Educ 410 Lesson Plan For Ela Observation 7
Educ 410 Lesson Plan For Ela Observation 7
Educ 410 Lesson Plan For Ela Observation 7
Grade: 2
2. Prerequisites:
Students should know letters and corresponding sounds for those letter and put those
Students should also know that putting sounds together can make words.
3. Essential Questions:
Superkids workbook.
5. Instructional Objective:
Students will be able to form compound words and show how they know how compound
6. Instructional Procedures:
Students will be asked to come to the carpet safely, and sit “Criss Cross Apple Sauce”
I will remind students of the daily routine with our ELA time.
“Good morning, everyone. First, today, we are going to listen to some words to see if
they have the same middle sound. Then we will move on to where we say a word and
break the word into sounds. After that we will be saying some words and changing one
Wait for students to respond and answer any questions that arise.
“I’m going to say two words and you will repeat those words. Then you will tell me if
they have the same middle sound. If they do, you will then tell me what that sound is.
Okay let’s practice. My two words are dried and mild. Do they have the same middle
“Good. Now let’s do some more words. My words are cold and called. Do they have the
“Nice job. Now my next words are give and swim. Do they have the same sound?”
“Now I’m going to say a word, you’ll repeat the word and then we will break the words
into sounds. Let’s practise with the word ‘find’. Say it.”
“Let’s break it into its sounds. /f/…/long i/…/n/… /d/. What word?”
o Roots (/r/…/oo/…/t/…/s/)
o Chores (/ch/…/or/…/z/)
o Count (/k/…/ou/…/n/…/t/)
“Very nice job. Now we are going to say a word, break it into sounds and then change
one of the sounds to create a new word. Let’s practice with the word rack. Ready? Let’s
o Word is back /b/… /short a/…/k/ change /b/ to /h/. What is our new word? (hack)
o My word is hack. Sound it out... /h/…/short a/…/k/ Change /h/ to /s/. New word is
o My word is sack. Sound it out. /s/…short a/…/k/ Change /s/ to /t/. New word is
o My word is tack. Sound it out /t/…/short a/…/k/. Change /t/ to /kw/. New word is
o My word is quack. Sound it out. /kw/…/short a/…/k/. Change /kw/ to /j/. new
word is (jack)
o My word is jack. Sound it out /j/…/short a/…/k/. Change /j/ to /l/. New word is
o My word is lack. Sound it out /l/…/short a/…/k/. Change /l/ to /p/ New word is
o My word is pack. Sound it out /p/…/short a/… /k/. Change /p/ to /n/ New word is
Students will be asked to move back to their seats and retrieve their materials for their
spelling practice. “Let’s see if everyone can get back to their seats safely and ready for
spelling words by getting out your whiteboard marker and eraser by the time, I count
As I count down from 10, I will be looking for students to have their whiteboards.
markers and erasers. If all students accomplish this, I will be giving a good apple (class
I will then have the computer/Smart Board read the spelling words aloud. After each
word, I will ask to see the students’ whiteboards with a 3, 2, 1 show me.
After viewing the word, we will spell the word together as a class. The words will be
mind, kind, hind, find, grind, blind. Each word will be said by the computer one at a time,
written by the students, checked with 3, 2, 1 show me and spelled aloud as a class.
As further practice I will then say. “Now I need to see a clean whiteboard for our
I will play the sentence through the smartboard. The sentence will read, “I’ll wind up the
I will then have the students repeat the sentence and pound it out. With a fist over their
other open hand, we will repeat the sentence. Each word will have a fist pound associated
to it. I’ll (pound) wind (pound) up (pound) the (pound) string (pound).
I will then draw five lines on the white board at the front of the room.
“Good, now write the sentence and I’ll ask to see them in about 1 minute.”
I will wait for the students to write. When I see students are finished, I will “Let me see
your boards in 3, 2, 1.” I will then show the sentence on the board. “Everyone check your
Students reply.
Students reply.
Students reply.
“Nice work everyone. Let’s clean off our boards, put them away and open up our
workbooks to page 105. I would like to see everyone have their books open to this page
by the time I count down from 10 so that I can give you an apple.”
