Intro To Philo
Intro To Philo
Intro To Philo
Interpersonal relations
● Interpersonal relations are made The simple awareness of existence of the
possible when the SELF becomes other
aware of the OTHER – which ● This means that when we see other
includes everyone and everything people walking down the street, we
outside of the self. are aware that there are other
● a social connection or affiliation beings unique from us, and that
between two or more people. they exist outside of our own
● Connections with your partner, perception.
loved ones, close friends,
acquaintances, coworkers, and The awareness of self as being seen by
many others who make up the others
social connections in your life. ● Stare of someone familiar to you –
friends, family member or even
Intersubjectivity your crush
● The interaction between the self ● For instance, one of the people you
and the other is related to the are watching suddenly stops and
philosophical concept of looks straight at you. You are
intersubjectivity, which is the immediately aware of this person’s
shared awareness and action as an OTHER.
understanding among persons . ● Also, you are aware of another
● Hence, INTERSUBJECTIVITY is the significant fact – you know that the
mutual recognition of each other stranger at you is aware of YOU as
as persons; a unique relationship a person.
between distinct subjects. ● This self-consciousness is
considered by philosophers as a
The human person is not an object. He/she defining characteristic of
appears only to be one because of her SELF-OTHER relationship
body that makes him/her a thing like
Norms - set of traits and behavior that Generation Gap - conflict among people of
society considers acceptable. These are different ages when discussing certain
one of the ways that society regulates the topics.
behavior to establish social order.
Social Movement - a large-scale action
Social Stigma - disapproval or done by various groups and organizations
discrimination against an individual in a in pursuit of a common goal to bring about
society. change. (Environmental, Youth, Gender,
Clean Governance)
Laws - more formal and stringent norms
that establish and define acceptable
● also believe in life after death Death is nothing to us
which they call as “akhirah.” They ● Epicurus is best known for his quote