(BOBBITT, 1913) Literature in The Elementary Curriculum (ARTIGO)
(BOBBITT, 1913) Literature in The Elementary Curriculum (ARTIGO)
(BOBBITT, 1913) Literature in The Elementary Curriculum (ARTIGO)
Author Title
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Author Title
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Scudder........... Book of Legends...................... 5 4 3-5
Fables, Folk Stories and Legends........ 15 3 1-4
Seton.............. Lives of the Hunted 9 5 4-6
Lobo, Rag and Vixen .................. 9 5 4-6
Wild Animals I Have Known.......... .18 5 1-7
Sewell.... Black Beauty ..... 31 5 3-8
........ Julius Caesar..................
... ........ 18 8
Shakespeare........ .......... 6-9
Merchant of 14 8 8-9
Venice................... 6
Shaw,. C............ Story of the Ancient Greeks ............ 4 6-8
Shaw, E. R ........ Big and Little People of OtherLands..... 11 3 2-4
Smith............ Eskimo Stories .......... ............. 8 2 1-3
Snedden.......... Docas, the Indian Boy................. 9 4 3-6
Spyri.............. Heidi ................. .... 15 6 3-6
Moni, the Goat Boy ................... .......... 8 5 4-6
Stevenson.......... Child's Garden of Verses.............. 14 3 1-7
Kidnapped.......................... 6 8 7-8
Treasure Island ..................... 17 8 3-8
Stockton ..Fanciful Tales ........................ 19 5 i-6
Stoddard........... Little Smoke........... ............. 5 5 3-6
Stowe............ Uncle Tom's Cabin ................... io 8 6-8
Swift.............. Gulliver's Travels ................. ....... 14 6 4-8
Tennyson......... Idylls of the King.................... 4 8 8
Thaxter........... Madame Arachne ..................... 4 3 2-4
Turpin............ Classic Fables ........................ 4 3 1-3
Van Bergen........ Story of China ........................ 5 7 6-8
Van Dyke......... First Christmas Tree.................. 4 6 6-8
Waterloo ......... Story of Ab .... 6 I 1-8
Whittier.......... Snow-Bound.................. ....... 24 7 6-8
Birds' Christmas .........................
Carol ................
Wiggin........ 23 4 I-8
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm ........ ...7 8 5-8
Story of Patsy ....................... 7 8 2-8
Wiltse ............Folklore Stories and Proverbs........... 5 2 1-3
Wyss ............. Swiss Family Robinson ............... 23 5 3-7
No school can use all this list of 183 titles. Selection must be
made. One must not blindly follow consensus of practice. But
in this field, at least, it is the safest single guide. The second list
shows the selections most frequently used in each grade, in the
order of their frequency.
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Grimm......... Fairy Tales (for young children)........ 16 I 1-4
Longfellow...... Hiawatha .......................... 27 2 I-6
Holbrook ....... Nature Myths ........................ ii 2 1-5
Andrews........ Seven Little Sisters .................... 23 3 1-4
Craik........... Little Lame Prince .................... 17 3 2-6
Scudder......... Fables, Folk Stories and Legends......... 15 3 1-4
Stevenson....... Child's Garden of Verses............... 14 3 I-7
Baldwin ........ Fairy Stories and Fables ............... 13 3 1-4
Eggleston...... . Stories of Great Americans for Little
Americans........................ 13 3 3-4
Browning....... Pied Piper of Hamelin ............... i 3 2-7
Shaw........... Big and Little People of OtherLands..... I 3 2-4
Pratt ............ Legends of the Red Children............ io 3 1-4
Baldwin........ Fifty Famous Stories Retold............ 30 4 3-7
Defoe........... Robinson Crusoe...................... 29 4 I-7
Andersen........ Fairy Tales ......................... 28 4 I-6
Carroll........... Alice in Wonderland.................. 27 4 3-7
Baldwin.......... Old GreekStories .................... 24 4 1-7
Wiggin......... Birds' Christmas Carol................ 23 4 I-8
Craik ........... Adventures of a Brownie ............... 21 4 2-6
Aesop.......... Fables ............................. I8 4 I-8
Kingsley ........ Water Babies........................ 17 4 3-6
Brown.......... Rab and His Friends .................. 15 4 2-8
Andrews........ Each and All........................ 11 4 2-5
Baldwin......... Thirty More Famous Stories............. 9 4 3-6
Collodi ......... Pinocchio............................ 9 4 1-7
Snedden.......... Docas, the Indian Boy ................. 9 4 3-6
Sewell.......... Black Beauty......................... 31 5 3-8
Ruskin.......... King of the Golden River............... 30 5 3-7
Hawthorne...... Wonder Book ........................ 27 5 3-7
Wyss............ Swiss Family Robinson................ 23 5 3-7
Hawthorne...... Tanglewood Tales..................... 22 5 1-7
Kipling. ....... Jungle Books ........................ 20 5 2-7
Stockton........ Fanciful Tales ....................... 19 5 -6
Alcott .......... Little Women.. ...................... i8 5 3-8
Seton............ Wild Animals I Have Known .......... 18 5 1-7
Kipling......... Just-so Stories ....................... 17 5 1-8
Pyle ........... Merry Adventuresof Robin Hood........ 17 5 4-8
Mabie..... . Norse Stories Retoldfrom Eddas........ 16 5 2-8
Andrews........ Ten Boys ........................... 5 5 3-6
Burnett. ........ Little Lord Fauntleroy ................. 14 5 3-7
Brown .......... In the Days of Giants ................ I2 5 -6
Harris ......... Uncle Remus........................ 12 5 1-7
Long........... Wilderness Ways ..................... I2 5 3-'7
Ewing.......... Jackanapes .......................... 1 5 3-6
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Kingsley......... GreekHeroes................... . 11 5 5-7
Pyle ............ Story of King Arthur and His Knights... i 5 4-8
North America 9 5 4-6
Carpenter........ Asia ........................
