Paper PID 001
Paper PID 001
Paper PID 001
Abstract— This paper presents the application of the applications. Accordingly, today there are thousands of new
augmented reality technology (AR) in the industrial field. Based AR applications available that are waiting for millions of
on industrial use cases the implementation of two AR potential users - users who already have the necessary
applications and their potential to digitize the product lifecycle hardware [3].
processes will be discussed. The use cases were developed within
cooperation projects between the University of Applied Sciences Despite the exponential technological development that AR
Karlsruhe and a firefighting equipment and fire truck has experienced in recent years, currently no observable and
manufacturer and have the following topics: maintenance significant breakthrough for this technology can be noted in the
engineering, and product configuration management. The industrial environment. According to a trend study by Tata
objective behind the realization of the use cases is the Consultancy Services and Bitkom Research, only around 15%
investigation of the AR application in the industry and its of industrial companies in Germany used AR in their business
capability as digital transformation technology along the product processes in 2019 [4]. According to the same trend study, the
lifecycle. The presented use cases deliver experiences and major hurdles for the introduction of new digital technologies
suggestions in terms of praxis-oriented development and such as AR within industrial companies can be summarized as
deployment of the AR technology in the engineering field, which follows: lack of skilled employees with new digital
can be used for prospective AR research works. technologies; direct benefits for the own processes not
recognizable; Lack of acceptance among the company staff;
Keywords—Augmented Reality (AR); Industrial Digitization;
Maintenance Engineering, Configuration Management, Scrum
lack of time due to the daily workload. These aspects were the
method. major motivation for the initiation of the implementation of the
presented use cases. The carrying out of the use cases can be
considered as feasibility study that has the investigation of the
I. INTRODUCTION follows topics as main objective: the needed implementation
The Progress in information and communication effort for AR application; the benefit and potential of AR for
technologies (ICT) eliminated economic and technical business processes; the employees’ acceptance for the AR
restrictions and creates completely new opportunities for technology. The AR use cases were carried out for the business
action. This leads to innovations that were previously simply areas "Maintenance Engineering", and "Product Configuration
unimaginable [1]. This process is called "digital Management".
transformation" and is defined by the MIT Center of Digital
Business as “the use of new digital technologies (e.g. social II. DEFINITION AND APPLICATION OF AUGMENTED REALITY
media, smartphone, analysis and integrated devices) to enable
significant improvements and to increase the performance of According to Azuma [5] Augmented Reality (AR) is a
the processes in the business environment (e.g. improve the variation of Virtual Environments (VE), or Virtual Reality as it
customer experience, streamline operations or create new is more commonly called. VE technologies completely
business models) [2]. Augmented Reality Technology is one of immerse a user inside a synthetic environment. While
the key technologies of digital transformation in industrial and immersed, the user cannot see the real world around him. In
non-industrial areas. Due to the rapid development of display contrast, AR allows the user to see the real world, with virtual
hardware, new interaction devices and tracking systems, virtual objects superimposed upon or composited with the real world.
and augmented reality applications are being developed today Therefore, AR supplements reality, rather than completely
that would only have been possible in large research replacing it. Baranyi et al [6] see that the AR technology has
laboratories a few years ago [3]. Indeed, modern smartphones common interests with the CogInfoCom approach. One of the
and tablet computers, although they were mostly not primarily primary goals of CogInfoCom in this respect is to be able to
purchased by their users for AR, are now very useful with their augment the sensory capabilities of both the human user and
cameras, sensors and computing performance as the basis for the artificially cognitive system so that they can communicate
AR systems. Large companies like Google or Apple provide with each other at a higher level, thus alleviating the difficulties
SDK (Software Development Kit) for the development of AR of human-virtual machine interaction and the conflicting goals
of situation awareness and unencumberment [7]. A common and fit, in their house [9]. The automobile manufacturer
example for an application of Augmented Reality would be the Volkswagen has used AR to investigate and to plan a new hall
insertion of further information during the live broadcast of a building for a new factory. The AR application enables a
soccer game. Offside lines or goal distances during a free kick completeness check and the reliable detection of position
are digitally shown on TV [8]. According to Azuma AR system deviations on the construction site [8]. AR technology has
should have the following three basic characteristics [5] (Fig. already found its way into education. AR applications put
1): students into the story, what makes learning more lively.
