1.0 Introduction:
LCA, or life cycle assessment, is a technique for determining the extent to which a
product is harmful to the environment. With LCA, scientists keep track of everything
from water and energy consumption to emissions and waste from manufacturing and
consumer use. From this, an impact assessment can calculate the long-term
consequences of the product on things like human health, ecological function, and
depletion of natural resources. The goal of the efforts to standardize LCA
methodologies has been to keep the methods as adaptable as possible while yet
producing clear and consistent reports. Corn ethanol is just one example of the many
biofuels for which LCA has been performed in order to assess the net effects on
petroleum usage, climate change, air and water quality, and other impact categories.
Researchers have come up with a wide variety of techniques for calculating LCA.
While certain LCA approaches have been lauded for their analytical consistency and
depth, others have been condemned for being too resource-intensive. Sustainable
development relies heavily on life-cycle analysis (LCA), often known as life-cycle
assessment. The EPA defines life cycle assessment (LCA) as a method for
determining how a given product, material, process, or activity might affect the
natural environment. An LCA is a crucial tool for evaluating the whole range of
environmental effects that a product or system has, from raw material extraction
through production to use to disposal (disposal or reuse). Figure 1.1 illustrates the
"cradle-to-grave" accounting concept at the heart of LCA.
Around 85% of hcw is non-infectious and general, 10% is infectious and hazardous,
and 5% is chemical or radioactive (UNEP, 2012; WHO, 2014). The dumping of
untreated contaminates on the ground, such as waste sites, landfills, and pits, should
indeed be avoided in order to save money, making waste segregation a crucial aspect,
especially in low-income nations. It's important not to forget about environmental
factors like waste sorting (which could lead to partial recycling) before turning off the
power. To deal with these challenges, it is crucial to train workers. All rural hospitals
in Kyrgyzstan have adopted a brand new, low-cost, state-of-the-art health - care waste
management system, complete with tactile syringe repellents, separation using
autoclave at 121 ° c canisters, secure transport and storage injection molder care,
recordkeeping, composting of disinfected metal and plastic sections, clinker shafts for
amount of loss, recycle of garden wastewaters, training, equipment maintenance,
management by quality and safety committees, and more (Toktobaev et al., 2015).
Certainly, the primary criterion in assessing medical waste treatment systems should
be their ability to remove germs. Most jurisdictions consider dechlorination, the
reduction or elimination of disorder microbes to eliminate transmission opportunities,
to be adequate (see, for example, VROM, 2006), while sterilization, the destruction of
all microbes, is typically not mandated by law for the prevention of healthcare waste.
3.0 LCA implications for environmental impact
The study's system boundaries span "cradle to grave" (Fig. 1.2), and they include the
following life phases and activities:
Production of materials:
Steel, aluminum, brass, copper, chromite, tin, lead, gold, silver, silver, zinc, and
chrome are some examples of metals; so are zinc, tin, silver, zinc, and palladium.
There are several different types of plastic, including abs plastic (ABS),
polyesters (PBT), pvc (PVC), propylene (PP), glass fiber reinforced nylon
(GFRN), polystyrene (PS), and polyoxymethylene (POM).
Safety glass;
Cardboard (for packing) (for packaging).
Manufacturing of microwaves:
Metal cold impact extruder and plastic molding (to get the desired shape), electronic
component manufacturing (including power cord, plug, electromagnet, capacitance,
transformer, wire cables, lamp, and printed control board [PCB]), painting and curing
of steel powder, product assembly, and packaging. Electricity used while using a
The top companies in the oven industry are using a variety of tactics to increase their
market share. Launching new products and growing through acquisitions are two of
their primary methods of development. The top companies in the oven market are LG
Electronics, Samsung, Alto-Shaam Inc., AB Elektro, Sharp Corp, Hoover Limited,
Iowa Tool Work Inc., Galanz Enterprises Group, Mitsubishi Corporation, and
Panasonic Corporation.
Microwave Processing.
