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2020 JB 021313

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The 11 th January 2018, M w 6.0 Bago‐Yoma, Myanmar earthquake: A shallow

thrust event within the deforming Bago‐Yoma Range

Article in Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth · July 2021

DOI: 10.1029/2020JB021313


0 111

8 authors, including:

Eric O. Lindsey Yu Wang

Nanyang Technological University National Taiwan University


Phyo Maung Maung Tint Lwin Swe

Nanyang Technological University Myanmar Earthquake Committee


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Ridgecrest Dynamics View project

Earthquake geology of Myanmar and surrounding regions View project

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RESEARCH ARTICLE The January 11, 2018, Mw 6.0 Bago-Yoma, Myanmar
Earthquake: A Shallow Thrust Event Within the
Key Points:
• A Mw 6.0 earthquake ruptured a
Deforming Bago-Yoma Range
previously unmapped SW-dipping Wardah Fadil1,2 , Eric O. Lindsey1,3 , Yu Wang4, Phyo Maung Maung1, Heng Luo5 ,
thrust fault at shallow depths
Tint Lwin Swe6, Pa Pa Tun7, and Shengji Wei1,2
within the Bago-Yoma Range (BYR)
anticlinorium 1
Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 2Asian School of the
• The upper crust of the Burma plate
undergoes distributed deformation Environment, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 3Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
to partially accommodate the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 4Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
oblique convergence of the Indian Taiwan, 5State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, and Remote Sensing, Wuhan
University, Wuhan, China, 6Myanmar Earthquake Committee, Yangon, Myanmar, 7Department of Meteorology and
• The proximity of mapped and
potentially unidentified active faults Hydrology, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
within the BYR to dams indicate an
increased seismic hazard
Abstract On January 11, 2018 (18:26 UTC), a Mw 6.0 earthquake occurred approximately 30 km
west of the Sagaing Fault in the Bago-Yoma Range (BYR). Using a local broadband seismic network
Supporting Information:
and regional seismic stations, we refine the locations and moment tensors of the earthquake sequence.
Supporting Information may be found
in the online version of this article. We relocate 98 earthquake epicenters and determine the focal mechanism and centroid depth of the
mainshock and 20 aftershocks with Mw > 4. The relocated epicenters cluster in a NW-SE direction that
Correspondence to: is consistent with the strike of the mainshock fault plane solution and the slip distribution derived from
S. Wei and W. Fadil, ALOS-2 interferometric synthetic aperture radar observations. Most of the aftershocks have a pure thrust

and moment tensors of the thrust events clearly delineate a fault dipping ∼40° to the southwest at a
shjwei@ntu.edu.sg; focal mechanism similar to the mainshock, except for four strike-slip aftershocks. The refined locations

depth range of 3–7 km, indicating that the earthquake sequence ruptured a previously unmapped, active
Citation: fault. We interpret the earthquake sequence to be associated with pre-existing faults within the BYR
Fadil, W., Lindsey, E. O., Wang, Y.,
anticlinorium. This earthquake sequence and historical seismicity indicate that the upper crust of the BYR
Maung, P. M., Luo, H., Swe, T. L., et al.
(2021). The January 11, 2018, Mw 6.0 is highly stressed, resulting in ongoing distributed deformation between the oblique Rakhine megathrust
Bago-Yoma, Myanmar earthquake: and the dextral Sagaing Fault. The seismic hazard posed by these active faults has been increasing with
A shallow thrust event within the
the development of infrastructure such as dams within the BYR. Our study highlights the need for
deforming Bago-Yoma Range. Journal
of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, high-resolution earthquake source parameter and strong ground motion attenuation studies for further
126, e2020JB021313. https://doi. understanding of the neotectonics of Myanmar and its related seismic hazard.
Plain Language Summary Myanmar is known to host many earthquakes, where most
Received 10 NOV 2020
Accepted 24 JUN 2021
of the large earthquakes in the past have occurred along the strike-slip Sagaing Fault and within the
Indian plate that subducts beneath the Burma plate off the west coast of Myanmar. Less attention is
given to smaller magnitude crustal earthquakes that occur in the region between the subduction zone
and the Sagaing Fault, due to lack of instrumentation to detect these events and their less destructive
potential. The 2018 Mw 6.0 earthquake occurred in this region within the Bago-Yoma Range (BYR) and
was not associated with any mapped active faults. We use seismological data, geodetic data, historical
earthquake records, and published geologic surveys to study the earthquake sequence. We propose that
the earthquake occurred on an existing shallow thrust fault within the BYR, which ruptured due to the
region accommodating part of the compression associated with the subduction along multiple small-scale
crustal faults. We also highlight the increased seismic hazard in the region due to the close proximity of
these active faults to numerous dams.

© 2021. The Authors. 1. Introduction

This is an open access article under
the terms of the Creative Commons Myanmar is situated within a region of active tectonic blocks with boundaries defined by a variety of tecton-

an plate (∼18 mm/yr) at its western boundary while the ∼N–S striking right-lateral Sagaing Fault (∼20 mm/
Attribution License, which permits use, ic settings (Figure 1a). The Burma sliver plate is characterized by the highly oblique convergence of the Indi-
distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is
properly cited. yr) defines its eastern boundary bordering the Shan Plateau on the Sunda plate (Mallick et al., 2019; Socquet

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Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1029/2020JB021313

Figure 1. Regional tectonics and historical seismicity in Myanmar. (a) Location of seismic stations in Myanmar used in this study. Arrows indicate motion
of the Indian plate relative to the Shan Block/Plateau (red, Mallick et al. [2019]) and motion of the Indian plate relative to the Sunda plate (blue, Socquet
et al. [2006], black, DeMets et al. [2010]). Regional faults modified from Taylor and Yin (2009) (black lines) and Y. Wang et al. (2014). (b) Focal mechanisms
of historical earthquakes (M > 5.5) from global earthquake catalogs (Dziewonski et al., 1981; Ekstrom et al., 2012). Location of M > 7 historical earthquakes
(yellow stars) were obtained from Hurukawa and Maung Maung (2011), Le Dain et al. (1984), and Y. Wang et al. (2014). The focal mechanism of the 2018 Mw
6.0 mainshock is plotted and labeled here. The black rectangle outlines the area plotted in Figure 9. MFT – Main Frontal Thrust, EHS – Eastern Himalayan
Syntaxis, WR – Western Range (also known as Indo-Burma Range), BYR – Bago-Yoma Range.

et al., 2006). The Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis represents the northern termination of the Burma plate while
the Andaman Sea spreading center separates the Burma sliver plate from the Sunda plate to the south. As
a result, the seismicity in Myanmar is highly active, with most of the historical seismicity distributed along
the plate-boundary-type Sagaing Fault, the Rakhine subduction zone, and within the subducting Indian
slab (Figure 1b). Therefore, a majority of the seismological and geological studies in the region have been
focused on active structures associated with the subduction zone and the Sagaing Fault (W. P. Chen & Mol-
nar, 1990; Le Dain et al., 1984; Ni et al., 1989; Shyu et al., 2018; Steckler et al., 2008; Y. Wang et al., 2013).