Once students have opened their workbooks to page 105, I will continue with the lesson
“So, everyone take a look at this page. Who do we see at the top?”
I will request that the students read aloud with me while we read Ms. Blossom’s
important information.
“Some long words are compound words. They are made of two words put together.
“Now let’s continue. Everyone place a finger on number 1 and read it aloud with me. A
pack that goes on your back is a... Who can raise a hand a tell me what compound word
If students need guidance in answering this, I might give clues such as “Lets look at the
words we have, we have pack and back, how can we put those words together to make a
new word?”
After writing the word backpack and spelling it aloud on the board, I will have the
“Alright everyone, please place your finger on number two so that I can see we are all
looking at the same question. Read with me. You put tea in a pot called a …Who can
I will write the word teapot while spelling it aloud for the students to learn the spelling.
“Now I would like you to try the rest of the page by yourselves. I’m going to be walking
around the room if anyone needs help, but I would like to see this page complete in 5
After a minute or two, I will remind students of the sign I like to see when work is
complete. “Please remember that if you are finished, I would like to see one hand on your
head so I can see who is finished and who is still working hard.” I will continue to
At the end of the 5 minutes or when I see everyone has completed the work, whichever
comes first, I will be asking for volunteers to help us complete the page.
“Who can raise their hand and read number three and answer it?”
“Wonderful job. Now I need you to put your workbooks away, get out your readers, and
Once all books are opened, I will direct the student’s attention to the title of the page.
“Take a look at the title. Read that title with me. “Hot Rod Messes Up” What do you
I will call on some students as to what they are inferring for the chapter.
“Those were all some very good answers, let’s read the story to see if any of them are
correct. Follow along as I have the smart board read the story to us before we team read.”
After the reading has concluded I will ask the students to then team read the story.
“Now that we have read the story together, we now need to team read the story. So, team
one please stand and read page 148 out loud with me.” We will then proceed to read
“Nice job team one, now team one sit down and team two stand up and you will read
“Nice job team two. Now let’s see if we can answer a few questions about what we just
I will ask the following comprehension questions. “I need you to look at this word” I will
I will call on students with raised hands. Possible answers may include ‘something very
“If a disaster is something very bad, what does Icky think is a disaster?”
Students should respond with “Hot Rod can’t remember his lines in the play.”
“How do we know that Hot Rod feels bad about messing up his lines?”
Students- Icky and hot Rod need to find a way to work together and be a team.”
workbooks and get out their chrome books to log on to for the next part of the
“Please input this code” Code will be displayed on the Smart Board.
Once all students are logged on. I will start the compound words game which should last
approximately 10 minutes.
Upon completion of the game, the students will be reminded of the following.
“Compound words are two words joined together to make one new word. Who can raise
I will then have the students put away their chrome books and transition them to the next
part of the day, book clubs. Book clubs are where we have our leveled readers placed into
similar ability groups and are given a book to read and discuss. One teacher will meet
consistently with the lower levelled readers and the other teacher will alternate with the
on level and above level readers. Each “club” has their own book and area in the
classroom to read and study their book. Students will follow along in their books while
Once discussions have concluded I shall continue. “It is now time to put our books away
and get ready for lunch. I am looking for tables that are clean and students that are sitting
I will then dismiss the students, one table at a time and escort them to lunch.
7. Assessment:
Looking at the results of the Kahoot in conjunction with the workbook page will help to
inform of understanding and recollection of past words and the ability to construct new
compound words.
If time remains after book clubs and before lunch dismissal, I will do a fast “3, 2, 1, Show
me” with whiteboards after a turn and talk where the student will write a compound word
Differentiated Instruction:
*** during the spelling practice, I will draw sound dots on the whiteboard to help students
*** if needed the spelling pattern that is being studied this week might also be displayed.
*** During the spelling sentence practice, I will write dashes (one dash for each word of the
sentence) on the board to help students remember how many words they need to write. I will also
ask the students what I am looking for in the sentences - upper case letter at the beginning,
*** having the smart board read the words and stories, I can ensure that any E.L.L or any
students with reading difficulty can hear and see the words before they are asked to read them
*** performing a turn and talk will reinforce to the approaching level students what compound
words are.