The mixture was then transferred to a microwave rig, which comprised of a Sairem
Labotron Pyro 60K Pyro electromagnetic head radiating a glass-tube cavity connected
on both ends to an ARO PD15P-FPS piston pump and sealed. Thermocouples at both
ends of the hollow and an ir probe at the entry measured and fed back temperature to
the microwave generator in the event of an overboiling situation, and an automatic
shutoff system at the exit end included a vent to the home extraction system and a
release valve in the event of a pump obstruction. The system is depicted in Figure 1.3,
and its components are illustrated throughout the body of this paper.
Downstream Processing.
After straining the mixture through a filter cloth, the cellulosic residues were
removed, and the pectin was isolated by mixing it with an equivalent volume of
ethanol. Separating the pectin took 30 minutes in a centrifuge at 8500 G. The
supernatant was discarded, and the pectin was washed twice with the least amount of
ethanol, spun at 3500 G for 30 minutes, boiled for 10 minutes with the least amount of
alcohol, and filtered under vacuum while still hot. The powder was freeze-dried at
BioPharma Enterprises after being suspended in solutions were prepared water with a
water-to-powder ratio of 8:2, agitated for 60 minutes at 1000 revolutions per minute.
Characterization Tests.
For the most part, the pectin was characterized using the standards set forth by the
WHO23 (details in the supplementary materials), with the exception of metals, which
were analyzed in triplicate using ICPOES supplied by Yara Analytical Services.
Energy consumption:
Cooking in a microwave requires between 600 and 1000 watts of power. Microwave
ovens use roughly 6.1 kWh per monthly and 73 kWh per year if used for 15 minutes
each day. If you use it once a month, it will cost you $0.86; use it 365 days a year, and
you'll spend $10.36.
4.0 Key changes and redesign process to reduce the impact on the
Typically, an assessment is used to study the effects on the environment (LCA).
Municipal solid waste systems had an LCA done to them by Liamsanguan and
Gheewala (2008) to determine the total environmental loads and evaluate the potential
environmental effects of several different technologies.
Wittmaier et al. (2009)De Feo and Malvano, (2009) focused their LCA on incinerator,
final waste, and recycling issues; they utilized the LCA approach to estimate
emissions from various thermal treatment and power recovered from waste solutions
in a location in Northern Germany.
Soares et al. (2013)conducted a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and cost comparison
(CCC) of microwave, kiln, and lime decontamination technologies while evaluating
their impact on the environment (see also section below). In addition, the "UNEP
compendium of techniques for psychotherapy of healthcare waste" provides a holistic
overview, analyzing a wide range of factors pertinent for environmental consequences
and also taking into account national and international findings of authorities
responsible for wastewater treatment (UNEP, 2012). A synopsis of the environmental
factors covered in each chapters of the compendium is provided in Table 2. The
"Guidelines on best available procedures and provisional guidelines on better
environmental practices related to Article 5 and Annex C of the Convention on
Periodic Organic Pollutants" provides a more in-depth review of this topic (UNEP,
Technology Air Water Solid residue
Autoclaves x xx x
Batch microwave x x x
Continuous microwave x x x
Frictional heat x x x
Dry heat treatment x x x
Incinerators xxx Xx* xxx
Alkaline hydrolysis x xxx x
Chemical xx xx x
Table 2. Environmental considerations in treatment technology: a
However, it is important to remember that facilities dealing with bio hazard waste
should identify closely associated occupational dangers deriving from the processing,
management, and disposal of wastes in addition to environmental concerns.
Additionally, environmental factors may be significantly impacted by institutional and
regulatory constraints and guidelines for treatment technology (UNEP, 2012). On the
other extreme, these norms may not be enforced at all or function poorly in
developing nations (Nandwani, 2010; Sharma and Sharma, 2008; Zhou et al., 2013).
Few examples exist in the literature where the benefits and drawbacks of
fundamentally diverse waste treatment systems are compared in an objective manner.
