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500kv Myanmar

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The Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Ministry of Electricity and Energy

Preparatory Survey
National Power Transmission Network
Development Project Phase III

Final Report
Pre-release Version
(Preliminary Data Collection Survey on
Power Grid Expansion towards

January, 2021

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

TEPCO Power Grid, Inc.

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd.
Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Table of Contents
1. Data Collection on System Configuration ............................................................. 1-1
1.1. Outline of the survey ....................................................................................... 1-1
1.2. Current status and plans for system configuration ...................................... 1-1
Current Status of Grid Structure ............................................................ 1-1
Existing power supply .............................................................................. 1-3
1.3. Examining the adequacy of the power grid plan ........................................... 1-4
Power Demand Forecast .......................................................................... 1-4
New power plant construction plan ........................................................ 1-5
Approximate power flow forecast ............................................................ 1-6
Evaluation of power flow and power transmission capability ............ 1-10
Evaluation of the stability of the Kamarnat - Mawlamyaing - Myawaddy
transmission line section.......................................................................................... 1-11
Recommended system configuration ..................................................... 1-12
1.4. Single line diagrams of the existing power stations in Yangon .................. 1-13
Single line diagram of the Hlawga PS .................................................. 1-13
Single line diagram of the Thaketa PS ................................................. 1-14
Single line diagram of the Ahlone PS ................................................... 1-16
Single line diagram of the Iwama PS ................................................... 1-17
2. Data Collection for Construction and Expansion of Substations ........................ 2-1
2.1. 500 kV Pharyargyi Substation........................................................................ 2-1
Location ..................................................................................................... 2-1
Layout........................................................................................................ 2-1
Equipment Configuration ........................................................................ 2-2
Design Outline .......................................................................................... 2-3
2.2. 500 kV Mawlamyaing Substation .................................................................. 2-3
Location ..................................................................................................... 2-3
Layout........................................................................................................ 2-5
Equipment Configuration ........................................................................ 2-6
Design Outline .......................................................................................... 2-8
2.3. Cost Estimate for Substation ........................................................................ 2-15
3. Data Collection for Transmission Route................................................................ 3-1
3.1. Study for Transmission Route Selection ........................................................ 3-1
Methods for Transmission Route Selection ............................................ 3-1
Location of Substations ............................................................................ 3-1
Transmission Route .................................................................................. 3-3
3.2. Study on Soil Conditions of the Transmission Route .................................... 3-6
Geology of the Transmission Route ......................................................... 3-6
Soil Conditions of the Transmission Route............................................. 3-8

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

3.3. Conceptual Design of Transmission Line..................................................... 3-11

Design Concept ....................................................................................... 3-11
Design Conditions................................................................................... 3-11
Condutor and Ground Wires .................................................................. 3-11
Insulation Design ................................................................................... 3-12
Tower ....................................................................................................... 3-12
Subjects to be Solved .............................................................................. 3-16
4. Environmental and Social Considerations ............................................................ 4-1
4.1. Environmental considerations ........................................................................ 4-1
Current Conditions of the Protected Areas and Areas Surrounding the
Planned Transmission Line Route ............................................................................ 4-1
Overview of the Environmental and Social Considerations required by
the Environmental and Social Considerations Guidelines .................................... 4-10
4.2. Social Considerations .................................................................................... 4-11
Properties to be affected at the 500 kV Mawlamyaing Substation .... 4-11
Satellite Photo Analysis of the Proposed Route for the 500 kV
Transmission Line Between Phayargy and Mawlamyaing Substations .............. 4-13
Preliminary Comparative Study of Alternatives ................................. 4-16

Figure 1.2-1 System map from Pharyargyi to the southeast ............................................ 1-2
Figure 1.2-2 System configuration in eastern Yangon and southeast from Pharyargyi ... 1-3
Figure 1.3-1 System to be studied ................................................................................... 1-4
Figure 1.3-2 Power Demand Forecast in 2030 for the Target Area ................................. 1-5
Figure 1.3-3 Case 1. Peak power demand period. Maximum output of power generation
facilities.......................................................................................................... 1-8
Figure 1.3-4 Case 2. During off-peak power demand. Maximum output of generation
facilities.......................................................................................................... 1-8
Figure 1.3-5 Case 3. Partial shutdown of power generation facilities during peak power
demand ........................................................................................................... 1-9
Figure 1.3-6 Case 4. During peak power demand, all power generation is shut down ... 1-9
Figure 1.3-7 Relationship between the transmission distance of an AC transmission line
and the power that can be transmitted stably ............................................... 1-11
Figure 1.3-8 Relationship between the power that can be transmitted stably and the heat
capacity of transmission lines ...................................................................... 1-12
Figure 1.3-9 Recommended system configuration ........................................................ 1-12
Figure 1.4-1 Single line diagram of the Hlawga PS (before rehabilitation) .................. 1-13
Figure 1.4-2 Single line diagram of Hlawga PS (after rehabilitation) ........................... 1-14
Figure 1.4-3 Single line diagram of the Thaketa PS (before rehabilitation) .................. 1-15
Figure 1.4-4 Single line diagram of the Thaketa PS (after rehabilitation) ..................... 1-15
Figure 1.4-5 Single line diagram of the Ahlone PS (before rehabilitation) ................... 1-16
Figure 1.4-6 Single line diagram of the Ahlone PS (after rehabilitation) ...................... 1-17
Figure 1.4-7 Single line diagram of the Iwama PS (before rehabilitation) .................... 1-18
Figure 1.4-8 Single line diagram of the Iwama PS (after rehabilitation)....................... 1-18
Figure 2.1-1 Location Map of Pharyargyi Substation ..................................................... 2-1
Figure 2.1-2 Layout of Pharyargyi Substation after Phase II Project .............................. 2-2
Figure 2.1-3 Single Line Diagram of Pharyargyi Substation after Phase II Project ........ 2-2
Figure 2.2-1 Location Map of Mawlamyaing 230 kV Substation ................................... 2-4
Figure 2.2-2 Area Map for Construction of New Malamyaing 500 kV Substation......... 2-5

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Figure 2.2-3 Layout of New Mawlamyaing 500 kV Substation ...................................... 2-6

Figure 2.2-4 Single Line Diagram Plan for New Mawlamyaing 500 kV Substation ...... 2-8
Figure 3.1-1 500 kV Pharyargyi Substation (Under construction) .................................. 3-2
Figure 3.1-2 New 500 kV Mawlamyaing Substation ...................................................... 3-2
Figure 3.1-3 Overview Map of the 500 kV Transmission Route ..................................... 3-3
Figure 3.1-4 Reserved Forests ......................................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3.1-5 Protected Areas ........................................................................................... 3-5
Figure 3.1-6 Longitudinal Overview map of the Transmission Route ............................ 3-6
Figure 3.2-1 Geological Overview map of the Transmission Route ............................... 3-7
Figure 3.2-2 Longitudinal Overview map of the Transmission Route ............................ 3-8
Figure 3.2-3 Boring Log B1 (Waw) Figure 3.2-4 Boring Log B2 (Hpa An) ......... 3-9
Figure 3.2-5 Boring Log B3 (Mawlamyaing) .................................................................. 3-9
Figure 3.3-1 Type DA Tower ......................................................................................... 3-13
Figure 3.3-2 Type DB Tower ......................................................................................... 3-13
Figure 3.3-3 Type DC Tower ......................................................................................... 3-14
Figure 3.3-4 Type DD Tower ......................................................................................... 3-14
Figure 3.3-5 Type DE Tower ......................................................................................... 3-14
Figure 3.3-6 Pile foundations ........................................................................................ 3-15
Figure 3.3-7 Pad and Chimney foundations .................................................................. 3-15
Figure 4.1-1 Location of the PAs around the project area ............................................... 4-3
Figure 4.1-2 RFs and PPFs around the project area ........................................................ 4-5
Figure 4.1-3 Geological map of the project area and its surroundings ............................ 4-7
Figure 4.1-4 Pictures of the cultural heritage around the project area ............................. 4-9
Figure 4.1-5 Locations of the cultural heritage sites around the project area .................. 4-9
Figure 4.2-1 Satellite Photo of the Proposed Substation Site and Surrounding Area .... 4-12
Figure 4.2-2 Substation Site (December 2018) ............................................................. 4-13
Figure 4.2-3 Satellite Photos of the Proposed Transmission Line Route ...................... 4-16

Table 1.2-1 Thaton (EPGE) ............................................................................................. 1-3

Table 1.2-2 Mawlamyaing (IPP)...................................................................................... 1-4
Table 1.3-1 Power demand forecast in the target area ..................................................... 1-5
Table 1.3-2 Thailand and Myawaddy Interconnection Line Plan .................................... 1-6
Table 1.3-3 Power Flow Forecast .................................................................................... 1-7
Table 1.3-4 Conductor capacity ..................................................................................... 1-10
Table 2.1-1 Equipment Configuration of Pharyargyi Substation after Phase II Project .. 2-3
Table 2.2-1 Equipment Configuration of New Mawlamyaing 500 kV Substation .......... 2-7
Table 3.1-1 Categories to Note for Transmission Line Construction .............................. 3-1
Table 3.1-2 Facility Crossings to Note ............................................................................ 3-4
Table 3.2-1 Geological Overview of the Transmission Route ......................................... 3-6
Table 3.2-2 Classification of Foundations ..................................................................... 3-10
Table 3.3-1 Technical Characteristics of Conductor ...................................................... 3-12
Table 3.3-2 Technical Characteristics of Ground Wires ................................................ 3-12
Table 3.3-3 Technical Characteristics of Insulators ....................................................... 3-12
Table 3.3-4 Technical Characteristics of ACSR Drake and ACSR/HRAC (Reference) 3-16
Table 4.1-1 RF and PPF in Myanmar .............................................................................. 4-1
Table 4.1-2 Existing PAs and KBAs/IBAs around the project area................................. 4-1
Table 4.1-3 RFs and PPFs around the project area .......................................................... 4-4
Table 4.1-4 Overview of the topographical characteristics around the project area ........ 4-6
Table 4.1-5 Geological characteristics around the project area ....................................... 4-6
Table 4.1-6 Cultural heritage around the project area ..................................................... 4-8
Table 4.1-7 Requirements of EIA/IEE for this Project in Myanmar ............................. 4-10
Table 4.1-8 Overview of this Project in line with JICA Guidelines for Environmental and
Social Considerations (2010) ....................................................................... 4-11
Table 4.2-1 Properties Identified in the Proposed Substation Site.................................... 4-12
Table 4.2-2 Study of the Proposed Route for the 500 kV Transmission Line Between

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Phayargy and Mawlamyaing Substations .................................................... 4-13

Table 4.2-3 Preliminary Comparative Study of Alternatives ......................................... 4-16

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

1. Data Collection on System Configuration

1.1. Outline of the survey

A preliminary data collection survey was conducted on the expansion of the power grid from the
area around Yangon to Mawlamyaing.
Mawlamyaing is a city located about 300 km southwest of Yangon. There are plans for an industrial
park in the vicinity, and an industrial park and LNG-fired power plant are planned for the Dawei
district (Kanbouk) in the south. In addition, an interconnected transmission line from Thailand is
planned for Myawaddy, on the border with Thailand northeast of Mawlamyaing.
There is only one 230 kV transmission line from Kamarnat to Mawlamyaing, near Pharyargyi,
which does not meet the N-1 criteria. The 230 kV Mawlamyaing-Myawaddy two-line transmission
line has recently been constructed.

1.2. Current status and plans for system configuration

Current Status of Grid Structure
The existing 230 kV transmission lines and substations from Kamarnat to Mawlamyaing are
summarized in Table 1.2-1.

Table 1.2-1 Overview of existing 230 kV transmission lines and substations from
Kamarnat to Mawlamyaing
230 kV Transmission Lines
No. Name of Transmission Line Conductor Size Distance (Miles) Number of Towers
1 230 kV Kamarnat - Sittaung 605 MCM 36.60 136
2 230 kV Sittaung - Thaton 605 MCM 60.25 266
3 230 kV Thaton - Mawlamyaing 605 MCM 49.77 233
230 kV Primary Substations
No. Substation Voltage ratio Capacity 230 kV Transmission Lines Location
(kV) (MVA)
1 Kamarnat 230/33/11 100 + 60 Tharyargone (1) Line Kamarnat village,
Tharyargone (2) Line Bago
Thanlyn Line
Sittaung Line
Myaungtagar Line
2 Sittaung 230/33/11 50 Kamarnat Line Kyeit-hto Township,
Thaton Line Tha-hton District
Theinzayat village
3 Mawlamyaing 230/66/11 50 Thaton Line Mawlamyaing
Myanmar Lighting (IPP) Line
Source: MOEE Website

The system map from Pharyargyi to the southeast, as obtained from DPTSC, is shown in Figure
1.2-1. 500 kV and 230 kV systems are planned from Pharyargyi to the southeast.

500 kV Pharyagyi - Mawlamyaing 2 lines

500 kV Mawlamyaing - Kanbouk 2 lines
230 kV Mawlamyaing - Myawaddy 2 lines

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

500 kV Mawlamyaing Substation

500 kV Kanbouk Power Plant
230 kV Myawaddy Substation

Source: obtained from DPTSC, November 2018.