While a significant amount of motion between the Indian and the Sunda Plate is accommodated by the
aforementioned plate boundary faults, recent studies show that shallow earthquakes occur within the Cen-
tral Myanmar Basin (CMB), indicating distributed deformation within the Burma Plate (Mon et al., 2020).
This distributed deformation may be accommodated by numerous crustal faults, which are predominant-
ly thrust faults close to the eastern edge of the Western Range (WR; also known as Indo-Burma Range),
as evidenced by geological observations (e.g., Y. Wang et al., 2014). Although accurate slip rates of these
crustal faults are still not available due to sparse GPS observations in southwest Myanmar, several dam-

located ∼48 km to the west of the Sagaing Fault (Thein et al., 2009), the 2007 Mw 5.6 NW-SE striking thrust
aging shallow earthquakes have occurred such as the 2003 Mw 6.6 Taungdwingyi strike-slip earthquake

earthquake Global centroid moment tensor (GCMT) on the western flank of the BYR, and two damaging
earthquakes in 1858 and 1927 (e.g., Chhibber & Ramamirtham, 1934; Hurukawa & Maung Maung, 2011; Le
Dain et al., 1984; Oldham, 1883; Y. Wang et al., 2014; Figure 1b). With recent rapid economic growth and
development of infrastructure (e.g., dams), the seismic hazard analysis in southern Myanmar has become

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more pressing. The Mw 6.0 earthquake that occurred on January 11, 2018 (18:26 UTC) in the southern Ba-
go-Yoma Range (BYR) raises the alarm to a higher level.

The BYR is a NNW-SSE trending uplifted region within the southeastern part of the CMB with the major

peak is ∼550 m above sea level and is dwarfed in comparison to the WR to the west and the Shan Plateau
structural trend oriented subparallel to the Sagaing Fault (e.g., Bender, 1983). The highest elevation at its

to the east. The northwestern and southern segments of the BYR merge into the Salin and Prome subba-
sins, respectively (Pivnik et al., 1998). The BYR has been interpreted as an anticlinorium within the larger
synclinorium of the CMB, with outcrops exposing Miocene sandstones and shales (Than et al., 2017). Geo-
morphic and geological studies show predominantly NNW-SSE and NW-SE linear structures (Bender, 1983;
Ridd & Racey, 2015; Sloan et al., 2017). Previous GPS studies in Myanmar lack data within this area, thus,
making seismic data one of the few resources currently available to understand the ongoing deformation
within the BYR.

Early reports (e.g., National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC), GCMT, and GFZ) of the Mw 6.0 earthquake
that occurred on January 11, 2018 indicate a source depth ranging from 9 to 12 km and a thrust focal mechanism
striking NNW-SSE (strike1/dip1/rake1: 147°/27°/75°, strike2/dip2/rake2: 343°/64°/97°), with 30 M > 4 after-
shocks as reported by NEIC. Yet, such a thrust fault at the mountainous epicenter region of the earthquake has not
been mapped as an active fault, due to limited geological and geophysical observations. This earthquake sequence
was well recorded by a broadband seismic network that was recently installed by the collaboration between Earth
Observatory of Singapore – Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, Myanmar – Myanmar Earthquake Com-
mittee (EOS-DMH-MEC) and the Myanmar national broadband seismic network (Thiam et al., 2017; Figure 1a).
It provides a unique data set for us to better constrain the source parameters of the earthquakes, and therefore,
better understand their tectonic implication, as well as the seismic hazards from such crustal faults.

In this study, we first use the P-wave arrival time recorded by the regional broadband network to relocate the
epicenter of the earthquake sequence. We then apply a waveform inversion method to precisely determine
the focal mechanism and centroid depth of the mainshock and 20 M > 4 aftershocks that occurred between
January and June 2018. The seismicity distribution and fault geometry are then verified by a slip model de-
rived from interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) ALOS-2 data. This is followed by a discussion
on the seismotectonic implications of our findings and the seismic hazard that this newly identified fault
and other potential unidentified active faults pose due to their assumed inactivity and proximity to the dams
and reservoirs.

2. Earthquake Epicenter Relocation

The Mw 6.0 mainshock occurred in the southern part of the BYR, ∼30 km west of the Sagaing Fault and
∼35 km southwest of Phyu city. The earthquake sequence was well-recorded by the EOS-DMH-MEC seis-
mic network (Figure 1). An initial earthquake catalog for the mainshock and aftershocks was created us-
ing the Earthworm software (Johnson et al., 1995), providing an initial location and origin time for each

(ML > 1.5) can only be clearly picked at four of the closest stations within ∼100 km (M011, M012, M003, and
event. Due to the relatively sparse distribution of the seismic stations, the P-wave arrivals of 97 aftershocks

M004, shown in Figure 2). In this section, we refined the epicenter location of the earthquakes using careful
hand-picks of the P-wave arrivals through a grid-search method.

2.1. Method

We used a direct grid search method to relocate the epicenter and origin time for the mainshock and 97
aftershocks. We used the travel time calculation code in the fk package (Zhu & Rivera, 2002) and the crus-
tal velocity model at the earthquake source (96.5°E, 18.5°N; Figure S1) obtained from CRUST1.0 (Laske
et al., 2013) to calculate the predicted arrival time at each station. We chose the CRUST1.0 velocity model
as it performs better than preliminary reference Earth model in relocating the earthquakes as well as mod-
eling the waveforms (Figure S1). We used four phase picks which are the P-wave arrivals recorded at the 4
closest stations (M011, M012, M003, and M004) to relocate the earthquake sequence. We chose to exclude
the S-wave arrivals from the relocation process as the S-waves are difficult to pick with confidence at some
stations due to the small magnitude of the aftershocks and the low signal-to-noise ratio in the broadband

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Figure 2. Earthquake relocation results using grid-search technique. (a) Initial epicenters of mainshock and 97 aftershocks (green stars) obtained from the
Earthworm catalog. Red triangles represent the location of the four closest seismic stations used in the relocation process. (b) Relocated epicenters (blue stars)
clustered in a NW-SE elongated trend within the Bago-Yoma Range, consistent with the observed pattern of maximum ground displacement indicated by
interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) ALOS-2 (colored circles). (c) Zoomed in plot of the black square rectangle in (b), showing the distribution of
epicenters and InSAR ground displacement. Solid and dashed black lines are active and inferred faults from Bender and Bannert (1983), Y. Wang et al. (2014),
and mapped from high-resolution topography (personal communication with Tint Lwin Swe).

waveforms. To validate this, we attempted to use both the P- and S-wave arrivals in the relocation procedure
but it resulted in large scatters in the relocated epicenters. Therefore, for the purpose of consistency, we
present the results of the earthquake relocation using only P-waves that are picked with confidence at all
4 nearby stations for all the earthquakes in this sequence. Initial teleseismic waveform modeling following
an approach in (X. Wang et al., 2017) indicated a best depth of 7 km for the mainshock (Figure S2). There-
fore, we fixed the initial depth of the earthquakes to 7 km and searched a two-dimensional (2D) horizontal
space for the best epicenter for each earthquake. Further analysis using regional waveform modeling and
static slip inversion later showed that a 7-km initial depth is a reasonable estimate (see Results Sections 3.2
and 4.2). We chose to conduct a 2D grid-search relocation with a fixed depth instead of a three-dimensional
(3D) grid-search relocation for this earthquake sequence as there is a strong trade-off between depth and
origin time in the relocation procedure and four P-wave arrivals for each earthquake is not sufficient to ob-
tain a robust depth from a 3D grid-search relocation. We will further refine the earthquake centroid depth
of M > 4 events using waveform analysis in Section 3.

