Aerodynamic Force and Moment Balance Design Fabrication and Tes
Aerodynamic Force and Moment Balance Design Fabrication and Tes
Aerodynamic Force and Moment Balance Design Fabrication and Tes
Recommended Citation
Abe, Corey, "Aerodynamic force and moment balance design, fabrication, and testing for use in low Reynolds flow applications"
(2003). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
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Aerodynamic Force and Moment Balance Design,
Fabrication, and Testing for use in
Low Reynolds Flow Applications
Corey T. Abe
A Thesis Submitted In
Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the
Approved by:
Disclosure Statement
Permission Granted
Thesis Title: "Aerodynamic Force and Moment Balance Design, Fabrication, and Testing
I, Corey T. Abe hereby grant permission to the Wallace Library of the Rochester Institute
Corey T. Abe
Aerodynamic Force and Moment Balance Design,
Fabrication, and Testing for use in
Low Reynolds Flow Applications
has been of interest due to its variety of applications in areas such as unmanned
remotely piloted vehicles, small-scale machinery, and more recently, Micro Air Vehicles
(MAV's). Design and testing of airfoils to meet these applications is challenging due to
the lack of experimental data in low Reynolds flow, compared to airfoils tested at higher
Reynolds numbers. Two mechanical balance devices are designed and evaluated to
provide a quick and simple method to test small airfoil aerodynamic loads. Each device
measures two degrees of freedom; a force balance measures lift and drag forces and a
Coefficients of lift and drag vs. angle of attack and coefficients of pitch and roll
vs. angle of attack or sideslip angle data are obtained from the fabricated devices and
ratio flat plate and cambered airfoils to test repeatability. Testing procedures are
documented and an overall analysis of testing methods and device designs are discussed.
Table of Contents
3.1 Requirements 10
3.2 Concepts 12
3.3 Balance Design 13
3.3.1 Reference System 13
3.3.2 Lift and Drag Balance 75
3.3.3 Pitch and Roll Moment Balance 24
3.4 Test Airfoil Design and Specifications 31
List of figures
List of Tables
ao 2D lift-curve slope
b Wingspan
c Root-chord length
t Wing thickness
a Angle of attack
P Sideslip angle
r Dihedral angle
Q Dynamic pressure
p Density
H Dynamic viscosity
df degrees of freedom
center of gravity
subscript ss sideslip
Chapter 1 Introduction
The performance of airfoils operating at Reynolds numbers below has been of
machinery, and unmanned remotely piloted vehicles. The demand for very small, multi
functional aircraft has come to the forefront of academic and military research. These
small aircraft called micro-air vehicles (MAV's) are of interest due to potential
With the advances in miniaturizing electronics, these small aircraft can carry video and
advanced flight control devices. With this in mind, a general overview of MAV's is
outlined to provide some direction in the functionality and design of aerodynamic load
Current designs of MAV's typically have wingspans of 6-8 inches (15-20cm) and
weigh approximately 200 grams [2]. The endurance of such vehicles ranges from 20 to
Reynolds numbers range from 20,000 to 200,000 [3]. The dependence on aerodynamic
performance on the Reynolds number has been well documented in works by Jacobs and
Sherman [4], and aerodynamic performance at Reynolds numbers greater than are
wings and model airplanes exhibit unique characteristics at these low Reynolds numbers
not observed in experiments of large airfoils and high Reynolds flow. More recently,
characteristics of selected airfoils measured at Reynolds numbers of 4000 [5] and has
been used as a good starting point for further studies into aerodynamic characteristics
of the Mechanical Engineering department. The wind tunnel is a low speed,
a stable temperature in the test section of +/- 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit. The modular test
(4' 2'
section has been redesigned, providing a test section of x x 2') in dimensions and is
accessible from all four side-panels (see Figure 1-1). By adjusting the fan blade pitch
setting, a maximum allowable speed of 180 ft/sec (123 mph) and minimum sustained
speed of approximately 20 ft/sec (13.6 mph) in the test section is achievable [6].
Figure 1-1: RIT's Wind Tunnel Test Section
position of probes within the test section. Data acquisition systems include a six
component spring balance which can measure a maximum of 50 lbf lift load, 75 in-lbf of
pitching moment, and 25 in-lbf of rolling moment. The wind tunnel facility is also able
anemometers, and a bubble generator for flow visualization applications. See Figure 1-2
The ability of the RIT wind tunnel facility to measure aerodynamic forces on
small-scale airfoils and model aircraft is limited. The desired forces and moments of
interest are of several magnitudes less that that of what the current wind tunnel
occurs for moment measurements. At such low force and moment ranges errors in load
cell and strain amplifiers have a greater effect on data analysis of small airfoils [7]. This
dilemma illustrates the issues addressed in the prototype balance designs included in this
The primary objective of this research is two fold. The first objective involves the
design and fabrication of two mechanical load balances. Two prototype balances, one
designed to measure aerodynamic forces of lift and drag, and another designed to
measure aerodynamic moments of pitch and roll, are included in this research. In total,
the mechanical balances have the potential to resolve four degrees-of-freedom within
devices and compare experimental data to published values and documented sources.
Several flat plate and cambered airfoils have been incorporated in the wind tunnel
functionality of the device. Though statistical analysis and validation process in testing
balance performance, prototype models are proven to be successful. The end goal is to
Figure 1-2: Diagram of RIT's Closed Circuit Wind Tunnel
A wide range of research has been done on the performance of airfoil at Reynolds
104 105
numbers equal to or greater than 105. For example, wing characteristics at < Re <
have been studied by Schmitz [8]. Recent research projects such as the development of
small insect like flying machines and MAV's have presented opportunity to better
103 105
Reynolds numbers, approximately < Re < [9].
The collected data measured the hydrodynamic characteristics of the wings along with
three-dimensional effects due to a finite model. Several flat plate, cambered, and NACA
profile airfoils were tested (see Figure 2-1 for test apparatus).
Side vievt
A', -. 50 c -
that airfoils at Re =
4 x with low thickness ratios, a leading edge, and about a
5% camber with a maximum camber position at mid-chord yielded high stall angle of
attack and high lift to drag ratios. Furthermore it was found that airfoil performance at
Reynolds numbers in the order of is strongly affected by flow separation and leading
edge vortices. Through flow visualization techniques leading edge vortices were
observed at an angle of attack of 6 degrees on tested airfoils [7]. The airfoil of particular
interest is the flat plate airfoil of aspect ratio 6.75 and 5% thickness. Sunada et. al.
published values of lift and drag at Re -
described airfoil and is used to evaluate experimental results contained in this research.
loads with the use of a two-component beam balance rather than a typical strain gauge
balance system [10]. Lift and drag data is measured on small models in the range of Re ~
104. Laitone's research focuses on the effect of aspect ratio on wing planform and
annular airfoils. An interesting observation encountered from his research is the increase
in the 3-D lift curve slope measured from experimental data compared to the analytical
values obtained from Glauert's calculation methods for rectangular planform wings. An
apparent increase in induced drag and stall region of higher aspect ratio wings at
measuring lift, drag, and pitching moment about the quarter chord on series of thin flat
and chambered plates at Reynolds numbers between 60,000 and 200,000 [3]. Results
presented were obtained with a three-component platform force balance, which measures
lift, drag, and pitching moment about the vertical axis simultaneously (see Figure 2-2).
