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Wire Transfer: User Guide

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User Guide

©2021 First Horizon Bank. Member FDIC. REV 11/21


WIRE TRANSFERS. ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

LOGGING ON TO THE SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................... 3
PREFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Wires MODULE ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
WIRE SUMMARY TAB ................................................................................................................................................. 7
WIRE SUMMARY TAB: CLOSE-UP VIEW ...................................................................................................................... 9
CREATING FED WIRE TRANSFERS ............................................................................................................................. 10
BANK LOOKUP .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
EDITING A WIRE ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
CREATING FED WIRE TRANSFER TEMPLATES ........................................................................................................... 19
EDITING A TEMPLATE ............................................................................................................................................... 27
ADDING A BENEFICIARY............................................................................................................................................ 29
NEW FED WIRE TRANSFER BATCH ............................................................................................................................ 33
CREATING BOOK WIRE TRANSFERS .......................................................................................................................... 34
CREATING BOOK WIRE TRANSFER TEMPLATES ........................................................................................................ 40
CREATING DRAWDOWN WIRE TRANSFERS .............................................................................................................. 46
CREATING DRAWDOWN WIRE TRANSFER TEMPLATES ............................................................................................ 51
CREATING TAX WIRE TRANSFERS ............................................................................................................................. 58
CREATING TAX WIRE TEMPLATES............................................................................................................................. 64
INTERNATIONAL WIRE INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 67
CREATING INTERNATIONAL WIRE TRANSFERS ......................................................................................................... 68
FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES ..................................................................................................................................... 72
MANAGING USERS.................................................................................................................................................... 74
ADDING A USER ........................................................................................................................................................ 76
DUAL APPROVAL....................................................................................................................................................... 78
MANAGING APPROVAL WORKFLOWS...................................................................................................................... 78
ADDING AND EDITING AN APPROVAL WORKFLOW LEVEL ....................................................................................... 80
MANAGING APPROVAL GROUPS .............................................................................................................................. 83
ADDING AN APPROVAL GROUP ................................................................................................................................ 84
EDITING AN APPROVAL GROUP................................................................................................................................ 85
ADDING USERS TO AN APPROVAL GROUP ............................................................................................................... 85
APPROVING TRANSACTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 85
WORKING WITH AUDIT REPORTS ............................................................................................................................. 88
SYSTEM ACTIVITY REPORTS ...................................................................................................................................... 89
WORKING WITH CUSTOM REPORT CRITERIA ........................................................................................................... 90
SETTING LIMITS FOR EACH USER .............................................................................................................................. 91

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A wire transfer is an electronic transfer of funds from a specified bank and account to a different specified bank and
account, either domestically or internationally. The bank’s wire system is part of our Business Banking Online. Users of
this system can create and edit wires and wire templates, check on the status of wires, add beneficiaries, approve
wires, and run wire usage reports.



1. Near the top right of the screen select Log In.

2. Enter your User ID and temporary Password provided by the bank and click Log In
3. Select a method to receive your verification code (Text, Phone, or Email), click Continue.
4. Next enter the verification code send to your chosen verification method, click Continue.
5. The system will prompt you to reset your password.
a. Create a new password using the criteria provided.
b. Enter new password.
c. Confirm new password.
d. Click Reset.
e. Your password has changed, click on Continue.
6. Read and Accept the Terms and Conditions.
7. You will now be prompted to go through initial security enrollment – click Continue.
a. Verify your personal information and set up challenge questions.
b. Once you have finished, a confirmation information is displayed.
c. Verify the information is correct, then click Accept & Enroll.
d. If information is not correct, click on the back button make necessary updates, click Continue, verify
updated information and click Accept & Enroll.

1. Near the top right of the screen select Log In.
2. Enter your User ID and password and select Log in.
3. A security challenge question will be required if we do not recognize the device being used.

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If the Security Challenge screen displays. Answer the security question and click CONTINUE.

You land on the Overview page, the system’s home page.

When selecting Wire, you will be required to enter a token code before entering the module.

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The Preferences page allows users to add or modify phone numbers and select a default phone number for all high- risk

To add a phone number, click on the Add Phone Number link. Enter the phone number and select Text, Voice, or both.
You can select which default number will display first on the Verification Method page each time a transaction is

Users are limited to four phone numbers. To delete a phone number, click the Delete icon.

NOTE: The bank uses a layered security technique, Verification Method, that uses out-of-band phone or text messages
to verify high-risk transactions. When a user creates a Wire Beneficiary or Wire transaction, Verification Method
challenges the user to confirm the transaction by requesting a verification code to be delivered via voice message or text
message. Once the user receives the message with the verification code, he or she must enter the code to continue with
the transaction.

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The links to four modules are displayed just below the top ribbon (if you are entitled to them):

Click WIRES. When selecting Wire, you will be required to enter a token code before entering the module.

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Five tabs appear under the Wires module:

• Wire Summary – Use this tab to review the status of wires or to locate a wire
• Templates – Use this tab to create a new template or locate an existing template
• Beneficiary – Use this tab to create a new beneficiary or locate an existing beneficiary
• New Wire – Use this tab to create a new wire
• New Batch – Use this wire to create a new batch


The screen below shows the first tab in the Wires module, Wire Summary, which includes the following three islands:
• Summary of Wire Transfers Submitted for Approval or Rejected
• Pending Wire Transfer Summary – displays information regarding pending transfers, such as future-dated
• Completed Wire Transfer Summary – displays information for transfers that have been processed

This screen can be used as a quick reference to check on the status of wire transfers for any date range. Each table
displays the transfer date; transfer type; the account from which the funds are to be drawn; the account to which the
money is being transferred; the beneficiary; transfer status; and transfer amount.

Click the Sort icon to the right of any table column heading to sort the table by that column.

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Click the Envelope icon on the right to send a message to the Business Service Center.

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The screen below shows a close-up view of the top of the Wire Summary tab screen.

To view wire transfers within a specified date range, click the Calendar icons and choose dates from the calendar
pop-up. Then, choose either My Wires or Business Wires and select the wire type. Click REFRESH VIEW to display the

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The bank uses FED Wire for domestic wires. When you create a single FED Wire transfer, provide information for all
required fields (indicated by asterisks).

1. To begin creating a new FED (domestic) wire, click on NEW WIRE.

2. Select FED Wire as the wire type.
3. Under Debit Information, select an account from the Debit Account list. This is the account the funds are
transferred from.

