1 s2.0 S0360835220305118 Main
1 s2.0 S0360835220305118 Main
1 s2.0 S0360835220305118 Main
Keywords: Industry 4.0 is moving factories towards a high level of collaboration between human workers and industrial
Augmented Reality robots, with the aim of improving efficiency and productivity. Among other technologies, Augmented Reality
Human–robot collaboration (AR) is one of the most researched in recent years to provide novel user interfaces that could easily blend
Collaborative robot
the real world with additional information. This literature review aims at identifying the main strengths and
Industrial robot
weaknesses of AR with industrial robots in human–robot collaborative scenarios. The term industrial robot is
User interface
meant according to the ISO 8373:2012 definition. To this end, starting from 3734 initial works, 63 papers
have been selected and analysed. The results suggest that AR technology shows its effectiveness also in this
particular domain. With respect to traditional approaches, AR systems are faster and more appreciated by
users. Nonetheless, the use of AR in human–robot collaborative scenarios is so cutting edge that not all the
considered works have properly evaluated the proposed user interfaces. Future research should improve the
qualitative evaluation in order to clearly point out both limitations and strengths of the proposed systems,
involving also expert users in tests.
1. Introduction other agents. KH and KHC are linked in a shared space where agents can
exchange information and data using different interfaces (e.g. audio,
The fourth industrial revolution is changing the very nature of haptic) (Habib, Pacaux-Lemoine, & Millot, 2017). Since in such a space
factories: in order to manage the demand of innovative products and to humans and machines are in close contact, humans should find accept-
cope with an increasingly competitive market, industries are expected able to work with machines if the task to be shared is well defined
to keep a high level of production without decreasing their overall and there are no safety concerns for the operators (Pacaux-Lemoine &
quality. Industrial robots, automatically controlled, reprogrammable, mul- Trentesaux, 2019). Moreover, in order to properly cooperate, agents
tipurpose manipulators, programmable in three or more axes, which can should be able to recognize each other’s intentions, to adapt their
be either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation applica- own actions to the partners’ goals (Schneemann & Diederichs, 2019).
tions (iso.com, 0000a), can be effectively employed on the production Thus, the development of new interaction paradigms should be pursued
lines to meet these requirements. Their high precision and velocity to allow technicians to safely carry out their tasks near industrial
make them a fundamental element of the productive processes.
robots, highlighting the role of each agent to avoid any possible con-
Since the capabilities of the industrial robots are steadily improving,
cerns that can affect the collaboration between machines and humans
the degree of collaboration between human operators (HOs) and robots
(see Pacaux-Lemoine & Trentesaux, 2019 for a discussion related to the
is expected to increase in order to enhance the manufacturing processes
ethical risks of human–machine cooperation in Industry 4.0). Human–
(Fig. 1 shows a collaborative robot working side-by-side with human
Robot Collaboration (HRC) seeks to improve the collaboration between
operators and two examples of collaborative robots).
humans and machines through the development of innovative user
Creating a collaborative environment suitable for both HOs and in-
interfaces. Several technologies can be used to enhance the collabo-
dustrial machines is a challenging goal. Pacaux-Lemoine and Flemisch
(2016) highlight that the human–machine collaboration involves two ration between HOs and robots (Bauer, Wollherr, & Buss, 2008): as
different dimensions: the know-how (KH) and the know-how-to-cooperate an example, Gely, Trentesaux, and Le Mortellec (2020) combine visual
(KHC). The former refers to the agent’s (human or machine) capability and text-to-speech technologies to cooperate during a maintenance of
to control a process, the latter to the agent’s ability to cooperate with an autonomous train as well as Pacaux-Lemoine, Habib, Sciacca, and
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: francesco.depace@polito.it (F. De Pace).
Received 27 December 2019; Received in revised form 19 July 2020; Accepted 31 August 2020
Available online 3 September 2020
0360-8352/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Fig. 1. (a): the collaborative robot Sawyer on the factory floor at Tennplasco in Lafayette, TN. Credits to Jeff Green/Rethink Robotics/CC BY 4.0. (b): the Kinova collaborative
robot. Credits to Mgomezrobotnik/CC BY-SA. (c): the Sawyer and Baxter collaborative robots. Credits to Jeff Green/Rethink Robotics/CC BY.
Carlson (2020) propose a brain-computer interface to control a mobile billion.6 The AR technology should reach the plateau of productivity
robot. Among these different interfaces, Augmented Reality (AR) results in 5–10 years,7 thus it is expected that AR will be effectively adopted
to be an effective technology to improve the collaboration (Green, in the Industry 4.0 domain. Due to this spread, AR technology has
Billinghurst, Chen, & Chase, 2008). started to be used to improve the interaction and the collaboration
AR dates back to the sixties when Sutherland developed the first with industrial robots, creating new interaction paradigms based on
acknowledged AR prototype (Sutherland, 1968). However, the fun- innovative user interfaces.
damental ideas of Sutherland’s novelty were only formalized in the The use of industrial robots is continuously increasing. It is expected
nineties. In Milgram and Kishino (1994), the Mixed Reality continuum that there will be more than 1.4 million of active industrial robots by
was introduced by Milgram and Kishino. Since AR devices are part the end of 2020 (ifr.org, 0000). Thus, the development of new tech-
nologies should be pursued in order to give technicians the capabilities
of this continuum, they allow users to augment the real environment
to properly interact and cooperate with industrial manipulators. Since
using virtual assets. Technological improvements have lowered the
during a cooperative task HOs and robots share the same workspace,
production costs of AR devices and AR has begun to be used in several
humans should be aware of the robot intentions to trust them. More-
scientific areas. Smartphones and tablets are assembled with sensors
over, they also necessitate to be able to control the robot receiving
required by AR applications and they are equipped with processing
an immediate feedback on the control itself. The amount of papers
units powerful enough to display in real-time computer-generated con-
collected for this work seems to confirm that AR can be employed
tents. Technological innovations developed for the handheld devices to meet these requirements. In Gallala, Hichri, and Plapper (2019),
have been applied to improve AR ad-hoc portable equipment, com- the usage of AR in the whole Industry 4.0 is addressed and a brief
monly called Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) or wearable devices. It is section is dedicated to AR for programming robots. Villani, Pini, Leali,
currently possible to find several wearable AR devices on the market, and Secchi (2018) discussed in depth the whole HRC context, giving
the most known are the Vuzix Blade 3000 AR glasses,1 the Meta 2 AR also an overview of the current AR technologies used to collaborate
headset,2 the Moverio BT-3003 or the Microsoft HoloLens4 glasses. It is with industrial robots. However, due to the increasing interest of both
expected that through 2021, 67.2 million of HMD devices will be sold5 academic and industrial research centres in the use of AR technologies
and the AR market will increase from $5.91 billion to more than $198 with industrial robots, this new research area deserves a more in-depth
analysis to clarify the current state of the art. Although this research
context is so cutting edge that it is still not always possible to collect
https://www.vuzix.com/Products/Series-3000-Smart-Glasses. complete and consolidated results, it is interesting to analyse what has
4 6
https://www.microsoft.com/it-it/hololens. https://tinyurl.com/y32v35ru.
5 7
https://tinyurl.com/y64scp8z. https://tinyurl.com/y5csl8wf.
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
been done in research so far to truly identify which are the strengths
and weaknesses of the use of AR systems with industrial manipulators,8
and to foresee the future developments.
Starting from a rigorous definition of the meaning of the term
collaboration and clearly indicating the methodology we have adopted
for collecting the papers, this article proposes a systematic litera-
ture review of AR interfaces for industrial robots in collaborative
2. Definitions
• ‘‘A collaborative robot is a robot that can be used in a collaborative and/or working spaces that can be considered suitable for a human–
operation’’; robot collaborative operation have been taken into consideration for
• ‘‘A collaborative operation is a state in which purposely designed this literature review (the concept of collaborative robot or cobot
robots work in direct cooperation with a human within a defined appeared for the first time in literature in 2001, see Section 3.3).