Instructors can use AR as distracting technology to motivate
Combines real and virtual: using sensors (e.g. camera, and engage the students [11] [12]. According to Horvath and
gyroscope, GPS) the real observed objects can be Sudar, there are some significant and determinate research
detected and oriented according the user position in the results on learning efficiency related to AR technology: 30%
real time. Based on the position of the real object and faster student’s activity and team work, 50% better information
the perspective view of the user, the virtual objects can comprehension, 50% more complex information sharing, 30%
be rendered and superimposed in the right geometric less user operations, 80% less machine operations in the same
size and orientation in the 3D space. digital workflow [13]. The AR can also be useful to integrate
Interactive in real time: by means of user interfaces people with disabilities in the daily activities and to encourage
(e.g. touchscreen, hand gestures, microphone, them to interact socially. As example, a research Team at the
earphone) can the user interact (input / output of data) university of Pannonia in Hungary has applied the AR
with the real and the virtual objects in real time (e.g. technology to develop an indoor navigation for people with
overlay or hide digital data). visual impairment. The indoor navigation system identifies the
location of people with visual impairment using the computer
Visualization in 3D: 3D visualization of the virtual vision tags as AR marker and navigate to destination using the
objects in the 3D space can be done using special shortest path [14].
graphic software and hardware (e.g. HMD, Display of
tablet computers and smartphones). The 3D The AR technology is expected to perform well in the
visualization must be linked to the user and follow its future, especially towards the development of intuitive human-
motion, so that the 3D virtual object can be rendered in machine interfaces [15]. The International Data Corporation
the real time according to the relative position of user predicts an enormous market growth from 0.2 bn. USD in 2016
to the real object. to 48.7 bn. USD in 2021 [16]. In spite of the depicted trend,
current applications in the industry sector are often
characterized as proprietary [14]. Especially the transfer from a
laboratory environment towards industry is considered to be
inhibited by specific requirements [17].
11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications – CogInfoCom 2020 • September 23-25, 2020 • Online on MaxWhere 3D Web
an AR application for a production planning process, however department. Horváth [25, 26] presented a new edu-coaching
it has not been realized into a concert AR application and there method based on the interactive participation of students, with
is a lack of practice relevance. Mura et al. [19] proposed an the implementation of augmented learning “adjusted to the life
approach for system based on the interaction between a force situation” in the 3d virtual space MaxWhere. Using the edu-
sensor and an AR equipment, used to give the worker during a coaching method with ICT devices and internet including
manual assembly process the necessary information about the collective knowledge facilitates the opportunities of distant,
correct assembly sequence and alert him in case of errors. self-conscious learning. Boda el al [27] discussed the
During this work two AR devices were used and tested: a implementation of a 3D virtual library model (3DVLM) based
video-mixing spatial display and an optical see-through on the on the structure of the classification system of the
apparatus. The presented approach was developed for a small ancient Library of Alexandria devised by the famous poet,
and simple assembly process and had prototypical character Callimachus in the 3rd century BC. The 3DVLM provides
with open issues and weaknesses. Servan et al. [20] developed augmented presentation features with 3D virtual environment
an approach for using AR in AIRBUS A400M shop floor including augmented search and presentation functions.
assembly work instructions. To replace the elaborate paper- Bujdosó et al. [28] proposed a new augmented cognitive
based work instructions (e.g. drawings of components, torques process for improving inventive thinking in computer sciences
to be applied, sealing system characteristics or paste, etc.) education using the collaborative virtual reality system
AIRBUS Military developed within the MOON project MaxWhere. The new method was applied during an IT course.