Optionally, enter account search criteria in the Account Filter. Search criteria examples include account
number, nickname, account type, routing number, etc.
a. Click SEARCH. The page refreshes and the Debit menu is repopulated with the accounts that best
match your search criteria.
b. Select an account.
4. Enter the transfer Amount. Do not enter a currency symbol. If you enter more than two decimal places, the
value will be rounded to two decimal places.
5. In the Value Date field, enter the processing date, either by using the format mm/dd/yyyy, or by using the
Calendar icon to select a date. If the date falls on a day when processing would not normally occur (for
example, on a Sunday), the date is changed to the next available processing date.
6. If this is a Repeating transfer, indicate the number of repeats:
a. Select Unlimited to continue the transfer indefinitely, or
b. Select # of Payments, and in the associated field, enter the number of recurring payments you want to

7. Indicate the beneficiary, or recipient, of the wire transfer:

 If wire templates exist: Click on TEMPLATES and select a template from the list by checking the box
at left. Click CREATE WIRE to fill in all required Beneficiary Info and Beneficiary Bank Info fields.
 If beneficiaries already exist: Select a beneficiary from the Select a Beneficiary or Enter a New One
Below dropdown list to fill in all required Beneficiary Info and Beneficiary Bank Info fields.
 Or, create a new beneficiary by completing the required Beneficiary Info fields.

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8. For new beneficiaries, provide Beneficiary Bank Info including the Bank Name, Country, and FEDABA
(routing number). If you are unsure of the routing number, perform a Bank Lookup:
a. Above the Bank Name field, click SEARCH.
b. In the Bank Lookup dialog box, enter your search criteria and click SEARCH.
c. From the Bank Lookup Results page, select the appropriate bank name and click INSERT BANKINFO.

NOTE: If the Bank Lookup fails, click SEARCH AGAIN to return to the search page. Retry the
search or enter the information manually and click MANUAL ENTRY.

9. If transfers to the beneficiary bank are routed through an intermediary bank, click ADD INTERMEDIARY
BANK. For the Intermediary Bank Info, you can perform a Bank Lookup:
a. Above the Bank Name field, click SEARCH.
b. In the Bank Lookup dialog box, enter your search criteria and click SEARCH.
c. From the Bank Lookup Results page, select the appropriate bank name and click INSERT BANKINFO.

NOTE: If the Bank Lookup fails, click SEARCH AGAIN to return to the search page. Retry the search or
enter the information manually and click MANUAL ENTRY.
d. Enter the Correspondent Bank Account Number for the beneficiary bank's account at the last
intermediary bank added. For transfers with multiple intermediary banks, also enter the
Correspondent Bank Account Number for the last-added intermediary bank's account at the
previous intermediary bank.

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10. Optionally, enter details in the Originator to Beneficiary Information and Bank to Bank Information fields.
11. Click SUBMIT WIRE.

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New Fed Wire Transfer screen

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If you are unsure of a FED ABA (routing number) or SWIFT number, perform a Bank Lookup:
 Above the Bank Name field, click SEARCH.
 In the Bank Lookup dialog box, enter your search criteria and click SEARCH.
 From the Bank Lookup Results page, select the appropriate bank name; then click INSERT BANK INFO.

The FED Wire Transfer Confirm screen appears. If data is missing or incorrect, an error message will be displayed.
If all information is correct, click CONFIRM/SUBMIT WIRE. You also have the option to SAVE AS TEMPLATE.

Users who are set up for a telephone or text verification method: Verify the contents on the screen and select a
phone number, then click SEND CODE. Once you receive the verification code, enter the code (including the dash)
in the Submit Code field. Click SUBMIT CODE to complete the transaction.

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The system assigns a Tracking ID and Application ID to the wire after you click CONFIRM/SUBMIT WIRE. Then, click

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When you click DONE, the system displays the Wire Transfers summary screen, and you can now see the wire on
the list.

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To edit a wire, click on the Wire Summary tab.

In the Beneficiary column, click the link to the wire you want to edit.

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Edit the wire, and then click SUBMIT WIRE to save the edits.

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Templates enable users to perform subsequent wire transfers without having to supply information for all fields.
When creating a template, provide information for all required fields (indicated by asterisks).

NOTE: You cannot edit fields under Beneficiary Info and Beneficiary Bank Info when editing wire transfer

1. To begin creating a template, click on TEMPLATES and click the NEW TEMPLATE button.
2. Click on NEW WIRE.
3. Select FED Wire as the wire type.

4. Enter a Template Name.

5. Enter a Template Nickname (optional) to distinguish this template from others.
6. Select the Template Category. The category determines which fields you can edit when loading the template
to create a new wire:
 Free-form- All
 Repetitive- Amount, Value Date, and Settlement Date
Semi-repetitive- Amount, Value Date, Settlement Date, Reference for Beneficiary comment,
Originator to Beneficiary Information
7. From the Template Scope list, select the scope for the template: Business (General Use).
8. Under Debit Information, select an account from the Debit Account list. This is the account funds are
transferred from.

Optionally, enter account search criteria in the Account Filter. Search criteria examples include account
number, nickname, and routing number.
 Click SEARCH. The page refreshes and the Debit menu is repopulated with the accounts that best
match your search criteria.
 Select an account.

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9. If this is a Repeating transfer, indicate the number of repeats:
 Select Unlimited to continue the transfer indefinitely, or
 Select # of Transfers, and in the associated field, enter the number of recurring transfers you want
to make.

10. Indicate the Beneficiary Info, or recipient, of the wire transfer:

 If beneficiaries already exist: Select a beneficiary from the Select a Beneficiary or Enter a New
One Below dropdown list to fill in all required Beneficiary Info and Beneficiary Bank Info fields.
 Or, create a new beneficiary by completing the required Beneficiary Info fields.
11. For new beneficiaries, provide Beneficiary Bank Info including the Bank Name, Country, and FEDABA
(routing number). If you are unsure of the routing number, perform a Bank Lookup:
a. Above the Bank Name field, click SEARCH.
b. In the Bank Lookup dialog box, enter your search criteria and click SEARCH.
c. From the Bank Lookup Results page, select the appropriate bank name and click INSERT BANKINFO.

NOTE: If the Bank Lookup fails, click SEARCH AGAIN to return to the search page. Retry the search or enter the
information manually and click MANUAL ENTRY.

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12. If transfers to the beneficiary bank are routed through an intermediary bank, click ADD INTERMEDIARY
BANK. For the Intermediary Bank Info, you can perform a Bank Lookup:
 In the Bank Lookup dialog box, enter your search criteria and click SEARCH.
 From the Bank Lookup Results page, select the appropriate bank name; then, click INSERT BANKINFO.

NOTE: If the Bank Lookup fails, click SEARCH AGAIN to return to the search page. Retry the search or enter the
information manually and click MANUAL ENTRY.

 Enter the Correspondent Bank Account Number for the beneficiary bank’s account at the last
added intermediary bank. For transfers with multiple intermediary banks, also enter the
Correspondent Bank Account Number for the last added intermediary bank’s account at the
previous intermediary bank.
13. Optionally, enter details in the Originator to Beneficiary Information and Bank to Bank Information fields.

