(D&D 4.0) Manual of The Planes-8
(D&D 4.0) Manual of The Planes-8
(D&D 4.0) Manual of The Planes-8
Most planes are much like the natural world. Mortal Fundamental Planes
visitors find the air breathable, the climate endurable, The cosmos is composed largely of two infinite
and some amount of food and water accessible. How- expanses from which all other planes formed: the
ever, each plane has its own unusual characteristics Astral Sea and the Elemental Chaos. These planes
and embodies its own particular set of natural laws. are levels of reality in which countless specific locales
exist like finite islands adrift in the infinite—the vari-
Types of Planes ous astral dominions and elemental realms.
A plane’s type describes its basic nature and place The fundamental planes provide the substance
in the cosmos. The term “plane” applies to many linking all the dominions and realms of deities and
different places. Sigil, City of Doors, is a plane, even elemental powers together. To reach these specific
though it’s no more than a few dozen miles in extent. places, a traveler must trek across the Astral Sea or
It drifts in the multiverse unconnected to any other the Elemental Chaos. Fortunately, planar portals and
physical reality. The Abyss is also a plane. It is many conduits make it possible to span vast distances with
thousands of miles in extent, large enough to swallow a single step—if a traveler knows where to find the
planets, but it’s only a finite region of the Elemental portal he or she needs.
Chaos. A traveler can walk (or more likely fall) into Although the fundamental planes are infinite,
the Abyss from the surrounding Elemental Chaos, the known astral dominions and elemental realms
but a different set of physical and metaphysical laws lie within a finite distance of each other. If a trav-
apply in the Abyss than in the Elemental Chaos. In eler journeys through a fundamental plane into the
that sense, the Abyss is a plane separate from the sur- trackless reaches outside the known dominions and
rounding Elemental Chaos. realms, sooner or later he or she comes to the divine
dominions or elemental kingdoms of different mortal
worlds. Such a journey would be unthinkably long,
and it would undoubtedly be easier to find or create a
✦ The world portal to reach them.
✦ Fundamental planes
✦ Astral dominions Astral Dominions
✦ Elemental realms The astral dominions are distinct planes that exist
within the Astral Sea. Most are the creations of
✦ Parallel planes
deities, and as such, each dominion reflects the aes-
✦ Demiplanes thetics (or whims) of its creator. Dominions may have
✦ Anomalous planes wildly different properties and characteristics. Some
are the size of worlds, whereas others are solitary
The World towers or small cities on the shores of the Astral Sea.
The first of the planes is the world in which humans In artwork and in literature, they are often depicted
and other mortals are born and have their existence. as majestic islands or floating shards of landscape
The world often is known only by its name. For surrounded by a gossamer sea as flat and smooth as
example, the sages of Faerûn call their world Abeir- mirrored glass.
Toril. Those who study such matters in the city of Astral dominions are commonly regarded as the
Greyhawk know their world as Oerth, and the sages heavens and hells of the mortal world. The dominions
of Ansalon know their world as Krynn. In reference are where most deities are enthroned. Deities claim
to the planes, the world is sometimes known as “the some mortal spirits after death—those chosen for
mortal world,” “the material world,” “the natural special reward, or trapped and tormented by devils
world,” or “the middle world,” to distinguish it from or dark deities. However, most mortal spirits pass
the supernatural realms surrounding it. through the realm of the Raven Queen in the Shad-
owfell after death and then into the eternal beyond.