WM048527 Ae LPG
WM048527 Ae LPG
WM048527 Ae LPG
Rev 12
Read this manual before starting any installation, service, or maintenance work
Fuel dispensers contain both electrical components and a hazardous, flammable and poten-
tially explosive fuel. Failure to follow the below precautions and the Warning and Caution
instructions in this manual may result in serious injury. In addition, it is your responsibility to
follow all rules, codes, regulations, and laws that apply to your location and type of work being
Safety precautions
Make sure that ALL power to the dispenser is turned OFF before opening the cabinet or
starting work. Physically lock, restrict access to, and/or tag the circuit breakers you turn off.
In addition, be sure to trip (close) all emergency valves under the dispenser (if installed)
BEFORE you begin.
Make sure that you locate the facility’s emergency shut-off button, and know how to turn OFF
power to the dispenser and submersible pumps (if any) in an emergency.
Never allow a leaking pump to run! Use appropriate measures to clean up any fuel on the
forecourt, and ensure that any leaks or issues that could cause a leak are attended to and
repaired immediately.
Indicates extra information or tip.
The graphics and pictures of dispensers contained in this manual may not be representative
of your actual dispenser(s).
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Dispensers covered ................................................................................ 3
1.2 Software .................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Health and safety regulations ................................................................. 4
2 Associated equipments ....................................................................................... 7
2.1 Typical LPG Flow Chart .......................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Operational sequence ....................................................................................... 9
3 Installation ........................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Inspect the equipment ............................................................................. 10
3.2 Installation recommendation ................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Installation preparations .................................................................................... 10
3.2.2 Final installation ................................................................................................ 10
3.2.3 Rules and regulations ....................................................................................... 10
3.2.4 Emergency shutdown ........................................................................................ 10
3.2.5 Safety switch ..................................................................................................... 11
3.2.6 Base .................................................................................................................. 11
3.2.7 Cable installation ............................................................................................... 11
3.3 Island construction, dispenser anchoring, and piping ............................. 11
3.4 Lifting and installing dispenser ................................................................ 11
3.5 Sealing of the pump towards the ground ................................................ 12
3.6 Electrical wiring ....................................................................................... 12
3.6.1 General ............................................................................................................. 12
3.6.2 Power supply / Power distribution in general .................................................... 13
3.6.3 Voltage stabilizer ............................................................................................... 13
3.6.4 Interference suppression ................................................................................... 13
3.6.5 Connection of other peripheral equipment ........................................................ 13
3.6.6 Dispenser to Control System connection .......................................................... 14
3.6.7 Full service (stand-alone) dispensers ............................................................... 14
4 Startup ................................................................................................................. 15
4.1 Initial checkout ........................................................................................ 15
4.2 Programming .......................................................................................... 15
4.2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 15
4.2.2 Access to Functions .......................................................................................... 15
4.2.3 Exit function (F00) ............................................................................................. 16
4.2.4 Password change (F33) .................................................................................... 17
4.2.5 Filling modes (F01) ........................................................................................... 19
4.2.6 Changing unit price (F03) .................................................................................. 20
4.2.7 Setting the fuelling point address (ID) ............................................................... 22
4.3 Authorizing the dispenser ....................................................................... 24
4.4 Initial Delivery .......................................................................................... 24
4.5 Electronic totalizer readings .................................................................... 24
4.5.1 Totalizer readings by hose (product) position ................................................... 24
4.5.2 Totalizer volume readings by meter position ..................................................... 25
1 Introduction
This manual covers general information about the installation, startup, and operation of the
Wayne Helix™ dispenser models specified in the Dispensers Covered section. This manual
also includes installation and footprint drawings that show locations of the product inlets and
conduits. Computer function settings that are necessary for Wayne Helix™ dispenser start-
up and operation such as setting prices, and fueling point adresses (ID's) are also included.
If additional information is required refer to the User's Manual (WM048521), Helix Service
Manual (WM048523), Parts Manual WM048522. Programming manual for iGEM - WM023838.
Any questions concerning installation and operation of the dispenser that are not covered in
this manual (and the User's manual WM048521) should be referred to Dover fueling solutions
after sales support.
Before you start to unpack, install or use the pump, please read applicable parts of the
manual and the User's manual. Consider all dangers, warnings, cautions and notes mentioned
in the manuals. Serious bodily injury and material damage may occur if you neglect this infor-
It is important that you:
• Keep this instruction manual, the User manual and other applicable documents as long
as the equipment is in operation.
• Pass it on to other owners or users of the equipment.
• Make any supplements or adjustments.
C = C-style If blender, count up +1 per each blending 1 digit = Symmetric. Same number, solution, and
H = H-style possibility between 2 grades flows on both sides A & B.
S = Small Style 2 digits = Asymmetric. Different number, solutions,
or flows on Sides A & B.