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Click the NEW TEMPLATE button to create a new template. See New FED Wire Transfer Template screen on next

Templates tab

Click to create a new


Click link to edit the template

Check box to use this template

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New FED Wire Transfer Template screen

After you click SAVE TEMPLATE, the following FED Wire Transfer Template Confirm screen will appear.
Click SAVE TEMPLATE at the bottom of the screen.

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On the Auto-Entitle Confirmation screen, click YES or NO; then click SAVE.

After you click SAVE TEMPLATE, the Auto-Entitle Confirmation screen will appear with a message notifying you that
“Your FED wire template has been saved” and a Tracking ID and Application ID have been assigned. Click DONE.

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The template now appears on the Business Template list on the Wire Transfer Templates screen:

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To edit a template, click on the Templates tab.

In the Template Name column, click the link to the template you want to edit.

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Edit the template, and then click SAVE TEMPLATE.

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To add a beneficiary, click on the Beneficiary tab. Then, click ADD BENEFICIARY.

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Complete the Add FED Wire Beneficiary screen. Then, click SAVE BENEFICIARY.

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Wire Beneficiary Confirm screen


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After you click CONFIRM/SAVE BENEFICIARY the Wire Beneficiary screen will appear with a message notifying you that
“Your beneficiary has been submitted for dual approval.” Click DONE.

The new beneficiary now appears on the Wire Beneficiaries Submitted for Approval or Rejected island in the
Beneficiary tab:

NOTE: Dual approval is required on all wires unless the customer has signed a Dual Approval Opt-Out Agreement. When
one person initiates a wire, another person is required to approve and release it.

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If the verification method for adding a beneficiary requires phone or text verification: Verify the contents on the screen,
select a phone number, and click SEND CODE. Once you receive the verification code, enter the code (including the
dash) in the Submit Code field and click SUBMIT CODE to complete the transaction.


This function is used to submit multiple wire payments at the same time. It is used to send out multiple wires faster;
however, the wires do not all go out at the same time or as the same wire. They are each treated as individual wires
and each individual wire in the batch is subject to approval.

To create a New FED Wire Transfer Batch, select each wire for the batch from the Template Name dropdown menu on
the left.

Then insert the amount of the wire on the right side, under Amount.

Once you have added all wires for the batch, click SUBMIT WIRE BATCH.

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When creating a single book wire transfer, provide information for all required fields (indicated by asterisks).

NOTE: You cannot edit fields under Beneficiary Info and Beneficiary Bank Info when editing wire transfers.

1. To begin creating a book wire transfer, click on NEW WIRE.

2. Select Book as the wire type.
3. Under Debit Information, select an account from the Debit Account list. This is the account the funds are
transferred from.

Optionally, enter account search criteria in the Account Filter. Search criteria examples include account
number, nickname, account type, and routing number.
 Click SEARCH. The page refreshes and the Debit menu is repopulated with the accounts that best
match your search criteria.
 Select an account.
4. Enter the transfer Amount. Do not enter a currency symbol. If you enter more than two decimal places, the
value will be rounded to two decimal places.
5. In the Value Date field, enter the processing date, either by using the format mm/dd/yyyy, or by using the
Calendar icon to select a date. If the date falls on a day when processing would not normally occur (for
example, on a Sunday), the date is changed to the next available processing date.
6. If this is a Repeating transfer, indicate the number of repeats:
 Select Unlimited to continue the transfer indefinitely, or
 Select # of Payments, and in the associated field, enter the number of recurring payments you want to

7. Indicate the beneficiary, or recipient, of the wire transfer:

 If beneficiaries already exist: Select a beneficiary from the Select a Beneficiary or Enter a New One
Below dropdown list to fill in all required Beneficiary Info and Beneficiary Bank Info fields.
 Or, create a new beneficiary by completing the required Beneficiary Info fields.

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8. Under Bank Beneficiary Info, select an Affiliate Bank. Bank Name, City, State, and FED ABA (routing
number) will auto-populate.

9. Optionally, enter details in the Originator to Beneficiary Information field.

10. Click SUBMIT WIRE.

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New Book Wire Transfer screen

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The Book Wire Transfer Confirm screen appears. If data is missing or incorrect, an error message will be displayed. If all
information is correct, click CONFIRM/SUBMIT WIRE. Users also have the option to SAVE AS TEMPLATE.

If the user is set up for a telephone or text verification method, verify the contents on the screen and select a phone
number; then, click SEND CODE. Once you receive the verification code, enter the code (including the dash) in the
Submit Code field and click SUBMIT CODE to complete the transaction.

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After you click CONFIRM/SUBMIT WIRE, the Book Wire Transfer Confirm screen will appear with messages notifying
you that a Tracking ID and Application ID have been assigned. Click DONE.

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The book wire now appears in the Completed Wire Transfer Summary on the Wire Summary screen.

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When creating a book wire transfer template, provide information for all required fields (indicated by asterisks).

NOTE: When editing book wire transfer templates, you cannot edit fields under Beneficiary Info and Beneficiary Bank

1. To begin creating a book wire transfer template, click on TEMPLATES and click the NEW TEMPLATE button.
2. Click on NEW WIRE.
3. Select Book as the wire type.
4. Enter a Template Name.
5. Enter a Template Nickname (optional) to distinguish this template from others.
6. Select the Template Category. The category determines which fields you can edit when loading the template to
create a new wire:
• Free-form- All
• Repetitive- Amount, Value Date, and Settlement Date
• Semi-repetitive- Amount, Value Date, Settlement Date, Originator To Beneficiary Information, Bank
To Bank Information, and By Order Of Information
7. From the Template Scope list, select the scope for the template: Business (General Use).

8. Under Debit Information, select an account from the Debit Account list. This is the account the funds are
transferred from.

Optionally, enter account search criteria in the Account Filter. Search criteria examples include
account number, nickname, account type, and routing number.
 Click SEARCH. The page refreshes and the Debit menu is repopulated with the accounts
that best match your search criteria.
 Select an account.

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9. If this is a Repeating transfer, indicate the number of repeats:
 Select Unlimited to continue the transfer indefinitely, or
 Select # of Payments, and in the associated field, enter the number of recurring transfers you want to

10. Indicate the beneficiary, or recipient, of the wire transfer:

 If beneficiaries already exist: Select a beneficiary from the Select a Beneficiary or Enter a
New One Below dropdown list to fill in all required Beneficiary Info and Beneficiary Bank
Info fields.
 Or, create a new beneficiary by completing the required Beneficiary Info fields.
11. Under Bank Beneficiary Info, select an Affiliate Bank. Bank Name, City, State, and FED ABA
(routing number) will auto-populate.