3. Methodology
• ‘‘A collaborative workspace is a workspace within the safeguarded
space where the robot and human can perform tasks simultaneously
In order to assess the current use of the AR technologies in human–
during production operation.
robot collaborative operations, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
Since the HO and the robot share the same workspace, the so called approach has been adopted. Booth, Sutton, and Papaioannou (2016)
‘‘collaborative work space’’ (CWS), a list of possible collaborative oper- defined the SLR approach as a ‘‘systematic, explicit, and reproducible
ations has been chosen to reduce risks when humans and robots work method for identifying, evaluating, and synthesizing the existing body of
closely together. A collaborative operation has to use at least one of the completed and recorded work made by researchers, scholars, and practi-
following techniques (iso.com, 0000e) (Fig. 2): tioners’’. The SALSA Framework (Grant & Booth, 2009) can be adopted
to classify the current state of the art of a particular technology. It
1. ‘‘Safety-rated monitored stop’’: if the worker is in the CWS, the ensures replicability of the study and it helps to categorize and analyse
robot cannot move; the reviewed articles. It is composed by 4 different steps that are
2. ‘‘Hand guiding ’’: HO controls the robot with an input device; summarized in Table 1. It also presents the methodology that has been
3. ‘‘Speed and separation monitoring ’’: as the distance between the adopted in each step along with the expected outcome.
robot and the worker reduces, the speed of the robot reduces
too; 3.1. Step 1 - Protocol
4. ‘‘Power and force limiting ’’: contact between the human and the
robot is allowed. The protocol step implies the definition of the research scope. Since
the PICOC Framework has been already employed in similar works (del
One of the most important consideration is that a collaborative Amo, Erkoyuncu, Roy, Palmarini, & Onoufriou, 2018; dos Santos, Dela-
operation is not determined by the robot itself, it is defined by the task maro, & Nunes, 2013; Palmarini, Erkoyuncu, Roy and Torabmostaedi,
and the working space. Guided by this criterion, papers that explicitly 2018) and it has been identified as a useful strategy to determine the
confirm the adoption of the ISO standard and those that present tasks main research areas for a SLR (Booth et al., 2016), it has also been
adopted for this work. The PICOC Framework is shown in Table 2. Each
PICOC area is presented and briefly described. The main outcome of
In this work, the terms industrial robot manipulator, robot, robotic arm are the PICOC Framework employment is presented in the form of research
interchangeably used to refer to a generic industrial robot arm. questions:
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Table 2
The PICOC framework used in this SLR.
Area Description
Population AR technologies for the HRC area
Intervention Tools and techniques for the use of AR with robotic arms
Comparison Differences among different techniques
Outcomes Quantitative and qualitative performance indicators
Context AR technologies in the Industry domain
Table 3
The search string and the initial number of collected papers.
Search string Database Date Found
TAK(robot OR cobot OR
manipulator OR automaton OR
operator ) AND TAK(collaborat*
OR interact* OR coaction OR
cooperat* ) AND
Scopus 15/10/2019 3734
TAK(‘‘augmented reality’’ OR
projecti* OR projected
OR ‘‘see-through’’ OR ‘‘hand-held’’
OR ‘‘mobile device’’
OR ‘‘personal device’’)
Table 4 Fig. 3. The selection procedure along with the excluded papers.
Quality criteria applied to the 63 papers selected for the SLR.
Quality criteria Name
QC1 Q1 or Q2 journal
QC2 Full paper
3.3. Step 3 - Appraisal
QC3 Test
QC4 Citations/Year The appraisal step involves the selection and evaluation of the
QC5 State of the art collected papers. As stated in del Amo et al. (2018) and Palmarini,
Erkoyuncu et al. (2018), the main goal of a quality assessment pro-
cedure is to identify a paper selection criterion in case two or more
studies present quite similar approaches or conflicting ideas/results. In
1. Q1: what are the main uses of AR technologies in the HRC
order to make the selection process repeatable, a set of pre-determined
exclusion criteria has been defined. The six different criteria are the
2. Q2: what are the main strengths and weaknesses of the AR
technologies in the HRC context?
3. Q3: what are the potential future developments of AR technolo- • Years: papers dated before the 2001 have been excluded. This
gies in the HRC context? year has been chosen because the first paper related to the con-
cept of collaborative robot has been published in 2001 (Peshkin
Having defined the main goals of this SLR, the paper collection et al., 2001);
procedure and the analysis of the selected works are introduced in the • Language: papers written in languages different from English
following sections. have been excluded;
• Not Accessible: papers not accessible have been excluded;
3.2. Step 2 - Search • Duplicates: duplicated papers have been excluded;
• Conference Proceeding Title;
• Out of Scope: papers that are not concerned with the use of AR
In this step, the search of the potential data is performed. It consists
technologies with a robotic arm in a collaborative environment
in the definition of the potential databases and the search string. Among
for the industry domain have been excluded.
all the different available databases (Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore Dig-
ital Library, Science Direct, etc.), it has been decided to narrow the Starting from 3734 initial papers, a set of 63 relevant works has been
search down to only the Scopus database. The reasons behind this selected (see Fig. 3).
choice are the following: Afterwards, a quality assessment procedure has been applied to
evaluate the selected papers. Table 4 shows the Quality Criteria (QC).
• It provides a high customization degree of the search strategy; For QC1 and QC2 a score equal to 0 or 1 has been assigned
• It encompasses several digital libraries such as IEEE, ACM, etc. depending on whether:
Hence, it provides a basis selection.
• It provides all the research papers that are Scopus indexed. • QC1: the paper has been published in a Q1 or Q2 journal or not
(Q1 and Q2 are the quartile scores);
The search string has been constructed on the basis of the requirements • QC2: the paper is composed by more than 3 pages or not.
obtained in 3.1. Starting from three main key-words Augmented Reality
- Collaboration - Robot, the search string has been constructed using The QC3 score is represented by a number between 0 and 1 that
describes whether a paper has performed tests using unskilled or expert
all possible combinations of the key-words synonyms and it has been
users and collecting objective or subjective parameters. It is worth
applied to the Title, Abstract and Key-words (TAK) fields of each paper.
noticing that in this quality assessment an expert user is defined as a
Table 3 shows the search string and the number of initially collected
user expert in the domain for which the AR system has been imple-
papers. Due to the great number of collected papers, a selection crite-
mented. The QC3 score has been computed as:
rion has been applied in Section 3.3 to discard all works not related to
the research scope. 𝑄𝐶3𝑖 = (𝑈𝑖 + 𝐸𝑖 + 𝑂𝐵𝑖 + 𝑆𝑈 𝐵𝑖 )∕4, 𝑖 = 1, … , 𝑁,
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Table 5
The result of the quality assessment procedure. Papers are ordered by quality decreasing score.
