Bonafide Certificate: Ms. Niharika Dash Date: - PGT, Computer Science
Bonafide Certificate: Ms. Niharika Dash Date: - PGT, Computer Science
Bonafide Certificate: Ms. Niharika Dash Date: - PGT, Computer Science
"Student Management System (SMS) is a solution tool that is
designed to track, maintain and manage all the data generated by
a School, including the grades of a student, their attendance, their
interpersonal activities records, etc.," SMS acts as the bottom line
database to store all the day-to-day school operations, maintain
the proper records of the past few decades, regulate the various
operation modules, managing the critical tasks, efficiently handling
the administrative processes such as:
The Student Management System software is created to
help manage the student's admissions activities, starting
from initial communication to course enrolment.
2. Billing and Payments:
The Payments paid or received can also be managed and
recorded through Student Management System; unlike
invoice generation, credit notes, refunds, etc., SMS stores all
the necessary information about parents and staff suppliers,
and contractors.
3. Reporting:
Reporting feature benefits the schools to analyse the trends
in student behaviour and examine the outcomes to boost
their performance.
4. Tracking Student's Fees:
Fee tracking is one of the most beneficial features of this
online software.
5.The school administration department can track billing
dates, induce late fee penalty, generate invoice, and
automatically gets the report of received payments
throughout the year.
The objective of this project is to let the students apply the
programming knowledge into a real- world
situation/problem and exposed the students how
programming skills helps in developing a good software.
1. Write programs utilizing modern software tools.
2. Apply object-oriented programming principles
effectively when developing small to medium sized
3. Write effective procedural code to solve small to
medium sized problems.
4. Students will demonstrate a breadth of knowledge
in computer science, as exemplified in the areas of
systems, theory and software development.
5. Students will demonstrate ability to conduct
research or applied Computer Science project,
requiring writing and presentation skills which
exemplify scholarly style in computer science.
6. Student Management System software is helpful
for teachers and school supervisors and also support
applications and dashboards effective for students
and parents as well for communication and
combined data collection.
Main Menu
1. Add record: To add the
students records
2. display all records: To display
all the student records
3. search by roll no: To search the
student by roll no
4. search by name: To Search the
student by name
5. Modify by roll no: To update the
student details
6. delete by roll no: To delete the
record from the database
7. exit: Exiting from the system
• The use of software in computers in
Student management system has made
things easy.
• These are made to keep a check details
of students.
• The software is user friendly and easy
to handle.
1. Computer science With Python - Class
XI By: Sumita Arora
2. Websites: