Dental Radiology
Dental Radiology
Dental Radiology
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digital rad
Which of the following are advantages of direct digital radiography.
Select all that apply.
• sensor size
• increased efficiency
^>tA4S03lS • CCD (charge-coupled device)
Digital imaging (CCDTjHiarge-coupled device)
• filmless imaging system • most common digital image receptor
• method of capturing a radiographic image • in the intraoral sensor, a solid-state detector
with a sensor, breaking the image into electronic that contains a silicon chip with an embedded
pieces and presenting & storing the image using electronic circuit
a computer • sensitive to light or x-rays
• 640 x 480 pixels in size
Direct digital image production requires
• x-ray source CMOS/APS (complementary metal oxide
• digital intraoral sensor semiconductor/active pixel sensor)
• computer •Jatest development in direct digital sensor
• high-resolution monitor tecnnSlogy
• software & printer • externally identical to CCD
i • differs in the way pixels are read
Digital intraoral sensor • • advantages include lower production cost of
• small intraoral detector used to capture a * the chip, lower power requirements & greater
radiographic image '. durability
• when x-rays strike the sensor, an electronic • • smaUef.acjtive a r e a f ° r image acquisition
charge is produced on the surface of the
sensor, this electronic charge is digitized or VCIDjJfcharge injection device)
converted to digital form • another sensor technology
• may be wired or wireless • silicon based solid-state imaging receptor
• sensor transmits information to computer similar to CCD
• no computer is required to process the images
Pixel or picture element
• system features CID x-ray sensor, cord and
• discrete unit of information plug that are inserted into a light source on a
• consists of a small electron well where the x- camera platform
ray or light energy is deposited upon exposure
(/digital image is composed ofpixejsh
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digital rad
A patient is extremely concerned about radiation exposure. Which of the fol-
lowing is best for limiting the amount of exposure he will receive during a full
mouth series?
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' direct digital imaging
Digital imaging
• requires LESS radiation than conventional films because the sensor is more sensitive to
x-rays than dental film
• exposure time for digital imaging is approximately 5-0% less than what is required for F-
speed film
• intraoral, panoramic and other extraoral films may all be obtained digitally
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image char
Rank the following from LEAST radiopaque to MOST radiopaque.
• bone
• dentin
• enamel
• both statements are true
contrast magnification
the difference in degrees of blackness (densi- a radiographic image that appears larger than
tjg£) between adjacent areas on a dental radi- the actual size of the object it represents; mag-
ograph. nification is influenced by the target-receptor
• high contrast describes an image that ap- distance and the object-receptor distance.
pears mostly black & white; shades of gray
are absent
target-receptor distance -
• low contrast describes an image with
• distance between the source of x-rays and
many shades of gray; few areas of black
the image receptor*film / W . * ^
and white
• a longer PID results in a longer target-recep-
tor distance and helps to limit magnification
scales of contrast
the range of useful densities seen on a dental
radiograph. object-receptor distance 's^*f- Q^*
• distance between the tooth and the image
short-scale contrast • the closer the receptor is to the tooth, the less
describes a high contrast image magnification is seen on the image
with densities of black & white
that results from using a .low to limit magnification
kilovoltage. • use a long target-receptor distance/I target-
^Milium V ,
receptor distance
long-scale contrast • use a short object-receptor distance/J, object
describes a low contrast image -receptor distance
with many shades of gray that
results from using a highkilo-
voltaee. i
bus cm
• dentist
• state
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A dental hygienist in your practice has an adult recall patient without evi-
dence of caries who states she needs bite-wing x-rays because it has been 6
months since her last dental images. The hygienist should tell the patient
• images should be taken based on patient need instead of a set time frame
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• dentist
Image 1 Image 2
Reprinted from Haring, Joen Iannucci and Laura Jansen: Dental Radiography:
Principles and Techniques: Third Edition. © 2000, with permission from Elsevier.
normal anat
The coronoid process often appears on what periapical image?
