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(BOBBITT, 1913) Literature in The Elementary Curriculum (ARTIGO)

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University of Chicago

In what school grade should any given piece of literature be

read? Obviously, it ought to be used in that grade where, as
shown by practical experience,it works best. Our questions can
therefore be asked in terms of practical experience: Into what
school grade has any given piece of literature tended to gravitate
in the country-wide "trial-and-error" experimentation that is
going on? By examiningthe courses of sttdy used in the various
cities and states, it is possible to locate the gradein which the given
piece is most frequently used at the present time. This is the
best evidence that we can now have as to where it belongs.
It must be remembered,however, that the experimentationis
not ended. Certainpieces have got their present position through
tradition and custom, and have not fully gravitated to the place
wherethey belong. Othershave found their place in the curriculum
as the result of special systems of educational thought; these in
many cases will be shifted as the systems of thought are modified
or discarded. Notwithstanding these and other similar disturbing
factors, it can still be safely said that the consensus of experience
in the country, as shown by a full tabulation of coursesof study, is
the surest authority as to the rightful position in the elementary
school of any particularliterary selection.
The present study was undertakenfor the purposeof ascertain-
ing what readings were used in the elementary schools of the
United States and in what grades. Our supply of printed courses
was incomplete. Of those at hand, very many suggested only the
generallines of work, and apparentlyleft to principalsand teachers
a large amount of freedomin the selection. It was possible, how-
ever, to select fifty printed courses which presented reasonably
full statements as to what was to be read and the grade in which
it was to be used. Of these, thirty-six were of cities, among which
were to be found New York City, Boston, Washington,D.C., Cin-

cinnati, Minneapolis, Detroit, Tacoma, and San Francisco. Four-

teen were state courses representing states in all portions of the
country, from Massachusetts and New York on the Atlantic sea-
board to Washington on the Pacific side. It is believed that the
consensus of these fifty courses will approximate the results which
would be obtained were it possible to know what is being done
in every city and state.
The inaccuracy with which printed courses of study represent
the work actually done is sufficiently well known. Still, it is
believed that the readings most often recommended in the printed
courses are the ones most often to be found in actual practice;
and those least often referred to in the courses are the ones that will
least often be used in practice. Our aim, therefore, under the cir-
cumstances, is to show accurately the relative frequencies of recom-
mendations as an approximate index of the relative frequencies
of use. Our aim is relative emphasis, not absolute number. It
is believed that the tabulations fairly present relative emphases.
The following lists include only the longer readings-books,
long stories, and the longer poems. Short stories and poems have
been tabulated separately and conclusions concerning these will be
published in a later issue.
In the first of the following lists, the readings are alphabetical,
by authors. In the original tabulation of the fifty courses, 138
authors, represented by 296 titles, were found. Obviously a book
that occurred but once or twice in fifty courses, however,
represented special circumstances; and in tabulating consensus
of practice, it could well be omitted from the list. The 113 titles
that occurred only one, two, or three times have been eliminated.
The list as given below includes the 183 titles that are recommended
four or more times in the fifty courses.
The number of times a title was recommended in the fifty
courses is stated in the first tabular column. The second column
represents the grade for which the piece was most often recom-
mended. In case a title was recommended equally often for two
grades, the figure chosen was the one that lay nearest the majority-
practice, as shown by the entire array of recommendations. The
third column shows the range of grades for which the title is
recommended in the fifty courses of study.


