PBC Bulletin - March 11
PBC Bulletin - March 11
PBC Bulletin - March 11
Sunday 11th
10:00am Worship Service (plus Sunday School inc. Gr. 5 & 6 Speaker David Jones 11:30am Morning Tea 4:30pm Prayer Afternoon & Tea in the Hall
Thursday 15th
9:00am KYB Ladies Study Group at Lois Browns home 11:00am Meeting & Morning Tea for Christmas Child at PBC
Friday 16th
Monday 12th
9:30am Walking Group - meet at Fawthrop Centre carpark 7:30pm FUEL Youth at the Hall 9:00am Preschool S.S. Teachers & Helpers Meeting at the Hall 6:00pm Mens BBQ Tea at the Skate Park BBQ, Foreshore
Tuesday 13th
9:30am Walking Group - meet at Fawthrop Centre carpark 10:30am Prayer Meeting at Church House 2:00pm BWF - AGM at the Hall 7:30pm Deacons Meeting
Saturday 17th
Sunday 18th
Wednesday 14th
Home Groups: 7:30pm L & D Oakleys 7:30pm D & M Walkers 8:00pm Kath Lewis
10:00am Worship Service (plus Sunday School Speaker David Jones 11:30am Morning Cuppa 12:00pm Farewell Lunch in the Hall 2:00pm Glenelg Aged Care Service
Dianne Adams 5523 6202 Paul Adams 5521 1875 Jim Blake 5523 2347 David Hein 5523 3958
Bruce Honeybun Nathan McLean Doug Smith Glenn Sobey Jan Westlake 5523 6750 5526 5293 5523 6950 5529 2439 5523 3639
for your faithful support. Items most needed include: canned vegetables; soup; pasta; shampoo; conditioner; jam; tissues; tea; coffee; sugar; toiletries; biscuits. Place donations in the foyer basket or in the marked box on the piano downstairs .
Glenn Sobey PO Box 574 Portland 3305 Ph: 5529 2439 M: 0409 258 135 tractor_commander@hotmail.com
February Offering total: $12,202 Monthly Budget: $15,150 Weekly Target: $ 3,500 Weekly Average $ 3,266 (avg. from 1st January 2012) Week 5th February $3,348 Week 12th February $3,280 Week 19th February $1,434 (no church 19th) Week 26th February $4,140
Direct Debit Payments for offerings and donations can be made electronically. Details are as follows:
- AGM 2012 ~
This Tuesday 13th March 2:00pm in the Hall
The BWF AGM will be held this Tuesday 13th March in the Hall at 2:00pm. All ladies are welcome - please contact Dianne (5523 6202) for more details. The Word for the day is Serve.
Please continue to pray for those with ongoing health needs - Dick Hayman; Stuart Oakley; Matthew Harris; Neil Mitchell; Colin Colston, Rita and family; Daryl Hobbs; Phillip Brown; Peter Berry The Deacons Meeting Tuesday pray for our dedicated leaders David & Ruth - safe travel each week, God bless their ministry Victorian floods - all those affected and future cleanup/rebuilding Bushfires/Grassfires - prevention of outbreak, protection of people Christian Education in schools all volunteers, 4 of our members new CRE teachers this year; also Kids Hope mentors Monday Aaron Mibus Tuesday Roger & Rosemary Mibus Wednesday Dallas & Rachael Mitchell, David, Jessica, Joshua, Katie Thursday Neil Mitchell Friday Claire Moriarty Saturday Bob & Janne Morrison Sunday Peter & Jo Moyle
Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Offering BSB 704 922 Account No. 100 006 869
Building Fund
February Donations:
$ 720 Total B/F to 29th Feb. $529,380 Purchase of Land $360,000 Other fees & costs $ 71,538 Current available balance: $ 98,145
All gifts to the building fund are fully tax deductible. Please take the information sheets (blue & yellow) and envelopes which are available in the porch. You can deposit straight into the building fund via internet banking using the following information: Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Building Fund BSB 704 922 Account No 100 007 044
Special Thanks to the Anonymous Angels who did a great job clearing away rubbish from our Learmonth Street block - it looks great now!
Our weekly Prayer Group meeting is held each Tuesday at the Church House from 10:30-11:30am. Everyone is encouraged to join in this vital ministry. You will find a very warm welcome there!
Mens BBQ
Everyone is invited to a meeting with Kristy Tomkins, Regional Manager of Operation Christmas Child. This will be held at our church this Thursday 15th March at 11:00am. Come along to hear the latest news of Christmas Child along with other interested people from the Portland area. Morning Tea will be provided at the close of the meeting. All welcome.
Monthly Prayer Afternoon and Tea: This afternoon - 4:30pm Prayer Meeting at Church House: Every Tuesday - 10:30am BWF AGM at the Hall: This Tuesday 13th March - 2:00pm Deacons Meeting at Church House: This TUESDAY 13th - 7:30pm Operation Christmas Child Meeting and Morning Tea: At PBC next Thursday 15th March - 11:00am FUEL Youth - Diamond Smugglers Next Friday 16th - 7:30pm Preschool Sunday School Teachers & Helpers Meeting: Next Saturday 17th in the Hall - 9:00am Mens BBQ: Next Saturday 17th - at BBQ near the Skate park - 6:00pm Farewell Lunch after Church: Next Sunday 18th - see separate notice Glenelg Aged Care Service: Next Sunday 18th - 2:00pm For your Diary - Norm & Karen Roberts Visit: Sunday evening, May 20th - Shared Tea in the Hall - 6:00pm
Thank You!
Thank you to the wonderful team of ladies who yesterday provided food, served, decorated, washed up or helped in any other way in catering for a large crowd of hungry choristers and musicians. Many thanks to those who took part in the special Songs of the Sea Concert!
What do these places have in common? Darwin, the WA Kimberlies, Horsham. It has been whispered that it would be to your advantage to look into these areas ...
New info on our Web Site:
Returning in style with . . . Next Friday 16th March In the church hall, 7:30-9:30pm. Wear dark clothing, cost $4.
ALSO watch this space for info on the Youth Bible Study start-up for 2012. Were hoping to have this up & running soon!