•maxillary incisor
• maxillary molar
• mandibular incisor
• mandibular molar
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' maxillary tuberosity
Res Image 2- maxillary tuberosity
Image 1- hamulus v • rounded prominence of bone that ex-
• a.k.a. hamular process tends distal to the third molar region
• small, hook-like projection of bone • appears radiopaque
• extends ..fmm the medial Pterygoid • on a maxillary molar periapical
jg|atejof^emsjp;hjenoidjbone image, appears as a rounded ra-
• located posterior to the maxillary diopaque bulge distal to the third
tuberosity molar region
• appears radiopaque • varies in size, shape and density
• on a maxillary molar periapical image, • not always visible, depends on re-
appears as a hook-like radiopaque struc- ceptor placement
• varies in length, shape & density
• not always visible, depends on receptor
maxillary molar
Coronoid process
• coronoid means "resembling the beak of a crow"
• large prominence of bone on anterior ramus of mandible
• is thin and triangular in shape
• serves as an attachment site for one of the muscles of mastication
• appears radiopaque
• on a maxillary molar periapical image, appears as a beak-shaped radiopacity located
inferior to, or superimposed over, the maxillary tuberosity
• varies in shape and density
• not always visible, depends on receptor placement
Reprinted from Haring, Joen Iannucci and Laura Jansen Lind: Radiographic
Interpretation for the Dental Hygienist. © 1993, with permission from Elsevier.
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1 - 8 on the image below.
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1- 7 on the image below.
' answers 1-8 below
3. nasopalatine fossa
radiolucent space
6. lamina dura
radiopaque line
"Courtesy Dr. Stuart C. White, UCLA
7. border of maxillary sinus School of Dentistry."
radiopaque line
• answers 1 - 7 below
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1 - 8 on the image below.
• answers 1 - 5 below
1. nutrient canal
radiopaque lines
6.jnieiifljLboxd£t:.QLzygoma # ^
radiopaque line "Courtesy Dr. Stuart C. White, UCLA
School of Dentistry."
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1- 4 on the image below.
3. film holder
radiopaque area
4. genial tubercles
donut shaped radiopacity
5. lingual foramen
radiolucent circle
6. bony trabeculations
radiopaque lines
• answers 1 - 4 below
2. mental foramen
ovoid radiolucency
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1- 7 on the image below.
• answers 1 - 3 below
2. mental foramen
ovoid radiolucency
• answers 1 - 7 below
4. maxillary sinus
radiolucent space
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1 - 6 on the image below.
• answers 1 - 6 below
3. ala of nose
radiopaque line
5. maxillary sinus
radiolucent space
3. lamina dura
radiopaque line
5. film holder
radiopaque area
"Courtesy Dr. Stuart C. White, UCLA
School of Dentistry."
6. mucosa over alveolar bone
slightly radiopaque structure
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1- 3 on the image below.
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1 - 4 on the image below.
• answers 1 - 3 below
1. mandibular tori
radiopaque masses
2. lingual foramen
radiolucent circle
3. genial tubercles
donut shaped radiopacity
• answers 1 - 4 below
2. lamina dura
radiopaque line
4. bony trabeculations
radiopaque lines
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1 - 9 on the image below.
• answers 1 - 8 below
1. marrow space
radiolucent space
4. lamina dura
radiopaque line
5. pulp canal
radiolucent space
6. alveolar crest
radiopaque area
7. dentin
"Courtesy Dr. Stuart C. White, UCLA
radiopaque area School of Dentistry."
8. enamel
radiopaque area
• answers 1 - 9 below
1. dentin
radiopaque area
2. bony trabeculations
radiopaque lines
3. marrow space
radiolucent area
4. pulp canal
radiolucent space
6. lamina dura
radiopaque line
7. alveolar crest
radiopaque structure
"Courtesy Dr. Stuart C. White, UCLA
8. enamel School of Dentistry."
radiopaque band
9. pulp chamber
radiolucent space
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1-12 on the image below.
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1 - 8 on the image below.