Author Title " 0

a t??o"
~~4 qE
H ~ C
Anonymous ....... Arabian Nights ........... ........... 22 6 1-8
Aanrud .......... Lizbeth Longfrock..................... 5 4 3-7
Abbott........... Boy on the Farm..................... 5 4 3-5
Aesop............ Fables.............................. 18 4 1-8
Alcott............. Eight Cousins........................ 6 5 4-8
Jack and Jill ........................ 4 6 5-6
Little 17 6 3-8
Little Men...................................
Women........ ............ 18 5 3-8
Old-Fashioned Girl ................... 7 7 5-8
Under the Lilacs....... ... .......9. . 6 3-6
Aldrich........... Story of a Bad Boy.................... 12 6 4-8
Amicis............. Cuore .. 4 5 5-8
Andersen.......... ..........................
Fairy Tales ......................... 28 4 1-6
Ugly Duckling ...... ........ 4 1-5
.......... 11
Andrews, G........ Each and All ...................... 4 2-5
Seven Little Sisters .................... 23 3 1-4
Ten Boys ..................... ... . 15 5 3-6
Andrews, M. R. S.. Perfect Tribute....................... 4 ......8 7-8
Arnold............ Sohrab and Rustum ................... 4 7-8
Baldwin .......... Discovery of the Old Northwest.......... 6 7 5-8
Fairy Stories and Fables................. 13 3 I-4
Fifty Famous Stories Retold............ 30 4 3-7
Hero Stories Told in School ............ 5 5 5
Old GreekStories ..................... 24 4 1-7
Story of Roland ..................... 9 7 5-7
Story of Siegfried ..................... 13 7 4-7
Thirty More Famous Stories............ 9 4 3-6
Beckwith.......... In Mythland ........................ 8 3 1-4
Bennett........... Master Skylark ...................... 4 7 7-8
Brooks........... Stories of the Red Children............. 6 2 1-4
Brown, A. F....... In the Days of Giants ................. 12 5 i-6
Brown, G. ........ Rab and His Friends.................. 15 4 2-8
Browning......... Pied Piper of Hamelin ............... 11 3 2-7
Bunyan........... Pilgrim's Progress ................... 9 7 4-8
Burnett ........... Little Lord Fauntleroy . ........... ....14 5 3-7
Burroughs ........ Birds and Bees ...................... 18 7 6-8
Sharp Eyes ........................... 11 7 6-8
Squirrels and Other Fur Bearers......... io 6 5-8
Carpenter......... Africa............................. 7 6 4-7
Asia ................................ 9 5 4-7
Australia ....................... .. 7 6 4-7
Europe.............................. 9 6 4-7
How We Are Clothed.................. 5 6 4-8
How We Are Fed 6 8 4-8
North America ....................... 4-6
9 5
South America ....................... 7 6 4-7
Carroll........... Alice in Wonderland.................. 27 4 3-7
Through the Looking Glass............. 9 5 4-7
Carter ............ Story of Brave Dogs....... .......... 5 4 3-5
Church........... Story of the 8 5 4-8
the "Iliad"................. 9 5 3-8
Story of "Odyssey".................


Author Title
w Cd
cd 0P4

Clarke............. Story of Ulysses ...................... 9 5 3-6

Story of Troy ...................... 4 5 4-6
Clemens. ......... The Prince and the Pauper............ o0 7 5-8
Tom Sawyer .......... 6 7 6-8
Collodi .......... .............
Pinocchio ......................... 4
9 1-7
Cooke............ Nature Myths and Stories .............. 5 2 1-3
Coolidge How the Leaves Come Down ............. 4 2 2-3
.......... Deerslayer........................... 7 7
Cooper........... 5-7
Last of the Mohicans .................. 17 7 6-8
The Spy 13 7 6-8
Craik (Mulock) .... Adventures ....................
......... a Brownie ..... .......... 21 2-6
of 4
Little Lame Prince .................... 17 3 2-6
Craik............. Bow-wow and Mew-mew ............. 6 2 1-2
Dana............. Two Years Before the Mast............ 11 7 6-8
Defoe............ Robinson Crusoe..................... 29 4 1-7
Dickens........... Christmas Carol ..................... 25 7 3-8
Cricket on the Hearth.................. 14 8 6-8
David 11 7 5-8
Dodge............ DonaldCopperfield.......................
and Dorothy................... 5 5 3-7
Hans Brinker ....................... i 6 4-8
Dopp ............ Early Cave Men ...................... 8 3 1-6
Tree Dwellers ........................ 7 -3 1-6
Du Chaillu........ The Land of the Long Night........... 4 7 6-7
Dutton........... In Field and Pasture .................. 5 3 I-3
Eddy............. Friends and Helpers .................. 7 .4 3-5
Eggleston......... First Book in American History ........ 8 5 4-6
Hoosier School Boy ................... 1i 6 3-8
Hoosier School Master ................. 5 7 5-8
Stories of American Life and Adventure.. 7 4 3-6
Stories of Great Americans for Little
Americans ........................ 13 3 3-4
Silas M arner ........................ 8 8 8
Ewing ............ 11
Jackanapes 5 3-6
Franklin.......... Autobiography ..........................
....................... I 2 7 5-8
Frost ............. Court of King Arthur ................. 5 6 5-7
Goldsmith........ Deserted Village ...................... 7 8 7-8
Grimm............ Fairy Tales (for young children) . 1...... 6
Household Stories ..................... 6 3 3-4
Grover ........ . OverallBoys ......................... 7 I 1-2
Sunbonnet Babies ................. 8 I 1-2
Guerber .......... Story of the English ................... 7 6 6-8
Story of the Greeks.................... 6 6 5-8
Story of the Romans .................. 8 6 5-9
Hale, L. P ..... Peterkin Papers ..................... 5 5 2-5
Hale, E. E......... The Man Without a Country ........... 31 8 6-8
Hall .............. Four Old Greeks..................... 4 5 3-5
Harris............ Uncle Remus ....................... I12 5 1-7
Hawthorne ........ Grandfather'sChair ................... 11 7 6-8
Snow Image......................... 5 7 3-7
Tanglewood Tales.................... 22 5 1-7
The Great Stone Face ................ 12 7 4-8


