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Neurology 2020;95:436-444. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000010346
There is an unmet need in multiple sclerosis (MS) therapy for treatments to stop progressive
disability. The development of treatments may be accelerated if novel biomarkers are developed
to overcome the limitations of traditional imaging outcomes revealed in early phase trials. In
January 2019, the International Progressive MS Alliance convened a standing expert panel to
consider potential tissue fluid biomarkers in MS in general and in progressive MS specifically.
The panel focused their attention on neurofilament light chain (NfL) in serum or plasma,
examining data from both relapsing and progressive MS. Here, we report the initial conclusions
of the panel and its recommendations for further research. Serum NfL (sNfL) is a plausible
marker of neurodegeneration that can be measured accurately, sensitively, and reproducibly,
but standard procedures for sample processing and analysis should be established. Findings
from relapsing and progressive cohorts concur and indicate that sNfL concentrations correlate
with imaging and disability measures, predict the future course of the disease, and can predict
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response to treatment. Importantly, disease activity from active inflammation (i.e., new T2 and
gadolinium-enhancing lesions) is a large contributor to sNfL, so teasing apart disease activity
from the disease progression that drives insidious disability progression in progressive MS will
be challenging. More data are required on the effects of age and comorbidities, as well as the
relative contributions of inflammatory activity and other disease processes. The International
Progressive MS Alliance is well positioned to advance these initiatives by connecting and
supporting relevant stakeholders in progressive MS.
From the University College London (R.K.), United Kingdom; National Multiple Sclerosis Society (K.E.S., M.A.), New York; McGill University (D.L.A.), Montreal, Canada; Perron Institute
(W.C.), Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Australia; University Hospital Vall d’Hebron (M.C.), Barcelona, Spain; San Raffaele Scientific Institute (R.F.), Milan, Italy; Genentech/Roche
(C.H.), South San Francisco; University Hospital Basel (J.K., D.L.), Switzerland; Biogen (T.P.), Boston; Quanterix Corporation (T.P.), Billerica; Rigshospitalet (F.S.), University of Copen-
hagen, Denmark; Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Alliance (C.S.), Glasgow, United Kingdom; Amsterdam UMC (C.E.T.), the Netherlands; MedDay Pharma (I.T.), Paris, France; Novartis
(F.v.R.), Basel, Switzerland; Elizabeth Walker Consulting (E.W.), Seattle; and Mellen Center for Multiple Sclerosis (R.J.F.), Cleveland Clinic.
Go to Neurology.org/N for full disclosures. Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the authors, if any, are provided at the end of the article.
The Article Processing Charge was funded by the International Progressive MS Alliance.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND), which permits downloading
and sharing the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the journal.
436 Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Neurology.
MS = multiple sclerosis; NfL = neurofilament light chain; Simoa = single molecule array; sNfL = serum NfL; T25FW = Timed
25-Foot Walk time; 9HPT = 9-Hole Peg Test time.
Treatment to prevent gradual progression of disability re- concentrations, which avoids the need to sample CSF,9,10 thus
mains a major unmet medical need in multiple sclerosis (MS) offering more convenient testing and increased acceptability
and was a driving force for initiation of the International of sampling by patients. Modeling suggests that NfL as a
Progressive MS Alliance (“the Alliance”) in 2012. The specific biomarker may have comparable sensitivity to imaging out-
mission of the Alliance is to accelerate the development of comes for testing efficacy in phase 2 trials of relapsing MS.11
effective disease-modifying and symptom management ther-
apies for persons with progressive forms of MS.1 Consequently, the Alliance convened an expert panel to
discuss the current state of research on NfL as a biomarker in
The Alliance acknowledges that a central aspect to success of MS in general and progressive MS specifically, with a view to
its mission is to accelerate proof-of-concept clinical trials of mobilizing the MS community toward filling key gaps in
new therapies in progressive MS, thereby encouraging drug knowledge and understanding. Because much of the initial
development2 and stimulating further investment from in- NfL data were collected in relapsing MS and provided im-
dustry. Ideally, early-stage trials depend on treatment re- portant insights regarding its use and relevance in MS, we
sponse biomarkers, which predict clinical benefits and allow have included it here as foundational studies. Here, we
treatment effects to be detected more quickly and with smaller summarize the outcome of the group’s meeting in Wash-
sample sizes than trials using clinical measures as primary ington DC in January 2019 and its subsequent discussions.