12. Optionally, enter details in the Originator to Beneficiary Information field.

13. Optional:
a. In the Template Lifecycle section, enter a description of your changes in the Add Comment field.
b. Click TEMPLATE HISTORY to view past template details.

NOTE: Click CANCEL to return to the Wire Transfer Templates page without saving the transfer
or saving your edits.

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New Book Wire Transfer Template screen:

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Book Wire Transfer Template Confirm screen:


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Auto-Entitle Confirmation screen:

Click YES; then click SAVE.

After you click SAVE the Auto-Entitle Confirmation screen will appear with a message notifying you that “Your Book
wire template has been saved” and a Tracking ID and Application ID have been assigned. Click DONE.

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After you click DONE, the new template will appear on the Business Template list in the Templates tab.

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When creating a single drawdown wire transfer, provide information for all required fields (indicated by asterisks).

NOTE: You cannot edit fields under Debit Bank Information when editing drawdown wire transfers.

1. To begin creating a new drawdown wire, click on NEW WIRE.

2. Select Drawdown as the wire type.
3. Enter the transfer Amount. Do not enter a currency symbol. If you enter more than two decimal places, the
value will be rounded to two decimal places.
4. In the Value Date field, enter the processing date, either by using the format mm/dd/yyyy, or by using the
Calendar icon to select a date. If the date falls on a day when processing would not normally occur (for
example, on a Sunday), the date is changed to the next available processing date.
5. If this is a Repeating transfer, indicate the number of repeats:
• Select Unlimited to continue the transfer indefinitely, or
• Select # of Payments, and in the associated field, enter the number of recurring payments you want to

6. Select an account from the Credit Account list, and all required Beneficiary Info and Beneficiary Bank Info will

Optionally, enter account search criteria in the Account Filter. Search criteria examples include account
number, nickname, account type, and routing number.
 Click SEARCH. The page refreshes and the Credit menu is repopulated with the accounts that best
match your search criteria.
 Select an account.
7. Indicate the debit account for the wire transfer:
 If debit accounts already exist: Select a debit account from the list to fill in all required Debit Account
Info and Debit Bank Info fields.
 Or, create a new debit account by filling in the required Debit Account Info fields.

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8. For new debit accounts, provide the Debit Bank Name and Debit ABA (routing number). If you are unsure of
the routing number, perform a Bank Lookup:
 Above the Bank Name field, click SEARCH.
 In the Bank Lookup dialog box, enter your search criteria and click SEARCH.
 From the Bank Lookup Results page, select the appropriate bank name and click INSERT BANKINFO.

NOTE: If the Bank Lookup fails, click SEARCH AGAIN to return to the search page. Retry the search or enter the
information manually and click MANUAL ENTRY.

9. Optionally, enter details in the Originator to Beneficiary Information and Bank to Bank Information fields.
10. Click SUBMIT WIRE.

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New Drawdown Wire Transfer screen:

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The Drawdown Wire Transfer Confirm screen appears. If data is missing or incorrect, an error message will be
displayed. If all information is correct, click CONFIRM/SUBMIT WIRE. Users also have the option to Save as Template.

NOTE: If the user is set up for a telephone or text verification method, verify the contents on the screen and select a
phone number, then click SEND CODE. Once you receive the verification code, enter the code (including the dash) in the
Submit Code field. Click SUBMIT CODE to complete the transaction.

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After you click CONFIRM/SUBMIT WIRE, the Drawdown Wire Transfer Confirm screen will appear with messages
notifying you that a Tracking ID and Application ID have been assigned.

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When creating a drawdown wire transfer template, provide information for all required fields (indicated by asterisks).
NOTE: When editing drawdown wire transfer templates, you cannot edit fields under Debit Bank Information.

1. To begin creating a book wire transfer template, click on TEMPLATES and click the NEW TEMPLATE button.
2. Click on NEW WIRE.
3. Select Drawdown as the wire type.
4. Enter a Template Name.
5. Enter a Template Nickname (optional) to distinguish this template from others.
6. Select the Template Category. The category determines which fields you can edit when loading the template to
create a new wire:
 Free-form- All
 Repetitive- Amount, Value Date, and Settlement Date
 Semi-repetitive- Amount, Value Date, Settlement Date, Originator To Beneficiary Information, and
Bank To Bank Information
7. From the Template Scope list, select the scope for the template: Business (General Use).
8. Set the Template Limit, as applicable.
9. If this is a Repeating transfer, indicate the number of repeats:
 Select Unlimited to continue the transfer indefinitely, or
 Select # of Payments, and in the associated field, enter the number of recurring payments you want to

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10. Select an account from the Credit Account list, and all required Beneficiary Info and Beneficiary Bank Info will

Optionally, enter account search criteria in the Account Filter. Search criteria examples include account
number, nickname, account type, and routing number.
 Click SEARCH. The page refreshes and the Credit menu is repopulated with the accounts that best
match your search criteria.
 Select an account.

11. Indicate the debit account for the wire transfer:

 If debit accounts already exist: Select a debit account from the list to fill in all required Debit Account
Info and Debit Bank Info fields.
 Or, create a new debit account by filling in the required Debit Account Info fields.
12. For new debit accounts, provide the Debit Bank Name and Debit ABA (routing number). If you are unsure of
the routing number, perform a Bank Lookup:
 Above the Bank Name field, click SEARCH.
 In the Bank Lookup dialog box, enter your search criteria and click SEARCH.
 From the Bank Lookup Results page, select the appropriate bank name and click INSERT BANKINFO.

NOTE: If the Bank Lookup fails, click SEARCH AGAIN to return to the search page. Retry the search or enter
the information manually and click MANUAL ENTRY.

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13. Optionally, enter details in the Originator to Beneficiary Information and Bank to Bank Information
NOTE: Click CANCEL to return to the Wire Transfers page without saving the template or saving your edits.

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New Drawdown Wire Transfer Template screen

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Drawdown Wire Transfer Template Confirm screen


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Auto-Entitle Confirmation screen

Click YES; then click SAVE.

After you click SAVE, the Auto-Entitle Confirmation screen will appear with a message notifying you that “Your
Drawdown wire template has been saved” and a Tracking ID and Application ID have been assigned. Click DONE.

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The template appears on the Business Template list in the Templates tab.

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Tax wire users must understand the tax form requirements as described in the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System

When creating a single Tax wire transfer, provide information for all required fields (indicated by asterisks).

NOTE: You cannot edit fields under Beneficiary Info and Beneficiary Bank Info when editing Tax wire transfers. In the
case of Tax wires, Beneficiary Bank Info is auto-filled with IRS information.
1. To begin creating a Tax wire transfer, click on NEW WIRE.
2. Select Tax as the wire type.

3. Under Debit Information, select an account from the Debit Account list. This is the account the funds are
transferred from.