Author Title "0
0 P4e

Hawthorne Twice-Told Tales ..................... 6 6 6-8

(cont.).. Wonder Book ....... .............. 27 5 3-7
Holbrook.......... Nature Myths.......................... 11 2 I-5
Hopkins.......... Sandman ............................ 4 3 1-3
Tom Brown at Rugby ........ 6 7 6-8
Hughes............ .............
Tom Brown's School Days............. 13 8 4-8
Irving ............ Alhambra........................... 5 8 7-8
Rip Van Winkle........... 16 6 2-8
Sketch Book ......................... ............ i9 7 6-8
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow ........... 1 7 5-8
Johonnot.......... Ten Great Events in History ............ 5 8 6-8
Kingsley.......... GreekHeroes.................. ..... ......... 5 5-7
Water Babies 17 4 3-6
WestwardHo!............................ 4 7 6-8
....................... 11 6-8
Kipling........... Captains Courageous.................. 7
Jungle Books i and 2 ................. 20 5 2-7
Just-so Stories 17 5 I-8
Lamb............. Adventuresof Ulysses .......................
................. 7 6 6-8
Tales from Shakespeare................ 28 7 5-8
Lang............. Blue Fairy Book...................... 4 I I-4
Nonsense Songs and Stories............ 4 3 i-6
Long............. Secrets of the Woods................. 6 5 5-7
Wilderness Ways ... ............... 12 5 3-7
Longfellow........ Evangeline................... ....... 23 7 5-8
Hiawatha.......................... 27 2 I-6
Standish ....................... 23 7 5-8
Tales of a Wayside Inn...............
.Miles 8 7 6-9
Lowell ............ Vision of Sir Launfal ................. 13 8 7-8
Mabie ............ Norse Stories Retoldfrom the Eddas ... 16 5 2-8
Macaulay . ....... Horatius at the Bridge ................. 11 7 4-8
McDonald......... At the Back of the North Wind........... 5 5 3-7
McMurry ......... Classic Stories ....................... 6 2 1-3
Monroe........... Flamingo Feather..................... 5 5 5-8
Nicolay ........... Boy's Life of Abraham Lincoln ......... 4 8 4-8
Otis (pseud.)....... Toby Tyler.......................... 7 4 3-6
Page............ Two Little Confederates................ 9 5 3-8
Parkman......... . Oregon Trail ......................... 5 8 5-8
Pratt ............. Legends of Norseland.................. 4 5 5-7
Legends of the Red Children............ io 3 1-4
Pyle............. Men of Iron ........................ 4 7 6-7
Merry Adventuresof Robin Hood........ 17 5 4-8
Story of King Arthur and His Knights ... 11 5 4-8
Radford........... King Arthur and His Knights.......... 14 6 4-8
Ram6e........... . Mouflon ............................ 6 4 1-5
Rice. ............ Mrs. Wiggs of the CabbagePatch........ - 4 8 6-8
Ruskin ........... King of the GoldenRiver............... 30 5 3-7
Schwatka......... Children of the Cold................... 6 5 3-6
Scott ............. Ivanhoe ............ 14 8 6-9
Kenilworth ........................
................. . 7 8 6-8
Lady of the Lake ..................... 20 8 6-9
Lay of the Last Minstrel ............... 4 7-8