We determined the best epicenter by minimizing the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) defined as
(Equation 1):

iN1 4  tobsi  tcalci  t 0 


iN1 4  tobsi  tcalc i 

where, t 0  , N is the number of seismic stations, tobs is the hand-picked seismic wave ar-
rival time, tcalc is the calculated seismic wave arrival time at each station i and t 0 is the origin time correction
for the earthquake.

To further refine the location of similar events within a cluster of strike-slip earthquakes east of the
mainshock (Results Section 3.4), we modified the method to locate events relative to a reference event
(Equation 2):

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Figure 3. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) plot of two dimensional (2D) grid-search locations for the Mw 6.0 mainshock. (Left) 2D epicenter relocation at a
fixed depth of 7 km. Contour lines are indicated for RMSE values of 0.1–0.5 s. White contour line indicates RMSE = 0.2 s which best represents the relocation
uncertainty. (Right) 2D grid search relocation along the profile A-B and vertical direction. Contour lines are indicated for RMSE values of 0.1–0.3 s.

iN1 4  tobsi  tcalci  dti  t 0 


where, dti tobsi  Tcalci This is achieved by extracting a station correction value, dt, which is the difference
between the observed arrival time, tobs, and the calculated arrival time from the best epicenter located for
the reference event, Tcalc, for each station i. These values are then subtracted from the RMSE calculation
(Equation 2) when running the grid search relocation of other events within the cluster containing the
reference event.

2.2. Epicenter Relocation Results

∼20 km long and ∼8 km wide, located in between the strike-slip Sagaing Fault to the east and the reverse
The epicenter relocation results in an elongated cluster of earthquakes striking NW-SE with dimensions of

Paungde Fault and West Bago Yoma Fault to the west (Figure 2). The epicenter relocations converge into
a tighter cluster (Figure 2b) compared to their initial Earthworm locations (Figure 2a). Observations of
ground displacement from InSAR data (ALOS-2, descending) show that the epicenter relocations overlap
with the area of maximum ground displacement, which also has an elongated NW-SE striking orientation,
thus, supporting the accuracy of our epicenter relocations (Figure 2c). The lack of a post-earthquake field
survey means we cannot confirm whether the fault ruptured to the surface or not. However, the gradual
shifts in the deformation pattern of the InSAR data (Figure S3) indicate that the rupture did not reach to the
surface. This is later supported by the static slip inversions (see Section 4).

We show the plot of RMSE within the grid search area for the Mw 6.0 mainshock in Figure 3. We choose
the RMSE of 0.2 s to define the uncertainty because this value is roughly the sum of various contributions,
including error in arrival time picks, depth variations, and uncertainty in the velocity model, as shown in
the sensitivity tests (Figure S4; Table S1-S2). The horizontal location uncertainty ellipse has its long axis
oriented in NW-SE direction, which matches the station configuration (Figure 3, left panel). The horizontal
location uncertainty in the long- and short-axis directions are approximately ±3 and ±1.5 km, respectively.
The depth uncertainty is larger than the horizontal location uncertainty as shown in the depth profile A-B
(Figure 3, right panel). This is due to the origin time – depth trade off in the P-wave arrival time location
procedure. Therefore, we chose the relocated horizontal location with the depth fixed at 7 km as the best
location. Since all the events have similar quality of arrival time picks and are recorded by the same four

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stations, we used RMSE = 0.2 s for the location uncertainty estimates of all relocated events. To confirm
our relocation results, we also applied the double-difference relocation method, HYPODD (Waldhauser &
Ellsworth, 2000) to relocate this earthquake sequence (Figure S5). The horizontal location of the relocated

grid-search relocation method, with a ∼0.9 km difference on average. However, the HYPODD relocations
earthquakes using this method agree with the horizontal location of the earthquakes obtained from the

do not show a clear lineation of fault geometry (Figure S5), such as that shown by the grid search method.
We also did not conduct cross-correlation based double-difference relocation since there is a large azimuth-
al variation between events recorded at the closest station (28 km away), which decreases the similarity of
the waveforms.

3. Focal Mechanism and Depth Inversion

Using the relocated epicenters of the earthquake sequence, we conducted waveform inversion to determine
the focal mechanism and the centroid depth of the mainshock and 20 Mw > 4 aftershocks. We analyzed
the surface-/Pnl-wave amplitude ratio and observed depth phases in the waveforms of several aftershocks
to support our relocations. We also conducted a relative relocation procedure on a cluster of strike-slip
aftershocks to determine the orientation of the corresponding fault. We aim to use these refined source
parameters to reveal the ruptured fault plane of the mainshock and other fault structures involved in the
earthquake sequence.

3.1. Method

To determine the focal mechanism and centroid depth of the earthquakes, we adopted the generalized Cut-
And-Paste (gCAP) waveform inversion method (Zhu & Ben-Zion, 2013; Zhu & Helmberger, 1996), which
cuts the three-component (R, T, and Z) waveforms into Pnl and surface wave segments and fits them with
synthetics from a given velocity model while allowing different time shifts for each segment. Assuming a
fully double-couple source mechanism, the inversion searches through the best combination of strike, dip,
and rake values to produce synthetics that minimize the error function and the inversion is repeated at a
range of depth values to determine the best centroid depth. The synthetics were derived from a Green's
function library calculated at a range of depths and epicentral distances from the earthquake source using
the frequency-wavenumber integration method (Zhu & Rivera, 2002) and the same one-dimensional (1D)
CRUST1.0 velocity model used in the travel-time analysis for earthquake relocation. Routine waveform data
processing and quality control were conducted prior to the analysis which include checking for waveform
clipping, removal of instrument response and rotation of horizontal components to radial and tangential

For the Mw 6.0 mainshock, waveforms from nearly all EOS-DMH-MEC and Myanmar National Seismic
Network broadband stations in Myanmar were used. To improve the azimuthal coverage, broadband sta-
tions in Thailand were also included (CHTO, CMMT, and CRAI). For the M > 4 aftershocks, we included as
many regional stations as possible with good signal-to-noise ratio, in the inversion. The number of seismic
stations used in the inversion range from 24 to 28. The inversion was conducted at a frequency range of
0.02–0.08 Hz for the Pnl segments and 0.02–0.06 Hz for the surface wave segments. We removed waveform
segments that were clipped and excluded complicated waveforms at stations close to the coast and located
on thick sediments. The inversion was repeated at 1 km intervals for a shallow depth range of 1–20 km.

Depth is a critical source parameter to define the fault geometry with seismicity. To verify the centroid depths
obtained from the gCAP inversions, we further inspected the amplitude ratios between the Pnl waves and
surface waves. The surface-/Pnl-wave amplitude ratio for earthquakes recorded at a nearby station should
decrease as the depth of the earthquake increases, assuming the radiation pattern of the earthquakes are
similar. We selected a subset of similar thrust-faulting aftershocks that are located within 2 km of the AA’
profile (see Section 3.3), which is perpendicular to the strike of the fault. We plotted the surface-/Pnl-wave
amplitude ratio of these events as a function of distance from station M011. The depth phases of these
events at the M011 station were also examined to verify the depths obtained from gCAP inversion.

