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Usability Evaluation of VR products in Industry

- A Systematic Literature Review

Sai Anirudh Karre, Neeraj Mathur, Y. Raghu Reddy
Software Engineering Research Center
International Institute of Information Technology
Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

ABSTRACT training experience [26] and education through simulation studies.

VR development practices have a diverse set of practices compared A leading market researcher has ranked Virtual Reality as one of
to traditional software development. Tasks like scene design, acous- the strategic technologies trends of 2018 based on its market share
tic design, vergence manipulation, image depth, etc. are specific and upcoming business transformations in Enterprise Software[13].
to VR apps and hence require evaluation processes that may be As per Digi-Capital Market Research Report [1], there has been $3
different from the traditional means. Usability Evaluation is one billion dollar investment made in VR Enterprise product market for
such process which is being executed in an unconventional way by the year of 2017 in the domains like Education, Health, Art/Design,
Industrial Practitioners today. In this paper, the researchers detail HRTech, Services, Tourism, News etc. It has become evident that
a Systematic Literature Review of the Usability Evaluation Meth- VR technology has become a significant tool for building future
ods practised by Industrial researchers while building VR Products. personalized products replacing today’s smart-phone revolution.
The researchers found that VR Product teams follow unique meth- It has the potential to account for a large consumer market by the
ods to improve usability in their products. Further, the researchers end of this decade.
consolidate these methods and provide insights into choosing the Traditionally, VR software products are oriented towards Gam-
best to build a real-world VR Product based on the defined product ing domain [33]. Gaming companies have produced personalized
constraints. games in single and multi-player format to provide real-time individ-
ual experience to players. They paved a path for creating next-level
CCS CONCEPTS cutting edge means of entertainment. This virtual experience setup
is set to transcend into Enterprise Software. However, Enterprise
• Software and its engineering → Software usability;
VR products are yet to hit the market at a full-scale due to various
challenges like non-standardized HMDs, Usability, Accessibility,
lack of guidelines, etc. To explore the spread of these challenges
Usability Testing; Virtual Reality; Industrial Practices; Usability in Industry, researchers have previously conducted a focused em-
Evaluation; Metrics pirical study to understand the underlying differences between
ACM Reference Format: Enterprise Software Product Development and Virtual Reality Prod-
Sai Anirudh Karre, Neeraj Mathur, Y. Raghu Reddy. 2019. Usability Evalua- uct Development. Section 2 provides few observations from the
tion of VR products in Industry - A Systematic Literature Review. In The study. The study showed Usability to be one of the important quali-
34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ’19), April 8–12, ties of VR products and its evaluation as one of contributing factors
2019, Limassol, Cyprus. Limassol, Cyprus, 7 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/
in the success or failure of VR products. Usability can be defined as
the ease of use of a product where ease of use can be considered
as a measurable attribute. Recent empirical research by Ulas et al.
[41] has also stressed on the need for a new Software Development
VR (Virtual Reality) has a vibrant role to play in coming future. Methodology for building Enterprise VR products considering us-
VR is expected to possibly replace mobile devices in future like ability and maintainability as a significant challenge. The increased
the way televisions from the past were replaced by mobile devices number of VR applications being developed by Industry and the
[13]. VR Products are known for providing a virtual experience need for Usability evaluation on these applications led the authors
[26] for the real-life events using Head Mounted Devices (HMD). to conduct a Systematic Literature Review in the existing literature
It is found to offer opportunities in the fields which require visual to study about the Usability Evaluation methods exercised in VR
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or Product Development.
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 gives the
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation motivation for this paper. Section 3 details the Systematic Literature
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or Review. Section 4 includes a discussion on giving preferences to
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission Industrial practitioners on adopting appropriate methods while
and/or a fee. Request permissions from permissions@acm.org.
SAC ’19, April 8–12, 2019, Limassol, Cyprus
conducting Usability studies during VR Product development. We
© 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to the present threats to validity as part of Section 5 and conclusion in
Association for Computing Machinery. section 6.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5933-7/19/04. . . $15.00