Author Title
c "
E! 0 E! 03 fd~ P4
0 , P4
Scudder........... Book of Legends...................... 5 4 3-5
Fables, Folk Stories and Legends........ 15 3 1-4
Seton.............. Lives of the Hunted 9 5 4-6
Lobo, Rag and Vixen .................. 9 5 4-6
Wild Animals I Have Known.......... .18 5 1-7
Sewell.... Black Beauty ..... 31 5 3-8
........ Julius Caesar..................
... ........ 18 8
Shakespeare........ .......... 6-9
Merchant of 14 8 8-9
Venice................... 6
Shaw,. C............ Story of the Ancient Greeks ............ 4 6-8
Shaw, E. R ........ Big and Little People of OtherLands..... 11 3 2-4
Smith............ Eskimo Stories .......... ............. 8 2 1-3
Snedden.......... Docas, the Indian Boy................. 9 4 3-6
Spyri.............. Heidi ................. .... 15 6 3-6
Moni, the Goat Boy ................... .......... 8 5 4-6
Stevenson.......... Child's Garden of Verses.............. 14 3 1-7
Kidnapped.......................... 6 8 7-8
Treasure Island ..................... 17 8 3-8
Stockton ..Fanciful Tales ........................ 19 5 i-6
Stoddard........... Little Smoke........... ............. 5 5 3-6
Stowe............ Uncle Tom's Cabin ................... io 8 6-8
Swift.............. Gulliver's Travels ................. ....... 14 6 4-8
Tennyson......... Idylls of the King.................... 4 8 8
Thaxter........... Madame Arachne ..................... 4 3 2-4
Turpin............ Classic Fables ........................ 4 3 1-3
Van Bergen........ Story of China ........................ 5 7 6-8
Van Dyke......... First Christmas Tree.................. 4 6 6-8
Waterloo ......... Story of Ab .... 6 I 1-8
Whittier.......... Snow-Bound.................. ....... 24 7 6-8
Birds' Christmas .........................
Carol ................
Wiggin........ 23 4 I-8
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm ........ ...7 8 5-8
Story of Patsy ....................... 7 8 2-8
Wiltse ............Folklore Stories and Proverbs........... 5 2 1-3
Wyss ............. Swiss Family Robinson ............... 23 5 3-7

No school can use all this list of 183 titles. Selection must be
made. One must not blindly follow consensus of practice. But
in this field, at least, it is the safest single guide. The second list
shows the selections most frequently used in each grade, in the
order of their frequency.



rn n
Title be

Grimm......... Fairy Tales (for young children)........ 16 I 1-4
Longfellow...... Hiawatha .......................... 27 2 I-6
Holbrook ....... Nature Myths ........................ ii 2 1-5
Andrews........ Seven Little Sisters .................... 23 3 1-4
Craik........... Little Lame Prince .................... 17 3 2-6
Scudder......... Fables, Folk Stories and Legends......... 15 3 1-4
Stevenson....... Child's Garden of Verses............... 14 3 I-7
Baldwin ........ Fairy Stories and Fables ............... 13 3 1-4
Eggleston...... . Stories of Great Americans for Little
Americans........................ 13 3 3-4
Browning....... Pied Piper of Hamelin ............... i 3 2-7
Shaw........... Big and Little People of OtherLands..... I 3 2-4
Pratt ............ Legends of the Red Children............ io 3 1-4
Baldwin........ Fifty Famous Stories Retold............ 30 4 3-7
Defoe........... Robinson Crusoe...................... 29 4 I-7
Andersen........ Fairy Tales ......................... 28 4 I-6
Carroll........... Alice in Wonderland.................. 27 4 3-7
Baldwin.......... Old GreekStories .................... 24 4 1-7
Wiggin......... Birds' Christmas Carol................ 23 4 I-8
Craik ........... Adventures of a Brownie ............... 21 4 2-6
Aesop.......... Fables ............................. I8 4 I-8
Kingsley ........ Water Babies........................ 17 4 3-6
Brown.......... Rab and His Friends .................. 15 4 2-8
Andrews........ Each and All........................ 11 4 2-5
Baldwin......... Thirty More Famous Stories............. 9 4 3-6
Collodi ......... Pinocchio............................ 9 4 1-7
Snedden.......... Docas, the Indian Boy ................. 9 4 3-6
Sewell.......... Black Beauty......................... 31 5 3-8
Ruskin.......... King of the Golden River............... 30 5 3-7
Hawthorne...... Wonder Book ........................ 27 5 3-7
Wyss............ Swiss Family Robinson................ 23 5 3-7
Hawthorne...... Tanglewood Tales..................... 22 5 1-7
Kipling. ....... Jungle Books ........................ 20 5 2-7
Stockton........ Fanciful Tales ....................... 19 5 -6
Alcott .......... Little Women.. ...................... i8 5 3-8
Seton............ Wild Animals I Have Known .......... 18 5 1-7
Kipling......... Just-so Stories ....................... 17 5 1-8
Pyle ........... Merry Adventuresof Robin Hood........ 17 5 4-8
Mabie..... . Norse Stories Retoldfrom Eddas........ 16 5 2-8
Andrews........ Ten Boys ........................... 5 5 3-6
Burnett. ........ Little Lord Fauntleroy ................. 14 5 3-7
Brown .......... In the Days of Giants ................ I2 5 -6
Harris ......... Uncle Remus........................ 12 5 1-7
Long........... Wilderness Ways ..................... I2 5 3-'7
Ewing.......... Jackanapes .......................... 1 5 3-6