Optionally, enter account search criteria in the Account Filter. Search criteria examples include account
number, nickname, account type, and routing number.
o Click SEARCH. The page refreshes and the Debit menu is repopulated with the accounts that
best match your search criteria.
o Select an account.
4. Enter the transfer Amount. Do not enter a currency symbol. If you enter more than two decimal places, the
value will be rounded to two decimal places.
5. In the Value Date field, enter the processing date, either by using the format mm/dd/yyyy, or by using the
Calendar icon to select a date. If the date falls on a day when processing would not normally occur (for
example, on a Sunday), the date is changed to the next available processing date.

Fields are provided for:

 Wire Amount (USD)
 Tax Amount (this is a required field)
 Interest Amount
 Penalty Amount

Wire Transfer Page | 58

6. Complete the required Beneficiary Info fields (Beneficiary Bank Info fields will auto-populate):
 Taxpayer Identification Number – Enter nine-digit Tax ID Number
 Taxpayer Name Control – Enter the first four letters of your Business Name as it appears on your
Tax ID
 Taxpayer Name – Enter your full Business Name as it appears on your Tax ID
 Tax Type Code – Enter the five-digit Tax Type Code
 Tax Month (MM) – Enter two digits indicating the month for which you are paying (for example,
June would be 06)
 Tax Year (YY) – Enter the last two digits of the year you are paying (for example, 2015 would be 15)

7. Non-required fields are provided for the following:

 Codes associated with Tax Type Codes 9410x and 9440x
o SOCS (Social Security)
o MEDI (Medicare)
o WITH (Withholding)
 Codes associated with Tax Type Codes 1000x
o RRB Tier I (FICA Equivalent)
o RRB Tier II (Industry Portion)
 Codes associated with Tax Type Codes 7200x

Wire Transfer Page | 59

New Tax Wire Transfer screen:

Wire Transfer Page | 60

The Tax Wire Transfer Confirm screen appears. If data is missing or incorrect, an error message will be displayed. If all
information is correct, click CONFIRM/SUBMIT WIRE. Users also have the option to Save as Template.

If the user is set up for a telephone or text verification method, verify the contents on the screen and select a phone
number; then, click SEND CODE. Once you receive the Verification Code, enter the code (including the dash) in the
Submit Code field and click SUBMIT CODE to complete the transaction.

Wire Transfer Page | 61

After you click CONFIRM/SUBMIT WIRE, the Tax Wire Transfer Confirm screen will appear with messages notifying you
that a Tracking ID and Application ID have been assigned. Click DONE.

Wire Transfer Page | 62

The Tax wire is now listed on the Wire Summary screen in Pending Wire Transfer Summary:

Wire Transfer Page | 63

When creating a Tax wire template, provide information for all required fields (indicated by asterisks).

NOTE: The system will put you in the New Wire tab to create your template. In the case of Tax wires, Beneficiary Bank
Info is auto-filled with IRS information.
1. To begin creating a template, click on TEMPLATES and click the NEW TEMPLATE button.
2. Click on NEW WIRE.
3. Select Tax as the wire type.
4. Enter a Template Name.
5. Enter a Template Nickname (optional) to distinguish this template from others.
6. Select the Template Category. The category determines which fields you can edit when loading the template to
create a new wire:
 Free-form – All
 Repetitive – Amount, Value Date, and Settlement Date
 Semi-repetitive – Amount, Value Date, Settlement Date, Reference for Beneficiary comment,
Originator to Beneficiary Information, and By Order of Information
7. From the Template Scope list, select the scope for the template: Business (General Use).

8. Under Debit Information, select an account from the Debit Account list. This is the account funds are
transferred from.

Optionally, enter account search criteria in the Account Filter. Search criteria examples include account
number, nickname, and routing number.
 Click SEARCH. The page refreshes and the Debit menu is repopulated with the accounts that best
match your search criteria.
 Select an account.
9. Set the Template Limit, as applicable.

Wire Transfer Page | 64

10. Fields are provided for:
 Wire Amount (USD)
 Tax Amount (this is a required field)
 Interest Amount
 Penalty Amount

11. Complete the required Beneficiary Info fields (Beneficiary Bank Info fields will auto-populate):
 Taxpayer Identification Number- Enter nine-digit Tax ID Number
 Taxpayer Name Control- Enter the first four letters of your Business Name as it appears on your Tax
 Taxpayer Name- Enter your full Business Name as it appears on your Tax ID
 Tax Type Code- Enter the five-digit Tax Type Code
 Tax Month (MM)- Enter two digits indicating the month for which you are paying (for example, June
would be 06)
 Tax Year (YY)- Enter the last two digits of the year you are paying (for example, 2022 would be 22)

12. Non-required fields are provided for the following:

 Codes associated with Tax Type Codes 9410x and 9440x
 SOCS (Social Security)
 MEDI (Medicare)
 WITH (Withholding)
 Codes associated with Tax Type Codes 1000x
 RRB Tier I (FICA Equivalent)
 RRB Tier II (Industry Portion)
 Codes associated with Tax Type Codes 7200x

Wire Transfer Page | 65


Wire Transfer Page | 66


The information needed to execute an International Wire Transfer evolves constantly based on the requirements of
different countries. To improve the wires’ release time and to minimize foreign banks’ requests for additional
information, the Business Banking Online Wire module will prompt users for these pieces of information for
International wires when the beneficiary’s country requires them:

 An International Bank Account Number (IBAN)

o An IBAN combines a local country routing number with the beneficiary’s account number
o IBANs may contain additional “check digits” so guessing the IBAN is not recommended
o If you are unsure of digit length or format required for the country’s IBAN, please refer to the IBAN
examples in Country Specific Help link of the Beneficiary Info section.
 Purpose of Payment
o “Purpose” may include invoice numbers or transaction type codes, some of which are unique to the
o In online wire modules, this information is keyed to the Originator to Beneficiary or Payment
Details sections
 Payee or Beneficiary’s Contact Name and Phone Number
o When sending to a party other than an individual, a specific contact person’s name and phone
number may be required in the Originator to Beneficiary or Payment Details sections

 Originator or Payer’s name, account number, and full street address

o Many countries require this information
o Larger companies may show a division as an Originator; if so, add an account number
o Correspondent Banks do not always provide their client’s account number when identifying the

 Review all International Wire templates to see if country requirements are present
 Have this type of information available when initiating a wire request
 Request needed information directly from the intended wire beneficiary
 Confirm beneficiary instructions through a method other than the one where it was received

Be especially wary of instructions received through electronic channels like email or text. Verify the instructions by a
different method with the party giving the instructions. Email security compromise has been the subject of several
government warnings.

Countries and banks can change their requirements without notice. A beneficiary’s bank may also request information
from us after they receive the funds, and they may hold the funds until their required information is provided.