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3.2. Focal Mechanism and Centroid Depth Inversion for the Mainshock and 20 Mw > 4

The waveform inversion for the Mw 6.0 mainshock results in a thrust-faulting focal mechanism
(strike = 130°/334°, dip = 40°/53°, rake = 71°/105°), in which the strike values are consistent with the
NW-SE strike of the fault inferred from epicenter relocation and InSAR observations (Figures 4a and S6a).
The surface wave segments for the four closest stations (M011, M012, M003, and M004) are excluded from
the inversion due to the waveforms being clipped. The grid search results for the centroid depth indicate
that the mainshock occurred at a shallow depth of 4.8 km (Figures 4e and S6a). At the selected frequency
range (see Figure 4), the inversion results in good waveform fits between the data and synthetics for stations
<500 km from the epicenter. However, waveform segments from several stations are too complicated to be
well-fit by the 1D velocity model and are tuned off in the inversion. These stations are either located near
the coastline or within the central Myanmar basin on top of thick layers (up to 18 km) of sediment (Pivnik
et al., 1998; X. Wang et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2021). The depth search result is shown as a plot of normalized
error values as a function of depth and is well-resolved at this frequency range, which shows a sharp con-
vergence at the best depth (Figure 4e).

The inversion of 16 aftershocks with M > 4 located within 6 km of the mainshock also show similar thrust-fault-
ing mechanisms as the mainshock, with depths ranging from 3 to 7 km. The shallowest thrust-faulting after-
shock has a similar focal mechanism as the mainshock (strike = 140°/320°, dip = 48°/42°, rake = 90°/90°)
and is located about 1 km northeast of the mainshock at a depth of 3.9 km (Figures 4b and 4e). The deepest
thrust-faulting aftershock (strike = 122°/348°, dip = 49°/51°, rake = 56°/123°) is located at about 2 km
southwest of the mainshock at a depth of 6 km (Figures 4c and 4e). The waveform fits for these events are
also good for stations <500 km away and the depths are well-resolved (also see Figures S6b and S6c). We ob-
serve that the ratio between the Pnl and surface wave segments of station M011 are larger for the shallower
aftershock than the deeper aftershock (Figures 4b and 4c). We also note that at these selected stations, the
amplitude ratios between SV- (S-wave with particle motion in the vertical plane, represented by Sz segment
in Figure 4) and SH- waves (S-wave with particle motion in the horizontal plane) are different between the
two events. Excellent fits between the synthetics and observations provide strong constraints to both the
focal mechanism and depth.

Interestingly, the inversions show that four M > 4 aftershocks are strike-slip events. Three of these strike-
slip events occur as a cluster at slightly larger depths (7–8 km) than the thrust events, located at about 2 km

aftershock occurred at ∼6 km to the northwest of the mainshock epicenter. The largest (Mw 4.5) strike-slip
to the east of the mainshock epicenter. Approximately one month after the mainshock, another strike-slip

event has an almost pure strike-slip focal mechanism (strike = 189°/98°, dip = 82°/85°, rake = −175°/−8°)
and is located at a depth of 6.8 km (Figures 4d, 4e and S6d). The amplitude ratio between the tangential
component and Pnl component is clearly larger for these strike-slip events compared with the thrust events,
despite the depth of the strike-slip events being only a few km larger. Although the waveform fits to a few
Pnl wave segments (e.g., M003) for the strike-slip events are slightly worse than that for the thrust events,
the fits to the other components are quite decent to conclude that a cluster of strike-slip aftershocks oc-
curred to the east of the mainshock at deeper depths than the thrust events. Complete waveform fit results
for all stations and depth inversion plots are shown in Figures S6a-S6d.

events along a fault that dips ∼40° in the depth profile (A-A’; Figure 5), which is highly consistent with
With the refined earthquake locations and source parameters, we can clearly see a lineation of the thrust

our point source focal mechanism solution for the Mw 6.0 mainshock (Figure 4a). This seismicity profile
suggests that the mainshock ruptured a SW-dipping fault. A list of the inverted source parameters for the
mainshock and 20 Mw > 4 aftershocks is shown in Table 1.

3.3. Surface-/Pnl-Wave Amplitude Ratio and Depth Phase Analysis

To further validate our depth inversion results and the inferred fault geometry, we look at the surface-/
Pnl-wave amplitude ratios and the possible depth phases of nine thrust-faulting aftershocks closest to the
profile A-A’ (Figure 6). The plot of surface-/Pnl-wave amplitude ratio as a function of distance from station
M011 for these aftershocks show that despite their slightly smaller distances, the shallower events indeed

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Figure 4

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Figure 5. Relocated epicenters of mainshock and 97 aftershocks and focal mechanisms of 20 M > 4 aftershocks. Focal
mechanisms are colored by depth obtained from generalized Cut-And-Paste (gCAP) inversion. Black circles represent

Section 4). (Inset) Cross-section plot along A-A’, with black line indicating a thrust fault dipping ∼40° to the southwest
P-axis and white circles represent T-axis. Black contours represent coseismic slip derived from static slip inversion (See

rupturing at a depth range of (∼3–7 km) and a strike-slip fault rupturing at a deeper depth of (∼7–8 km). Purple
vertical bars indicate the centroid depth uncertainty from the gCAP inversion.

have larger amplitude ratios (inset in Figure 6a). This supports our depth inversion results, since shallower
events generate larger amplitude surface waves relative to the body waves.

We also produced record-sections of the nine thrust aftershocks at the closest station M011 (∼28–31 km
away from the events; Figure 6b). The waveforms for each event are aligned at the P-wave arrivals and
sorted by epicentral distance from the station (closer events are shallower). Although it is difficult to model
these broadband waveforms with a 1D velocity model, we can still identify the second largest peak after the
P-arrival (∼2 s after) as a possible depth phase (sP) and observe its moveout in the record section. The event
with the shallowest depth (20180112_1523: 3.9 km), which is closest to the station, has the earliest depth
phase arrival, while the deepest event (20180617_1342: 6 km), which is the furthest from station M011,

Figure 4. Cut-And-Paste (CAP) inversion results. (a) Waveform fits between synthetics (red) from best the focal mechanism and the observed waveform
(black) for the Mw 6.0 mainshock. The best focal mechanism is shown in the top left, with red crosses indicating the station projection on the lower hemisphere
according to its P-wave first arrival take-off angle. Station name is indicated at the leftmost column, along with its distance (km) and azimuth from the
epicenter. The waveform segments from left to right are as follows: Pnl – Z component, Pnl – Radial component, S-waves – Z component, S-waves – Radial
component, S-waves – Tangential component. The first number below each waveform segment indicates the time shift (s) followed by the waveform cross-

largest strike slip aftershock. (e) Plot of errors for various depth normalized to the minimum error, showing the best depth for the mainshock at ∼4.8 km.
correlation coefficient (%). (b) Generalized CAP inversion results for the shallowest (3.9 km) thrust aftershock, (c) deepest (6.0 km) thrust aftershock and (d)

Beachballs are colored according to the color assigned to each event in the other panels. Refer to Figure S6 for waveform fits at all stations.

