Belghait May 2018
Belghait May 2018
Belghait May 2018
Full paper/Me
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A comprehensive data set on experimental solubility of 210 solid solutes in supercritical
Received 2 October 2017 CO2 counting 5550 data points has been used for comparison of the correlation perfor-
Accepted 12 February 2018 mance of 21 empirical models. On the basis of the comparison results a new eight-
Available online 20 March 2018
parameter density-based model has been proposed. The comparison shows that the
three-parameter models are the least accurate. The results also show that models that
relate the logarithm of the solubility to the logarithm of solvent density and temperature
are more accurate than models that include the pressure. When comparing the overall
Supercritical CO2
correlating performance in terms of average absolute relative deviation the proposed
model is by far the best with an average absolute relative deviation lying in the range 0.17
Density-based models
e81.99% and an average value of 8.88%.
© 2018 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
1631-0748/© 2018 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A. Belghait et al. / C. R. Chimie 21 (2018) 494e513 495
simple and accurate enough correlative models are very densities are typically used. However, for the majority of
useful in engineering applications such as used in com- pharmaceutical complex chemicals such extended experi-
mercial process simulators. This is the reason why both mental data do not exist [18]. Most SAFT-type models
types of modeling have been and still remain a goal for require five parameters for each pure associating com-
many research works. pound (three for nonassociation ones). Three parameters
Three major modeling approaches have been used to for nonassociating fluids: the segment number, the inter-
model the solubility of a solid solute in an SCF for predictive action energy, and the hard core segment diameter. Two
or correlative purposes: equations of state (EoSs) and ac- other parameters for associating fluids are the association
tivity coefficient models, computational intelligence tech- energy and the affective association volume. These pa-
niques, and density-based semiempirical equations. It rameters are calculated using GC methods, such as pro-
should be mentioned that the three approaches rely more posed by Tihic et al. [19,20] or estimated from vapor
or less on experimental data and, therefore, their use pressure and liquid-density data over extended tempera-
outside the range of experimental data from which the ture ranges [21,22]. In the absence of such data for specific
models have been obtained is not safe. compounds, such as polymers and pharmaceuticals, GC
EoSs are the straightforward and obvious methods as methods, such as GC-SAFT [23,24], GC-SAFT variable range
the solubility is a phase equilibrium problem. Simple cubic (SAFT-VR) [25e32], and GC-SAFT-g [33e35], are used for
EoS with various mixing rules has been extensively used for the estimation of required properties. As regards modeling
calculation of solid solute solubility in scCO2 (to cite just the solubility of complex solid molecules in scCO2 using
few, see, for example, Refs. [3e12]). Detailed review of the noncubic EoS only few works are reported. This is due to
use of cubic EoSs in this context has been given by Yazdi- the lack of sufficient experimental data as this family of
zadeh et al. [10]. The use of cubic EoSs requires critical EoSs uses fluid-specific parameters that usually are fitted to
properties, acentric factor to compute fugacity coefficient, pure fluid experimental data [18]. Tsivintzelis et al. [18]
which is needed along with the sublimation vapor pres- have used nonrandom hydrogen bonding theory to pre-
sure, and the molar volume of the solid solute to compute dict the solubility of pharmaceuticals in SCFs. SAFT models
the solubility. In the absence of experimental values of have also been used to predict or correlate the solubility of
these solid solute parameters, they are estimated using solids in SCFs [36e38].
group contribution (GC) methods. Sublimation vapor Activity coefficient models, such as universal functional
pressure, which is very low, and experimental value, un- activity coefficient, the regular solution theory-based
available for many solids, may also be considered as an models, and more sophisticated models, such as
adjusted parameter to be fitted to solubility data as used in conductor-like screening model (COSMO), cannot be used
Refs. [8,13,14]. The accuracy of the correlation or prediction for high-pressure phase equilibrium calculations without
using the cubic EoS depends greatly on the method used to being coupled with another model, namely, an EoS [18].
estimate these solid solute properties [3,4,11]. The effect of COSMO-based approach has been used to predict solubility
mixing rules has been investigated by Yazdizadeh et al. of solids in scCO2 [39e42]. The only experimental data
[9,10] in two comparative studies. The first one [9] con- required for solutes are the melting temperature and the
cerned 52 solid solutes and compared two cubic EoSs melting enthalpy of the solid solute.
combined with four mixing rules and showed a global su- Computational intelligence techniques such as artificial
periority of EsmaeilzadeheRoshanfekr EoS [15] combined neural networks, adaptive neurofuzzy inference system,
with WongeSandler mixing rule [16] and a global average and least square support vector machine are considered as
absolute deviation of 9%. In the second one [10] 23 com- powerful modeling tools that can map complex highly
pounds were considered, five cubic EoSs combined with nonlinear input/output relationships of any systems. This
four mixing rules and the results showed a global best ability has made them suited for a wide range of engi-
performance of a modified EsmaeilzadeheRoshanfekr EoS neering applications. Applications of such techniques to
[17] with WongeSandler mixing rule [16] and a global correlate solubility of various solid solutes in scCO2 have
average absolute deviation of 7%. Sang et al. [8] considered been reported: Refs. [43e51] for artificial neural networks,
three cubic EoSs combined with five mixing rules where Refs. [52,53] for least square support vector machine, and
they used a modification of the calculation procedure by Ref. [54] for adaptive neurofuzzy inference system.
