge of the entire water supply chain and it has become clear that this universally applicable approach may require some adaptation in each region of the world. This should allow for the different states of development, cultural, socio-economic and other local variables (Breach, B. & Williams, T. 2006). In South Africa, 16 water utilities supply drinking water to municipalities in the major metropolitan areas. The activities of these water utilities are regulated by the National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998) and the Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1997). In partnership with the Department of Water Affairs and the municipalities, water utilities complete the water supply chain (Figure 2). The water safety plan developed by Rand Water was adapted from the World Health Organisation (WHO) framework (Davison et.al.2002). Aligning the WHO water safety plan to localised needs proved relatively straight-forward as the plan followed a very logical approach and Rand Waters management procedures could be readily adapted to fit this approach.

Department Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF)

Rand Water (Water Services Provider)

Local Authorities (Water Services Authorities)

End Consumers End Consumers End Consumers End Consumers

Catchment & Water Transfer Schemes

Abstraction & Bulk Treatment (Production)

Bulk Water Distribution

Retail Water Distribution

Raw Water


Drinking Water

Figure 2: Role of Rand Water in the water supply chain. It is; however, clear that a number of other institutions also play important roles in this supply chain. The roles and responsibilities of these different institutions contributing to the delivery of quality drinking water need to be clearly defined to ensure complete coverage of the system from catchment to consumer (May, et al 2006). Legal and institutional arrangements need to be put in place to assign appropriate responsibilities to various parties. In South Africa the Department of Water Affairs, the national custodian of all water resources, performs the catchment management function through non-government organisations termed Catchment Management Agencies (CMA). In addition, many of the water boards perform their own catchment management activities to ensure the quality of their source water. On the opposite end of the supply chain water services authorities have been tasked with the supply of safe drinking water to consumers making them a key player in the water safety plan.

4. National water legislation framework

South Africa has a three tier legislative framework which is centred in national, provincial and local government. Tier 1: The National Department of Water Affairs and Forestry functions at a strategic level and is responsible for water legislation, implementation of the national drinking water framework, undertakes periodic regulatory audits of the drinking water quality management activities and ensures the availability and optimisation of resources within the water services sector. It is also the national custodian of water resources and is responsible for the development of the National Water Resources Strategy, which will be implemented via 19 Catchment Management Agencies. The National Department of Water Affairs and Forestry is therefore ultimately responsible for both the quantity and the quality of the countrys water resources.

Tier 2: Provincial Government (nine provinces) support drinking water quality management by developing and implementing support policies, overseeing grant allocations to Water Services Authorities (WSAs) and coordinating emergency actions. Tier 3: Local Government incorporates 283 Water Services Authorities (Local Authorities = municipalities), which are independent public utilities which are responsible for the delivery of drinking water and waste water disposal services to all persons residing within their area of jurisdiction. Municipalities are governed by the National Municipal Structures and the National Water Services Acts.

5. The Rand Water, Water Safety Plan

Rand Water has adopted the Water Safety Plan (WSP) model recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO 2002) and has adapted it to meet the organisations specific requirements. During the development of its WSP there were several aspects that needed consideration, the most important ones include: 1. The requirements of and interactions between the three tiered approach of water quality management in South Africa. 2. Rand Water has several sites, divisions and departments that all needed to become part of the development process to secure the necessary skills and cooperation. 3. Rand Water, prior to the implementation of the WSP, was already a fully ISO 9001 accredited organisation, each of the water supply chain functions had their set of ISO 9001 quality manuals. The WSP needed to be holistic and developed for the entire water supply chain. On completion, the WSP requirements had to be integrated into the existing ISO 9001 quality manuals of the respective sites. .This was achieved by referencing specific WSP activities such as critical control points, operational limits, monitoring programs and corrective actions via tables to specific ISO 9001 quality manuals indicating ISO reference numbers, locations and custodians. 4. To ensure compatibility with the existing ISO quality manuals, all WSP procedures (modules) were compiled, using the ISO 9001 procedure writing methodology. The Rand Water WSP is similar to the WHO framework (2002), the main difference being that record keeping in the Rand Water framework has been entrenched in each of the procedures as required for ISO 9001 procedures. (Figure 3).