• answers 1-12 below
1. bony trabeculations
radiopaque lines
2. marrow space
radiolucent area
3. tooth # 1 0
maxillary lateral incisor
4. lamina dura
radiopaque line
5. dentin
radiopaque area
6. periodontal ligament space
radiolucent line
7. alveolar crest %
radiopaque structure
8. pulp canal
radiolucent space
9. pulp chamber
radiolucent space
10. enamel
radiopaque band "Courtesy Dr. Stuart C. White, UCLA
School of Dentistry."
radiopaque circle
12. dentino-enameTjunction
radiopaque line
• answers 1 - 8 below
1. tooth #3
maxillary first molar
2. amalgam restoration
4. film dot
6. lamina dura
radiopaque line
"Courtesy Dr. Stuart C. White, UCLA
School of Dentistry."
7. periodontal ligament space
radiolucent line
8. lamina dura
radiopaque line
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1 -15 on the image below.
copyright©2013-2014-Dental Decks
normal anat
Identify the structures labeled 1 -13 on the image below.
copyright © 2013-2014- Dental Decks
answers 1-15 below
1. tip of nose
radiopaque area
2. hard palate / floor of nasal fossa
radiopaque line
3. orbit
radiolucent area
4. hard palate / floor of nasal fossa
radiopaque line
5. floor of maxillary sinus
radiopaque line
6. soft palate
radiopaque structure
7. air between soft palate & tongue
radiolucent space
8.._dorsum of the tongue
radiopaque line
"Courtesy Dr. Stuart C. White, UCLA
9. ghost ima^eofop^>ositerartius School of Dentistry."
^TndTcateTrjy radiopaque dote
10. mental foramen
ovoid radiolucency 12. submandibular gland fossa
11. shadow of cervical spine broad radiolucent area
diffuse opacity 13. articular eminence / articular tubercle
radiopaque prominence
The pattern of stored energy on an exposed film is termed the latent image;
this image remains invisible until it undergoes processing.
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Which ingredient in the fixer solution functions to remove all unexposed and
underdeveloped silver halide crystals from the emulsion?
• fixing agent
• acidifier
• hardening agent
• preservative
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both statements are true
Film processing Film processing steps
converts the latent image to a visible image and 1. development - developer solution removes
preserves the image on film halide portion of exposed silver halide crystals;
this reduction of exposed crystals results in pre-
Latent image
cipitated.Wackjnel^icjy]yer (6^FJsJheopti-
• the film emulsion absorbs x:rays during ex- mal temperature for developer)
jffgnni «r^ W e s the energy,within the silver
2. rinsing - water removes developer & stops
halide crystals development process
• the stored energy forms a pattern and creates
3. fixing - fixer solution removes unexposed sil-
an invisible image
ver halide crystals & hardens the film
• the pattern of stored energy cannot be seen
4. washing - water removesaTTexcess chemi-
and is referred to as the latent image; it re-
cals from the emulsion
mains invisible until chemical processing
5. drying
Black areas of the visible image
• appear radiolucent f-;y Developer composition
• created by deposits of black metallic silver • developing agent contains 2 chemicals hy-
• structures that permit the passage of the Cdroquinone & cloijj hydroquinone slpjvly con-
x-ray beam allow more x-rays to reach the verts silver halide crystals & generates black
film & energize more silver halide crystals tones ;elon-quickly converts silver halide crys-
• more energized silver halide crystals result tals & generates gray tones
in more deposits of black metallic silver • preservative is Sodium sulfite; prevents oxi-
White areas of the visible image dation of developer agents
• accelerator is sodium carbonate; activates
• appear radiopaque ^?Ci
the developer & softens emulsion
• results from .unexposed silver halide crystals ^ ^t^*-*******««..«——"""-'^
• structures that resist the passage of the x-ray • restrainer ts;potassium bromide; prevents
beam restrict or limit amount of x-rays that developer from deveToping unexposed crystals
reach the film resulting in no energized silver
halide crystals and no deposits of black metal-
lic silver
• fixing agent
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Your assistant has just processed a film that appears too dark. Identify each of
the potential causes of this problem.
• depleted developer
• concentrated developer
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' replenish the developer
Reprinted from Iannucci, Joen M. and Laura Jansen: Dental Radiography Principles and Techniques. Fourth Edition, d 2012, with permission
from Elsevier Saunders
Black branching lines appear on a processed him. Which of the following is
the most likely cause?