This external balance transmits lift and drag forces through a sting which is connected to
a moment sensor. The lift and drag platform are fitted with foil strain gauges while a
moment sensor is rigidly mounted to an adjustable angle of attack mechanism on the top
platform. The designed balance is an external device, which is positioned on top of the
test section of a low speed wind tunnel. Refer to section 3.2 for a discussion on external
aspect ratio wings down to Reynolds numbers of 20,000. In particular, flat plate and
tested at Reynolds number of 60,000. Results from these tests are used for comparison to
results contained in the present research. Through research on low aspect ratio flat plates,
Mueller found that there is a thin region of separated flow near the trailing edge at low
angles of attack. Flow reattachment was not observed in flow visualization experiments.
These flow observations may be a characteristic of low Reynolds flow not observed in
on forces and moments, which can be utilized to approximate the performance of a full-
scale vehicle or device. These forces and moments can be measured by four methods
devices or thin coatings, measuring the effect that the model causes on the air stream by
runnel wall pressure analyses, and by measuring the model's motion caused by
aerodynamic loads and computing the forces from equations of motion. The last and
most frequently used method of measuring model loads is by directly measuring the force
and moments which act on the complete model though the use of one or more balances.
This last method has been chosen as a means to collect experimental airfoil data of low
3.1 Requirements
There are many factors that must be accounted for in the design of a wind tunnel
balance. For example, small difference in forces must be accurately resolved throughout
the range of operation from maximum to minimum airspeed. In addition, forces and
The reason for designing and building a mechanical balance is to have a simple
airfoils. These airfoils range from cross-sections of approximately 2cm x 2cm to 9cm x
9cm (see section 3.4). For this reason, a simple small pendulum device is chosen as the
Three objectives are considered in the design phase of a mechanical wind tunnel
balance: (1) the ability to resolve very small force and moments within an acceptable
range of accuracy, (2) the ability to accommodate small airfoils and test objects
(approximately 6 cm x 9 cm) and easily incorporated with the RIT wind tunnel facility,
The first major concern of balance design is the challenge of accurately measuring
10"5 10"1
lift and drag forces in the order of magnitude of to lbf, pitching moments in the
Measuring these small force and moment values is highly dependent on the geometry of
the airfoils and the low wind tunnel velocities achieved during the experiment
The ease of incorporating such a device within a 2ft x 2ft test section area was
important for testing multiple airfoils without the need of setting up and extensively
calibrating each device. Lastly, the device is required to be easily machined and
reproducible. The reason for this is to provide a means to reproduce the device cost
on a larger scale. Though testing and validation of the small scale balance
device it is expected that a larger scale device will provide similar results with the
3.2 Concepts
applications. Such devices are classified into two main categories, internal and external
balances. Internal balances typically have force and moment elements and incorporate a
cantilever beam or column arrangement. The two most commonly used transducer types
for this application are strain gages and piezoelectric elements. Depending on the model
geometry and test area, these elements can be arranged in differential or summing circuits
Another design option is an external balance in which four classified designs are
wire, platform, yoke, and pyramidal. A wire balance is one of the earliest designs used in
aeronautics testing. Spring scales are used to obtain balance output. The model is
usually mounted inverted to prevent unloading of the wires. The problem with this type
of balance is the large tare drag associated with the wires. Also, due to the deflection of
the springs the model attitude changed depending on the observed loads. Platform, Yoke,
and Pyramidal balance designs offer a better alternative to the issues associated with wire
balance designs. Three or four columns support the platform balance. This design
center of the tunnel and additional data processing must be computed. In addition, forces
are calculated as the sum of components acting on each column. The yoke balance
The pyramidal balance measures moments about the resolving center and is able to
of this design is by far most challenging of the designs. These designs are usually
research of basic balance concepts, the following design options have been chosen for the
As discussed in the previous section there are many design option available in
building a mechanical balance. The following section details two prototype designs of a
knife and fulcrum system with each device measuring two degrees of freedom, lift/drag
and pitch/roll moment respectively. These designs incorporate the ideas of a yoke
balance design along with the concept of a beam balance system to meet design
As this experimental investigation aims to study the validity of force and moment
to the tunnel, balance, and airfoil system. To accomplish this, a fixed reference sign
convention is assigned to the tunnel test section with origin aligned with the balance
apparatus (see Figure 3-1). This reference frame corresponds to the standard definition of
a wind-axis system in which the x-axis points towards the oncoming free stream velocity.
z Tunnel
In addition to the wind-axis system, the industry standard sign convention for a
body-axis reference frame defines the airfoil coordinate system (see Figure 3-2). With
these two references lift, drag, pitching moment and rolling moment is measured. For
example, the x-axis for tunnel wind-axis reference and body-axis reference are always
aligned for both force and moment testing at level conditions (balance at the null/level
The lift and drag balance design is based off the principles of a simple knife
pendulum system (see Figure 3-3). The idea behind the design is that lift and drag forces
may be statically measured by performing a moment analysis about the knife-edge pivot
axis. By translating the swivel platform through 90 degrees, these forces can be
measured through a sweep in angle of attack. Refer to Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5 for
balance setups.
Airfoil Vein Counter Mass
Tare Mass
Base Plate
Three devices are used simultaneously to obtain a force measurement from the
balance. First a protractor indicates the angle of attack of the test airfoil. By rotating the
airfoil vein with a key, the angle of attack can be adjusted to an accuracy of 0.5
accurate to 1/64 of an inch. The last measuring device is a bubble level used to indicate
the balance or null position. The primary components aside from the bolts and veins
were machined from 6061 aluminum through various lathe and milling processes. Refer
Pivot Axis '^Hp
-) -
Vein translates
Freestream Vein translates
into and out of Freestream
Velocity left to right
the paper Velocity
Figure 3-4: Balance Configuration to Measure Figure 3-5: Balance Configuration to Measure
Lift Force Drag Force
Note: Coordinate systems based on wind-axis reference frame. See section 3.3.1.