Wire Transfer Page | 67

When creating an international wire transfer, provide information for all required fields (indicated by asterisks).

1. You must first create a new Beneficiary

2. Click Beneficiary tab to enter the information (* denotes required information)
3. Under Beneficiary Info, Beneficiary Type must equal INTERNATIONAL
4. Under Beneficiary Bank, Country must be selected before entering any information to SEARCH
5. Once the Beneficiary Bank COUNTRY is selected from the dropdown box, a search can be conducted on the
SWIFT BIC. A search can also be done on Bank Name.

NOTE: Search will work for EITHER the SWIFT BIC or Bank Name. It will not work with information in both fields.

6. Intermediary Bank is NOT required for an International Wire. The appropriate Intermediary Bank will be chosen
for you.

7. Click Template tab to enter the information (* denotes required information)

8. Click New Template
9. Select Wire Type must be INTERNATIONAL
10. Complete Template Information and Payment Information details

Wire Transfer Page | 68

11. Select a previously created beneficiary from the dropdown box to be inserted into the template

NOTE: Changes needed for the Beneficiary are made under the Beneficiary Tab

12. Create a New Wire

13. Click New Wire Tab to enter the information (* denotes required information)
14. Select Wire Type must be INTERNATIONAL
15. Complete Payment Information details

Note: From the Payment Currency list, select the currency the beneficiary should receive.
For currency other than USD, see the Foreign Exchange Rates section.

Wire Transfer Page | 69

16. Select a previously created beneficiary from the drop down box to be inserted into the new wire

Note: Changes needed for the Beneficiary are made under the Beneficiary Tab

17. Country Specific Help located in the Beneficiary Info section will provide requirements based on country
destination of funds.
18. Under Beneficiary Bank Info, National may become routing/sort code and be required based on the chosen
Beneficiary Bank Country. This information should be obtained from the beneficiary. (See Country Specific Help
for additional information.)
19. Intermediary Bank populates from previously created Beneficiary
20. Originator to Beneficiary section will display country requirements based on the chosen Beneficiary Bank
Country from the previously created Beneficiary.

Field labels (Line 1, Line 2, etc.) will change to reflect requirements. This information should be obtained from
the beneficiary. If it is determined the information is not applicable to the wire, N/A or any form of that will be
accepted. (See Country Specific Help for additional information.)

Wire Transfer Page | 70

21. Click Submit Wire when all information is entered.

The International Wire Transfer Confirm screen appears. If data is missing or incorrect, an error message will be
displayed. If all information is correct, click CONFIRM/SUBMIT WIRE. Users also have the option to Save as Template.

If the user is set up for a telephone or text verification method, verify the contents on the screen and select a phone
number; then, click SEND CODE. Once you receive the Verification Code, enter the code (including the dash) in the
Submit Code field and click SUBMIT CODE to complete the transaction.

After you click CONFIRM/SUBMIT WIRE the International Wire Transfer Confirm screen will appear with a message
notifying you that a Tracking ID and Application ID have been assigned.

The International wire now appears in the Wire Summary tab.

Wire Transfer Page | 71

You can request, review, and accept a foreign exchange rate.

Foreign Exchange Rate Risks:

When you initiate a wire transfer in a foreign currency, you are purchasing currency. After purchasing the currency,
your wire might not be completed and delivered to the beneficiary. Examples of events that would cause the wire to be
 Incorrect currency purchased
 Incorrect amount requested
 Insufficient U.S. Dollars in the debit account you specify
 Insufficient approval limits for wire initiation and/or verification
 Incomplete wire instructions

When a wire is canceled or not delivered to the beneficiary, the foreign currency is sold by you at the prevailing
exchange rate. Because exchange rates change from one minute to the next, and because there is a difference in
purchase and sell rates, it is possible the rate at which you sell the currency is less than the rate at which you purchased
the currency. Such a difference can create a financial loss.

Rate Request
1. Select the account number from the Debit Account dropdown list or, if you know the account number, enter it
in the Account Filter and click SEARCH.
2. Enter the Amount of the wire. The Processing Date will automatically populate to today’s date. A future
processing date is not allowed when purchasing foreign currency.

3. Payment Currency: Use the dropdown menu to select the foreign currency to purchase.
4. Value Date: Use the dropdown menu to select the value date for the exchange request.
 Cash – Wires to beneficiaries in Canada and Mexico may be paid same day if instructions are
released prior to 11:30 am CT.
 Tomorrow – The beneficiary is paid the next business day
 Spot – The beneficiary is paid in two business days

Wire Transfer Page | 72

5. Amount Is: Use the dropdown menu to select the description of the currency amount being sent.
 Foreign Amount – Sending a specific Amount of the chosen Payment Currency
 USD Equivalent – Sending USD worth of the chosen Payment Currency
6. Country Code: Use the dropdown menu to select the country code for the wire recipient.

NOTE: This setting does not affect the rate; it is informational rather than a controlling item. This field is
required if the currency is in EUR. Otherwise, it is optional.
7. Click the REQUEST RATE button to request an exchange rate.

Review Exchange Rate

After you request a rate, the Exchange Rate Review section displays, allowing you to review and Accept Rate or
Reject Rate.

NOTE: The exchange rate information provided will expire and disappear if neither option is selected.

The fields returned from the rate provider include:

 Value Date – The value date of the contract
 Exchange Rate – The exchange rate quoted
 Foreign Amount – The amount of foreign currency to be purchased
 Domestic Amount – The domestic equivalent amount

NOTE: The exchange rate information quoted is valid for a limited time only. A countdown clock will appear and your
acceptance must be received before the clock expires, or the quoted rate will not be secured.

Wire Transfer Page | 73

Foreign Exchange Quote Confirmation
After you click ACCEPT RATE, a screen will appear with a message notifying you that the contract has been booked
and the foreign currency has been purchased.

Ensure the payment details are complete; then click SUBMIT WIRE.

Click ADMIN in the top menu row in the blue ribbon area.

Then, click the USER module.

Wire Transfer Page | 74

Manage Users screen:

The Manage Users screen lists all users defined for your company. Users are the individual company employees
authorized to use online banking. By default, users inherit permissions from the group they belong to, but you can
apply additional restrictions to users as necessary.

Wire Transfer Page | 75

This page enables you to add a new user.

NOTE: Required fields are marked with asterisks.

1. Click ADD USER.

2. Enter the user's first and last name.
3. Enter the user's Address, City, and ZIP/Postal Code and use the State and Country lists to select the user's state
and country.
4. Enter the user's contact information in the Phone and Email fields (required). Fax and Mobile Phone numbers
are optional.
5. In the Username field, enter the name the user will use to log in.
6. In the Password field, provide a login password. The user will enter this password at first login, and will be
prompted to change it later.
7. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.
8. Select the user's status from the dropdown: Active, Inactive, or Temporarily Inactive.
9. Select the user’s group from the Member Of dropdown list. The page will refresh and may return a Primary
Admin menu featuring administrators for the user’s designated group.