• fixer cut-off
• developer cut-off
• fingernail damage
• static electricity
• air bubbles
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rad biology
Dose equivalent is expressed in terms of:
• coulombs/kilogram (C/kg)
• gray (Gy)
• sievert (Sv)
copyright © 2013-2014- Dental Decks
• static electricity
Reprinted from lannucci, Joen M. and Laura Jansen: Denial Radiography Principles and Techniques. Fourth Edition. © 2012, with permission
from Elsevier Saunders
sievert (Sv)
Exposure measurement
• exposure refers to the measurement of ion-
ization in air produced by x-rays
• roentgen (R) is a way of measuring radia-
tion exposure by determining the amount of
ionization that occurs in air Unit Definition Conversion
• R is limited to measurement in air Traditional System (older system)
• there is no SI unit for exposure that is equiv-
roentgen (R) lR = 87erg/g 1R =
alent to the R 2.58X10 "'C/kg
• exposure expressed in Coulombs per kilo-
gram (C/kg) absorbed close 1 rad = 100 erg 1 rad = 0.01 Gy
Dose measurement roentgen
• dose refers to amount of energy absorbed equivalent (in) 1 rem = rads X QF 1 rem = 0.01 Sv
man (rem)
by a tissue
• rad is a unit of absorbed dose that is equal SI system (newer system)
to the deposition of 100 ergs/g of tissue Coulombs
• the SI unit for rad is gray (Gy) per kilogram 1 C/kg = 3880 R
Dose equivalent gray (Gy) 1 Gy = 0.01 J/kg
is*si«10 rads
• rem is traditional unit of dose equivalent sievert (Sv) lSv = GyXQF | 1: Sv = 100 rerh>
used to compare the biologi&.£ffects_of dif-
ferent Jypes of radiation on a tissue or organ
• is the product of Gy x QF (quality factor)
specific for the radiation type
• for x-rays, QF=1
5Tumt for rem is sievert (Sv)
rad biology
List the following cells from most RADIORESISTANT to most RADIOSENSITIVE.
small lymphocyte
thyroid gland
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rad biology
After the bombings of Hiroshima, there were many persons exposed to radi-
ation. Symptoms such as hair loss did not occur until days following the ex-
posure. The time between exposure and onset of symptoms is termed:
latent period
• recovery period
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muscle — thyroid gland — skin — small lymphocyte
• all ionizing radiations are harmful • radiosensitive cells are susceptible to ra-
to living tissues diation exposure
• radiation produces chemical changes • the most radiosensitive cell is the small
that results in biologic damage in living lymphjaq&e
tissues • radioresistant cells are resistant to radi-
• not all cells respond to radiation in the ation exposure
same manner • the most radioresistant cells are muscle
• cells respond to radiation based on mi- anrlnjejye
totic activity, differentiation and cell • radiation effects are classified as somatic
metabolism (occur in person irradiated) or genetic
• cells that are dividing and immature (passed on to future generation)
are most susceptible to radiation
latent period
bisphosphonate osteoradionecrosis
• periodontal disease
• rampant caries
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rad biology
The most common oral problems that occur following radiation and
chemotherapy include mucositis, infection, pain and bleeding.
The oral cavity is irradiated during the course of treating radiosensitive oral
malignancies, usually squamous cell carcinoma.