Paper QC1 QC2 QC3 QC4 QC5 Quality
Chong, Ong, Nee, and Youcef-Youmi (2009) 1 1 0.25 0.79 0.49 3.53
Frank, Moorhead, and Kapila (2017) 1 1 0.75 0.24 0.51 3.50
Fang, Ong, and Nee (2012a) 1 1 0 0.71 0.66 3.37
Michalos et al. (2018) 1 1 0.25 0.07 1 3.32
Makris, Karagiannis, Koukas, and Matthaiakis (2016) 1 1 0 1 0.31 3.31
Fang, Ong, and Nee (2014b) 1 1 0.25 0.33 0.67 3.25
Ong, Yew, Thanigaivel, and Nee (2020) 1 1 0.58 0.07 0.4 3.05
Pai, Yap, and Singh (2015) 1 1 0.25 0.27 0.48 3.00
Ong, Chong, and Nee (2010) 1 1 0.25 0.29 0.4 2.94
Tavares et al. (2019) 1 1 0.25 0.07 0.45 2.77
De Tommaso, Calinon, and Caldwell (2012) 1 1 0 0.05 0.63 2.68
Papanastasiou et al. (2019) 1 1 0 0 0.64 2.64
Peng et al. (2018) 0 1 0 0.71 0.72 2.43
Fang, Ong, and Nee (2014a) 0 1 0.55 0.18 0.69 2.42
Wakita, Hirai, Suehiro, Hori, and Fujiwara (2001) 1 1 0 0.12 0.24 2.36
Malỳ, Sedláček, and Leitao (2016) 0 1 0.53 0.5 0.31 2.34
Andersen, Madsen, Moeslund, and Amor (2016) 0 1 0.56 0.5 0.25 2.31
Frank, Moorhead, and Kapila (2016) 0 1 0.67 0.29 0.24 2.20
Michalos, Karagiannis, Makris, Tokçalar, and Chryssolouris (2016) 0 1 0 0.91 0.28 2.19
Quintero et al. (2018) 0 1 0.79 0.14 0.25 2.18
Gao and Huang (2019) 0 1 0.57 0 0.61 2.18
Hügle, Lambrecht, and Krüger (2017) 0 1 0.62 0.04 0.39 2.05
Krupke et al. (2018) 0 1 0.57 0.07 0.39 2.03
Tanzini et al. (2013) 0 1 0.53 0.21 0.25 1.99
Chakraborti, Sreedharan, Kulkarni, and Kambhampati (2018) 0 1 0 0.39 0.54 1.93
Liu et al. (2018) 0 1 0 0.18 0.75 1.93
Lenz and Knoll (2014) 0 1 0 0.14 0.78 1.92
Danielsson, Syberfeldt, Brewster, and Wang (2017) 0 1 0.55 0.14 0.19 1.88
Lambrecht and Krüger (2012) 0 1 0.25 0.23 0.39 1.87
Palmarini et al. (2018) 0 1 0.33 0.14 0.36 1.83
Zaeh and Vogl (2006) 0 1 0.29 0.41 0.1 1.80
Materna, Kapinus, Beran, Smrž, and Zemčík (2018) 0 1 0.53 0 0.22 1.75
Veiga, Malaca, and Cancela (2013) 0 1 0.28 0.06 0.31 1.65
Weng, Perlmutter, Nikolaidis, Srinivasa, and Cakmak (2019) 0 1 0.3 0.07 0.28 1.65
Fang, Ong, and Nee (2012b) 0 1 0.25 0.09 0.3 1.64
Charoenseang and Tonggoed (2011) 0 1 0.5 0.03 0.09 1.62
Shi, Copot, Derammelaere, and Vanlanduit (2019) 0 1 0.25 0 0.33 1.58
Blankemeyer, Wiemann, Posniak, Pregizer, and Raatz (2018) 0 1 0 0.21 0.36 1.57
Fang, Ong, and Nee (2009) 0 1 0 0.2 0.36 1.56
Vogel, Walter, and Elkmann (2013) 0 1 0.25 0.18 0.13 1.56
Liu, Kinugawa, and Kosuge (2016) 0 1 0.27 0.07 0.21 1.55
Andersen, Bøgh, Moeslund, and Madsen (2015) 0 1 0 0.21 0.34 1.55
Liu and Wang (2017) 0 1 0 0.18 0.36 1.54
Dietrich, Schulze, Zug, and Kaiser (2010) 0 1 0 0.06 0.48 1.54
Vogel, Poggendorf, Walter, and Elkmann (2011) 0 1 0 0.37 0.15 1.52
Reinhart, Vogl, and Kresse (2007) 0 1 0.25 0.12 0.12 1.49
Vogel, Walter, and Elkmann (2017) 0 1 0 0.25 0.24 1.49
Vogel, Walter, and Elkmann (2012) 0 1 0.25 0.08 0.16 1.49
Ong, Chong, and Nee (2006) 0 1 0 0.15 0.3 1.45
Claassen, Aden, Gaa, Kotlarski, and Ortmaier (2014) 0 1 0.25 0.01 0.16 1.42
Ruffaldi, Brizzi, Tecchia, and Bacinelli (2016) 0 1 0 0.17 0.21 1.38
Kyjaneka, Al Bahar, Vaseya, Wannemacherb, and Mengesa (2019) 0 1 0 0 0.3 1.30
Guhl, Hügle, and Krüger (2018) 0 1 0 0.04 0.25 1.29
Manring et al. (2020) 0 1 0 0 0.25 1.25
Dinh, Yuan, Vietcheslav, and Seet (2017) 0 1 0 0 0.19 1.19
Deac, Deac, Popa, Ghinea, and Cotet (2017) 0 1 0 0.04 0.15 1.19
Leutert, Herrmann, and Schilling (2013) 0 0 0 0.27 0.07 0.34
Vogel, Fritzsche, and Elkmann (2016) 0 0 0 0.24 0.07 0.31
Vogel and Elkmann (2017) 0 0 0 0.14 0.03 0.17
Sita, Studley, Dailami, Pipe, and Thomessen (2017) 0 0 0 0.07 0.09 0.16
Araque, Díaz, Pérez-Gutiérrez, and Uribe (2011) 0 0 0 0.04 0.1 0.14
Materna et al. (2017) 0 0 0 0 0.12 0.12
Araiza-Illan, De San Bernabe, Hongchao, and Shin (2019) 0 0 0 0 0.04 0.04
where 𝑁 is the number of selected papers, 𝑈 and 𝐸 represent the where 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑁𝑈 and 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑁𝐸 represent the maximum number of unskilled
fraction of unskilled and expert users with respect to their maximum and expert users among all the collected papers, respectively. For 𝑂𝐵
number, 𝑂𝐵 and 𝑆𝑈 𝐵 indicate whether a paper has collected objective and 𝑆𝑈 𝐵 a score equal to 0 or 1 has been assigned depending on
or subjective parameters. The 𝑈 and 𝐸 values are numbers between whether a paper has collected objective (𝑂𝐵) or subjective (𝑆𝑈 𝐵)
0 and 1: they are proportional to the number of unskilled (𝑁𝑈 ) and parameters.
expert (𝑁𝐸) users employed to evaluate the proposed system. 𝑈 and Concerning QC4, the number of citations per year 𝑐𝑖 has been
𝐸 have been computed as: calculated as:
𝑁𝑈𝑖 𝑁𝐸𝑖 𝐶𝑖
𝑈𝑖 = ;𝐸 = , 𝑐𝑖 = ,
𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑁𝑈 𝑖 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑁𝐸 𝑌
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
where 𝐶 is the total number of citations and 𝑌 represents the number Table 6
Papers of the large size workspace category.
of years since the date of publication. Then the maximum number of
citations 𝑚𝑐 has been computed. Finally, a score ranging from 0 to 1 Large size
for each paper has been determined as: Paper Tracking Device Category Year Quality
𝑄𝐶5𝑖 = 𝑖 ,
𝑚𝑟 Table 7
where 𝑟𝑖 is the number of references of the 𝑖th paper. Papers of the small size workspace category.
In Table 5, the final result of the QC process is presented. Small size
Paper Tracking Device Category Year Quality
3.4. Step 4 - Synthesis and analysis Vogel et al. (2013) Markerless Projected Small size 2013 1.56
Vogel et al. (2011) Markerless Projected Small size 2012 1.52
The synthesis and analysis step involves the classification and the Vogel et al. (2017) Markerless Projected Small size 2017 1.49
Vogel et al. (2012) Markerless Projected Small size 2012 1.49
examination of the selected papers. In order to analyse and extrapolate Leutert et al. (2013) Markerless Projected Small size 2013 0.34
data relevant for the research scope, the 63 selected papers have been
divided according to the use of the AR contents. Three different macro-
areas have been identified called Workspace, Control Feedback and
Informative, respectively (Fig. 4). The system has been tested in a human–robot collaborative automotive
The Workspace category is composed by works that use AR contents assembly scenario and the results show that the proposed AR system
to display the area occupied by the manipulator. The main objective allows a considerable cycle time reduction, passing from a 92.15 s to
consists in ensuring a safe working space, highlighting the possible 76.31 s. An extension of this work can be found in Papanastasiou et al.
collision areas with the robot. The Control Feedback category comprises (2019).
works that utilize AR assets to give feedback to the users when they Although 3D virtual metaphors may be useful to represent some
are actively interacting with the industrial manipulator. The primary particular volumes, their effectiveness strictly depends on the charac-
role of these AR contents is to inform the user whether the robot teristics of the hardware used to visualize them. Wearable devices are
or the system itself has clearly understood the user input. Lastly, the still affected by a limited Field-of-View (FoV) that prevents to clearly
Informative category illustrates works that apply AR technologies to detect 3D assets in the real space. Thus, other approaches involve
visualize general information regarding the industrial robot or the task the use of 2D projected systems that do not force users to wear any
itself. particular device. Two interesting approaches are proposed in Vogel
Using the aforementioned classification, papers have been deeply et al. (2016) and Vogel and Elkmann (2017).
analysed in order to find answers related to the research scope. Since In Vogel et al. (2016), a projection system capable of displaying
this analysis involves a considerable amount of papers, it has been static safety zones in a large environment is proposed. The system
decided to not present it in this subsection but to introduce it in the is composed of a tactile floor connected to a projection system. The
following section. tactile floor has been divided in three static zones, called free, warn and
critical zone, respectively. Since the tactile floor continuously monitors
4. Data taxonomy the movement of the HO, the system is capable of detecting in real-
time in which zone the worker is entering. Four DLP projectors have
In the following sections, each macro-category is presented and been employed to display the three static zones on the tactile floor.
analysed. Moreover, each zone is coloured differently, using green (free zone),
yellow (warn zone) and red (critical zone) colours. In order to project
dynamic zones that can change their shapes in real-time according to
4.1. Workspace
the motion of the industrial manipulator, the monitoring of the values
of the robot joints has been added in Vogel and Elkmann (2017).
