The Soul of The Great Bell DLL
The Soul of The Great Bell DLL
The Soul of The Great Bell DLL
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast
Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping
strategies in processing textual information; strategies
in examining features of a listening and viewing
material; structural analysis of words and propaganda
techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion- making,
persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by composing and
delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative
essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information
sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making ,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic
features, stance,and behavior.
C. Learning Competencies/ Learning Competency: Analyze literature as a mirror to a
Objectives (Write LC code shared heritage of people with diverse backgrounds.
for each)
Comprehend the story through its elements.
Summarize the story through SWBST chart.
Underscore the values reflected in the story.
Demonstrate understanding of the text by performing
differentiated learning activities.
C. Presenting examples/instances What can you sacrifice for the sake of your parents?
of the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and Vocabulary development
practicing new skills #1 Figure out the meaning of each italicized word using context clues.
In the Tower of the Great Bell: now the (1) mallet is lifted to (2)
smite the lips of the metal monster—the vast lips inscribed with
Buddhist texts.
Therefore, the molds had to be once more prepared, and the fires (5)
rekindled, and the metal remelted, and all the work tediously and (6)
toilsomely repeated.
(7) Gold and brass will never meet in wedlock, silver, and iron never
will embrace, until the flesh of a maiden be melted in the crucible;
until the blood of a virgin be mixed with the metals in their fusion.”
What does this mean?
And even as she cried, she (8)leaped into the white flood of metal.
E. Discussing new concepts and The learners will watch the story “The Soul of the Great Bell”
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads to Untying the Knot
Formative Assessment 3)
Character Analyzers and Setting Identifiers
Give the characters and their respective traits
Give the setting of the story.
Conflict Magnifiers
Give the major conflict in the story. Support your answer by
providing scenes from the story.
Climax Highlighters
Give the most interesting part of the story. Explain your
Theme Diggers
Give the general message about life of the story.
In a Nutshell…
Summarize the story through the SWBST Chart
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily Group 1: Sing your heart out!
living Sing even just the chorus of the song that you can connect to the
story. Explain the connection.
H. Making generalizations and What family values of Chinese people are evident in the story? Do
abstractions about the lesson we share the same values? Explain.
I. Evaluating learning Quiz
What kind of bell did the emperor want to be made?
Who was tasked to make the bell?
What are the elements needed to make up the great bell?
In what perspective was the story told?
What is the conflict in the story?
How many times did Kuan Yu fail in mixing the alloy?
What would happen to Kuan Yu if he would fail to make the
bell as commanded by the emperor?
What was the only way for the bell to be cast successfully?
Who is the author of the story?
What is the central message of the story?
B. Additional activities for Agreement:
application or remediation By delivering a short message, you try to persuade your fellow youth to
express their love towards their parents despite the circumstances they
are in.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
CRITERIA 10 (Excellent) 7 (Very Satisfactory) 5 (Satisfactory) 3 (Fair)
Lyrics The lyrics is very The lyrics is meaningful The lyrics is The lyrics is not
meaningful and somewhat meaningful
relevant meaningful
Melody Melody is simple but Melody is simple and Melody is fair but not Melody requires
very catchy. Rhythm catchy. Rhythm and catchy. It could be much improvement.
and melody range melody range are improved It is not appealing.
are appropriate and appropriate and rhythmically and
appealing. appealing. melodically.
Work Division All members of the Some members of the Only few members Only one member of
group contributed in group contributed in of the group the group
making the output. making the output. contributed in contributed in
making the output. making the output.