In order to size the components of the balance and assign a desired value of
accuracy, several assumptions were required. First, the lever arms and veins of the
system were treated as simple beams with a uniform load distribution. The reason for
this assumption is due to the simplification of the system and the ability to treat the center
contribution effects from multiple components. Furthermore the error associated with
this assumption is negligible due to the fact that data is always collected when the
balance is in the null or level position. The term refers to the balance being level
from a visual observation of a bubble level indicator. As long as the balance is tared, the
The second assumption made to size the balance is the size of the test airfoils. As
previously mentioned, the smallest airfoil tested measures 0.394 x 2.657 inches (1 x 6.75)
cm. However, to determine the effective range and precision of the balance a minimum
test airfoil reference surface area of 1 sq. inch is assumed. Next, a precision on the
coefficient of lift and drag is assumed. A value of 0.001 was chosen as a target
precision design goal. This value is greater than one drag count ( 0.0001) and is taken
to be a reasonable assumption due to the nature of wind tunnel application. Lastly, the
minimum sustainable velocity of the RIT wind tunnel was assumed to be 27 ft/sec (8.23
Equation 3.1
If CDmin =
0.001, Smin =
1 sq. inch, and Uaomin =
27 ft/sec then, the drag balance must be
then the balance must have a precision of approximately 1 .6E-01 lbf. Thus the balance
has design requirements to measure loads from 3.0E-06 lbf to 8.0E-02 lbf, a ratio of
coefficient of lift is
Equation 3.2
If CLmin =
0.001, Smin =
1 sq. inch, Ua>min =
27 ft/sec, then the balance design is required to
have an accuracy of 1.25E-01 lbf. Thus the balance is required to measure loads from
3.0E-06 lbf to 1.25E-01 lbf, a ratio of approximately 42,000:1. These values of lift and
drag forces are theoretical limits of the intended balance design based on target precision
In order to meet the requirements set by the above process, a sliding mass is used
to achieve the desired accuracy and range of force measurements. For example, if a drag
force is required to be measured to 2.4E-05 lbf, then a sliding mass of 3 grams will
produce a resolution in force of approximately 1.6-05 lbf. These values are desired levels
of accuracy and assume a standard gravitational field value of 32.2 and a
minimum scale resolution of 1/64 inches. Refer to Figure 3-6 for a pictorial view of lever
arm length description used in the moment summation analysis to obtain the range in
force values. Depending on the size of the sliding mass, an appropriate maximum and
minimum force range is obtained and may be chosen to meet test requirements.
A static moment summation about the the lift force
pivot axis yields or drag
l fl
m m
2 F2
tare Lttare
Equation 3.3
By taring the system, i.e. the sum of moments from Fl, Fm, F2, and Ftare equal zero, then
c _
Equation 3.4
The benefit of this approach is that the force values can be directly obtained by the
A similar analysis may be performed for the drag configuration (see Figure 3-7). The
only addition is the contribution to vain drag induced by the free stream velocity. Vein
drag is not a factor in lift moment summations because the freestream flow is parallel to
p _
FjLpj+f-pL-jj f2LF2 F3LF3 ftareL^g
rDrag t
Equation 3.5
Again, taring the system and accounting for the addition of vein drag, a simplified
p _
Drag j
Equation 3.6
Drag forces are also directly obtained by the position of the sliding mass on the graduated
Lf2 -tare
*i ?
F, tare
*i ?
ir if V .r
O F2
LFi =
lever arm distance to eg (long)
Lf2 =
lever distance to eg (short)
Lnft =
lever arm distance to eg of airfoil Airfoil
Lm -
Fi =
point mass force of lever arm (long)
F2 =
point mass force of lever arm (short)
Fm Sliding mass force
Ftare =
tare mass force
lift force
Lf2 -tare
? *t ?
i m _L/m
F, tare
*t ?
^r \r ]'
S> ii ik
o F2
Free stream velocity is
parallel to the plane of the
Lfi =
lever arm distance to eg (long)
Lf2 =
lever arm distance to eg (short)
lever arm distance to eg of airfoil
Lm lever arm
distance to sliding mass
Ltare lever arm distance to tare mass
lift force
F3 =
3.3.3 Pitch and Roll Moment Balance
The pitch and roll moment balance is also based on the principles of a simple
knife-pendulum system (see Figure 3-8). By performing a static moment analysis of the
device at level position about the knife-edge axis, pitching and rolling moments of a test
airfoil is measured. The swivel platform is capable of rotating 90 degrees with a pitch
angle range of 0 to 12 degrees. Both pitching and rolling moment may be measured
Figure 3-8: Assembly Diagram of the Pitch and Roll Moment Balance
The test platform is fabricated from welding rod arranged in a y-shape and is
designed to accommodate a maximum size airfoil of 2.362 x 3.543 inches (6x9 cm). In
order to ensure that moments are summed about the airfoil quarter chord point the test
platform is raised to the same pivot point as the test platform links. This helps to
calculations in taking moments about the quarter chord of an airfoil. In this case, the
platform links are stainless steel snap swivels (see Figure 3-9and Figure 3-10 ). In order
to adjust the pitch angle of a given airfoil, one of the three veins is adjusted by increasing
increasing or decreasing the pitch angle to a resolution of approximately 0.3 degrees per
revolution. The turnbuckle has a 4-40 thread and can provide a range of angle deflection
Platform Linksi
Airfoil Mounting Vein
the Test Platform for the Pitch and Roll Moment Balance
Figure 3-9: Assembly Diagram of
Figure 3-10: Fabricated Welding rod Test platform
Three devices are used simultaneously to obtain a force measurement from the
balance. First a protractor indicates the sideslip angle of the test airfoil. By translating the
swivel plate, the sideslip angle may be adjusted to an accuracy of 0.5 degrees (see
Figure 3-11 and Figure 3-12). The second device used is a graduated scale in
units and indicates the lever arm distance of the sliding mass. The scale is accurate to
1/64 of an inch. The last measuring device is a bubble level used to indicate the balance
null or level position. The primary components aside from the bolts and veins were
machined from 6061 aluminum and Plexiglas. Refer to Appendix B: for balance detail
In order to size the components a similar process in sizing the lift and drag
balance is implemented. The assumptions made are: 1) lever arms and veins of the
system may be treated as point masses at their respective eg, 2) the minimum geometry of
a testable airfoil is approximately 2 sq. inch in reference planform area, 3) the precision
of the coefficients of pitch and roll moments are desired to be accurate to 0.001, and 4)
the minimum sustainable velocity of the RIT wind tunnel was assumed to be 27 ft/sec
(8.23 m/sec) with a maximum velocity of 50 ft/sec (15.24 m/sec). All measurements are
taken at the balance null or level position. The coefficient of pitching moment about the
quarter chord is
C m"4 -
Equation 3.7
If Cmmin =
0.001, Smin =
2 sq. inch, and Uoomin =
27 ft/sec from the above assumptions then,
the moment balance must be designed to resolve approximately 2.0E-06 ft-lbf or have
appropriate maximum and minimum moment range is obtained and can be chosen to
meet test requirements. These values are desired levels of accuracy and assume a
The same analysis is iterated for the roll moment configuration seen in Figure
C =
Equation 3.8
A minimum reference surface area of 2 sq. in, minimum free stream velocity of 27 ft/sec,
and Crmin =
0.001 was assumed. Upper limit values are a maximum reference surface
area of 9 sq. inches, maximum free stream velocity of 50 ft/sec, and Cmiax =
0.15. These
values yield a theoretical design load range from 1.0E-06 ft-lbf to 4.3E-03 ft-lbf or a ratio
of approximately 4300: 1 .
iFrgceiream yc-tocEy |
Note: Coordinate systems based on fixed tunnel reference frame. See section 3.3.1.