introducing some approximations. They proposed two- and The review of the EoS and computational intelligence
three-adjustable-parameter models for the calculation of approaches in modeling the solubility of solid solutes in
the fugacity coefficient. Accordingly, the only solid solute supercritical solvents reveals that both approaches,
parameter required was the molar volume. They showed whether used for predictive or correlative purposes, with
that the three-adjustable-parameter model gave a global the exception of the COSMO model, rely on experimental
average absolute deviation of 5.5% for the same data set data of phase equilibrium and the physical properties of
used in Ref. [10]. pure solid solute. As regards the EoS approach, phase
Despite their success for fluid mixtures, theoretical equilibrium data are required for fitting at least one binary
esound state of the art statistical thermodynamic models interaction parameter used by mixing rules, fitting other
have not been used for modeling complex molecules such required pure solute properties, or for the validation of
as pharmaceuticals. Statistical associating fluid theory models. Regarding computational intelligence methods,
(SAFT)-type models use fluid-specific parameters that experimental data are necessary for training and validation
usually are fitted to pure fluid experimental data. In com- of the model. Pure component properties for complex
mon fluids, experimental vapor pressures and liquid multifunctional solid solutes, such as pharmaceuticals, are
496 A. Belghait et al. / C. R. Chimie 21 (2018) 494e513
not always available and need to be estimated by GC solubility (y2), the fugacity coefficient (f2), and the equi-
methods. librium pressure P as follows:
Semiempirical modeling is used as a simpler alternative
insofar as it does not require any solute property, although f2SCF ¼ y2 f2 P (2)
there are few models that include some solute parameters
The fugacity of the solid phase is usually considered as a
such as temperature and enthalpy of fusion and infinite
pure phase and can expressed as
dilute activity coefficient [55], solubility parameter, and
molar volume of the solute [56]. In a very recent article [57], s
we have presented an extensive review of semiempirical f2s ¼ P2sub fsat
2 exp P P2
models. Comparative studies [58e64] on the performance
of semiempirical models show there is no model that where P2sub , fsat s
2 , and V2 are the sublimation pressure, the
presents the best correlation for all the experimental data saturated fugacity coefficient, and the molar volume of the
of all solutes. In the present work, it is intended to carry a solid, respectively. T is the temperature, P is the pressure,
larger scale comparative study that includes all semi- and R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J mol1 K1).
empirical models on a more comprehensive data set. It also Because of sublimation pressures, fsat
2 is equal to 1 for
aims for the improvement of the quality of density-based most solutes that do not have a strong tendency of asso-
correlation of the solubility of solid solutes in scCO2. ciation. Furthermore, because of the incompressibility of
solids, values of V2s can be assumed to be pressure
2. Modeling solideSCF phase equilibrium Hence, y2 in SCF reduces to
The fugacities of a solid solute in the solid and fluid P2sub 1 V2
y2 ¼ exp P P2
phases are related by the following fundamental iso- P fSCF
fugacity relationship:
Note that fSCF2 is a function of y2, T, P, and ZSCF (the
f2S ¼ f2SCF (1) compressibility coefficient of the supercritical phase), it-
self a function of y2, T, and P:
in which f designates the fugacity and superscripts S and
SCF designate solid and SCF phases, respectively. fSCF
2 ¼ f T; P; Z SCF ; y2 (5)
The fugacity of solid solute in an SCF phase can be
written as the product of the solute mole fraction or
Table 1
Density-based models for the correlation of solid solutes in SCFs.
Chrastil ln y2 ¼ a0 þ a1 ln r1 þ a2
(10) [65]
Adachi and Lu ln y2 ¼ a0 þ ða1 þ a2 r1 þ a3 r21 Þ ln r1 þ a4
(11) [66]
del Valle and Aguilera ln y2 ¼ a0 þ a1 ln r1 þ a2
T þ a3
(12) [67]
Kumar and Johnston ln y2 ¼ a0 þ a1 r1 þ a2
(13) [68]
Bartle et al. ln y2 P
P ref
¼ a0 þ a1 ðr1 rref
1 Þþ
(14) [69]
Gordillo et al. ln y2 ¼ a0 þ a1 P þ a2 P 2 þ a3 PT þ a4 T þ a5 T 2 (15) [70]
Mendez-Santiago and Teja T ln y2 P ¼ a0 þ a1 r1 þ a2 T (16) [71]
Sung and Shim ln y2 ¼ a0 þ aT1 ln r1 þ aT2 þ a3 (17) [72]
Ali Akbar a0 þa1 =r1 þa2 =r21 þa3 ln Tþa4 ðln TÞ2 (26) [60]
ln y2 ¼
Amooey 1þa5 =r1 þa6 ln Tþa7 ðln TÞ2 þa8 ðln TÞ3
a2 r1
Hozhabr et al. ln y2 ¼ a0 þ T þ
T a3 ln P
(27) [79]
Khansary et al. ln y2 ¼ a0 2
þ a1 P þ a2TP þ ða3 þ a4 PÞ ln 1 r (28) [61]
a2 r1
Bian et al. ln y2 ¼ a1
a0 þ T þ T þ ða3 þ a4 1 Þ ln 1 r r (29) [64]
Si-Moussa et al. ln y2 ¼ r r
a0 þ a1 1 þ a2 21 þ a3 1 T þ a4 rT þ
r a5 ln r1 (30) [57]
A. Belghait et al. / C. R. Chimie 21 (2018) 494e513 497
Table 2
Sources and ranges of solubility data of solid solutes in scCO2.
Table 2 (continued )
Table 2 (continued )
Table 3
Estimated model parameters (ai) of the model proposed in this work (Eq. 32) for the 210 solid solutes considered.