1. Assembleteamandresources
2.Establishandmaintaincorporatecommitmenttodrinking waterquality


5.1Identifyhazards 5.2Prioritizehazards 5.3Identifyexistingcontrolmeasures 6.1IdentifycontrolmeasuresforapplicationinWaterQuality SafetyPlanascriticalcontrolpoints 7.1Establishoperationallimitsatvariouspoints throughoutthe supplychain,includinglimitsinrespectofrawmaterial





8.1Identifycriticalmonitoringsites 8.2Establishfrequencyofsampling 8.3Establishvariablesinneedofanalyses


9.1Auditproductionvaluesforcompliance 9.2Auditsupplysystemwaterquality 9.3Verifythroughimpartialauditor 10.1Identifyproblem 10.2Establishcauseofproblem 10.3Researchsolution 10.4Communicatenoncomplianceifnecessary 10.5Developincidentandemergencyprotocols


Customerfocus Communityawareness Surveycustomerrequirements Surveycustomersatisfaction Customercomplaints Education Workshopsforlearnersandeducators Developwatereducationmaterial Saleofwatereducationmaterial Employeetrainingandawareness IdentificationofTrainingandawarenessneeds Basicawarenessforallemployees Competencecertification Advancedemployeetraining Trainingrecords Communication Internalcommunication Externalcommunication ResearchandTechnicalsupport Problemresolution Processinfrastructureandchemicalevaluation Proactiveresearch

Figure 3: Rand Water WSP flow diagram as adapted from the WHO framework

5.1 Module 1: Assembling the WSP team 5.1.1 Methodology employed The Rand Water WSP was developed by means of a steering committee comprised of representation from all the divisions/departments that impact on the management of water quality. Prior to the initiation of the project, top management commitment and support was gained, a WSP champion was appointed and authorised to develop and implement a WSP. Rand Water has a water quality assurance department that resides within the Scientific Services Division which is responsible for all water quality assurance related issues. As this department has always been involved in integrated water quality management the motivation for the need to implement a water safety plan originated from this department, hence the decision that the manager of this department be appointed as the WSP champion for Rand Water. Sub-committees were tasked with the development of specific modules of the WSP to secure experience and specialized skills. Knowledgeable staff members, with hands-on experience of activities related to the modules being developed, were valuable as they provided detailed input into the modules. Another advantage of this approach was that the individuals which participated during the development of the WSP would ultimately be responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the modules or parts thereof as impacted by their respective accountabilities. This approach ensured sound understanding of the WSP and resulted in securing the necessary staff commitment which is important to facilitate change. Draft documents for each of the modules were developed using appropriate members of the steering committee and knowledgeable sub-committee members. On completion, these draft documents were circulated to all Potable Water Quality Working Committee (PWQWC) members for comment. The PWQWC is a high level corporate committee including senior staff from all sectors of the Rand Water supply chain that are involved in water quality management. This activity was followed by a one day workshop to respond to comments and finalise modules. The WSP champion was responsible for facilitating all these activities. This approach provided the opportunity for relevant staff to contribute and for them to be informed. In setting up the WSP team, Rand Water used its in-house staff, experienced in water quality management, to adapt its existing programs to meet the requirements of the WSP. This project was also used to develop new staff as it provided an excellent opportunity for mentoring less experienced staff. One of the challenges encountered was to obtain acceptance to change procedures that have been in use for an extended period of time. Active participation of staff from all sectors of the water quality management team, with special reference to the support received from senior/executive management of the respective sites, was a huge asset in resolving these issues. This again demonstrated the importance of obtaining support from both the floor and the top.

5.1.2 Corporate commitment to water quality Rand Water was fortunate in that senior management has always been committed to providing high quality water, and demonstrates this by having compliance to water quality standards as one of the main performance indicators in the annual corporate performance evaluation system of staff dealing with water quality management. A water quality policy statement was adopted by senior management containing the following commitment to consumers: 1. The water should not contain any chemicals or radioactive substances deleterious to health, be free of pathogenic organisms and where possible not be corrosive or scale forming. 2. The drinking water produced will comply for a minimum of 95% of the time with the national standards for water quality variables with chronic health effects and 99% with those having acute effects, typically the microbiological variables. 3. The World Health Organization drinking water quality guidelines will be used as a benchmark. 4. All contractual water quality obligations with customers, will be honored.