Due to the system design, the moment balance is self-centering meaning that it
wants to find its level position. This is because the center of gravity is much lower than
the knife-edge pivot axis. Because data is collected at the level position, moments can be
easily summed and pitch or roll moments are directly measured and corrected due to tare
distance to sliding mass
from pivot
M =
Pitching moment about
O =
pivot point
Fm =
Sliding mass force
distance to sliding mass from
R =
quarter chord
O =
pivot point
With the balance in the level position, pitching or rolling moments can be directly
measured and are found to be the product of the sliding mass and its position relative to
M or R =
Equation 3.9
3.4 Test Airfoil Design and Specifications
There are several airfoil profiles used to test the functionality of the prototype
balance devices. To begin, all airfoil profiles were cut from aluminum sheet metal to
their appropriate geometries. Readily available sheet aluminum of various gauges is used
to produce the desired airfoil profiles. The following tables summarize the airfoils used
in this research:
b = 6.75cm b = 9cm
= 0.2215ft = 0.2953ft
0.0073ft2 0.0581ft2
S = S =
AR = 6.75 AR = 1.5
thickness = 5% thickness = 1%
chamber = 0% camber =
Airfoil (2): Flat Plate lb Airfoil (4): Dihedral Airfoil
c = 6cm c = 1cm
= 0.1969ft = 0.0328ft
b = 9cm b = 6.75cm
= 0.2953ft = 0.2215ft
S = S =
AR = 1.5 AR = 6.75
thickness = 1% thickness = 5%
camber = 0% camber = 0%
r =
Airfoil (1) is used in lift and drag balance testing. The geometry matches that of
published works by reference 5. Airfoil (2) is used to calibrate the pitch moment balance.
angle of attack is approximated and used as a correction factor for cambered flat plate
data (refer to section 4.2.2). Airfoil (3) is based on geometry data from published works
from reference 21. Lastly, Airfoil (4) is used to test the rolling moment balance
performance. This geometry was chosen due to the ease of approximating the rolling
called "LinAir". All airfoil profiles are modeled as flat plates with blunt leading and
trailing edges.
Chapter 4 Experiment Methods and Design
4. 1 Design of Experiment
systematic data collection approach and statistical evaluations are involved. The
published values and analytical results is also included as part of the qualification process.
point of experiment planning. Figure 4-1 shows a block diagram representation of the
wind tunnel experiment used as a foundation for the experiment described in this section
[12]. The input vector represents variables such as model angles of pitch and yaw. More
for both lift and drag experiments. The pitch angle varies between 0 and 12 degrees. And
lastly, the sideslip angle is variable from 0 to 90 degrees. The desired precision of
coefficients of lift and drag is 0.001 while the desired precision of the coefficients of
Figure 4-1: Diagram of Experiment Elements
The model size, model materials, and balance mass components are examples of
requirement goal is to have a device easy to incorporate with the RIT wind tunnel and
easy to manufacture. The direct output values obtained by balance devices are length,
measured from a graduated scale. From length measurement and static equilibrium
equations described in chapter 3, output values of forces in the case of the lift/drag
balance and moments, in the case of the pitch/roll balance may be computed. Examples
of components of the uncontrollable factors are the tunnel turbulence level of free stream
velocity, tunnel air temperature and humidity, model deformation effects and human
errors associated in measurement observations. The tunnel operation limits were also
minimum and maximum ranges were assumed in the prototype design. With the
aforementioned variables accounted for, the following experiment methods were
focused on test planning [13]. These key principles are (1) Replication which refers to
the requirement for much iteration, (2) Randomization which refers producing repeated
iterations from independent random variables, and (3) Blocking which is in effect the
opposite of randomization and used to isolate a particular effect such as power on/power
off experiments. With these principles in mind the following section defines calculation
experiments by Sunada et. al. was chosen as a benchmark for comparison [5]. First, flow
parameters were calculated to meet the wind and water tunnel test parameters
in the published papers. Also, similar profile airfoils were fabricated with matching
aspect ratio, thickness ratio, and 2D profiles (refer to section 3.4). The experiment device
Figure 4-2: Lift Configuration Figure 4-3: Drag Configuration
Ambient conditions were recorded prior to the start of data collection. The
ambient pressure recorded for each case of testing was the value observed at the local
airport. A temperature transducer positioned in the flow of the wind tunnel is used to
check ambient temperatures. Due to the low speeds involved during testing, (Mach
number ~
0.03) static values were assumed to be approximately equal to the total value.
From these values the density of air may be calculated from the ideal gas law and
general purpose differential pressure transducer is used to measure the total dynamic
pressure of the free stream velocity to an accuracy of approximately 5.3%. From this, a
value of velocity is obtained. For lift testing, the test airfoil and balance apparatus setup
is shown in Figure 4-2. The free stream velocity vector is parallel to the wind system x-
axis. The tunnel velocity is increased to match the published data's experiment value of
approximately Re
5500. With the balance tared, lift data is collected verses angle of
attack at increments of 3 degrees from 0 to 30 degrees. Each run colleted 10 data points
and a total of 20 runs were taken at angle of attacks of 0, 15, and 30 degrees for statistical
analysis. Data was collected over a period of two to three days in which the devices as
assembled and disassembled for each test period. Refer to Appendix C: for detailed
A similar process for data collection was performed for the drag tests with a setup
as shown in Figure 4-3. Again data was collected at varying angles of attack from 0 to 30
15, and 30 degrees. The variation in drag testing vs. lift testing is the additional inclusion
of the vein drag. To assess the tare drag from the vein, ten runs were measured without a
test airfoil and an appropriate drag value is computed at a Reynolds number of 5500.
This tare value was applied to the moment analysis described in section 3.3.2 and used to
correct the raw drag data. Refer to Appendix C: for a detailed outline of experiment
To analyze the performance of the pitch/roll moment balance published data from
benchmark for comparison. In the works published by these authors, flat and
as a
cambered plate airfoil profiles with low aspect ratios were tested at Reynolds numbers
between 60,000 to 140,000 [3]. Setting up flow similarity parameters involved collecting
ambient conditions data and setting up test parameters similar to the process used in
lift/drag experiment. Again, similar profile airfoils were fabricated with matching aspect
ratio, thickness ratio, and two-dimensional profiles. The experiment device setup for
pitch/roll moment testing is shown in Figure 4-4 and Figure 4-5 below respectively. The
free stream velocity of the wind tunnel is parallel to the wind axis x-axis.