1st Digit = Side A
2nd Digit = Side B
W = Wide
N = Narrow
H = High Hose
L = Low Hose
a b c de f g h NOTE: The last two positions shown here can contain
X ( X /X ) X X - X X X multiple digits
IS = Island Single Sided UI A = Additive
LM = Lane Mirrored B = Biodiesel
LU = Lane UnMirrored* C = CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)
D = DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid)
NO. E = Ethanol
f F = Fleet
POSITIONS G = Enhanced Capacity
NO. GRADES H = Super-High Capacity
d 0-5
J = Ultra-High Capacity
1-5 L = LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas)
M = Media
P = Payment
R = Remote
S = Suction
T = Terminal
Example: U = 4 Users
H(W/LU)23-21PR V = Vapor Recovery
W = Main (Back-to-Back)
X = Back
Y = SAT Master (Satellite)
NOTE: The position prior to and Z = SAT Slave (Satellite)
following the slash '/' can contain
two (2) digits as shown in this
example. The 'L' & 'U' specify
'Lane' & 'UnMirrored'.
1.2 Software
Wayne Helix™ model dispensers are delivered pre-installed with software.
• Please watch any leakage. If there is a leakage, cut the power to the pump and call Dover
fueling solutions After Sales Service.
• Always follow the regulations regarding handling of LPG, published by each oil company.
• Make sure that a suitable fire extinguisher is in place and is easily accessible.
• To avoid malfunction or damage to the pump, make sure that there is enough fuel in each
• Adequate personal safety equipment should be used during installation, dissasembly/re-
cycling, and maintenance of the equipment (gloves, breathing mask, glasses etc.).
• Only persons knowledgeable in performing the required maintenance shall perform instal-
lation and maintenance work. Dover fueling solutions cannot be held responsible for any
damages to persons and/or things deriving from an improper installation of the dispenser.
• All vehicle traffic and unauthorized persons shall be prevented from coming within 6m of
the dispensing device during installation or maintenance work on the pump.
Electric Shock Hazard!
2 Associated equipments
The pump is designed and approved for measuring LPG in accordance with type approval.
It is a part of a complete system in a station and it communicates directly with both outdoor
and indoor equipment.
The equipment shall not be used in anything other than commercial or light industrial instal-
lations with respect to electromagnetic disturbance.
Please refer to each unit’s manual for information about each component in the system.
Fuel (LPG) is delivered to the dispenser in liquid phase (11) by means of a remote pump.
The remote pump is not part of the dispenser.
The liquid flows through the safe break (18), on/off valve (17) and then enter a combined fil-
ter(1)/degassing unit (2) where any vapour is separated from liquid and is being returned to
the storage tank through gas return pipes (12). The combined filter(1)/degassing (2) unit has
one inlet and one outlet check valve (4). The liquid then flows through the meter (6). Meter
outlet is connected to inlet of differential valve (8). The differential valve is also connected to
the gas return pipe (12). At the outlet of the differential valve, the LPG enters the sight glass
(16) and safe break (18) (breakaway coupling) through hose and delivery nozzle (19) into
the vehicle. The meter is connected to the electronic pulser (7). The data from the pulser is
transferred to the electronic head (14) that includes calculator and indicating displays.
All aluminum materials have less than 6% Mg. by weight.
All pipes are seamless precision steel pipes to UNI EN 10305-1 or equivalent (e,g: ISO 3304).
1 Strainer
2 Degassing unit
3 Ball valve
4 Check valve
7 Pulser
11 Liquid line
12 Gaseous phase
17 On/Off solenoid valve (op- Certified 'Ex' for at least group II A and
tion) temperature class T3. Recommended
use when more than one dispenser is
connected to the same pumping group.
18 Safe break (Break away) Recommended use. Omission when
precautions against phisical damage
have been taken.
3 Installation
3.2.6 Base
The pump is placed on an elevated island, in order to protect it from collisions.
Danger of tipping!
Bolt the dispenser into place, remove the shipping discs from the meter inlets, and connect
the product piping per the appropriate Installation Instruction drawing.
To ensure tight, leak-proof connections when making piping connections, wash all cutting
oils off the threads and use a classified pipe joint sealing compound, rated for use with
petroleum-based products.
3.6.1 General
Dover fueling solutions recommends employing a qualified electrician for all wiring. A haz-
ardous substance is being handled, so it is important to ensure that all wiring is in accordance
with the local rules and regulations.
Grounding system
4 Startup
4.2 Programming
4.2.1 Introduction
You will need to access the maintenance mode in order to program
functions and/or view statistics. The function and statistics data appear
in the money, volume, and unit price display windows.
The infrared interface is similar to a television remote control. It has
16 buttons. Use the infrared interface to access dispenser functions.