The corporate commitment to water quality formed the basis of what was required and hence the performance targets against which the success of the WSP would be measured. The inclusion of water quality Key Performance Areas (KPA) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in corporate performance objectives served to increase the importance and promote positive behavior toward improving and sustaining water quality for the organisation. 5.2 Module 2: Describing the water supply system. 5.2.1 Value of detailed systems flow diagrams Describing the supply chain was considered a very important component of the WSP in that it provides an understanding of the catchments from which drinking water is derived, available infrastructure for treatment purposes and the distribution network. The degree of detail included in these diagrams was such that it would enable staff to: 1. Obtain an overview of the water supply chain. 2. Understand the catchments and inter-basin transfer schemes from which Rand Water obtains its raw water. 3. Obtain an understanding of the purification systems and how the respective processes relate to each other. 4. Have an understanding of the distribution network and how the respective systems relate to purification sites, booster pump stations and reservoirs. 5. Obtain sufficient background knowledge of the entire water supply chain to establish risk areas and allow for the logical placing of critical control points.

6. Be aware of the location of all current water quality sampling sites. The following diagrams were developed: A diagrammatic representation of the entire water supply chain; The catchments from which Rand Water derives its raw water for purification (separate diagrams for each of the catchments); The major inter-basin transfer schemes; The water purification systems (several diagrams) Booster pump stations (diagrams for each booster station indicating incoming and outgoing mains); Secondary pump stations (diagrams for each of the secondary pump stations indicating incoming and outgoing mains); Distribution system (separate diagrams for each distribution system supplying customers of each of our 19 WSAs providers); Tertiary disinfection facilities Although the systems flow diagrams were developed for the purposes of understanding the water supply chain and for identification of risks, the detailed information provided in these diagrams had other advantages in that staff are now using the same set of diagrams for a broader range of activities thus facilitating and ensuring a common understanding of how the systems relate and function within the water supply chain. These diagrams were also found to be useful during the training of new staff. 5.3 Module 3: Identify hazards and hazardous events and evaluate risks 5.3.1 Approach adopted for risk assessment For the purposes of risk and hazard assessment, Rand Water adopted the view that if it was able to meet the water quality standards/guidelines referred to in module 2.1 on an ongoing basis it will provide adequate protection to its customers. The purpose therefore was to evaluate Rand Waters ability to meet specific water quality objectives on a sustained basis.




Figure 4: Methodology used for risk and hazard assessment 5.3.2 Risk assessment approach Rand Water purchases its raw water from the Department of Water Affairs with little direct control over the water quality that it receives at its raw water intakes, yet it has the responsibility to comply with specified drinking water quality criteria. It is therefore essential that Rand Water is confident that its purification system is able to produce water which satisfies the desired drinking water quality specifications and that the water does not deteriorate in the distribution system. The approach adopted is shown in Figure 4. Hazards were categorized by the impact that concentration levels in excess of the stipulated standard would present. The application of this methodology resulted in identification of four hazard impact groups, namely: Constituents with acute impacts such as viruses, pathogenic protozoa, bacteria and chemicals that could be present at levels that can result in an acute response. Constituents with chronic health effects being those with accumulative properties such as metals and organic substances etc. Constituents that have aesthetic impacts such as clarity, colour, taste and odour. Constituents of operational importance such as conductivity, pH, turbidity and residual chlorine.

The risk of exceeding the standards/guideline values is determined by using the preceding three sets of annual data of both the raw and final water against specified drinking water standards. Results obtained from this comparison were used to: Determine trends in both raw and drinking water quality. Establish the risk in the raw water for each of the constituents listed in the national drinking water standards that need to be accommodated by the purification works. This analysis also indicates the probable risk/hazard should the purification system fail. This evaluation is performed at the 95th percentile level, implying that 95% of the recorded results are within the specification. Determine compliance with national drinking water quality standards at the 95th percentile level of water leaving the production sites. Compliance requirements for constituents posing an acute health risk were set at the 99th percentile. Interpretation of this risk analysis was conducted on the basis of the following guideline: a. If identified risk in raw water is not removed adequately at the 95th percentile level, purification infrastructure is inadequate or processes need optimisation. b. If identified risk in raw water is removed and national drinking water standards are complied with then existing purification infrastructure is considered adequate. c. Partial removal of identified risks may require future optimisation of processes. d. Where both raw water and drinking water standards meet quality target there is no risk e. If raw water meets drinking water standards and the final product water does not, it implies that a contaminant has been added to the water during the purification process. Iron, residual chlorine, ammonia and trihalomethanes are typical examples as they relate to operational efficiencies and the type of purification chemicals used. Samples collected from Rand Waters extensive distribution network are evaluated in the same manner to establish risk areas and trends. Compliance limits applied and frequency of compliance are the same as for the mentioned drinking water. The second component of the risk analysis programme involves analyses of risks that are not transparent from the analyses of historical data. This relates to planned changes in the catchments from which our water is derived, risks/alteration to current infrastructure, changes in standards/legislation and adequacy of available skills. This is facilitated by questionnaires forwarded to site management followed by one day workshops for the respective sites every three years, where the entire water supply chain is evaluated on the basis of: Risk description; Probability that risk may occur; Risk mitigation actions required;

