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002 The Music of The Night

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Musrc On'Tun Nrcnr

n.r- A.,loRBu, Lr,oyo \VeBrlBu

Lr-Rrcs sv CtlrrRlns Hattr
Aooruoxal- LyRICS Bv Rrcrtano Srtlcorr
¤ Q)plfgh lgtlltl'heR'all) Usrfill Grouplr(
,\ll ri{lrls resrn.d. lnkrlrali.rtal .oP\T,ghl snlu\11


Db AblDb Db Ab,,Db Db Ab Db

-- +
Night sharp - ens, height-ens caclt sell - sa 'k - ncss stirs and

c;blDb AblDb Db

rall. a tempo
Dbltb EbmlAb Fm/Ab Db

Turn your face a - way from the gar-ish light of day, turn your thoughts a-way from cold, un - -tllg

Dbllrb Gbl^b

lis-ten to the mu-sicofthe night Close your eyes and sur-ren- der to your

dark - est dreams!Purge yourthoughtsof the life you knew be forel

eyes let your spi-rit start to soar and you'll as you've trev-er live

Db AbIDb

Gb Ab Gb Db Gb Db

se - cret - ly po - ssess O - pen up your mind let your fan - ta r-rn-wind in this

Gbl Ab

dark-ness which you know you can- not fight, dark-ness of

night. Let your mind start a jour-ney through a strange. nerv world leavc all


thoughts of the world you knew be fore. Let your soul take you where you long to

A molto rit.

then long



a tempo
Db Gblot'

Float-ing, fall - ing, sweet in-tox- i - ca tion. Touch me, trust me, sa-vour each sen-sa tior-r.

.t + I

Let the dream be-gin, let your dark-erside givc pow-cr ol thc r.nt"t-sic that I

l-'-T-r l-T-f-

rall. a tempo
Db AblDb

rall a tempo poco

r I


Ab7 Gb Db Gb Cb Gb

song take

rqll. lento
Dbl N GbI Ab Gb Ebnr Dm

flight, help me make the mu-sic of the night.

Sua - 6]
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