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Greene 2015

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Vol. 119 No.

5 May 2015

Treating temporomandibular disorders with permanent

mandibular repositioning: is it medically necessary?
Charles S. Greene, DDS,a and Ales Obrez, DMD, PhDb

In this paper, the authors review the rationale and history of mandibular repositioning procedures in relation to
temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) as these procedures have evolved over time. A large body of clinical research evidence
shows that most TMDs can and should be managed with conservative treatment protocols that do not include any mandibular
repositioning procedures. Although this provides a strong clinical argument for avoiding such procedures, very few reports
have discussed the biologic reasons for either accepting or rejecting them. This scientific information could provide a basis for
determining whether mandibular repositioning procedures can be defended as being medically necessary. This position paper
introduces the biologic concept of homeostasis as it applies to this topic. The continuing adaptability of teeth, muscles, and
temporomandibular joints throughout life is described in terms of homeostasis, which leads to the conclusion that each
person’s current temporomandibular joint position is biologically “correct.” Therefore, that position does not need to be
changed as part of a TMD treatment protocol. This means that irreversible TMD treatment procedures, such as equilibration,
orthodontics, full-mouth reconstruction, and orthognathic surgery, cannot be defended as being medically necessary. (Oral
Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2015;119:489-498)

Throughout the twentieth century, the dental profession its repositioning, the apparent clinical success of a
adopted numerous concepts and clinical procedures variety of mandibular repositioning procedures is often
involving repositioning of the mandible as part of dental described in the dental literature.8-10 However, even
treatments. In the case of dentulous patients, the major when a rationale for mandibular repositioning is
reasons offered for the manipulation of the mandible into a offered, it is, in most cases, not discussed within the
proposed ideal maxillomandibular relationship can be framework of medical necessity. This important
grouped into two major categories: (1) to achieve a concept11 implies that the clinical procedure should be
repeatable mandibular position in cases of comprehensive indicated and performed for the following reasons:
dental treatment and (2) to prevent or manage temporo-
1. The medical condition (i.e., mandibular malposition)
mandibular disorders (TMDs). It is well accepted that
is generally recognized as a valid health problem or a
dental procedures, such as full-mouth prosthodontic res-
torations, orthodontics, or orthognathic surgery, usually
2. The diagnostic tests used to assess whether the
involve repositioning of the mandible into a repeatable
patient has this condition are valid with acceptable
maxillomandibular position that is different from the
specificity and sensitivity.
original relationship found in the individual patient.1,2
3. The patient’s condition will get worse unless a spe-
However, when mandibular repositioning is performed
cific procedure is done.
as a preventive therapy or as a treatment approach in
4. The clinical procedure itself has specificity for
patients with TMDs, the procedure is performed on an
addressing the patient’s particular problem.
assumption that the mandible is not in an ideal max-
5. The procedure is clinically efficacious according to
illomandibular relationship as a result of the existing static
evidence-based criteria (i.e., not just a placebo
or dynamic occlusal relationships. These deviations from
the “ideal” are assumed to be the fundamental cause for the
6. The disease or disorder cannot be resolved by per-
development of TMD symptoms and signs.3-5 The general
forming a less invasive procedure, thus justifying the
implication has been that dentists should both recognize
invasiveness of the clinical procedure based on its
these deviations and correct them by performing various
benefit-to-risk ratio.
mandibular repositioning procedures.3-7
When discussing the management of TMD cases in
terms of malposition of the mandible and the need for

Statement of Clinical Relevance
Clinical Professor, Department of Orthodontics, UIC College of
Dentistry, Chicago, Illinois, USA. This article discusses the controversial topic of
Associate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, UIC
managing temporomandibular disorders with
College of Dentistry, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Received for publication Oct 20, 2014; returned for revision Dec 31, mandibular repositioning. The authors argue that
2014; accepted for publication Jan 30, 2015. both clinical and biologic evidence are sufficient to
Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. reject this approach for the treatment of temporo-
2212-4403/$ - see front matter mandibular disorders.