Risk mitigation actions implemented; Risk mitigation actions currently being implemented; and Future risk mitigation actions that require implementation. 5.3.3 Use of the two tier system of risk assessment Historical data in part one of the hazard and risk assessment module, provided Rand Water with a sound overview of the current and past trends in water quality. As this analysis spanned several seasons it also provided seasonal trends in water quality. Historical analyses of information also enabled the assessment of the ability/reliability of installed infrastructure to meet current demands and identify areas where future risks may arise. This approach to a large extent negated the problems of using a qualitative gut feel to risk assessment as the risks were based on factual data and trend analyses. 5.4 Module 4: Determine control measures, reassess and prioritise risks Control measures implemented consisted of three key activities which collectively define the approach adopted by Rand Water. 5.4.1 Establishing critical control points Critical control points in the WSP were identified on the following basis: The need to remain abreast of both water quality trends and contamination incidents in the raw water supply that may impact product quality; The need to know the quality of the raw water being treated to enable adjustment/alterations/optimisation of purification unit processes; The need to track performance of individual unit processes such as coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection as well as drinking water quality in the rising mains; The need to track changes in water quality throughout the distribution network; and The need to track any impacts on water quality as a result of operational interventions. 5.4.2 Setting operational control limits Operational limits are specific numerical values set for those water quality variables impacted at each of the critical control points. These values were obtained from historical data, meaning that if these target values are met at each of the critical control points, compliance with the final product quality standard is assured. Compliance with these targets also indicated optimal functioning of installed infrastructure and the operation thereof. In essence, this relates to the multiple barrier approach promoted by the WHO.

Non-compliance with these limits is corrected via pre-determined corrective actions entrenched in the standard operating procedures (SOPs) in all site ISO 9001 quality manuals. Protocols have also been developed for specific water quality variables where problems may arise from several points within the water supply chain. This aspect will be discussed under Module 8. To date, site specific operational manuals have not been standardised (they do, however, contain the requirements of the WSP), presenting some inconvenience when auditing these systems. Some turf protection behavior was evident during the development of protocols as differences in management approach were evident at the respective sites. This was eventually resolved via time consuming workshops with some uncertainty whether total buy-in was achieved from all sites. 5.5 Module 5: Develop, implement and maintain an improvement/upgrade plan The functioning of the WSP is evaluated on an ongoing basis via daily site operations meetings, monthly departmental meetings and a monthly corporate Potable Water Quality Working Committee meeting. Identified problem areas are discussed and resolved at these meetings by employing different solutions such as optimising operational procedures, changing operational settings and researching identified problems (see Module 9). Changes to existing infrastructure, or obtaining new or additional infrastructure is effected by the capital budget. The latter is determined on an annual basis and financed via the corporate budgeting process. Emergencies are dealt with via special board reports. 5.5.1 Two tiered approach to dealing with corrective actions Rand Water has a two tier structure of dealing with corrective actions. Tier one relates to situations where operational limits at specific unit processes (critical control points) are exceeded. Corrective actions under these circumstances relate to site specific operational activities and are included in site specific operational manuals of unit processes such as filtration, disinfection etc. Some challenges (tier two interventions) experienced with regard to water quality cannot be resolved at any given single unit process (critical control point) and need to be addressed in a holistic manner which may require actions at various stages throughout the supply chain. Typical examples are turbidity, pathogenic protozoa and E coli where malfunctioning of more than one unit process such as coagulation, sedimentation or filtration may result in product quality targets not being met. To address these problems protocols were developed for key risks identified during the hazard and risk assessment exercise. These protocols guide the actions of specific staff from different departments/divisions/sites. Protocols are intended to provide clear instructions on how to resolve particular problems, indicating monitoring, communication, and remedial actions. Three intervention levels have been defined in these protocols with specific actions linked to each intervention level. Single page decision and responsibility matrices are used as a quick reference guide for actions.

