Gkournelos Triantafillou 2023 Out of Plane Behavior of in Plane Damaged Masonry Infills Retrofitted With TRM and
Gkournelos Triantafillou 2023 Out of Plane Behavior of in Plane Damaged Masonry Infills Retrofitted With TRM and
Gkournelos Triantafillou 2023 Out of Plane Behavior of in Plane Damaged Masonry Infills Retrofitted With TRM and
Abstract: The effect of in-plane damage on the out-of-plane response of retrofitted and thermally insulated masonry infills was examined in
this paper through a set of experiments performed on a medium-scale reinforced concrete frame. Structural reinforcement was realized
through the use of textile reinforced mortar (TRM), while expanded polystyrene boards were used for thermal insulation. Various specimen
configurations were tested both in- and then out-of-plane sequentially for each infill specimen. Experimental results have shown that the
TRM-based strengthening scheme can improve the out-of-plane response of masonry infills both in terms of strength and stiffness, especially
in the case of predamaged walls, where strength increases of above 80% were achieved. The addition of insulation arranged in a sandwich
configuration resulted in a slight out-of-plane improvement but was not as effective in the case of predamaged infills due to prior in-plane
loading, which caused partial debonding of the board. An analytical model is also proposed and validated against the experimental data,
which can predict the out-of-plane behavior of a masonry infill while also accounting for the existence of reinforcement and prior damage.
Finally, using the same model in a number of case studies, generalized response diagrams are produced and a set of simplified empirical
equations is suggested. DOI: 10.1061/JCCOF2.CCENG-4324. © 2023 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Arching model; In-plane loading; Masonry infills; Out-of-plane loading; Seismic retrofitting; Textile-reinforced mortar;
Thermal insulation.
Introduction and Background like shear-wall elements, significantly increasing the in-plane
strength and stiffness of RC frames. However, there have been nu-
Masonry infills have been used widely in reinforced concrete (RC) merous cases where ill-positioned or poorly constructed infills have
buildings as a form of isolation from the outside environment or led to partial of even total collapses of RC buildings, due to forma-
just to divide internal spaces, due to their low cost, ease of construc- tion of soft stories, failures of captive columns, torsional side-
tion, and ability to form practically all kinds of shapes. During the effects stemming from irregularities in plan, out-of-plane failures,
design phase, their structural influence is usually ignored, and the and so forth (e.g., Fardis and Panagiotakos 1997; Fardis 2000).
RC elements are detailed to cope with the entirety of the externally Therefore, during the process of structural analysis and retrofitting
applied loads. This simplification is a sensible one and generally of an existing RC building, masonry walls should be considered
leads to a safe-sided, over-design of the RC skeleton. Moreover, it and taken advantage of, while making sure that their existence
does not fall far from the reality in the case of modern buildings, will not cause any adverse effects.
in the sense that their lateral strength and stiffness do not match up The observation of the fact that the masonry infills can have a
to the ones of the primary RC skeleton, the reason being that contem- beneficial effect on the seismic response of RC buildings has led
porary seismic regulations impose strict detailing rules for all the pri- to the development of various retrofitting techniques around
mary structural members. In the case of old RC structures however, them. These methods aim at converting them from secondary ele-
things are reversed: the concrete is weaker, cross sections have ments to primary structural ones, able to successfully resist a signif-
smaller dimensions, and the steel reinforcement density is consider- icant portion of the seismic loads. Some typical examples include
ably less. All the above lead to a lower lateral strength and stiffness, their strengthening using steel-reinforced mortar overlays (e.g.,
thus the existing infills are relatively stronger, stiffer, and their influ- Acun and Sucuoglu 2006), fiber-reinforced cementitious compos-
ence on the global structural behavior is much more significant. ites (e.g., Kyriakides and Billington 2008; Dehghani et al. 2015),
The fact that masonry infills can affect the seismic response of fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) (e.g., Triantafillou 1998, 2001;
an existing building is nowadays widely acknowledged and has Ozcebe et al. 2003; Saatcioglu et al. 2005; Yuksel et al. 2006;
Almusallam and Al-Salloum 2007; Altin et al. 2008; Ozden et al.
been documented in the past (e.g., Mehrabi et al. 1996; Fardis
2011), and more recently textile reinforced mortars (TRMs) (e.g.,
and Panagiotakos 1997). When they are evenly distributed in
Koutas et al. 2014, 2015a, b; Akhoundi et al. 2018; Koutas and
plan and height, their effect is mainly favorable because they act
Bournas 2019; Sagar et al. 2019).