The Workspace papers have been divided into two subcategories:
Thanks to the data acquired by the tactile sensors and by the robot
• AR systems for relatively small-size environments and manipula- encoders, the projection system is able to modify the shape of the safety
tors; zones according to the movement of the manipulator (a video of the
• AR systems for large-size environments and manipulators. dynamic safety system is available at9 ). Moreover, the velocity of the
robot movement changes according to the robot-HO distance until the
In the following sections, these two subcategories are introduced HO enters the critical zone and the robot movements are immediately
and analysed. stopped. Fig. 5 shows a top-view of the AR workspace system.
4.1.1. Large size environments and manipulators 4.1.2. Small size environments and manipulators
Table 6 shows the Large Size Workspace category. Works in Makris Table 7 shows the Small Size Workspace category. Regarding the
et al. (2016), Michalos et al. (2018) and Papanastasiou et al. (2019) visualization of small-size robot workspaces, Vogel et al. (2011) de-
present a system in which a HO can collaborate with a high payload veloped a dynamic safe AR system based on projection and vision
industrial robot in a fenceless environment. technologies. The system relies on the use of a projector that emits
In Michalos et al. (2018), a technician can cooperate with a manip- a beam of light towards a surface and on the adoption of a camera
ulator by using a manual guidance system and a smart-watch interface. to acquire the reflected beam. The projector is capable of drawing a
In addition, the 3D robot working areas can be visualized by using a dynamic 2D cell that can modify its shape over the time.
wearable AR device. The working areas have been represented by using
different colours (red and green) to highlight the robot working area
and the user’s safe working area, respectively (Makris et al., 2016). https://youtu.be/sykfaMuuVEI.
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Fig. 4. Image A: the Control Feedback category. A technician is designing a new path using AR technologies. Image B: the Workspace category. A technician can visualize several
typologies of safety zones of the workspace. Image C: the Informative category. A technician can foresee the future motions of an industrial manipulator.
Fig. 5. If the human operator enters the warn zone (yellow colour), the robot decreases its velocity to avoid any possible hazard. As the human operator gets in the critical zone,
the robot movement is immediately stopped. Figure published in Vogel and Elkmann (2017), credits to Stephan Deutsch/Fraunhofer IFF. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
The proposed system has been adopted in Vogel et al. (2012, 2013, From the aforementioned definition, it is straightforward that
2017) to monitor and to visualize the volume occupied by a medium- remote-telerobotic operations are not included in this analysis. Al-
size robotic arm. In Vogel et al. (2012), a projected system based on the though it is possible to find several relevant works concerning the use of
principle of the light barriers is proposed. The pixels of the projector AR for the remote control of an industrial robot (Al-Mouhamed, Toker,
are used as barriers and when objects enter in their emitted light, a & Iqbal, 2006; Harada, Nazir, Shiote, & Ito, 2006; Kron et al., 2004;
safety violation is raised in 125 ms (in the worst case). In addition Le Ligeour, Otmane, & Mallem, 2005; Le Ligeour, Otmane, Mallem, &
Richard, 2006; Machino et al., 2005; Marín, Sanz, Nebot, & Wirz, 2005;
to using the light barriers, a safety area around the manipulator is
Xiong, Li, & Xie, 2006) or more recently (Brizzi et al., 2018; Ni, Yew,
dynamically determined by employing the robot joint positions and
Ong, & Nee, 2017), remote-telerobotic concerns the control of a robot
velocities in Vogel et al. (2013). A 3D bounding-box that contains the
from a distance. Hence, it is not suitable for operations that depend on
robot is computed and then projected on the workspace area. Hence, sharing the same environment.
human operators can visualize in real-time the 2D projected robot In the Control Feedback category, the AR assets are mainly em-
workspace directly in the real environment. Finally, in Vogel et al. ployed to have a feedback on:
(2017), the area that encloses the object that has to be manipulated
during the collaborative task and the area that separates the robot from • path: it consists into a feedback on a set of connected points
the human operator are considered in addition to the robot workspace generated by the user;
(Fig. 6). • input recognition: it consists into a feedback on a generic user
4.2. Control feedback In the following sections, the path and input recognition feedback are
The Control Feedback category comprises papers regarding the use 4.2.1. Path
of AR assets as a feedback on an active input. In this work, an active Table 8 shows the path Control Feedback papers. It can be no-
input is defined as: ‘‘the action exerted by the user with the purpose of ticed that the desktop and projected interfaces are the two most used
interacting with the industrial manipulator placed in the same workspace’’. visualization systems.
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Fig. 6. When the human operator violates the working area while the robot is operating, the robot movement is suddenly stopped and the colour of the projected safety zone is
changed to red. Figure published in Vogel et al. (2017), licenced under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
Table 8 AR modality. The results show that in both tasks, the full AR modality
Papers of the path control feedback category. has allowed the users to complete the procedures in almost half of the
Path time, proving that even inexperienced users could intuitively interact
Paper Tracking Device Category Year Quality with the virtual manipulator. Despite these promising results, some
Chong et al. (2009) Marker Desktop Path 2009 3.53 problems have been found related to the user interface used to visualize
Fang et al. (2012a) Marker Desktop Path 2012 3.37 the AR assets. In fact, the desktop interface forced users to continuously
Fang et al. (2014b) Marker Desktop Path 2014 3.25
switch their attention (the user had to alternatively focus on the real
Ong et al. (2020) Marker Wearable Path 2020 3.05
Pai et al. (2015) Marker Desktop Path 2015 3.00
environment and the monitor), thus experiencing distractions, fatigues
Ong et al. (2010) Marker Desktop Path 2010 2.94 and a high cognitive load. Furthermore, users faced some problems to
Fang et al. (2014a) Marker Desktop Path 2015 2.42 detect the real depth of the objects. Finally, Pai et al. (2015) greatly
Quintero et al. (2018) Markerless Wearable Path 2018 2.18 improved the accuracy of the robot control, achieving a position error
Tanzini et al. (2013) Marker Projected Path 2014 1.99
less than ∼ 4 mm using a similar probe and a printed marker.
Zaeh and Vogl (2006) Markerless Projected Path 2008 1.80
Veiga et al. (2013) Markerless Projected Path 2013 1.65 Feedback on a path generation can be also obtained using projected
Fang et al. (2012b) Marker Desktop Path 2012 1.64 AR systems. In Zaeh and Vogl (2006), an interactive programming
Fang et al. (2009) Marker Desktop Path 2010 1.56 AR system to control industrial robots is proposed. A tracked stylus
Andersen et al. (2015) Markerless Projected Path 2015 1.55 is employed to define a virtual path projected on real surfaces. Once
Reinhart et al. (2007) Markerless Projected Path 2007 1.49
the projected path is defined, the motion of a virtual industrial robot
Ong et al. (2006) Marker Desktop Path 2007 1.45
Kyjaneka et al. (2019) Not-Specified Wearable Path 2019 1.30 is represented on a video see-through interface. The results show that
Guhl et al. (2018) Marker Wearable Path 2018 1.29 the proposed user interface allows to program an industrial robot in
Leutert et al. (2013) Markerless Projected Path 2013 0.34 less than one fifth of the time required by a classic teach-in method.
Furthermore, the proposed projected metaphors have been deemed
intuitive and suitable to control the robot. Concerning the precision of
the AR system, the creation of new spatial points by using the stylus is
Concerning the desktop interfaces, several works employed a fixed
bounded by a precision of ∼ 0.5 mm. This accuracy declines when the
camera and custom probes to define virtual paths (Chong et al., 2009;
tip of the stylus has to be positioned above a surface. In addition to the
Fang et al., 2009, 2012a, 2012b, 2014a, 2014b; Ong et al., 2006,
creation and modification of the projected path, Reinhart et al. (2007)
2010; Pai et al., 2015). In Ong et al. (2006) the methodologies to
proposed to exploit the projected points to digitize the workpiece
control a robotic arm using a flat image-based probe with a desktop AR
surfaces. Interpolating the positions of the projected points, a height
interfaces are introduced and evaluated in an emulated environment.
map is projected on the real workpiece. Thus, users are able to generate
Then a heuristic beam search algorithm is introduced in Chong et al.