outcomes. For relapsing MS, this requirement has been met Based on published regulatory guidance,12 2 potential
by lesion activity on conventional MRI.3 Contexts of Use were agreed upon as the basis for further
Numerous pathologic mechanisms are purported to con-
tribute to the progression of disability in progressive forms of 1. sNfL as a pharmacodynamic/treatment response bio-
MS, but no dominant mechanism has been identified.2
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Body fluid biomarkers have the potential to be more patho- Currently, the most widely used assay for measuring serum or
logically specific than imaging biomarkers, may reflect ongo- plasma concentrations of NfL is the Quanterix platform,
ing pathology over the entire CNS, and may be more which uses single molecule array (Simoa) technology and is
responsive to the effects of treatment. Through 2017, the available commercially.16 Technical validation of this assay
Alliance considered a number of biomarkers and decided at its indicates good analytical accuracy. A recent multicenter study
Future Strategies Meeting in Dublin, Ireland, in July 2018 to analyzing identical serum samples across different sites
focus on neurofilament light chain (NfL) as a test candidate. reported excellent interassay and intersite coefficients of
This decision followed recent methodological developments variation (<10%).17 Further work is still required to establish
that allow ultra-sensitive measurements of serum NfL (sNfL) interbatch and within-batch assay variability.18
similar reagents, such as the Olink proximity ligation protein Numerous retrospective academic cohort studies19,25,31–33
analysis neuropanel. Novel automated systems include the and analyses of large phase 3 trials in relapsing MS24,34 suggest
Cobas Elecsys system by Roche and the ADVIA immunoassay that the concentration of NfL in serum, plasma, and CSF is a
system by Siemens. Although the increasing availability of promising biomarker in MS. Applications include (1) acute
multiple systems is likely to facilitate widespread imple- disease activity (including correlations with baseline T2 lesion
mentation in research and clinical care, reference methods volume and the number of enhancing T1 lesions) and (2)
and materials are needed to ensure data comparability across prediction of subsequent MRI lesion activity, brain volume
different systems. loss, relapse rate, and worsening of disability. In patients with
Alzheimer disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, in-
creasing mean serum concentrations occur months or years
before the emergence of the first clinical manifestations.35,36
Clinical validity Similarly, an increased CSF NfL concentration in radiologi-
NfL is a highly sensitive marker of neuronal injury, irrespective cally isolated syndrome is a risk factor for later transition to
of the cause of that injury. However, NfL concentrations are clinically definite MS.37,38
typically far lower in MS than in many rapidly progressive
primary neurodegenerative diseases, which show a faster rate of Recent results from clinical trials in progressive MS accord with
neuronal loss than MS.23 Average serum or plasma NfL con- those in relapsing-remitting disease (table 1) and suggest that
centrations are higher in relapsing and progressive MS than in the concentration of NfL is associated with concurrent disease
controls,19,24,25 although the concentration ranges in MS activity and long-term disease outcome in all forms of MS. In
overlap with controls to an extent that makes it difficult to placebo-controlled phase 3 trials of fingolimod and siponimod,
define a pathologic cutoff at the individual patient level. This baseline plasma NfL concentrations were higher in patients
problem is further complicated by the fact that blood con- with Gd+ lesions at baseline compared with those without Gd+
centrations of NfL increase by an average 2.2% per year be- lesions.39 In both trials, a high NfL concentration at baseline
tween ages 18 and 70 years in healthy controls.19,23,26 The was associated with greater brain volume loss at 1–2 years and a
reasons for this age-dependent increase are not well un- higher likelihood of confirmed disability worsening. These as-
derstood. The parallel increase in CSF and blood suggests that sociations were independent of treatment assignment or the
it is due mainly to physiologic age-dependent neuronal loss, but presence of contrast-enhancing lesions at baseline. From these
metabolic factors may also contribute, similar to the age- data, it was also estimated that a 1-year placebo-controlled trial
dependent increase of the CSF/serum albumin quotient.27 would require a tentative sample size of 94 participants with
Abbreviations: EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; MS = multiple sclerosis; NfL = neurofilament light chain; RCT = randomized controlled trial; SDMT = Symbol Digit Modalities Test; T25FW = Timed 25-Foot Walk time;
Placebo data only
placebo subjects
placebo subjects
NfL concentration with 80% power.39
treatment and
treatment and
Similarly, in a phase 3 trial of natalizumab, baseline sNfL
concentration was associated with (1) baseline disease activity
and disability measures, including the number of Gd+ lesions,
baseline NfL and clinical
Not reported
fined using the Expanded Disability Status Scale, T25FW, or
Not reported
Responsiveness to treatment
baseline NfL and baseline
Phase 3 RCT
Phase 3 RCT
PPMS (n = 378)
PPMS (n = 516)
SPMS (n = 365)
Axelsson SPMS and Observational Rituximab (n = 5) or 30 SPMS, 5 PPMS, CSF (Uman Mean NFL concentration was 1. NfL concentration was only reduced in either previously
et al.45 PPMS phase 2A, with mitoxantrone (n = and 14 healthy Diagnostics NF- reduced 51%, from 1,780 ng/L to untreated patients or those with enhancing lesions at baseline.