No. a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7
5 5 3
1 105.07 0.083 4.48 10 6.59 10 1.32 2.08 10 24.58 1.85
2 1531.82 0.021 3.45 107 9.44 105 4.50 4.41 103 2.92 175,549.35
3 4084.36 0.060 1.46 105 1.38 104 12.65 1.32 102 2.92 437,823.79
4 0.97 0.073 6.70 105 4.56 104 2.89 5.14 103 80.05 0.44
5 8205.31 0.016 5.75 106 1.10 104 25.39 2.61 102 4.19 879,263.63
6 1982.72 0.013 1.33 107 5.77 105 5.95 5.97 103 0.40 217,476.69
7 573.76 0.010 7.18 106 4.24 105 1.91 2.14 103 5.20 54,779.81
8 546.60 0.012 2.81 106 3.79 105 1.59 1.58 103 0.82 58,878.77
9 374.66 0.219 1.10 104 2.37 105 1.19 1.91 103 43.89 1.06
10 525.74 0.357 2.08 104 1.38 104 0.15 9.85 105 101.71 5.43
11 382.66 0.163 9.82 105 1.12 104 0.64 8.50 104 53.66 3.04
12 1.66 0.006 1.44 106 9.60 106 0.06 2.26 105 2.16 2.23
13 11,328.33 0.018 2.33 106 2.17 107 34.56 3.52 102 5.74 1,234,124.05
14 392.25 0.001 6.50 106 7.90 105 1.32 1.41 103 8.26 46,727.41
15 85.82 0.061 1.76 105 5.13 105 0.07 1.37 104 17.55 7.53
16 83.09 0.050 1.15 105 6.50 105 0.53 6.75 104 5.92 10.79
17 885.78 0.689 2.25 104 7.63 105 2.30 3.56 103 244.70 4.01
18 262.35 0.001 2.34 106 2.89 105 1.63 2.56 103 1.91 1.69
19 1.84 0.044 1.76 105 1.18 105 0.78 1.35 103 19.53 2.52
20 251.12 0.064 1.38 105 1.28 104 0.53 4.15 104 5.66 30,058.65
21 95.39 0.002 9.40 107 3.53 106 0.43 5.89 104 0.48 0.15
22 11.28 0.007 1.23 106 1.35 105 0.02 2.87 105 2.62 2.48
23 133.12 0.021 3.05 106 1.31 104 1.66 2.97 103 15.94 15.54
24 74.34 0.058 1.49 105 8.87 105 0.31 3.33 104 2.11 0.85
25 25.71 0.019 5.32 106 2.56 105 0.18 3.73 104 6.14 1.78
26 360.01 0.190 1.32 105 5.80 104 1.24 1.19 103 12.32 0.63
27 141.29 0.023 1.67 105 6.03 105 0.09 8.10 105 17.82 0.78
28 598.29 0.080 2.73 105 4.44 105 4.58 7.28 103 22.11 6.32
29 2460.28 1.203 3.79 104 6.65 105 0.84 1.47 103 494.35 24.73
30 692.41 0.051 2.41 105 1.05 105 1.96 2.04 103 14.30 63,063.17
31 9800.68 0.0002 3.53 106 3.46 105 30.61 3.19 102 6.55 1,033,864.84
32 13,205.45 0.023 1.31 105 5.01 105 40.60 4.14 102 9.42 1,437,033.73
33 236.85 0.004 9.77 106 5.92 105 0.87 1.17 103 11.85 0.60
34 156.11 0.017 1.04 105 1.48 105 0.58 7.95 104 7.76 0.72
35 190.06 0.113 1.17 105 2.68 104 0.91 1.04 103 3.41 0.83
36 1954.65 0.088 2.45 105 5.31 105 5.82 6.02 103 9.43 223,043.77
37 2792.52 0.025 9.65 106 1.15 105 8.51 8.53 103 4.84 303,725.89
38 43.35 0.011 4.59 106 7.94 106 0.31 5.27 104 2.20 2.05
39 115.46 0.057 9.23 106 1.33 104 0.39 4.02 104 2.56 21.70
40 145.93 0.185 5.94 105 5.96 105 0.55 6.99 104 52.95 1.75
41 7678.04 0.075 1.73 105 1.27 104 23.47 2.37 102 9.28 847,146.30
42 852.15 0.030 1.00 105 1.22 105 2.55 2.63 103 4.10 98,485.91
43 1645.58 0.004 4.24 106 1.65 105 5.13 5.37 103 4.70 165,008.13
44 1.95 0.138 3.39 105 2.11 104 0.50 6.00 104 18.21 3.11
45 0.93 0.012 1.17 106 4.92 105 0.23 5.31 104 2.41 0.27
46 716.84 0.427 1.50 104 8.76 105 1.17 1.95 103 171.93 5.92
47 11,214.79 5.746 1.90 103 7.50 105 0.32 4.38 104 2179.38 93.76
48 227.10 0.121 1.59 105 2.37 104 1.37 1.72 103 10.71 1.82
49 107.14 0.006 1.81 106 7.24 105 0.62 9.96 104 4.78 4.22
50 2958.54 0.061 7.14 106 1.47 104 8.72 8.72 103 4.93 328,517.55
51 26.69 0.098 2.40 105 1.34 104 0.25 1.56 104 10.95 6.24
52 164.84 0.068 1.10 105 1.71 104 0.22 8.52 105 3.13 24,939.84
53 1060.66 0.514 1.82 104 8.90 105 0.35 4.70 104 198.27 8.60
54 34.68 0.004 3.01 106 4.46 105 0.11 1.64 104 5.71 5.29
55 1339.30 0.054 5.01 105 2.49 104 6.55 9.78 103 46.62 18.29
56 1164.46 0.181 5.51 105 4.82 105 2.69 2.71 103 51.34 110,426.70
57 3303.72 0.214 7.27 105 2.94 105 9.04 9.37 103 79.39 314,535.29
58 19,001.50 0.308 1.25 104 1.47 104 57.79 6.04 102 130.40 1,924,912.82
59 53.00 0.038 9.72 106 2.77 105 0.52 7.32 104 10.48 0.54
60 51.01 0.025 5.36 106 3.85 105 0.04 7.42 105 2.27 1.51
61 1138.32 0.108 3.25 105 1.40 105 3.90 3.89 103 30.78 132,743.12
62 50.19 0.107 3.55 105 2.14 105 0.19 1.32 104 24.43 16.81
63 12.49 0.012 1.32 105 7.90 105 0.11 1.88 104 8.57 1.40
