What Is Bioinformatics
What Is Bioinformatics
What Is Bioinformatics
• Animal bioinformatics
• Plant bioinformatics
Applications of Bioinformatics
Applications of Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics: A Definition
History of Bioinformatics
• Bioinformatics is the application of computer science and
information technology to the field of biology. It involves
the use of algorithms to analyze biological data, such as
DNA sequences, in order to understand how they work
and how they evolved. Bioinformatics also involves the
use of databases to store this data, as well as software
tools to help researchers explore and analyze it.
• The field of bioinformatics emerged in the early 1990s,
when researchers began to use computers to sequence
DNA. At the time, there was no standardized way to store
and analyze this data, so early bioinformatics tools were
often quite primitive. However, the field has progressed
rapidly in recent years, and there are now a number of
sophisticated bioinformatics tools available to researchers.
These tools are used to study everything from the human
genome to the genomes of other species.
• Bioinformatics is playing an increasingly important role in
modern biology. It is used to help researchers understand
how genes work, how proteins are made, and how viruses
evolve. Bioinformatics is also being used to develop new
drugs and treatments for diseases.
Scope of Bioinformatics
Scope of Bioinformatics
Internet is a global communication system that links together
thousands of individual networks. It allows exchange of information
between two or more computers on a network. Thus internet helps
in transfer of messages through mail, chat, video & audio conference,
etc. It has become mandatory for day-to-day activities: bills payment,
online shopping and surfing, tutoring, working, communicating with
peers, etc.
Internet was evolved in 1969, under the project called ARPANET
(Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) to connect computers
at different universities and U.S. defence. Soon after the people from
different backgrounds such as engineers, scientists, students and
researchers started using the network for exchanging information
and messages.
In 1990s the internet working of ARPANET, NSFnet and other private
networks resulted into Internet. Therefore, Internet is a global
network of computer networks’ . It comprises of millions of
computing devices that carry and transfer volumes of information
from one device to the other. Desktop computers, mainframes, GPS
units, cell phones, car alarms, video game consoles, are connected to
the Net.
How Do I Connect to the Internet?
• Computer
• Connection - Phone Line, Cable, DSL, Wireless, ...
• Modem • Network Software - TCP/IP
• Application Software - Web Browser, Email, ...
• Internet Service Provider (ISP)
network basic
Network: A network is a collection of computers and devices
that are connected together to enable communication and data
exchange. Nodes: Nodes are devices that are connected to a
network. These can include computers, Servers, Printers,
Routers, Switches, and other devices.
Advantages Disadvantages
Need constant
Transmission of data and services is
administration of
relatively higher than other network
experienced engineers
for functioning.
Probability of leak of
The Network Server acts as a central unit
sensitive data by LAN
for the whole network.
Types of Networks
Advantages Disadvantages
Need constant
Transmission of data and services is relatively administration of
higher than other network connections. experienced engineers for
Probability of leak of
The Network Server acts as a central unit for
sensitive data by LAN
the whole network.
The WAN network can be made up of multiple LAN and MAN networks.
Advantages Disadvantages
It is difficult to prevent
They also use radio towers and connect
hacking and debug a large
channels for users.
MAN can be
either public
or private. A A single
LAN is a private and lot of company may
Network secured network. businesses not own
Authority Hospitals, schools, offices, and WAN. It can
etc., can own it. telephone be private or
companies public.
could own
provides a WAN
The Internet speed
modest provides a
Speed provided through LAN is
Internet slow Internet
connection connection.
LAN maintenance is very maintenance
Maintenance is easier
easy. is very
compared to
Congestion is
more in WAN
Congestion is less in the It is more in when
LAN network. MAN. compared to
LAN and
The bandwidth in LAN is
Bandwidth bandwidth is bandwidth is
very high.
less. quite limited.
It isn't easy It is
It is very easy to design to design a complicated
a LAN network. MAN to design
network. WAN.
Network topology
network.[1][2] Network topology can be used to define or describe the
arrangement of various types of telecommunication networks,
including command and control radio
networks,[3] industrial fieldbusses and computer networks Network
topology is the arrangement of the elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a
• Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) A.K.A. Internet Protocol (IP)
• User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
• File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
• Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
• Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
• Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
• Post Office Protocol (POP)
There are three main types of network protocols you need to be aware of:
• Network management protocols – These protocols set out
policies designed to monitor, manage and maintain a network.
Examples include SNMP, FTP, POP3 and Telnet.
• Network communication protocols – A group of protocols
used to establish rules and formatting (such as syntax,
synchronization and semantics) for exchanging data across a
network. Types of network communication protocols include TCP,
• Network security protocols – Security protocols are protocols
that use security measures such as cryptography and encryption to
protect data. Examples include SFTP, SSL and HTTPS.
3. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
FTP is a network protocol that’s used to transfer files from one device to
another over an unencrypted TCP/IP connection. With FTP, a user can
load up a web browser or FTP client such as FileZilla or FTP Voyager and
send up to 2GB at once.
Many organizations use FTP because of its ability to send large files or
lots of files at once in a way that’s fast and efficient. Unfortunately, this
efficiency comes at the cost of security as FTP transmits all data in plain
For this reason, many organizations opt to use a secure version of FTP
called File Transfer Protocol Secure Sockets Layer (FTPS), which
functions the same but uses SSL encryption to obscure the transferred
The server hosting the content will then respond and enable the client to
load all the necessary text, images and videos featured on the page.
HTTP’s request-response cycle is outlined briefly below:
Division of Bioinformatics