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Lect 22

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January 26, 2022


Laplace Transform
Convolution Theorem
Differentiation of Laplace Transform
Integration of Laplace Transform
Convolution Theorem

I The convolution theorem is used to find

the inverse Laplace transform of the
product of two functions with known
inverse Laplace transform of the factors of
the product.
Convolution Theorem

I The convolution theorem is used to find

the inverse Laplace transform of the
product of two functions with known
inverse Laplace transform of the factors of
the product.
I Let F (s ) and G (s ) be two functions with
known inverse Laplace transforms off f (t )
and g (t ) respectively.
Convolution Theorem

I The convolution theorem is used to find

the inverse Laplace transform of the
product of two functions with known
inverse Laplace transform of the factors of
the product.
I Let F (s ) and G (s ) be two functions with
known inverse Laplace transforms off f (t )
and g (t ) respectively.
I The convolution theorem would help us
to find the inverse Laplace transformation
of the product F (s ) and G (s ).
Convolution Theorem

I F (s )G (s ) is given by the function

f (T )g (t − T )dT of t .
Convolution Theorem

I F (s )G (s ) is given by the function

f (T )g (t − T )dT of t .
I This integral is called the convolution of
the functions f and g and it is denoted
by f ∗ g .
Convolution Theorem

I F (s )G (s ) is given by the function

f (T )g (t − T )dT of t .
I This integral is called the convolution of
the functions f and g and it is denoted
by f ∗ g .
I This is given by
Z t
(f ∗ g )(t ) = f (T )g (t − T )dT (1)
Convolution Theorem

I Let f (t ) and g (t ) be functions such that

their Laplace transforms exist, then
L(f ∗ g ) = L(f )L(g )
Convolution Theorem
Convolution Theorem
Convolution Theorem
Laplace Table
Differentiation of Laplace Transform

I Let F (s ) = L(f (t )) where f is

continuous on [0, ∞). If f is at least
piecewise continuous on (0, ∞), then
L(f (t )) = sF (s ) − f (0)
Differentiation of Laplace Transform

I Let F (s ) = L(f (t )) where f is

continuous on [0, ∞). If f is at least
piecewise continuous on (0, ∞), then
L(f (t )) = sF (s ) − f (0)

I Extending these identities to formulas for

the higher derivatives is easy. For second
order is
00 0
L(f (t )) = s 2F (s ) − sf (0) − f (0).
Differentiation of Laplace Transform

I For the third order is

000 0 00
L(f (t )) = s 3F (s ) − s 2f (0) − sf (0) − f (0)
Differentiation of Laplace Transform

I For the third order is

000 0 00
L(f (t )) = s 3F (s ) − s 2f (0) − sf (0) − f (0)

I Therefore, generally for n order is

L(f (n)(t )) = s n F (s ) − s n−1f (0) − s n−2f (0)
− s n−3f (0) − · · · − sf (n−2)(0)
− f (n−1)(0).
Differentiation of Laplace Transform

Consider the initial value problem
− 3y = 0, with y (0) = 4.
Differentiation of Laplace Transform
Differentiation of Laplace Transform
Differentiation of Laplace Transform
Differentiation of Laplace Transform
Differentiation of Laplace Transform

Differentiation of Laplace Transform
Differentiation of Laplace Transform
Integration of Laplace Transform

Let g be the running integral of a signal f ,

that is
Z t
g (t ) = f (T )dT (2)

G (s ) = F (s ). (3)
The time domain becomes division by
frequency of variable s .

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