Headway 4 Ematuritasbtapescripts
Headway 4 Ematuritasbtapescripts
Headway 4 Ematuritasbtapescripts
Exam Practice 2
1 It just wasn't for me. It wasn't that I hated it or anything like that. I mean, I didn't. I
was OK at classes. I had a lot of friends and so on. But I just knew what I wanted to
do. And that wasn't sitting in a classroom listening to people tell me things that I
didn't think were important. So at 15 I was off; the first opportunity. I've never looked
2 The thing was I got more attention there than at home. You see, I've got five sisters
and three brothers. So home was always really noisy, lots of people talking at the
same time and my mum and dad too busy to really notice what we were all doing,
whereas school was great. The teachers were always talking to me and asking me if I
was OK and I just had a great time.
3 In general I don't have any very strong feelings one way or the other. It was just
something we had to do. The kids, you know, my fellow pupils, they were all OK, the
teachers too, most of them. There was one though - Mr Walters. I'll never forget him.
Taught French – and made our lives hell if we didn't get everything right. I gave up
French because of him.
4 It was a bit of a joke really. Everyone knew what was going to happen in my exams.
I was pretty hopeless. But I wasn't worried about it. Mrs Ross was my class teacher
and she never got angry about it. She always said: 'Exams aren't everything. You'll
leave here and find something you're really good at.' And she was right. I did. And it
wasn't school.
5 Well, that's what they say, isn't it? – ‘the best days of your life’. I think that's going
a bit far personally. But it was OK. And good things came out of it, reasonable exam
results, a love of sport and some great friendships. I'm still in touch with almost
everyone in my class and we get together once very couple of years. That's worth
more than any exam results.
Exam Practice 4
Student: Mmm. I imagine it's an interesting job. I should think every day is different,
talking to different people about different things. I guess it's quite rewarding at times,
you know, you feel as if you're doing something good, you're helping people, things
like that. But then, well, I don't know, they say there's a lot of paperwork. You know,
if you arrest someone you have to fill in a lot of forms so that must be quite boring.
And I guess at times too it can be quite dangerous. I mean, criminals can be quite
violent at times, especially if they think they might go to prison for a long time if you
catch them so … yeah, there are good and bad things about being a police officer.
Exam Practice 7
Exam Practice 8
A = Anne, C = Carl
A Hmm. I think that in a few years’ time there won't be many markets left.
C Really?
A Yes. I mean, it seems to me that supermarkets are so cheap now and there is so much
choice … well, people have no reason to go to a market. What do you think?
C Well, I see what you mean but supermarkets are often so big. Don't you find you get
sort of lost in them? They are always moving things around, so you can never find what
you’re looking for – and the staff don't know, and to be honest, it just gets really
A True. True. And then when you do find what you want, shampoo, say, there are so
many different kinds, greasy hair, dry hair, normal hair, coloured hair …
C … exactly! It takes you half an hour to find which one you need. I have to say that
for many things I much prefer going to corner shops. In my opinion people are nicer,
friendlier and, actually, shopping there’s quicker. What about you?
A Er, well, I can't say I agree with you there. There's a corner shop just round the
corner from me where the man who runs it … well the only way to say it is: he's rude.
C Rude?
A Extremely rude.
C That's very unusual. People who runs corner shops are usually so nice and chatty.
A Well, try my corner shop you won't get any 'Have a nice day' there.
A Anyway. Markets. You didn't say. What's your view on them?
C I love markets. I think they're wonderful places.
A Hmm. All the different things you can find there!
C To be honest, I agree with what you said about things being difficult to find in
supermarkets and so on but, as I see it markets will never disappear. I mean, food is still
much cheaper and they are great places for wandering around on Saturday morning and
looking for presents or unusual things.
Exam Practice 11
C = Caroline, J = Janine