Figure 4-4: Pitch Moment Configuration Figure 4-5: Roll Moment Configuration
Ambient conditions were recorded prior to the start of data collection. The
check tunnel free stream velocity temperatures before, during, and after test runs. Due to
the low speeds at testing static values were assumed to be approximately equal to the
total value. To calibrate the pitch moment balance, a flat plate (airfoil(2) refer to section
3.4) is used. With the tunnel off condition, a calibration plot of moment vs. pitch angle is
used to approximate the moment at balance level position. These values provide a
reference point for data collection at tunnel on condition. In other words, the difference
between moment values calculated at pitch angles with the tunnel on and tunnel off,
yields the raw moment data of the test airfoil. At zero degrees angle of attack, the
pitching moment of a flat plate should be zero. Therefore the calibration of the balance
using a flat plate also revealed a bias tare moment of the device whose value is used as a
data correction factor (see Figure 4-6). Values for approximating the moments and data
Flat Plate Moment Calibration -
Zero Velocity
(Value indicates the moment at level positon)
y =
-0.0023X + 0.055 ^
= 0.9843
| 0.03
a oo2
4 6 8
Figure 4-6: Flat Plate Moment Calibration Plot (Zero velocity and no airfoil)
0.0000 11 1 ' 1
(1 2 6 8 10 12
> I
-0.0300 i?
The pitch balance zero angle bias error is found to be 0.015 in-lbf. This value was
obtained from the flat plate pitching moment analysis. It is well known that the pitching
moment about the quarter chord of a flat plate is zero. Knowing this theoretical value
and comparing the difference from experimental values, the above stated difference in
moment was computed and used to correct pitching moment data. Figure 4-7 compares
the experimental pitching moment data corrected for zero angle bias error and LinAir
results. It is promising to see that the balance bias correction factor improves the
correlation between analytical LinAir model and experimental results. However there is
great disagreement at six degrees angle of attack. This may be due to leading edge
vortices and flow separation observed in literature works by Sunada et. al., not modeled
With the calibration data in hand, the same procedure for a 4% cambered airfoil
(airfoil (3)) is iterated. This data provides a reference moment for data collection at
tunnel on condition for airfoil(3). The input variable for pitch moment testing is pitch
angle and is adjusted by lengthening or shorting a balance vein by the use of a swivel link
(see Figure 4-8). The measured output value is the distance of the sliding mass from the
pivot axis of the knife edge. With these measurements twenty runs at pitch angles of 0, 6,
Figure 4-8: Pitch Experiment Test Platform Setup
A simple 10 degree dihedral flat plate, (airfoil (4)) is tested for roll moment
analysis. A single input variable, sideslip angle, is used to obtain an output moment from
the balance device with a zero degree angle of attack. Again, the distance of the sliding
mass from the pivot axis of the knife edge is recorded for various angles and a
corresponding moment calculated. The sideslip angle is adjusted by rotating the swivel
plate through a desired angle deflection. From this information, a moment value is
computed and corrected for balance tare due to drag effects. Data is collected for sideslip
The task of assessing the reliability in roll moment data is most challenging.
Published works on low Reynolds flow and roll moment of small airfoils is not yet
section 4.3 were implemented. The first method of analysis is a simplified linear
calculation of roll stability. LinAir is also used to provide an approximation to the roll
coefficient. These two methods will be discussed and compared to experimental values.
4.3.1 LinAir
A software code called is used to model and analytically obtain moment
coefficients as a function of input pitch and sideslip angles of flat plat airfoil geometries.
multi-element lifting surfaces. The program can be used to determine the appropriate
wing twist for a new design, the expected performance of a given wing geometry, the
proper angles of incidence for tail or canard surfaces, or the stability characteristics of a
new configuration [14]. For the purpose of this research, LinAir is used to provide
analytical models for the general behavior of moment coefficients of flat plate airfoils.
describing inviscid, irrotational, subsonic flow. The flow is assumed to be (1) inviscid,
(2) fully attached; no separation, (3) low angles of deflection, and (4) thin plate airfoil
Reference Values
Sref: 0XJSB1 v
bref: 0.2953
Xref: Oj0492 Panne I
Yref: OXXXK)
a-ef: 0.0000
Netem: 2
alpha: OjOOOOO
beta: OjOCOOO
pht-fc 0OCO00
fjhat 0.00000
rhat 0.00000
Mach: 000000
W*eLoc: 1.000
reflect: 1
CLRle: CL m.d_t
I enent
FdrceFilefdrces mdat
ElemerrFileSem mxtat
dihedral and wing sweep, wing position on the fuselage and vertical tail location.
However the greatest effect is from the wing dihedral angle T. A derivative of a roll
stability derivation by Nelson [15] is used to derive an approximation formula for rolling
moment coefficient. The incremental change in roll moment due to a change in lift can
be expressed as
AC, =(ALift)y
Equation 4.1
contributions from zero to i can provide an approximation for wing lift assuming a
Wing profile
sin(a) ~
VverticaiA^. The effect of dihedral
angle is in effect to increase alpha, the angle of attack. Therefore, the new angle of attack
due to sideslip and dihedral angle is a + f3T. From this relationship, lift may be defined
Equation 4.2
Also for a dihedral wing, y-bar may be approximated as b/4. Therefore equation 5.2 may
___j ^
= _________
4QSb 4
Equation 4.3
degree dihedral angle, input sideslip angle, and an averaged 2D lift curve slope obtained
from 3D lift data of a similar profile flat plate geometry (see Figure 5-8). A uniform lift
Two methods are employed in analyzing the sets of experimental data. The first
method is called a student-t analysis and is used to draw inferences of a sample's mean
and standard deviation for small sample populations. As the sample size increases, the
students-t distribution converges to the results of a normal distribution. For n > 100 the t-
t- y-vo
is called the t-statistic and its distribution is called the student's t. The degrees of
df =
n -
1; where n =
number of observations
Equation 4.5
A two tail student's t distribution is applied to force and moment data to quantify a factor
population's unknown mean and standard deviation from each data set. The confidence
interval is defined as
/2 Vn
Equation 4.6
Where, df =
n-1 and the confidence coefficient is (1-a). A 95% confidence interval is
calculated from experimental data. Test procedures are outlined in Appendix C: and a
variable coupled with curve fitting techniques used to approximate an unknown mean.
distribution. In most cases, a linear curve fit is adequate in approximating a sample data
set. From the curve fit equation, a theoretical mean value is found and assumed to be the
sample's mean. From this assumption, a sample variance is calculated. The equation for
sample variance is
,, .
Vanance= s
= y
> ivrz
, n \
Equation 4.7
where y-bar is the theoretical mean calculated from the curve fit equation, n is the
number of observations and y; is the observation in a sample population of size n. The
s =
Equation 4.8
of a flat plate used in the pitching moment experiment. First, pitching moment vs. pitch
angle data is approximated by a linear curve fit (see Figure 4-6). From the linear curve fit,
a theoretical mean value is calculated and used to estimate the sample's variance and
standard deviation from Equation 4.7 and 4-5 at any pitch angle. Given a set of n
calculated for linear or non-linear data sets of small sample sizes whose distribution is
approximately normal.
A method used in Mueller's analysis was developed by Kline and McClintock and
is used to determine the uncertainties in experimental data [2]. This method involves
lengths and the accuracy of measurement instruments [12]. From Equation 3.3 and
Equation 3.4 the following relation is developed for the uncertainty in the coefficient of
lift. Capital in the following formulas represents error quantities, similar to notation
used in reference 1 1 .