Figure 1.2-1 System map from Pharyargyi to the southeast

Phase III is added to this plan because it was not included, and the 230 kV transmission line is also
added based on information from DPTSC that the construction of two 230 kV lines between Kamarnat
and Thaton has been decided. Also the plan of 500 kV lies from Thilawa to Sar Ta Lin is added to this

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

2 x 265/35 sqmm
40.28 miles Thaephyu Lawpita
230 kV T/L (Existing)
230 kV T/L (Planned/U.C.)
1 x 795 MCM 500 kV T/L (Planned/U.C.)
Taungoo 60.55 miles
Kun 230 kV Substation (Existing)
230 kV Substation (Planned/U.C.)
Shewtaung Tharyargone 500 kV Substation (Planned/U.C.)
Power Station
2 x 605 MCM 2 x 605 MCM
65.39 miles 58.8 miles (one side: 336.4 MCM)

2 x 605 MCM Kamarnat Sittaung
62.96 miles 230/33/11 kV 50 MVA

2 x 605 MCM2 x 605 MCM

Myaungtagar 19.14 miles 39.97 miles
2 x 605 MCM 2 x 605 MCM
36.6 miles 60.25 miles
1 x 795 MCM
Hlawga 94.01 miles
2 x 605 2 x 605 MCM
MCM 50.95 MW 49.77 miles Myawaddy
61 miles (to
Thanlyin) Mawlamyaing
East 230/66/11 kV
Dagon 150 MVA (->2x100)
1 x 795 MCM Thilawa
2 x 605 MCM
13.85 miles 2 x 605 8.4 miles (Thilawa 1 x 795 MCM
MCM In/Out) 80 miles
Thaketa 12.4 miles
(Dagon Myanmar Lighting
2 x 605 MCM (East) In/Out) IPP 230 MW
7.7 miles
Thanlyin 1,230 MW

Source: Prepared by JICA Survey Team based on information obtained from DPTSC.
Figure 1.2-2 System configuration in eastern Yangon and southeast from

Existing power supply

Data on the existing power sources connected to the transmission system are shown below.
Generator units 1 and 3 at Thaton are old and have small, single unit capacities.

Table 1.2-1 Thaton (EPGE)

Unit Capacity
Machine-1 Turbine 11.3.1974 MW
Machine-2 Turbine 16.9.2010 MW
Machine-3 Turbine 15.5.1985 MW
Total Installed Capacity 50.95 MW
Source: DPTSC Website

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Table 1.2-2 Mawlamyaing (IPP)

Location Mawlamyaing Township, Mandalay Region
Company Name Myanmar Lighting (IPP) Co.
Project Type BOT
Commercial Operation Date 27/5/2014
Total Installed Capacity 230 MW
(95 MW (Phase I) + 130 MW (Phase II))
Type of Machine GE PD 6581B (3 units)
LM 2500 (1 unit) GE
Annual Design Generation 1386 GWh
Manufacturer GE
Source: DPTSC Website

1.3. Examining the adequacy of the power grid plan

The power flow in each section of the system from Pharyargyi to the southeast was estimated, and
the validity of the system plan for the target area was briefly discussed based on the power flow and a
simple evaluation of stability. Short circuit analysis will be required in a stage of a further study.
Several patterns were considered, including peak demand, off-peak demand (60% of peak),
maximum power output of the power supply, and unit shutdown.


380 MW

230 kV
80 miles

230 kV

36.6 miles 60.25 miles 49.77 miles

Thaton Mawlamyaing
Kamarnat Sittaung
50 MW 230 MW

Figure 1.3-1 System to be studied

Power Demand Forecast

The maximum demand at the district level was assumed based on the demand forecast in the JICA
MP, taking into account the maximum demand forecast for the regions and the population ratio. The
areas to be served by this project are Mon State, Kayin State, and Taninthary Region in southeastern
Myanmar. It is assumed that 1/4 of the electricity demand for Thaton District in Mon State will be
supplied from Sittaung Substation, with 3/4 from Thaton Substation.

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Table 1.3-1 Power demand forecast in the target area

Maximum Power Demand Population Maximum Power Demand
Forecast (JICA MP) (2014) Forecast
2020 2030 District 2020 2030
Kayin 62 161 Hpa-an 783,510 32 84
Hpapun 35,085 1 4
Kawkareik 475,191 20 51
Myawaddy 210,540 9 23
Mon 161 416 Mawlamyaing 1,232,221 97 250
Thaton 822,172 64 166
Tanintharyi 32 82 1,408,401 32 82
Total 255 659 4,967,120 255 659

Figure 1.3-2 Power Demand Forecast in 2030 for the Target Area

New power plant construction plan

MOEE is planning an LNG-fired power plant in Kanbauk. According to articles on the web, this
project has the following status.
 Articles on the Web, January 2018 (Myanmar Frontier)
 Granting development rights to a consortium of Total (France) and Siemens (Germany)
 Project components
 Power output: 1,230 MW (615 MW x2)
 Floating storage and regasification system for liquid natural gas

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

 High voltage power line to Pharyargyi

 Completed in 4 years

 Article on the Web, June 2019 (Myanmar Frontier)

 The above plans may be scaled down, suspended or cancelled. The initial proposal was
for US$ 2.1 billion, but in the current proposal, the capacity of the power plant in the first
phase is proposed to be reduced from 615 MW to 400 MW, excluding the 500 kV
transmission line component to Pharyagyi. Under the new proposal, the power will be
transmitted to Yangon via a 230 kV transmission line that will be built with a soft loan
from ADB. The environmental and social impact assessment and initial environmental
review for the three components - the gas facility, the power plant and the transmission
line - have already been completed, although the consortium has yet to sign a power
purchase agreement. Siemens is providing the technology for the electricity.

DPTSC commented that the power supply envisioned for Kanbouk is uncertain and therefore does
not need to be considered in the study for this plan. Therefore, this power source will not be considered.

 There are plans for an interconnected power line with Thailand.

 According to the information from EGAT, two 115 kV lines of 80 MW and two 230 kV
lines of 300 MW are planned to Myawaddy.

Table 1.3-2 Thailand and Myawaddy Interconnection Line Plan

Voltage Power Transmission Capacity Commissioning
Section (MW) Year
115 kV Mae Sot - Myawaddy 80 2023
230 kV Mae Sot - Myawaddy 300 2026
Source: EGAT information obtained by JICA survey team
A total of up to 380 MW was assumed to be imported from Thailand.

Approximate power flow forecast

The direction and magnitude of the power tidal current varies greatly depending on the output of
the Tathon and Mawlamyine power plants, as well as the imported power from Thailand and the size
of the power demand. For this reason, the following four cases were set up to calculate the rough
power flow from 2020 to 2035.
Case 1. Peak power demand period. Maximum output of power generation facilities
Case 2. During off-peak power demand. Maximum output of generating facilities
Case 3. Partial shutdown of power generation facilities during peak power demand
Case 4. During peak power demand, all power generation is shut down
The results of the approximate power flow forecast are shown in Table 1.3-3 and from Figure 1.3-3
to Figure 1.3-6.

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Table 1.3-3 Power Flow Forecast

Peak 100% Full Gen.
Power Power Power Power Power
Load Gen. Load Gen. Load Load Gen. Load Gen.
Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow
Year 2020 2025 2030 2035 2036
Kamarnat -> Sittuang -27 93 155 195 235
Sittaung 230/33 kV 16 29 42 54 57
Sittuang -> Thaton -44 65 103 141 178
Thaton 230/66 kV 81 145 209 273 286
Thaton -50.95 -50.95 -50.95 -50.95
Thaton -> Mawlamyaing -73 -29 -106 -81 -56
Mawlamyaing 230/66 kV 129 230 332 433 453
Mawlamyaing -230 -230 -230 -230
Mawlamyaing->Myawaddy 28 -29 -289 -284 -280
Myawaddy 230/66 kV 28 51 73 96 100
Thailand -80 -380 -380
Kanbouk 0 0 0
Off Peak 60% Full Gen.
Year 2020 2025 2030 2035 2036
Kamarnat -> Sittuang -129 -88 -171 -147 -123
Sittaung 230/33 kV 10 17 25 33 34
Sittuang -> Thaton -138 -106 -202 -180 -157
Thaton 230/66 kV 48 87 125 164 171
Thaton -50.95 -50.95 -50.95 -50.95
Thaton -> Mawlamyaing -136 -141 -308 -293 -278
Mawlamyaing 230/66 kV 77 138 199 260 272
Mawlamyaing -230 -230 -230 -230
Mawlamyaing->Myawaddy 17 -50 -325 -322 -320
Myawaddy 230/66 kV 17 30 44 58 60
Thailand -80 -380 -380
Kanbouk 0 0 0
Peak 100% Some Units Stopped
Year 2020 2025 2030 2035 2036
Kamarnat -> Sittuang 154 274 336 376 416
Sittaung 230/33 kV 16 29 42 54 57
Sittuang -> Thaton 137 246 284 322 359
Thaton 230/66 kV 81 145 209 273 286
Thaton 0 0 0 0
Thaton -> Mawlamyaing 57 101 24 49 74
Mawlamyaing 230/66 kV 129 230 332 433 453
Mawlamyaing -100 -100 -100 -100
Mawlamyaing->Myawaddy 28 -29 -289 -284 -280
Myawaddy 230/66 kV 28 51 73 96 100
Thailand -80 -380 -380
Kanbouk 0 0 0
Peak 100% All Units Stopped
Year 2020 2025 2030 2035 2036
Kamarnat -> Sittuang 254 273 490 514 538
Sittaung 230/33 kV 16 17 25 33 34
Sittuang -> Thaton 237 255 458 481 504
Thaton 230/66 kV 81 87 125 164 171
Thaton 0 0 0 0
Thaton -> Mawlamyaing 157 169 302 317 332
Mawlamyaing 230/66 kV 129 138 199 260 272
Mawlamyaing 0 0 0 0
Mawlamyaing->Myawaddy 28 30 55 58 60
Myawaddy 230/66 kV 28 30 44 58 60
Thailand 0 0 0
Kanbouk 0 0 0
Blue shading indicates transmission section, Load: load at substation, Gen: power generated at power plant, Orange
shading indicates power flow at each transmission section, Positive: direction to Mauramyne, Negative: direction to

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Figure 1.3-3 Case 1. Peak power demand period. Maximum output of power
generation facilities

Figure 1.3-4 Case 2. During off-peak power demand. Maximum output of generation

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Figure 1.3-5 Case 3. Partial shutdown of power generation facilities during peak
power demand

Figure 1.3-6 Case 4. During peak power demand, all power generation is shut down

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Evaluation of power flow and power transmission capability

Limitation of power transmission by thermal capacity and stability of
transmission lines
In general, transmission lines have limitations on the amount of power that can be transmitted in
terms of the thermal resistance of the lines and the suppression of sag, defined as the thermal capacity,
which is usually referred to as the line capacity. Moreover, to ensure stable operation of the generator,
the length of the transmission line limits the amount of power that can be transmitted in terms of
stability. The longer the transmission distance, the stronger the constraint from the stability aspect
becomes, rather than the power transmission limit in terms of thermal capacity, so the power that can
be transmitted is determined from the stability aspect.
The table below shows the capacities of standard power lines used in Myanmar. When the
transmission distance exceeds about 200 km, the power transmission limit due to the degree of stability
becomes smaller than the power line capacity.

Table 1.3-4 Conductor capacity

1x 795 MCM (230 kV) 164 MVA
2 x 605 MCM (230 kV) 288 MVA
4x 795 MCM (500 kV) 1,428 MVA
Source: 230 kV is DPTSC's standard value; 500 kV is the survey team's estimate.

Approximate stable power transmission capability based on SIL value

The amount of power that can be transmitted is estimated from the distance of the transmission line,
using the transmission line's inherent SIL (Surge Impedance Load) value as a guide.
The SIL value is the power transmitted when the voltage drop due to the reactance of the
transmission line is balanced by the voltage rise due to the capacitance of the transmission line. The
relationship between the transmission distance and the amount of power that can be transmitted stably
is obtained as a multiple of the SIL value, and is used as a guide for the stability of transmission. The
following figure shows the relationship between the transmission distance and the amount of power
that can be transmitted stably.
The term "stable power transmission" refers to the condition in which the system can be operated
stably in a steady state, assuming transformers and generators at both ends.
For example, at a distance of 50 miles (about 80 km), power can be transmitted stably up to three
times’ the SIL, but at a distance of 300 miles (about 480 km), power can only be transmitted stably up
to the SIL value.

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

(P.U. of SIL)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Source: Analytical Development of Loadability Characteristics for EHV and UHV Transmission Lines," R.D. Dunlop, R. Gutman
and P.P. Marchenko, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-98, No. 2, March/April 1979. Or
Power System Stability and Control, P228, 6.1.12 Loadability Characteristics, P. Kundur, 1993)
Figure 1.3-7 Relationship between the transmission distance of an AC transmission
line and the power that can be transmitted stably

The SIL value per line of the 230 kV transmission line in Myanmar is calculated to be about 177
MVA. The heat capacity per line of the standardly-used wire, ACSR 2 x 605 MCM, is 288 MVA,
which is about 1.6 times’ the SIL value.
From the graph, it can be seen that power flow of 1.6 times that of the SIL can be transmitted stably
up to about 150 miles (= 240 km), but beyond that distance, the power that can be transmitted stably
is smaller than 1.6 times that of the SIL and smaller than the thermal capacity. The above guideline is
applied to the rest of the circuits considering an accident at a single circuit in N-1.

