21st Multimedia
21st Multimedia
21st Multimedia
The Grandchild was looking at his grandma writing for a Uses of Multimedia and its Formats
There are many uses of multimedia for a deeper
Suddenly he asked: “Are you writing a story about us? Is it understanding of a lesson. Audiobooks are ideal for
by chance a story about me?”. The grandma stopped second-language learners. Song files and music videos
writing, smiled and said to her grandchild: “Indeed I am can be used to compare social norms in different eras.
writing about you, however more important than the words Multimedia can offer students a better understanding
is the pencil I am using. “I hope you will be like this pencil of the lesson.
when you grow up”. The child, looked at the pencil
curiously, but could not see anything special. “But . . . it is The multimedia formats from various media includes:
exactly the same as every other pencil I saw in my life”. “It text and graphics for slideshows, presentations,
is all in the way you look at things. There are five qualities in diagrams and infographics. Audio has podcasts and
that pencil that, if you will be able to maintain, will make recordings. Screen captures, lecture captures and
you a man in peace with the whole world.
animation are examples of video components of
First quality: you can make big things, but never forget that multimedia. Other multimedia components include
there is a hand guiding your steps. This hand we call it God, blogs, vlogs, webinars and other interactive content.
and he will always have to address you towards his will.
Multimedia applications include the interaction of
Second quality: sometimes I have to stop writing and different media types like animation, video, text and
use a sharpener. This makes the pencil suffer a little, sound. It has become a part of our lives as soon as we
but at the end it will be sharper. So, learn to bear a entered the digital age. Before the modern
little pain because it will make you a better man. technology, there are tools helping us appreciate
some of the types of multimedia such as videos on
Third Quality: the pencil always allows us to use an
television. There are various components of
eraser to cancel mistakes. Understand that correct
multimedia such as:
something we did is not necessarily a bad thing, but
something fundamental to keep us on the right path. 1. Videos- Digital video is a primary component in
multimedia, especially those that appear online and
Fourth quality: what is really important in the pencil
on television. The different formats of these types of
is not the wood or the shape, but the lead that is
multimedia include wmv, avi, mped and flash. Some
inside. So, be always careful of what happens inside of
of these formats are better than others because they
load faster and can be viewed or loaded using
At the end, the fifth quality is: always leave a sign. In different platforms and operating systems. Many
any case, be aware that everything you do in your life videos have changed formats ever since the mobile
will leave trails; try to be conscious of every single phone industry became more advanced in technology.
action Many of the video formats require plug-ins on
browsers and specific mobile applications to load.
Here is a list of multimedia formats:
Text is also used to create a digital signature, such as in B. Information and Communication
passwords. Technology or ICT