bài giảng 2
bài giảng 2
bài giảng 2
Report Created: 10/26/2023 1:19:29 PM
Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$B$35 Production quantities Doors 2 0 300 450 300
$C$35 Production quantities Windows 6 0 500 1E+030 300
Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$D$31 Plant 1 Used per week 2 0 4 1E+030 2
$D$32 Plant 2 Used per week 12 150 12 6 6
$D$33 Plant 3 Used per week 18 100 18 6 6
unseen value of each contraints
Minimum Maximum Range
2 1E+030
6 18
12 24
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [bài giảng 2.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 10/26/2023 2:08:07 PM
Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$B$35 Production quantities Doors 0 0 300 450 300
$C$35 Production quantities Windows 9 0 500 1E+030 300
Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$E$31 Plant 1 Used per week 0 0 4 1E+030 4
$E$32 Plant 2 Used per week 18 150 18 0 12
$E$33 Plant 3 Used per week 18 100 18 12 0
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [bài giảng 2.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 10/26/2023 2:09:58 PM
Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$B$35 Production quantities Doors 2 0 300 450 300
$C$35 Production quantities Windows 9 0 500 1E+030 300
Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$E$31 Plant 1 Used per week 2 0 4 1E+030 2
$E$32 Plant 2 Used per week 18 150 18 6 6
$E$33 Plant 3 Used per week 24 100 24 6 6
Production time used for each unit produced
1 1h
2 0
3 3h
Unit profit 300
Doors Windows
Unit Profit $ 300 $ 500
Plant 1 1 0
Plant 2 0 2
Plant 3 3 2
Production quantities 2 9
Total profit $ 5,100
to cus 1 cus2
f1 $ 700 $ 900
f1 $ 800 $ 900
order size 10 lathes 8 lathes
1. Variables (yellow)
F1C1 F1C2 F1C3
F2C1 F2C2 F2C3
2. Objective
Min cost = 700*f1c1 + 900*f1c2 +800*f1c3 + 800*f2c1 +900*f2c2 +700
3. Constraints
f1c1 -> f2c3 >=0
Supply Demand
F1: f1c1 +f1c2 + f1c3 =12 C1: f1c1 +f2c1=10
F2: f2c1 + f2c2 + f2c3 =15 c2: f1c2 + f2c2 =8
c3: f1c3 +f2c3 =9
cus 1 cus 2
F1 $ 700 $ 900
F2 $ 800 $ 900
cus 1 cus 2
F1 10 2
F2 0 6
Received 10 8
= =
Demand (nhu cầu muốn nhận của
từng cus) 10 8
4. Result
The minumum cost is 20.500
5. Conclusion
F1 transport 10 units to C1
2 units to C2
F2 transport 6 units to C2
9 units to C3
cost category each tv commerciaeach magazine ad
ad budget $ 300,000 $ 150,000
planning budget 90,000 30,000
expected number of exposures 1,300,000 600,000
1. Variables
tv: number of adv on TV
ma: number of adv on ma
su: number of adv on newspaper
2. objective
max exp=1300000.TV+ 600000. MA + 500000.SU*
3. constraints
tv ≥ 0, ma≥0, su≥0
ad budget: 300TV + 150MA + 100SU ≤ 4000*
planning budget: 90 TV+ 30 MA + 40 SU ≤ 1000*
exxposure 1300000 600000
ad budget $ 300,000 $ 150,000
planning budget $ 90,000 $ 30,000
tv 1 0
no of 3 14
coupons $ - $ 40,000
s1 s2
daily cost 170 160
time period
6-8 1
8-10 1 1
10-12 1 1
12-14 1 1
12-16 1
number os perso 48 31
per Week
0 4
2h 12
2h 18
rite 0) <= 4
cus 3
$ 800
$ 700
each Sunday ad
$ 100,000
used available
$ 100,000 3775000 ≤ 4000000
$ 40,000 1000000 ≤ 1000000
0 3≤ 5
7.75 total 16175000
0 5≥ 5
0.2 5.85 ≥ 5
s3 s4 s5
175 180 195
1 118
1 70
1 1 82
1 1 82
1 43
1 1 58
1 15
39 43 15
simple model
resources -> Firms -> Output
elaborate model -> marketing
Supply 12+15=27
Demand 10+8+9=27