64 1562.77 0.141 4.12 105 1.04 104 5.29 5.21 103 41.52 202,400.70
65 9228.66 0.009 2.13 106 5.99 105 28.64 2.96 102 0.64 995,613.08
66 119.60 0.070 9.87 106 1.75 104 1.03 1.53 103 7.48 3.78
67 237.86 0.042 6.03 106 1.26 104 0.69 8.09 104 13.81 1.24
68 40.73 0.124 3.66 105 7.46 105 0.88 1.20 103 27.01 2.77
69 671.21 0.654 1.88 104 3.30 104 0.89 7.66 104 180.49 2.74
A. Belghait et al. / C. R. Chimie 21 (2018) 494e513 501
Table 3 (continued )
No. a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7
70 101.91 0.110 3.27 105 6.30 105 0.05 1.91 104 24.39 1.91
71 2234.78 0.045 1.50 106 1.93 104 6.75 6.79 103 9.01 257,254.20
72 81.15 0.044 1.07 105 4.84 105 0.41 4.81 104 4.05 2.43
73 584.03 0.199 2.44 105 5.37 104 2.84 3.80 103 7.58 3.85
74 246.33 0.033 1.02 105 7.38 106 0.72 7.64 104 3.25 32,096.23
75 50.19 0.185 3.64 105 3.55 104 0.56 5.21 104 14.70 2.15
76 2563.28 0.078 1.94 105 1.34 104 7.57 7.63 103 8.38 279,924.96
77 51,417.64 0.049 2.31 105 2.93 104 160.07 1.66 101 3.75 5,507,449.07
78 11.31 0.032 1.59 105 2.13 105 0.21 3.21 104 6.31 1.26
79 717.56 0.144 4.74 105 7.99 105 3.17 3.27 103 61.25 106,770.33
80 452.85 0.085 2.19 105 1.64 104 1.55 1.55 103 4.99 46,538.55
81 350.16 0.026 3.00 106 8.53 105 0.83 6.91 104 1.57 42,383.68
82 2576.44 0.069 1.52 105 1.10 104 8.49 9.05 103 9.10 269,462.56
83 145.56 0.040 7.81 106 1.04 104 0.52 5.54 104 0.73 12,431.30
84 232.96 0.072 1.18 105 1.50 104 1.60 2.34 103 6.50 8.38
85 3580.56 0.036 7.25 106 7.43 105 11.12 1.14 102 6.73 395,352.20
86 240.50 0.055 2.89 107 2.07 104 1.39 2.02 103 3.65 5.82
87 243.80 0.179 8.83 105 1.77 105 0.11 1.94 104 46.11 1.30
88 659.43 0.171 8.83 105 2.60 104 0.89 1.12 103 94.34 8.06
89 2624.87 1.201 4.12 104 2.41 104 0.10 1.46 104 498.22 22.53
90 312.90 0.067 3.99 105 2.59 105 1.22 1.83 103 21.33 3.88
91 1293.79 0.663 2.86 104 2.29 104 1.11 1.57 103 226.17 30.25
92 7198.49 5.097 2.27 103 1.55 104 0.60 7.51 104 1461.03 74.64
93 476.02 0.295 3.43 105 6.00 104 3.44 4.37 103 34.00 132.83
94 3749.41 0.069 3.24 105 1.39 104 11.02 1.14 102 45.12 374,414.07
95 860.66 0.065 1.99 105 2.68 105 2.46 2.48 103 9.44 98,727.09
96 387.57 0.000 3.17 107 2.78 106 1.19 1.21 103 3.01 52,764.44
97 40.90 0.062 2.84 106 2.00 104 0.27 5.48 104 0.86 3.73
98 65.30 0.002 4.13 106 3.36 105 0.40 6.11 104 1.96 5.24
99 902.14 0.031 4.74 106 8.00 105 2.59 2.52 103 0.81 103,437.48
100 2766.57 0.054 8.54 106 8.46 105 7.92 7.68 103 3.01 327,864.36
101 551.60 0.281 4.77 105 6.35 104 2.91 3.81 103 3.79 12.88
102 334.39 0.044 1.49 105 4.95 105 1.18 1.25 103 6.75 39,319.98
103 8621.92 0.019 2.17 105 2.28 104 28.04 2.97 102 48.90 949,369.22
104 425.91 0.056 1.89 106 2.17 104 1.26 1.22 103 9.59 61,284.65
105 76.07 0.038 1.10 105 5.30 105 0.26 2.77 104 0.43 36.77
106 0.16 0.201 6.48 105 2.67 105 1.20 1.18 103 78.68 51,364.38
107 5.17 0.046 1.06 105 1.26 105 0.31 3.39 104 14.06 0.60
108 677.14 0.104 1.55 105 2.35 104 1.65 1.54 103 7.87 82,605.10
109 915.94 0.016 3.56 106 1.17 104 2.83 2.94 103 5.88 94,980.76
110 1663.48 0.211 5.86 105 1.22 104 5.99 6.14 103 48.99 190,361.87
111 288.61 0.040 2.79 105 1.50 104 0.31 2.32 104 38.92 14.73
112 13,211.97 0.034 1.98 106 1.31 104 41.69 4.38 102 2.97 1,390,552.83
113 3716.29 0.134 4.82 105 1.37 104 11.07 1.13 102 20.92 394,533.29
114 194.12 0.006 1.38 107 6.99 105 0.52 6.85 104 15.69 0.17
115 434.95 0.004 3.54 105 2.46 104 1.53 1.94 103 25.13 2.49
116 160.03 0.048 2.34 105 2.49 105 1.15 1.73 103 9.81 48.21
117 195.60 7.771 2.08 103 1.36 103 104.33 1.62 101 3225.35 4.15
118 127.43 0.021 9.84 107 8.65 105 0.77 1.13 103 1.23 3.22
119 980.73 0.137 1.67 104 1.48 103 4.86 1.04 102 276.44 2.50
120 41.32 0.018 1.92 106 4.23 105 0.50 8.82 104 3.08 1.55
121 1936.35 0.101 2.90 105 5.30 105 6.44 6.69 103 20.54 204,158.22
122 0.97 0.071 3.74 105 8.39 105 0.65 1.02 103 24.95 1.66
123 48.07 0.033 1.03 105 1.79 105 0.28 3.53 104 5.04 0.94
124 2999.33 0.053 2.60 105 5.89 105 9.47 9.67 103 18.88 330,889.01