F I 1
LLift Qbc
Equation 4.9
(dC,WFm^ 2 ^2 rdCLWQ^ 2
wc =
L m
rdCLWLm +
fdCLWL/ + |
fdcjvbX facjvc
\ 9Fm rrr
J \
\ SLm
rn J
K dLft j v dQ j db [ dc
Equation 4.10
(tist \ fWQ^
fWb^ fWc^
+ + + +
c, V Fm J \ L"ft J V ^ J \ o ) \c )
Equation 4.11
Similar equations are derived for drag, pitching moment, and rolling moment coefficients
( WL V (Wb^ fWc^
fWF^ +
+ (WQ} + +
cr F Q V o j \ c J
V ^drag J v -1 J
Equation 4.12
Error function: Pitching moment coefficient:
Wn rWF.y (Wx WQ
+ + + + 2
C , Fm J ^ x
,Q J \ o J V c )
Equation 4.13
r \2
W,Cr rWQ" (Wc^2
+ + 2
rWbX .
c K Fm ,
V x J \ o j V c )
Equation 4.14
As previously mentioned, the capital represents quantities associated
with equipment accuracy. The following table summarizes the precision in values of each
From the above derivation, uncertainties in force and moment coefficients are
4.1. The values summarized in table 4.2 for force and moment coefficients assume a
standard gravitational field, a range of sliding mass deviation in length between .01 and 2
inches, and associated dynamic pressure during testing conditions. Similarly, the
minimum resolution in force and moments are obtained by moment analysis methods
outlined in section 3.3. The values obtained from the analysis assume a minimum scale
resolution of inches and a standard gravitational field value. Refer to table 4.2 for
Nominal Q =
0.8548 psf and S =
0.0073 sq. ft.
Chapter 5 Results
Lift data is collected by methods described in Chapter 4. Figure 5-1 shows the
collected data of angle of attack vs. lift coefficient curve for a flat plate of aspect ratio
6.75 and Reynolds number 5500. To provide perspective of the scale of forces measured
in this experiment (approximately in the order of 10"3lbf), lift force is shown on the
secondary axis and plotted as a solid line. Bright red data points represent the average of
20 runs collected at 3, 15, and 30 degrees. For these angles a 95% confidence interval for
the coefficient of lift is found to be (0.27633, 0.29646), (0.66903, 0.68335), and (0.79533,
0.80734) respectively.
From Equation 4.11, the theoretical value of uncertainty for lift measurements is
found by taking the average uncertainty over the range of eight test runs at angles of
attack between 0 and 30 degrees. It was found that that there is an average deviation of
0.008 based on the values from Table 4.1. The deviation was found to slightly increases
with higher angle of attack and may be attributed to the increased oscillation of the airfoil
Plot of Lift Coefficient and Lift Force vs. Angle of Attack for a Flat Plate
(AR =
6.75 & Re =
i 0.005
0.0004X3 3X2
= + -
0.01 + 0.1 58x
= 0.9919
10 15 20 25
In Figure 5-2, published data from Sunada et. al. [7] for a flat plate of aspect ratio
6.75 and Reynolds number 4,000 is superimposed with results obtained in this research.
Dark black circles represent the airfoil tested at the prescribed conditions (Re=4000,
airfoil). The experimental data shows good agreement of the lift curve
same geometry
profile with published values. By inspection there is a similar occurrence of a stall region
5.5 5 degrees angle of attack. From
slope of 5.8 per radian and (Cl/CdW at
experimental data, a 3D lift curve slope of 4.98 per radian (a difference of 9.45%) and an
approximated (CL/CD)max =
5.7 at 5 degrees angle of attack (a difference of 5.56%) was
planform wing with aspect ratio equal to the span divided by chord as
r -
\ + (2IAR)(\ + r)
Equation 5.1
For an aspect ratio of 6.75 and a theoretical 2D lift curve slope value ao=27i, Glauert
found x ~
.165 and 8 ~
0.05 [1 16]. With these values a 3D lift curve slope value of 4.67
per radian is calculated. The experimental value is greater than the theoretical value by
6.6%. Similar results of higher experimental 3D lift curve values were recorded in low
Plot of Lift Co. fficisnt vt. Anyla of Attack for a Flat Plats
(AR 6.75 8, P.a <*
1 1
0 9
5 o_e> -
0 7 r w^-j____f^S
i P i
0 6 -
' !!
f _y
y=-5-06..' 0 0004k'- 0 01 0.1 58x
0 4 -
0.3 - -
0 2 -
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
AiHjt*. ..r Attach .i.*.ji*<. s.
For the same airfoil, drag coefficient and force results are summarized in Figure 5-3. To
the order of 10"3lbf), lift force is shown on the secondary axis and plotted as a solid line.
Bright red data points represent the average of 20 runs collected at 0, 15, and 30 degrees.
For these angles a 95% confidence interval for the coefficient of lift is found to be
Coefficient of Drag and Drag Force vs. Angle of Attack for a Flat Plate
(AR =
6.75 & Re =
i To
0 50
0 0025 c
0 0020 o
0.0015 Q
0 0010
= + 0.01 51 x + 0.0251
? 0 9988
10 15 20
Experiment results are superimposed with published data from Sunada et. al. [5]
in Figure 5-4. The un-shaded white triangles represent an airfoil of aspect ratio 6.75 and
experimental and published values. A zero lift CD was found to be 0.033 vs. 0.045
published by Sunada et. al. The theoretical drag coefficient error calculated from
This value is obtained by taking the average error from the first
drag measurements.
Coefficient of Drag and Drag Force vs. Angle of Attack for a Flat Plate
(AR = 6.75 8. Re =
0 50 -|
0 35
j .
0 15 -y^-g_Ki5'
+ C
FP =
0 10
0 05 ;--
0 00 -I
8 10 12 20
5.3 Pitch Moment Results
moment tare values were subtracted from the total moment obtained
during testing as a
correction factor to account for the shift in the airfoil's center of at respective
angles of attack (see Figure 4-6 for moment tare calibration plot).
Also, a correction
factor for balance zero angle bias (refer to section 4.2.2) was applied to the raw data.
Figure 5-5 is a summary of experimental results for pitching moment and coefficients.
