CYA Guidelines
CYA Guidelines
CYA Guidelines
(Chapter Name)
a. The Red Cross Youth - Chapter Youth Assembly is the supreme deliberate body of the Chapter
Youth Council which shall be held biennially at such date and place as maybe determined by the
incumbent CYC Officers, Chapter Service Representative of RCY, upon due approval of the
Chapter Administrator or Chairman of the Board of Directors.
b. Membership in the Chapter Youth Assembly (CYA) is open to all bona fide Red Cross
Youth volunteers. Members of the Assembly are divided into two (2), delegates and
c. Chapter Youth Council Accomplishment Reports are presented during the assembly.
d. Resolutions and declarations of the youth are ratified during the assembly.
a. The 13th Chapter Youth Assembly shall be on the (date) at (venue). All participants are
expected to arrive at the venue on or before 8:00 AM;
b. There shall be NO registration fees to be borne from the participants. However, as stated
above, all participants must be enrolled in the Membership Accident Assurance Benefit;
c. Delegates and observers shall wear the prescribed Type A Uniform for Red Cross Youth
d. The following documents shall be asked as registration:
1. Accomplished Registration Forms
2. Endorsement Letter from School Head
3. Photocopy of MAAB ID
4. Parental Waiver
e. Deadline of the registration forms and endorsement forms shall be on 8 March 2019.
No extensions shall be entertained.
f. Registration forms of delegates, observers and advisers must be sent to the Chapter Head
Quarters through email or courier
Section 3 Delegates
a. All incumbent Chapter Youth Council Officers are delegates to the Assembly;
b. Each established Red Cross Youth Council is allowed four (4) delegates in the Assembly.
These delegates shall have voting powers and will elect the next set of Chapter Youth
Council Officers.
c. Delegates shall come from Senior Red Cross Youth, Senior Plus Red Cross Youth,
College Red Cross Youth, and Community Red Cross Youth Councils.
d. They shall have the following minimum qualifications:
• Must have undergone the Leadership Development Program of the Red Cross
• Must be an active member of a accredited council duly certified by the School
Council Adviser and School Head for at least two (2) years;
• Must have actively participated in Chapter Activities of the Red Cross Youth;
• Enrolled in the Membership Accident Assurance Benefit of the Philippine Red
Cross; and
• Endorsed by the RCY School Council Adviser.
Section 3 Observers
a. Duly established councils can send observers to the Chapter Youth Assembly.
b. Each established councils can send a maximum of four (4) observers in the Assembly.
The observers shall not have voting powers but can be present in the proceedings of the
c. Observers shall come from Junior Red Cross, Senior Red Cross Youth, Senior Plus Red
Cross Youth, College Red Cross Youth, and Community Red Cross Youth Councils.
d. An observer shall have the following minimum qualifications:
• Must have undergone the Leadership Development Program of the Red Cross
• Must be an active member of a council duly certified by the School Council Adviser
and School Head for at least one (1) year;
• Enrolled in the Membership Accident Assurance Benefit of the Philippine Red
Cross; and
• Endorsed by the RCY School Council Adviser.
Section 4 Advisers
a. One Red Cross Youth Adviser is allowed to participate in the Chapter Youth Assembly.
b. The adviser shall be enrolled in the Membership Accident Assurance Benefit, Bronze
a. Councils may send a maximum of two (2) applicants to be a candidate for the Chapter
Youth Council Officers.
b. An Incumbent Chapter Youth Council Officer may nominate a maximum of one (1)
applicant from any of the delegates to be a candidate for the Chapter Youth Council
c. All nominees shall be subjected to a screening process set forth by the Commission on
Nominations and Elections (CONE).
d. The CONE shall determine the final list of qualified candidates to run for office for the
Chapter Youth Council.
e. An applicant must meet the following minimum qualifications;
• Must be an active member of an accredited council duly certified by the School
Council Adviser and School Head for at least two (2) years or an incumbent
Chapter Youth Council Officer;
• Must be of good moral standing;
• Must be a delegate of the Chapter Youth Assembly;
• Must have undergone the Leadership Development Program;
• Must be 16 to 23 years old, if below 18 years of age, must have consent of his/her
parents for his/her candidacy;
• Must NOT be a high-ranking officer in any organization; and
• Enrolled in the Membership Accident Assurance Benefit of the Philippine Red
f. The following shall be required from the CYC Aspirants:
• Duly accomplished registration forms;
• Duly accomplished nomination forms;
• Application Letter to become a Chapter Youth Council Officer;
• Medical Certificate fit to perform duties as a CYC Officer;
• Good Moral Certificate or NBI Clearance;
• Membership Accidental Assurance Benefit ID; and
• Curriculum Vitae.
g. Documents shall be received by the 13th Chapter Youth Assembly Secretariat through mail
or courier by the same email or office address mentioned in this document.
a. There shall be five (5) members of the Commission on Nominations and Elections and
must be composed of:
• Past Chapter Youth Council Officer
• An NYC Officer or any representative from RCY Department
• An incumbent CYC Officer not running for re-election
• Any RCYs who are not running for election
b. They shall have the authority to declare winners and disqualified candidates based on the
standard CYA Guidelines.
c. Election shall be done through secret balloting and the CONE shall conduct the official
counting of ballots.
d. Shall be there a tie for the last slot of the CYC, a toss coin or lottery shall be done.
a. For inquiries and clarifications, please contact (insert contact details of focal persons).