125 407.18 0.008 2.20 106 1.37 105 1.18 1.12 103 0.70 41,782.09
126 1452.11 0.004 1.72 106 4.59 106 4.46 4.53 103 1.03 161,529.34
127 1609.02 0.021 8.32 106 5.68 106 4.87 4.93 103 2.69 178,903.05
128 10.68 0.013 2.88 106 2.54 105 0.14 3.60 104 3.43 1.12
129 249.41 0.019 1.79 105 4.63 105 1.12 1.67 103 11.04 1.74
130 5601.28 0.029 6.06 106 9.34 105 16.72 1.66 102 2.06 625,762.42
131 1943.21 0.015 5.00 106 4.98 105 6.14 6.38 103 4.35 215,444.10
132 1973.71 0.072 1.95 105 1.05 104 6.08 5.97 103 12.18 228,276.88
133 2087.93 1.249 3.60 104 4.06 104 0.93 1.02 103 439.09 21.03
134 25.36 0.006 1.14 106 1.30 105 0.10 1.51 104 0.58 1.44
135 433.52 0.069 4.48 105 2.43 104 1.36 2.03 103 45.50 3.74
136 1476.05 0.108 2.31 105 2.02 104 4.18 4.20 103 10.03 164,342.67
137 49.11 0.187 4.62 105 1.93 104 0.99 1.16 103 33.99 3.39
138 124.36 0.017 4.46 106 8.00 105 0.27 2.10 104 7.25 7.88
139 161.27 0.013 7.31 106 3.18 105 0.37 2.63 104 0.71 18,861.41
(continued on next page)
502 A. Belghait et al. / C. R. Chimie 21 (2018) 494e513
Table 3 (continued )
No. a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7
140 439.34 0.013 1.26 106 5.72 105 1.43 1.55 103 1.92 45,085.94
141 1837.59 0.007 5.92 106 5.63 105 5.85 6.26 103 6.70 187,579.63
142 964.63 0.050 9.53 106 1.01 104 2.86 2.97 103 5.23 101,856.34
143 154.02 0.059 2.34 105 2.10 105 0.49 8.21 104 19.17 5.30
144 61.04 0.060 1.33 105 7.55 105 0.19 2.95 104 15.81 0.34
145 91.13 0.010 1.53 106 3.05 105 0.30 3.54 104 2.70 1.25
146 2044.48 0.067 1.48 105 1.41 104 5.85 5.69 103 3.98 233,327.78
147 384.04 0.019 5.06 106 4.45 105 1.22 1.24 103 0.80 44,257.62
148 10.31 0.079 1.93 105 1.40 104 0.30 3.69 104 7.80 1.62
149 79.29 0.052 1.24 105 6.04 105 0.01 3.90 105 12.95 1.50
150 13.36 0.069 1.49 105 1.09 104 0.38 5.65 104 104 12.48 3.63
151 77.13 0.024 8.64 106 2.73 105 0.16 1.76 104 6.26 0.45
152 186.97 0.257 2.02 105 1.06 103 0.45 1.71 103 33.22 3.37
153 0.34 0.003 5.40 105 4.32 104 1.84 3.62 103 41.42 1.20
154 32.81 0.016 3.91 106 1.36 105 0.01 1.89 104 0.04 2.69
155 3.39 0.017 5.48 106 8.53 106 0.13 3.20 104 0.94 1.02
156 249.26 0.078 9.95 106 1.58 104 1.46 2.01 103 5.99 1.82
157 9.69 0.037 3.71 106 9.18 105 0.17 2.25 104 5.57 2.35
158 1835.62 0.845 2.97 104 1.29 104 0.71 8.42 104 329.42 11.27
159 0.31 0.049 3.71 106 1.24 104 0.18 5.30 104 1.42 1.50
160 44.26 0.081 1.29 105 2.07 104 0.28 2.97 104 1.10 2.75
161 94.41 0.024 1.21 105 4.80 106 0.31 4.18 104 6.19 0.93
162 12.30 0.079 2.34 105 5.22 105 0.18 9.26 105 11.59 16.92
163 1429.40 0.016 5.10 107 8.54 105 4.41 4.54 103 3.38 152,612.74
164 36.56 0.021 4.22 106 1.76 105 0.16 1.78 104 1.57 2.21
165 69.00 0.056 1.37 105 5.96 105 0.18 2.93 104 16.86 8.38
166 5830.12 0.206 5.82 105 1.24 104 19.23 1.99 102 63.96 658,885.28
167 0.99 0.013 4.42 106 5.06 106 0.24 4.69 104 4.59 1.05
168 2923.03 0.098 3.07 105 7.40 105 8.53 8.70 103 24.20 305,416.57
169 112.44 0.040 1.13 105 8.74 105 0.77 1.17 103 1.00 3.11
170 106.56 0.105 2.97 105 7.50 105 0.15 4.01 104 23.36 3.67
171 13,659.77 0.031 2.01 105 1.97 104 43.02 4.46 102 39.27 1,487,919.98
172 18.24 0.011 1.87 106 2.54 105 0.00 2.29 105 1.31 4.05
173 42.82 0.044 1.03 105 5.78 105 0.20 1.71 104 4.44 3.12
174 32.24 0.016 4.67 106 2.82 105 0.00 3.89 105 3.71 1.83
175 100.38 0.058 3.57 105 7.10 107 0.05 1.74 105 14.02 0.55
176 2.14 0.086 3.24 105 1.38 104 0.38 5.56 104 8.87 1.92
177 1346.38 0.098 2.06 105 2.00 104 4.41 4.60 103 6.60 141,805.22
178 23.81 0.022 6.93 106 9.39 106 0.15 3.36 104 5.20 0.23
179 160.90 0.147 3.83 105 2.34 104 0.50 8.99 104 17.55 2.76
180 11.19 0.008 9.67 106 4.01 105 0.49 9.44 104 10.36 0.69
181 184.93 0.095 1.65 105 1.87 104 0.68 1.16 103 13.21 44.17
182 78.04 0.005 5.66 106 2.25 105 0.23 2.75 104 4.42 1.27
183 0.94 0.034 8.40 106 3.84 105 0.03 1.21 104 3.12 0.20
184 16.28 0.065 3.08 105 3.83 105 0.57 8.45 104 19.31 11.93
185 50.56 0.037 5.90 106 8.97 105 0.49 7.47 104 3.63 0.36
186 1572.06 0.028 8.59 106 1.77 105 5.10 5.30 103 12.28 170,879.91