Recently, the technique of strengthening of masonry elements
Univ. of Patras, Patras 26504, Greece (corresponding author). ORCID: and infills with TRM started to be combined with conventional
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9054-3900. Email: panagiotisgournelos@ thermal insulation solutions, thus forming an integrated system
gmail.com for the concurrent seismic and energy upgrading of existing struc-
Professor, Univ. of Patras, Patras 26504, Greece. ORCID: https://orcid
tures (e.g., Triantafillou et al. 2017, 2018; Pohoryles et al. 2022).
.org/0000-0003-0263-3955. Email: ttriant@upatras.gr
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 25, 2023; approved on This system has the potential to meet both retrofitting goals at a
July 21, 2023; published online on September 15, 2023. Discussion period cost which is lower than the independent application of the two up-
open until February 15, 2024; separate discussions must be submitted for grading schemes (Bournas 2018; Gkournelos et al. 2019). For the
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Composites for Con- same purpose, other integrated systems involve the use of
struction, © ASCE, ISSN 1090-0268. geopolymer-based inorganic matrix composite systems, in which
of the different components and determine their optimal placement. of cement, lime, and sand in a ratio roughly equal to 1:1:5, by vol-
The purpose of the research presented here is to study, for the first ume. The infills were built in a double-layer configuration resulting
time: (a) the effect of in-plane damage on the out-of-plane response in a total wall thickness of 120 mm, which is 20 mm less than the
of the masonry infills with combined structural and thermal retro- width of the frame, and hence they were arranged to coincide with
fitting; (b) the effect of thermal insulation on the structural behav- one of its faces; hereafter referred to as the exterior face. All the in-
ior; (c) the development of a simple analytical model, able to fills were built by an experienced mason and cured for a period of
produce good quality estimates for the out-of-plane response, tak- 28 days.
ing into account the damage due to in-plane loading; and (d) the use For the TRM reinforcement, a commercial glass fiber textile
of the analytical model in parametric studies. combined with a commercial fiber-reinforced cementitious mortar
was employed. The textile was made of polymer-coated, alkali-resistant
glass fiber rovings arranged in two orthogonal directions at a mesh
Experimental Program spacing of 18.1 × 14.2 mm. Its dry weight of 280 g/m2 was almost
equally distributed in the two directions: 145 g/m2 in the warp and
135 g/m2 in the weft direction. That, combined with the fiber density
Test Specimens and Materials of 2,600 kg/m3, results in a nominal thickness of 0.056 mm for the
For the purposes of the experimental campaign, a single 1/3 scale warp and 0.052 mm for the weft. The elastic modulus and the tensile
RC frame was constructed and used during all the subsequent in- strength of the dry glass fibers were equal to 80 GPa and 2,600 MPa
and out-of-plane tests (Fig. 1). For that reason, the frame was de- (characteristic values) according to the manufacturer. The mortar was
signed and detailed to be sufficiently flexible, ductile, and able to mixed in situ during the strengthening phase, at a binder:water ratio
withstand the repeated experiments with minimal damage. Inside of 4.2:1, by weight, resulting in plastic consistency and good workabil-
this frame, the different masonry infills were constructed and re- ity (checked empirically).
ceived seismic and energy retrofitting; in all cases, the retrofitting The TRM reinforcement was applied following a typical wet
was applied a month after the construction and the experiments lay-up procedure. First, any protruding building mortar pieces
were conducted a month after it, to provide enough time for all were broken away from the masonry surface, which was then
the materials to reach their nominal strengths. cleaned from dust and loose particles using high air pressure and
In total, three different configurations were subjected to in- and thoroughly saturated with water. A first mortar layer was applied
out-of-plane experiments. The first included unreinforced masonry over the entire masonry and the surrounding RC frame elements
infills (C, control), the second TRM-reinforced infills (R, rein- and within it, the first textile piece was carefully inserted. Next,
forced), and the third TRM-reinforced and EPS-insulated infills in the case of R specimens, a second mortar layer was added on
(RI, reinforced and insulated). Since the mechanical properties of top along with the second textile piece and finally, a finishing
the thermal insulation are considerably reduced compared to thin layer of mortar was applied. In the case of RI specimens, the
those of the TRM and the masonry, it was decided not to consider 20-mm-thick thermal insulation boards were bonded over the first
any configuration in which the insulation would be placed as the TRM layer using the same mortar, and outside of them, a final tex-
outermost layer. Every configuration included tests on two infills: tile and mortar layer was added, practically bonded on the EPS in-
the first infill was only tested out-of-plane (*_ND, no damage) sulation. No mechanical anchorage of the TRM or the insulation
while the second was first subjected to cyclic in-plane testing and was employed so as not to compromise the simplicity nor the appli-
then tested out-of-plane (*_D, damage). Table 1 lists all the cability of the system for practical cases; however, it is expected
that the employment of such a system would yield even better re-
sults for the TRM-reinforced specimens. In the present study, the
bond of the system relied solely on the mortar, which according
to the manufacturer had a tensile adhesion strength of 1.2 MPa
on concrete, 0.15 MPa on EPS, and 0.20 MPa on extruded
Experimental Procedure
The primary experimental program included in- and out-of-plane
tests on the infilled RC frames, the configurations of which can
be observed in Fig. 4. During the in-plane experiments, a cyclic
time-history protocol was applied to the RC beam using a horizon-
tal actuator, while at the same time, axial load was exerted on the
RC columns using a second vertical actuator and a distributing
steel beam. The total axial force was set to 135 kN (67.5 kN for
each column), corresponding to 10% of the axial compression
strength of the columns. The time history included 20 cycles, start-
ing from a lateral displacement of 1 mm, all the way up to 20.7 mm. (c)
At each displacement level, two cycles were applied, and each next
displacement level was 40% higher than the previous as per the Fig. 4. (a) In-plane experimental configuration; and (b and c)
FEMA recommendations (FEMA 2007). The maximum lateral dis- out-of-plane experimental configuration.