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• osteoradionecrosis
Definition Clinical features
• most serious possible complication facing the • may involve the maxilla or mandible
oral cancer patient • more common in the mandible
• condition of non-vital bone in a site of radio- • most frequently occurs when an insult to the bone
therapy; bone dies as a complication of radio- is sustained in the irradiated area, such as related
therapy subsequent surgery, biopsy, tooth extractions or
• is not an infection denture irritations
• may also be precipitated by periodontal disease
Cause or occur spontaneously
• radiation therapy destroys cancerous cells but • symptoms may include pain, swelling, reduced
also destroys normal cells, damaging small ar- mobility, drainage, exposed bone in the involved
teries and reducing circulation
area and destruction of bone
• insufficient blood supply to the irradiated area
• symptoms may occur months or years after the
decreases the ability to heal, and any subse-
quent infections to the jaw can pose a huge risk
to the patient Management
• patients receiving high dQjt££_Qf,xadiation
• difficult to manage
£>40 Gv) to the jaw area are at risk
• prevention is key
Histologic features- 3 H's • debridement of infected bone may be required
v* hypocellular bone • advanced cases may require radical surgery
v^hypovascular tissue • patients must be followed closely by physicians
v""hypoxic tissue & bone and dentist regularly
• extract all hopeless teeth 3 weeks prior to ra-
• if extracting after radiotherapy, use of systemic
antibiotics is warranted
• hyperbaric oxygen treatments before and
after radiotherapy may be helpful
• milliamperage (mA)
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rad char
When the PID length is changed from 8" to 16", the target-receptor distance
is doubled. According to the Inverse Square Law, the resultant x-ray beam is:
• 1/4 as intense
• 1/8 as intense
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W ~ TJu^-^ milliamperage (mA)
x-ray beam quality & kVp ^ V t i x _ ray beam intensity
• quality refers to the average energyor 7 ^ intensity is the total energy contained in
penetrating power of the x-ray beam and the x-ray beam at a specific area at a given
is controlled by the kilovoltage peak (kVp) time
• kVp controls the speed & energy of the ~ Qrfntensity is affected by kVp, mA, exposure
electrons and determines the penetrating time and distance
power of the beam £>
• kVp range for dental radiography is A s^^k ^ Film
Adjustment appears
c^iookv^i Tt<y T kVp darker
x-ray beam quantity & mA ™«-*.
• quantity refers to the number of x-rays J ^ ^ H , a*1
1 kVp lighter
• mA controls the temperature of the fil- to INCREASE film density & make it darker,
• as the mA increases, more electrons pass • mA
through the filament and more x-rays are •kVp
produced • time
•JTIA range for dental radiography is
j^l5mAP to DECREASE film density & make it lighter,
^ " T i H m m i i n i i M urn- DECREASE:
to remember, think alphabetical order ... • mA
kVp= quality ( k & 1) •kVp
mA = quantity ( m & n ) • time
• 1/4 as intense
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rad char
Identify each of the following that influence the density of an image:
• mA
• exposure time
copyright©2013-2014-Dental Decks
• a more penetrating beam
• a reduced subject contrast
• long scale contrast
• kVp
• mA
. exposure time
• positive anode
negative anode
• negative cathode
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rad physics
Which of the following focuses the electrons into a narrow beam and directs
the beam across the tube toward the tungsten target of the anode?
• copper stem
• tungsten filament
• insulating oil
• molybdenum cup
• lead collimator
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•positive anode
An o •ode
isTnto x-
• converts electronslivto x-ray photons
• consists of a wafer-thin tungsten plate em-
bedded in a solid copper rod
• tungsten target serves as a focal spot and
converts bombarding electrons into x-ray
Reprinted from Iannucci, Jocn M. and Howerton, Laura
Jansen: Dental Radiography Principles and Techniques. • copper stem functions to dissipate the heat
Fourth edition © 2012 with permission from Elsevier-Saun- away from the tungsten target
molybdenum cup
Production of x-rays
• tungsten filament is heated and electrons Component functions
are produced • tungsten filament of cathode produces
• molybdenum cup focuses the electrons electrons when heated
into a narrow beam and directs the beam to- • molybdenum cup of cathode focuses the
wards the tungsten target in the anode electrons into a narrow beam and directs
• x-rays are generated when the beam is sud- the beam towards the tungsten target in the
denly stopped by the tungsten target anode
•4fafi.en£igy_of motion is converted to x-ray • tungsten target in anode stops the elec-
energy (1%) and heat (99%) trons and converts the energy into x-rays &
• insulating oil that surrounds the x-ray tube heat
absorbs the heat •(copper stenijjserves to dissipate the heat
• x-rays that are produced are emitted in all that is createdwith the production of x-rays
directions; leaded-glass housing of tube pre-
vents the x-rays from escaping
• small number of x-rays exit the x-ray tube
through the unleaded glass window area |i_Metal
• x-rays travel through unleaded glass win- ji housing
£ of x-ray
dow, through the tubehead seal and then the 1 tube-
aluminium disks 1
• the lead collimator restricts the size of the a-lnsulating
beam and the x-ray beam travels down the : oil
• no weight
• have no charge
• are invisible
rad physics
Rectification is the conversion of a direct current (DC) to an alternating cur-
rent (AC).
