PBC Bulletin - October 16
PBC Bulletin - October 16
PBC Bulletin - October 16
Sunday 16th
10:00am Worship Service (plus Sunday School inc. Gr. 5 & 6) Speaker Tilleys from Family Life 11:30am Morning Tea 2.00pm Glenelg Aged care Service 5.00pm FUEL Study at Youth Shed
Wednesday 19th
7:30pm Blakes Home Group at D&M Walkers 7:30pm Mibus Group at Roger & Rosemary Mibus 8:00pm Young Adults Home Group at Church House
Tuesday 18th
9:30am 10:30am 7.30pm 2.00pm Ladies Walking Group Church House Prayer Meeting Lighthouse Support Meeting Silver Threads Craft in the Hall
Thursday 20th
7:30pm Music Practice
A warm Welcome to all, especially our visitors. Our Speakers this morning are the Tilleys from Family Life. We trust that all will receive a blessing as we worship together. Please join us in the Hall afterwards for Morning Tea.
Friday 21st
9:30am Ladies Walking Group
Sunday 22nd
10:00am Worship Service (plus Sunday School) Speaker Daniel Yaw 11:30am Morning Tea 5.00pm FUEL Study at Youth Shed
Door Greeting: Jill Goldsworthy Door & Offering: Glenn Sobey Lighthous Downstairs D&O: M. Atwell e Support Childrens Talk: Paul Adams Meeting: Media Desk: Peter, TBA, Paul Thank you to everyone for your Morning Tea: FUEL Youth faithful support. Items most needed include: canned Offering Counting: M. Atwell & vegetables; pasta; shampoo; G. Sobey conditioner; jam; tissues; soup; tea; Lawns & Garden: Honeybun coffee; sugar; toiletries; biscuits. Place donations in the foyer trolley or Church Cleaning: L.&D. Oakley in the marked box on the piano Hall/Kitchen Clean: Caddick downstairs .
Jim Blake 39 Patrick Street Portland Ph: 5523 2347 M: 0425 714 633 jim.blake@bigpond.com.au
Dianne Adams 5523 6202 Paul Adams 5521 1875 Jim Blake 5523 2347 David Hein 5523 3958 Bruce Honeybun 5523 6750 Nathan McLean 5526 5293 Doug Smith 5523 6950 Jan Westlake 5523 3639
Total Sept. Offering: Monthly Budget: Weekly Target: Weekly Average Week Week Week Week 4th September 11th September 18th September 25th September $16,012 $16,250 $ 3,750 $ 3,425 $2,963 $5,977 $3,562 $3,509
Judith - still struggling Darryl Hobbs - Recovering from back problems Kassie Hein - Recovering after emergency surgery, developing pneumonia Jason Tan - For Oral Exam Tuesday Pastoral Search Committee Gods guidance in their patient search Upwelling Festival Market Gods blessings for all our efforts Monday Lyndon & Debbie Oakley, Shivaun, Llewellyn, Nikolaus Tuesday Stuart & Terese Oakley, Clare, Will, Toby Wednesday Ken & Lois Roberts Thursday Mark Robinson, Alexandria, Mark Jnr, Jane Friday Robert & Laurel Selwood, Stephan Saturday Jeffery & Sandra Shalders Lisa Sunday Marjorie Shalders
Direct Debit Payments for offerings and donations can be made electronically. Details are as follows:
Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Offering BSB 704 922 Account No. 100 006 869
Building Fund
September Donations: $ 1,470 Total B/F to 30th Sept. $524,125 Purchase of Land $360,000 Other fees & costs $ 72,299 Current available balance: $ 91,826
All gifts to the building fund are fully tax deductible. Please take the information sheets (blue & yellow) and envelopes are available in the porch. You can deposit straight into the building fund via internet banking using the following information: Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Building Fund BSB 704 922 Account No 100 007 044
Glenelg Aged Care Service: This Afternoon - 2:00pm Tuesday Prayer Group at Church House: 10:30-11:30am FUEL Youth at Church Hall: Friday - 7.30pm Lighthouse Depression Support Meeting at PAC: Tuesday 25th October - 7:30pm Silver Threads Craft Group meets in the Hall: Tuesday 25th October - 12:00noon Mission Support Group Meeting: Tuesday 25th - 7.30pm at L. & D. Oakleys Walking Group: Tuesdays & Fridays - 9:30am Upwelling Festival Market plus Airing of the Quilts: Saturday Oct. 29th - Fundraising for Church Building Fund; Missions; SUFM; Debbies mission trip PARENTS ROOM
Parents are welcome to use the Parents room just off the foyer, with activities for children up to 2 years, especially during our prayer time and sermon if your child is unsettled. It is sound-linked to the auditorium.
~ Special Annual Fund-raising Event ~ Supporting Missions, Building Fund & SUFM
Saturday 29th October at the Foreshore!
Part of the Upwelling Festival
Please advise Jim Blake if you are willing to stand for re-election to the position you currently hold. Please Artists The Melbourne Gospel also see Jim if you would like to nominate someone as a possible Choir replacement. Details: David Hein 5523 3958
Quilts can be dropped off at the church on Thursday 27 th, from 7.30pm till 8.30pm, or Friday 28th from 9.00am till 9.30 am, and if that is inconvenient call Helen on 0419 364 691 to make other arrangements. Quilts MUST be named and should have a sleeve attached to enable us to hang them without damaging them. My Quilt Story labels are available in the porch, so please use these for each exhibit. We also need helpers to go on a roster for Saturday, from 10am to 4pm, an hour at a time. The more the merrier! If you can help please let Helen know.