age-matched 30) controls light ELISA)14 870 ng/L (p = 0.007) irrespective of
controls (12–24 MS phenotype or treatment
Romme SPMS and Phase 2A single- Natalizumab 7 SPMS and 10 CSF (Uman Mean NfL concentration was 1. Changes in NfL concentrations correlated with changes in
Christensen PPMS arm (60 wk) PPMS Diagnostics NF- reduced by 37%, from 657 ng/mL to MTR in NAWM and GM. 2. Combined data from this trial and a
et al.46 light ELISA)14 414 ng/mL (p = 0.03) phase 2A trial of methylprednisolone in SPMS and PPMS54
found a correlation between CSF NfL and changes in the MS
Impact Scale
Ratzer SPMS and Phase 2A single- Methylprednisolone 14 SPMS and 11 CSF (Uman Mean NfL concentration not Treatment-associated changes in EDSS, MSFC, 9HPT, T25FW,
et al.48 PPMS arm (60 wk) PPMS Diagnostics NF- reduced by treatment (baseline 827 MSIS, MTR, and DTI measures
light ELISA)14 pg/mL vs final 434 pg/mL, p = 0.067)
INFORMS PPMS Phase 3 Fingolimod or 170 fingolimod and EDTA plasma NfL levels lower in fingolimod- No significant difference between groups at mo 12
randomized trial placebo 119 placebo (Quanterix treated patients than placebo at mo
(24 mo) Simoa NF-light® 24 (p = 0.0012)
Advantage Kit)19
EXPAND49 SPMS Phase 3 Siponimod or 380 siponimod and EDTA plasma Plasma NfL levels increased by
randomized trial placebo 145 placebo (Quanterix 9.2% with placebo and decreased
(>21 mo) Simoa NF-light® by 5.7% with siponimod (p = 0.0004)
Advantage Kit)19
ASCEND40 SPMS Phase 3 Natalizumab or 379 natalizumab Serum sNfL at wk 48 and 96 was lower in 1. Week 96 sNfL was higher in those with progression on the
randomized trial placebo and 365 placebo (Quanterix natalizumab vs placebo (ratios: multicomponent disability endpoint. 2. Differences in sNfL
(96 wk) Simoa NF-light® 0.84, p < 0.001, and 0.80, p < 0.001, were observed in those with and without Gd+ lesions at
Advantage Kit)19 respectively) baseline, relapses in 2 y before study and on-study
inflammatory activity (Gd+ lesions, new T2 lesions, or relapse).
SPRINT52 SPMS and Phase 2 Ibudilast or placebo Serum: 119 CSF and serum No between-group differences in Concurrent anti-inflammatory therapy was only injectibles or
PPMS randomized trial ibudilast and 120 (Quanterix change in NfL in either serum or none; ongoing focal inflammatory activity may have
(96 wk) placebo. CSF: 30 Simoa NF-light® CSF confounded assessment of ibudilast’s effect on NfL
ibudilast and 28 Advantage Kit)19
ORATORIO50 PPMS Phase 3 Ocrelizumab or 347 ocrelizumab Serum NfL was 15.7% lower with For patients with BL NfL above 90th percentile of healthy
randomized trial placebo 169 placebo (Quanterix ocrelizumab vs 0.2% lower with controls, a higher proportion decreased into normal range with
(96 wk) Simoa NF-light® placebo (p < 0.001) ocrelizumab (40.4%) vs placebo (16.6%) (p < 0.001)
Advantage Kit)19
Abbreviations: DTI = Diffusion Tensor Imaging; GM = Gray Matter; MS = multiple sclerosis; MSFC = Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite; MSIS = Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale; MSSS = Multiple Sclerosis Severity Score; MTR =
Magnetization Transfer Ratio; NAWM = Normal Appearing White Matter; NfL = neurofilament light chain; PPMS = Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis; Simoa = single molecule array; sNfL = serum NfL; SPMS = Secondary
Progressive Multiple Sclerosis; T25FW = Timed 25-Foot Walk time; 9HPT = 9-Hole Peg Test time.