490 Greene and Obrez May 2015

The term “medical necessity” appears often in the about how to achieve an “ideal” maxillomandibular
medical literature with regard to treating patients with relationship in those cases have been proposed.1,12
various diseases or disorders. However, it is almost Some of the recommended clinical protocols may
never defined in an operational manner. The authors involve the initial use of an oral interocclusal appliance
were unable to find a complete or consistent definition to “free up” the mandible from its habitual MI position
for this term by searching medical dictionaries and to establish the desired TMJ relationship.13 Independent
PubMed or by using various Internet search engines of the clinical procedure, the goal is to achieve stability,
(e.g., Google, Bing, Yahoo). The main source for the reproducibility, and predictability of treatment success
above list has been certain insurance company con- in those clinical cases.
tracts, in which doctors and hospitals are informed However, applying these repositioning concepts in
about what will or will not be covered. The authors preventing or treating TMDs requires a separate analysis
have modified those statements to develop the six-point of cause and effect. The premise that the etiology of
definition presented here. these disorders is improper occlusal and max-
Mandibular repositioning procedures inevitably illomandibular relationships goes back almost a century.
result in irreversible changes of the condyle or fossa That belief led to various dental procedures to prevent
and the interocclusal relationships that require subse- and treat TMDs by using the concept of an “ideal” jaw
quent extensive prosthodontic, orthodontic, and relationship. The first authors who wrote about this
orthognathic procedures. Therefore, it is important to subject in the 1920s and 1930s14-17 attributed ear
examine their medical necessity and their clinical val- symptoms and facial pain to the decrease of vertical
idity if they are being recommended as preventive dimension of occlusion, but it remained for Costen
therapy or for active management of TMDs. It is the (1934),18 an otolaryngologist, to place this concept in the
purpose of this paper to review the available scientific spotlight. According to his theory of TMD etiology,
evidence related to these concepts and procedures of which was not based on any specific research
permanent mandibular repositioning. conducted by him or his colleagues, the decreased
vertical dimension of occlusion leads to distalization of
PERMANENT MANDIBULAR REPOSITIONING the condylar head within the TMJ. He attributed
PROCEDURESeHISTORY AND RATIONALE 11 painful as well as nonpainful otologic and facial
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and mandibular anat- symptoms to condylar pressure on the retrocondylar
omy and function have long been topics of great interest tissues of the posterior glenoid fossa. To reposition the
to dental scientists and clinicians. As new empirical and condyles, he proposed a treatment approach that
scientific evidence about these issues became available, included opening the habitual vertical dimension of
different concepts of “ideal” dental occlusion or artic- occlusion using an overlay dental prosthesis, covering
ulation (static and dynamic relationships of opposing posterior teeth only.
teeth) have been introduced. Similarly, various con- Interestingly, this concept emerged again many years
cepts of “ideal” maxillomandibular skeletal relation- later with the introduction of the mandibular orthopedic
ships have been proposed over the years, especially repositioning appliance (MORA) as a phase I treatment
with regard to condyleefossa relationships. Although for TMDs.19,20 A significant side effect of this treatment
mandibular movements are incredibly complex, approach was intrusion of posterior teeth, which
involving TMJs, masticatory muscles, and the occlusal resulted in a bilateral posterior open bite. Advocates of
or incisal surfaces of teeth, the endpoint of full closure this approach recommended crowning all posterior
into maximum intercuspation (MI) is a precise and teeth, the extrusion of posterior teeth with the use of
repeatable position. It is this position that determines orthodontic methods, or long-term overlay wear as the
exactly where the mandibular condyle will be “seated” phase II component of this treatment protocol.20
in relation to the articular fossa and eminence. There- Costen’s anatomic concept was later rejected by
fore, any modification of tooth relationships (occlusion) Sicher,21 Zimmerman,22 and Christiansen et al,23 who
affects the position of the condylar head in the TMJ demonstrated that the proposed condylar pressure
articular fossa. could not have occurred in vivo, given the normal
There are several examples of dental conditions that morphology and physiology of the posterior aspect of
require jaw repositioning as part of the therapeutic the human TMJ.
protocols. These include various malocclusions that Other authors24 have discussed the decrease of the
need orthodontic and orthognathic treatments for vertical dimension of occlusion in terms of loss of
correction. Also, many patients who have experienced molar support. They claim that the loss of molars
major tooth loss, periodontal disease, and severe tooth results in secondary osteoarthritis because of the
wear will need reconstructive dental procedures to increase of TMJ loading. However, their studies were
establish new occlusal relationships. Several concepts done on skulls and autopsy specimens, so the changes
Volume 119, Number 5 Greene and Obrez 491