placement of 20.7 mm corresponds to an interstory drift value of
slightly over 2%, which corresponds to a severe damage state
(Hak et al. 2012). That way, the infills were predamaged in prepa- points around the center of the infill, each one on a 100 ×
ration for their subsequent out-of-plane testing. Before conducting 100-mm area, to delay local failure phenomena at the point of
any experiment, the RC frame was subjected to the same in-plane application. At the same time, the beam and footing of the
time history to precrack it, validate its stable behavior, and reassure frame were both supported out-of-plane, so that the boundary
that it can safely withstand the imposed drifts without being dam- conditions would be as realistic as possible (foundation, fixed;
aged. The lateral displacements were measured at the beam height beam, simply supported), but also to make sure that the measured
from both sides using two high resolution cameras connected to a displacements are due to bending of the masonry and not due to
computer running video extensometer software. These cameras the cantilever-like rotation of the whole frame. The out-of-plane
were tracking in real-time the distance between two marks: the displacements were measured using a mesh of three potentiome-
first was placed at the middle of the beam and the second on the ters and three linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs).
strong frame’s column. The three LVDTs were placed at the middle of the infill along its
Out-of-plane experiments were performed right after the in- height, while the three potentiometers were positioned at the
plane ones for specimens C_D, R_D, RI_D and directly for edge and also along the height. The LVDTs were chosen to mea-
the rest (C_ND, R_ND, RI_ND). The out-of-plane load was ap- sure the middle deformations, which were more crucial, because
plied using the horizontal actuator and by distributing it to four of their much higher accuracy.
dissipated energy according to Eq. (2). In these equations, Pmax,i drift of 2%. TRM strengthening proved to be capable of signifi-
and |Pmax,i | are the maximum lateral loads by absolute value in cantly increasing the lateral strength of the RC frame, as specimen
both directions, while the respective displacements are denoted R_D exhibited a 37% higher lateral load, 13% higher initial
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f )
Fig. 5. Experimental results from in-plane testing of specimens: (a and b) C_D; (c and d) R_D; and (e and f) RI_D.
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. (a) Envelope curves; and (b) stiffness and energy dissipation characteristics.
stiffness, and 21% more total dissipated energy, compared to the application of the strengthening scheme reduces the effect of in-
control one. However, specimen RI_D had a considerably different plane damage on the out-of-plane capacity of an infill.
response. In this case, only a 10% increase was recorded for the lat- As far as the absolute response values are concerned, the un-
eral strength, the initial stiffness was 12% lower, and the total dis- damaged reinforced specimens (R_ND) reached practically the
sipated energy was practically the same. These results suggest that same strength as the respective control specimen (C_ND), while
the outermost TRM layer was not adequately activated, something in the case of damaged ones (R_D versus C_D), there was a 65%
that was evident during the experiment, as debonding was observed strength increase. Specimens with both TRM strengthening and
at the insulation–masonry interface. thermal insulation outperformed the control ones by 29% and
81% in the undamaged and damaged case, respectively. The
slightly better performance of the RI specimens is attributed to
Out-of-Plane Experiments the increased lever arm of the textile reinforcement, which results
All six infills, with and without damage, were subjected to mono- in its activation at lower displacement levels. The initial stiffness
tonic out-of-plane testing up to their failure. The results of these ex- of the infills dropped substantially, by a factor of 8–12, due to
periments are outlined in Fig. 7 in terms of out-of-plane load versus the existence of in-plane damage. This was expected though, as
mid-displacement curves and maximum load. by the end of the in-plane tests, the masonry-frame interface had
As it can be observed in Fig. 7, all specimens resisted quite high sustained a significant amount of damage, thus leading to a reduced
out-of-plane loads, thanks to the formation of a horizontal arching activation of the arching mechanism. It is also important to note
mechanism. This mechanism was evidenced by the crack distribu- that for both reinforced specimen types (R and RI), localized de-
tion as it was observed at the end of the experiments and is depicted bonding was observed at the frame–reinforcement interface by
in Fig. 8 for the case of the C_ND specimen; similar cracking pat- the end of the in-plane experiments. Because of this phenomenon,
terns were observed for all the specimens which were tested the efficiency of the reinforcement layer was reduced during the
out-of-plane. Moreover, the existence of in-plane damage can sig- subsequent out-of-plane experiments.