Table 3 Next steps needed to increase understanding of sNfL
Opportunities Potential next steps
Standardize sample collection and assay methods to align results across • Review standard operating procedures currently in use
multiple assay platforms.
Establish a normative database of NfL concentrations in healthy volunteers to • Establish key parameters for a normative database
establish the effects of age and comorbidities and then develop disease models
to support trial design and clinical validity.
Analyze legacy trial biobanks for NfL to determine the predictive value of NfL, • Conduct a landscape analysis to ensure that all legacy data sets are
how NfL responds to different therapies and clarify its relationship to clinical captured
and imaging outcomes. A particular issue is the relative extent to which
inflammatory activity and underlying disease progression contribute to
changes in the concentration of NfL.
fingolimod and ocrelizumab in primary progressive MS activity, as may have occurred in the SPRINT-MS trial of
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to study the correlation between the different assays and report no disclosures related to this manuscript. T. Plavina is
identify candidate Reference Materials. Future Certified Ref- currently employed by Quanterix, which is a diagnostic
erence Materials can be used to align measurements across company with patient interests in NfL testing. F. Sellebjerg, C.
analytical platforms. The Standardization of Alzheimer Blood Sincock, C.E. Teunissen, I. Topalli, F. von Raison, E. Walker,
Based Biomarkers Working Group of the Alzheimer Associa- and R.J Fox report no disclosures related to this manuscript.
tion Global Biomarkers Standardization Consortium develops Go to Neurology.org/N for full disclosures.
standard operating procedures for blood collection and pro-
cessing for a broad range of potential markers, including NfL. Publication history
These and other efforts will help further our understanding of Received by Neurology January 2, 2020. Accepted in final form
the role of NfL in identifying new therapies and managing the June 26, 2020.
disease in people living with MS.
Appendix Authors
Author Location Contribution
Our review of existing data suggests that sNfL may provide a
Raju University College Design and
plausible biomarker of progressive MS, addressing some of Kapoor, London, England, United conceptualization of the
the limitations of current imaging biomarkers to accelerate FRCP Kingdom study, drafting the original
manuscript, and revising the
drug development through the proposed Contexts of Use. manuscript for intellectual
However, significant gaps remain in our understanding of NfL content
and must be addressed before NfL can be accepted as a bio-
Kathryn E. National Multiple Revising the manuscript for
marker by the progressive MS community and, potentially, by Smith, MS Sclerosis Society, New intellectual content
regulatory agencies. These gaps include the following: York
Teunissen, Netherlands intellectual content 26. Mattsson N, Andreasson U, Zetterberg H, Blennow K; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuro-
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Ilir Topalli, MedDay Pharma, Paris, Revising the manuscript for 27. Parrado-Fernández C, Blennow K, Hansson M, Leoni V, Cedazo-Minguez A,
PhD France intellectual content Björkhem I. Evidence for sex difference in the CSF/plasma albumin ratio in ;20 000
patients and 335 healthy volunteers. J Cell Mol Med 2018;22:5151–5154.
Florian von Novartis, Basel, Revising the manuscript for 28. Romero K, Ito K, Rogers JA, et al. The future is now: model-based clinical trial design
Raison, MD Switzerland intellectual content for Alzheimer’s disease. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2015;97:210–214.
29. Conrado DJ, Nicholas T, Tsai K, et al. Dopamine transporter neuroimaging as an
Elizabeth Elizabeth Walker Revising the manuscript for enrichment biomarker in early Parkinson’s disease clinical trials: a disease progression
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30. Perrone RD, Mouksassi MS, Romero K, et al. A drug development tool for trial
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Fox, MD Multiple Sclerosis, intellectual content Int Rep 2017;2:451–460.
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