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Table 1
Focal Mechanisms, Centroid Depth, Moment Magnitude of Mainshock and 20 Mw > 4 Aftershocks From gCAP
No. Date Time (UTC) Lon Lat NP 1 strike/dip/rake NP 2 Depth (km) Mw
1. 2018/01/11 18:26:24 96.171 18.284 130/40/71 334/53/105 4.8 5.94
2. 2018/01/11 20:08:41 96.148 18.327 268/50/43 147/59/131 2.0 4.09
3. 2018/01/12 15:23:55 96.169 18.293 140/48/90 320/42/90 3.9 4.34
4. 2018/01/12 04:16:03 96.128 18.326 130/61/90 310/29/90 4.0 4.19
5. 2018/01/13 23:29:47 96.138 18.319 139/50/64 356/46/118 4.2 4.20
6. 2018/01/13 13:51:15 96.130 18.324 310/29/82 139/61/94 4.3 3.93
7. 2018/01/14 17:49:56 96.131 18.343 101/71/−8 194/82/−161 4.6 4.35
8. 2018/01/17 07:43:27 96.133 18.319 323/37/77 159/54/100 5.5 4.01
9. 2018/01/22 07:37:59 96.141 18.299 322/67/67 189/32/133 4.0 4.31
10. 2018/02/05 16:55:35 96.192 18.288 189/82/−175 98/85/−8 6.8 4.45
11. 2018/02/07 16:38:01 96.203 18.286 101/79/−4 192/86/−169 8.2 4.10
12. 2018/02/09 18:04:25 96.197 18.287 109/82/1 19/89/172 8.0 4.03
13. 2018/03/04 10:48:10 96.176 18.265 336/48/112 125/46/67 4.8 4.54
14. 2018/03/17 19:59:04 96.152 18.290 328/40/82 158/50/97 5.8 4.63
15. 2018/04/20 22:29:24 96.164 18.277 128/42/64 341/53/112 5.1 4.87
16. 2018/04/20 04:16:02 96.159 18.280 121/51/59 345/48/122 5.2 4.53
17. 2018/04/21 22:41:11 96.160 18.280 119/50/51 351/54/127 5.0 4.40
18. 2018/04/22 18:31:44 96.170 18.290 330/47/100 136/44/80 4.1 4.53
19. 2018/04/24 12:23:34 96.151 18.282 120/50/59 343/49/122 5.3 4.82
20. 2018/06/17 13:21:31 96.151 18.278 122/49/56 348/51/123 6.0 4.94
21. 2018/06/17 13:42:35 96.146 18.277 310/70/61 188/35/143 6.7 4.04
Abbreviation: gCAP, generalized Cut-And-Paste.

has the latest depth phase arrival. This moveout is consistent with the depth variation we obtained from
the focal mechanism inversion. The arrivals of the S-wave relative to P-wave also increase as a function of
distance. Even though the observed moveouts occur over a duration of less than one second and requires

horizontal distance range of ∼3 km and a vertical distance range of ∼3 km.

careful picking of the P-wave arrival, it is consistent with the spatial distribution of the events that span a

3.4. Relative Relocation of Strike-Slip Earthquakes Cluster

Located at ∼2 km to the east of the mainshock epicenter, three of the four events with strike-slip focal mech-
anism form a subcluster of the seismicity (Figure 5). To determine which nodal plane is the ruptured fault,
we further refined the location of the aftershocks within this subcluster relative to the location of the largest
strike-slip aftershock (20180205_1655). The relative P-wave arrival times at station M011 and M012 between
all five events in this cluster directly shows the sensitivity to the event location (Figures 7a–7c), where the
event nearest to station M011 (20180207_1638) has the earliest P-arrival while the event furthest from M011
(20180205_1655) has the latest P-arrival and vice versa at station M012. These three events align nicely
along the strike (98°) of one of the fault plane solutions (Figure 4d; Table 1), indicating it is more likely that
the near E-W oriented strike-slip fault had ruptured during the sequence, which is almost perpendicular to
the active faults that were recently found in northern Myanmar (Mon et al., 2020). The northernmost strike-
slip event (Figure 5) suggests that the rupture occurred on another strike-slip fault that is probably parallel
to the fault defined by the other three strike-slip events.

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Figure 6. Depth analysis of M > 4 thrust aftershocks. (a) Plot of focal mechanisms similar to Figure 5. Nine thrust earthquakes located close to the A-A’ profile
are included in the depth analysis and indicated by the focal mechanisms colored by centroid depth obtained from generalized Cut-And-Paste. (Inset) Plot of
Surface-/Pnl-wave amplitude ratio against the distance from the nearest station M011 for the selected focal mechanisms. Colors indicate the centroid depth. (b)
Vertical component velocity waveforms of the selected aftershocks aligned by the P-arrival time for the first 5 s (left column) and the first 8 s (right column),
recorded at station M011. The event name, epicentral distance from station M011 and cross-correlation coefficient of each waveform with event 20180420_0416
are indicated. Colored dashed lines indicate the observed seismic phases.

4. InSAR Observation and Inversion

From the results of earthquake relocation, focal mechanism and centroid depth inversion, we suggest that
the mainshock ruptured a SW-dipping thrust fault at 3–7 km depth. In order to verify this claim, we con-
ducted static slip inversion on the InSAR observations of the surface deformation produced by the main-
shock, to obtain the ruptured fault geometry and the slip distribution on the fault.

Figure 7. Strike-slip cluster indicates mainshock triggered an ∼E-W trending left-lateral fault to the east of the mainshock epicenter. (a–b) Waveforms of
the five events in the cluster at station M011 and M012, showing the increasing P-wave arrival time (red line) with increasing distance from each station. (c)
Location of relocated aftershocks relative to the reference event (20180205_1655). Refer to depth color scale in Figure 6.

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4.1. Method

To determine the surface deformation caused by the earthquake, we processed L-band interferometric syn-
thetic aperture radar (InSAR) data collected by the ALOS-2 satellite operated by the Japanese Aerospace
Agency (JAXA). The L-band data collected by this satellite works well in densely vegetated or forested areas
such as the BYR; we also processed C-band data collected by the European Space Agency's Sentinel-1 satel-
lite but found that it did not maintain sufficient interferometric coherence to map the deformation. We used
the ALOS-2 wide-swath interferometric pair collected on 2017/12/03 and 2018/01/14 along descending
Path 41, Frame 3250 and the strip-map interferometric pair collected on 2017/12/26 and 2018/03/06 along
ascending Path 152, Frame 350. We processed the data using GMTSAR software (Sandwell et al., 2011),
with topographic corrections from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 1 arc second data set (SRT-
MGL1; NASA JPL, 2013), and unwrapped the phase using Snaphu (C. W. Chen & Zebker, 2000). We re-
moved long wavelength artifacts from the interferogram using a high-pass Gaussian filter with a wavelength
of 100 km and removed topographically correlated atmospheric noise using a simple linear regression. To
reduce the high-resolution image to a more feasible number of observation points for modeling, we down-
sampled the data using a variance-based quadtree algorithm (Simons et al., 2002) with a variance threshold
of 12 mm. The original and detrended interferograms and the final set of resampled points are shown in
Figure S3. We then applied an inversion algorithm proposed by (Jónsson et al., 2002) to the downsampled
data for the static slip distribution on the fault. The same 1D velocity model as used in the waveform inver-
sion was used to compute the static Green's function library (Okada, 1985).

We attempted the inversion on both possible fault planes. First, we model the earthquake as a rectangle
dislocation with uniform slip described by nine source parameters including fault size, depth, location, fault
geometry, and fault slip. The inversion then searches for the optimal parameters of the uniform slip model
using the InSAR data. Here, we conduct the inversion using the Geodetic Bayesian Inversion Software (Bag-
nardi & Hooper, 2018). During uniform slip inversion, we used the source parameters (e.g., strike/dip/rake)
from our teleseismic inversion (Figure S2) as initial input parameters. We then invert for the distributed
slip on the fault plane whose centroid location, depth, strike, and dip geometries were determined by the
uniform slip model inversion. We stretch the fault plane along strike and dip direction and divide it into
subfaults of 1 km  1 km and then invert the slip on these subfaults using the inversion method with con-
strained least-square optimization realized by iterative algorithm of steepest decent method (Wang, Schurr,
et al., 2011; Wang, Sieh, et al., 2011). The factor for slip distribution smoothing is selected by balancing the
solution roughness and root-mean-square (RMS) of misfits between synthetic deformation by the slip mod-
el and InSAR observations.