observed might well have been the result of remodeling treatments recommended for bruxism and myofascial
and adaptation. In addition, aging as a confounding pain involved changing the morphology of the
factor was not taken into consideration, despite the interfering teeth and improving jaw relationships by
fact that both tooth loss and secondary osteoarthritis means of equilibration, restorative treatment, and
increase with age. Epidemiologic studies of general orthodontics.44,45 Common to all these concepts is
populations found no evidence of an increased risk that it is the occlusal relationship that has disrupted the
for TMDs or even of any tendency for more signs or ideal maxillomandibular (or TMJ) relationship.
symptoms of TMD in individuals with shortened A direct approach for assessing mandibular hori-
dental arches.25,26 zontal position is based on the evaluation of sagittal
Vertical mandibular malposition concepts were soon TMJ radiographs, using specific anatomic parameters to
followed by various concepts of “ideal” horizontal fulfill the requirements of the “ideal” condyleefossa
maxillomandibular relationships.27 Throughout the relationship. Gerber46 and Weinberg,47 for example,
twentieth century, one of the proposed ideal jaw were advocating that the condylar heads, as seen on
relationships has been centric relation (CR), based sagittal radiographs, should be centrally located
entirely on how the mandibular condyle is within the TM joints, whereas Gelb48 proposed a
anatomically related to the articular fossa. The most more anterior position of the condylar head. However,
recent version of the Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms these concepts were rejected later as several
defines CR as the position of the condyle, with the researchers showed that “displaced” condyles are
intermediate zone of the articular disk interposed commonly present in nonsymptomatic patients.49,50
between the articular eminence and the condylar head Therefore, the position of the condylar head relative
when it is in its most superoanterior position within the to the glenoid fossa, as it appears on the radiograph, is
glenoid fossa.28 According to this ideal (which has usually of little clinical importance. With the intro-
been redefined several times in the prosthodontic duction of arthrography and magnetic resonance
literature), the maximum intercuspation (MI) of teeth imaging in the 1970s and 1980s, it became possible to
should coincide with the initial point of occlusal visualize the TMJ disk during mandibular function. As
contact (CO) when the mandible is in CR. Any MI a result, the treatment focus shifted from myofascial
that is different from CO results in a change in the pain and condylar displacements to TMJ disk
ideal condylar position. Mandibular displacement from derangements.
CR can occur in any direction, depending on the Another concept of an ideal mandibular relationship
occlusal contact of the “interfering” cusps, but is most that has lately gained attention is neuromuscular
often anterior. According to clinicians who consider dentistry. Neuromuscular dentists advocate that the
CR to be the true anatomic ideal, even a small optimal position of the mandible can be determined and
discrepancy between MI and CO may result in an should be registered with the aid of various muscle
uncoordinated activity of both the superior and inferior stimulators, jaw trackers, and EMG devices.51,52 In
lateral pterygoid muscles acting as antagonists to the their view, the activated muscles of mastication deter-
activated elevator muscles. If this uncoordinated mine the initial point of occlusal contact that represents
activity of the masticatory muscles persists, it may lead the repeatable and the most physiologic mandibular
to chronic myofascial pain.29 Interestingly, the position. Since these “ideal” neuromuscular jaw posi-
orthodontic community came up with a quite different tions are always clinically different (usually anterior)
concept of mandibular displacement, in which the from the habitual occlusal position (MI) of most pa-
mandible was displaced posteriorly by a deep anterior tients, treatment of this occlusal discrepancy requires
overbite in some patients (the “trapped mandible”).30,31 invasive and nonreversible dental procedures.53-55
The concepts of occlusal dysharmonies causing However, the advocates of this concept have failed to
mandibular malposition became even more popular as prove the validity of their assertions that such complex
investigators proposed variations on the theme of clinical procedures are either necessary or successful
increased muscular effort for coping with occlusal in- for the treatment of TMDs.56,57
terferences.27,32 Early research utilizing electromyog-
raphy (EMG) seemed to show muscular hyperactivity THE ROLE OF ORAL APPLIANCES
leading to jaw muscle fatigue and pain.33-39 However, Many of the mandibular repositioning procedures
subsequent studies showed that there was no consistent described above involve the use of an oral appliance
correlation between higher EMG activity and muscular both to relieve symptoms and to help in establishing a
pain.40-42 Presuming that nocturnal bruxism was initi- “proper” jaw relationship.1,13 Several different designs
ated by such occlusal interferences, the phenomena of of interocclusal appliances have been developed and
occlusal “disharmony,” bruxism, and myofascial pain used according to various theories of how they might
became inextricably linked.43 Not surprisingly, the work. The term “occlusal splint” is an indicator that
492 Greene and Obrez May 2015

