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Integration DIgSILENT - Python. An introduction.

Presentation · December 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10504.98568


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2 authors, including:

Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt
fglongatt LTD


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DIgSILENT PowerFactory


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form without permission of the author. Copyright © 208-2019. http:www.fglongatt.org
DIgSILENT - Python
9th December 2019
Loughborough University
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

United Kingdom
Francisco Sanchez, PhD Researcher
Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 1/25
Conversations about DIgSILENT
Prof. Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt PhD

DIgSILENT PowerFactory

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form without permission of the author. Copyright © 208-2019. http:www.fglongatt.org
DIgSILENT - Python
An introduction
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Copyright Notice
The documents are created by Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt and contain copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information. All rights reserved. No part of the documents may be reproduced or
copied in any form or by any means - such as graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems without the prior written permission of Francisco M.
Gonzalez-Longatt . The use of these documents by you, or anyone else authorized by you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted by Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt. You may not alter or remove any
trademark, copyright or other notice from the documents. The documents are provided “as is” and Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt shall not have any responsibility or liability whatsoever for the results of use of the
documents by you.
Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 2/25
I. Introduction V. Python-DIgSILENT Integration
II. Python installation and setup VI. PowerFactorySim Class (PFSim)
III. Essential Python Libraries
IV. Python Basics

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Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 3/25
I. Introduction
• What is Python?

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• Applications

And many more …

• Python 2 vs. Python 3? (https://pythonclock.org/)

Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

• Need help?
• https://www.python.org/about/gettingstarted/
Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 4/25
II. Python installation and setup
• Installing Python is quick and easy. (You might have it

• https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/windows

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• It is recommend installing it from the Anaconda
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 5/25
II. Python installation and setup
• After installation:
• Start the IDE Spyder by typing spyder in the
Anaconda prompt or start menu in Windows.

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• Similarly, to open Jupyter notebooks.

Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

From: http://jupyter.org/index.html

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 6/25
II. Python installation and setup
• Python environment management:
– DIgSILENT 2016 supports Python 3.5
– DIgSILENT 2018 supports Python 3.6

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– DIgSILENT 2019 supports Python 3.7
• Easiest way to handle multiple environments is by
using Anaconda. Simply type:

• To install new modules type the following command:

Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 7/25
III. Essential Python libraries
• For research and engineering the libraries most
widely used are:
– NumPy

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– pandas
– Matplotlib
– Scikit-Learn
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Open the Jupyter notebook:

“Essential Python libraries”

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 8/25
IV. Python basics
• For simplicity, we will go over this section using a
Jupyter notebook named: “Python Basics”.

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Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 9/25
V. Python – DIgSILENT integration
• Engine mode vs. Internal mode
– We will focus on Engine mode
• Essential interface code:

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1. The “powerfactory” module must be imported:
1. import powerfactory
– This module interfaces with the PowerFactory API
(Application Programming Interface) and gives access to
multiple data in PowerFactory such as
• Objects
• All attributes (element data, results)
• All commands (load flow calculation, etc.)
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

• Built-in DPL functions

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 10/25
V. Python – DIgSILENT integration
2. To gain access to the PowerFactory environment,
the following command must be inputted:

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2. app = powerfactory.GetApplication()

• Open the Jupyter notebook called:

“Python + DIgSILENT” for some working examples.

• Bear in mind that you must first import the networks

called “2A4G” and “ChaTime_Start”, included with
the course files, to DIgSILENT.
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 11/25
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019
V. Python – DIgSILENT integration
• Selection of working examples on Jupyter Notebook:


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Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

• Network:

• Example 0:

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019
V. Python – DIgSILENT integration


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Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

• Example 1:

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019
– Static simulations: Load Flow
V. Python – DIgSILENT integration


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Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

• Example 2:

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019
– Static simulations: Short-Circuit
V. Python – DIgSILENT integration


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V. Python – DIgSILENT integration
• Example 3:
– Static simulations: Modal analysis

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Import and
activate project

Plot the
Backup project

Select the
Get generators

Switch to
classical model Read csv file
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Prepare Export results

calculation object

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 16/25
V. Python – DIgSILENT integration
• Example 4:
– Quasi-Dynamic simulations
– What is a Quasi-Dynamic simulation?

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Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 17/25
V. Python – DIgSILENT integration
• Network: WSCC Test Case 9-Bus System
Stage A
Define new time

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characteristic to
Load A

Stage B
Set-up Quasi-
Execute Quasi-
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Plot results

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 18/25
V. Python – DIgSILENT integration
• Quasi-Dynamic simulation
– Stage A:
• Define new time characteristic

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• Assign characteristic to Load A
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 19/25
V. Python – DIgSILENT integration
• Quasi-Dynamic simulation
– Stage B: Exercise: Create a voltage plot
• Set up and execute

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• Plot results
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 20/25
VI. PowerFactorySim Class
• To exploit the scripting capabilities of Python it is
useful to create a class that includes several
methods to perform different calculations.

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• The PowerFactorySim class contains methods for:
– Load Flow
– Short Circuit
– Quasi-Dynamic
– Modal analysis
– RMS and EMT dynamics
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

• More details in the book:

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 21/25
VI. PowerFactorySim Class
• Excerpt from the PowerFactorySim Class:
– Quasi-dynamic simulation methods

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Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 22/25
VI. PowerFactorySim Class
• Open the Jupyter notebook called:
“Python + DIgSILENT + pfsim” for some working

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• The network used for these examples is the IEEE
39-bus test system.
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 23/25
VI. PowerFactorySim Class
• Example calculations: Generator’s frequency for SC on Bus 06:
Different clearing times

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Generators frequency for SC on Bus 06
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Quasi-Dynamic simulation
Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 24/25
Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Francisco Sancehz and Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019
Detailed model
VI. PowerFactorySim Class
• Example calculations: Parameter Estimation

Equivalent model


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Conversations about DIgSILENT
Prof. Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt PhD

Questions and Answers

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Conversations about DIgSILENT PowerFactory)

Copyright Notice
The documents are created by Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt and contain copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information. All rights reserved. No part of the documents may be reproduced or
copied in any form or by any means - such as graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems without the prior written permission of Francisco M.
Gonzalez-Longatt . The use of these documents by you, or anyone else authorized by you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted by Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt. You may not alter or remove any
trademark, copyright or other notice from the documents. The documents are provided “as is” and Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt shall not have any responsibility or liability whatsoever for the results of use of the
documents by you.
Francisco SancehzView
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Prof Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt PhD | fglongatt@fglongatt.org | Copyright © 2008-2019 26/25

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