Bibliografy For DET Elena Iorga
Bibliografy For DET Elena Iorga
Bibliografy For DET Elena Iorga
2. Avis, J., Fisher, R. and Thompson R. (2015) Teaching in Lifelong Learning, 2nd
edition, Open University Press, Berkshire, England, p. 89.
4. Black, P. and Wiliam, D. (2006) Inside the Black Box – Raising Standards
Through Classroom Assessment, GL Assessment Ltd, London, U.K.
5. Booth, T. and Ainscow, M., (2011), Index for inclusion: developing, learning and
participation in schools, U.K., Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education. p. 67 in
Inclusive Education and SEND: From Warnock to Present: SCCD London.
7. Capital City College Group (2018), Safeguarding, Child protection and Adults at
Risk Policy, p. 2.
10. Charles, C.M. and Senter, G.W. (2005) Building Classroom Discipline, 8th edition,
Pearson, New York, U.S.A. in All you need to know about classroom behaviour
management skills – SCCD, London, U.K.
11. Cohen, L., Manion, L. and Morrison, K. (2007) A Guide to Teaching Practice, Fifth
edition, RoutledgeFalmer, England, p. 244.
12. Corder, N. (2002) Learning to Teach Adults – An introduction, RutledgeFalmer,
London, U.K.
13. Crawley, J. (2011) In at the Deep End – A survival guide for teachers in post-
compulsory education, Second edition, Routledge, Oxon, U.K.
16. Department for Business, Innovation & Skills and Department for Education
(2016) Post-16 Skills Plan, p. 7, Accessed on SCCD electronic library.
18. Department for Education (2011) Teachers’ Standards Guidance for school
leaders, school staff and governing bodies, p.5.
21. Department for Education (2014) The national curriculum in England: complete
framework for key stages 1 to 4. Available at:
publications/national-curriculum-in-england-framework-for-key-stages-1-to 4 (Accessed:
25/10/ 2019).
24. Department for Education and Department of Health (2015) Special Educational
Needs and Disability Code of practice: 0 to 25 years, p. 94, 114 Accessed on SCCD
electronic library.
25. Department for Education and Skills (2003) Every child matters, London, U.K.
26. Department for Education, 2011, The framework for the National Curriculum: A
report the Expert Panel for the National Curriculum Review, p. 30, in Developing
differentiation and lesson planning skills, SCCD, London.
27. Department for Education, National curriculum in England: framework for key
stages 1 to 4, (2014).
28. Duckworth, V., Wood, J., Dickinson, J. and Bostock, J. (2010) Successful
Teaching Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector, Learning Matters Ltd, Exeter, U.K., p.
29. Dutta R. (2014) A case for inclusion: visually impaired learners, SEN Magazine,
London, England, p. 69 in Inclusive Education and SEND: From Warnock to Present:
SCCD London.
30. Ecclestone, K. with Davies, J., Derrick, J. and Gawn, J. (2010) Transforming
Formative Assessment in Lifelong Learning, Open University Press, Berkshire, England,
p. 110.
31. Francis M. and Gould J, (2009), Achieving your PTLLS Award, London, Sage
Publication Ltd, p. 9.
33. Gould, J. (2012) Learning Theory and Classroom Practice in the Lifelong Learning
Sector, Second edition, SAGE Publication Ltd, London, U.K., p. 67.
34. Gravells A. (2016) Principles & Practices of Assessment, Third Edition, London,
Learning Matters, SAGE Publications Inc.
35. Gravells Ann and Simpson Susan (2014), Passing Assessments for the Certificate
in Education and Training, SAGE, London.
36. Gravells, A. & Simpson, S. (2010) Planning and Enabling Learning in the Lifelong
Learning Sector, Second Edition, Learning Matters, London, p. 61.
37. Gravells, A. (2016) Principles and Practices of Assessment, Third edition, SAGE
Publication Ltd.
38. Gravells, Ann and Simpson, Susan. (2012) Equality and Diversity in the Lifelong
Learning Sector, 2nd edition, London, Learning Matters on Sage Publication Ltd. P. 7
39. Gray, C., and MacBlain S (2015) Learning Theories in Childhood, SAGE
Publication Ltd, p. 5, in SCCD online library.
40. Hattie, J. (2012) Visible Learning for Teachers – Maximizing impact on learning,
Routledge, U.K., p. 38.