187 472.29 0.045 1.67 105 6.58 106 1.35 1.42 103 9.97 49,967.76
188 35.35 0.044 9.82 106 5.59 105 0.23 3.75 104 11.37 0.70
189 0.04 0.045 1.20 105 3.13 105 0.13 7.83 105 9.23 0.14
190 1016.15 0.041 1.71 105 3.20 105 3.20 3.22 103 11.13 113,622.34
191 9888.68 0.148 5.24 105 8.59 105 32.16 3.36 102 68.81 1,082,525.80
192 1468.07 0.055 2.61 105 1.18 104 4.82 4.76 103 30.13 175,156.62
193 415.39 0.122 4.34 105 1.38 105 1.04 1.53 103 43.61 20.11
194 2.14 0.071 4.37 105 9.66 105 0.55 8.69 104 22.63 2.17
195 0.06 0.022 2.85 105 1.67 104 0.45 7.23 104 18.02 0.04
196 11.47 0.070 1.73 105 1.34 104 0.32 4.28 104 6.92 0.70
197 18.14 0.011 3.92 106 9.96 106 0.11 3.03 104 3.19 6.16
198 303.35 0.184 6.24 105 6.66 105 0.16 2.57 104 53.32 4.75
199 141.35 0.248 6.43 105 2.52 104 0.53 5.40 104 50.60 0.51
200 1602.81 0.520 1.86 104 9.83 105 3.36 5.11 103 203.24 11.97
201 718.88 0.018 8.52 106 1.12 106 4.84 7.68 103 7.37 6.19
202 38.32 0.006 2.87 106 5.73 105 0.17 2.20 104 2.08 1.94
203 44.52 0.123 3.11 105 1.02 104 0.88 1.17 103 26.52 3.52
204 127.08 0.009 1.63 106 6.44 105 0.23 2.16 104 10.89 0.53
205 1.50 0.105 2.81 105 9.46 105 0.34 3.21 104 18.43 0.20
206 44.33 0.134 2.24 105 2.29 104 0.97 1.28 103 24.08 5.17
207 1972.88 0.128 2.30 105 1.91 104 8.10 1.00 102 15.63 145,287.58
208 22.21 0.031 3.99 106 8.16 105 0.03 2.56 105 2.85 2.61
209 605.76 0.371 1.06 104 6.44 106 0.95 1.28 103 152.58 6.90
210 170.01 0.005 9.12 106 8.17 105 0.57 7.11 104 8.98 0.19
Table 4
AARD (%) for 210 compounds calculated for each of the 22 studied correlations.
No. (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (32)
1 21.08 9.99 21.08 28.65 21.05 17.35 23.18 13.73 12.96 6.20 21.14 14.74 18.42 12.89 9.85 13.77 10.08 13.880 15.31 11.69 8.62 6.34
2 19.34 10.70 19.34 11.80 19.09 10.47 18.59 18.47 8.40 10.63 19.31 10.64 12.17 11.41 6.70 12.55 7.00 12.007 11.83 9.56 8.67 6.64
3 24.35 9.48 24.35 13.96 20.21 9.41 19.53 21.08 12.55 9.02 24.36 9.46 12.24 9.59 8.49 12.17 9.18 9.76 9.45 8.91 7.45 7.58
4 5.38 2.37 5.38 4.07 7.00 0.78 6.83 4.94 3.60 2.37 5.38 3.70 3.91 3.90 1.57 3.40 6.95 3.973 4.02 1.66 1.16 1.17
5 46.65 43.30 46.65 44.95 43.95 45.80 43.09 46.42 43.37 40.90 46.53 43.46 45.40 43.38 41.59 45.89 38.06 43.202 46.76 44.81 42.94 39.98
6 13.30 7.74 13.30 8.79 10.28 14.13 9.92 12.43 7.37 7.28 13.26 7.83 10.70 7.67 5.98 11.16 6.33 8.229 9.45 8.40 7.67 5.84
7 17.12 12.78 17.12 13.50 14.95 17.37 13.76 16.23 10.77 9.52 17.03 12.00 15.00 12.96 11.21 16.31 9.73 12.797 14.98 13.57 11.41 9.56
8 9.44 3.61 9.44 3.62 10.74 7.42 9.47 7.46 3.27 3.46 9.40 3.43 5.31 3.59 2.91 5.20 2.86 4.137 5.53 3.66 3.39 2.99
9 9.16 9.09 9.16 9.02 8.53 9.09 9.05 8.42 3.21 3.14 9.02 3.29 8.48 8.56 3.26 4.08 6.57 9.078 3.51 8.09 7.56 3.06
10 6.23 6.00 6.23 7.14 7.00 5.98 7.38 5.96 4.56 5.78 6.21 5.99 5.75 7.09 5.08 6.04 4.70 7.070 6.16 5.22 4.13 4.30
11 12.34 8.80 12.34 10.59 10.62 9.87 9.96 9.97 7.69 8.89 12.38 9.32 12.25 10.48 9.01 9.71 9.07 9.946 10.70 8.87 8.60 7.99
12 3.63 3.39 3.63 10.81 10.42 11.89 11.72 3.19 5.68 3.18 3.64 3.38 3.38 9.74 3.21 3.08 3.38 11.115 10.82 3.20 4.78 3.11
13 33.35 24.00 33.36 26.70 31.12 27.31 29.58 29.76 26.67 23.99 33.27 24.19 26.97 27.31 24.03 26.37 24.35 27.200 27.99 23.98 23.66 18.10
14 18.40 13.51 18.40 14.35 18.03 11.59 17.54 18.54 12.46 13.22 18.46 14.10 16.85 14.36 11.61 17.06 12.18 15.412 15.28 11.78 10.86 11.62
15 3.54 2.87 3.54 3.78 6.63 12.40 6.60 3.54 4.37 2.99 3.51 2.88 2.79 3.57 2.60 3.03 3.06 3.618 2.95 3.14 2.75 2.59
Table 4 (continued )
No. (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (32)
49 12.57 5.54 12.57 6.99 11.68 7.30 10.61 8.38 5.28 5.03 12.55 5.25 8.16 6.33 4.69 7.25 14.31 6.174 7.92 5.74 5.32 4.75
50 11.82 11.99 11.82 15.31 12.22 15.15 13.10 12.00 8.33 11.17 11.69 11.13 10.68 12.22 6.26 11.05 6.35 13.225 12.55 11.16 9.67 4.87
51 6.52 5.55 6.52 10.55 6.44 10.26 6.70 6.53 4.36 4.79 6.49 5.15 4.66 5.50 4.77 3.87 4.78 4.412 6.13 4.76 2.80 3.10