such appliances were believed to be primarily directed intrinsic event, such as a long dental appointment, oral
at the dental occlusion. According to Ramfjord and intubation during general anesthesia, a sudden major
Ash,58 the most commonly used maxillary oral disk shifting, or subluxation of the mandible while
appliance (the stabilization splint or Michigan splint) yawning. This kind of situation requires a combination
could be utilized to: of several treatment modalities (analgesics, ice packs,
anti-inflammatory pills or injections, and major func-
1. Establish differential diagnosis for patients with
tional limitations), as well as the use of a forward-
positioning oral appliance. This appliance can be
2. Treat TMD symptoms (TMJ and muscle pain)
worn 24 hours per day for several days while the in-
3. Relax muscles to establish optimal condylar position
flammatory condition inside the sore joint is improving,
before definitive occlusal therapy
and during that period it prevents the patient from
4. Treat patients with tension headaches
closing the mouth fully. Within a reasonable time this
5. Temporarily disclude teeth for orthodontic purposes
appliance can be modified to become a regular stabili-
6. Stabilize teeth after orthodontic treatment
zation splint that is worn at night only.
7. Protect teeth against damage from severe bruxism
The second scenario is somewhat less common, but it
8. Stabilize mobile maxillary teeth and prevent eruption
does arise in clinical practice. A patient who has
of mandibular teeth
experienced jaw clicking may transition to intermittent
An oral appliance that is placed between the dental “locking” of the jaw, in which the condyle cannot get
arches alters the afferent proprioceptive feedback; this past the posterior band of the articular disk; this is often
process is described by some clinicians as “deprogram- a painful situation. It has been shown that a forward-
ming” the mandibular muscles.59 Clinicians who believe positioning oral appliance can prevent this from
that “occlusal disharmonies” cause TMDs, including happening in certain cases. Some patients need to wear
improper maxillomandibular vertical and horizontal that kind of appliance both day and night for a while,
relationships, see the deprogramming as an essential whereas others who wake up “locked” may find that
part of a diagnostic and therapeutic process.4 If the oral nighttime wear is sufficient. The objective is to allow
appliance has a flat occlusal surface, the mandible is for continuous remodeling and shifting of the disk and
free to move in various directions instead of always its retrodiskal tissues while avoiding the painful epi-
closing into a specific dental relationship. Thus, some sodes of limited opening.
clinicians believe this approach can be used to establish In both cases, there is no intention to make the
an ideal maxillomandibular relationship. mandibular shift permanent, and careful monitoring is
It is very likely that TMD symptoms and signs will required to ensure that this is not happening as a result
improve in patients who wear oral appliances, as demon- of patients overusing their appliances for an extended
strated in the dental literature. Many studies and system- period. The ultimate goal is to allow the patient to
atic reviews have shown that the traditional stabilization return the TMJ to its original occlusally determined
splint can be used with great success in a conservative relationship.
treatment paradigm that does not involve any permanent It is often proposed that various types of oral
mandibular repositioning.60 (NOTE: Several citations appliances “unload” painful TMJs, to be followed by the
supporting the preceding two statements can be found second phase being the occlusal treatment that maintains
on pp 159-162 in the AAOP Guidelines [60]). Although the newly acquired condylar position.66,67 Unfortunately,
many clinicians have attributed these positive responses this concept violates the well-established experimental
solely to changes in occlusal, condylar, and findings which have shown that the human TMJ is al-
maxillomandibular relationships, it is important to note ways under a functional load.68
that the positive outcomes may be the result of a number Obviously, the presumed causality between a pre-
of factors. In studies comparing those splints with defined “ideal” maxillomandibular relationship and
repositioning appliances that purport to recapture a various types of TMD signs and symptoms has had a
displaced disk, the outcomes generally have been very powerful impact on the dental profession. Throughout
favorable for stabilization splintsddespite the fact that most of the twentieth century, a majority of dentists were
they do not attempt to recapture the disk.61-64 proponents of occlusal modification and jaw repositioning
However, there are two clinical scenarios in which concepts, and their patients with TMDs were treated
certain TMD patients may be treated with an oral accordingly. However, basic science and clinical research
appliance that temporarily repositions the mandible during the last three decades has demonstrated that most of
forward.3,60,65 One common situation is acute TMJ these concepts are either flawed or completely incorrect.
pain, which may arise from an external traumatic For example, many well-controlled studies have shown
experience such as a blow to the face or an automobile that almost every type of occlusal and maxillomandibular
accident. Acute pain also can occur as a result of an relationship can be found in equal proportions among
Volume 119, Number 5 Greene and Obrez 493