Optionally, select a Primary Admin the new user can contact directly using the Contact My Admin feature on
the Home page.

NOTE: Click CANCEL to return to the Manage Users page without adding the new user, or click RESET to reset
all fields.
10. Optionally, to make the new user an administrator, check the Administrator box.
11. To add the new user, click Save.
12. At the Auto-Entitle Confirmation prompt, you will be asked if you wish to make all features immediately
available to the new profile. Click either Yes or No.
13. Click Save.
14. Confirm user add by selecting Done, Permissions Wizard, or Clone Permissions.

NOTE: Click CANCEL to return to the Manage Users page without adding the entitlement profile or click BACK to
return to the Add Entitlement Profile page.

To assign a user to an approval group – click Approval Group to manage the user's approval groups.

To edit users – click the Edit icon for the user you want to edit.

Wire Transfer Page | 76

Add User screen:

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Dual Approval is a security control that requires secondary authorization to release wire requests and add or modify
user entitlements, beneficiaries, and templates. Dual approval is required on all bank wires unless the Dual Approval
Opt-Out Agreement is completed and signed. The customer must designate at least two administrators to manage
updates to BBOL user entitlements and updates to the beneficiary list. The following sections show how to manage,
add, and edit approval workflows.

NOTE: Administrators cannot allocate wire authority that exceeds their personal authorization.


An approval workflow specifies the users or groups who approve certain banking activities. You can add multiple levels
to a workflow, meaning a particular user or group can approve activities with a relatively low dollar amount, while a
different set of users or groups can approve activities with higher dollar amounts.
At each level of the workflow, you can specify multiple users and groups who approve the activity, as well as the order
in which the users or groups approve transactions. A transaction is sent for processing once the final person in an
approval workflow approves the transaction.

NOTE: Transactions exceeding bank limits are rejected if no workflow levels are defined for them.

From this page:

 View existing approval workflows – from the Activity Type list, select the bank activity to view the approval
workflow for.
 Add levels of approval – select an activity type and click ADD LEVEL to add levels to the activity's approval
 Edit levels of approval – select an activity type and click EDIT for the level of approval to edit.
 Delete levels of approval – select an activity type and click DELETE for the level of approval to delete. On the
confirmation page, click DELETE.

Wire Transfer Page | 78

Manage Approval Workflows screen:

Wire Transfer Page | 79

This page enables you to set limits and establish the approval chain for the selected activity. Transactions with amounts
that fall between the minimum and maximum amounts you specify need to be approved by the users and groups listed
in the approval chain. For example, transactions for more than 500 but less than 1000 dollars may require approval by
any member of a finance team; transactions for more than 1000 but less than 5000 require approval by two different
members of a special finance committee; and transactions for more than 5000 require approval from all members of
the finance committee and the CFO. The following section shows how to add or edit an approval workflow level.

NOTE: When editing an approval workflow level, you can perform any of the following actions.

1. In the Transaction Value Range fields, enter the minimum and maximum transaction amounts for the level.
2. Add users or groups to the approval chain:

NOTE: Users and groups that are not entitled to perform approvals at each step of the approval workflow do
not appear in the Users, Groups, and Approval Groups lists. You can set the appropriate permissions for a user,
group, or approval group by accessing the Admin module from the main banking toolbar. See Step 3 to access a
list of required permissions for the approval workflow.
 From the User list, select a user and click ADD to move that user to the Current Approval Chain list.
 From the Group list, select a group and click ADD to move that group to the Current Approval Chain
list. Specify whether to enable cascading for the selected group.

NOTE: Cascading ensures that users who have appropriate entitlements within the group's descendant
hierarchy can perform approvals. Groups that are marked with a "(cascading)" indicator do not have
direct approval eligibility but fulfill all entitlement requirements throughout their descendant hierarchy
and are eligible for approval in cascading mode.
 From the Approval Group list, select an approval group and click ADD to move that group to the
Current Approval Chain list.

NOTE: To remove a user or group from the Current Approval Chain list, select a user or group and click
REMOVE. To remove all users and groups in the Current Approval Chain list, click REMOVE ALL.
3. For certain activity types, a View Permissions icon displays. To view permissions for a particular user or group,
select the user or group and click VIEW PERMISSIONS. When finished viewing, close the window.
4. To reorder the Current Approval Chain list, select a user or group, and use the MOVE UP and MOVE DOWN
buttons to move the user or group up or down in the approval chain.

NOTE: Click CANCEL to return to the previous page without saving your changes.
5. Click SAVE.

Wire Transfer Page | 80

To add approval workflow level, choose an Activity Type. Then click ADD LEVEL.

Wire Transfer Page | 81

MANAGING APPROVAL WORKFLOWS: Use this screen to add an approval workflow level.

Wire Transfer Page | 82

The Manage Approval Groups page lists all approval groups defined for your company. Approval groups consist of
entitled bank employees and business employees, and are used within approval workflows. Any user in an approval
group can approve or reject a transaction. If more than one member of the group submits a decision, the first decision
is accepted.

Approval groups can contain users from any division or group in the business, and users can be assigned to more than
one approval group.

From this page:

 Add an approval group – click ADD GROUP.
 Edit an approval group – click the EDIT icon for the approval group to edit.
 Delete an approval group – click the DELETE icon for the approval group to delete. On the verification page,
click DELETE.

Wire Transfer Page | 83

This page enables you to add an approval group. Approval groups are made up of entitled bank employees and
business employees, and are used within approval workflows. To assign additional users to the approval group,
navigate to Admin Users and click the Approval Groups link for the appropriate user.

In the Group Name field, enter a unique name for the group and click SAVE. On the confirmation page, click DONE.

NOTE: Click CANCEL to return to the Manage Approval Groups page without adding the approval group, or click
RESET to clear the field if you want to re-enter the name.

Add Approval Group screen:

Wire Transfer Page | 84

This page enables you to edit the name of an approval group. The Users section provides a read-only list of users. To
assign additional users to the approval group, navigate to Admin Users and click the Approval Groups link for the
selected user.

If necessary, edit the name of the approval group. Click SAVE, and on the confirmation page, click DONE.

NOTE: Click CANCEL to return to the Manage Approval Groups without saving your changes, or click RESET to reset the
group name to its previous name.


This page enables you to assign the selected user to an approval group. Approval groups are made up of entitled bank
employees and business employees, and are used to define approval chains. When an approval chain has a group
defined as being able to approve or reject a transaction, any user belonging to the group can make the approval
decision. Approval groups are flexible, as they can contain users from any division or group in the business, and users
can be assigned to more than one approval group.

