Gso For Tea
Gso For Tea
Gso For Tea
Black Tea
Prepared by:
Black Tea
2.1 GSO 9 “Labelling of Prepackaged Foods”.
2.2 GSO 21 “Hygienic Regulations for Food Plants and their Personnel”.
2.3 GSO 150 “Expiration Periods of Food Products”.
2.4 GSO 382, GSO 383 “Maximum Limits for Pesticide Residue in Agricultural
and Food Products -Part 1 and Part 2”.
2.5 GSO 671 “Methods Of Examination And Test For Tea”.
2.6 GSO 988 “Limits of Radiation Levels Permitted in Foods stuff part - 1”.
2.7 GSO 1016 “Microbiological Criteria For Foodstuffs – Part 1”.
2.8 GSO ISO 1839 “Methods of examination and teat for test-sampling”.
2.9 GSO 2138 “Tea and Herbs bags”.
2.10 GSO ISO 14502-1 “Determination of substances characteristic of green and
black tea- part1: content of total polyphenols in tea - colorimetric method using
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent ”.
3.1 Tea:
A product processed, by common acceptable industrial processes, iron buds,
leaves, tender and semi-tender stalks of varieties of the species Camellia
Sinensis and tea prepared for drink includes.
3.2 Black Tea:
Tea processed by subjecting buds, leaves and stalks to fermentation, oxidation
and drying process resulting change in its colour to black.
4. Requirements
Black Tea shall be meet the following requirements:
4.1 It shall be processed according to the hygienic conditions mentioned in GSO
standard as mentioned in (2.2).
4.2 The Limits of Radiation Levels should comply with GSO standard mentioned
in item (2.6).
4.3 It shall be free from strange plant tissues and only characteristic tea tissues shall
appear by microscopic examination.
4.4 It shall be free from any extraneous matter and impurities.
4.5 It shall be free from colour, flavour, taste or any additive.
4.6 Arsenic Shall not exceed 1 mg/kg.
4.7 Lead Shall not exceed 5 mg/kg.
4.8 Copper shall not exceed 100 mg/kg.
4.9 Mercury Shall not exceed 0.05 mg/kg.
4.10 The water extract shall not be less than 32% m/m.
4.11 The total ash shall not be more than 8% and not less than 4% m/m.
4.12 The water-soluble ash shall not be less than 45% m/m of the total ash.
4.13 The acid-insoluble ash shall not exceed 1% m/m.
4.14 The alkalinity of water-soluble ash-(calculated as potassium hydroxide) shall
not exceed 3% and shall not be less than 1% m/m.
4.15 The crude fibres shall not exceed 16.5% m/m.
4.16 The caffeine shall not be less than 2% m/m.
4.17 The moisture shall not exceed 8.5% m/m.
4.18 Microbiological Requirements:
The microbiological criteria for tea shall be conform with standard mentioned
in (2.7).
4.19 The Total polyphenols shall not be less than 9 % mass fraction.
4.20 It shall comply with GSO standards as mentioned in (2.4) to be approved by the
organization concerning the maximum limits for pesticides residues in foods.
Sampling shall be carried out according to GSO standard as mentioned in (2.8).
Tests shall be carried out according to GSO standard as mentioned in (2.5).
7.1.2 Packages shall be made from any suitable material which does not affect tea
properties and quality and, it shall be well wrapped with moisture-proof
7.1.3 Packages shall comply with hygienic conditions and shall be free from insect
and fungal infections or any foreign and undesirable odours.
7.1.4 When tea is packed in small bags, these bags shall be made of suitable
permeable materials which retain physical and chemical properties of tea and
shall permit soluble solids of the tea to penetrate it. These bags shall be packed
in packages made of firm paper and it shall be conform with standard
mentioned in (2.9).
7.2 Storage:
The following shall be taken into consideration on storage of tea.
7.2.1 Tea shall be stored in suitable, well-ventilated and dry places away from
moisture or contaminated sources and any material having particular odour.
7.2.2 Small tea packages shall be stored by packing it in well sealed big packages.
Without prejudice to what is stated in the requirements mentioned in the
standards as mentioned in (2.1) and (2.3). The following particulars shall be
declared on each tea packages:
8.1 Kind of tea (Black Tea).
8.2 Country of origin.
8.3 Weight by metric system.
8.4 Number of tea bags inside the package.