Evaluation of the stability of the Kamarnat - Mawlamyaing - Myawaddy

transmission line section
The distance from Pharyargyi to Mawlamyaing is about 170 km, and the distance from
Mawlamyaing to Myawaddy is about 90 km. In addition, an interconnected transmission line will be
connected from Myawaddy to Thailand. It is necessary to estimate the amount of power that can be
transmitted via a stability analysis, including grid connection of the power supply in Thailand. If we
assume a strict 400 km (about 250 miles) transmission, the amount of power that can be transmitted
on a single circuit will be 200 MVA, which is about 1.2 times’ the SIL from the graph.
If the transmission power for the remaining lines of Kamarnat - Mawlamyaing N-1 is less than 1.2
times’ the SIL, the transmission power of the two lines between Kamarnat - Mawlamyaing -
Myawaddy - Thailand will be 400 MVA. If the power factor is assumed to be 90%, it is about 360
MW. Therefore, based on the approximate stability estimates, it is considered that there may be cases
where stable transmission is difficult to achieve with the current 230 kV with a single circuit, and the
new 230 kV double circuit lines, depending on the output of the power source and the size of the power

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

(P.U. of SIL)


Thermal capacity 576 MVA (2cct)


354 MVA (2cct)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Kamarnat Mawlamyaing Maywaddy

Figure 1.3-8 Relationship between the power that can be transmitted stably and the
heat capacity of transmission lines

This may require additional new transmission lines.

Recommended system configuration

When constructing a new transmission line in this section, it is required to construct a 500 kV line
to reduce losses and to be able to handle the future Kanbouk and increased demand. The recommended
system configuration is as follows.
Existing: 230 kV 1cct Kamarnat - Mawlamyaing
New: 230 kV 2cct Kamarnat - Mawlamyaing
New: 500 kV 2cct Pharyargyi - Mawlamyaing

Pharyargyi Myawaddy

380 MW

145 miles 500 kV

230 kV
80 miles

36.6 miles 60.25 miles 49.77 miles

Thaton Mawlamyaing
Kamarnat Sittaung
50 MW 230 MW

Figure 1.3-9 Recommended system configuration

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

The SIL of a 500 kV transmission line is about 1,000 MVA, which is sufficient to ensure stable
transmission of power.
Note that due to the large charging capacity of the 500 kV transmission line, the voltage increases
at light loads, so a 500 kV shunt reactor is required for compensation. In addition, since the direction
of power flow is not constant, voltage regulation in combination with power capacitors will be required.
In the future, it will be necessary to examine the amount of power that can be transmitted in detail
through stability calculations based on the grid structure of the system in Thailand with the

1.4. Single line diagrams of the existing power stations in Yangon

Single line diagram of the Hlawga PS
Single line diagram before/after rehabilitation
At present, the urgent rehabilitation and upgrade project phase 1 (package 2) is being carried out.
The single line diagram before rehabilitation is shown in Figure 1.4-1. The single line diagram after
rehabilitation is shown in Figure 1.4-2.

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 1.4-1 Single line diagram of the Hlawga PS (before rehabilitation)

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 1.4-2 Single line diagram of Hlawga PS (after rehabilitation)

Single line diagram of the Thaketa PS

Single line diagram before/after rehabilitation
At present, the urgent rehabilitation and upgrade project phase 1 (package 2) is being carried out.
The single line diagram before rehabilitation is shown in Figure 1.4-3. The single line diagram after
rehabilitation is shown in Figure 1.4-4.

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 1.4-3 Single line diagram of the Thaketa PS (before rehabilitation)

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 1.4-4 Single line diagram of the Thaketa PS (after rehabilitation)

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Single line diagram of the Ahlone PS

Single line diagram before/after rehabilitation
At present, the urgent rehabilitation and upgrade project phase 1 (package 2) is being carried out.
The single line diagram before rehabilitation is shown in Figure 1.4-5. The single line diagram after
rehabilitation is shown in Figure 1.4-6.

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 1.4-5 Single line diagram of the Ahlone PS (before rehabilitation)

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 1.4-6 Single line diagram of the Ahlone PS (after rehabilitation)

Single line diagram of the Iwama PS

Single line diagram before/after rehabilitation
At present, the urgent rehabilitation and upgrade project phase 1 (package 2) is being carried out.
The single line diagram before rehabilitation is shown in Figure 1.4-7. The single line diagram after
rehabilitation is shown in Figure 1.4-8.

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 1.4-7 Single line diagram of the Iwama PS (before rehabilitation)

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 1.4-8 Single line diagram of the Iwama PS (after rehabilitation)

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

2. Data Collection for Construction and Expansion of


2.1. 500 kV Pharyargyi Substation

As shown in the following figure, the Pharyargyi S/S is under construction in the Phase II Project
at a location of latitude 17° 28’ 35” north and longitude 96° 27’ 17” east, in Bago State.

Source: JICA Survey Team using Google Earth

Figure 2.1-1 Location Map of Pharyargyi Substation

As stated above, the Pharyargyi substation is under construction in the Phase II Project.
In this project, the 500 kV H-GIS, 500/230 kV transformers, 500 kV shunt reactors, 230 kV
switchgear (AIS) and control building are planned to be installed in an area of 516 m x 290m, as per
the following figure. In addition, since the 500 kV switchgear for the transmission line to
Mawlamyaing substation and associated equipment like the transmission line protection panel will
also be installed in the Phase II Project, expansion of Pharyargyi substation will not be required and
the scope of work in the new project will cover only the connection of the 500 kV transmission line.

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

North Side Mawlamyaing S/S Sar Ta Lin S/S

500kV Switchyard

230kV Switchyard

Source: Phase II Project

Figure 2.1-2 Layout of Pharyargyi Substation after Phase II Project

Equipment Configuration
The single line diagram for Pharyargyi substation after the Phase II Project is shown in the figure
below. As per another national power transmission network development project by JICA, H-GIS with
a one and a half circuit breaker system is adopted for 500 kV switchgear, and AIS with a double busbar
system is adopted for 230 kV switchgear.
North Side Mawlamyaing S/S Sar Ta Lin S/S

500kV Switchgear
For new 500 kV TL to

230kV Switchgear

Source: Phase II Project

Figure 2.1-3 Single Line Diagram of Pharyargyi Substation after Phase II Project

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Table 2.1-1 Equipment Configuration of Pharyargyi Substation after Phase II Project

Facility name Overview Notes

500 kV Switchgear To Hlaingtharyar SS x 2 feeders 1+1/2 CB
(H-GIS) To Taungoo SS x 2 feeders system
To North IPP x 2 feeders
To Mawlamyaing SS x 2 feeders
To Sar Ta Lin SS x 2 feeders
Connection to 500/230 kV transformer x 4 feeders
Connection to 500 kV shunt reactor x 2 feeders
230 kV Switchgear To Kamarnat 230 kV SS x 2 feeders Double Busbar
(AIS) To other 230 kV SS x 8 feeders System
Connection to 500/230 kV transformer x 4 feeders
Bus Coupler x 2
500/230 kV Outdoor, single phase, oil-immersed, ONAF/ONAN
Transformers Capacity: 166.7 MVA/phase x 12 sets
500 kV Shunt Outdoor, three phase, oil-immersed x 2 sets
Station Service AC400/230V panel, DC110V panel, DC48V panel, DC
Facility battery, EDG, station service transformer(33/0.4
Control and SCADA, transmission line protection panel,
Protection transformer protection panel, etc.
Source: JICA Survey Team

Design Outline
It is not necessary to install new substation equipment in Pharyargyi substation for the transmission
line to Mawlamyaing 500 kV substation because all such equipment will be installed in the Phase I

2.2. 500 kV Mawlamyaing Substation

The existing 230 kV Mawlamyaing Substation does not have enough space for the installation of
new 500 kV switchgear and 500/230 kV transformer because the area dimensions of the existing
substation are limited due to it facing the river on the north side.

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

230kV TL Mawlamyaing – Thaton Available

space for Stream
n of 500kV
TL Tower switchyard
(Not Space assumed for expansion
Enough) of 230kV switchyard

230kV Switchyard

TL Tower

66kV Switchyard

TL Tower

230kV TL Mawlamyaing – Ngan Tae

Source: JICA Survey Team using Google Earth

Figure 2.2-1 Location Map of Mawlamyaing 230 kV Substation

Under these circumstances, it is necessary to acquire land for construction of the new 500 kV
substation on the north side of the existing substation. DPTSC mentioned that the DPTSC side was in
the process of selecting a 500 kV substation site near the Kaw Bwee Township. It is recommended to
secure a minimum area of 400 m x 290 m for construction of the 500 kV substation, and Sar Ta Lin
Substation, because the system configuration of the new 500 kV substation in Mawlamyaing will be
similar to that of Sar Ta Lin Substation, which is to be constructed in the Phase III Project.

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

230kV TL Mawlamyaing – Thaton

Township Area

DPTSC will acquire the land

for construction of 500 kV
new substation around Kaw
230kV TL Mawlamyaing – Ngan Tae Bwee township

Source: JICA Survey Team using Google Earth

Figure 2.2-2 Area Map for Construction of New Malamyaing 500 kV Substation

The layout plan for the new Malamyaing 500 kV substation is shown in the following figure.
Although it is so far unclear how much land can be secured for its construction, it is assumed that a
500 kV H-GIS with a one and a half circuit breaker system, as per other Phases by JICA, can be
installed on the land acquired.
Therefore, the layout is considered to be similar to that of Sar Ta Lin Substation, having the
dimensions of 400 m x 290 m, i.e. 30 Acres.

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

To Phayagyi S/S To Kanbouk S/S Spare for future Spare for future

400 m

500 kV H-GIS

290 m
500/230 kV Transformers and Shunt Reators

230 kV AIS

To Mawlamyaing To Myawaddy
Spare for future
230kV S/S 230kV S/S

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2-3 Layout of New Mawlamyaing 500 kV Substation

Equipment Configuration
The new Mawlamyaing 500 kV substation will apply H-GIS with a one and a half circuit breaker
system for 500 kV switchgear, and AIS with a double busbar system for 230 kV switchgear in
reference to similar projects, such as Phase I and Phase II of the JICA project, subject to securing
enough space for construction of H-GIS. Major equipment in the new Mawlamyaing 500 kV
substation is shown in the following table:

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Table 2.2-1 Equipment Configuration of New Mawlamyaing 500 kV Substation

Facility name Overview Notes
500 kV Switchgear To Pharyargyi SS x 2 feeders 1+1/2 CB
(H-GIS) To Kanbouk x 2 feeders system
Spare for future x 4 feeders
Connection to 500/230 kV transformer x 2 feeders
Connection to 500 kV shunt reactor x 2 feeders
230 kV Switchgear To Mawlamyaing 230 kV SS x 2 feeders Double Busbar
(AIS) To Myawaddy 230 kV SS x 2 feeders System
Spare for future x 4 feeders
Connection to 500/230 kV transformer x 2 feeders
Bus Coupler x 1
500/230 kV Outdoor, single phase, oil-immersed, ONAF/ONAN With OLTC
Transformers Capacity: 166.7 MVA/phase x 7 sets
500 kV Shunt Outdoor, three phase, oil-immersed x 2 sets
Station Service AC400/230V panel, DC110V panel, DC48V panel, DC
Facility battery, EDG, station service transformer
(33/0.4 kV)
Control and SCADA, transmission line protection panel,
Protection transformer protection panel, etc.
Source: JICA Survey Team

The following figure shows the single line diagram plan for the new Mawlamyaing 500 kV
Substation. Since this substation will be part of the national power backbone network, it is
recommended to apply one and a half circuit breaker systems for 500 kV switchgear and a double
busbar system for 230 kV switchgear so as to secure reliability for the system, considering
coordination with other phases.