Diaz et al. provided context for a number of technologies, including autoclaves,
microwaves, sterilizers, low-, mid - term, and rising combustion, and landfills (2005).
(landfill, landfill, sanitary landfill, and pits).It was also stated that there is another
option for treatment and disposal, along with a breakdown of the various wastes that
can be handled in this manner.
The United Nations Environmental Program's compendium of technology for the
diagnosis of healthcare waste provides a systematic way for examining all elements,
including costs (UNEP, 2012). While this document does not endorse any particular
technology, it does demonstrate how scores can be derived from factors including
environmental safety, cost of operation, and technical comparison (including capacity,
volume reduction, inactivation efficiency, and installation needs). Each possible user
can choose, in an objective manner, which technology is most suited to his specific
Administrative, commit to providing, regulatory fees, and staff perks are just some of
the extra expenses that can be factored in using a systematic costing method. Many
price-related factors were evaluated with the help of vendor data, technological fact
sheets, and specialist comments. The autoclaves in the encyclopedia had an operating
cost of between $0.14 and $0.33 per kilogram, whereas the batch microwaves had an
operating cost of around $0.13 per kilogram (UNEP, 2012). These prices are simply
an estimate and cannot be compared apples-to-apples because they vary depending on
a variety of capabilities available within a certain time period.
In the case of a facility producing, say, 150 kg of solid hazardous material waste per
day (the succeeding calculations may vary a bit if the debris has an unusual
composition), a typical microwave unit such as a Medister 160 would be suitable for
treatment. This unit processes 60 L containers with a power input of 6.5 kW. If you
generate 150 kilograms per day of waste, it will take about 12 of these containers to
inactivate everything. If this machine is used once a day, every day, for a year, its
cumulative weight will be 54.75 tons. One run uses about 40 kilowatt-hours of energy
(1 run = 45 minutes). The total daily energy consumption is 40.9 kWh when you
factor in the 0.9 kWh used for standby.
A equivalent autoclave, with a chamber volume of 110 L, would require a power
input of 17 kW, and would consume 120 kwh per day (assuming 10 runs; 1 run = 70
minutes). The total daily energy consumption is 142.4 kWh due to the 22.4 kWh used
in standby mode. Therefore, the total difference is 101.5 kWh/day, saving almost
€20/day with a price of €0.2/kWh. In reality, the gap between the two systems would
widen due to factors not included in this analysis, such as the price of water and the
price of maintenance and repair. The estimates for the above scenario are summarized
in Table 3.
Microwave Autoclave
Assumed weight of waste/day 150 kg
Accumulated weight of waste/year 54.75 tons
Maximum of volume/run 60 L 80L
Power input 6.5KW 17KW
Runs per day 12 10
Duration/run 45 MIN 70 MIN
Energy consumption/run 3.3KWH 12KWH
Energy consumption/day including 40.9KWH 142.4KWH
Assumed price/kWh 0.2/KWH
Energy costs/day €8.6 €28.48
Energy costs/year €2978.4 €10395.20
The ecological and environmental context is also critical. Assuming 0.583 kg CO2
(based on the average global associated factor for all sources of energy for
generating power; IEA, 2014) for one kWh, the annual carbon footprint is decreased
by an astounding 21.6 tons CO2/year, assuming 37,000 kWh less energy is consumed
(if operation is on a daily basis).
Waste shredding after inactivation of segregated pathogenic material has the potential
to significantly reduce waste volume and the associated carbon footprint through the
elimination of unnecessary transportation. The hospitals waste shouldn't be shred
following autoclave treatment, however, because bigger components may melt and
create compact mass in which contaminants may still be trapped (VROM, 2006).
4.02 Goal and Scope for Life-Cycle
Figure depicts the study's system boundaries and includes the performance parameters
studied. The raw material going through the system in this research won't carry any
environment impact since a hardship or zero-burden strategy was used to allocate all
ecological impact of the manufacture of the initial targeted product, apple juice in this
case, to orange juice. As trash is a byproduct of orange juice production rather than
the intended end product, life cycle assessment studies on waste management often
focus on the co-product rather than the main product. To the contrary, pectin
production is allotted some of the other resources used in the extraction process. Since
the operations were carried out in closed containers and air pollutants were believed
to be low, effluent was the only product from the process that was considered in
addition to pectin.