The secondary axis of Figure 5-5 shows the magnitude of moments analyzed in low
0.00 0
& 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2O
-0.05 -
* f
-0 20 -
-0 02
-0.25 -0.025
Alain Pelletier and Thomas Mueller published data on a 4% chambered flat plate
corrected experimental results (blue diamonds) and published values (un-shaded white
diamonds). The data comparison shows good agreement at the higher pitch angles tested
however at a zero angle of attack there is approximately a 43% difference in value. This
large deviation in value may be attributed to the setup of the airfoil prior to testing. A
slight initial negative pitch angle may be attributed to a percentage in error of the first
reading. A finer resolution in pitch angle data collection is required to better analyze
effects at the zero angle location. It is promising however that data has been repeatedly
collected by the prescribed process. It may be a fact that there is a bias factor not taken
into consideration. The theoretical uncertainty analysis of pitching moment values shows
Pitching Moment Coefficient vs. AoA for a 4% Chambered Flat Plate
(AR 1.5 Re
and =
1B 20
Un-shaded diamonds represent a 4% cambered airfoil AR=1.5
Un-shaded triangles represent a 4% cambered airfoil AR=3
?Avg. of 20 runs
white background)
There is a lack of published information on low Reynolds flow and roll moment
coefficients for very small airfoils. Therefore to assess the performance of the rolling
moment balance, a 10 degree dihedral airfoil was chosen for several reasons. First, testing
a similar flat plat airfoil profile with aspect ratio of 6.75 provided a means for calculating
an approximate value of the rolling moment coefficient by use of the 2D lift curve slope
program called
provided another means to estimate the rolling moment
coefficient of flat plate airfoils (refer to section 4.3.2). Figure 5-7 shows the moment and
coefficient of roll for a 10 degree dihedral, 6.75 aspect ratio flat plate.
0.005 -i
i) -_
J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 0
"^ ^
- o
^ T
^ ^ y
-0.004X + 0.0006
" R-*
= 0.9935
"1 -
- -0.001
calculation overestimates the roll moment coefficient due to the inaccuracies of the
formula high angles of and the big assumption of a uniform lift distribution.
at sideslip
Conversely LinAir shows a better agreement to experimental values with a
deviation of approximately 14% at the maximum sideslip angle tested compared to a 47%
deviation from hand calculated values. It should be noted that the only calibration of the
balance is the tare comparison conducted with the wind tunnel on and no airfoil, and with
the tunnel on and airfoil present. This analysis investigates bias error in the balance
design. An unknown bias error due to yaw effects may attribute to the deviation seen in
the results. Flow separation and leading edge vortex effects as seen by Sunada et. al. in
flow visualization experiments [5] may also cause discrepancies between experimental
0.005 -
() ^-T^r]--^^ 23456789
~~ """ ~
- -
-^ -
-T -
"""""- a__.
^ ~~--__ y
= -0.0024X
-0.015 '
- .
"""--__. "---_ = 0.9999
-0.025 ~_
Analytical Models
Figure 5-8: Roll Moment Coefficient Comparison to
5.5 Uncertainty in Measurements
Sections 4.4 and 4.5 outline the two methods employed to assess the of
experimental data. The target design goal was to design a force and moment balance
with a precision of 0.001 for force and moment coefficients respectively. However
from the post analysis of experimental data it was found that the target precision could
and moment coefficients to a precision of 0.004. These values are obtained from the
student-t analysis and 95% confidence interval with 19 degrees of freedom. These
2.2E-04 in-lbf, extremely small values. These force and moment values were found to be
the minimum resolution of the sliding mass and beam system. Table 5.1 shows these
specific error (discussed in section 4). The results show close agreement between
measurement can be known to provide the true result. Thus the purpose for statistical
analysis of data to draw inferences on the population mean and deviation is required and
provides a means to
quantify error associated with experiment methods.
However, the
systematic or bias errors are sources that are most difficult to quantify. The best attempt
to quantify contributions of bias error was done by comparing the lift coefficient at zero
degrees angle of attack and the pitching moment coefficient at zero degrees of a plat plate.
of bias error was calculated and assumed to influence the whole data set. Other
data to published values. At best, the value obtained can be used as an approximate
estimate of bias uncertainty. However, published values may or may not be correct. This
may well be the case in comparing works that involve different fluid mediums for testing.
For example, water tunnel data at high speeds are dominated by high pressure forces,
whereas at low speeds viscous forces are dominant. The influence of these effects may
Chapter 6 Summary
Through research and experimental investigation, prototype models of
aerodynamic load balances have been designed and tested. A series of wind tunnel
resolution of 0.001 at a range of forces from approximately 3.0E-06 lbf to 1.25E-01 lbf.
The uncertainty analysis of the collected data showed that the actual resolution in force
coefficients was slightly higher, approximately in the order of 0.006. Theoretical design
device precision was not achieved. However, through experimental data, it is found that
there is good agreement with values published by Sunada et. al. There is at most, 12%
deviation in lift coefficient values at the stall region angles of attack between 12 and 15
degrees. At all other angles tested the deviation was found to be less than 6%. An
experimental value of 3D lift curve slope was found to deviate by 9.5% to published
vales and 6.6% to numerical value derived by Glauert [16]. A similar drag analysis
to be 5.7 at 5 degrees angle of attack. This value deviates by 5.56% to a value of 5.5 at 5
designed is able to accurately measure lift and drag forces on small airfoils within
experimental uncertainty.
Table 6.1: Summary of Lift and Drag Force Results
Max Drag Max Lift Coeff. 3D lift curve (L/D)max
Coeff. Deviation Deviation slope
The moment balance is designed to measure roll and pitching moments of test
airfoils. It has a design target moment coefficient resolution of 0.001 and measure
found however that due to the vibration of the tunnel wall at higher velocities a minimum
resolution of moment coefficient of 0.001 could not be met by adjusting the weight of the
sliding mass. From the statistical analysis an uncertainty value of 0.004 was measured.
of experimental values with published works [21] showed good agreement at higher pitch
angles (approximately 10% deviation). A large disagreement was found in the pitching
moment coefficient at zero degrees pitch angle, approximately a 43% difference. This is
Reynolds number of
shows a similar pattern in which pitching moment is near zero
at zero degrees angle of attack and a local maximum at about 6 degrees angle of attack
for a flat plate [21]. More work is required to confirm the pitch coefficient values
Comparison of roll moment data yielded results that need to be further
experiments as seen by flow visualization tests by Sunada et al. These occurrences are
profile between experimental and analytical results. Refer the table below for a summary
deviation deviation
Published Values 43% at low AoA N/A
10% at high AoA
LinAir (3D) N/A 14%
Calculated Values (2D) N/A 47%
Lastly, the ability of the fabricated balance devices was found to be highly
analysis was on the same order of magnitude of quantization error. For example,
obtained from analytical techniques described in section 4.5. This is a promising result
The initial alignment and setup is crucial in obtaining data with minimum bias errors
and friction effects. The results contained in this thesis are a good springboard for the
Chapter 7 Future Recommendations
As previously mentioned, this thesis is a good starting point for continued research
into modifying the balance prototypes for MAV applications. There are minor changes to
be made to the aerodynamic load balances, which will allow for more accurate and easily
operable devices.
within experimental uncertainty. However, there are design areas that may be improved
upon. First, it is found that vibration becomes a problem as the angle of attack is
tunnel free stream velocity is increased beyond what was tested in this research.