patients with TMDs and nonsymptomatic patients.69,70 As remodeling of the TMJ, it also affects short-term
a result of this evolving knowledge, the early mechanistic changes in the morphology of teeth and the muscular
theories of TMD etiology have been replaced by more components of the system.
complex and multifactorial etiologic concepts of how Beginning with the growth and development of the
patients develop TMDs.71-75 This shift ultimately led to a stomatognathic system, these tissues interact in a
significant change in thinking about TMD treatment par- dynamic equilibrium that is constantly responding to
adigms and procedures. Irreversible occlusal modification functional forces. For example, the undifferentiated
and jaw-repositioning procedures were replaced by more mesenchymal cells, influenced by genes and environ-
conservative treatment modalities that relieve joint and mental cues, will proliferate, differentiate, and migrate
muscle pain and dysfunction. In addition to the oral as they produce structural morphologies such as the
appliances discussed above, most muscular and joint condyle and fossa, the masticatory muscles, and teeth.
TMD signs and symptoms can be successfully managed Simultaneously, the surrounding mechanical forces
with a combination of patient education, recommenda- continuously affect the tissues and cells by producing
tions for home care, cognitive behavioral therapy, anal- mechanical strain, which in turn regulates gene
gesics and other medications, and professional physical expression as well as cell proliferation, differentiation,
therapy. Clinical research conducted around the world in and maturation. This interaction does not cease when
the past 25 years has demonstrated the effectiveness of this growth is complete; instead, it continues as required to
conservative approach for managing TMDs.60 As a result, adapt to various environmental forces. This process in
it has become recognized as the twenty-first century the adult is referred to as homeostasis, and it involves
“standard of care” by several national and international the three major components of the stomatognathic
organizations.76 system, namely, bone, muscle, and teeth, as well as all
As presented in the next section, understanding the of their investing tissues.
biology of the three components of the masticatory
system is crucial for appreciating how they work
throughout a lifetime. The masticatory system Temporomandibular joint
constantly needs to adapt to a wide variety of contin- In adults, the components of the TMJ, as in any other joint,
uously changing environmental challenges. This pro- are continuously responding to environmental challenges
cess is referred to as homeostasis, and it is important to even after the TMJ reaches its adult form (around the age
know how the masticatory system is capable of meeting of 20 years).77-79 This adaptive process is called remod-
those challenges. Although it is possible to exceed the eling, and it maintains the equilibrium between form and
adaptive capacity of this or any biologic system, the function.80 It is characterized by changes in the cellular
masticatory system, in general, has been shown to be composition of the fibrous articular layers of the
remarkably adaptive. Though there are still many dental condylar head and articular eminence. As an adaptation
clinicians and institutions who argue for the need to to increased biomechanical stress, predominantly
permanently reposition a mandible, either for optimal fibrocyte-like cells are eventually replaced by cartilage
health purposes (prevention) or for TMD treatment, it is cells. In addition, the proliferative layer covering the sur-
unlikely that a case can be made, on a biologic basis, faces of both the condylar head and the articular fossa has
for the medical necessity of changing jaw relationships the ability to produce cells that are capable of either
permanently in either asymptomatic individuals or chondrogenesis or osteogenesis. The cartilage layer thus
symptomatic patients with TMDs. Instead, we intend to produced is superior to bone in withstanding the
demonstrate that, in general, homeostatic activities compressive forces that result from increased loading.
constantly keep the mandible in an appropriate position This type of adaptation of the fibrous articular tissue is not
relative to the maxilla (occlusion) and the skull (TMJ). unique to the TMJ, but can be found wherever membra-
nous bone is under intermittent loads.
HOMEOSTASIS OF THE CRANIOFACIAL As the maxillomandibular relationships change over
COMPLEX time as a result of tooth wear or loss, the applied loads
It is now generally accepted that there are significant on the respective sides of the TMJ increase, and the
intra- and inter-individual variations of human cranio- thickness of the articular tissues change accordingly.
facial morphology and mandibular function. These Thus, the overall morphology of the condylar head and
include variations in spatial relationships of the dental, the articular fossa or eminence, as well as the spatial
TMJ, and muscle components. At the individual level, relationships between those structures are continuously
there is a continuously changing relationship between undergoing adaptive changes, as readily observed by
morphology and function of the craniofacial system. common imaging techniques.81-84 For example, there is
Just as mandibular function influences long-term pro- evidence that changes in form of the articular eminence
cesses, such as growth, development, and modeling and occur following loss of the posterior teeth, with resulting
494 Greene and Obrez May 2015