52 15.97 10.85 15.97 12.52 14.31 10.68 13.82 15.94 7.17 9.99 15.87 12.23 12.82 12.44 6.10 12.96 6.58 13.404 15.06 11.02 9.16 6.60
53 12.57 10.11 12.57 12.35 14.16 8.05 14.07 12.50 8.55 9.80 12.55 12.07 9.42 10.33 11.86 8.69 13.00 10.45 10.04 12.29 9.83 9.39
54 4.95 3.43 4.96 3.45 5.66 3.39 3.55 3.20 2.88 2.92 4.71 2.95 3.07 3.44 2.86 3.20 2.90 3.05 5.42 3.24 2.90 2.85
55 31.41 26.99 31.40 31.71 32.63 6.06 32.72 23.29 24.87 6.02 31.42 8.78 32.46 32.11 11.83 21.95 5.94 31.92 31.62 23.33 19.87 4.96
56 10.49 5.87 10.49 9.66 8.59 11.53 10.38 11.66 11.71 5.68 10.64 9.09 12.66 8.88 8.56 11.07 19.58 10.45 11.44 8.57 6.95 5.44
57 19.56 13.08 19.56 16.21 19.34 16.06 18.91 19.39 15.04 12.22 19.42 15.83 16.95 17.17 15.43 17.63 22.47 17.04 18.02 15.78 11.85 12.10
58 58.53 42.33 58.52 54.43 60.78 35.86 59.69 50.96 40.29 38.15 58.69 41.07 49.80 39.18 40.35 46.92 38.70 38.55 43.57 45.19 42.90 33.70
59 2.39 2.33 2.39 2.37 3.66 0.64 3.46 2.38 3.01 0.70 2.40 0.70 2.88 2.36 0.61 2.11 0.76 2.39 1.81 1.95 2.22 0.61
60 2.26 2.25 2.26 5.08 2.29 6.21 2.17 2.18 2.87 1.80 2.19 1.80 1.76 2.29 1.44 1.75 1.33 1.95 2.93 1.74 1.42 1.35
61 7.42 5.36 7.42 7.64 5.09 14.90 6.41 6.21 8.12 4.17 7.06 5.00 5.57 5.07 4.62 5.84 29.17 4.79 11.18 5.43 4.11 4.21
62 5.79 4.12 5.79 7.75 3.93 16.12 5.22 5.61 4.76 4.10 5.75 5.14 5.47 3.94 4.79 5.61 17.12 4.54 7.34 4.97 4.13 4.15
63 23.98 15.71 23.98 18.58 19.11 20.99 19.69 23.46 19.45 16.63 23.97 19.19 21.87 17.93 17.76 21.77 21.70 18.89 19.06 17.61 14.48 14.89
64 9.19 8.83 9.18 8.68 9.76 7.55 10.46 9.08 12.85 6.71 9.52 6.62 11.71 8.83 6.08 6.91 7.27 9.67 6.51 6.54 7.35 6.29
65 7.10 4.97 7.10 7.91 6.14 19.74 6.50 6.78 4.91 5.12 7.09 5.28 5.38 5.43 4.22 4.74 5.63 6.04 5.23 4.41 4.45 4.34
(continued on next page)
Table 4 (continued )
No. (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (32)
153 15.09 8.85 15.09 13.41 23.31 6.29 23.11 11.94 10.50 8.83 15.09 9.17 11.01 8.76 8.43 7.80 12.63 8.92 8.42 3.77 6.64 4.99
154 5.92 3.66 5.92 6.62 5.11 16.06 4.71 4.32 6.06 2.85 5.86 3.07 4.07 3.32 3.52 4.10 11.77 3.71 5.23 3.58 3.12 2.89
155 3.99 3.40 3.99 5.97 4.96 11.37 4.03 3.54 5.02 2.85 3.95 2.94 3.19 3.38 3.12 3.55 6.40 3.35 4.35 7.24 2.97 2.90
156 9.93 7.31 9.93 7.80 12.68 4.84 12.17 8.33 5.28 6.19 9.93 6.39 8.42 7.23 6.02 8.09 6.77 7.27 4.81 3.00 7.59 5.61
157 5.23 3.83 5.23 8.82 4.28 8.25 5.68 3.08 3.87 3.83 5.24 3.74 4.50 3.36 2.54 2.92 2.52 3.73 3.79 10.85 2.83 2.59
158 18.71 8.63 18.71 18.50 22.24 9.03 28.83 12.67 9.30 8.65 18.70 12.13 17.16 9.21 7.92 11.04 11.78 9.89 10.08 2.41 8.47 8.07
159 7.35 3.68 7.35 4.25 15.08 8.93 14.18 2.97 5.43 3.70 7.35 4.23 5.47 4.02 2.13 3.12 4.86 3.81 2.71 16.32 2.80 2.05
160 38.88 23.00 38.88 28.68 41.27 14.40 40.33 36.82 11.04 22.30 38.88 22.63 24.42 22.43 16.49 24.05 38.49 22.76 19.19 9.11 15.57 15.95
161 10.61 3.76 10.61 10.73 16.78 13.28 17.60 10.58 5.42 3.69 10.61 9.07 6.98 9.80 9.13 7.10 8.80 10.15 8.30 6.05 4.97 3.67
162 6.14 5.69 6.15 10.10 6.19 15.75 6.98 6.09 6.54 5.70 6.11 5.99 5.90 5.99 6.04 5.75 12.96 5.95 6.61 7.55 5.61 5.54
163 16.38 7.43 16.38 8.75 14.21 10.25 13.21 14.30 7.20 7.42 16.34 8.31 10.92 8.78 6.59 11.08 25.15 9.32 10.89 6.14 6.67 6.56
164 18.98 5.20 18.98 5.81 6.09 15.70 6.76 15.79 11.90 5.23 18.97 5.90 12.73 5.24 5.88 10.34 7.63 5.99 8.17 4.63 6.23 5.38
165 11.00 2.99 11.00 27.12 20.55 23.61 22.81 6.83 8.87 3.05 11.00 4.44 7.17 12.22 3.76 6.11 3.37 11.88 6.81 11.67 2.63 2.39
166 12.12 10.81 12.13 11.60 13.21 13.16 12.32 11.66 13.14 10.75 12.07 11.35 11.00 11.77 11.20 11.25 11.39 11.74 11.57 1.95 10.41 9.51
167 2.03 1.16 2.03 4.78 10.81 10.33 10.21 2.04 5.47 1.17 2.03 1.98 2.00 3.15 1.18 2.03 1.69 3.21 1.85 13.85 1.19 1.10
168 15.85 10.71 15.85 13.11 19.36 21.44 18.88 15.76 12.21 10.85 15.84 13.89 10.13 13.04 13.71 11.31 20.50 14.27 11.93 8.85 9.19 10.18
169 33.62 8.64 33.62 24.01 44.64 10.93 43.77 24.97 14.08 8.38 33.61 8.21 18.09 12.49 9.19 16.36 31.38 12.45 13.76 3.97 7.67 7.32