Due to the limited scope of the interventions under consideration, attributional LCA
was chosen as the modeling framework to evaluate the effects connected with the
functional unit. Various systems that generate the same functionality can be compared
with the use of attributional LCAs. As a result, the model of the underlying system
was constructed using average data. "Allocation at the point of substitution" (APOS)
operations from the ecoinvent 3.4 database were added into the model; these
procedures were referred to as "Allocation, default" in SimaPro 8.5.0 and earlier
versions of the program.
Orange peel 30.5g
1kg Extraction with acid
Waste water
Water HCI
25L 0.25
Electricity Electricity
consumption consumption
by microwave by power
6.79kwh 11kwh
Pectin 150 g
United Kingdom (UK) and European Union (EU) processes and materials are given
preference in any global analysis. The model and LCA analysis were developed in
SimaPro using the following 5 materials and processes:
Hydrochloric acid, Benzene chlorination without water, at a 30% solution state RER
| APOS, S. In SimaPro, HCl synthesis is modeled in two ways: (a) as a primary
product made by reacting hydrogen and chlorine, and (b) as a side product generated
by one of four processes (allyl chloride production via response of propane and
fluoride, tetrafluoroethane production, the Mannheim process to generate sodium
sulfate, benzene chlorination). This research did not look into HCl production as a key
ingredient because most HCl (in gas and solution forms) is created as a byproduct.
Since these datasets presume HCl is produced via burning of chlorine with hydrogen,
the "market for" activities related to this compound have also been ignored. The
strong global warming potential of tetrafluoroethane has prevented it from being
produced and used recently.
Ethanol, without water, from the ethylene market in a 99.7 percent solution form,
APOS, S. Most ethanol comes from either fermentation or catalytic ethylene
hydration. In contrast to bioethanol, which is produced by fermentation and used in
alcoholic beverages and fuel vehicles, synthetic ethanol is employed in industry as a
solvent material to extract other compounds32, as shown in this study. Alcohol is
mixed with water at a 1:1 volume ratio, and the resulting solution has a density of
0.7893 kg/L in both of the scenarios this study considers.
Electricity, medium voltage sales of APOS systems, C. In both cases, heating needs
would likely result in substantial energy use, which will have a negative effect on the
environment. Medium voltage and "market for" activity were chosen to depict the
U.K. electricity market, including power loss during distribution, because of the size
of industrial sites used to produce pectin.
Water, excellently buried in the good old British soil. Taking into account the extent
of the evaluation, the information from the ecoinvent database appears to be the most
important source of water for the procedures discussed in this research.
Waste water, treatment of sewage, average, capacity 1 109 L year1 APOS, S.,
"Europe excluding Switzerland." Wastewater treatment options from ecoinvent,
ELCD, the EU and the DK Input Output Database, and more can be found in
SimaPro. The ecoinvent database, more especially the process category, was chosen
because it most closely matched the aforementioned materials and processes and also
because it had the most relevant descriptions. Average European (excluding
Switzerland) wastewater treatment capacity: 1 x 109 liters per year (APOS, S.).
Scenario A's waste water contains diluted orange peel residue and HCl, but Scenario
B's waste water does not include any HCl at all. In terms of density, orange peel
measures in at 0.406 kg/L.
Further improvement
Decision-makers can benefit from an LCA by
Create an in-depth analysis of the effects on the planet.
related to a specific item.
To secure stakeholder (state, society, etc.) acceptance for a proposed action, think
about the ecological trade-offs associated with a product or set of products.
Calculate the total amount of air, marine, and land pollution caused by each
process in the life cycle.
Consider the regional, national, and global impacts of material use and
environmental discharges.
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