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PER - 2023 - UOS Administrative Officer - 1704099676

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Name of the Department:

Name of the Officer:

Sections A to D of this report are to be filled by the officer concerned. Before you start filling out this
form, please read further instructions given on the last page.

SECTION–A: Personal Data


1. Your Name:

2. Father/Husband’s Name:

3. Date of Birth: Date of Joining UOS:

4. Designation:

5. Grade with Basic Pay:

6. Nature of Appointment: Permanent Temporary Contract

7. Knowledge of languages (Indicate proficiency as Excellent/Very Good/Good)

English Speaking Reading Writing

Urdu Speaking Reading Writing

8. Academic Qualifications:

No. Degree University Subjects Year

1 Matric

2 FA/FSc

3 BA/BSc

4 MA/MSc

5 MPhil/MS


9. Post held during the period:

11. Period Served:
(a) In University: Years Months Days
(b) In present post: Y M D c) Under Reporting Officer: Y M D

SECTION–B: Job Description

Mention, in order of importance, the main duties/responsibilities performed during 2023:
No. Duties/Responsibilities

SECTION–C: Trainings /
Mention the trainings received and organized in 2023:

No Name of Institution and Organized/

Name of training/workshop From To
. Country Received

SECTION–D: Additional Information

Briefly mention any additional information that you wish to provide, including your input in administration and
service to the community. Also describe your shortcomings, their reasons and how you will overcome them in

I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In
case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware
that I may be held responsible for it.

Date: __________________ Signature: _____________________


SECTION–E: Performance Evaluation

This section is to be filled manually by Administrative Heads/HODs concerned. An Officer’s ranking in
case of all Key Performance Indicators should be done as per following five parameters:
Excellent Very Good Good Average Unsatisfactory
Immediate Next Higher
No. Key Performance Indicator
Officer Authority
1 Acceptance of responsibility
2 Initiative and drive
3 Relations with subordinates (Training, Counseling and motivation)
4 Behavior towards public (Teachers, Students and Parents etc)
5 Power of expression and drafting skills
6 Knowledge and understanding of rules
7 Analytical ability
8 Ability to produce constructive/innovative ideas
9 Leadership and Team management
10 Integrity (Peer perception)
Overall Grading

SECTION-F Relative Grading

The ranking should be done by comparing the officer with other officers of the same level and keeping
in view the ranking in Section-E. Please tick the relevant box
Immediate Next Higher
(a) Overall Grading Officer Authority

(I). Equaled by very few officers

(II). Better than the majority of officers
(III). Meets bare minimum standards
(IV). Unsatisfactory

(b) Fitness for promotion Immediate Next Higher

Officer Authority

(I). Fit for accelerated promotion

(II). Fit for promotion on his turn
(III). Not yet fit for promotion
(IV). Unlikely to progress further

Comments of Immediate Officer:

Please comment on a particular strength or weakness of the officer on the basis of her/his performance
during the reporting period. Also include remarks about the officer’s ability and willingness to improve in
response to any advice or warning communicated in writing previously.

Name and Designation of Immediate Officer:

Date: ______________ Signature: ______________


Comments of Next Higher Authority/Officer:

Please comment on the aspects not touched upon by the immediate officer on the basis of her/his
performance during the reporting period. Also include remarks about the officer’s ability and willingness
to improve in response to any advice or warning communicated in writing previously.

Name and Designation of Next Higher Authority/Officer:

Date: __________________ Signature: _____________________

Comments of Administrative Head:

Please comment on the aspects not touched upon by immediate officer and next higher authority/Officer
on the basis of her/his performance during the reporting period. Also include remarks about the officer’s
ability and willingness to improve in response to any advice or warning communicated in writing
previously. In case of disagreement with the immediate officer and next higher authority/officer mention
reasons thereof.

Date: __________________ Signature: _____________________


Date: __________________ Signature: _____________________



This Performance Evaluation Report (PER) is a primary record for official assessment of an officer as
well as a key measure of the competence of administrative heads of the University of Sargodha.
Therefore, utmost care is needed while completing this form, i.e. officer must provide correct and
appropriate information, and all academic/administrative officials must impartially and forthrightly
evaluate their performance.
For Officers
 Please carefully fill out this Report/Form prepared in MS Word and customized for UOS officers.
Only electronically filled Forms will be acceptable.
 Write only your name in capital letters, the rest of the information need not be in capital letters.
 In each section, just mention the required information for the reporting period, i.e. 2023, and
avoid unnecessary details and exaggerated claims.
 Delete or add column(s) of a table if needed, but without disturbing the format of this Form. Seek
expert help in case of any difficulty.
 Once you have completed Sections A to D of this Report, kindly print three copies, manually tick
the relevant small boxes, and then sign and submit to your Administrative Head for further
Terms of Reference
 Assessment in this PER is confined to performance of an officer during the reporting period.
 All the responsible Administrative Heads are deemed to be impartial and forthright in their
respective assessment of the performance of an officer.
 The Administrative Head is required to advise the officer in writing about her/his weaknesses
and how to overcome them. Adverse remarks can be made only if an officer fails to improve
despite counseling.
 If the Vice Chancellor differs with any remark given by the Higher Authority/Administrative Head,
this difference of opinion shall be communicated to the officer concerned.
 If an officer fails to submit the PER within the required time, the respective Higher
Authority/Administrative Head shall furnish it on the basis of available information.
 The Registrar Office responsible for the maintenance of PER dossiers may take appropriate
action, if any advisory or adverse remarks are recorded in the report as per rules.

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