T hin film bulk acoustic resonators (FBAR) have tested the
outer edges of what conventional technology can do without
compromise in their performance in terms of miniaturization,
high quality factor, room temperature operability and high
operating frequency (up to 10 GHz) range [1-4]. FBAR consists Fig. 1. Schematic cross-section of BST/ZnO bilayer thin film based FBAR.
of a piezoelectric material sandwiched with two top and bottom
electrodes. The operating mechanism relies on the bulk acoustic II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
wave propagation inside the piezoelectric material by actuating The fabrication process is encapsulated by five levels of
a high-frequency RF signal across the metal electrodes. The masking process steps, as illustrated in fig. 2. On a 3-inch
bulk acoustic wave resonates at a particular frequency decided double side polished Si (100) wafer is cleaned using a standard
by the thickness of piezoelectric layer [5,6]. The fundamental process (step 1). Approximately ~1.0 μm thick silicon dioxide
resonance is established when the thickness of the resonator (SiO2) is grown in the thermal oxidation furnace using a dry-
stack is equivalent to half of the signal wavelength. Barium wet-dry process (step 2). SiO2 layer is patterned using buffered
Strontium Titanate (Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 or BST) is an electrostrictive oxide etch (BOE) process and etching is done at the back side
material has high permittivity, electrical tunability and lower of wafer (step 3). By using double-sided mask aligner
losses at microwave frequencies [7, 8, 9]. Zinc oxide (ZnO) is (BA6/MA6), back side alignment (BSA) on SiO2 bottom
promising candidate for acoustic wave resonators as it has high electrode Pt is deposited and patterned using a lift-off procedure
electro-mechanical coupling coefficient [10]. (step 4). A ferroelectric BST layer (Ba/Sr 60/40) (300 nm) and
Bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator consists of multilayer a piezoelectric layer of ZnO (1.2 µm) are deposited using a RF
thin films and each layer has residual stress associated with it sputter deposition process and patterned (step 5). A top
[8], [11]. Stress originates in the layers due to mismatch in electrode Pt (200nm) is deposited and patterned using a lift-off
thermal expansion coefficients of successive thin films. process for device actuation (step 6). At final stage, underlying
Therefore, stress control in multilayer stack is very important to bulk silicon is removed using tetra-methyl-ammonium
develop a high performance in terms of long term reliability, hydroxide (TMAH) etching with customised special wafer
stable response, robustness and drift-free performance [12]. protection jigs and resonator was released (step 7). Scanning
Residual stress of thin films can be measured by several electron microscope (JEOL JSM-6930LV model) is employed
techniques such as wafer curvature method, micromachined for FBAR micro-fabricated structure analysis. In the fig. 3 (a).,
structures or X-ray diffraction technique [13]. Each method has the top view of the patterned multilayer resonator stack layers
benefits and drawbacks associated with measurement. In is clearly visible. Fig. 3(b). shows the impedance versus
present investigation, wafer curvature method is utilized for frequency response and in the fig. 3 (c), the phase versus
wafer level stress measurement. Here, we attempt to integrate frequency response is shown.
A modified Butterworth-Van Dyke (mBVD) was developed
using Agilent’s Advanced Design System (ADS to extract
electrical parameters of the FBAR and the equivalent circuit is
shown in figure 5(b) [5,27]. Obtained resonator parameters
such as resonant frequency (fs) ~ 1.001, anti-resonant frequency
(fp) ~1.004, quality factor (Q) ~ 1001, figure of merit (FOM)
~3.5 and effective coupling coefficient (𝒌𝟐𝒆𝒇𝒇 ) ~0.73%.
Measured results are in good agreement with mBVD circuit
model as shown by goodness of fitting curve in fig. 5 (a).
Fig. 4. X-ray diffraction measurement of BST/ZnO bilayer thin films. (a) AFM
image of BST thin films, and (b) ZnO thin film.
mBVD Fitted
(a) Impedance (Ohm)
Fig. 3. SEM images of fabricated bi-layer FBAR (top views) (a) FBAR with
stack layers’ representation. Measured (b) impedance (c) phase of fabricated 30
The crystalline structure and phase of BST/ZnO thin film as a
composite bilayer are investigated using X-ray diffractometer. (b)
Monochromatic x-ray of Cu Kα radiation (λ= 1.5418 Å) is
utilized for diffraction measurement with scan angle 2θ (20° -
80°) as shown in the fig. 4. Diffraction pattern have BST and
ZnO both phases present. Peaks indexing was done using Fig. 5. (a) Measured impedance of fabricated FBAR (scatter represents mBVD
model and solid line represents measured impedance amplitude) (b) electrical
JCPDS card no. 00-036-1451. Polycrystalline ZnO phase is equivalent model of FBAR
observed and peak is observed for (002), (103) and (112) phase
of zinc oxide films. Observed peak at 34.4° is corresponding to In-plane ZnO film stress 𝜎𝑓 is measured using wafer curvature
polar phase of ZnO films and this results to high piezoelectricity method (FSM 128 series) from frontier semiconductors with
[25]. Diffraction peaks are observed corresponding to (110), scan line length 70 mm and it is smaller than wafer diameter
(111), (200) and (210) phases of BST films. BST films has (76.2 mm) as shown in Figure 5. This is a non-contact method
lower intensity compared to ZnO due to smaller thickness of and based on dual laser switching technology. Initially, bare
films due to smaller crystals of BST than ZnO. wafer is scanned and curvature is -23.54 m and average bow
Atomic force microscope (AFM) (Bruker’s Innova model) is height is 32.41 µm. In succession, piezo layer of ZnO thin film
used in order to investigate the grain size and surface is deposited and curvature is measured. The device residual film
morphology of BST and ZnO thin films in the scan image area stress is approximated from difference in wafer curvature as
(2µm×2µm) as shown in fig. 4 (a) and (b) shows the AFM Stoney’s equation describes [17-19, 20].
image of BST and ZnO films respectively. For BST films Stress in the films is measured using a wafer curvature method
average grain size is ~40.53 nm and roughness is 0.217 nm. using Stoney’s equation which is given as follows [26].
ZnO films have regular grain structure average grain size was 𝐸𝑠 𝐷𝑠2 1 1
𝜎𝑡 = . . ∑5𝑖=1 (1)
large ~128 nm and higher roughness 4.3 nm. 6(1−𝜈𝑠 ) ∑5
𝑖=1 𝑑𝑖 𝑅𝑖
𝜎𝑡 = 𝜎1 + 𝜎2 + 𝜎3 + 𝜎4 + 𝜎5 (2)
𝐸𝑠 𝐷𝑠2 1 1 1 1 1 1
𝜎𝑡 = . .( + + + + ) (3)
6(1−𝜈𝑠 ) (𝑑1 +𝑑2 +𝑑3 +𝑑4 +𝑑5 ) 𝑅1 𝑅2 𝑅3 𝑅4 𝑅5
We have realized a stress compensated Film Bulk Acoustic
Resonators (FBAR) (100 μm ×100 μm) using a bi-layer stack
consists of Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) and Zinc Oxide
(ZnO) thin films of opposite nature stress. The stress in the films
was measured using a wafer curvature method using Stoney’s
equation. From this method we attempted to compensate the
residual stress FBAR is as minimum as possible and estimated
as +18.16 MPa with the introduction of BST thin film in FBAR
structure. The mBVD model is introduced to obtain electrical
parameters of FBAR. The FBAR resonates at 1.001 GHz with
quality factor (Q) ~ 1001, figure of merit (FOM) ~3.5 and
effective coupling coefficient (k 2eff ) ~ 0.73%.
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