Maths Project 2023
Maths Project 2023
Maths Project 2023
For thousands of years, mathematicians have attempted
to extend their understanding of π, sometimes by
computing its value to a high degree of accuracy.
Ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians and
Babylonians, required fairly accurate approximations of
π for practical computations. Around 250 BC, the Greek
mathematician Archimedes created an algorithm to
approximate π with arbitrary accuracy. In the 5th century
AD, Chinese mathematicians approximated π to seven
digits, while Indian mathematicians made a five-digit
approximation, both using geometrical techniques. The
first computational formula for π, based on infinite
series, was discovered a millennium later.The earliest
known use of the Greek letter π to represent the ratio of a
circle's circumference to its diameter was by the Welsh
mathematician William Jones in 1706.
Zero as a concept has been around since ancient times,
popping up in Babylonian and Mayan inscriptions, when
it was used to calculate the passage of the seasons. In
today’s world, zero plays a big role unknowingly. Some
of the uses are listed below.
Common names for the number 0 in English are zero,
nought, naught , nil. In contexts where at least one
adjacent digit distinguishes it from the letter O, the
number is sometimes pronounced as oh or o . Informal or
slang terms for 0 include zilch and zip. Historically,
ought, aught , and cipher have also been used.
1 is the natural number that follows 0 and there is no
natural number that precedes 0. 0 is usually not
considered as a natural number but it is definitely an
integer and therefore a rational and real number. It also
falls under the category of complex and algebraic
PI (π) -PI(Π)is the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet.
It is used to represent a special mathematical constant
defined as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
diameter, which
analytical definition because, as Remmert 2012 explains,
differential calculus typically precedes integral calculus
in the university curriculum, so it is desirable to have a
definition of π that does not rely on the latter. One such
definition, due to Richard Baltzer and popularized by
Edmund Landau, is the following: π is twice the smallest
positive number at which the cosine function equals 0. π
is also the smallest positive number at which the sine
function equals zero, and the difference between
consecutive zeroes of the sine function. The cosine and
sine can be defined independently of geometry as a
power series, or as the solution of a differential equation.
ZERO (0) -
Zero. It is the first whole number in our number system.
The single number has changed the way we perceive
Maths and Science. Without zero, we would have no
financial accounting or calculus; in fact, we wouldn’t
even have the numbers like the present-day ones. But
why do we have to know who discovered zero?
transformation of this unique number.
Pi can be used to show percentages of a whole, and
represents percentages at a set point in time. Unlike bar
graphs and line graphs, pie charts do not show changes
over time. The following pages describe the different
parts of a pie chart.
As for choosing a start point, it’s a good idea to plot
slices from a cardinally-oriented direction. Visualization
tools will usually start from the right or from the top.
While starting from the right has a mathematical basis
regarding conventions on measuring angles, starting
from the top feels more intuitive, since it matches how
we read from top to bottom, and how we think about
progression of time on a clock or watch face.
The Legend.
The legend tells what each slice represents.The legend
tells what each slice represents. Just like on a map, the
legend helps the reader understand what they are looking
at. This legend tells us that the green slice represents
money spent on instruction, the blue slice represents
money spent on support services, and the orange slice
represents money spent on non-instruction activities.
egends in Pie Chart are shown for each data point instead
of data series. This is because each slice in a pie graph
are proportional to their contribution towards the total
sum. You can also attach event to chart legends. Given
example shows a Pie Chart with clickable Legends.The
pie chart above clearly shows that 90% of all students
and faculty members at Avenue High School do not want
to have a uniform dress code and that only 10% of the
school population would like to have one. This point is
clearly emphasized by its visual separation from the rest
of the pie.
The Source
The source explains where you found the information
that is in your graph. The source explains where you
found the information that is in your graph. It is
important to give credit to those who collected your data!
In this graph, the source tells us that we found our
information from the NCES Common Core of Data. A
bar graph uses rectangular bars that are either horizontal
or vertical to represent data. The length of each bar
relates to the measurement in the data. The bars that are
used are the same width, but the height of each bar varies
depending on the data. In that way, it is easy to see
which piece of data ranks higher, has more volume, or
has more of whatever was measured as well as which
sets of data (or bars) have less. The value zero plays a
special role for many physical quantities. For some
quantities, the zero level is naturally distinguished from
all other levels, whereas for others it is more or less
arbitrarily chosen.