If no approval groups are defined for your company, you can add approval groups under Admin > Approval Groups.

To assign a user to approval groups, select the appropriate groups, click Save, and on the confirmation page, click

NOTE: Click CANCEL to return to the Manage Users page, or click RESET to reset your selections.

The Pending Approvals page lists all the transactions (bill payments, account transfers, ACH batch payments, etc.)
pending approval. Review each transaction and indicate whether you want to hold it for further review, accept it (and
pay it if you are last in the approval chain), or reject it.

To view a transaction pending approval, click the VIEW icon for the transaction. Review the read-only information and
click DONE to return to the Pending Approvals page. Follow these steps to make decisions on pending transactions.
1. Select one of the following:
 Hold – the payment status does not change and the transaction is held for review at a later date, or by
another person if the transaction is awaiting approval from a group. After submitting a wire for hold
and saving on the Verify Pending Approvals Actions page, the wire transaction moves to Pending

NOTE: If the wire is already listed under Pending Approvals, it will remain there.
 Approved – if you are the final approver in the approval chain, the transaction status changes to
pending and you must confirm approval of the transaction. Additionally, after you select Approved, a
text box will prompt you to provide a reason for approving the transaction. Reasons are not required.

Wire Transfer Page | 85

 Rejected – the transaction status changes to reject and you must confirm that the transaction will
not be processed. Additionally, after you select Rejected, a text box will prompt you to provide a
reason for rejecting the transaction.

NOTE: Examples of rejection reasons include dollar amount incorrect and beneficiary account incorrect.
 Or, from the Approvals Action list, select an action and click APPLY TO ALL to apply the action to all
transactions awaiting approval.

2. Click SUBMIT.

NOTE: Click CANCEL to return to the Pending Approvals page to change your selections.

Wire Transfer Page | 86

3. On the verification page, click SAVE to confirm your selections and return to the Pending Approvals page.
 Hold- After saving, the wire transaction moves to Pending Approvals.

NOTE: If the wire is already listed under Pending Approvals, it will remain there.
 Approved – After saving, the wire transaction is processed and you are redirected to the Pending
Approvals page.
 Rejected – After saving, the wire transaction moves to the Wire Summary page under Transfers
Submitted for Approval or Rejected.

Wire Transfer Page | 87

Audit reports provide information about various users and system activities occurring within the application. You can
generate standard audit reports based on predetermined criteria. If you save a standard report after you generate it, it
becomes a custom report you can edit.

Three audit report types are standard:

 System Activity
 Contact My Admin (On Behalf Of)
 Permission (User Entitlement)

Wire Transfer Page | 88

System Activity reports display a list of activities such as bill payments that a business user performed over a specific
period of time. The report shows when an activity took place, the business user who performed the activity, the type of
activity, its Tracking ID, and accounts involved in the activity.

Working with standard report criteria:

1. From the Group list, select a specific group, or select All Groups. If you select All Groups in the Group, the User
list displays users across all groups.
2. From the User list, select a specific user, or select All Users.
3. Enter a date range, either by using the format mm/dd/yyyy, or by using the Calendar icons to select the dates.
You can also select predetermined time periods from the Date list. To report in a 24-hour format, enter a start
and end time.
4. From the Format list, select a file format for the report.
5. For PDF reports, use the Orientation list to select the page orientation for the report.
6. From the Delivery Method list, select a delivery method for the report. Selecting Export enables you to open or
save the report after generating it.
7. Optionally, define the content of the report's header and footer:
 Click Set Report Header/Footer to open the Set Header/Footer window.
 In the Show Header Information section, select or clear checkbox options as necessary and define
report title in the field provided.
 In the Show Footer Information section, select the Extra Footer Line checkbox and enter text for the
footer, or clear the checkbox.
 Click Save to commit your settings and close the Set Header/Footer window.

After setting standard criteria:

 Click GENERATE REPORT to generate the report.
 Click SAVE REPORT to save the report as a custom report you can edit or generate at a later time.
 Click CUSTOM REPORTING to work with custom report criteria and generate a custom report.

Wire Transfer Page | 89

In addition to standard report criteria, a custom System Activity report enables you to specify a Tracking ID, and filter
information by module and activity. You can also sort report information by process date, user, or Tracking ID.
1. Enter the Tracking ID of the activity or transaction.
2. Select a specific module, or select All Modules.
3. Select a specific activity, or select All Activities.
4. From the Sort 1 and Sort 2 lists, select the primary and secondary sort methods.
5. After setting custom report criteria:
 Click GENERATE REPORT to generate the report, or
 Click SAVE REPORT to save the custom report for later editing and reporting.

Custom Report Criteria screen:

Wire Transfer Page | 90

Click ADMIN; then click USERS. Find the name of the user; then click PERMISSIONS on the right.

On the Permissions screen, click the PAYMENTS & TRANSFERS link under Feature Access and Limits (cross-account):

NOTE: To change the permissions of a user at the account level, choose Payments and Transfers under Feature Access
and Limits (per account). To change permissions of a user at the business level, or for all accounts, choose Payments
and Transfers under Feature Access and Limits (cross-account).

Wire Transfer Page | 91

Permissions available on the Features Access and Limits (Cross-Account) screen for wire users:

Wire Permissions Available for a User:

 Wire Approval Overall

 Wire Book Freeform Approval
 Wire Book Templated Approval
 Wire Drawdown Freeform Approval
 Wire Drawdown Templated Approval
 Wire FED Freeform Approval
 Wire FED Templated Approval
 Wire International Freeform Approval
 Wire International Templated Approval
 Wire Tax Freeform Approval
 Wire Tax Templated Approval
 Wire Beneficiary Management
 Wire Templates Approval
 Wire Templates Create
 Wire Templates Delete
 Wires Admin View
 Wires Create
 Wire Book
 Wire Book Freeform
 Wire Book Templated
 Wire Drawdown
 Wire Drawdown Freeform
 Wire Drawdown Templated
 Wire FED
 Wire FED Freeform
 Wire FED Templated
 Wire International
 Wire International Freeform
 Wire International Templated
 Wire Tax
 Wire Tax Freeform
 Wire Tax Templated
 Wires Batch Create
 Wires Release

Wire Transfer Page | 92

Dollar and transaction limits can be set for each user and type of permission. An administrator can set dollar limits per
transaction, day, week, and/or month.

NOTE: Some wire permissions, such as Wire Template Delete, do not have dollar or transaction limits.

If a user will be able to create a wire greater than his or her limit but not approve, check the Exceed Limit W/
Approval box (to the right of the dollar limit/per field).

NOTE: If a permission is selected and no dollar and transaction limits are entered, the user will have unlimited access to
that permission.

Wire Transfer Page | 93

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