3D assets of the real workpieces that can be used for collisions checking
(2009) to provide users the ability of easily create an AR path using
in the simulation of motion of the industrial manipulator. Similarly
virtual spheres. Moreover, a virtual asset of the industrial manipulator to Zaeh and Vogl (2006), in Veiga et al. (2013) a projected AR path
is rendered to allow users to figure out whether the manipulator is planning system has been created to provide assistance during the
capable of reaching the generated path. If a point that is not reachable grinding process of ceramic objects. Custom AR paths can be generated
by the end-effector (EE) is generated, the virtual sphere colour is on the ceramic parts, even allowing to define trajectories on complex
changed to red to warn the user. Fang et al. (2009) showed that these objects. The system has been compared to an offline mode (CAD based)
types of AR interfaces may be largely affected by the employed tracking and a teach pendant programming mode in six different grinding and
system’s accuracy, bounded between 10 to 15 mm. In Ong et al. (2010), fettling operations. The results show that the AR path system outper-
a Piecewise Linear Parameterization algorithm is introduced to param- formed the other modalities in term of time required to successfully
eterize the curve generated by the users. It allows to generate a smooth complete the tasks, going from 32 h requested by the offline modality
curve, not affected by the velocity with which users move the probe. to 7 h demanded by the AR system. Fig. 7 shows the described AR path
In Fang et al. (2012a), the flat image target has been replaced with a planning system.
cube composed by 6 different image targets. The use of multiple targets Demolition scenarios are also considered in Tanzini et al. (2013).
allows to track the probe even with large rotations, ensuring more A projected AR system allows users to display demolition path points
flexibility in controlling the virtual robot. Then, a nodes modification on real surfaces. The positions of the projected AR contents can be
mechanism has been added to the system. In fact, users can further controlled by the HOs by using a smartphone. Once the points are
manipulate the virtual path by adding or removing nodes between the generated, a vision system is employed to determine the related co-
start and the end nodes using the tracked probe. A similar system has ordinates that are used by an inverse kinematic solver to derive the
been evaluated in Fang et al. (2012b, 2014b), showing that it is possible final robot joints configuration. Although the robot starts moving as
to achieve an accuracy of 11 mm with a camera positioned at 1.5 m the vision system recognizes the AR contents, the user can still modify
away from the workspace. The overall system has been tested with the position of the assets to improve the precision of the EE. The AR
12 unskilled users in Fang et al. (2014a). They had to complete two system has been compared with a teleoperation modality (i.e. the EE
different tasks to evaluate the node selection and the EE orientation def- is directly controlled). The results show that by using the AR system,
inition mechanisms. Each task has been tested in limited (to emulate a the users completed the tasks in half the time with respect to the
teach-in method) or full (all AR interaction mechanisms were available) teleoperation method. Finally, a projected interface for a collaborative
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Fig. 7. (a): a human operator is defining a projected AR path. (b): the result of the AR path generation. Images published in Veiga et al. (2013), licenced under CC BY 4.0.
stud welding process is proposed in Andersen et al. (2015). Task to the kinaesthetic one. A video showing the system features is available
welding information is dynamically projected on a ship wall by means at.10
of a projector mounted on the EE of an industrial manipulator. The
augmented data locations (represented by red crosses) can be modified 4.2.2. Input recognition
by using an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) device. In case the red Table 9 shows the input recognition Control Feedback papers.
crosses have been placed in wrong positions, the user can move them In this work, an AR feedback has been classified as implicit or
using the IMU device. The precision (the distance between the projected explicit. An AR feedback is defined as implicit when the user visualizes
stud position and the real one) that the current system can reach is only a virtual manipulator performing the corresponding task without
less than 1 cm. However, no feedback mechanism has been added to a representation of the correct input recognition. On the other hand,
the system to inform the user whether the stud positions have been an AR feedback is defined as explicit when the user input itself is
projected in a location reachable by the robot arm. highlighted using some AR assets.
Wearable devices have been also employed to generate AR robot Four different works utilize the implicit AR feedback to represent
paths. In Guhl et al. (2018), a first experiment in using the Microsoft the motion of a virtual manipulator (Araque et al., 2011; Krupke
HoloLens to control industrial robot arms and a discussion related et al., 2018; Manring et al., 2020; Sita et al., 2017). Krupke et al.
to the underlying architecture can be found. In addition to visualize (2018) proposed a comparison between an AR gesture-based interface
the AR path, the user interface provided in Kyjaneka et al. (2019) and an AR gaze-based one. Both user interfaces are combined with
allows users to detect the torques of each axis and to execute the robot speech commands and they allow to select objects of interest that
task using virtual buttons positioned in the real environment. In Ong will be manipulated by a virtual manipulator. The results show that
et al. (2020), a handheld pointer is employed to define a virtual path, the gaze interface has been faster than the gesture one, providing
visualized by means of a modified Oculus Rift device. Two different also lower failure rates. Furthermore, the gaze interface required a
typologies of path can be defined, namely Cartesian and point-to-point significantly lower task load than the gesture one. In Araque et al.
paths. The first type allows the robot to continuously track the input (2011), a Wiimote is employed to control a virtual robotic arm. As
device, following its positions and orientations. On the other hand, in the user moves the Wiimote controller, the controller’s movement is
the point-to-point modality, only some key positions have to be defined translated into angular values that are received by the robot controller
and the robot motion is automatically calculated by a motion planning to update the joint positions of the virtual robot. A similar work is
library. The virtual path is represented by a green virtual line and it proposed in Sita et al. (2017). The main difference is the interaction
can be executed by a virtual manipulator to evaluate its reliability. The paradigm: a mobile wearable device capable of gesture recognition has
authors stated that the proposed system allows to reduce the task time, been employed instead of a motion device. A wearable device is also
passing from 347 s to 63 s for a welding task and from 117 s to 34 s employed in Manring et al. (2020) to visualize the motion of a robotic
for a pick-and-place task. arm. The system supports hand gestures recognition and it can act in
Finally, two different approaches for generating AR paths are pro- two different modalities: Manual Control and Automatic Control. In the
posed in Quintero et al. (2018): the free space and the surface trajec- first modality, as the virtual robot moves, the real one immediately
tories approaches. Users can interact with the trajectories by means of follows its movements, whereas in the second modality the real robot
gesture and speech commands. In the free space approach, trajectories waits for an additional user input before moving to the position of the
are generated automatically using start and end points created by the virtual manipulator.
users. In the surface approach, users have to place all the virtual points Explicit AR feedback can be obtained by highlighting the specific
required to create a path feasible for the robot. The points are con- object that the user wants to manipulate or by directly emphasizing the
strained on a virtual surface, determined by using the HoloLens SLAM user’s interaction through AR contents. In Blankemeyer et al. (2018), a
capability. The virtual paths are editable and users can dynamically wearable AR device is employed to control a real robotic arm. After
add, modify or delete points. Moreover, the system allows to visualize an initial calibration phase, users can interact with several virtual
the motion of a virtual manipulator along the path. The system has been objects exploiting the gesture recognition capabilities of the wearable
tested by comparing it with a kinaesthetic teaching modality for a pick- device. Once the objects are selected, the user input is sent to the robot
and-place task. The results shows that the users have been faster using controller to assemble the virtual objects. Frank et al. (2016) developed
the proposed user interface with respect to the kinaesthetic modality. an AR mobile interface whereby users can control a 6-DOF robotic arm
Nonetheless, since the users had to memorize a set of vocal commands through a tablet. An image target is used to establish a mutual reference
to generate the virtual path, the proposed user interface required a
greater mental load than the kinaesthetic modality. Regarding physical
workload, the proposed system was instead less demanding compared https://youtu.be/amV6P72DwEQ.
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Table 9
Papers of the input recognition control feedback category.
Input recognition
Paper Tracking Device Category Year Quality
Frank et al. (2017) Marker Handheld Input recognition 2017 3.50
Peng et al. (2018) Markerless Wearable Input recognition 2018 2.43
Frank et al. (2016) Marker Handheld Input recognition 2016 2.20
Gao and Huang (2019) Markerless Projected Input recognition 2019 2.18
Hügle et al. (2017) Marker Handheld Input recognition 2017 2.05
Krupke et al. (2018) Marker Wearable Input recognition 2018 2.03
Lambrecht and Krüger (2012) Markerless Handheld Input recognition 2013 1.87
Blankemeyer et al. (2018) Marker Wearable Input recognition 2018 1.57
Manring et al. (2020) Markerless Wearable Input recognition 2019 1.25
Dinh et al. (2017) Marker Wearable Input recognition 2017 1.19
Sita et al. (2017) Not-Specified Wearable Input recognition 2017 0.16
Araque et al. (2011) Marker Desktop Input recognition 2011 0.14
frame between the tablet and the robotic arm. Users can indicate to pinch, zoom, rotate, pan and swipe. An object tracking module has been
the robotic arm which real objects should be manipulated by using the added to the system to recognize the interactable objects. Once a combi-
mobile interface. If a real object is selected, a virtual representation nation of gestures and fingertip movements (recognized by the tangible
of the object is superimposed to highlight the selection. The virtual interface) is recognized, the system automatically translates the user
assets can be moved by specifying starting and ending positions. Once input into a program executed by the robotic arm. Users select objects
the objects are selected, an inverse kinematic algorithm is applied of interest that are dynamically highlighted using virtual metaphors.