4.2. Results of Static Slip Inversion

The uniform slip inversion results on the SW- and NE-dipping faults are presented in Figures S7 and S8,
shown as posterior probability distributions for each parameters, along with 95% confidence intervals. The
best mechanism (strike/dip/rake) obtained for the mainshock is 155°/48°/115° for the SW-dipping nodal

form slip inversions indicate a robust fault plane solution derived from InSAR data, that is, ∼2°–4° in strike,
plane (Figure S7) and 331°/37°/83° for the NE-dipping nodal plane (Figure S8). The uncertainty from uni-

∼3°–6° in dip, and ∼300–700 meters for horizontal location (Figures S7-S8). This solution is in general, con-
sistent with the focal mechanism derived from regional waveform inversion (130°/40°/71°, 334°/53°/105°;
Figure 4; see discussion on the focal mechanism differences in Section 5.3). We then fix the fault geometry
derived from uniform slip inversion and conduct distributed slip inversion. The distributed slip models
derived from both ascending and descending InSAR data for two possible fault planes are presented in
Figure 8 (southwest-dipping fault) and Figure S9 (northeast dipping fault). The inversion results show that
both fault planes can fit the data almost equally well. Although the northeast dipping fault can fit the data
slightly better, the difference in misfit is small (1.004 vs. 1.158 cm) that it could be ignored considering other
uncertainties (e.g., 3D structure). The southwest dipping fault plane inversion prefers a fault geometry that
strikes 155° and dips 48°, consistent with the fault geometry from regional waveform inversion and seismic-

slip distribution shows an elongated rectangle shape that extends ∼12 km along strike and ∼5 km along
ity alignment. The static moment (Mw 5.95) also agrees well with the seismological moment (Mw 6.0). The

dip, centroid at a depth of 5 km, which is also consistent with seismological results. Note that although the

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Figure 8. Static slip model for a SW-dipping fault plane and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data
fitting. The top panel shows the slip model in depth and along dip profile for the SW-dipping fault (strike/dip/rake:
155°/48°/115°). The InSAR data fitting for the ascending (upper) and descending (lower) tracks are showed in the lower
panel. The projected fault at the surface is represented by the bold black line.

centroid depth is very shallow, the slip did not reach to the surface, with the top 3 km remaining unrup-
tured. The along-strike length of slip distribution is fairly consistent with the seismicity distribution.

5. Discussion
From the relocation of the earthquake sequence and waveform inversion for the focal mechanism and
centroid depth of the mainshock and 20 Mw > 4 afterhocks, we propose that the mainshock ruptured a
SW-dipping thrust fault at depth of 3–7 km and possibly triggered a cluster of strike-slip aftershocks at

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depth of ∼5 km, similar to the results obtained from waveform inversion. The distributed slip models were
deeper depth (7–8 km). Static slip inversion of InSAR data supports a thrust-faulting geometry at a shallow

not able to distinguish the dipping orientation of the thrust fault since both the SW- and NE-dipping faults
fit the data well. However, the combined results of relocation, waveform inversion and depth-phase analysis
support a SW-dipping thrust fault. Similarly, we propose that the mainshock triggered aftershocks on an
approximately E-W oriented strike-slip fault to the east of the mainshock. In this section, we discuss these
results in the context of the regional tectonics and implications for seismic hazard.

5.1. Unmapped Active Faults in the Upper Crust and Interpretations

Although previous studies have mapped faults and lineaments oriented NW-SE and NNW-SSE in the BYR
from satellite imagery, the sense of motion and slip rate of these faults have yet to be confirmed (Bend-
er, 1983; Rangin, 2017; Sloan et al., 2017; Taylor & Yin, 2009; Y. Wang et al., 2014). It is noteworthy that the
ruptured fault of the 2018 sequence is not associated with any mapped active thrust faults that have been
previously identified. Instrumental earthquakes in the region reported by global earthquake catalogs show
that there has not been a M > 4.5 event within 30 km of the proposed ruptured fault. However, there have
been several M > 4.5 shallow thrust-faulting events located to the northwest of the recent Mw 6.0 earth-
quake, with similar focal mechanisms, such as the events in 2003, 2007, and 2013 (Figure 9). In addition, we
conducted focal mechanism inversions for several Mw > 4 events in other regions along the western BYR
outside of the 2018 Mw 6.0 aftershock region (beachballs without year label in Figure 9). Intriguingly, these
shallow events also show thrust-faulting focal mechanisms similar to that of the 2018 event. Note that the
GCMT and United State Geological Survey solutions in general have greater depth (15–20 km) than our
solutions (∼5 km). This is due to the lower depth resolution in these global earthquake catalogs since they
either use very long period for waveform inversion or do not have nearby stations to suppress the origin
time-depth tradeoff. The P-axis direction from both strike-slip and thrust events all show an orientation of
NE-SW, which is consistent with the plate convergence direction of the Indian plate relative to the Burma
plate. In any case, these events are also not associated with any mapped active faults. The shallow crustal
events in this region occurring on previously unidentified crustal structures may indicate that the very
shallow part (a few km) of the upper crust of the Burma Plate is actively deforming, and possibly accommo-
dating the distributed stresses due to the oblique subduction of the Indian plate beneath the Burma Plate
off the west coast of Myanmar (Figures 1 and 9).

Previous publications have offered various hypotheses to explain the tectonic history of the CMB and south-
ern Myanmar, within which the 2018 sequence occurred. Pivnik et al. (1998) used petroleum exploration
data to show that the Salin sub-basin is a synclinorium containing anticlines associated with the late-Mio-
cene inversion structures, thrust sheets, and low-relief uplifts. Bertrand and Rangin (2003) proposed that a
regional plate kinematic reorganization occurred during the Miocene which served as a transition between
the transtensional tectonic regime related to the opening of the CMB and the transpressional tectonic re-
gime related to the inversion of the CMB. Along the eastern CMB, Than et al. (2017) suggested that the area
underwent two tectonic phases; a compressional phase during the late Miocene that formed the anticlines
and synclines in the Pegu formations, followed by strike-slip movement along the Sagaing Fault that re-
sulted in en echelon faulting. In general, most authors agree that the inner Burma plate has been subjected
to approximately E-W compression since the late-Miocene, which formed the structures observed in and
around the CMB. We observe that the P-axes of the thrust and strike-slip events (Figures 9 and 10) are in
agreement with such compressional background stress in the crust. Previous GPS observations also provide
insights into the nature of deformation west of the Sagaing Fault. Socquet et al. (2006) reveals that the
Sagaing Fault only absorbs a portion of the deformation between the western coast and Shan Plateau at the

the Sagaing Fault and the western coast at a rate of ∼13 mm/year in the NNE direction, within which the
latitude of 2018 earthquake (Figure 10 inset). The remaining deformation is primarily distributed between

BYR is located (Figure 10, blue vector). We suggest that the 2018 Mw 6.0 earthquake is a result of the NE-
SW shortening being partly accommodated by a shallow thrust fault within the BYR, while the remaining
deformation should be distributed on other secondary faults, such as the West Bago Yoma Fault, Paungde
Fault and other unmapped faults, although the slip-rate of these faults are not yet known. To further under-
stand the geodynamics and geologic history of this oblique subduction zone system, it is crucial to integrate

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Figure 9. Crustal seismicity in the Bago-Yoma Range (BYR). Mw > 4 earthquakes (<30 km deep) within and
surrounding the BYR from global earthquake catalogs (focal mechanisms with year and magnitude labeled) and our
inversion of events recorded by the Earth Observatory of Singapore – Department of Meteorology and Hydrology,
Myanmar – Myanmar Earthquake Committee stations (January 2018–March 2020). We observe a trend of NW-SE
striking thrust/oblique events along the BYR with occasional NS-EW striking strike-slip events. Focal mechanisms are
colored by depth. Black circles represent P-axis and white circles represent T-axis. Dashed lines indicate inferred active
faults from previous studies (Y. Wang et al., 2014). Black box indicates area plotted in Figure 10.

g­ eodetic and geologic observations along with detailed and robust earthquake source parameters as present-
ed here to produce a more comprehensive and in-depth picture of the neotectonics.