nificantly reduce the out-of-plane capacity of a masonry infill. This The failure mode of all specimens was local crushing of bricks
reduction is 53% for the control specimens (C_ND and C_D), 23% at the four points of the load application, something undesirable but
for the reinforced (R_ND and R_D), and 34% for the reinforced also unavoidable with the employed experimental configuration.
and insulated ones (RI_ND and RI_D). In other words, the This means that the recorded maximum loads do not represent
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Comparative results of out-of-plane experiments: (a) force–displacement curves; and (b) out-of-plane strength results.
For the derivation of the internal state of every infill strip, a proce-
dure similar to that described by Angel (1994) is followed. It is as-
sumed that the boundaries are immovable, the compression zones
(b) have the same depth both at the supports and at the intersections
with the fracture lines, and that the axial strains vary linearly within
Fig. 8. (a) Crack distribution; and (b) approximate horizontal arching these compression zones as well as along the outer fibers of the in-
mechanism (C_ND specimen). fill strip (Fig. 10). Then, the horizontal force that acts on it per unit
width can easily be evaluated by integrating the normal stresses
which act on the contact area:
the actual out-of-plane strengths of the masonry infills, which
would be achieved if this failure mode could be avoided (e.g., by dis-
tributing the load uniformly over the entire surface). This justifies the c θ0
fact that specimen R_ND reached the same maximum load as speci- N = σ avg ⇒ N = σ avg c (3)
cos θ
men C_ND, as the local failure occurred before the full activation of
the arching mechanism and the reinforcing textile. Despite this
limitation of the experimental configuration, it was still possible The axial shortening of the extreme fibers can be estimated
to extract numerous valuable conclusions, as outlined previously. based on the assumption of the linear distribution of strains. If
Fig. 9. Division of infill panel in strips and internal forces in a strip segment.
t/2 c
M = M′ = N
⎭ cos θ
cos θ
≈ N (t − 2δG c − d) (10)
4. Calculate the internal work for every rotating strip. Sum for all indirect influence can be considered;
the strips to calculate the total internal work. • full anchoring of the reinforcement is almost impossible to
5. Calculate the intensity of the external forces that is needed to achieve and debonding is very likely to occur, especially around
achieve a total external work equal to the internal one. the infill perimeter, thus reducing the efficiency of the TRM as
At the end of the last step, both the total external load Fext and tensile reinforcement.
the maximum out-of-plane displacement dmax will be known. The In the lack of experimental evidence, a simple approach would
process can then return back to Step 2 and be repeated for a higher be to calculate the compressive strength of the retrofitted masonry
level of maximum lateral displacement, until the whole response is by accounting for the contribution of the strengthening mortar layer
plotted. This procedure is also outlined in detail in Fig. 11. on the compressive characteristics of the section. This makes the
safe-sided assumption that no compressive strength increase is
caused by the existence of the textile, something that is reasonable
Effect of TRM Reinforcement given the fact that the textile does not fully wrap the loaded ele-
ment, thus resulting in a reduced confinement effect. Considering
If the analyzed masonry infill is reinforced with TRM, then the pro- that both the masonry and the strengthening mortar have similar ul-
cedure is still valid, as long as the material properties of the timate strains, the following relation for the compressive strength of
the retrofitted masonry walls can be extracted:
tTRM fc,TRM + tm fm
fm,r ≈ (15)
where tm and tTRM are the thicknesses of the masonry and the TRM
layer, respectively, and fm and fc,TRM are the respective compressive
strengths. The predicted strength of the retrofitted masonry fm,r is
calculated based on its initial thickness.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f )
Fig. 13. Comparison between the experimental and analytical response of specimens: (a) C_ND; (b) C_D; (c) R_ND; (d) R_D; (e) RI_ND; and
(f) RI_D.
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