Point the remote control towards the A-side display. This interface
only uses the pump display for user feedback. There is no additional
The Infrared interface is only suitable for use in unclassified (non-
hazardous) locations. See Classification scheme page 35.
The programming mode asks you for a password twice before allowing
access to the functions. A 10-second time-out is built into the password
entry code.
After 3 seconds, the display shows:
When the word PASS 1 appears on the sale display, you have 10
seconds to start entering the password. The timer restarts after you
press a key. When you finish entering the password and press ENTER
PASS 2 appears in the sale display window, prompting you to enter
the password again.
The display will show:
If you press nothing more, press <ENTER> (=E) or press the wrong password, or there is
no confirmation after pressing the password and the <ENTER> key, the computer will leave
this function automatically after about 10 seconds.
If you press the wrong keys, press <CLEAR> (=C) key to erase the last digit you typed.
Press <ENTER>
The display shows:
Press <#>
The display shows:
Select one of three maintenance mode exits:
01 = Do not exit and do not save changes
02 = Exit, but do not save changes
03 = Exit and save changes
Press <ENTER>
If you have entered 3
The display shows:
Press <ENTER>
The display shows:
Important to change the passwords
Access to Functions
Select this function to change the password.
Press 33
Press <ENTER>
The display shows:
Press <ENTER>
the display shows:
Select the sub-function with <NEXT> :
33.00 Service Engineer Password (max. 6 characters)
33.01 Station Manager Password (max. 6 characters)
33.02 Station Operator Password (max. 6 characters)
Press <#>, the money display goes blank, enter the new password
(max. 6 characters), dashes appear instead of the regular entries.
Press <ENTER>
The display shows:
Enter the new password twice. Dashes appear instead of the regular
Press <ENTER>
If the password is correct, the dashes end “PASS” flashes.
Press <ENTER>
If the Password was changed, the dashes flash.
To exit and save changes use F00 Exit Function - option 3.
Access to Functions
Select this function to change the Filling Mode.
Press 01
Press <ENTER>
The display shows:
Press <ENTER>
The display shows:
(the actual status is show on volume display)
Press <ENTER>
The display shows:
The new Operating mode is show on volume display.
To exit and save changes use F00 Exit Function - option 3.
Access to Functions
The display shows the function screen.
- Step 1 – Press 03 and press <ENTER>, and the display shows:
To access the other unit price press <Next>.
Sub-Function 3.01 is responsible for changing unit price of fuel at nozzle 1 on side A, and
so on, according to the table below:
Sub-Function Nozzle
Credit Prices ( Position )
3.01 1 A
3.02 2 A
Sub-Function Nozzle
Credit Prices ( Position )
3.11 1 A
3.12 2 A
Press the <#> key, the dotted part on paying total of display will be
Access to Functions
The display shows the function screen.
- Step 1 – Press 04 and press <ENTER>, and the display shows:
Sub-Function 4.01 is responsible for changing unit price of fuel at nozzle 1 on side A, and
so on, according to the table below:
Sub-Function Nozzle
Credit Prices ( Position )
4.01 1 B
4.02 2 B
Sub-Function Nozzle
Credit Prices ( Position )
4.11 1 B
4.12 2 B
Press the <#> key, the dotted part on paying total of display will be
Side A (F05)
Access to Functions
The display shows the function screen.
Press 05 and press <ENTER>, and the display shows:
Press <ENTER>
(the actual address is show on volume display)
Press <ENTER>
To save all changes follow exit procedure of “F00” exiting, value 3.
Side B (F06)
Access to Functions
The display shows the function screen.
Press 06 and press <ENTER>, and the display shows:
Press <ENTER>
(the actual address is show on volume display)
Press <ENTER>
To save all changes follow exit procedure of “F00” exiting, value 3.
To read the electronic totalizers, perform the following steps using the IR remote. Bold type
denote remote control function; italicized type represents dispenser response:
Accessing the Totalizer Sub-function
1 Press ENTER.
2 Enter PASS 1 (enter password)
3 Enter PASS 2 (enter password)
4 Press ENTER. The unit price display will show F
5 Press either UP or DOWN to enter the statistics viewing mode. The unit price display will
show S— (indicating a number needs to be selected)
6 Press 01 to access S01
7 Press ENTER. The unit price display will show S01 indicating the function has been ac-
8 Press ENTER to access the sub-functions of S01. The unit price display will show 1.11
and the sales display shows the side 1, volume for nozzle position 1.
Consecutive presses of NEXT will advance to the next sub-function, incrementing the value
of N by (01). For example, pressing NEXT advances the statistical function to S01.12 and
the unit price display will show 1.12. The least significant six (6) digits of the data value appear
on the volume display, while higher order non-zero digits of the data value, if present, appear
on the money display.