Rand Water has developed protocols for the following water quality variables: Algal toxins Taste and odour E.coli Pathogenic protozoa Dirty Water (turbidity > 5NTU) Non-compliance with minimum residual chlorine concentrations at the end points of the Rand Water distribution network during the hot summer months resulted in an extensive investigation of this problem. Long retention times, high ambient temperatures, disinfectant dosing problems and in-field analyses of residual chlorine concentrations were highlighted as problem areas. To remedy the problem the Bulk Water Services department updated its ISO 9001 disinfection procedure which now includes regular retraining and testing of samplers tasked with the responsibility of sampling and testing for residual disinfectant concentrations. Dosing procedures during these hot periods were also altered to render higher residual chlorine concentrations and certain capital investments were made to ensure adequate disinfection infrastructure to meet these demands. Rerouting of water via the distribution system to reduce retention times was also implemented. The microbiological quality of the water was not compromised during this period. 5.5.2 Advantage of monthly potable water quality meetings Traditional organisational structures resulted in the water purification process being managed in siloswith little interaction between staff responsible for different parts of the water supply chain. The monthly Potable Water Quality Working Committee meeting in Rand Water was found to provide a valuable opportunity for all sites, divisions and departments to interact. At these meetings monthly analyses of water quality information (audit results) are provided, problem areas identified and solutions discussed. This meeting is also used to update staff on the latest national and international trends, information sharing and for training purposes. 5.6 Module 6: Define monitoring of control measures 5.6.1 Establishing monitoring sites and schedule Rand Water maintains an extensive monitoring programme to ascertain compliance with operational limits at all critical control points. Current monitoring programs include the catchments, raw water intakes, the purification system, rising mains, booster pump stations, various sites within the distribution system, reservoirs and at point of delivery. Frequency of sampling in the catchments varies from bi-monthly to monthly pending the nature of the catchment and the proximity of the sampling site to the raw water intakes. Comprehensive

analyses are performed on intake samples on a monthly basis, key operational constituents, such as conductivity, pH and turbidity are performed on-line. Operational analyses for appropriate variables within the purification system are performed on a shift basis. Comprehensive chemical analyses are performed on purified water on a weekly basis, while microbiological analyses are performed on a daily basis. Operational constituents such as conductivity, turbidity, pH and residual chlorine are analysed on-line on all rising mains and at the booster pump stations. Routine samples collected throughout the entire distribution system are analysed on a weekly basis inclusive of microbiological and residual chlorine analyses. Radioactivity, viruses and pathogenic protozoa are tested for on a monthly basis at selected sites. Analyses for a wide spectrum of organic water quality variables are performed twice per annum. 5.6.2 Retaining and recruiting skilled water quality analysts The ability to obtain and retain skilled analysts is critical to the success of this programme. This is proving to be a challenge due to the shortage of these skills within South Africa. The maintenance of on-line monitors and their communications systems is also a challenge due to a shortage of skills. To alleviate this problem Rand Water has established Professorial Chairs at various universities and has embarked on an extensive training programme of its staff to improve their skills. The exodus of skilled and experienced baby boomers is also adding to this problem due to a loss of corporate memory. Another approach adopted by Rand Water to redress the skills problem is by means of its graduate training program where newly qualified graduates are trained and mentored for a two year period. 5.7 Module 7: Verification At Rand Water the verification of water quality is done at two levels: Internal drinking water quality verification is performed by using routine monitoring programmes of the distribution system. Water samples are collected in accordance with a fixed schedule and analysed at Rand Waters ISO 17025 accredited analytical facilities. Results obtained are published monthly on a public website. The Rand Water laboratory participates in both national and international proficiency testing schemes in accordance with ISO 043 directives to ensure analytical accuracy. Drinking water verification is performed monthly on water samples, collected from randomly selected sampling sites, by an independent laboratory. The laboratory used for this purpose is also an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory. The Rand Water WSP is entrenched in the Rand Water ISO 9001 quality system and as such it is audited four times a year (twice internally and twice externally).

