English 8
English 8
English 8
______1. It was an awful day – horrible and dreadful for the third time, the casting of the great bell was unsuccessful.
A. fearful B. foul C. happy D. nasty
______2. Kouan Yu might think that the result of the making of the great bell for the third and last time was much
more likely an egregious failure because of what happened to his daughter.
A. glaring B. grievous C. scandalous D. shameful
______3. His animosity or ill-feeling because of what happened to his daughter was so great.
A. anger B. bitterness C. hate D. malice
______4. Wild with his grief, he felt deep remorse and would have leaped in after his daughter, but strong men held
him back.
A. guilt B. regret C. shame D. sorrow
______5. How the blending with the well-blended brass and gold, with the intermingling of the silver and the iron
after Ko-Ngai leaped, was a conundrum, a puzzle that's difficult to solve.
A. mystery B. problem C. query D. question
______6. Governments in some parts of the world set their focus on the doldrums of environmental degradation,
instead of the threats of the present pandemic.
A. delight B. despair C. joy D. trust
______7. Our family always have a fleeting idea of going to Phuket, Thailand but we know it will take some time
given the present health crisis.
A. constant B. endless C. long D. sudden
______8. An oracle is said to have the ability to foresee the future.
A. diviner B. fortune-teller C. priest D. scientist
______9. People who are despicable should not be avoided, instead they should be loved.
A. good B. kind C. mean D. nice
______10. I grew up learning to assert my rights and not to be cowed by other people’s intimidation.
A. comforted B. helped C. pleased D. scared
______11. Serenity, a state of being calm, is one of the important traits that a person should possess especially during
difficult and stressful times.
A. anxiety B. confusion C. imagination D. tranquility
______12. Friendship among teenagers is a complicated thing. Sometimes they get well along with others and are
happy about it, but there are also times when they have misunderstandings and disagreements.
A. entangled B. hard C. interlaced D. interwoven
______14. Matthew is a rambunctious child who always injures himself and is warned for being naughty.
A. humble B. refined C. shy D. unruly
______15. Snakes, sharks, and crocodiles are common predators of smaller animals.
A. carnivores B. herbivores C. hunters D. victims
______16. At the end of the 21st century, this pandemic will still be remembered because of its big effect to humanity
like the Spanish Influenza in 1918.
A. 10 years B. 50 years C. 100 years D. 1,000 years
______17. The epidemic tested the resiliency of the Filipino people despite their weakness.
A. durability B. elasticity C. stability D. strength
______18. During these trying times, communication is very vital to relay accurate information relative to the issue
to carry out solutions easily.
A. active B. crucial C. important D. lively
______19. am bedazzled watching sunset at a beach. Likewise, I am overwhelmed looking at the bright stars with the
moon at night.
A. blinded B. confused C. amazed D. puzzled
______20. One’s self can be his own foe, the greatest adversary he has to face.
A. attacker B. bandit C. contestant D. enemy
______21. Quarantine is separation, detention, and seclusion.
A. circumstance B. condition C. isolation D. situation
______22. Sibling rivalry should be discouraged among brothers and sisters in the family because it will create
unhealthy relationship among them.
A. competition B. match C. race D. tournament
______23. Every individual is unique. Each one has his/her own ability, talent, skill, strength and
A. common B. creative C. distinct D. single
______24. Among the constellations, the ones that I usually look up at night are Ursa Major, Aries, Leo, Scorpio, and
Orion stars.
A. collection B. group C. package D. set
______25. Teenagers’ pertinacity or stubbornness is one of the problems of the parents.
A. determination B. hardheadedness C. perseverance D. reluctance
II. Choose the correct spelling of the word for the given clue.