CHN Lec 2 Midterms
CHN Lec 2 Midterms
CHN Lec 2 Midterms
COMMUNITY HEALTH ASSESSMENT TOOLS Structured is where the nurse directs the talk based on
an interview guide.
The Community Health Nursing Process emphasizes the
active involvement of the clients in its care. In collecting Unstructured is where the informant guides the talk.
data, different methods may be utilized to generate
health data. COMMUNITY FORUM
Community Forum is an open meeting of the members
COLLECTING PRIMARY DATA of the community. “Pulong-pulong Sa Barangay” is an
illustration of a community forum This offers the nurse an
Observation information regarding community perceptions on their
- It is an act of extracting information from needs, health and health care.
subjects being studied.
- Focus group is made up of much smaller group
This involves rapid observation of a community and usually 6-12 member only
performed either by walking through it, driving or riding in - Assessment of health needs of specific groups
a vehicle.
This gives the nurse a chance to observe:
ACT 3753 (Civil Registration Law, Philippine
PEOPLE. Legislature)
Spot vulnerable groups and people’s appearance.
Enacted in 1930, established the civil registry system in
ENVIRONMENT. the Philippines and requires the registration of vital
Terrain, Homes, Housing Density & Cleanliness, events such as births, marriages and deaths.
Vegetation, Street Animals
Health Facilities, Barangay Halls, School, Places of assigned the function of civil registration to local
Worship, Open Spaces governments and mandated the appointment of Local
(city / municipal). Civil registrars.
The nurse talks to people to know their perception of
“healthy community” and their “community facilities” PSA / NSO
B. PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION serves as the central repository of civil registries and the
PSA/ NSO Administrative and the Civil Registrar General
Purposeful observation of formal and informal of the Philippines.
community activities by sharing in the life of the
community. Helps in determining the following in a Reliable civil registration and vital statistics provide
realistic basis for program planning and implementation.
The birth and death registries are of particular
importance to the nurse, since they are sources of
fertility and mortality data.
- activities are barangay assemblies, school Presidential Decree 856. Sanitation Code
parent-teacher meeting, church meeting.
Office of the President, requires death certificate before
INFORMAL GATHERINGS burial of deceased
- are in variety of setting such as sari-sari store,
community recreation area or schools.
- It is made of series of questions for systematic
collection of information from a sample of
individuals or families in a community.
The FHSIS is an essential tool in monitoring the health 2. Quarterly Forms are usually prepared by the nurse.
status of the population at different levels. There should only be one Quarterly
A basis for: Form for the municipalities / cities with two or more
RHUs or health centers, consolidation is done under the
1) priority setting by local governments direction of the Municipality / City Health Officer.
2) planning and decision making at different levels
(barangay, municipality, district, provincial, and national) Quarterly forms are submitted to the Provincial Health
3) monitoring and evaluating health program Office.
a. Program Report (Q1) contains the 3- month total of
THE FHSIS MANUAL OF OPERATIONS (DOH-IMS, indicators categorized as maternal care, family planning,
2011) LISTS AND DESCRIBES THE FOLLOWING child care, dental health and disease control.
b. Morbidity Report (Q2) is a 3-month consolidation of
Are the second building block of the FHSIS. These c. Annual Form 2 (A-2), prepared by the nurse, is the
service records have the following purposes: yearly morbidity report by age and sex.
a. To plan and carry out patient care and service delivery d. Annual Form 3 (a-3), also prepared by the nurse, is
since midwives and nurses use TCLs to monitor target or the yearly report of all deaths (mortality) by age and sex.
eligible populations for particular health services.
b. To facilitate monitoring and supervision of service A listing of persons diagnosed with a specific type of
delivery activities. disease in a defined population.
(1) priority setting by local governments
(2) planning and decision making at different levels Data collected through disease registries serve as a
(barangay, municipality, district, provincial and national) basis for monitoring decision making and program
The Department of Health has developed and
It is a 12-column table in which columns correspond to maintained registries for HIV / AIDS and chronic non
the 12 months of the year. communicable disease, particularly cancer, diabetes
mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and
This record is kept at the BHS and has two components: stroke.
Health Program Accomplishment and Morbidity /
The Summary Table is supposed to be updated on a It provides for a national census of population and other
monthly basis. The Health Program Accomplishment related data in the Philippines every 10 years.
provides the midwife with a tool for assessment of
accomplishments and a ready source for reports. The NSCB is the policy-making and coordinating body of
the PSS. NSO is the PSS arm that generates general-
The monthly summary of morbidity gives information on purpose statistics: population, employment, process and
the monthly trend of disease and serves as a source for family income / expenditures
the 10 leading cases of morbidity in the municipality /
city. During a census, people may be assigned to a locality by
de jure or de facto method. De jure assignment is based
Monthly Consolidation Table (MCT) is accomplished on the legally established place of residence of people,
by the nurse based on the Summary Table. whereas de facto is according to the actual is according
to the actual physical location of people.