Title 00
0 Wk
Kingsley......... GreekHeroes................... . 11 5 5-7
Pyle ............ Story of King Arthur and His Knights... i 5 4-8
North America 9 5 4-6
Carpenter........ Asia ........................
.................................. 9 5 4-7
Carroll.......... Through the Looking Glass............. 9 5 4-7
Clarke.......... Storyof Ulysses................. ..... 9 5 3-6
Church......... Story of the "Odyssey"................ 9 5 3-8
Page........... Two Little Confederates................ 9 5 3-8
Seton........... Lobo, Rag and Vixen .................. 9 5 4-6
Lives of the Hunted ................... 9 5 4-6
Arabian Nights ...................... 22 6 i-8
Anonymous...... Hans Brinker ........................ 6
Dodge........... 19 4-8
Alcott.......... Little Men ............. .......... I17 6 3-8
Irving ......... Rip Van Winkle...................... 16 6 2-8
Spyri ......... Heidi ......................... 15 6 3-6
Radford.......... King Arthur and His Knights.......... 14 6 4-8
Swift........... Gulliver's Travels..................... 14 6 4-8
Aldrich .Story of a Bad Boy.................. 12 6 4-8
Eggleston....... Hoosier School Boy........... .*..... 11 6 3-8
Burroughs.. . . . . Squirrels and OtherFur Bearers.......... o 6 5-8
Alcott........... Under the Lilacs..................... 9 6 3-6
Carpenter ....... Europe.. ........................... 9 6 4-7
Lamb.......... Tales from Shakespeare............... 28 7 5-8
Dickens......... Christmas Carol...................... 25 7 3-8
Whittier Snow-Bound........................ 24 7 6-8
......... Miles Standish ......................
Longfellow...... 23 7 5-8
Evangeline ........................ 23 7 5-8
Irving ......... Sketch Book.......................... 19 7 6-8
Birds and Bees ....................... I8 7 6-8
Cooper........ . . Last of the Mohicans .................. 17 7 6-8
Baldwin......... Story of Siegfried .....................13 7 4-7
Cooper.......... The Spy ........................... 3 7 6-8
Autobiography ....................... I2 7 5-8
Hawthorne ...... The Great Stone Face................. I2 7 4-8
Sharp Eyes ............ ............. 7 6-8
Dickens......... David Copperfield 7 5-8
Hawthorne ...... Grandfather's Chair ....................
................... 1 6-8
Irving........... The Legend of Sleepy Hollow........... 11 7 5-8
Kipling ........ Captains Courageous.................. 7 6-8
Macaulay....... Horatius at the Bridge ................. Ii 7 4-8
Dana........... Two Years Before the Mast............. 11 7 6-8
Clemens........ Prince and the Pauper ................ o 7 5-8
Baldwin......... Story of Roland.......................9 7 5-7
Bunyan ......... Pilgrim's Progress .................... 9 7 4-8
Hale............ The Man Without a Country .......... 31 8 6-8
Scott........... Lady of the Lake.................. 20 8 6-9
Shakespeare ..... Julius Caesar 18 8 6-9
Stevenson ....... Treasure Island ........................
......................17 8 3-8



4 0a
z F4
Dickens......... Cricket on the Hearth.................. 14 8 6-8
Scott............ Ivanhoe ............................ 14 8 6-9
Shakespeare ..... Merchant of Venice .................. 4 8 8-9
Tom Brown's School Days............. . 8
Hughes... .... 13 4-8
Lowell.......... Vision of Sir Launfal ................. 13 8 7-8
Stowe........... Uncle Tom's Cabin.................... io 8 6-8

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