to find the correct joints values and a path is planned between the The AR system has been compared with a traditional Program-by-
starting and ending positions. Both objective and subjective parameters Demonstration (PbD) approach in a pick-and-place task. The results
of the system have been tested. The results indicate that participants show that the proposed system required less time and it was prone to
have been able to accurately control the manipulator. No differences fewer errors than the traditional one. Furthermore, the AR system has
between the calculated and the ideal poses of the real objects have been assessed as requiring less workload with respect to the PbD one.
been found. The system has been extended in Frank et al. (2017) Regarding the use of AR contents in collaborative human–robot 3D
considering also egocentric and exocentric user interfaces. Despite users printing processes, an interesting approach is presented in Peng et al.
still visualize the augmented environment using an handheld device, (2018). Users are able to create 3D models using a custom wearable AR
with the egocentric user interface the visualization is provided from device. When the users are modelling virtual assets, the models’ virtual
the perspective of a camera mounted on the robotic arm. Users can coordinates are sent to a robotic arm to start the 3D printing process
control the camera tilt and pan movements by exploiting the device of the real objects.
accelerometer and gyroscope. On the other hand, a fixed camera has Finally, an AR collaborative user interface for taping robots is pre-
been mounted to the ceiling to provide a top-down overview of the sented in Dinh et al. (2017). The HO is able to indicate to the industrial
workspace in the exocentric user interface. The two user interfaces manipulator the area to be isolated using laser pointers. Giving the
and the previous one (Frank et al., 2016) have been compared in a starting and final positions, the system can generate a reliable taping
pick-and-place scenario. Although the results do not show significantly path directly on the real object. A vision system connected to the
differences in terms of success rate, statistically meaningful differences robot detects the laser positions and, in case of a correct recognition,
have been found between the egocentric and exocentric user interfaces a small red circle is superimposed on the starting and the ending path
in terms of task time. Since the camera did not have to be moved, the positions. Then, using the defined positions, a taped area is calculated
users have been faster with the exocentric user interface than with the and projected on the real object.
egocentric one. Regarding subjective parameters, the users encountered
more difficulties in using the egocentric user interface that has required 4.3. Informative
high levels of mental and physical workload. Fig. 8 shows an operator
interacting with the AR environment using an handheld device. The Informative category comprises works related to the use of AR
Hand gestures can be also highlighted using AR. In Lambrecht assets to display task or robot information. Task information works
and Krüger (2012), an AR spatial programming system is proposed. focus on using AR assets to display generic task data, such as the current
Users can define poses and trajectories by using pointing gestures. step procedure or instructions. Robot information projects focus on
As the gestures are recognized by the system, feedback on the cor- the use of augmented metaphors to display robot data, such as joint
rect/incorrect gesture recognition is displayed on a handheld device values or robot intentions. In the following sections, the task and robot
by surrounding the real hand with yellow and green lines. Then, the information categories are presented and discussed.
corresponding trajectory is displayed using additional virtual blue lines.
Finally, the desired path is transferred to the robot controller. The 4.3.1. Task information
results show that, although the time required to program the robot is Table 10 presents the Task Information papers along with the
significantly reduced, the frame rate drastically drops at 5 fps when the quality assessment obtained in Section 3.3.
AR system is enabled. A similar approach is proposed in Hügle et al. In this work, AR instructions are classified as static/dynamic and
(2017). The AR gesture recognition procedure proposed in Lambrecht interactive/not-interactive. An AR instruction is considered as static when
and Krüger (2012) has been improved by using a special particle filter its spatial position is context-independent. Once the AR instruction
called Condensation (Lambrecht, Walzel, & Krüger, 2013). In addition is generated, its position will no longer be modified. On the other
to displaying gesture recognition feedback, the orientation of the EE is hand, AR instructions are considered as dynamic when their spatial
visualized by means of a virtual flag. Although the results show that positions can change according to the context or to the user input. Both
the time required to program the robot has been significantly reduced, typologies of AR instructions can be also interactive or not-interactive,
less programming errors have been made using the traditional offline depending on whether the user can modify the information displayed
programming methods. Gestures are also recognized in Gao and Huang by the AR assets or not.
(2019) combined with a tangible interface and a projection system to In Michalos et al. (2018), static not-interactive information is dis-
program a robotic arm. The system supports different types of gestures: played to support technicians in a collaborative assembly scenario
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Fig. 8. The selection of the objects is highlighted using virtual assets, superimposed on the real objects. Figure published in Frank et al. (2017), licenced under CC BY 4.0.
Table 10
Papers of the task information category.
Task information
Paper Tracking Device Category Year Quality
Michalos et al. (2018) Marker Wearable Task Info 2018 4.32
Makris et al. (2016) Marker Wearable Task Info 2016 3.31
Tavares et al. (2019) Markerless Projected Task Info 2019 2.77
De Tommaso et al. (2012) Markerless Projected Task Info 2012 2.68
Michalos et al. (2016) Marker Wearable Task Info 2016 2.19
Lenz and Knoll (2014) Markerless Projected Task Info 2014 1.92
Danielsson et al. (2017) Marker Handheld Task Info 2017 1.88
Materna et al. (2018) Marker Projected Task Info 2018 1.75
Charoenseang and Tonggoed (2011) Marker Desktop Task Info 2011 1.62
Liu and Wang (2017) Markerless Desktop Task Info 2017 1.54
Claassen et al. (2014) Markerless Projected Task Info 2014 1.42
Kyjaneka et al. (2019) Not-Specified Wearable Task Info 2019 1.30
Dinh et al. (2017) Marker Wearable Task Info 2017 1.19
Materna et al. (2017) Marker Projected Task Info 2017 0.12
Araiza-Illan et al. (2019) Marker Wearable Task Info 2019 0.04
(a more in depth description has been already given in 4.1). During In Liu and Wang (2017), Liu H. et al. proposed an AR interface to
the robot and collaborative human–robot operations, instructions and display dynamic assembly information to assist HOs during a human–
warning information are sent to HOs to inform them on the system robot collaborative assembly procedure. The system uses a fixed camera
status. The related Graphic-Unit-Interface (GUI) is similar to the one
to recognize the assembly tools placed in the workspace. Once the
presented in Makris et al. (2016) and Michalos et al. (2016). The
objects are recognized, the homography matrix is computed to display
assembly, warning and production information is displayed as a text
in the top area of the GUI in order not to interfere with the FoV. augmented names of the assembly tools close to the real objects. In
Different colours have been used to highlight the different typologies addition to the augmented names, integer numbers are also superim-
of messages: green colour for the assembly instructions and the red one posed on the real objects to inform the user in which order the objects
for the warning messages (see Fig. 9). should be assembled. A similar work is proposed in Charoenseang and
A similar user interface is proposed in Danielsson et al. (2017): Tonggoed (2011). Once the objects to be assembled are tracked using
here HOs can visualize on a GUI a set of text-based instructions that
a marker-based system, some 3D virtual shapes are superimposed on
are regularly updated depending on the specific step of the assembly
them to guide the users during the task.
Concerning the visualization of static interactive AR information, Another dynamic projected interface for an assembly task can be
in Dinh et al. (2017) AR data are displayed by a wearable AR device found in Lenz and Knoll (2014). The system is composed of a robotic
(the system has been already introduced in 4.2) in the real workspace. arm surrounded by several Microsoft Kinects and one projector. The
The operator can visualize text-based task instructions close to the
system can project task information or it can provide feedback about
taping area and he/she can navigate through them using the custom
the system status. The HO can interact with the projected interface
handheld device. Similarly, in Araiza-Illan et al. (2019) the users can
interact with a virtual menu positioned close to the real manipulator. using several virtual buttons to both control the robot itself and to
Moreover, a wrist camera has been added to the robot itself to improve control the assembly process. The AR assets change their spatial po-
the precision of a pick-and-place task. sitions and the task information according to the assembly procedure.
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Fig. 9. Task information is displayed on the top area of the GUI. The green colour indicates that it represents an assembly instruction. Figure published in Makris et al. (2016),
license courtesy provided by Elsevier N. 4817880214761, Apr. 28, 2020. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)
A demonstrative video can be found at.11 A similar work is proposed The results show that if the projection angle is kept constant around
in Materna et al. (2017) and in its updated version (Materna et al., 30◦ , the detection rate does not fall below 90%. On the other hand, it
2018). In Materna et al. (2018), an interactive dynamic projected drops significantly if the angle exceeds 50◦ of inclination.