Eqs. 5 and 6 are the basis for calculating the solubility of
a solid solute in an SCF by an EoS. The quality of predictions
0.60 or correlations depends on the EoS and mixing rules to be
116.94 used. Calculations are very sensitive to the accuracy of the
P ¼ ZRT r1
The solubility of the solute at a given T and P can be
V2s P2sub 1
ln y2 ¼ ln P2sub lnðZRT r1 Þ ln fSCF
2 þ V2 Z r1
solubility data.
Table 5
Comparison of overall AARD according to the number of model parameters.
Number of parameters Model equation Overall AARD % Number of parameters Model equation Overall AARD %
clear superiority over Jouyban et al. [58] (Eq. 18) and Gor- the obtained results, it can be concluded that the proposed
dillo et al. [70] (Eq. 15) models with an average AARD of correlation was able to correlate the solubility of solids in
10.39%. To summarize, it is clear from Table 5 that the more scCO2 with an acceptable deviation.
parameters the model has the more accurate correlation Figs. 3 and 4 show comparisons between calculated and
performance are, except the nine-parameter model of experimental solubility for the best (menadione) and worst
Amooey [60] (Eq. 26) with a global AARD of 15.37%. The (corosolic acid) correlation results.
eight-parameter model proposed in this work shows the
smallest AARD (8.88%) among all of the models considered.
These findings are further illustrated in Fig. 1, which 4. Conclusions
represent the correlations that best correlated 90% of sys-
tems considered. Clearly, the model proposed in this work The comparative study of semiempirical models on a
is superior to the other models as it best correlates 87 (41%) fairly large database carried out in this work shows that the
systems of the 210 considered. The second best is the five-
parameter model of Bian et al. [64] (Eq. 29) with 28 (13%) cal exp
Linear Fit: log(y )=(1)log(y )+(-0.014), R=0.99816
2 2
It should be mentioned that models that include the
Data Points
pressure as variable tend to give a relatively poor correla-
Best Linear Fit
tion. This is well demonstrated by the correlation results of
-2 cal
log(y ) = log(y
the same data set of Jouyban et al. [58] model (Eq. 18) 2 2
Fig. 3. Mole fraction solubility (log10(y2)) of menadione in scCO2 as a function of carbon dioxide density and temperature.
Fig. 4. Mole fraction solubility (log10(y2)) of corosolic acid in scCO2 as a function of carbon dioxide density and temperature.
solubility data of solid solutes in scCO2 are better correlated best correlating performance with an AARD lying in the
by models that relate the logarithm of the solubility in the range of 0.17e81.99% and an average value of 8.88%. The
mole fraction to the density of solvent and temperature with second best correlation is (Eq. 30) [30] where the AARD
more than five adjustable parameters. The model must ranges in 0.60e87.27% and an average value of 10.39%.
include a term of the logarithm of the density, a polynomial
of the density, and a term that accounts for the effect of
temperature. As to the data set considered, semiempirical
models correlate quite satisfactorily the data within the
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Algerian Min-
AARD range of 0.17e56.47% and an average value of 6.87%.
istry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (CNEPRU
However, when comparing the global correlating perfor-
Projects Nos. J0102620110007 and J0102620140015) and
mance of each model, the proposed model has by far the
the University Yahia Fares of Medea.
A. Belghait et al. / C. R. Chimie 21 (2018) 494e513 511
Appendix A. Supplementary data [43] A. Khazaiepoul, M. Soleimani, S. Salahi, Chinese J. Chem. Eng. 24
(2016) 491.
[44] B. Mehdizadeh, K. Movagharnejad, Fluid Phase Equilib. 303 (2011) 40.
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at [46] M. Lashkarbolooki, B. Vaferi, M.R. Rahimpour, Fluid Phase Equilib.
308 (2011) 35.
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