(asseMbly Oriented authOring augmeNted reality) an AR- The reactions, the activities and the progress of the students’
based assembly work instruction approach. MOON uses 3D cognitive thinking while they organize their materials in the 3D
information from the iDMU (industrial Digital Mock-Up) to virtual environment were examined. The applied methods
generate assembly instructions by applying Augmented Reality brought positive results. Students were motivated and active
technology. A demonstrator was developed for the electrical during the semester and they worked a lot also at home and
harness routing in the of the AIRBUS A400M. The results of beyond the course requirements.
the project showed that the use of augmented reality in the
shop floor was a feasible alternative to the conventional paper- IV. METHODOLOGY
based documentation. The project proposed a methodology,
named MOON, based on the combination of these two The realization of the presented use cases has been done by
techniques: iDMU and augmented reality. The paper of applying the scrum product design and project management
Rentzos el al. [21] presents an approach for a semantic-based framework. Scrum is an agile process framework for managing
AR system used for the integration of the existing information complex knowledge work, with an initial emphasis on software
and knowledge, available in CAD/PDM systems, for real-time development, although it has been used in other fields and is
support of the human operator during the assembly process. slowly starting to be explored for other complex work, research
This approach is supported by an algorithm used for the and advanced technologies [29]. Scrum is a lightweight,
generation of the AR instructions based on the product and iterative and incremental framework for managing complex
process semantics. Based on this approach a prototype was work [29]. It is suitable for development projects dealing with
developed and tested on a laboratory environment for some new innovative technologies with unpredictable challenges and
first feedback on the usability and impact on the assembly outcomes such as the AR technology, for which conventional
operations. Palmarini et al. [22] proposed a process to ease the predictive and planned product design and project management
selection of an AR system for supporting maintenance approaches are not suited [29]. For the implementation of the
operation. The selection process represents a guide to identify use cases a so-called scrum team was built, which contains a
the requirements and the constraints for any specific AR representative from the business unit “product owner”, a
application through a number of questions to help with the “development team” of students and a project manager “scrum
selection of the suitable AR hardware and software system. master”. The implementation of the use cases was structured in
The novelty of this work is a method which allows non-experts several successive iteration loops also known as sprint. Each
to take a top-level decision for selecting an AR system. sprint starts with a sprint planning event that establishes a
Caricato et al. [23] developed a multi-criteria model which sprint goal. The team accepts what they agree is ready and
integrates technical and organizational metrics to provide translate this into a sprint backlog, with a breakdown of the
reliable decision support system for analyzing the application work required and an estimated forecast for the sprint goal.
of AR technologies in manufacturing. Using this model, Each sprint ends with a sprint review and sprint retrospective,
different AR systems can be assessed by selecting the most that reviews progress to show to stakeholders and identify
effective system considering both technological features, lessons and improvements for the next sprints [30]. The
process and organizational aspects. The paper of Porcelli et al. application of the scrum project management approach in this
[24] presents a case study in an industrial context, that depicts work enabled to cope with the challenges in terms of
the main technical and organizational challenges that have to insufficient experience with AR technology for the involved
be faced in order to introduce AR in the delivery process of team members and it reduced the project risk. Since, the
maintenance services. Within this case study the technical and performance and possibilities of the AR technology were not
organizational issues that can limit the actual introduction of known to most project participants and stockholders, it was
this technology were identified and discussed. The authors difficult to define the requirements and expectations on the AR
believe the AR technology is directed, within a few years, to applications at the beginning of the use cases. Due to the
become a standard equipment of service and maintenance Scrum method, the team members were able to get familiar
with the AR technology during the project implementation and
F. Bellalouna • Industrial Use Cases for Augmented Reality Application
to set and to adjust the project goals sprint by sprint while the Within this use case the application of the AR technology
carrying out of the use case. to compensate the missed qualification and knowledge of the