copyright ® 2013-2014- Dental Decks
• no weight
• have no charge
• are invisible
• are absorbed by matter
Properties of x-rays
• penetrating power
• appearance can penetrate liquids, solids, and gases;
invisible and cannot be detected by the composition of the substance deter-
any of the senses mines whether x-rays penetrate or pass
• mass through, or are absorbed
have no mass or weight • absorption
• charge absorbed by matter; the absorption de-
have no charge pends on the atomic structure of mat-
• speed ter and the wavelength of the x-ray
travel at the speed of light • ionization capability
• wavelength can interact with materials they pene-
travel in waves and have short wave- trate and cause ionization
lengths with a high frequency\V"" • fluorescence capability
• path of travel can cause certain substances to fluo-
travel in straight lines and can be de- resce or emit radiation in longer wave-
flected, or scattered lengths (e.g., visible light and
• focusing capability ultraviolet light)
cannot be focused to a point and al- • effect on film
ways diverge from a point can produce an image on photographic
• effect on living tissues
cause biologic changes in living cells
• compton scatter
• coherent scatter
• characteristic radiation
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rad protection
Identify each component of inherent filtration:
• insulating oil
• tubeheadseal
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> characteristic radiation
insulating oil
< unleaded glass window
' tubehead seal
• inherent filtration takes place when the • added filtration refers to the placement
primary beam passes through the glass of aluminum discs in the path of the x-
window of the x-ray tube, the insulating ray beam between the collimator and the
oil, and the tubehead seal tubehead seal
• inherent filtration of the dental x-ray • aluminum discs can be added to the
machine is approximately 0.5 to 1.0 milli- tubehead in 0.5 mm increments
meter (mm) of aluminum • purpose of the aluminum discs is to fil-
• inherent filtration alone does not meet ter out the longer-wavelength, low-en-
the standards regulated by state and federal ergy x-rays from the x-ray beam
laws; added filtration is required • low-energy, longer wavelength x-rays
are harmful to the patient and are not
useful in diagnostic radiography
• filtration of the x-ray beam results in
a higher energy & more penetrating
useful beam
OvtiioKjljtJ • state and federal laws regulate the re-
Aluminum filter quired thickness of total filtration = in-
r>K . i herent filtration + added filtration
~ - 1 OMMUMHW <k<» • dental x-ray machines operating at ,<
70 kVp require a minimum total of 1.5
Long and short
^> -stow e*<av* mm aluminum filtration
Enlargement o! detail • dental x-ray machines operating at
Reprinted from Iannucci, Joen M. and Howerton, Laura Jansen: D e n ^ ' **^5l$
lal Radiography Principles and Techniques. Fourth edition © 2012 (/
> 70 kVp require a minimum total of 2.5
willi permission from Elsevier-Saunders. mm aluminum filtration
rad protection
Identify each of the following that is recommended for operator protection
during exposure.
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rad protection
Prior to x-ray exposure, the proper prescribing of radiographs and the use of
proper equipment can minimize the amount of radiation that a patient re-
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rad protection
Identify each of the following that is recommended for operator protection
during exposure.
•holdthe PID
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rad protection
Prior to x-ray exposure, the proper prescribing of radiographs and the use of
proper equipment can minimize the amount of radiation that a patient re-
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• stand behind a barrier
Operator protection guidelines Position recommendations
• must use proper protection during exposure • must stand perpendicular to the primary
to avoid the primary beam, scatter radiation beam, or, at a £0-135 degree angle to the
etc. beam " ' •
• must avoid the primary beam • never hold a film in place for a patient dur-
• distance, position and shielding are all im- ing exposure
portant for protection • never hold the PID during exposure
Distance recommendations Shielding recommendations
• must stand at least 6' away from the tube- • whenever possible, stand behind a protec-
head tive barrier, such as a wall
• if distance is not possible, a protective bar-
rier must be used Maximum permissible dose (MPD)
• MPD is the dose of radiation the body can
endure with little or no injury
• for non-occupationally exposed person limit
is 0.001 Sv/year
Primary beam • for occupationally exposed person limit is
0.05 Sv/year
Y '
• for occupationally exposed pregnant person
— limit is 0.001 Sv/year
".••••.. ' -:.,.\:.-: ••:.:•.-:•• ' $ 'l W'
ALARA concept
•As Low As Reasonably Achievable concept
states that all exposure to radiation must be
135" kept to a minimum
• applies to patients & operators
Reprinted from Iannucci, Joen M. and Howerton, Laura Jansen:
Dental Radiography Principles and Techniques. Fourth edition
•D 2012 with permission from Elsevier-Saunders.