A bar graph easily compares different sets of data
(represented by the different bars). It uses two axes: one
names the categories while the other shows the range of
values. The relationship between the two is shown with
the bars. A bar graph can also show major changes in
data over time by comparing days, weeks, months, or
years between the data sets. Pie is a useful way to
organize data in order to see the size of components
relative to the whole, and are particularly good at
showing percentage or proportional data. While pie
charts are popular data representations, they can be hard
to read, and it can be difficult to compare data from one
pie chart to another. Pie charts are a useful way to
visualize information that might be presented in a small
The Data
The most important part of your chart is the information,
or data, it contains. Pie charts represent data as part of
100 (a percentage). Each slice represents a different
piece of data. The pie chart is an important type of data
representation.The most common practice throughout
human history has been to start counting at one, and this
is the practice in early classic computer programming
languages such as Fortran and COBOL. However, in the
late 1950s LISP introduced zero-based numbering for
arrays while Algol 58 introduced completely flexible
basing for array subscripts (allowing any positive,
negative, or zero integer as base for array subscripts),
and most subsequent programming languages adopted
one or other of these positions. For example, the
elements of an array are numbered starting from 0 in C,
so that for an array of n items the sequence of array
indices runs from 0 to n−1.
and spheres. It is also found in formulae from other
topics in science, such as cosmology, fractals,
thermodynamics, mechanics, and electromagnetism. In
modern mathematical analysis, it is often instead defined
without any reference to geometry; therefore, it also
appears in areas having little to do with geometry, such
as number theory and statistics. The ubiquity of π makes
it one of the most widely known mathematical constants
inside and outside of science. Several books devoted to π
have been published, and record-setting calculations of
the digits of π often result in news headlines.
0 (zero) is a number representing an empty quantity. As a
number, 0 fulfills a central role in mathematics as the
additive identity of the integers, real numbers, and other
algebraic structures.
And not to forget the importance of zero becoming the
basis for the binary system of computers.
Pi. Represented by the Greek letter of ‘p’, pi is one of the
most recognized numbers in maths, being used to find
the area and circumference of a circle. With pi day on
March 14, it is important to celebrate this amazing
discovery, but what importance does this value hold
outside of our maths lessons. The first calculation of π
was done by Archimedes of Syracuse (287–212 BC), one
of the greatest mathematicians of the ancient world.
Archimedes approximated the area of a circle by using
the Pythagorean Theorem to find the areas of two regular
polygons: the polygon inscribed within the circle and the
polygon within which the circle was circumscribed.
Since the actual area of the circle lies between the areas
of the inscribed and circumscribed polygons, the areas of
the polygons gave upper and lower bounds for the area
of the circle
Q.1: Compute the value of π, if a circle has a radius as 7
cm and circumference as 44 cm.
c = 44 cm
d = 2×7=14cm
= 3.142857142…..
The discovery of Zero took place in a series of steps:
First as a placeholder and then as a digit. Zero was
initially used as a placeholder. It was used in many
civilizations, from Babylonia to Egyptian. According to
historian Robert Kaplan, zero was used as a placeholder
5000 years ago in Mesopotamia. They were written using
a pair of angled wedges. Later on, the Chinese and the
Babylonians came up with their own versions of zero.
Yet, both of them were used as placeholders too.
Babylonia had trade relations with the Indian
subcontinent. This way, the Babylonian concept of zero
traveled to India. Brahmagupta, a Hindu astronomer,
came up with the modern equivalent of zero. He
formulated a symbol that was a dot below the number.
This symbol was Brahmagupta's zero. We can say that a
number is the arranged group of digits formed while
forming numbers with the given digits. Numbers can be
formed with or without digit repetition. Let’s look at how
zero is used in number formation.
Example: Let us say that the given digits are 1,2,0,4
and we need to form a 4 digit number.
If we will keep 0
on the extreme left side, we will get a 3 digit number. As
has no value on the left side of a number.
The formed number is 0124or 124
So, we cannot use 0
at the extreme left to form a 4 digit number.
If we keep 0 on any place (except extreme left), then we
can form four-digit numbers. Example:
1024,1204,4021,… etc.
Pi refers to the ratio of the circumference to the diameter
of a circle. So its approximate value is 3.14159 and often
shortened to 3.14. The decimal in Pi never ends because
the numbers never repeat themselves in a permanent
pattern. Due to this fact, the number repeats it is not
possible to find a circle’s true circumference or area. The
record for calculating Pi is with 5 trillion digits! The
closest fraction to represent Pi is found to be 227. But
even this is not completely accurate.
PI is a mathematical constant with the value 3.1415927.
It is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
curve mapping.