maintenance engineers while delivering a maintenance service
In order to evaluate the implemented AR applications was investigated. In this use case an AR application was
systematically, a questionnaire was created and used as basis implemented that enables a context-related display of
for the evaluation workshops with the business unit experts and additional technical and design data for the observed system in
key users. The evaluation workshops were structured in three interactive way. Thus, the maintenance engineers can get a
phases: introduction phase to present the AR application and its valuable data, which increase the efficiency and the capability
functions (time duration about 10 min), field trial phase with of the maintenance services. As an application field for the AR
the experts to test the AR application in real field situations application the maintenance of a worm gear of an extractor
(time duration about 30 min), and the assessment phase to fill equipment for a fire truck was selected in this work. The
out the questionnaire (time duration about 30 min). The maintenance of a worm gear requires a deep knowledge about
questionnaire focused on the following topics: its structure and its assembly. This knowledge depends on the
Performance: the ability of the AR application to exact model type and on the customer specific configuration of the
overlay of the virtual data on the physical object and the gear box. This information usually exists in the paper-based
real-time rendering when changing user position. product manual and is difficult to be reconstructed and
understood in accurate way. In the majority of the cases the
Usability: intuitive use of the AR functions without any access to the 3D CAD data is available while the maintenance
hindrance while real task operation. tasks. However, this can be difficult, time and cost consuming
Added value: the perception of added value for the especially in developing and emerging countries. The
considered business processes due to the use of the AR implemented AR application offers an alternative way to carry
application. out a 3D-based maintenance engineering. The main functions
of the AR application are described below.
The outcomes of the final assessment of the questionnaire
was a list of recommendation for the involved business units on Model recognition and tracking function to recognize the
how to deal with the AR technology in the future in terms of gearbox from different detection positions using the camera of
aptitude for the own business processes and the application the AR device (e.g. smartphone, tablet). The maintenance
scope. engineer has only to detect the gearbox using the camera of his
AR device from any perspective and the AR application will
recognize the model type of the gearbox and superimpose the
V. USE CASE: AR-BASED MAINTENANCE ENGNEERING corresponding 3D graphic Model in the right position and size
Technical Maintenance involves functional checks, automatically. Furthermore, this function allows the 360°
servicing, repairing or replacing of necessary devices, tracking of the gearbox while the engineer moves around.
equipment, machinery, building infrastructure, and supporting Dynamic section view function enables to create cross
utilities in industrial, business, governmental, and residential section through the gearbox and to display the interior
installations. Maintenance engineering is a discipline of assembly and parts. Using a slider control, the maintenance
applying engineering concepts to plan, develop and conduct engineer can create a dynamic a cross section and get a deep
maintenance activities for e.g. technical product, equipment, view in the inside of the gearbox without a disassembly (Fig.
buildings to insure their reliability and availability. The 2). This function can help the engineering to visualize and to
maintenance engineering is increasing in importance due to understand the operating mode of the gearbox in convenient
rising amounts of equipment, systems, machineries and and interactive way. Hence, this leads to an efficient and a
infrastructure. Since the Industrial Revolution, devices, correct maintenance.
equipment, machinery and structures have grown increasingly
complex, requiring a host of personnel, vocations and related
systems needed to maintain them. Specially OEMs that
produce and distribute technical complex systems globally,
must offer a maintenance service for their customers
worldwide and with a fast response time. Otherwise, they will
not be competitive. To manage these requirements the OEMs
have set up in the last years service hubs in the key markets.
This enables a delivery of maintenance services to their
costumers accurately and economically. However, the
efficiency of the provided maintenance services is dependent
on the skills and the qualification of the services engineers.
Currently, the missing of the well skilled and qualified services
engineers specially in developing and emerging countries,
which can manage interdisciplinary and complex technical
systems, presents a main challenge for the most of the OEMs in
terms to satisfy the need of their customers. Fig. 2. AR function “Dynamic section view”.