Although there have been extensive oil and gas exploration efforts in the CMB, there is a lack of published
seismic reflection data in the BYR region due to the low hydrocarbon potential as indicated by surface
geology (Ridd & Racey, 2015). Therefore, we are unable to compare our inferred thrust fault to structural
maps or seismic reflection data in the southern BYR area. However, we can place our interpreted fault ge-
ometry in a larger tectonic context of the CMB by comparison with the structural maps and seismic lines

cross-sections at latitudes of ∼20°–21°N show that both east- and west-dipping thrusts occur in this region,
available further to the north and south of the BYR (e.g., Pivnik et al., 1998; Ridd & Racey, 2015). Geologic

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Figure 10. Interpretation of deformation within the Bago-Yoma Range. Schematic profile of the region at the location
of the Mw 6.0 earthquake sequence, modified from Ridd and Racey (2015). (Inset) GPS velocity vector of LAUN with
respect to HPAA/Sunda (red vector) and velocity diagram showing distributed deformation across southern Myanmar
(blue vector), modified from Socquet et al. (2006). Black box indicates area plotted in the schematic profile. Refer to
Figure 9 for color and symbol explanations.

produced by the inversion of the normal faults in the Salin synclinorium (see Figure 2 in Pivnik et al., 1998).
Some of these thrusts truncate the Plio-Pleistocene Irrawaddy formation, and their structural styles can be

Geologic cross-sections at latitudes of ∼16.5°–17.5°N also show both a large (∼50 km) and small (∼10 km)
interpreted as positive flower structures. Their seismic profiles also reveal anticlines to the west of BYR.

anticlines at ∼50 km to the south of recent earthquake (see Figures 4.23 and 4.24 in Ridd & Racey, 2015).
Since double-vergence faults are common features found in many inverted sediment basins (e.g., Pace &
Calamita, 2014; Shinn, 2015), and geological profiles north and south of our study area both show east- and
west-dipping faults with regional late-Miocene basin inversion history; we, therefore, suggest the fault that
ruptured during the Mw 6.0 Bago-Yoma earthquake is also associated with a pre-existing southwest-dipping
fault within the CMB area (Figure 10). As the hypocenters of the Mw 6.0 earthquake sequence are limited
at a shallow depth range of 3–7 km, and previous studies suggest that the main fault system at the western
flank of BYR dips to the northeast (e.g., Y. Wang et al., 2014), we further suggest that the ruptured south-
west-dipping fault serves as the secondary fault in the push-up structure, and links to the main east-dipping
fault at depth.

Unlike the thrust-type aftershocks, the source of the strike-slip aftershocks is less clear under the regional
geological context. The four strike-slip aftershocks not only occurred in the footwall of the rupture fault, but
also with fault orientation almost normal to the strike of the Sagaing Fault and other regional structures.
As shown in geological maps of the BYR region (Than et al., 2017), and subsurface data of CMB area from
Pivnik et al. (1998), the primary structures with both areas are intercepted by a series of shorter faults with
E-W orientations. These cross faults within the BYR and CMB area may act as the conjugate faults co-devel-
oped with the primary inversion structures since the beginning of the oblique plate convergence. Although
these structures are relatively minor, the stress-change from the Mw 6.0 mainshock may trigger the slip of
the nearby cross faults and produce these deeper strike-slip aftershocks.

5.2. Dams and Seismic Hazard

Due to its rugged topography, the BYR is sparsely populated and remains as a dense forested area. Therefore,
it serves as a rainwater-catchment area with channels feeding into the southward flowing Ayeyarwady River
to the west and the Sittang River to the east (Figure 11). There are numerous dams within the BYR, located
along the Sagaing Fault and along the eastern edge of the WR (Figure 11). In the vicinity of the 2018 Mw 6.0

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Figure 11. Distribution of dams and crustal seismicity in Myanmar. Plot of focal mechanisms of M > 4 crustal
(<30 km deep) earthquakes from our inversion of events recorded by the Earth Observatory of Singapore – Department
of Meteorology and Hydrology, Myanmar – Myanmar Earthquake Committee seismic stations. Relocated seismicity
from the ISC-EHB Bulletin (Engdahl et al., 1998) are plotted as circles and colored by depth. Dam locations provided
from the Irrigation Department complete up to 2014 are indicated by the red squares while dam locations recently
mapped by the authors from satellite imagery are indicated by gray squares. Active crustal seismicity within the Bago-
Yoma Range and along the Sagaing Fault, in close proximity to dams, suggests an increased seismic hazard to the
population. WR – Western Ranges (also known as Indo-Burma Range).

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earthquake, there are several major dams ∼25–35 km to the north (e.g.,
Kun Dam, Phyu Chaung Dam) and south (e.g., Ye Nwe Dam, Baing Dar
Dam). As Myanmar becomes more developed, there is an increasing de-
mand on hydropower and irrigation from the dams. The spatial proxim-
ity of the dams to active faults, both mapped and unmapped, represents
an increased exposure to seismic hazard. When the source is sufficiently
shallow and close, even events as small as M4 can produce large Peak
Ground Acceleration (PGA; e.g., Wei at al., 2015). Some cracks were de-
tected on the downstream side of the dam body of the South Nawin Dam
after two shallow Mw > 4 earthquakes occurred at the western edge of
the BYR in October 2018 being followed by smaller earthquakes until
January 2019 (Swe, 2019). The 2018 Mw 6.0 event did not cause damage to
the nearby dams, possibly because the closest dam was more than 30 km
away from the earthquake. In addition to damage due to natural earth-
quakes, large reservoirs with significant impounding capacity can also
trigger seismicity on nearby faults, given favorable existing stress, perme-
ability, and pore fluid conditions (Ellsworth, 2013; Foulger et al., 2018;
ICOLD, 2011; Talwani & Acree, 1984). Therefore, proximity to active
faults and earthquake-resistant dam design are key factors in planning
Figure 12. Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) analysis of the Mw 6.0 Bago- and construction of dams in the region. We therefore further discuss the
Yoma earthquake sequence. Colored circles represent the PGA (horizontal attenuation of the ground motion produced by the 2018 Mw 6.0 sequence.
component) observed at the Phyu Dam strong motion station and Earth
Observatory of Singapore – Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, We plotted the PGA data (horizontal component) for the mainshock (Mw
Myanmar – Myanmar Earthquake Committee broadband stations for the 6.0; red circles) and two early aftershocks (Mb5.2; green circles, Mw 4.1;
mainshock and several aftershocks on January 11, 2018. The PGA can blue circles; Figure 12), recorded by the broadband network and one