.................................. 9 5 4-7
Carroll.......... Through the Looking Glass............. 9 5 4-7
Clarke.......... Storyof Ulysses................. ..... 9 5 3-6
Church......... Story of the "Odyssey"................ 9 5 3-8
Page........... Two Little Confederates................ 9 5 3-8
Seton........... Lobo, Rag and Vixen .................. 9 5 4-6
Lives of the Hunted ................... 9 5 4-6
Arabian Nights ...................... 22 6 i-8
Anonymous...... Hans Brinker ........................ 6
Dodge........... 19 4-8
Alcott.......... Little Men ............. .......... I17 6 3-8
Irving ......... Rip Van Winkle...................... 16 6 2-8
Spyri ......... Heidi ......................... 15 6 3-6
Radford.......... King Arthur and His Knights.......... 14 6 4-8
Swift........... Gulliver's Travels..................... 14 6 4-8
Aldrich .Story of a Bad Boy.................. 12 6 4-8
Eggleston....... Hoosier School Boy........... .*..... 11 6 3-8
Burroughs.. . . . . Squirrels and OtherFur Bearers.......... o 6 5-8
Alcott........... Under the Lilacs..................... 9 6 3-6
Carpenter ....... Europe.. ........................... 9 6 4-7
Lamb.......... Tales from Shakespeare............... 28 7 5-8
Dickens......... Christmas Carol...................... 25 7 3-8
Whittier Snow-Bound........................ 24 7 6-8
......... Miles Standish ......................
Longfellow...... 23 7 5-8
Evangeline ........................ 23 7 5-8
Irving ......... Sketch Book.......................... 19 7 6-8
Birds and Bees ....................... I8 7 6-8
Cooper........ . . Last of the Mohicans .................. 17 7 6-8
Baldwin......... Story of Siegfried .....................13 7 4-7
Cooper.......... The Spy ........................... 3 7 6-8
Autobiography ....................... I2 7 5-8
Hawthorne ...... The Great Stone Face................. I2 7 4-8
Sharp Eyes ............ ............. 7 6-8
Dickens......... David Copperfield 7 5-8
Hawthorne ...... Grandfather's Chair ....................
................... 1 6-8
Irving........... The Legend of Sleepy Hollow........... 11 7 5-8
Kipling ........ Captains Courageous.................. 7 6-8
Macaulay....... Horatius at the Bridge ................. Ii 7 4-8
Dana........... Two Years Before the Mast............. 11 7 6-8
Clemens........ Prince and the Pauper ................ o 7 5-8
Baldwin......... Story of Roland.......................9 7 5-7
Bunyan ......... Pilgrim's Progress .................... 9 7 4-8
Hale............ The Man Without a Country .......... 31 8 6-8
Scott........... Lady of the Lake.................. 20 8 6-9
Shakespeare ..... Julius Caesar 18 8 6-9
Stevenson ....... Treasure Island ........................
......................17 8 3-8
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Dickens......... Cricket on the Hearth.................. 14 8 6-8
Scott............ Ivanhoe ............................ 14 8 6-9
Shakespeare ..... Merchant of Venice .................. 4 8 8-9
Tom Brown's School Days............. . 8
Hughes... .... 13 4-8
Lowell.......... Vision of Sir Launfal ................. 13 8 7-8
Stowe........... Uncle Tom's Cabin.................... io 8 6-8