5.7.1 Auditing of WSP It is our experience that customer satisfaction, maintaining a complaints register and the response to consumer complaints are most often included in external audits whereas compliance with corporate water quality commitments and improvement reports on non compliances with ISO procedure records, are most often audited by internal auditors. 5.7.2 Sustaining customer confidence Sustaining customer confidence in water quality supplied was found to be difficult despite the fact that Rand Water complies with the national standards for 99.6% of the time. Consumer satisfaction surveys of water quality only yielded a satisfaction rate of 83% highlighting the challenges in changing the perceptions of consumers often bombarded with near truths from vendors of home water treatment devices or non-related media articles 5.8 Module 8: Prepare management procedures 5.8.1 Experience gained using ISO 9001 procedure writing principles. Rand Water is a fully ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 accredited facility and as such is guided by the principles of sound management procedures and documentation as outlined by these standards. To meet ISO 9001 standard procedure writing requirements, all activities of the WSP were compiled in accordance with the outline shown in Figure 5 Organisationname Title: Department Author

Effectivedate Qualitymanagementofficer TABLEOFCONTENTS Docno Revno Authorized

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Purpose Scope References Terms,definitionsandabbreviations Responsibilityandauthority Action/Procedures/Method Recordanddatakeeping Documentchangehistory

1. Purpose 2. Scope 3. References

Documenttitle Documentnumber Source/Owner/author Location 4. Terms,definitionsandabbreviations 5. Responsibilityandauthority 6. Procedure 7. Recordanddatakeeping Recorddocument Form/Docnumber Location Retentionperiod 8. Documentchangehistory Date Previousrevisionnumber Newrevisionnumber Descriptionofeachrevision Figure 5: Standard procedure writing protocol Under item 6 procedure of Figure 3 all standard operating procedures of specific activities required for each unit process such as filtration, disinfection, customer complaints, monitoring programme, etc was compiled. For each of these activities it was required that critical control points be identified, operational limits set and appropriate monitoring programs developed that would enable ongoing monitoring of compliance with set operational limits. These procedures also required that pro-active corrective actions be developed to address areas where operational limits are exceeded. The compilation of these WSP modules using ISO 9001 procedure writing principles ensured that all necessary information for each unit process was available inclusive of responsibilities, references and record keeping of changes. This was particularly helpful when specific procedures were in need of revision, and because the same format was established for the entire organization most staff were familiar with the outline and expectations on the system. Complying with an acknowledged management system such as ISO9001 ensures comprehensive coverage of management issues One of the key performance areas in the performance contracts of Rand Water staff is zero repeat ISO 9001 audit findings. If therefore, an ISO 9001 finding on water quality management issues is identified during an audit it is in the best interest of the responsible persons to remedy the finding prior to the next audit.

5.9 Module 9: Develop supporting programmes Water boards in South Africa were essentially a silent service prior to the 1990s. Events such as the introduction of bottled water heightened awareness of water quality and consequently water utilities and local authorities embarked on customer awareness programmes. During the development of Rand Waters WSP it became evident that some unique support systems had to be applied to ensure successful implementation of such a plan. The following essential activities have been identified and implemented: 5.9.1 Communication Good communication plays a pivotal role in the coordination of WSP activities where different organisations perform consecutive functions within the water supply chain. Internal communication (within each of the above organisations) is important, as each employee is ultimately an ambassador for his/her organisation. Keeping employees informed of top-ofmind issues will ensure minimal spread of misinformation and enhance understanding of WSP procedures and protocols. External communication (between the above organisations and consumers) is regulated by various mechanisms (legally, contractually) and is described as a key support activity in the WSP. Rand Water gathers extensive water quality information on relevant raw water resources, water treatment and bulk distribution of drinking water. Without proper communication channels, local authorities, who are legally charged with the supply of safe drinking water, would have limited quality information on the product they purchase. 5.9.2 Education and Awareness Rand Water has developed a range of hands-on edutainment (education and entertainment) activities, aligned with the national outcomes-based school curriculum, focussed on preventing wastage and pollution of resources. Workshops for learners and educators are held on a daily basis at each of four regional sites. At one of these sites a scale model of a water purification works allows children to undertake their own water purification experiments. This is followed by a train trip through a full scale purification plant. A range of water education materials have also been developed to suit local conditions. These materials are supplied free of charge or sold on a cost recovery basis. 5.9.3 Employee training In South Africa a dire skills shortage exists in certain sectors of the water industry. While Rand Water has managed to retain limited numbers of technically skilled and experienced staff, many local authorities are ill equipped to deal with water supply problems. At Rand Water a concerted