loss of occlusal support.85,86 Similarly, associations have mandibular movements, including vertical dimension of
been made between findings of occlusal attrition and rest. Previous theories of lactic acid buildup and vicious
abrasion and changes in form of the condylar head.87-89 cycles of pain being the causes of muscular pain and
The sites where TMJ remodeling takes place most dysfunction have been rejected. Instead, it is now well
frequently are the posterior and lateral aspects of the accepted that changes in the function of masticatory
articular eminence, and the anterosuperior and lateral muscles are the result of muscle adaptation to pain. The
parts of the mandibular condyle.68,78,90,91 These pain-adaptation model explains the EMG activity of
changes, in most cases, occur without any pathologic painful masticatory muscles while acting as agonists
processes and are painless. The remodeled joint (decreased activity) or as antagonists (increased activ-
morphology thus enables continuous function in spite of ity).99,100 At the occlusal level, masticatory muscle pain
changes in the amount and location of biomechanical can produce detectable changes in the occlusal contacts,
stress. This explains the readily observed intra- and which range from interferences in maximal inter-
inter-individual variations in the spatial relationships of cuspation to more significant changes in occlusal
the TMJ components in the general population. relationships, such as unilateral or bilateral open bites.
Thus, the occlusal changes seen in patients with myo-
fascial pain are generally the consequences of the pain
Muscles condition rather than its cause. These changes tend to
The process of developing a close integration of
resolve as the pain is successfully managed.101,102
morphology and function of the masticatory muscles
during growth continues throughout life as part of ho-
meostasis. Clinically, a good example of adaptability is Teeth
seen in the changes observed in the masseter muscle Before the eruption of permanent teeth, the deciduous
after an increase in vertical dimension of occlusion.92,93 dental arches must undergo significant modifications to
Similar to all skeletal muscles, craniofacial muscle fi- accommodate the differences in the mesiodistal
bers contain contractile proteins that are responsible for dimensions between deciduous and permanent teeth.
developing tension and ultimately occlusal force. The During the eruption of permanent teeth, the max-
amount of tension that each muscle fiber produces de- illomandibular relationship is being maintained by
pends on the length of the sarcomere, which is the basic occlusal morphologies of the first permanent molars
contractile unit of a muscle fiber. There is an optimal that erupt distal to the second primary molars. As the
length of the sarcomere, at which a muscle fiber pro- counter-clockwise rotation of the growing mandible
duces its maximum tension.94 Because of the different continues, the newly erupted permanent molars start to
orientation of muscle fibers within the multi-pinnate change their positions relative to the midline and the
muscles (e.g., masseter, temporalis), any overall base of cranium. This change includes a positive
change in muscle length differentially affects the settling relative to their opposing teeth, producing the
change of sarcomere length in various regions of the strongly interdigitated relationship of normal human
muscle. Increasing muscle fiber length permanently, as posterior teeth.
in the case of increasing the vertical dimension of In adults, a mesial positional change of teeth continues
occlusion, leads to an initial increase of sarcomere to occur as the result of occlusal and proximal tooth
length and a subsequent decrease in muscle tension.95,96 wear.103 The change in occlusal morphology is the result
However, as part of the adaptation to the new working of abrasion (functional wear of the occlusal surfaces,
length, muscle fibers have been observed to alter their which reduces crown height and alters occlusal
numbers of sarcomeres in series by adding new ones at morphology), and attrition of the proximal surfaces,
their ends.97 The result is that each muscle fiber reaches which reduces the mesialedistal dimensions of teeth
an optimal functional length that produces maximum and the length of the dental arch. These two normal
tension (force). In addition to the adaptation of the biologic processes are referred to as compensating
muscle fiber itself to its new length or orientation, eruption and mesial drift, respectively.103 Both
other changes occur in the area of each muscle’s processes are responsible for maintaining the continuity
connective tissue attachment to the bone.98 Both of the dental arch and the vertical dimension of
processes work together continuously to maintain occlusion. With the progressive use of teeth throughout
homeostasis of the masticatory muscles in order to life during function and parafunction (e.g., bruxism),
preserve their optimal function. the occlusal morphology becomes flatter. In some
Another important clinical example of masticatory cases, the amount of occlusal wear is so extreme that
muscle adaptation is observed in patients with myo- some vertical dimension is “lost”; however, this type of
fascial pain, which can significantly alter mouth open- loss has not been scientifically related to the
ing as well as the extent of functional and border development of any jaw pain or dysfunction.
Volume 119, Number 5 Greene and Obrez 495