• aluminum discs
• collimation
• inherent filtration
• total filtration
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If a processed film appears light with herringbone or tire track pattern on it,
which of the following is the likely cause?
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A reversed
film is light &
exhibits a
A bent film appears stretched & distorted. With movement of the patient or PID, a blurred
image results.
Images reprinted from Iannucci, Joen M. and Howerton, Laura Jansen: Dental Radiography Principles and Techniques. Fourth edition © 2012
with permission from Elsevier-Saunders.
Of the following factors that influence the geometric characteristics of an
image, which one is NOT able to be changed by the operator?
• target-receptor distance
• object-receptor distance
• film composition
• object-receptor alignment
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A periapical image shows stretched and elongated maxillary central incisors.
Which of the following is the likely cause?
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• focal spot size
Vertical angulation
• refers to the positioning of the PID in a
vertical, or up-and-down plane
• correct vertical angulation results in an
image that is the same length as the tooth when the vertical angula-
• incorrect vertical angulation results in tion is TOO FLAT;
• an elongated image appears long & results stretched
from too flat vertical angulation
• a foreshortened image appears short & re-
sults from too steep vertical angulation
• 0 degree vertical angulation = PID parallel
with floor
• positive vertical angulation = PID pointing
DOWN to floor/PID above occlusal plane
• negative vertical angulation = PID point-
ing UP to ceiling/PID below occlusal plane
H results when the vertical
Vortical angulation angulation is TOO
• refers to the positioning of the PID in a STEEP; teeth look short
horizontal or side-to-side plane
• when tire central ray is directed through the
interproximal contacts of the teeth, correct
horizontal angulation results and open con-
tacts on seen the dental image Both photos reprinted from Haring, Joen Iannucci and Laura
• incorrect horizontal angulation results in Jansen: Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques: Third
Edition. © 2000, with permission from Elsevier.
overlapped contacts (contacts are superim-
posed over each other)
Identify the cause of this panoramic image error seen below:
Identify the cause of this distorted periapical film seen below:
• film bending
• film creasing
Reprinted from Haring,
• phalangioma Joen Iannucci and
Laura Jansen: Dental
Radiography: Princi-
• double exposure ples and Techniques:
Third Edition. © 2000,
with permission from
• movement
copyright © 2013-2014- Dental Decks
• chin tipped too far downward
chin tipped too far downward \ / chin tipped too far forward A
(see image on reverse side) (see image below) ' ^
• mandibular incisors appear blurred • hard palate & floor of nasal cavity ap-
• loss of detail in anterior apical region pear superimposed over maxillary teeth
• condyles may not be visible • maxillary incisors appear blurred
• results in severe interproximal over- • maxillary incisors appear magnified
lapping • occlusal plane downward curve
• occlusal plane has excessive upward • reverse smile line (frown) is seen
• exaggerated smile line is seen
film bending
Film bending Black film
• images appear stretched & distorted • exposed to light
• occurs due to curvature of hard palate
Clear film
Film creasing • film is unexposed
• crease appears as a thin black line
• represents where the emulsion of the film has
Phalangioma A light film results from
• the bone of the patient's finger seen on the underexposure
• results when finger is in front of the receptor
instead of behind it (seen with use of bisecting
technique where patient holds the film— not
Dark film
• may result from overexposure - too long of
exposure time, too high kVp or too high mA
Fogged film -s^-"""
• appears gray & lacks contrast a fogged film ap-
• occurs when film is exposed to radiation other pears gray and
than primary beam (e.g., scatter) lacks contrast
• may result from improper safelighting or light
leaks in dark room
All three photos reprinted from Haring, Joen iannucci and Laura Jansen:
Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques: Third Edition. © 2000,
with permission from Elsevier.