effort is underway to supply in-house training for employees and new graduates in order to address the skills shortage. 5.9.4 Research and technical support Research and technical support is required when problem resolution, process infrastructure & chemical evaluation and proactive research needs to be undertaken. Utilities that do not have the facilities to perform these activities should at least have the technically skilled staff to identify the need for these activities and arrange outsourcing of the work. Rand Water has a dedicated unit that performs the above activities. 5.10 Module 10/11: Periodic review and revision of WSP The WSP is inter-divisional/departmental in nature as it requires a large number of varied activities to be included in the development of the plan. During the development of the initial WSP all relevant competencies within the organization were utilised, thus enhancing the skills of both managerial and operational staff in the complexities of integrated water quality management. 5.10.1 Establishing review frequency Review of the WSP, at pre-determined time intervals (every three years) to allow for additions/alterations to systems and changes to manpower structures is envisaged. It is, however, not the purpose of the WSP to develop a detailed operating procedure manual, as this is the task of specific operating units accountable for the development, implementation and management of ISO 9001 quality manuals for specific functions. The manner in which Rand Water has compiled its WSP procedures (ISO procedure writing methodology) also has the added advantage that it is not necessary to revise the entire WSP at the same time. Individual record keeping of changes to individual procedures enable revision of specific procedures on a needs only basis. Some of the changes affected to the WSP during the most recent revision included: Alteration of the risk and health assessment approach to the current method referred to in module 3. Previously this was conducted by using a decision matrix; Updated existing flow diagrams where necessary; Re-evaluated and updated water quality monitoring program across the entire water supply chain; Updated water quality commitments as a result of national water quality standards having changed. The Rand Water WSP was developed in 2003 and revised in 2007/8. The development, implementation, and maintenance of the WSP requires a lot of attention to detail and staff that

are fully aware of the functioning of the components of the supply chain for which they are custodians. 5.10.2 WSP Champions Successful implementation of a WSP in a large organisation consisting of a number of different divisions (some geographically remote) presents its own challenges. It is imperative that WSP champions are identified at all management levels and in all business units. These champions need to be fully acquainted with the requirements of the entire WSP to ensure a sound understanding of the interactivity of the different components in the greater integrated water quality management process. The manner in which Rand Water has implemented its WSP has had the added advantage that it has separated water quality assurance from water quality control thus providing an additional safeguard where existing operational procedures are evaluated in a holistic manner spanning the entire supply chain 6. Conclusions Water utilities will play a pivotal role in the future development and implementation of water safety plans in South Africa. These plans will play an invaluable role in securing water quality and public health. Experience has shown that the WHO water safety plan is systematic and uncomplicated, can easily be adapted to suit local conditions and is as applicable to small utilities with basic infrastructure as it is to larger utilities. In South Africa a number of different institutions contribute to the delivery of safe drinking water and skills and experience in these institutions are not only in short supply but are unevenly spread amongst these entities, making it imperative that skills transfer initiatives are put in place. The successful development and implementation of holistic WSPs requires experienced champions and attention to detail to ensure optimal value. Ultimately WSPs are only as good as the effort you put into them. Rand Water has derived strategic value for its customers and consumers by implementing water safety plans. The value of securing public health via the use of water safety plans cannot be overemphasized. References Breach B. & Williams T. (2006). The pivotal role of water safety plans. Davison R., Howard G., Stevens M., Callan P., Kirby R., Deere D. and Bartram J. (2002). Water Safety Plans. World Health Organisation, Geneva. May A., Pires J. & Rouse M. (2006). Institutional arrangements and drinking water quality. McCann, B. (2003). The safety plan route to supply security. Rand Water Annual Report (2007). South African National Standards, Drinking Water (2006). ISBNO-626-18876-8. The Bonn Charter for Safe Drinking Water Quality (2004). International Water Association.

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