The REPORTING FORMS are the following:
1. Monthly Forms Are regularly prepared by the midwife
and submitted to the nurse who then uses the data to GRAPH
prepare the Quarterly Forms
Bar graph. To compare values across different
● a. Program Report ( M1) contains indicators categories of data
categorized as maternal care, child care, family planning Line-graph. Visual image of trends in data over time or
and disease control. The midwife copies the data from age
the Summary Table
Silo, Maegan D. | BSN 3-1
Pie-chart. Show percentage distribution or show 1. Total population, geographic distribution, including
composition urban-rural index & population density
Scatter plot or diagram. Show correlation between two 2. Age and Sex composition
variables 3. Household size
4. Selected Vital Indicators such as growth rate, crude
PURPOSES birth rate, crude death rate & life expectancy at birth
5. Patterns of Migration
Inform health teams and members 6. Population Projections
Make member of community appreciate the significance B. SOCIO-ECONOMIC & CULTURAL VARIABLES
of health information in their lives Solicit broader support
Validate findings. 1. SOCIAL INDICATORS
- Participatory tools are non-threatening & simplify data o With the aid of Flashcard in which an assigned
gathering number or letters will correspond to specific
category of choices.
Semi-structured Interviews o It offers CHOICES to respondent to select from
o Informal, guided interviews session in which & will serve as CATEGORIES for collating
some questions are pre-determined. A new responses.
question or lines of questioning arise during the o Use of flashcard to aid respondent select
interviews which is in response to answers from answer is performed for very young respondents
those interviewed. or respondents with limited education.
Bar Graph or Pictograph. For CRITERIA FOR SCALING ARE THE FF:
comparison of absolute or relative a. Nature of the Condition / Problem presented
counts and rates between categories Classified as:
Histogram or Frequency Polygram. • a. Health status
Graphic presentation of frequency • b. Health resources
distribution or measurement • c. Health – related
Proportional or Component Bar Graph
or Pie Chart. Shows breakdown of a b. Magnitude of the Problem
group or total where the number of • refers to severity of the problem This is measured in
categories is not too many. terms of proportion of population affected
Scattered Diagram. Correlation data for
data variables c. Modifiability of the Problem
• The probability of reducing, controlling or eradicating
9. Data Analysis. the problem
• This is the MOST crucial stage in community diagnosis
• This involves the quantification, description and d. Preventive Potentials
classification of data • Probability of controlling or reducing the effects posed
• Triangulation is performed. Consistency and validity of by the problem
data is checked. This is necessary because there are
multiple sources of data which were collected using e. Social Concern
different methods. • Refers to the perception of the population or the
• To help the PHN view and analyze which are indicators community as they are affected by the problem
of health problems & which factors give rise to health
problems, patterns in terms of human relations, time &
space are analyze.
• Magnitude & extent of the problem & their implications
can be derived by comparing them with standard
values or norms.
o promoting transformation among participants
being studied, be partners in entire phases of
research - from design, data collection, analysis
& dissemination
INTERVENTIONS 3 Approaches of Development
Community Organizing
Org. helps each other enhance their capabilities in
performing their tasks, as well as provisions of services.
-Know their culture/lifestyle
-Courtesy call
-Live w/ people
Purpose of integration?
- Rapport
- Understand the problem…. undergoing their
Guidelines: integration
- Adapt lifestyle
- Modest dwelling
- Avoid raising expectations
- Participate in production process
- Make house call/seek people III. Education and Training Phase
- Participate in SOME social activities • Purposes are: strengthen org.& develop capability to
- Recognize role/position of local authorities attend to community’s basic health health-care needs.
Education &training phase
II. Organizational Phase a. Conduct Community diagnosis
- This phase consists of activities that leads to the b. Training of health workers
formation of people’s organization. c. Health service/ mobilization
Were goal, objective of project/program achieved? What
strategies were implemented? What worked? What did
not? What is the overall impact of project? How were
organization resources & community utilized?
Were the vision, mission, goal achieved? How are the
organizational policies being implemented? What is the
level of participation in the affairs of community? How
were the resources of organization utilized? What type of
interpersonal relationship is shared among members of
organization, among leaders and members of