Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Hey there, welcome the ppmo book. Through whatever way you found yourself here, maybe a
recommendation, random link or any other method, I am happy you have made it here.
This book details the practice of leaving pornography and masturbation in favor of benefits - it is a
guide to help you gain control over your life and to realize your potential. There is so much potential
within yourself that can be unlocked once porn and masturbation are left, and with every cell in my
body, I wish for you to complete this text, as I truly believe that it will change your life.
One understanding I want you to have is that you need to approach this in a way of understanding. This
book is no how-to. Even though this is a ’guide’, you should come to this as a way of understanding,
not blind belief. I want you to make an understanding within yourself so that you can make your own
Also, before we get started, you should understand this: DO NOT skip chapters. This book has
been crafted to help you quit without friction. If you miss critical information, you only have yourself
to blame for any failures, so read everything as attentively as possible.
Just for context, within this book, all instances of "nofap" are not referring to the NoFap
subreddit or website but the practice of no-PMO/MO*. We do not condone spam of
NoFap communities.
PMO Definition: Porn, Masturbation & Orgasm - When used in writing, PMO can also refer to
fapping on its own (MO).
User Definition: Somebody that uses porn or masturbates.
part does not, like some sort of angel and devil on each shoulder. What once seems like a habit started
through novel curiosity soon leads us into an addiction that causes us negatives.
Those who have tried and failed to quit porn or masturbation know the cycle. When we are about to
decide to leave porn, we feel inspired, motivated, angry, excited, and have a wide range of emotions.
As others have said, we are on the verge of getting "loads of benefits". But as time passes, our initial
motivation runs out, and we become agitated. Soon enough, it seems like we lose control of ourselves
and relapse. We relapse and fail despite our knowledge of negative effects, despite all our motivation
at the beginning and every desire to leave. Unfortunately, most of those trying to quit PMO know this
cycle too well.
Those who continuously fail may read the same book or strategy repeatedly without anything changing.
My favorite quote that summarizes this well is from a villain in Far Cry 3. "The definition of insanity
is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result". I am not insinuating
that you are insane, but doing the same thing so many times with the same result is pointless. If you
repeat something often to no avail, you misunderstand or miss a truth. Keep this in mind.
Let’s look at the bigger picture. In communities where empty motivation and basic strategies are
used against addiction, how can you expect these ’strategies’ to work? PMO is an addiction, not a
habit, because most can’t leave even if they have every desire to do so. Most of the people giving
advice online are giving failing advice whether they know it or not, and these advisories keep pushing
’solutions’ that do not work. If these people giving advice used the same strategies in a professional
setting, they would be shut down immediately!
To solve addiction, you need an understanding of some key mental concepts to gain control and
power over your reactions and fate. Without full control and understanding of how these components
relate to each other, we can never expect to help people quit porn once and for all, in larger numbers.
Addiction to porn and masturbation is a battle between components of the mind. The internal struggle for
control is fought so hard yet lost so frequently, leaving many feeling hopeless. The logical part of our
brain (the pre-frontal cortex, which represents our true self the most) has the desire to leave the
addiction once and for all. But little do we know that the primitive part of our brain (the amygdala)
is the part of the brain that blindly wants addiction to continue - so we must have an understanding
of our brain to become free.
But why is PMO most annoying? - This is because it is embarrassing to talk about. Due to human
nature and shame, it is often kept under wraps, getting progressively worse over the years, trapping
the user for the rest of their lives. It is hard to approach friends and family about it because it would
seem weird and incredibly awkward. This is the part of it that is most likely the worse. Those with
addictions to smoking, food, drugs, and other instant pleasures can approach others and relatively
easily find professionals to fix their issues. Societies can criticize the people producing what causes
the addiction, and then collective progress can be made. But due to the awkward nature of talking
about porn, such a collective sentiment is likely never to happen.
How do we overcome failing? To succeed in escaping from PMO, you need to have a fundamental
paradigm shift in your mind. Your mental paradigm is your framework of concepts that dictate your
outlook on the world and your abilities - this is a broader control of the mind through mindfulness
and an understanding of neuroplasticity. The user that leaves the trap forever needs to understand
these ideas.
"But why do some people quit without issue?"
We will touch on this more in the neuroplasticity section, but our initial success (if we do not learn
the described concepts) is based on pure chance. Throughout our childhood, we make conclusions
based upon events, and these fundamental concepts build who we are as a person. These concepts
affect our ability to observe our reactions, affecting our ability to leave addictions. However, do not
complain. The lessons you will learn to leave the addiction will be worth even more than just the
initial benefit of leaving PMO.
Be aware not to base your reasoning for quitting on any false incentives. Some of us may want to quit
to appease our friends, make our partners happier, or become more disciplined. Even though these
are great vessels to discover nofap, these incentives give the perfect excuse for us to relapse when we
are in negative emotions.
• "I don’t care what my friend thinks; it is not a big deal anyway."
• "She is already happy. It really is not that bad."
• "I can just do it less, and I can still be disciplined."
• "I will just do it rarely."
• "I will just watch the ’soft stuff’."
False incentives provide the ammo to fuel your brain’s defense mechanisms. As a response to what
our brains interpret as a threat, we have some key reactions. We dismiss opposing views and make
illogical justifications and excuses for our actions. Defense mechanisms are what your brain uses when
you are in a reactionary state, so instead of having a false incentive, you should have an incentive
grounded in yourself.
Forget the initial incentive for being interested or wanting to quit. Make the understanding now (and
continue to as you learn) that porn and masturbation has no benefit to us. We may think this
statement to be untrue as we imagine what we receive as pleasure and the reward we get after using,
but this is just another way that defense mechanisms have shown themselves.
Porn is not valuable because it impairs your ability to think, find freedom, and function
to your full potential.
Do not quit for anybody else. Quit for yourself.