42. Hillier, Y. (2012) Reflective Teaching in Further and Adult Education, Third edition,
Continuum International Publishing Group, London, U.K.
46. Inclusion Support (2005) Guidelines to Promote the Inclusion of Pupils with
Physical Difficulties in Mainstream Schools, South Gloucestershire Council, p. 12.
47. Keeley-Browne, L. (2007) – Training to Teach in the Learning & Skills Sector –
From Threshold Award to QTLS, Pearson Education Ltd, Essex, England, p. 67.
48. Kelly, A.V. (2009) The Curriculum – Theory and Practice, Sixth edition, SAGE
Publication Ltd, London, U.K.
49. Kidd, W, and Czerniawski, G., 2010, Successful Teaching 14-19, London, Sage
Publication Ltd. U.K.
50. Lea, J., Hayes, D., Armitage, A., Lomas, L. and Markless, S. (2007) – Working in
post-compulsory Education, Open University Press, Berkshire, U.K., p. 39. 12.
53. Machin, L., Hindmarch, L., Murray, S. and Richardson, T. (2014) – A Complete
Guide to the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training, Critical Publishing Ltd,
Northwich, U.K., p. 75.
55. McIlrath, D., & Huitt, W. (1995) The Teaching-Learning Process: A Discussion of
Models in SCCD online library, p. 6.
56. Moon, J. A. (2008) Reflection in Learning & Professional Development – Theory &
Practice, RutledgeFalmer, Oxon, U.K.
58. Nind, M. & Lewthwaite S. (2015) Principles for Effective Pedagogy – NCRM Quick
Start Guide. Manual, NCRM in SCCD online library, p. 2.
59. Ofsted, (2015) Safeguarding children and young people and young vulnerable
adults’ policy - Pdf (Accessed on 10/06/2019).
60. Parliament of the U.K. (2006) The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act, Accessed
on SCCD electronic library
61. Parliament of the U.K. (2008) The Education and Skills Act, Accessed on SCCD
electronic library
62. Parliament of the U.K. (2010) The Equality Act, Accessed on SCCD electronic
63. Petty, G. (2009) Evidence-Based Teaching, Second edition Nelson Thornes Ltd,
Cheltenham, U.K.
64. Petty, G. (2014) Teaching Today. Fifth Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
U.K., p. 22, 24.
65. Powell, S. and Tummons, J. (2011), Inclusive Practice in the Lifelong Learning
Sector (Achieving QTLS), Learning Matters Ltd, Exeter, U.K., p. 63.
67. Race, P. (2014) Making Learning Happen, Third edition, London, Sage Publication
68. Reece, I. and Walker, S. (2008) Teaching, Training & Learning – A practical guide,
Sixth edition revised, Business Education Publishers Ltd, Tyne and Wear, U.K., p. 83.
69. Rogers, A. and Horrocks, N. (2010) Teaching Adults, Fourth edition, Open
University Press, Berkshire, England, p. 172
70. Rogers, J. (2007) Adults Learning, Fifth edition, Open University Press, Berkshire,
England, p. 97-98.
71. Rosewell, J. (2005) – Learning Styles, The Open University, in SCCD online
73. St John & St James Church Of England Primary School (2018), Behaviour Policy (Accessed on 12/05/2019).
75. The National strategies | Secondary (2008) The framework for secondary
mathematics, Inclusive teaching in mathematics, p. 4 in Inclusive Education and SEND:
From Warnock to Present: SCCD London.
77. Tummons, J. (2012) Curriculum Studies in the Lifelong Learning Sector, Second
edition, Learning Maters SAGE Publication Ltd., London, U.K.
78. Wallace, S. (2013) – Teaching, Tutoring and Training in the Lifelong Learning
Sector, Fourth edition, SAGE Publication Ltd, London, U.K., p. 24.
79. Welsh Government (2012) A handbook for classroom teachers in primary schools,
p. 6, in All you need to know about classroom behaviour management skills, SCCD,
81. Wiliam, D. (2011) Embedded Formative Assessment, Solution Tree Press, U.S.A.
82. Wood, J. and Dickinson, J. (2011) Quality Assurance and Evaluation in the
Lifelong Learning Sector, Learning Matters Ltd, Exeter, U.K., p. 54.