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

500 kV Phayargyi (1) 500 kV Phayargyi (2) 500 kV Dawei (1) 500 kV Dawei (2) Spare for Future Spare for Future Spare for future Spare for future

SA10kA SA10kA SA10kA SA10kA SA10kA SA10kA SA10kA SA10kA

CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5
P: 500kV/ 3 P: 500kV/ 3 P: 500kV/ 3 P: 500kV/ 3 P: 500kV/ 3 P: 500kV/ 3 P: 500kV/ 3 P: 500kV/ 3
S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3
T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3


2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 0.2 2,500-1,250/1A 0.2 2,500-1,250/1A 0.2 2,500-1,250/1A 0.2 2,500-1,250/1A 0.2 2,500-1,250/1A 0.2 2,500-1,250/1A 0.2 2,500-1,250/1A 0.2
CVT 3P+0.5
P: 500kV/ 3
S: 110V/ 3 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA
T: 110V/ 3 M M M M M M M M

500 kV Busbar-A, 6,000A, 50kA

SA10kA SA 10kA

DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA

2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20

GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA

2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20

500kV System
DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA VT 3P+0.5 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA VT 3P+0.5 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA VT 3P+0.5 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA VT 3P+0.5 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA VT 3P+0.5 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA VT 3P+0.5 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA VT 3P+0.5 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA VT 3P+0.5
M P: 500kV/ 3 M P: 500kV/ 3 M P: 500kV/ 3 M P: 500kV/ 3 M P: 500kV/ 3 M P: 500kV/ 3 M M P: 500kV/ 3 M M P: 500kV/ 3
S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3
T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3 T: 110V/ 3

DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA

2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20

GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA

2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M M
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
VT 3P+0.5 VT 3P+0.5 VT 3P+0.5 VT 3P+0.5 VT 3P+0.5
P: 500kV/ 3 P: 500kV/ 3 P: 500kV/ 3 P: 500kV/ 3 P: 500kV/ 3
DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA S: 110V/ 3 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA S: 110V/ 3 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA S: 110V/ 3 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA S: 110V/ 3 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA S: 110V/ 3 DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA
M M T: 110V/ 3 M T: 110V/ 3 M T: 110V/ 3 M T: 110V/ 3 M T: 110V/ 3 M M


DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA

2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20

GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA GCB 2,500A 50kA

2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 M 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20

DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA DS+ES 2,500A, 50kA
CVT 3P+0.5 M M M M M M M M
P: 500kV/ 3
S: 110V/ 3
T: 110V/ 3
500 kV Busbar-B, 6,000A, 50kA


SA10kA SA 10kA
M M 2,500A, M M 2,500A, M M 2,500A, M M 2,500A, M M
50kA 50kA 50kA 50kA

2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20

2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20 2,500-1,250/1A 5P20
2,500-1,250/1A 0.2 2,500-1,250/1A 0.2 2,500-1,250/1A 0.2 2,500-1,250/1A 0.2
SA10kA SA10kA SA10kA SA10kA

Auto Transformer Auto Transformer

Single Phase X 3 Single Phase X 3
33 kV Switchgear
For Station -Service Supply
33 kV Switchgear
Shunt Reactor
500 kV, 100MVar
Shunt Reactor
500 kV, 100MVar Spare for Future
500/230/33 kV 500/230/33 kV
P: 500/3 MVA P: 500/3 MVA For Station -Service Supply
S: 500/3 MVA S: 500/3 MVA 200/1A 5P20 200/1A 5P20
T: 50/3 MVA SA10kA T: 50/3 MVA SA10kA 200/1A 5P20 200/1A 5P20

1000/1A 5P20
1000/1A 5P20 200/1A 0.5 200/1A 0.5
CVT 3P+0.5 CVT 3P+0.5
1000/1A 0.5 1000/1A 0.5
P: 230kV/ 3 P: 230kV/ 3
M S: 110V/ 3
T: 110V/ 3
M S: 110V/ 3
T: 110V/ 3
If necessary M

DS+ES 2,000A, 40kA DS+ES 2,000A, 40kA


4,000-2,000/1A 5P20 4,000-2,000/1A 5P20

4,000-2,000/1A 5P20 4,000-2,000/1A 5P20
2,000/1A 5P20 2,000/1A 5P20
2,000/1A 5P20 2,000/1A 5P20
2,000/1A 0.2 2,000/1A 0.2

GCB 2,000A 40kA GCB 2,000A 40kA

CVT 3P+0.5
P: 230kV/ 3 M M M M M M
S: 110V/ 3 DS DS DS DS
T: 110V/ 3 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A
40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 230 kV Busbar-A, 4,000A, 40kA
230 kV Busbar-B, 4,000A, 40kA


P: 230kV/ 3 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A
40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA

230kV System
S: 110V/ 3 2,000A
T: 110V/ 3 DS+ES 40kA
2,000A M M
2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 2,000A 4,000/1A 5P20 4,000/1A 5P20
40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 4,000/1A 5P20 4,000/1A 5P20
4,000-2,000/1A 5P20 4,000-2,000/1A 5P20 4,000-2,000/1A 5P20 4,000-2,000/1A 5P20 4,000-2,000/1A 5P20 4,000-2,000/1A 5P20 4,000-2,000/1A 5P20 4,000-2,000/1A 5P20 4000/1A 0.5 4000/1A 0.5
2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 GCB
2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 2,000-1,000/1A 5P20 4,000A
2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 40kA
2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2 2,000-1,000/1A 0.2


M 2,000A M 2,000A M 2,000A M 2,000A M 2,000A M 2,000A M 2,000A M 2,000A
40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA 40kA

CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5 CVT 0.5
P: 230kV/ 3 P: 230kV/ 3 P: 230kV/ 3 P: 230kV/ 3 P: 230kV/ 3 P: 230kV/ 3 P: 230kV/ 3 P: 230kV/ 3

S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3 S: 110V/ 3
SA10kA T: 110V/ 3 SA10kA T: 110V/ 3 SA10kA T: 110V/ 3 SA10kA T: 110V/ 3 SA10kA T: 110V/ 3 SA10kA T: 110V/ 3 SA10kA T: 110V/ 3 SA10kA T: 110V/ 3

230 kV Mawlamyaing (1) 230 kV Mawlamyaing (2) 230 kV Myawaddi (1) 230 kV Myawaddi (2) Spare for Furure Spare for Future Spare for Future Spare for Future

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2-4 Single Line Diagram Plan for New Mawlamyaing 500 kV Substation

Design Outline
Applicable Standards
The design, materials, manufacture, testing, inspection and performance of all electrical and
electromechanical equipment shall comply with the latest revision of the International Electrotechnical
Commission Standards (IEC), as listed below:
 Instrument transformers – Part 1: Current transformers
IEC 60044-1
 Instrument transformers – Part 5: Capacitor voltage transformers
IEC 60044-1
 IEC 60071
Insulation coordination
 IEC 60076
Power transformers
 Surge arresters – Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c.
IEC 60099-4
 IEC 60265-2 High-voltage switches – Part 2: High-voltage switches for rated voltage of
52 kV and above
 IEC 60694 Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and control gear
 IEC 61850 Communication network and systems in substations
 IEC 62271-100 High-voltage switchgear and control gear – Part 100: High-voltage
alternative-current circuit breakers
 IEC 62271-102 High-voltage switchgear and control gear – Part 102: Alternative-current
disconnectors and earthing switches
 IEC 62271-203 High-voltage switchgear and control gear – Part 203: Gas-insulated metal
-enclosed switchgear for rated voltage above 52 kV
In cases where IEC standards are not applicable to the conditions, international standards such as
ANSI, ASTM, BS, JIS, JEC and JEM will be applied.

Insulation Coordination
Insulation co-ordination for the design of 500 kV, 230 kV and 33 kV equipment is as follows:

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(1) Nominal system voltage 500 kV 230 kV 33 kV

(2) Rated voltage (Highest voltage) 525 kV 245 kV 36 kV
(3) Rated frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
(4) Insulation levels
Rated short-duration power 80 kV
frequency withstand voltage
Rated lightning impulse 1,550 kV 750 kV 195 kV
withstand voltage (peak value)
Minimum clearance of phase-to- 4,100 mm 2,100 mm 400 mm
Standard clearance of phase-to- 8,000 mm 2,600 mm 500 mm
Minimum clearance of phase-to- 5,400 mm 3,000 mm 600 mm
Standard clearance of phase-to- 8,000 mm 4,000 mm 900 mm

Equipment Procurement and Quantities

500 kV switchgear with eight bays of transmission line, two bays of main transformer having a
capacity of 500 MVA per unit, two bays of 500 kV shunt reactors and 230 kV switchgears with eight
bays of transmission lines, and two bays of transformers and bus coupler bays are to be installed in
the new Mawlamyaing 500 kV substation.

1) 500 kV Substation Facility

i) Seven units, including spares for 500/230/33 kV, 166.7 MVA and single-phase main
transformer with on-load tap changer (OLTC)
ii) Two units of 500 kV shunt reactor, 100 MVar
iii) 500 kV switchgear in one and a half circuit breaker arrangement
The 500 kV switchgear in one and a half circuit breaker scheme includes eight (8) transmission
line bays and two (2) transformer bays
- 500 kV GCB 24 sets
- 500 kV DS/ES 60 sets
- 500 kV CT 60 sets
- 500 kV VT 13 sets
- 500 kV CVT 8 sets
- 420 kV SA 12 sets
- Line trap 16 sets
- 500 kV busbar 1 lot (One and a Half CB arrangement)
 The associated gantry structures for the above system shall be supplied and installed.

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 The associated steel support structures and foundations for the above equipment with all
necessary connecting materials shall be supplied and installed.
 The connection work between the dead-end towers, associated gantry structures and the
above equipment shall be carried out and all necessary materials for the work, such as power
conductors, tension insulator sets, fittings, post insulators, connectors, accessories, power and
control cables, etc., shall be supplied and installed.
 The above equipment shall be properly earthed with underground earthing mesh and all
necessary materials such as earthing conductors shall be supplied.

2) 230 kV Switchgear
i) 230 kV double busbar scheme switchgear
The 230 kV double busbar scheme includes eight (8) transmission line bays, two (2) transformer
bays and one (1) bus coupler bay.
- 230 kV GCB 11 sets
- 230 kV DS/ES 10 sets
- 230 kV DS 20 sets
- 230 kV CT 11 sets
- 230 kV CVT 12 sets
- 196 kV SA 10 sets
- Line trap 16 sets
- 230 kV busbar 1 lot (Double busbar scheme)
 The associated gantry structures for the above system shall be supplied and installed.
 The associated steel support structures and foundations for the above equipment with all
necessary connecting materials shall be supplied and installed.
 The connection work between the dead-end towers, associated gantry structures and the
above equipment shall be carried out and all necessary materials for the work, such as power
conductors, tension insulator sets, fittings, post insulators, connectors, accessories, power and
control cables, etc., shall be supplied and installed.
 The above equipment shall be properly earthed with underground earthing mesh and all
necessary materials such as earthing conductors shall be supplied.

3) Installation of Control and Protection panels

Protection relay panels
- Main transformer protection relay panel 2 panels
- 500 kV shunt reactor protection relay panel 2 panels
- 500 kV transmission line protection relay panels 8 panels
- 500 kV busbar protection relay panels 2 panels
- 230 kV transmission line protection relay panels 8 panels
- 230 kV busbar protection relay panels 2 panels

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Control panels
- Main transformer primary side control panel 2 panels
- Main transformer OLTC panels 2 panels
- 500 kV shunt reactor control panel 2 panels
- 500 kV transmission line control and synchronizing panel 8 panels
- 230 kV transmission line control and synchronizing panel 8 panels
- Remote control and monitoring system 1 lot
 The associated power and control cables with necessary accessories shall be supplied and
 All necessary meters, including ammeters, voltmeters and watt-hour meters, etc., shall be
supplied and installed.
 SCADA system shall be designed with control, monitoring and measuring of 500 and 230 kV
switchyard, 500/230/33 kV main transformers, 500 kV shunt reactors and 33 kV switchgear
4) Installation of communication equipment
The following optical-fiber telecommunication equipment shall be supplied and installed.
- Optical distribution frame (ODF) for connection and 24 core optical fiber cable
- Patch cables connecting ODF with synchronous transport module -1 (STM-1) and
- Supply STM-1 and multiplexer with multi channels of not less than 2 Mbit/s interface.
- Optical fiber splicing boxes (i.e., for termination of OPGW on the steel gantry structure in
the substation)
5) Miscellaneous electrical equipment
- Indoor type 500 kVA auto start module type diesel generator set with associated
switchgear, power cables and fuel tank
- 400 V AC distribution switchboard equipped with double-throw breaker including
necessary cables and accessories
- 110 V DC system including two sets of 110 kV battery banks, two sets of chargers, and
one set of distribution boards
- 50 V DC system including two sets of 50 V batteries, two sets of chargers, and one set of
distribution board
- Earthing system covering the new substation area, including earthing rods, conductors, etc.
- Overhead substation shield wire system, including shield wires and supporting structures
for protection against lightning
- Outdoor substation lighting system
6) Civil and building work
The associated civil and building work for the above work shall be carried out as follows:
- Cleaning, cutting, filling, leveling and compacting of the new substation area
- Excavation and backfilling as required

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- Gravelling of the complete additional substation area

- Construction of external security fences
- Construction of station service road
- Construction of gantries for 500 kV and 230 kV switchyards
- Construction of steel structures and equipment support
- Construction of concrete foundations for all equipment
- Construction of oil pit from main transformers and shunt reactors
- Construction of drainage pit and conduit
- Construction of cable pit
- Construction of a complete substation control building with control room, 33 kV cubicle
room, office, workshop, storage room, battery room, kitchen, toilet, etc.
- Construction of guard house for security personnel beside the main gate
- Supply and installation of air conditioning and ventilation equipment for the substation
- Supply and installation of water well and storage facility, and wastewater and septic tank
- Supply and installation of firefighting equipment associated with air conditioning system
for the control building
- All necessary materials for the above work, such as concrete, aggregate, reinforcements,
accessories, etc., shall be supplied.
6) Other work
- Spare parts for at least 5 years of operation
- Tools and erection accessories as required
- Complete documentation for operation and maintenance
- Training for DPTSC staff at manufacturer’s factory and at site

Specifications of Major Equipment

1) 500/230/33 kV Main Transformer
i) Type
Single-phase, oil-immersed type, outdoor and ONAN/ONAF cooling type with on-load-tap
changing device, designed in accordance with IEC 60076 and 60289.
ii) Ratings
Rated voltage 500 kV
Rated 100 MVA
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Rated insulation level at HV side (LI&PF)/current To be determined in Final Report

3) Gas Insulated Switchgear

i) Type
The GIS or H-GIS shall be metal-enclosed, three-phase busbar and switchgear type, for outdoor
use, and filled with SF6 insulation gas.