There is no relationship between meter position and hose position.
Meter electronic totalizers are read by entering the Maintenance Mode and accessing the
correct function and associated sub-functions. Perform the following steps using the remote
control. Bold type denote remote control function; italicized type represents dispenser re-
Accessing the Meter Volume Totalizer Sub-function for Side 1:
• Press ENTER
PASS 1 (enter password)
• Press ENTER
PASS 2 (enter password)
• Press ENTER. The unit price display will show F
• Press either UP or DOWN arrow to enter the statistics viewing mode. The unit price display
will show S— (indicating that a number needs to be selected)
5 Operation
Health Note
alt 1. alt 2.
• remove nozzle from dispenser and con- • remove nozzle from dispenser and con-
nect to car tank nect to car tank
• start filling by pressing main switch and • the central pump starts pumping LPG to
keep pressed the dispenser
• the central pump starts pumping LPG to • start flow by pressing main switch and
the dispenser keep pressed
• any possible entrapped gas will be sepa- • any possible entrapped gas will be sepa-
rated in the air separator and flows, via rated in the air separator and flows, via
check valve and return pipe, back to the check valve and return pipe, back to the
storage tank storage tank
• when differential pressure of 1 bar min. • when differential pressure of 1 bar min.
is reached, the pressure differential valve is reached, the pressure differential valve
allows liquid to flow to the nozzle, filling allows liquid to flow to the nozzle, filling
starts starts
• filling operation is stopped when main • Flow is stopped when main switch is re-
switch is released, central pump is leased.
switched off • a specific feature (called “80% limitation”)
• a specific feature (called “80% limitation”) installed in the car tank can also stop fill-
installed in the car tank can also stop ing
filling • disconnect nozzle from car tank and hang
• disconnect nozzle from car tank and back
hang back • transaction end and the central pump stop
when nozzle is returned
Where: Where:
HH = hour MM = month
MM = minute DD = day
CC = error code YY = year
DD = device number C = filling count
NN = logical nozzle number
The complete description of the error codes is given in the Helix Service manual.
Computer errors are read by entering the Maintenance Mode and accessing the correct
statistical function and its sub-functions. Perform the following steps using the remote control.
Bold type denote remote control function; italicized type represents dispenser response.
Accessing the error code Sub-function
1 Press ENTER
2 PASS 1 (enter password)
3 Press ENTER
4 PASS 2 (enter password)
5 Press ENTER. The unit price display will show F
6 Press either UP or DOWN to enter the statistics viewing mode. The unit price display will
show S— indicating that a number needs to be selected.
7 Press 21 to access S21 (error data for Side 1 or A which is the junction box side)
8 Press ENTER. The unit price display will show 21.01, the first and most recent error data
for Side 1. The data will be displayed in the 2-page format described earlier, in an alternat-
ing sequence, at a 1 second per page rate.
9 Pressing NEXT accesses 21.02 and the display shows information for the second error
logged. By pressing NEXT, the error buffer can be viewed completely.
10 To exit, press CLEAR, then UP or DOWN. The unit price display will show S—.
11 Press ENTER three times to exit to the normal display.
6 Operator Maintenance
2 Keep the dispenser clean at all times. Do not spray the dispenser with water. Use only
mild soap and water with a soft cloth. Do not use gasoline or other petroleum-based
products to clean the dispenser. Do not use abrasive cleaners on any part of the dispenser.
3 If the doors must be removed during rainy weather, take care to prevent rain from getting
inside the dispenser.
6.2 Filter/Strainer
A dirty strainer screen and/or fuel filter will slow down the delivery of product. If the under-
ground installation is new, it may be necessary replace the filter and clean the strainer screen
two or three times during the first few days of operation to remove installation debris and
pipe sealant. After this, filter replacement and strainer cleaning should be performed period-
7 Dissasembly - Recycling
Health Note
Danger of tipping!
8 Drawings
8.1.3 Zones
Zones Risk types Protection class Example
Alternative 1
Alternative 2
Alternative 3
Alternative 4
Any alternations or, additions to, or unauthorized work performed on the equipment without manufacturer’s express written
consent shall void any existing product warranty. Please see product warranty information for additional details.
Use only genuine parts.
This manual and any software described herein are furnished under the terms of sale or other applicable contract including any
license, and may be used or copied only in accordance with those terms.
No part of this publication may be electronically or mechanically reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, except as permitted by such terms. Translation of this material to another language without express
written permission from DFS is prohibited.
This publication is intended for informational purposes only and this material is subject to change without notice. Dover Fueling
Solutions has not made, and does not make, any representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, with respect
to any information in the publication, including any warranty as to the accuracy, correctness, or completeness of any of the in-
formation. DFS shall not be responsible or liable for any damages or losses that occur asa result of the receipt and/or use of
the information contained herein.