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Spec Sheet XRD 18

Specimen Holders for X-ray Diffraction

Proper sample handling for better results

X-ray diffraction is the non-destructive analytical method

which determines the structural properties of solid or fluid
matter on a micron and a nm length scale. In contrast to
various complementary methods X-ray diffraction does
not require any complex sample preparation. However,
depending on e.g. sample consistency, volume, or other
property, an appropriate specimen holder is required.
Fixing the material under investigation precisely in the
measurement position is mandatory for obtaining accurate
analytical results.
Bruker AXS offers numerous dedicated solutions for
the different types of specimen. These are fitted to the
analytical requirements and guarantee best possible data
quality. This spec sheet gives an overview of the different
compatible specimen holders for the D8 family and the
D2 PHASER with single position sample stage, their
applications and order numbers.
This document does not present all available specimen
holders and samples stages. Upon request tailored
solutions can be realized to further optimize the analytical
Solutions for Powder specimen

C79298A3244D82/D84 C79298A3244D83/D85 C79298A3244D86

Set of 10 specimen holder, PMMA or Set of 10 specimen holder, PMMA or Set of 10 specimen holder, PMMA,
steel, 8.5 mm height, sample reception steel, 8.5 mm height, sample reception 20 mm height, sample reception
Ø 25 mm, for [1][2][3][7]. Ø 40 mm, for [1][2][3][7]. Ø 40 mm, for [1][3].

C79298A3244D81 C79298A3244D97 C79298A3244D98

Set of 10 specimen holder rings for Set of 10 specimen holder PMMA, Set of 10 specimen holder PMMA,
transmission, for [2][3]. 8.5 mm height, airtight, sample 8.5 mm height, airtight, sample
reception Ø 25 mm, 1 mm depth, for reception Ø 25 mm, 4 mm depth, for
[1][2][3][7]. [1][2][3][7].

C79298A3244D88/D89 A100D16 A100D13

Set of 10 specimen holder rings made Set of 10 specimen holder rings for Set of 10 specimen holder rings for
of PMMA or steel for back loading Ø 25 mm filter samples, 8.5 mm clays. The PMMA made ring carries a
sample preparation. For [1][2][3][7]. height, for [1][2][3][7]. height adjustable glass slide, on which
the clay is prepared. For [1][2][3][7].

C79298A3244B249 C79298A3244B261 A13B77

Si low background sample holder for Si low background sample holder, SRM 1976b based Corundum
small sample amounts, Ø 51.5 mm, Ø 51.5 mm, with Ø 20 mm x 0.5 mm standard sample supplied by the
Ø 24.5 mm Si crystal, for [1][2][3][7]. sample cavity, for [1][2][3][7]. NIST fitted in a steel ring. Used for
instrument performance verification.
A100B33 A100B36/B37 A100B138-B141
Airtight specimen holder with Low background, airtight Low background, airtight
dome like x-ray transparent cap, for specimen holder for small amounts specimen holder for small amounts of
environmentally sensitive materials, of environmentally sensitive material. environmental sensitive materials. The
sample reception Ø 25 mm, 1 mm Sample reception is a 20 mm diameter dome like cap is equipped with a knife
depth, for [2][7]. silicon wafer without (B36) or with edge beam stop.
(B37) cavity.

C79298A3158B187/B188 C79298A3244D96 C79298A3158B64

Low background sample holder for Set of 9 specimen holder rings steel, Universal sample cup for rotating
rotating sample stage, with a 25 mm sample reception Ø 20 mm, airtight, sample stage, for samples up to
diameter silicon wafer. for [1][2][7]. 51.5 mm diameter and 40 mm height,
minimum 2Theta is 0° without sample
rotation, 20° with rotation.

C79298A3158B65 A24B95 7KP90018BS

Universal sample cup for rotating Transmission sample cup for rotating Steel ring with 51,5 mm diameter.
sample stage, for samples up to sample stage with a powder-on-foil Sample reception Ø 35 mm
51.5 mm diameter and 40 mm height, sample preparation tool and a glass Height: 8,5 mm.
allows measurements with sample alignment slit, allows transmission
rotation down to 3° 2Theta. measurements from -10° to 110°
Solutions for solid specimen

A100B38 A24D294 A24D295

Capillary spinner Fast sample spinner Wobbler
Device enabling permanent spinning Device for continuous spinning with Device for continuous oscillation of a
for capillary investigations with 30 rpm, mounted on UMC stages or solid sample. Mounted on UMC stages
diffraction system equipped with Eulerian cradles [4][5][6][9]. or Eulerian cradles [4][5][6][9].
Eulerian cradles [4][5][6][9]. Max. sample dimension: Max. sample dimension:
51.5 x 8.5 mm². 51.5 x 8.5 mm².

A19B57 A19B56 A24D225/D226

Clamp holder Thin film sample holder Tilt stage

All configurations and specifications are subject to change without notice.

Device for mounting irregular bulk This noozle enables holding of small Device for mounting and motorized
samples. The position of the clamp thin film samples through vacuum, aligning of thin film samples for IP-GID,
jaws can be adapted to the shape of for [8]. For mounting on [4][5][6][9] HRXRD, or XRR, for [4][5][6][9].
the sample, for [4][5][6][8][9]. the adapter plate A19B59 is required Optionally with Knife Edge Collimator
to pass the vacuum. (D226).

Order No. DOC-S88-EXS018 V7. © 2016 Bruker AXS.

A24D221 A24D223 A19B210/B200
5“ Vacuum chuck 6“ Laminar chuck Wafer Chuck
Device for precise mounting of wafers, Laminar sucking chuck for accurate Devices for stress free mounting of
glass plates or other flat samples by mounting of flat samples. The 2 – 6 inch (B210) wafers with [4][5][6].
vacuum [4][5][6][9]. micro-porous sucking plate allows Or for 2 – 12 inch (B200) wafers on
simultaneous fixing of a number of [4][6].
small samples. For [4][5][6][9].

[1] D8 ENDEAVOR, 66 sample magazine

Bruker AXS GmbH [2] FLIP-STICK
Karlsruhe · Germany [4] ¼-circle Eulerian cradle
Phone +49 721 5 09 97-0 [5] Centric Eulerian cradle
Fax +49 721 5 09 97-56 54 [6] UMC and XYZ stages
info.baxs@bruker.com [7] D2 PHASER, single position sample stage
[8] Compact Cradleplus
[9] Compact UMC stage

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