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ii) Circuit breaker

Rated voltage 500 kV
Rated main busbar normal current 6,000 A
Rated feeder normal current 2,500 A
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Rated short-circuit breaking current 40 kA, 1 sec.
Rated interrupting time less than or equal to 3 cycle
Rated operating sequence O - 0.3 sec. - CO - 3 min. - CO
Rated closing operation voltage DC 110 V
Rated control voltage DC 110 V
Rated insulation level
Rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage (r.m.s.
a) 750 kV
b) Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak value) 1,550 kV
The circuit breakers shall be suitable for single-pole tripping and rapid auto-reclosing, provided
with a motor-operated spring mechanism, and shall comply with the related IEC
The circuit breakers shall be equipped with an operation mechanism for DC and the mechanism
shall ensure uniform and positive closing and opening.

iii) Disconnectors and earthing switches

Rated voltage 500 kV
Rated normal current 2,500 A
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Rated short-circuit withstand current 40 kA, 1 sec.
Rated control voltage DC 110 C
Rated insulation level
Rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage (r.m.s.
a) 750 kV
b) Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak value) 1,550 kV
The disconnectors and earthing switch shall both be motor-operated and provided with a manual
operating mechanism.
Motor-operated disconnectors and earthing switch shall be designed with three-pole operation and
the motor shall be operated on DC auxiliary power.
iv) Current transformer
Highest system voltage 525 kV
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Rated insulation level
Rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage (r.m.s.
a) 750 kV
b) Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak value) 1,550 kV
2,500-1,250 A : 1 A (TL and
Rated current ratio busbar)
1,000A : 1A (SS)
5P20 for protection, Class 0.2 for
Accuracy classes

v) Voltage transformer
Highest system voltage 525 kV
Rated frequency 50 Hz
500 𝑘𝑉 110 𝑉 110 𝑉
Voltage ratio : :
√3 √3 √3
Accuracy classes 3P+0.5

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Rated insulation level

Rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage (r.m.s.
a) 750 kV
b) Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak value) 1,550 kV

4) Air Insulated Switchgear

i) Circuit breaker
The 230 kV circuit breakers shall be SF6 gas type, with three-pole collective arrangement and for
outdoor use. The circuit breakers shall be suitable for single-pole tripping and rapid auto-reclosing,
provided with a motor-operated spring mechanism, and shall comply with the related IEC
Rated voltage 230 kV
Rated feeder normal current 2,000 A
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Rated short-circuit breaking current 40 kA, 1 sec.
Rated interrupting time less than or equal to 3 cycle
Rated operating sequence O - 0.3 sec. - CO - 3 min. - CO
Rated closing operation voltage DC 110 V
Rated control voltage DC 110 V
Rated insulation level
Rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage (r.m.s.
a) 395 kV
b) Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak value) 750 kV
The circuit breakers shall be equipped with an operation mechanism for DC power, motor
operated and with a manual handle and the mechanism shall ensure uniform and positive closing and

ii) Disconnectors and earthing switches

The 230 kV disconnectors shall be three-phase, two-column, rotary and center air break type with
horizontal operation. Earthing switches shall be triple-pole, single-throw, vertical single break and
manual three-phase group operation type.
The disconnectors and earthing switches shall be suitable for outdoor use. The earthing switches
shall be mounted on the disconnectors whenever necessary and where specified.
Rated voltage 230 kV
Rated normal current 2,000 A
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Rated short-circuit withstand current 40 kA, 1 sec.
Rated control voltage DC 110 C
Rated insulation level
Rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage (r.m.s.
a) 395 kV
b) Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak value) 750 kV
The disconnectors shall be motor-operated and provided with a manual operating mechanism with
a hand crank. The earthing switch shall be provided with a manual operating mechanism.
Motor-operated disconnectors shall be designed with three-pole operation and the motor shall be
operated on DC power.

iii) Current transformer

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The 230 kV current transformers shall be single-phase, porcelain-insulated, oil-immersed and air-
tight sealed post insulator type, for outdoor use and shall be designed in accordance with IEC 60044-
Highest system voltage 230 kV
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Rated insulation level
Rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage (r.m.s.
a) 750 kV
b) Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak value) 1,550 kV
4,000-2,000 A : 1 A(TL)
2,000-1,000 A : 1 A(TL)
Rated current ratio 4,000 A : 1 A (Busbar)
2,500-1,250 A : 1 A (SS)
1,000A : 1A (SS)
5P20 for protection, Class 0.2 for
Accuracy classes

iv) Capacitor Voltage transformer

The 500 and 230 kV voltage transformers shall be single-phase, capacitor type and shall be designed
in accordance with IEC 60044-5.
Highest system voltage 525 kV 245 kV
Rated frequency 50 Hz
500 𝑘𝑉 110 𝑉 110 𝑉 230 𝑘𝑉 110 𝑉 110 𝑉
Voltage ratio : : : :
√3 √3 √3 √3 √3 √3
Accuracy classes 3P+0.5
Rated insulation level
Rated short-duration power-frequency withstand
a) 750 kV 395 kV
voltage (r.m.s. value)
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak
b) 1,550 kV 750 kV
v) Surge Arresters
The 420 and 196 kV surge arresters shall be gapless, metal-oxide, outdoor and heavy duty type.
The arresters shall be designed in accordance with IEC 60099-4.

Rated voltage (r.m.s. value) 420 kV 196 kV

Rated frequency 50 Hz
Nominal discharge current 10 kA 10 kA
Long-duration discharge class Class 3 (Table-5, IEC 60099-4)
Pressure-relief current 40 kA
Rated insulation levels for insulators
Rated short-duration power-frequency
a) 750 kV 395 kV
withstand voltage (r.m.s. value)
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
b) 1,550 kV 750 kV
(peak value)

2.3. Cost Estimate for Substation

It is assumed that the construction costs for the new Mawlamyaing 500 kV substation will be similar
to those of Sar Ta Lin substation, which is to be constructed in Phase III. Therefore, the total price
for construction of the new Mawlamyaing 500 kV substation will be about 104 MUSD, in
reference to the quantity of equipment and work estimated above, subject to the unit prices for
each piece of equipment being the same as those for Sar Ta Lin substation.

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3. Data Collection for Transmission Route

3.1. Study for Transmission Route Selection

Methods for Transmission Route Selection
The JICA team performed a desk study for the 500 kV transmission route between Pharyargyi and
Mawlamyaing with a route map, using Google Earth and other tools. The transmission line route map
was drawn after discussion with C/Ps.
The JICA team confirmed that the Categories to Note (Table 3.1-1) included conservation forest,
sanctuary areas, large-scale rivers, etc.

Table 3.1-1 Categories to Note for Transmission Line Construction

General - National parks: Avoidance in terms of environmental and social considerations
categories - Large-scale rivers: Understanding the possibility of long spans
representing - Extra-high voltage transmission lines
an obstacle - Expressways, major roads
- Railroads
- Housings/Dwellings: Avoidance and reducing the amount of inhabitant relocation
- Cultural assets: Avoidance in terms of environmental and social considerations
- Religious facilities/cemeteries and Local community facilities: Avoidance in terms of
environmental and social considerations
Individual - Military facilities/sites: Avoiding military facilities, which are widely distributed and have
categories in large site areas in Myanmar
Myanmar - Rubber forests and Mango Gardens: Necessity of avoidance to reduce RoW compensation
representing due to high asset value
an obstacle - Teak forest: Necessity of avoidance to reduce RoW compensation because it constitutes a
major part of commercial forest in Myanmar
Categories - Areas of weak soil: The foundation support layers in weak areas such as river basins are to
representing be confirmed via visual inspection and geological investigation
an obstacle - Weir areas: Confirmation of weir water level (for examination of foundation configuration)
for overhead - Roads: Access methods at construction stage, necessity of temporary construction and
lines maintenance methods after construction

Source: JICA survey team

Location of Substations
The target substations for this project are the 500 kV Pharyargyi substation, under construction in
the Phase II project, and the new 500 kV Mawlamyaing substation. The base 500 kV Pharyargyi
substation (Figure 3.1-1) is about 90 km north of Yangon city. The location of the new 500 kV
Mawlamyaing substation (Figure 3.1-2), determined after discussion with C/Ps, is about 170 km
southeast of the Pharyargyi substation in a straight line. There is a Kha-Ngu cultural heritage site near
the Mawlamyaing substation.

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Source: DPTSC
Figure 3.1-1 500 kV Pharyargyi Substation (Under construction)

Source: JICA survey team

Figure 3.1-2 New 500 kV Mawlamyaing Substation

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Transmission Route
Overview of Transmission Route
An overview of the 500 kV transmission route between the Pharyargyi substation and the
Mawlamyaing substation is shown in Figure 3.1-3. The transmission route is based on the following
 The shortest distance between substations
 Easy to secure access road during construction (South route of the existing 230 kV
Kamarnut―Thaton― Mawlamyaing/North route of the future 230 kV Kamarnut― Mawlamyaing)
The existing transmission route of 230 kV Kamarnut-Thaton-Mawlamyaing is detoured to the north
side before Mawlamyaing in order to link with the Thaton substation, but the study team proposes the
shortest route to avoid the Kalamataung protection forest (Fig 3.1-4).

Source: JICA survey team

Figure 3.1-3 Overview Map of the 500 kV Transmission Route

The legend for Figure 3.1-3 is shown below.

; New 500 kV Phayargyi―Mawlamyaing (DC 211km)
; Existing 230 kV Kamarnut―Thaton― Mawlamyaing (SC)
; Future 230 kV Kamarnut― Mawlamyaing
; Existing 230 kV Tharyargone ― Kamarnet (DC)

; Existing 230 kV Tharyargone―Hlawgar (SC)

; Existing 66kV Zaungtu―Kamarnet (SC)

Facility Crossings to Note

Facility crossings to note for the 500 kV transmission route between the Pharyargyi substation and

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the Mawlamyaing substation are shown in Table 3.1-2.

Table 3.1-2 Facility Crossings to Note

Facility Name Number of Crossings
230 kV Transmission Line 4
66 kV Transmission Line 2
Expressways, major roads 15
Railroads 5
Large-scale rivers 7
Source: JICA survey team

Reserved Forests near the Transmission Route

Rsereved forests near the transmission route are shown in Figure 3.1-4. Details on conservation
forests are given in section “4.1 Environmental considerations”. The study team proposes a
transmission route that avoids conservation forests.

Source: JICA survey team

Figure 3.1-4 Reserved Forests

Protected Areas near the Transmission Route

Protected areas near the transmission route are shown in Figure 3.1-5. Details on protected areas
are given in section “4.1 Environmental considerations”. The study team proposes a transmission route
that avoids protected areas.
The closest approach is to the Kelatha Wildlife Sanctuary, near Taung Sun Town on the transmission

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Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

line route, but a distance of 2.7km can be secured.

Source: JICA survey team

Figure 3.1-5 Protected Areas

Longitudinal Overview of the Transmission Route

A Longitudinal Overview of the transmission route is shown in Figure 3.1-6.
Most of the transmission route is flat land with an altitude of 5m to 10m. However, the following
three places are plateaus and mountainous areas with relatively hard strata.
Hereinafter PM "number" shows the position number of the horizontal alignment break point of the
transmission line route, and EL shows the altitude.
1) Near Pharyargyi S/S (PM1~PM4) EL15m~ EL37m
2) Between Sittaung River and south of Bilinmintown (PM18~PM36) EL10m~ EL54m
3) Between south of Thatontown to north of Yay Twn Gone town (PM43~PM51) EL5m~

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Source: JICA survey team

Figure 3.1-6 Longitudinal Overview map of the Transmission Route

3.2. Study on Soil Conditions of the Transmission Route

Geology of the Transmission Route
The 500 kV transmission route between the Pharyargyi substation and the Mawlamyaing
substation runs from the Myanmar central belt through the Shan Plateau to the Mongok metamorphic
belt. A Geological Overview of the transmission route is shown in Table 3.2-1 and Figure 3.2-1. About
70% of the transmission route is on relatively soft and new alluvium Q2 (Holocene). Alluvium is the
river terrace deposit of older alluvium and mainly consists of sand, silt, clay and some gravel. The
three locations - near Phayargi S/S, between the Sittaung River and south of Bilinmintown, and
between the south of Thatontown to the north of Yay Twn Gone town - are on the hard layers of the
Irrawaddy and Kathabung layers older than the Pleistocene. The Irrawaddy Formation is the
continental and marginal marine deposits of the Miocene – Pliocene belonging to the Irrawaddy
Formation. The Kathabung Formation contains metamorphic schist and gneiss.

Table 3.2-1 Geological Overview of the Transmission Route

Geological Surface GEO Geological Geological Sedimentary
Name Stratum ID Time Formation Environment
Q2 Holocene Alluvial Silt, Clay, Sand, Recent
Fm Gravel deposition
Q1 Pleistocene Irrawaddy Sandstone, Older Fluvial
Central Belt
Fm. alluvium and gravels,
Irrawaddy schist and gneisses
Delta Tm- Miocene- Irrawaddy Sedimentary rocks Eastern Range
Tp Pliocene Fm.
Shan Plateau Pz2 Upper - Carboniferous- Shallow water
Paleozoic Permian: Plateau
Mogok Sagaing fault gn/gs Miocene Kathabung Schist, Gneisses Sedimentary,
Metamorphic and the west of Fm. Igneous
Belt Shan plateau
Source: Data from the Geology of Myanmar Website

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Source: JICA survey team based on Geology Department information

Figure 3.2-1 Geological Overview map of the Transmission Route

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Soil Conditions of the Transmission Route

The foundations for the overhead transmission line are assumed to be pile foundations, because
most of the transmission routes are on the Alluvium, which is relatively new and soft soil. The
locations of the three borehole logs (BH1, BH2 and BH3) obtained in the soil literature survey for this
project are shown in Figure 3.2-1. The following three places are plateaus and mountainous areas with
relatively hard strata (Figure 3.2-2).
1) Near Phayargi S/S (PM1~PM4) EL15m~ EL37m
2) Between Sittaung River and south of Bilinmintown (PM18~PM36) EL10m~ EL54m
3) Between south of Thatontown to north of Yay Twn Gone town (PM43~PM51) EL5m~
The JICA team assumed the geological conditions encountered in the literature survey for the
transmission route, but the conducting of geological surveys on-site will be required to get more
accurate information for the basic design in the future.