11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications – CogInfoCom 2020 • September 23-25, 2020 • Online on MaxWhere 3D Web
Exploded view function enables the explosion catalogs. The product catalogs are created individually for the
representation of the gearbox assembly in the 3D space (Fig. 3) single equipment and provide a functional description with a
This function can also help to visualize the relations and simple image presentation of the assembly position. In this
interfaces between the different parts (e.g. shafts, gears, way, only one optional equipment can be considered at the
bearings) of the gearbox without the removing of the gearbox same time, so that the space available when installing two
housing. neighboring components is not apparent. It also remains
unclear whether the components may collide and a
simultaneous installation is not possible. In addition, the
installation position can only be viewed from a fixed
perspective. This current configuration process of the rescue
platform leads in most of the cases to wrong decision regarding
the selection of the optional equipment, which not fit to each
other. However, these wrong decisions can only be detected
during the assembly process of the rescue platform. As
consequence is cost- and time-consuming reconfiguration of
the rescue platform, which leads to costumer dissatisfaction
and in some cases to customer churning. In order to simplify
the configuration process for the rescue platform, an AR
application was developed in this cooperation project between
the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe and an OEM for
fire trucks. Using the AR application, the costumer can overlay
Fig. 3. AR function “Explosed view”.
the virtual 3D models of all the optional and extra equipment to
a real basic rescue platform. To use the AR application, only a
Load and display of technical data function display the real rescue platform with basic equipment without additional
structure of the gearbox assembly as tree view. The engineer components is required. The assembly, disassembly and
can overlay the technical meta data of the different parts (e.g. transport of special equipment for demonstrative purposes at
name, item number, material, supplier) by selecting a checkbox sales events is omitted, which greatly simplifies and speeds up
of a specific part in the tree view. This information can be used the configuration process. Below the main function of the AR
to identify the parts of the gearbox and to get important data for application are presented:
e.g. spare parts, logistics.
Model recognition and tracking function uses a 2D
Disassembly instruction function offers an animation of drawing as target model to orient the camera of the AR device
the dissemble process of the gearbox stepwise. Thereby, the to real basic rescue platform and to detect it (Fig. 4). Once the
engineer gets guided instruction on how to disassemble the model is detected, the virtual 3D model of the rescue platform
gearbox in the correct order. This function can save time and is overlaid on the physical real one. This function allows an
avoid failures while the maintenance the gearbox. uninterrupted model tracking even though the customer moves
Assembly instruction function animates the assembly around. The detection of the rescue platform based on catalog
process of the gearbox stepwise. The engineer can start and image can also be attained by this function.
stop the animation interactively and can follow the assembly
process from different prospective. This function provides a
valuable support to the maintenance engineer during the
reassembly of the gearbox. Furthermore, time and cost can be
saved and unnecessary mistakes can be obviated.
Display operation data function allows the visualization
of the condition data of the gearbox in real-time. The gearbox
is equipped with temperature, humidity and pressure sensors,
which transmit their data via an IoT device to the AR device in
real-time. These data can be used by the maintenance engineer
to monitor the condition of the gearbox. In this case, a well-
directed maintenance can be ensured.
Fig. 4. AR function “Model recognation”.
VI. USE CASE: AR-BASED PRODUCT CONFIGURATION Tree view function structures the optional and extra
equipment into several categories (e.g. safety, extinguish
The rescue platform of a fire engine has approx. 50 system, camera system). Hence, the customer can easy
different special and optional equipment (e.g. diver leader, navigate in the virtual equipment catalog and search for the
stretcher, wheelchair ramp, camera, lighting) that can be needed components systematically. The content of a category
selected by the customer during the product configuration. The expands as sub-tree view by selecting a category in the main
product configuration is currently carried out with the help of tree view.
the sales documents, which exist in paper form as product
F. Bellalouna • Industrial Use Cases for Augmented Reality Application
Overlay 3D Model function enables the display of virtual the target user groups. The best method to collect the user tasks
3D model of one or more selected components in the tree view and to identify the user interactions with the AR application,
based on the real rescue platform in the correct position and was the discussion with the user groups the typical everyday
size (Fig. 5). This function contains configuration rules that experiences. The final AR applications were implemented as
prevent the selection of conflicting components. The tracking android app that can be executed with a smartphone or tablet as
function permits the observation of the shown 3D model from AR device.
different perspective for assembly and collusion check.
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