A periapical image shows overlapped contacts. This error is cause by:
copyright © 2013-2014- Dental Decks
Use the two images below to determine the spatial position of the round ob-
ject. Following the exposure of image #1, the x-ray tubehead was moved and
the beam was directed from a mesial angulation in image #2. Given this in-
formation, where is the round object located?
• lingual to the first molar 6>
• buccal to the first molar
• in soft tissue
• in bone
Film #1 Film #2
copyright © 2013-2014- Dental Decks
• incorrect horizontal angulation
Overlapped contacts
• if the central ray is not directed through Incorrect hori-
zontal angulation
the interproximal contacts of the teeth, the results in over-
horizontal angulation is incorrect lapped contacts.
• incorrect horizontal angulation results in
overlapped contacts seen on the image
• if the beam is not centered over the recep-
tor, a clear unexposed area or cone-cut is
seen on the image If the beam is not cen-
• the PID or "cone" is said to "cut" the image tered over the recep-
• a cone-cut may occur with the use of a rect- tor, a cone-cut results
angular or round PID & a clear unexposed
• a conecut may occur with or without the area is seen.
use of a beam alignment device
poor receptor placement
• a periapical image shows the entire tooth
and root, including the apical area and must
be placed to cover those areas Improper place-
• incorrect periapical receptor placement ment (if entire
may result in absence of apical structures or root is not cov-
a tipped or tilted occlusal plane ered) will result in
• a bite-wing image shows the crowns of both no apices appear-
the maxillary and mandibular teeth, the inter- ing on the image.
proximal areas and crestal bone
• incorrect bite-wing receptor placement
may result in absence of teeth or teeth surf- Images reprinted from Haring, Joen Iannucci and Laura Jansen: Dental
Radiography: Principles and Techniques: Third Edition. © 2000, with
faces on an image, tipped occlusal plane permission from Elsevier.
Reprinted from Iannucci, Joen M. and Howerton, Laura Jansen: Dental Radiography Principles and
Techniques. Fourth edition © 2012 with permission from Elsevier-Saunders.
copyright © 2013-2014- Dental Decks
Based on the image below, identify the approximate age of the patient.
Reprinted from Iannucci, Joen M. and Howerton, Laura Jansen: Dental Radiography Principles and Techniques.
Fourth edition © 2012 with permission from Elsevier-Saunders.
copyright o 2013-2014- Dental Decks
• answers 1-2 below
Reprinted from Iannucci, joen M. and Howerton, Laura Jansen: Dental Radiography
Principles and Techniques. Fourth edition © 2012 with permission from Elsevier-Saunders.
Reprinted from Iannucci, Joen M. and Howerton, Laura Jansen: Dental Radiography Prin-
ciples and Techniques. Fourth edition © 2012 with permission from Elsevier-Saunders.
The erupted permanent teeth are highlighted in gray in the charts below. Based on this in-
formation, the panoramic film appears to represent a child of < 9 years old.
i comfort
• accuracy
' duplication
copyright © 2013-2014- Dental Decks
Identify each one of the following that is a disadvantage of using the bisect-
ing technique.
• distortion
• angulation problems
copyright © 2013-2014- Dental Decks
• accuracy
• simplicity
• duplication
Long axis
ol toolh ^to Positions of the receptor, tooth and central ray in the paral-
>ft ^% leling technique. The receptor & long axis of the tooth are par-
**»<*• allel. The central ray is perpendicular to the tooth and receptor.
An increased target-receptor distance (16") is required.
Reprinted from Haring, Joen Iannucci and Laura Jansen: Dental Radiography:
Principles and Techniques: Third Edition. © 2000. with permission from El-
• distortion
• angulation problems
Length of image Reprinted from Haring, Joen Iannucci and Laura Jansen: Dental Radiography: Princi-
ples and Techniques: Third Edition. © 2000, with permission from Elsevier.