Source: JICA survey team

Figure 3.2-2 Longitudinal Overview map of the Transmission Route

Three boring logs for soft soil areas obtained in the soil literature survey for this project are shown
in Figure 3.2-3~Figure 3.2-5.

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Source: Data from the Geology of Myanmar Website

Figure 3.2-3 Boring Log B1 (Waw) Figure 3.2-4 Boring Log B2 (Hpa An)

Source: Data from the Geology of Myanmar Website

Figure 3.2-5 Boring Log B3 (Mawlamyaing)

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Soil Conditions for Pile Foundations

The concept for the supporting layer of pile foundations is in accordance with the Basic Design in
supporting layer should be a clay layer for which the N-value is 20 or more, or a sand layer, gravel or
rock for which the N-value is 30 or more.
The deepest supporting layer is B3 (Mawlamyaing) based on the boring logs shown in
Figure 3.2-3 to Figure 3.3-5, and the depth is more than 100 feet (30.5m).
The depth of the support layer in this outline study is assumed to be 33.0 m considering the safety
aspect, per the concept in the “National Power Transmission Network Development Project Phase III”.
However, the conducting of geological surveys on-site will be required to get more accurate
information for the basic design in the future.

Soil Conditions for Pad and Chimney Foundations

The following three places are plateaus and mountainous areas with relatively hard strata, the
Irrawaddy or Kathabung layers older than the Pleistocene (Figure 3.2-2). Since most of the hard layers
are Irrawaddy layers, the Kathabung layer is also considered to be equivalent to the Irrawaddy layer
in this outline study.
1) Near Phayargi S/S (PM1~PM4) EL15m~ EL37m
2) Between Sittaung River and south of Bilinmintown (PM18~PM36) EL10m~ EL54m
3) Between the south of Thatontown to the north of Yay Twn Gone town (PM43~PM51)
EL5m~ EL80m
PROJECT PHASE I”, most of the tower foundations on Irrawaddy were Pad and Chimney, and the
soil conditions of this Irrawaddy are applied for Type I in Table 3.2-2.

Table 3.2-2 Classification of Foundations

Source: JICA survey team

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3.3. Conceptual Design of Transmission Line

Design Concept
Conceptual design of the transmission line was carried out based on the collected information. For
the line, in order to systematically connected to the Phayargyi substation in the future with Phayargyi
- Sartalin line and Phayargyi - Hlaingthaya line, the same equipment specifications were implemented
considering system reliability and O&M for the 500 kV transmission system.

Design Conditions
The design conditions are as mentioned below.

Maximum air temperature 46 ºC
Minimum air temperature 10 ºC
Annual average temperature 27 ºC

Conductor Temperature
Maximum temperature 75 ºC
Minimum temperature 10 ºC

Wind Velocity
Maximum wind velocity 35 m/s

Wind Pressure
Tower 2,150 Pa
Conductor 900 Pa
Ground wire 970 Pa
Insulator assembly 900 Pa

Pollution Lebel
Medium (IEC standard); 34.7 mm/kV

Condutor and Ground Wires

Type of Conductor and Ground Wires
The results from power flow system analysis showed that 4 bundles of ACSR 468 mm2 (Drake) for
conductors are appropriate for the project. Therefore, ACSR 468 mm2 for conductor and OPGW 115
mm2 and AS 110 mm2 for ground wire are applied. The technical characteristics of the conductor and
ground wires are shown in the following tables.

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Table 3.3-1 Technical Characteristics of Conductor

Type ACSR 468 ASTM (Drake)
Al: 26/4.442 mm
Component of stranded wire (Units/Dia.)
St: 7/3.454 mm
Overall Diameter 28.13 mm
Cross Sectional Area of Aluminum wires 402.8 mm2
Cross Sectional Area (Total) 468.6 mm2
Nominal Weight 1,628 kg/km
Ultimate Tensile Strength 140.2 kN
Modulus of Elasticity 76.0 GPa
Co-efficient of linear expansion 19.1 x 10-6/℃
DC Resistance at 20℃ 0.07167 Ω/km

Table 3.3-2 Technical Characteristics of Ground Wires

Type OPGW115 mm2 AC110 mm2
AA: 12/2.85 mm
Component of stranded wire (Units/Dia.) AS: 19/2.85 mm 20SA: 19/2.7 mm
SUS: 1/2.80 mm
Overall Diameter 14.25 mm 13.5 mm
Cross Sectional Area (Total) 114.83 mm2 108.8 mm2
Nominal Weight 483 kg/km 722.5 kg/km
Ultimate Tensile Strength 72.4 kN 145.8 kN
Modulus of Elasticity 97.7 GPa 155.2 GPa
Co-efficient of linear expansion 17.5 x 10-6/℃ 12.6 x 10-6/℃
0.366 Ω/km
DC Resistance at 20℃ 0.787Ω/km
(including OP unit)

Insulation Design
Type and Size of Insulators
The insulator unit applied to the transmission line is a standard disc type porcelain insulator with
ball and socket, complying with IEC 60305. 210kN type insulators are applied for the suspension
towers and 300kN type insulators are applied for the tension towers. The technical characteristics
of the insulators are shown in the following table

Table 3.3-3 Technical Characteristics of Insulators

Rated Ultimate Strength 210 kN 300 kN
IEC Designation U210B U300B
Shell Diameter 280 mm 320 mm
Unit Spacing 170 mm 195 mm
Nominal Creepage Distance 405 mm 505 mm
Ball & Socket Coupling 20 mm 24 mm

Number of Insulator Units per string

The number of insulator units per string is 30 units for the suspension towers and 26 units for the
tension towers.

Tower Type
(a) Type DA
 Suspension type tower on a straight section of the line or on a section of the line with a
horizontal deviation angle up to 3 degrees with suspension insulator sets.
(b) Type DB

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 Tension type tower on a section of the line with a horizontal deviation angle up to 20
degrees with tension insulator sets.
(c) Type DC
 Tension type tower on a section of the line with a horizontal deviation angle from 20
degrees to 40 degrees with tension and jumper suspension insulator sets.
(d) Type DD
 Tension type tower on a section of the line with a horizontal deviation angle from 40
degrees up to 60 degrees with tension and jumper suspension insulator sets.
(e) Type DE
 Tension type tower used at the terminal of the line with tension insulator sets having
jumper insulator sets where required with a horizontal angle up to 40 degrees.

Figure 3.3-1 Type DA Tower Figure 3.3-2 Type DB Tower

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Figure 3.3-3 Type DC Tower Figure 3.3-4 Type DD Tower

Figure 3.3-5 Type DE Tower

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Foundations of Towers
The dimensions of the tower foundations are as per the concept in “National Power Transmission
Network Development Project Phase III” because this transmission line is assumed to be the same
specifications as the 500 kV Phayargyi-Sar Ta Lin transmission line.
The foundations of the towers in this project are shown in Figure 3.3-6 and Figure 3.3-7.

Tower Type DA DB DC DD DE
(a) m 0.60 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Tower Type DA DB DC DD DE
(b) m 0.85 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Chimney Geological Type II II II II II
(f') m 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
(a) m 0.60 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80
(h1) m 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
(b) m 1.20 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.40
(B) m 3.20 3.20 3.70 4.80 3.50 Chimney
Pad (f') m 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
(t) m 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Depth of Pad Bottom (H) m 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 (h1) m 3.50 3.60 3.90 4.00 3.80

Length (L) GL-m 34.00 34.00 34.00 34.00 34.00 (B) m 4.30 5.30 6.30 7.00 6.00
Pile Diameter (D) mm 800 800 800 800 800 (t) m 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
No. of Piles (n) - 4 4 4 4 4 Depth of Pad Bottom (H) m 4.00 4.10 4.40 4.50 4.30

Figure 3.3-6 Pile foundations Figure 3.3-7 Pad and Chimney


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Subjects to be Solved
Examination of Pollution Level
Since around 33% of the length of the line passes within 30 km from the sea, examination of areas
where will be applied to IEC pollution level "Heavy" on the route is necessary after selectiing the final
route, and then the appropriate number of insulator will be determined.

Application of Corrosion Resistant Conductor

If long-term corrosion of the conductors in the above-mentioned heavy pollution areas is concerned,
it may be necessary to consider the application of corrosion-resistant conductor. Examples of the
conductor (ACSR / HRAC: Aluminum Conductor, High Corrosion Resistant Aluminum-Clad Steel
Wires) is shown below. This conductor improves corrosion resistance by coating the steel core with
aluminum clad (AC) that includes an Al-Mg-based aluminum alloy.
When the ACSR / HRAC is applied, the diameter and weight are the same as those of the
conventional ACSR Drake, so it can be applied by increasing only the conductor price by 5%.

Table 3.3-4 Technical Characteristics of ACSR Drake and ACSR/HRAC (Reference)

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4. Environmental and Social Considerations

4.1. Environmental considerations

Current Conditions of the Protected Areas and Areas Surrounding the
Planned Transmission Line Route
Current conditions of the protected areas around the project area
In Myanmar, there are two forest areas under the control of the Ministry of the Environment for
Natural Resources Conservation-Forest Department (MONREC-FD): Reserved Forest (RF) and
Protected Public Forest (PPF). In addition, MONREC-FD designated protected areas (PA) to protect
the diverse ecosystems and species richness of Myanmar. In the Forest Policy (1995), the MONREC-
FD set a goal of keeping 30% by area of the national land for PPF and 10% for PA. Table 4.1-1 shows
the scale of PA, RF, and PPF in Myanmar as of December 2020.

Table 4.1-1 RF and PPF in Myanmar

No. Category Area (Acres) Percentage of the land (%)
1 Protected Area (PA) 9,783,684.42 5.85%
2 Reserved Forest (RF) 29,702,095.99 17.77%
3 Protected Public Forest (PPF) 12,909,460.99 7.72%
Source: Forest Department/MONREC (2020)

KBA (Key Biodiversity Area) and IBA (Important Bird and Biodiversity Area) are also important
areas for environmental considerations. KBA are areas containing endangered species in
terrestrial/freshwater/marine ecosystems. There are 123 KBAs in Myanmar. Of the 123 KBAs, 35 are
designated as PA and eight have been proposed as PA. IBAs are sites identified as being globally
important for the conservation of bird populations on the basis of an internationally agreed set of
criteria. Of the 123 KBAs, 57 are registered as IBAs in Myanmar.

PAs and KBAs/IBAsaround the project area

As shown in Table 4.1-2, PAs occupy about 5.9% (about 9,784,000 acres) of the land area, and there
are 45 in total. There are no PAs and KBAs/IBAs on the planned transmission line route from Phayargy
to Mawlamyaing. In addition, although the area of impact on the environment differs depending on
the impact item, the JICA Survey Team confirmed that Pas and KBAs/IBAs exist within a range of 10
km from the project area. Table 4.1-2 and Figure 4.1-1 show the confirmation results, including the
shortest distance to the project area.

Table 4.1-2 Existing PAs and KBAs/IBAs around the project area
No. Name, etc. Area, etc. Overview
Moeyungyi Inn is a dam built in 1904 to supply water to a canal connecting
Region: Bago
Name: the Sittaung and Bago rivers. It was designated as "Moeyungyi Wildlife
Moyungyi Sanctuary" on 22nd April 1988, the aim of this being the following: (1) to
Wetland protect the grazing lands of migratory birds, (2) to conduct research on bird
1 Wildlife species, (3) to ensure the sustainability of watershed ecosystem services, (4) to
25,598 Acres
Sanctuary make effective use of watershed ecosystem services, (6) to raise the public’s
awareness of watershed ecosystems and their importance, (7) to generate
Distance to
Category: public interest and involvement in conservation, and (8) to support ecotourism.
the project
It was identified as Myanmar's First Ramsar Site in 2004. Moyungyi Wildlife

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No. Name, etc. Area, etc. Overview