Depending on the range of testing, increasing the mass of the knife pendulum assembly
may easily accommodate the levels of vibration disturbance. By adding mass below the
center of gravity of the knife assembly, the system will also have a tendency to obtain a
Other options to investigate include incorporating an oil pot-damping device to
manage the dynamic motion of the system. Secondly, the bubble level used to indicate
the null position, although functional, may be replaced by a more accurate measuring
device. A laser and target indicator mounted on a far wall should provide better visual
resolution and ease the data collection process. Linear differential transformers are
another option, which is used in larger balance applications and can detect the
equilibrium state. Lastly, if a finer visual resolution of angle of attack is required, the
This will further provide accuracy in measuring changes in angle of attack to 0. 1 degrees
if necessary.
There are similar points to improve the design of the pitch/roll moment balance
prototype. The level indicator and methods for increasing the mass of the knife
pendulum assembly previously mentioned can be applied to this design. A notable effect
in performance seems to be attributed to the increased drag seen by the balance veins.
With the current setup, the device experiences a yawing effect due to the uneven
distribution of drag forces on the test assembly. A way of countering this effect may be
to rearrange the y-bar test platform into a or equiangular formation. A second effect
seen at higher tunnel velocities is the lifting of the test platform. Weight was added to the
y-bar test platform in order to keep the test airfoils from floating. Using a denser metal
fabrication solve this problem. Lastly, the vein used to hold the
for the part can easily
redesign of the vein to easily adjust the height of the rod at various angles would be
beneficial in order to ease data collection. A mounting scheme in which the test platform
is secured to the lower tunnel wall may prove to be a better support method.
clevis also introduces additional drag and is not able to accurately resolve pitch angles
below 0.3 degrees. A more accurate angle indicator is required if finer angle adjustment
is required.
Appendix A: Lift/Drag Balance CAD Drawings
: uj
^j o
V -O
Vfc <
i ~~JL
I- ~ ~^^^
\ f^j '
t Hi i v ;.
Is .5 ti t 5 S I t
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i _____
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-i i -
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: i
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J"B.> ~
S___ .1 .
o *
J _^
;j -_. '- ''"'
Si' .;'.
s .
_ n
m 1
Appendix B: Pitch/Roll Moment Balance CAD Drawings
< o <
______ jj
g .
-___, X
1 i
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Appendix C: Experiment Procedures Document
3. Set-up the balance for lift data collection; see Figure 3-4.
4. Secure the balance device to the top of the wind tunnel panel and lock down the
two machine screws such that the balance is zeroed at 90 degrees.
5. Use the small tare mass to level the balance (wind tunnel off).
6. Attach the airfoil to the knife and vein assembly; the airfoil should be parallel to
the flow.
8. Adjust the tunnel velocity to match the Reynolds number flow speed for testing.
10. Collect data starting at zero degrees angle of attack and incrementing by three
degrees until 30 degrees is reached. At each angle, the position of the sliding mass
on the scale is recorded at balance level position.
1 1 This is the last step in completing the first iteration of lift data collection. Next
Drag Data Collection Procedures
3. Set-up the balance for drag data collection; see Figure 3-5.
4. Use the small tare mass to level the balance (wind tunnel off).
5. Attach the airfoil to the knife and vein assembly; the airfoil should be parallel to
the flow.
6. Adjust the tunnel velocity to match the Reynolds number desired for testing.
8. Collect data starting at zero degrees angle of attack and incrementing by 3 degrees
until 30 degrees is reached. At each angle, the position of the sliding mass on the
9. This is the last step in completing the first iteration of drag data collection. Next
repeat step 8 to collect 20 data points at 0, 15, and 30 degrees Angle of attack.
Note: Vein drag tare data is assumed to be known prior to collecting drag data on test
Pitching Moment Experimental Procedures Document
3 .
Set-up the balance for pitching moment data collection; see Figure 3-11.
4. Mount test airfoil and tare balance to indicate level position. (Wind tunnel off)
5. Adjust the tunnel velocity to match the Reynolds number for desired testing speed.
7. Collect data starting at zero degrees pitch angle, increment to 6 degrees, then
lastly 1 1 degrees. May also alternate between maximum to minimum pitch angle
to provide variability and assess hysteresis effects. At each angle, the position of
Note: Calibration data for pitch moment configuration is assumed to be known prior to
Rolling Moment Experimental Procedures Document
3. Set-up the balance for rolling moment data collection; see Figure 3-12Figure 3-11.
4. Mount test airfoil and tare balance to indicate level position. (Wind tunnel off)
5. Adjust the tunnel velocity to match the Reynolds number for desired testing speed.
7. Collect data starting at zero degrees sideslip angle, increment to 6 degrees, then
lastly 9 degrees. May also alternate between maximum to minimum pitch angle to
provide variability and assess hysteresis effects. At each angle, the position of the
Note: Calibration data for pitch moment configuration is assumed to be known prior to
Appendix D: Statistical Analysis
S -
I 7
5 -
A __________
8- J
0 . 1 1 I il I L_
[-.- i
3 25 0 26 0 27 0 2B 0 29 0 30 0 31 0 32 0 33 0 34 0 045
0 015 0 020 0 025 0 030 0 035 0 040
Drag -
0 AoA
3 i
o ! J I ..
i 1 1 1 r
0 6? 0 68 0 69 0 70 0 71
0.255 0 260 0.265 0 270 0.275 0.280 0 285 0 290
Drag -
1 5 AoA
Histogram of Drag -
30 AoA
Histogram of Lift- 30 AoA (with 95% .-confidence interval for the mean)
i 2-
I ,. 1 -
0- n n
0 530 0 535 0 540 0 545 0 550 0 555 0 560 0 565 0 570
Figure D-6
Figure D-3
T Confidence Intervals
3 20 0.55353 0.01141 0.00255 ( 0.54818, 0.55887)
Pitching Moment Statistical Analysis Rolling Moment Statistical Analysis
Histogram of Pitch -
0 AoA Histogram of Roll -
(vsth 95% t-con_lef_e Nerval for the mean) (wrth 95% t-confldence Interval for the mean)
Figure D-10
Figure D-7
Histogram of Roll -
Histogram of Pitch -
6 AoA
(vsrth 9Mb t-cor_der_e nterval tor the mean)
(wth 95% t-ccrrtijence nerval for the mean)
"I 1 1
Histogram of Pitch -
1 1 AoA Histogram of Roll 9
{with 95% t-confidence interval for the mean) (with 95% t-confidence interval for the meen}
g. 4-
1 1 1 ' '
-0.075 -0 070
0.095 -0.090 -0.085 -0.080
T Confidence Intervals
Roll -
6 20 -0.01090 0.00176 0.00039 (-0.01173,-0.0100.
Appendix E: Excel Data Charts
igSlsg I 8 1 5
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Moment Spreadsheet (2 of 2)
Table E.4: Pitching
*? a.
SS 55
illii _ 9 =?
5 S !
i ess
| I_3
o o o
_F2 ess
I |! o o o
g |
is1. II
111000 III
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lljl! r
ii i_D E
e 1
ll I a? i 1 | 9 S 9 __ J
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I Mil*? p 5 _
I1J3 J5 3J i
fc t
I i
lit 11
l"l I 3 i J E E HS
iii ill a e
a ._
Moment Spreadsheet
Table E.5: Rolling
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