AR system is proposed. The system projects the list of available pro-
grams directly on the surface of the touch-enabled table. Depending 4.3.2. Robot information
on whether the program contains all the required parameters, the Table 11 presents the Robot Information papers along with the
instructions are displayed with green (all parameters set) or red (some quality assessment obtained in 3.3.
parameters have to be set) colours. The projected GUI provides interac- AR contents can be used to display data relative to the industrial
tive buttons and it can be moved at will, exploiting the touch capability manipulator (Deac et al., 2017; Malỳ et al., 2016). In Deac et al.
of the table. To provide more information about the system status, (2017) a desktop interface is employed to visualize virtual informa-
objects recognized by the system are highlighted by green rectangles tion related to the industrial robot components. Malỳ et al. (2016)
(a demonstrative video can be found at12 ). The system has been tested developed an AR interface to highlight an industrial manipulator. The
in a collaborative assembly procedure with six participants. The results main objective of this work is to appraise the effectiveness of the AR
indicated that users had difficulty in understanding the current state interface when the user is freely moving around the environment. The
of the system and they have not always been able to clearly figure AR application enables the users to visualize the robot in three different
out which instruction should be carried out. Moreover, users did not modalities: ‘‘outline’’, ‘‘virtual robot ’’ and ‘‘real robot ’’. Three different
always place the interface at the most appropriate position, making it virtual metaphors have been added to the AR interface to indicate some
difficult to read the current system status and thus slowing down the specific parts of the robot: 3D arrows, virtual leading lines and virtual
overall assembly procedure. Tavares et al. (2019) proposed a projected text. The AR interface has been evaluated by comparing a wearable
AR system to assist operators in a welding task. The projection system and a handheld device. The results show that the limited FoV of the
indicates the area in which technicians should place and weld the wearable device has forced the users to keep distance from the virtual
metal parts. In this way, technicians do not need to employ objects for objects, increasing chances of user accidents with the surroundings.
measurement (e.g. rules, squares, etc.) that can lead to undesired errors. Moreover, the handheld device has outperformed the wearable glasses
The system has been compared with a traditional procedure and the in term of marker detection, recognizing the markers from a distance
authors stated that the AR system allowed to achieve a significant time of 1 m with respect to a distance of 0.6 m for the wearable device.
reduction, passing from 18 min to 11 min. A demonstrative video can Regarding the visualization techniques, the outline or virtual reality
be found at.13 Regarding the positioning of the GUI, works in Claassen modalities have been considered more effective to augment the real
et al. (2014) and De Tommaso et al. (2012) present two different robot. Text and 3D arrows have deemed more suitable than the leading
approaches. In De Tommaso et al. (2012), a tangible interface for line to highlight some specific parts of the robot. Finally, outcomes
transferring skills from a HO to a robot manipulator is proposed. A show that the text visualized on the wearable device should not exceed
projection system is employed to use the workspace as a touchable 1 line with 30 characters. In addition to highlight some specific parts of
interface where AR instructions are dynamically projected taking into a robot, joint torque is considered in Manring et al. (2020) (the system
account the HO’s position and orientation. Hence, the GUI can be has been already presented in Section 4.2.2). The motion plan of the
projected in such a position that it is always visible to the user. robot is extracted in real-time and it is used by an inverse dynamics
In Claassen et al. (2014), an active dynamic AR interface to control solver to determine the joint torques. Depending on the intensity of
a mobile industrial manipulator is proposed. The main objective of the the torque, the virtual joints are coloured with cold or hot colours.
system is to find a suitable planar surface to project an interactive AR assets can be also used to visualize the intention of the industrial
AR interface. The projected interface has been tested to evaluate its manipulators. In Andersen et al. (2016), an object-aware dynamic pro-
robustness and applicability. More than one thousand user inputs have jection system is presented. The system is capable of tracking moving
been evaluated to understand how the position of the projection system objects using a RGB camera. During the tracking procedure, a projected
relative to the projection plane affects the gesture detection algorithm. wireframe of the tracked object is overlapped on the real one using
different colours to provide feedback of the tracking system. Once the
object has been tracked, the projection system can display in real-
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpXkEd6y1LE. time the future intentions of the manipulator, showing which specific
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQqNLy6mE8w&feature=youtu.be. parts of the object will be manipulated by the robot. The usability
https://tinyurl.com/yyrnavw9. of the proposed user interface has been evaluated by comparing it
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Table 11
Papers of the robot information category.
Robot information
Paper Tracking Device Category Year Quality
Wakita et al. (2001) Markerless Projected Robot Info 2001 2.36
Malỳ et al. (2016) Marker Wearable Robot Info 2016 2.34
Andersen et al. (2016) Markerless Projected Robot Info 2016 2.31
Chakraborti et al. (2018) Marker Wearable Robot Info 2018 1.93
Liu et al. (2018) Marker Wearable Robot Info 2018 1.93
Palmarini, del Amo et al. (2018) Marker Handheld Robot Info 2018 1.83
Weng et al. (2019) Markerless Projected Robot Info 2019 1.65
Shi et al. (2019) Markerless Projected Robot Info 2019 1.58
Liu et al. (2016) Markerless Projected Robot Info 2016 1.55
Dietrich et al. (2010) Marker Desktop Robot Info 2010 1.54
Ruffaldi et al. (2016) Marker Wearable Robot Info 2016 1.38
Kyjaneka et al. (2019) Not-Specified Wearable Robot Info 2019 1.30
Manring et al. (2020) Markerless Wearable Robot Info 2019 1.25
Deac et al. (2017) Marker Desktop Robot Info 2017 1.19
Leutert et al. (2013) Markerless Projected Robot Info 2013 0.34
worker’s hands, a small red circle is superimposed on the hand to let the
user know that the system is correctly recognizing his/her movements.
Furthermore, the recognition of the human intentions is used to plan
in real-time the robot movements that are projected in advance on
the working area. Weng et al. (2019) analysed the features needed
to optimally reference target objects. By mathematically determining
the positions and orientations of the virtual metaphors, the robot is
capable of expressing its intentions, highlighting with virtual projected
arrows the objects of interest. The results show that relative angle
and edge proximity features improve the accuracy of the system. The
use of 3D virtual metaphors to display robot intentions has been also
considered (Dietrich et al., 2010; Palmarini, del Amo et al., 2018).
In Palmarini, del Amo et al. (2018), a handheld AR system is proposed
to visualize the future motion of a robotic arm in an assembly scenario
(Fig. 10). The results show that safety is deemed as the most critical
aspect of a human–robot collaborative system and users should be given
context-awareness information to enhance its perception.
A similar work is proposed in Dietrich et al. (2010). In addition
to visualizing the robot motion intention as a 3D virtual wireframe,
the system provides the possibility to visualize the internal state of
the robot. Thus, users can quickly realize whether robot sensors are
affected by faults, lowering repairing time. Further examples of robot
internal state visualization can be found in Chakraborti et al. (2018)
Fig. 10. Human operators can understand robot intentions visualizing the AR repre- and Liu et al. (2018). Chakraborti et al. (2018) presented a system
sentation of the manipulator. Figure published in Palmarini, del Amo et al. (2018), that allows humans and robots to collaborate in solving puzzles. The
licenced under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. (For interpretation of the references to colour in user can visualize which object will be manipulated by means of the
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Microsoft HoloLens device. Objects are highlighted using 3D virtual
arrows (a demonstrative video can be found at14 ). In Liu et al. (2018),
a conceptually similar work is presented whereby users are capable of
with a desktop and a paper-text interface. The results indicate that the analysing the internal robot knowledge structure, thus understanding
projected interface has been preferred in terms of effectiveness and the reasons behind the robot’s choices. Finally, work in Shi et al. (2019)
efficiency. Despite these outcomes, the paper-text approach has been analysed which vision algorithm should be used to let the robot know
considered suitable to have an overview of the overall task. In the where the human gaze is positioned. Feature descriptors are employed
projected and desktop interfaces, the AR instructions were displayed to project the gaze point from an image acquired from an eye tracking
and updated at each step of the procedure. Hence, users were not able camera to the image acquired by the manipulator camera. Experiments
to know what they were supposed to do after the current instruction. have been carried out by comparing several descriptors in motion
Three other similar works have been proposed in Liu et al. (2016), and no-motion conditions. The results show that all the considered
Wakita et al. (2001) and Weng et al. (2019). Wakita et al. (2001) descriptors optimally performed in no-motion condition. As motion
presented a system to improve the cooperation between a HO and a is introduced, the accuracy drops for most of them, but for BRISK,
robotic arm in a hand-to-hand delivery scenario. Besides displaying AKAZE and SURF it seems to remain stable, although they cannot
satisfy real-time requirements.
the future motion of the robotic arm, the person’s expectation that the
robot is intently looking at him/her has been added to the projection 5. Results
system. Hence, the HOs can realize when the robot is watching at their
actions and whether their actions have been correctly understood by This section reports the principal findings of this work. The aim of
the robot. In Liu et al. (2016), a projected AR system is employed this SLR is to answer to questions Q1, Q2 and Q3 presented in Sec-
to improve the safety of HOs in a collaborative assembly scenario. tion 3.1. In the following, the three questions are reviewed separately.