-PA/ area: 5.6 km Sanctuary is located in Waw Township, Bago District, Bago Region and it
-KBA/ approx. covers 25,600 acres.
-IBA The Site supports several wetland habitats with high ecological value for
resident and migratory waterbirds. More than 20 aquatic plants are present,
including Kaing grass and Nwaysaba (Oxyza Officinalis), growing especially
in the shallow areas of the Site, which are a breeding ground for water birds. In
addition, 12 species of mammals, 18 species of amphibians and reptiles, 33
species of insects, 59 species of migratory birds, 77 species of endemic birds,
44 species of fish and 74 species of aquatic plants have been recorded in this
Wildlife Sanctuary.
Kelatha Wildlife Sanctuary (Protected Area) is situated in Mon state, Bilin
Township. It is a small sanctuary of about 24 square kilometers whose
boundaries are demarcated by a road running all around the Site. Settlements,
farming and collection of non-timber forest products are allowed.The
Region: Mon
Transmission line will pass through this protected area.
Name: State
Forest types in the Kelatha Wildlife Sanctuary are mixed deciduous and
typical evergreen forest. According to information obtained at the park,
Wildlife Area:
leopard, serow, barking deer, sambar deer, wild boar, different species of
Sanctuary 5,548 Acres
2 monkeys, wildfowl, pheasant, hornbill and peacock were observed in the Site
in 1996. Shifting cultivation farmers are encroaching on the park’s borders.
Category: Distance to
Poaching and illegal logging for subsistence are moderate and localized
-PA/ the project
threats. The Site is surrounded by villages and anthropical activities.
-KBA area: 2.5 km
According to a survey conducted in 1996, there were no villagers who earn
their living from the forest or forest products at the Site. Paddy fields in the
surrounding area are fertile, and they produce a good harvest. Villages and
horticulture farms are located almost continuously one beside another and
villagers are very concerned about forest fire outbreaks.
The Gulf of Mottama is one of the most important and unique intertidal
wetland systems in the world. Because of this, it was declared a Ramsar site in
2017. It is home to important habitats, species of conservation concern,
commercially important fisheries, and communities that rely on its natural
Region: resources.
Yangon/ It is bordered by Yangon Region in the west, Bago Region in the north, Mon
Bago Region, State in the east, and the Andaman Sea in the south.The Gulf of Mottama is
Name: Gulf Mon state situated at the mouth of the Sittaung River of the larger Gulf of Mottama. The
of Mottama designated area was extended from 42,500 hectares to 161,030 ha in 2020, to
Area: include a greater area of this unique estuarine mudflat environment. The Gulf
3 Category: 397,987 has a tidal range of between six and seven meters; the mouth, which is around
-PA/ Acres 100 km wide, narrows into a funnel-shaped bay to produce a powerful bore
-KBA/ phenomenon that can reach heights of over a metre on spring tides in the upper
-IBA Distance to estuary. As a result, the tidal mudflats of the Gulf are among the largest in the
the project world. The Site supports a large number of species including marine fish,
area: 1.6 km invertebrates and up to 150,000 migratory waterbirds in the non-breeding
approx. season. Among these waterbirds is the critically endangered spoon-billed
sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pygmeus), of which the Site perhaps hosts more
than half of the remaining global population. The Gulf of Mottama also
supports the livelihoods of thousands of people by providing fish for local and
regional consumption.
Source: Prepared by JICA Study Team based on Forest Department of each township; Protected Area coverage information (2019)
and Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT)

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Usage Guide

Range of 500m from the project area

Range of 10km from the project area

Source: Prepared by JICA Survey Team based on the Forest Department of each township; Protected Area coverage information
(2019) and Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT)
Figure 4.1-1 Location of the PAs around the project area

RFs and PPFs around the project area

As shown in Table 4.1-1, RFs and PPFs occupy about 25.5% (about 42,600,000 acres) of the land
area. The Kalama Taung Conservation Forest exists on the planned transmission line route from
Phayargy to Mawlamyaing. According to interviews with the staff of Kalama Taung Reserved Forest,
this RF is a conservation forest for the purpose of commercial/local supply/water collection protection
as stipulated in the Forest Law (2018), and modification is possible by carrying out the required
procedure. In addition, as with the protected areas (PA) mentioned above, the existence of RF, etc. was
confirmed within a range of 10 km from the project area. Table 4.1-3 and Figure 4.1-2 show the
confirmation results, including the shortest distance to the project area.

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Table 4.1-3 RFs and PPFs around the project area

No. Region Name Overview
SALU Reserved Forest is situated in East Bago Yoma, Bago
Township, Bago Region. This area is located between 17◦ 04‫ ׳‬N to 17◦
50‫ ׳‬N Latitude and 96◦ 24‫ ׳‬E to 96◦ 41‫ ׳‬E Longitude. The total area of
Name: Salu
SALU reserved forest is 62,885.849 acres. In some research, it is
Reserved Forest
mentioned that disturbances such as logging, charcoal making and
Bago firewood collection were the major destructive forces and one of the
1 Area: 62,885 Acres
Region influencing factors for forest structure. But SALU Reserved Forest is
Distance to the
still rich in tree species diversity, even after great disturbances to the
Project area: 2.3km
ecology. Melanorrhoea glabra (Thit-si) and Cryteronia pubescens
(Anan- bo) Manglietia insignis (Taung- sa- ga) are the most abundant
species in Salu Reserved Forest. It is situated within the 10 km buffer
of the transmission line and north-east of that line.
Name: Wet wun
daung Reserved
Wet wun daung Reserved Forest is situated in Kyaikto Township, Mon
state. This area is located between 17°29'34.74"N to 17°33'31.65"N
2 Latitude and 96°55'51.61"E to 96°56'55.31"E Longitude. The total area
Area: 3,690 Acres
of Wet wun daung reserved forest is 3,690.59 acres. It is situated
Distance to the
within the 10 km buffer of the transmission line and east of that line.
Project area: 10km
Thabyuchaung Protected Public Forest is situated in Bilin Township,
Protected Public
Mon State. This area is located between 17°19'45.51"N to
17°32'2.52"N Latitude and 97° 8'22.94"E to 97°13'0.59"E Longitude.
The total area of Thabyuchaung protected public forest is 38,003.840
Area: 38,003 Acres
acres. It is situated within the 10 km buffer of the transmission line and
Distance to the
east of that line.
Project area: 5.2km
Name: Bilin
Reserved Forest Bilin Reserved Forest is situated in Mon state, Bilin Township, Mon
State. This area is located between 17°13'0.62"N to 17°14'25.31"N
4 Area: 513 Acres Latitude and 97°13'30.19"E to 97°12'19.32"E Longitude. The total area
Distance to the of Bilin reserved forest is 513.59 acres. It is situated within the 500 km
Project area: 0.5km buffer of the transmission line and east of that line.
Name: Danu
Reserved Forest Danu Reserved Forest is situated in Thaton Township, Mon State. This
area is located between 16°54'42.84"N to 17° 6'18.58"N Latitude and
5 Area: 10,269 Acres 97°23'48.55"E to 97°20'41.53"E Longitude. The total area of Danu
Distance to the reserved forest is 10,269 acres. It is situated within the 10 km buffer of
Project area: 3.4km the transmission line and east of that line.
Name: Pabein
Reserved Forest Pabein Reserved Forest is situated in Thaton Township, Mon State.
This area is located between 17° 4'35.94"N to 17° 8'8.15"N Latitude
6 Area: 5,904 Acres and 97°25'21.88"E to 97°23'32.69"E Longitude. The total area of
Distance to the Danu reserved forest is 5,904 acres. It is situated within the 10 km
Project area: 9.5km buffer of the transmission line and east of that line.
Name: Kalama
Taung Reserved Kalamataung Reserved Forest is situated in Paung Township, Mon
Forest state. This area is located between 16°52'52.74"N to 16°36'57.94"N
7 Latitude and 97°24'28.68"E to 97°31'42.12"E Longitude. The total area
Area: 33,722 Acres of Kalama Taung reserved forest is 33,722.79 acres. The transmission
Distance to the line will pass through this reserved forest.
Project area: Passing
Name: Zwe Kabin Zwe Kabin Taungdan Protected Public Forest is situated in Kayin state,
Taungdan Protected Hpa-An Township. This area is located between 16°46'25.11"N to
8 Public Forest 16°50'23.48"N Latitude and 97°42'47.14"E to 97°39'44.22"E
Longitude. It is situated within the 10 km buffer of the transmission
Area: No info line and east of that line.

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No. Region Name Overview

Distance to the
Project area: 7.7km
Source: Forest Department of each township; RF, and PPF Area coverage information (2019)

Usage Guide

Range of 500m from the project area

Range of 10km from the project area

Source: Prepared by JICA Survey Team based on the Forest Department of each township; RF, and PPF Area coverage information
Figure 4.1-2 RFs and PPFs around the project area

Topographical characteristics around the project area

The planned transmission line passes Bago/Waw in Bago, Kyaik Hto/Belin/Thaton/Paung/Kyaik
Mayaw in Mon State, and Hpa An in Kayin State. Table 4.1-4 shows the general topographical
characteristics of each area.

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Table 4.1-4 Overview of the topographical characteristics around the project area
Region/State Area Township Overview
Bago township is located at the bottom of the Bago Yoma Range, and the
western part of the township is a highland area covered with forests. The
township is 21 miles from east to west and 43 miles from north to south, and
Bago Region Bago has an altitude of about 30 m above sea level.
The topography of Waw township is flat-plain surfaces and a lowland area
Waw covered with water in the rainy season. It is situated about 23.8 feet above
sea level.
Kyaik Hto is located 35 feet above sea level with the mountain ranges in the
Kyaik east, south and north, and valleys in the West. The highest mountain is the
Hto Kyaik Htee Yoe mountain in this township, and this is located 36,158 feet
above sea level.
Belin township features a flat-plain surface covered with forest, and it is
situated about 30 feet above sea level.
Thaton township is located 17.6 feet above sea level, and it has a large
mountain range in the middle of Thaton township, which runs from East to
Thaton West. Hills covered by forest can be found in this township, running from
North to South.
Mon State The topography of Paung Township is plain surfaces, except for the
mountains which are located in the middle of the township. It has the Zin
Kyaik mountain, Kalama mountain, Nwar La Bo mountain and Mottama
Paung mountain range, which runs from North to South. Among these mountains,
the Kalama mountain is famous in this township. There are three islands in
Paung Township. One is inhabited, and the other two are uninhabited. Paung
Township is located 24 feet above sea level.
The topography of Kyaik Mayaw Township is bounded by the Gyaing river
Mawla Kyaik basin to the North, Ataran river basin and Taung Nyo mountain range to the
Myaing Mayaw West. They have an elongated shape, from the North-West to the South-
East. This township is situated 18 feet above sea level.
Hpa-an Township is mostly highland, with a percentage of lowland
Hpa- topography. The Zwekabin mountain, which is 2727 feet high, and its
Kayin State Hpa-An
An summit are located 9 miles from the South region of this township. Hpa-an
Township is located 53 feet above sea level.
Source: General Administrative Departments, October 2019

Geological characteristics around the project area

The planned transmission line route runs from the Myanmar central belt through the Shan Plateau
to the Mogok metamorphic belt. An outline is shown in Table 4.1-5 and Figure 4.1-3. The lithology is
widespread from silt/clay formation to sedimentary rock and limestone.

Table 4.1-5 Geological characteristics around the project area

Geological Rock formation GEO Sedimentary
name surface ID
Era Landform Lithology environment
Q2 Holocene Alluvial Silt, Clay, Sand, Recent
Fm Gravel deposition
Q1 Pleistocene Irrawaddy Sandstone, Older Fluvial
Central Belt
Fm. alluvium and gravels,
Irrawaddy schist and gneisses
Delta Tm- Miocene- Irrawaddy Sedimentary rocks Eastern Range
Tp Pliocene Fm.
Shan Plateau Pz2 Upper - Carboniferous- Shallow water
Paleozoic Permian: Plateau
Mogok Sagaing fault gn/gs Miocene Kathabung Schist, Gneisses Sedimentary,
Metamorphic and the West of Fm. Igneous
Belt Shan plateau
Source: Data from the Geology of Myanmar website

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

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Usage Guide

Source: Prepared by JICA Survey Team based on Geology Department

Figure 4.1-3 Geological map of the project area and its surroundings

Cultural heritage around the project area

There are no special cultural heritage sites on the planned transmission line route from Phayargy to
Mawlamyaing. In addition, as with the above-mentioned protected area, the existence of cultural
heritage sites was confirmed up to an area of 10 km from the project area. The confirmation results,
including the shortest distance to the project area, are shown in Table 4.1-6, Figure 4.1-4 and Figure

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Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Table 4.1-6 Cultural heritage around the project area

Region/State Area Name/Location Overview
Name: - This palace is a reconstruction of the original Royal
Kanbawzathadi palace of the second half of the 16th century.
Bago Palace - It was burned down in 1599 and reconstructed in 1990,
Region and finished in 1992.
Distance to the project
area: 14 km approx.
- Kyaik Htee Yoe Pagoda, or Golden Rock, is a popular
Name: Kyaik Htee
pilgrimage site in Myanmar and also a tourist attraction.
Yoe Pagoda
- It is a small pagoda (7.3 metres (24 ft)) built on the top
of a granite boulder.
Distance to the Project
- It is covered with gold leaves, and only male devotees
area:15 km approx.
can paste on it.
Mon State - This is a limestone cave, and it is 150 ft long from
Name: Kha Yone North to South and 50 ft wide from East to West.
Cave - There are a lot of ancient clay buddha statues along the
Mawlamyaing walls and ceiling of the cave.
Distance to the project - It has been regarded as a cultural heritage site by the
area: 2.4 km approx. Department of Archaeology and National Museum of
the Ministry of Culture since 1975.
- This is one of the most famous limestone caves in
Myanmar and is famous for its cultural heritage in
Name: Kaw Gon Buddhism.
Cave - There are a lot of Buddha images engraved on the
walls of the mountain and the walls and ceilings of the
Distance to the project cave, and ancient inscriptions can also be found inside
area: 7 km approx. the cave.
Kayin State Hpa-An
- The dimensions of the cave are approximately 170 ft x
70 ft x 25 ft and it is closed at one end.
Name: Yathe Pyan - Yathe Pyan Cave is a limestone cave. A lot of
Cave engraved Buddha images can be found inside the cave.
- It has been regarded as a cultural heritage site by the
Distance to the project Department of Archaeology and National Museum of
area: 10 km approx. the Ministry of Culture since 1975.
Source: Renown Travel, Asia EZ travel, flickr.com, Go Myanmar Tours, Myanmar Business Directory

Picture of Kanbawzathadi Palace Picture of Kyaik Htee Yoe Pagoda

Source: Renown Travel Source: Asia EZ travel

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Picture of Kha Yone Cave Picture of Kaw Gon Cave

Source: flickr.com Source: Go Myanmar Tours

Picture of Yathe Pyan Cave

Source: Myanmar Business Directory
Figure 4.1-4 Pictures of the cultural heritage around the project area

Usage Guide

Range of 500m from the project area

Range of 10km from the project area

Source: JICA Survey Team

Figure 4.1-5 Locations of the cultural heritage sites around the project area

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Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Overview of the Environmental and Social Considerations required by the

Environmental and Social Considerations Guidelines
Environmental and Social Considerations Procedures based on the EIA
Procedure (2015) in Myanmar
For the implementation of projects of a certain scale in Myanmar, it is necessary to carry out an
environmental assessment (EIA) or initial environmental assessment (IEE) in accordance with the
"Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure" (Ministerial Ordinance No. 616/2015) (hereinafter,
EIAP). The scale requirements are described in Annex 1 of EIAP. Project components that have an
environmental and social impact are classified according to the type and scale in EIAP Annex 1. As
shown in Table 4.1-7, this project "requires IEE or EIA".