colored circles at ∼32 km), as the waveforms at broadband stations are

only be retrieved at the strong motion station for most aftershocks (single strong motion station located at Phyu Dam, approximately 32 km away

strong motion seismometer (circles plotted at ∼32 km; Figure 12) for sev-
(white triangle in Figure 9). We also plotted the PGA recorded at the
contaminated by the surface waves of the mainshock. The location of
Phyu Dam is indicated by a white triangle in Figure 9. Black lines labeled
by magnitude represent the calculated PGA from the Ground Motion eral M > 4.3 aftershocks that occurred during the same day as the main-
Prediction Equation (GMPE) proposed by Zhao et al. (2006). The PGA for shock. Since there is no Ground Motion Prediction Equation (GMPE)
the Mw 6.0 mainshock (red) is consistent with the GMPE, but PGA for the available in the region, we adopted the hard rock GMPE in Japan (Zhao
aftershocks deviate from the GMPE as the magnitude decreases.
et al., 2006) for comparison and discussion. As the mainshock waveforms
were clipped at the nearest broadband stations, the strong motion sta-
tion provides valuable nearfield data in assessing the performance of the
GMPE. In general, we find that the GMPE can fit the mainshock PGAs quite well, but does poorly for the
smaller aftershocks, especially at distances larger than 50 km. One explanation for the strong attenuation of
the smaller magnitude earthquakes at large distances (e.g., >100 km) is because the maximum amplitude
observed at these distances is dominated by the surface waves and small earthquakes are less efficient in
generating the surface waves. Since the site classifications are not yet available for these stations, we did
not take them into account in the attenuation analysis, which would be a major cause of the scattering and
deviations in Figure 12. This is left for future efforts, which are critical for the seismic hazard assessment
in Myanmar.

5.3. Uncertainty of Mainshock Focal Mechanism Inversion

The regional waveform inversion and static slip inversion of the mainshock both result in a NW-striking
thrust fault focal mechanism. The focal mechanisms obtained from both inversions are in general consistent
(Figure 13, top panel), however, the strike and rake values vary by tens of degrees. To better understand the
uncertainties, we conduct a bootstrapping analysis on the regional waveform inversion of the mainshock
and determine the 95% confidence interval for the strike, dip, and rake values of the resulting SW-dipping
nodal plane (Figure 13, lower panel). The inversion was repeated 10,000 times by randomly selecting 90%
of waveform components from the available seismic stations each time. We find that the range of values
within the 95% confidence intervals obtained from regional waveform inversion is larger than the values
obtained from static slip inversion (Figure S7). The smaller strike values (<140°) correspond to smaller dip
and rake values (green in lower panels of Figure 13), while larger strike values (>140°) correspond to larger

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Figure 13. Bootstrapping results of the regional waveform inversion of the Mw 6.0 mainshock. (Top panel) Focal mechanisms obtained from static slip
inversion (blue), regional waveform inversion (red) and the 95% confidence interval obtained from bootstrapping of regional waveform inversion (gray). The
SW-dipping nodal planes are plotted in thicker lines. (Bottom panel) Histograms of strike, dip and rake values obtained from bootstrapping (N = 10,000) of the
mainshock regional waveform inversions. The strike values between 90˚–140° and their corresponding dip and rake values are plotted in green while the strike
values between 140˚–180° and their corresponding dip and rake values are plotted in orange. The 95% confidence intervals are indicated by dashed lines.

dip and rake values (orange in lower panels of Figure 13), indicating a trade-off between these parameters
during the inversion. A forward calculation of regional waveform synthetics using the focal mechanism
derived from static slip inversion also fits the observed waveforms well with only a slightly smaller variance
reduction compared to the regional waveform inversion focal mechanism (97.3% vs. 97.6%). This shows
that the focal mechanism obtained from the static slip inversion falls within the uncertainty range of the re-
gional waveform inversion and that results from inversion of both seismic and geodetic data are consistent.
The larger uncertainty range in the strike, dip and rake values of the regional waveform inversion may be
attributed to the relatively low frequency range used in the inversion (period > 10 s). However, conducting
regional waveform inversions at higher frequency range results in less robust waveform fits due to the com-
plicated subsurface structure and the use of a relatively simple 1D velocity model (CRUST1.0).

The complicated velocity structure is clearly shown in waveform data of the mainshock and a Mw 4 after-
shock recorded at the seismic stations throughout Myanmar (Figures S10-S11). The Pnl segment shows
multiple arrivals possibly from a mix of reflected and depth phases, making it difficult to determine the
depth phases for constraining the focal depth (Figure 6b). The surface wave segment shows a relatively
large amplitude coda that extends for tens of seconds for stations located on hard rock and longer for sta-
tions located within the CMB (Figure S10), as also revealed by previous studies (X. Wang et al., 2019; Wu
et al., 2021). Therefore, a 1D velocity model is not able to adequately model the waveforms recorded at these
stations at sufficiently high frequencies to replicate the complicated Pnl arrivals. To model these broadband
waveforms, better 2D or 3D velocity models are required.

6. Conclusions

previously unmapped, shallow thrust fault beneath the BYR that is dipping ∼40° toward southwest. From
We propose that the January 11, 2018, Mw 6.0 Bago-Yoma earthquake in southern Myanmar ruptured a

versions, we infer that the mainshock ruptured the fault ∼12 km along strike, with thrusting aftershocks
high-resolution earthquake relocation, focal mechanism and centroid depth inversions and static slip in-

located at depths between 3 and 7 km. We also find that the mainshock triggered deeper (7–8 km) strike-slip
aftershocks a few km to the east of the mainshock epicenter. Combined with InSAR observations, depth-

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Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1029/2020JB021313

phase analysis, historical seismicity, and previous geologic studies, the results and observations support a
thrust fault dipping to the SW at an angle of approximately 40°, which we interpret to be a pre-existing fault
within the BYR anticlinorium. Our findings highlight the complexity of the tectonics of southern Myanmar,
where this earthquake sequence and several other M > 4 crustal earthquakes in the region indicate ongoing
distributed deformation between the oblique Rakhine megathrust and the dextral Sagaing Fault. With the
development of more infrastructure such as dams within and surrounding the BYR, more high-resolution
seismological studies on existing faults and potentially active intraplate faults and their associated hazards
must be conducted. A denser deployment of seismic instruments targeting areas with limited station cover-
age in the current study is crucial to improve the seismological results and reduce its uncertainties.

Data Availability Statement

The EOS-DMH-MEC seismic data were accessed from the EOS Center for Geohazard Observation (CGO);
the authors thank the CGO for installing and servicing the EOS-DMH-MEC seismic array. The EOS-DMH-
MEC seismic waveform data used in this study can be accessed from (https://doi.org/10.21979/N9/BQ11DP)
and the ALOS-2 InSAR data used in the static slip inversion can be accessed from (https://doi.org/10.21979/
N9/QHJXU7). Seismic data from the MM and TM network were downloaded through the Incorporated
Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) website (https://www.iris.edu/hq/). ALOS-2 SAR data were
obtained from the Japanese Aerospace Agency (JAXA) under RA-6 project number 3240 awarded to E.
Lindsey. Mapping of dams from satellite imagery was conducted using Google Earth. Sac 2000, Taup (Crot-
well et al., 1999), and GMT (Wessel et al., 2013) were used for basic data processing and figure development.

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