The system is capable of displaying three different typologies of in-
formation: the human intentions, the robot intentions and warnings
of possible task failures. As the system identifies the position of the https://goo.gl/SLgCPE.
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Fig. 11. (a): the interface repartition. (b): the tracking repartition. (c) - (d): the interfaces and tracking distribution over the time, respectively.
5.1. What are the main uses of AR technologies in the HRC context?
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Fig. 13. (a) - (b): the Control Feedback category repartition and the Control Feedback AR interfaces, respectively. (c) - (d): the Informative category repartition and the Informative
AR interfaces, respectively. (e) - (f): the Workspace category repartition and the Workspace AR interfaces, respectively.
• visualize general tasks or robot information; noticed that only the work proposed in Quintero et al. (2018) has
• visualize the industrial robot workspace. assessed the system considering also expert users.
Moreover, regarding the different typologies of AR interfaces: Regarding the proposed classification, the Control Feedback cate-
gory is the most tested one, followed by the Informative and Workspace
• projected interfaces seem to be the most promising ones; categories (see Figs. 15a, 15b and 15c). Objective data have been
• since the wearable interfaces are the newest ones, more research evaluated in all three categories whereas the subjective ones have been
is needed to evaluate their effectiveness; assessed only in the Control Feedback and Informative categories (see
• handheld and desktop interfaces do not seem adequate for the Figs. 15b, 15d and 15f). The most analysed objective data are the
HRC context; following:
• marker-based technology is still the most employed but marker-
less solutions are becoming increasingly popular. • time required to complete the task;
• number of user errors;
5.2. What are the main strengths and weaknesses of the AR technologies in • tracking precision.
the HRC context?
On the other hand, the most assessed subjective data are the following:
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Fig. 14. (a): the 51% of the collected works have evaluated the proposed system. (b): the subjective (SUB), objective (OB) parameters analysed. (c): the 56% of the test papers
have evaluated the system carrying out user tests.
• System Usability Scale (Brooke et al., 1996): a 10-item question- 5.3. What are the potential future developments of AR technologies in the
naire on a 5-likert scale used to evaluate the usability; HRC context?
• AttrakDiff (Hassenzahl, Burmester, & Koller, 2003): a question-
naire used to evaluate the perceived pragmatic and hedonic qual- The fair number of collected papers suggests that the use of AR
technologies to improve the collaboration with industrial robots is in an
early stage yet. Nonetheless, given the results presented in Sections 5.1
• NASA TLX (Hart & Staveland, 1988): a questionnaire used to
and 5.2, it is possible to make some considerations.
evaluate the perceived workload.
Despite projected AR systems seeming to be the most effective and
appreciated visualization systems, they have not been assessed with
Generally, the reduction of the time needed to complete a specific
expert users yet. Wearable interfaces have not been properly evaluated
task is the main advantage. Analysing the subjective data, it turns out
neither by unskilled nor by expert users. Hence, it is till not clear how
that users felt more comfortable and satisfied using AR systems than they can be employed to improve the HRC context. Researchers should
interacting with traditional approaches (such as kinaesthetic teaching improve their evaluation considering also that the wearable interfaces
or joypad control). Outcomes that seem to be confirmed by the us- are still negatively affected by hardware limitations that reduce their
ability results that present higher scores for the AR systems than the usability (such as the narrow FoV). More research should be done
traditional approaches. Finally, AR systems tend to reduce the physical also in the Workspace category and it is till not clear why it has not
workload whereas the mental one seems to depend on the interaction been widely considered so far. In a human–robot collaborative scenario,
HOs and industrial robots work side by side and visualizing the robot
system (e.g. mental workload may increase using AR systems along
workspace should increase the sense of safety.
with speech interfaces Krupke et al., 2018). Concerning weaknesses,
It is worth noticing that, independently of the category, AR systems
the main concerns are related to the tracking accuracy and to oc- should be always tested involving a number of users sufficient to obtain
clusion problems. Depending on the category, the required accuracy statistically significant data. It is essential that researchers, academics
may vary, deeply affecting the performance of the system (e.g. an AR and industrialists involve a greater number of people in evaluating
control system may require higher accuracy with respect to an AR the effectiveness of the AR in the HRC context. Since both AR and
informative system). Conversely, occlusions could lead to the loss of collaborative industrial robots are strongly increasing their presence in
the tracking system, making the virtual assets disappear from the scene. the Industry 4.0 domain, it can be expected that their combined use
becomes increasingly analysed and studied. It is expected that collab-
Some concerns have been also found related to the narrow FoV of the
orative robots will replace industrial robots, combining the efficiency
wearable devices that do not allow to properly visualize the augmented
of the robots with the flexibility of the human operators (Perez-Ubeda,
environment. Summarizing, the AR main strengths are the following: Gutierrez, Zotovic, & Lluch-Cerezo, 2019). Hence innovative interfaces
should be designed in order to truly exploit collaborative robot features.
• AR systems are faster than traditional approaches;
It is crucial that human–robot augmented interfaces are designed using
• AR systems are more appreciated by users in terms of likeability
a human-centred approach. HOs should be positioned at the centre of the
and usability; design process to correctly figure out which type of information is still
• AR seems to reduce physical workload whereas the mental one missing, achieving a truly human–robot collaboration scenario.
depends on the interaction interface. Summarizing, the potential future developments of AR technologies
in the HRC context are the following:
The main weaknesses are the following:
• all AR interfaces should be more evaluated from a user’s point of
• tracking accuracy; view, considering also expert users;
• occlusion problems; • there is a huge research gap in the use of wearable interfaces with
• FoVs of AR wearable devices. industrial robots;
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
Fig. 15. (a) - (c) - (e): the amount of works that have performed tests in each category. (b) - (d) - (f): the analysed parameters of each category. CFC stands for Control Feedback
category, IC stands for Informative category and WC stands for Workspace category.
• more tests should be performed for the Workspace category; works have evaluated the effectiveness of AR technology performing
• a human-centred approach should be applied for the design step tests that involve users. Since facilities should start to effectively em-
of AR interfaces. ploy collaborative robots in a few years, original interfaces should be
developed to improve the human–robot collaboration in order to truly
6. Conclusion exploit collaborative robot features. Besides improving the underlying
technology, a human-centred design approach should be employed by
This paper presents the current state of the art about the use of AR involving a greater number of users, thus understanding the effective
interfaces in human–robot collaborative scenarios. A SLR approach has usability and acceptability of the AR interfaces.
been used to gather and analyse the selected papers. Specifically, the
employed protocol is based on the SALSA framework, which ensures 7. Supplementary materials
both the transferability and reproducibility of this study. Starting from
The original list of the collected papers, along with the employed
3734 initial papers, 63 papers have been deemed suitable to answer
classification can be found at.15 It consists of an Excel file. Sheet
the three research questions: (Q1) What are the main uses of AR
‘‘1_3734’’ contains the papers list. Sheet ‘‘Sheet_1’’ contains the related
technologies in the HRC context? (Q2) What are the main strengths
and weaknesses of the AR technologies in the HRC context? (Q3)
What are the potential future developments of AR technologies in CRediT authorship contribution statement
the HRC context? Three different main categories related to the use
of AR in the HRC context have been identified: Workspace, Control Francesco De Pace: Conceptualization, Writing - original draft,
Feedback and Informative. Overall, it seems that before AR technology Writing - review & editing. Federico Manuri: Methodology, Formal
is effectively used on the production lines, some efforts still need to
be done to deeply investigate its strengths and weaknesses. Despite
some results consistent with the current AR state of the art (task 15
completion time reduction and user experience enhancement), too few yysD.
F. De Pace et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 149 (2020) 106806
analysis. Andrea Sanna: Supervision, Writing - original draft, Writing Fang, H., Ong, S., & Nee, A. (2014a). Novel AR-based interface for human-robot
- review & editing. Claudio Fornaro: Supervision. interaction and visualization. Advances in Manufacturing, 2(4), 275–288.
Fang, H., Ong, S., & Nee, A. (2014b). A novel augmented reality-based interface for
robot path planning. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing
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