Table 4.1-7 Requirements of EIA/IEE for this Project in Myanmar

No. Project type Require IEE Require EIA Remarks
27 Electrical Power All sizes All activities where the
Transmission Lines ≥ Ministry requires that -
230 kV the Project shall undergo EIA
* EIA: Environmental Impact Assessment
IEE: Initial Environmental Examination
Source: EIA Procedure (2015)

Per an example of a DPTSC-implemented transmission line project and interviews with MONREC-
ECD, which is the implementing organization for EIAP, no transmission line project has required EIA.
In addition, the JICA National Power Transmission Network Development Project Phase III in
Myanmar was classified as two IEE projects as a result of screening by MONREC-ECD. Since there
is one RF and the total length is about 200km of the planned transmission line route, it is considered
that there is a possibility that EIA will be required as a response on the Myanmar side. In actual fact,
there are many unclear parts because MONREC-ECD will classify the Project. The RF can be
modified through appropriate procedures.

Environmental and Social Considerations Procedures based on the JICA

Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations
This Project has a possibility of being classified as an EIA project according to the EIA Procedure
in Myanmar. However, MONREC-ECD does not have clear criteria for the classification of Project,
and the results of screening vary depending on the staff at MONREC-ECD, which means there are no
clear criteria for the scale of Project.
The JICA Survey team carried out a comparison and organization of the planned Project and the items
listed in "Appendix 3. Illustrative List of Sensitive Sectors, Characteristics, and Areas" of the JICA
Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations (2010). It was assumed that the number of
Project Affected Persons (PAPs) related to the construction of new substations and the development
of transmission lines would be kept to a minimum so that the relocation of residents, businesses, and
commerce due to land acquisition would not occur as far as possible. Therefore, this Project does not
have any characteristics as listed in Appendix 3 of the JICA Guidelines, as shown in Table 4.1-8.

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Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Table 4.1-8 Overview of this Project in line with JICA Guidelines for Environmental
and Social Considerations (2010)
Category Contents Overview of this Project
(6) Power transmission and distribution lines Technically, large-scale involuntary
1. Illustrative List of
involving large-scale involuntary resettlement, resettlement and large-scale
Sensitive Sectors
large-scale logging, or submarine electrical cables deforestation can be avoided.
(1) Large-scale involuntary resettlement Technically, (1) Large-scale
(2) Large-scale groundwater pumping involuntary resettlement and (4)
(3) Large-scale land reclamation, land Large-scale logging can be avoided.
2. Illustrative List of development, and land clearing The Project does not have any
Characteristics (4) Large-scale logging activities related to (2) Large-scale
groundwater pumping, or (3) Large-
scale land reclamation, land
development, and land clearing.
(1) National parks, nationally-designated
protected areas (coastal areas, wetlands, areas for
ethnic minorities or indigenous peoples and
No direct alterations are expected for
cultural heritage, etc. designated by national
protected areas, cultural heritage, or
key areas of biodiversity conservation
(2) Areas that are thought to require careful
(KBA). Although the project passes
consideration by the country or locality
through one RF, it is a reserved forest
1) Primary forests or natural forests in tropical
for commercial/local supply/water
3. Illustrative List of areas
collection protection under national
Areas 2) Habitats with important ecological value (coral
law and this can be modified through
reefs, mangrove wetlands, tidal flats, etc.)
related procedures. In addition, it will
3) Habitats of rare species that require protection
not modify vulnerable areas, such as
under domestic legislation, international treaties,
areas where soil erosion is likely to
occur and areas where desertification
4) Areas in danger of large-scale salt
tends to occur.
accumulation or soil erosion
5) Areas with a remarkable tendency towards
Note: The numbers listed correspond to the numbers listed in Appendix 3 of the JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social
Consideration Guidelines (2010).
Source: Prepared by JICA Survey Team based on the JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations (2010)

4.2. Social Considerations

Properties to be affected at the 500 kV Mawlamyaing Substation
Location and surrounding environment
The 500 kV Mawlamyaing Substation (80 acres/32.4ha) is proposed to be in Mawlamyaing District,
Mon State.
Satellite photos of the area surrounding the proposed site, as well as a close-up of the proposed site,
were collected from Google Earth. The oldest available photos were taken in the year 2002, and the
most up-to-date were taken in 2019. The latest photos, taken in July 2019, were not suitable for the
analysis since the site was covered by clouds. The photos taken in December 2018 were used to
identify and count the assets (such as structures, trees, and crops) at the site and in the area surrounding
the site to understand the significance of the impacts of the substation construction.
The land use at the site is mainly rice paddies. The distance to the nearest village border to the south-
east is about 930 m. The northern border of the site faces a road. At about 120 m from the north-west
corner of the site, there is a branch road that leads to a religious school. The distance from the main
road to the school is about 500 m. (Figure 4.2-1)

The Gayang River is situated at a distance of about 1.7 km north-east from the north-east corner of

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

the site. The width of the river is about 600 m.

The surrounding area is used as rice paddies, similar to those within the site.

Religious Gayang River


Source: JICA Survey Team, Google Earth (December 2018)

Figure 4.2-1 Satellite Photo of the Proposed Substation Site and Surrounding Area
Count of properties
Properties were identified and counted using satellite photos mainly taken in December 2018 (Table
4.2-1, Figure 4.2-2).
The site consisted of rice paddies. Scattered trees were counted at about 34.
The square shapes within the site are expected to be artificial roofs, and the several of them are
found on site depending on the photos. The size of the roofs is small at about 4 m on one side, compared
to about 10 m on one side in the village houses. The structures are, therefore, probably seasonal huts
for resting and storage.

Table 4.2-1 Properties Identified in the Proposed Substation Site

Type Number Notes
Rice About 32.4ha No significant changes were found in the subdivision of the paddies between
paddies About 424 paddies 2002 and 2019.
Trees About 34 trees Jointed canopies may be counted as one tree.
The size of the roofs is small at about 4 m on one side. High probability of
their being seasonal huts for resting and storage.
Structures About 3 - 6 structures
Three roofs can be seen in most of the photos. Another three roofs cannot
however be found in some photos.
Source: JICA Survey Team, Google Earth (December 2018)

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Source: JICA Survey Team, Google Earth (December 2018)

Figure 4.2-2 Substation Site (December 2018)

Satellite Photo Analysis of the Proposed Route for the 500 kV Transmission
Line Between Phayargy and Mawlamyaing Substations
The proposed route for the transmission line between Phayargy and Mawlamyaing Substations was
studied using satellite photos of the surrounding area collected from Google Earth.
It was found that the route passes mainly rice paddies and rubber plantations. Structures are located
within the ROW (30 m one side) at a few locations. In the detailed study for the tower locations, it
will be possible to ensure those structures are not included in the ROW and avoid impacts (Table 4.2-2,
Figure 4.2-3).
Advice for the detailed study on the ROW location covers the following 4 points.
1. Minimize the clearance of productive rubber trees. Where clearance cannot be avoided,
adequate counter measures such as compensation will be implemented.
2. In areas susceptible to flooding or inundation, areas with soft soil, or areas that may be affected
by cyclones, the towers must be well-designed to be resilient to those conditions, and the lines
must be monitored closely so that electrical accidents and black-outs are avoided.
3. Impacts on farmland, paddies, residential structures, schools, religious facilities, and other
public infrastructure must be minimized. Where the impacts cannot be avoided, adequate
counter measures such as compensation will be implemented.

Table 4.2-2 Study of the Proposed Route for the 500 kV Transmission Line Between
Phayargy and Mawlamyaing Substations
PM PM State Prominent environment Significant features
Start End Paddies Rubber Woodland Other
1 2 Bago X X
2 3 Bago X
3 4 Bago X X X Sand quarries
4 5 Bago X Canal

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

PM PM State Prominent environment Significant features

Start End Paddies Rubber Woodland Other
5 6 Bago X NH8
6 7 Bago X Canals, Railway
7 8 Bago X AH1
8 9 Bago X Canals
9 10 Bago X Railway
10 11 Bago X River
11 12 Bago X
12 13 Bago X
13 14 Bago X
14 15 Bago X 200m to Nyaung Khar Shey town
15 16 Bago X
16 17 Bago X
17 18 Bago/Mon X X Fishponds Sittaung River (Bank to Bank 905m)
18 19 Mon X X
19 20 Mon X X Farmland
20 21 Mon X X Farmland
21 22 Mon X X Structures (house or storage)
22 23 Mon X X NH8, river
23 24 Mon X X
24 25 Mon X X 50m to Pagoda
25 26 Mon X X Farmland
26 27 Mon X X 50m to Pagoda
27 28 Mon X X
50m to Pagoda,
28 29 Mon X X
50m to school
29 30 Mon X X
30 31 Mon X X NH8
31 32 Mon X X X
32 33 Mon X X 40m to Pagoda, river
33 34 Mon X 30m to house
34 35 Mon X Farmland
35 36 Mon X X Farmland 50m to house
36 37 Mon X X Belin River (Bank to Bank 195m)
37 38 Mon X Belin River (Bank to Bank 205m, 210m)
38 39 Mon X 150m to town
39 40 Mon X
40 41 Mon X
41 42 Mon X
42 43 Mon X NH8
43 44 Mon X X
44 45 Mon X
45 46 Mon X
46 47 Mon X X
47 48 Mon X X
48 49 Mon X
49 50 Mon X
50 51 Mon X X 20m to house
51 52 Mon X X
Donthami River (Bank to Bank 732m),
52 53 Mon/Kayn X River
50m to house
53 54 Kayn X Thanlwin River (Bank to Bank 815m)
54 55 Kayn X
55 56 Kayn X
56 57 Kayn X
57 58 Kayn X Ponds
58 59 Kayn X Canals, creeks
59 60 Kayn X X
60 61 Kayn X X
61 62 Kayn X
62 63 Kayn X

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

PM PM State Prominent environment Significant features

Start End Paddies Rubber Woodland Other
Gyaing River (Bank to Bank 690m),
63 64 Kayn/Mon X X River
Kaw Thin Road
64 65 Mon X
65 66 Mon X
66 67 Mon X
Source: JICA Survey Team, Google Earth

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Source: JICA Survey Team, Google Earth

Figure 4.2-3 Satellite Photos of the Proposed Transmission Line Route

Preliminary Comparative Study of Alternatives

The results of a preliminary comparative study of alternatives are shown in Table 4.2-3. A
comparison was made between the proposed plan, the no-project option, and the same Project at a
different site. The comparison was done qualitatively.
When the scale and the type of the Project are the same, similar positive and negative impacts are
expected no matter the location of the Project. The Proposed Plan for the substation and the
transmission line is designed to minimize the negative impacts, and there is a possibility that the
negative impacts may be larger when other locations are chosen for the Project.
With the no-project option, the electrification rate in Mon State may stay the same as the current
35.7%, and the improvement in various economic activities and livelihoods may be smaller compared
to the with-project option.
In the Preparatory Study Phase of the Project, another comparative study of alternatives, including
evaluation of cost, technical aspect, and social and environmental aspect, must be implemented.

Table 4.2-3 Preliminary Comparative Study of Alternatives

Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
No-project option Proposed plan Project at different site
Project Substation None 80 acres, 32.4ha Same as Alternative 2

Transmission Project Preparatory Survey Phase III

Preliminary Data Collection Survey on Power Grid Expansion towards Mawlamyaingt

Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3

No-project option Proposed plan Project at different site
None ・Length about 210 km, ・Length may be longer than
Transmission ・ROW width about 61m Alternative 2
line ・ROW width will be the same
as Alternative 2
None ・32.4ha will be purchased for ・Same as Alternative 2
Impact Land substation
type acquisition ・Land use will be restricted
within the ROW
Resettlement None None May be generated
No change ・Acquisition of rice paddies ・ The same type of positive
will negatively affect the and negative impacts will be
livelihoods of the owners and generated as Alternative 2
workers ・ The significance of the
・ Project-related employment impacts may vary depending
and procurement will on the location of the Project
Livelihood generate positive impacts on
local economy
・ Higher electrification rate
may lead to improvements in
employment or income
increases for personal
・No change ・Higher electrification rate in ・Same as Alternative 2
・ Electrification the area near to the substation
rate in Mon State is expected
(2014) was 35.7%
(National average
*Source Data Collection Survey on Regional Infrastructure in Myanmar, Final Report, January 2019


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