On the basis of the above, it is important to recognize TMD. The same is true for their use in patients with
that any permanent change in morphology on the current TMD symptoms for the purpose of deciding
occlusal level affects growth, development, and who needs to have their mandible repositioned perma-
remodeling of the TMJ and the associated masticatory nently. As diagnostic, screening, discriminatory or
muscles. Therefore, the current occlusal and TMJ monitoring tests, they all lack theoretical as well as
relationships in every individual are the product of a measurement and diagnostic validity, which results in
lifetime of homeostatic adaptation of all three compo- their having high sensitivity but very low specificity.104
nents of the masticatory system. Whenever a decision is made to attempt to reposition
the mandible, most of the clinical procedures that are
CONCLUSIONS available to the clinician lack the specificity required
This is the first paper that addresses the issue of to address only the targeted component of the
mandibular “malposition” in terms of homeostasis and masticatory system. For example, treatments using
adaptation. The biologic evidence presented here oral appliances or occlusal adjustments with the aim
regarding anatomic and functional balance among teeth, to change the interocclusal relationship will inevitably
muscles, and jaw joints throughout life is over- change the condyleefossa and muscular relationships
whelming. It tells us that the masticatory system is and thus affect all the other components of the
capable of growing and adapting continuously masticatory system. It is this complexity that
throughout the human lifespan. For example, the confounds the attempt to understand what may
masticatory system responds favorably to almost all ultimately be responsible for the apparent treatment
types of irreversible dental interventions. Regardless of success of so many different kinds of occlusal
whether a single tooth restoration or a full-mouth interventions.105
reconstruction is provided with fixed or removable It is therefore important to evaluate all TMD treat-
prosthodontics, or whether a complete occlusal rela- ment outcomes by applying one’s knowledge of the
tionship change is produced by orthodontics, the natural history of those disorders, including the role of
masticatory muscles and the TMJs remodel accord- homeostasis in this process. As more information
ingly. The most striking example of this adaptability is regarding the etiology and pathophysiology of TMDs,
the period after orthognathic surgery, which results in especially the masticatory muscle disorders, has
the most dramatic changes in mandibular position and become available, it has become abundantly clear that
occlusal relationships in a very short time, and yet the costebenefit ratio of conservative treatment ap-
successful adaptation after those procedures is seen in proaches significantly outweighs any type of mandib-
almost all of those patients. ular repositioning procedure. Consequently, the therapy
The concept of mandibular repositioning as a pre- for most TMD problems should be selected by match-
ventive or treatment approach for TMDs was evaluated ing the clinical diagnosis with the appropriate conser-
within the context of the six criteria of medical neces- vative TMD treatment protocol within a
sity outlined in this paper. If the occlusal, muscular, and biopsychosocial framework, as described in several
condyleefossa relationships are constantly adapting to published guidelines.60,106 Those treatments should
the current function of the masticatory system, then target the painful tissues, with some directly affecting
each individual’s current maxillomandibular relation- the underlying pathophysiology of the pain (treatments)
ship is, by definition, a biologically correct relationship. and others being palliative (managements).
Although it is possible to exceed the adaptive capacity In summary, we have concluded that permanent
of the masticatory system, it has been shown that the mandibular repositioning procedures do not fulfill any
system is remarkably adaptive. Therefore, the term of the six criteria of medical necessity as the appropriate
“mandibular malposition” cannot be regarded as a valid and medically acceptable treatments or management
and recognized concept to explain the etiology of a options for patients with various TMD conditions. This
TMD that requires treatment with some repositioning conclusion also has ethical implications, as discussed in
procedure. Consequently, that term does not meet the the recent paper by Reid and Greene.107 According to
first of the six requirement of medical necessity (i.e., the ethical standards, a physician is expected to offer
condition being treated must be a valid and recognized patients the best treatment options with the least risk
medical problem). possible, even if that approach results in less ideal
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