Software practitioners who practice Software Engineering (SE) prin- Software Engineering considers usability as one of the key software
ciples while developing a regular software product are increasingly quality attributes. Usability is a measure which can be employed for
being used to build VR products [22]. Game developers and de- any product. ISO-9241-11 defines usability as “The extent to which
signers who are competent in design and strategy planning have a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals
created an ecosystem for software developers to enter into VR space with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context
[17]. Over a decade, they were able to adopt SE principles to meet of use” [25]. Usability constantly reminds the product owners to
their development needs. They are following development guide- consider the end user perception while designing the product. It
lines [33] and a game based development cycle [3] to improve their has to be regulated at every stage of software product development
practices. This amalgamation of developers from gaming and SE so as to constantly improve the ease of usage. There are Usability
into VR space opened new avenues and challenges for practitioners. Evaluation Methods (UEM) to address various end-user user-cases
The primary objective of some of the researchers was to “under- in a real-world scenario. However, VR practitioners are still unsure
stand the modalities of Virtual Reality Product Development of the best available methods to conduct Usability Evaluation. In
in Software Industry”. Previously researchers have studied these this paper, we conducted a systematic literature review to record
challenges and recorded vital insights. These insights include es- the usability evaluation methods suggested by different researchers
sential considerations on development practices, testing strategies while working on assessing the VR apps.
and potential thrust areas for future research from the VR Industry
community. 3.1 Research Questions
The authors of this paper in their prior research conducted a
The Systematic study described in this paper was performed con-
study on industry practitioners to record the differences between
sidering the parameters defined by Kitchenham et al. [29]. The
development practices specific to VR software products and non-
primary goal of our study is to capture the usability evaluation
VR software products. Some of the observations recorded from
methods practised by various Industrial researchers while evalu-
Industrial Practitioners study are given below:
ating their VR products and applications as part of their research.
• VR Product development is different from traditional Soft- We followed an evidence-based PICOC (Population, Intervention,
ware Product development. Comparison, Outcome and Context) method [6] to formulate our
• VR Development process is complicated, unstructured and research questions. As per PICOC method, our general concepts
can be formulated based on the level of practitioners’ partic- are presented in Table 1. OUr work tries to address the following
ipation. research questions:
• Design and Usability reflect VR Product sensitivities. They • R1: What are the evaluation methods used to measure usability
have a direct impact on product quality. in VR products?
• There are almost no comprehensive testing strategies for VR • R2: What are the metrics captured while conducting usability
Products to improve over multiple product releases. evaluation in VR products?
• Usability Evaluation is considered to be a costlier affair as • R3: Is there a trend in implementing a certain usability evalu-
it requires a personalized setup. Most of the time they yield ation method in regards to VR products?
fluctuated results as the products tend to be persona based • R4: Is there anything unique about usability evaluation setup
and hence different results are obtained from different par- in Industry VR Products?
• Design Versioning and Sustenance Maintenance are time-
consuming and confusing at times for unstructured VR Prod- Table 1: Definition of the general concepts using PICOC
uct Builds. method
• Support tools for VR product development practices was
Criterion Description
• Stakeholder conflicts are far more given the wider variety of
Population Virtual Reality related products and ap-
stakeholder involved in the development of VR products
Quality of Experience (QoE) is the central aspect of VR Products. Intervention Usability Evaluation Methods
As group or mob studies cannot distinguish the outcome of a per- Comparison Comparison between the results cap-
sonalized experience of a single participants, VR Product offerings tured in various Usability Evaluation
are currently being generalized for a particular audience and are Methods
agreed upon a common ground. Usability is the underlying area Outcome Studies where Usability Evaluation
which has an omnipresent impact across VR Product Development Methods are applied on VR based prod-
Cycle. That motivated us to understand the means of usability stud- ucts and applications
ies practiced in Industry while building VR applications for target Context Academia, Software Industry and Other
audiences. Subsequently, this research can help future Industry Empirical Studies
practitioners to choose a better usability evaluation methods as per
their future product needs.

3.2 Search Strategy Inclusion Criteria - The paper which contains the use of Usability
We began our literature review by identifying keywords and some Evaluation Methods as part of their title, or abstract or keywords
search strings deduced from the research questions. The search considered. The article includes terms related to the search string.
strategy was set by a search string enabling the identification of The paper consists of the study conducted in Industry or on an
studies that describe the execution of at least one usability evalua- Enterprise Product was provided primary consideration. Only pa-
tion method applied to a VR Industry software product. The search pers written in English and whose abstract or title mentions the
terms were chosen with concepts resulting from the PICOC method. relevance to our review considered.

C1: “Virtual Reality” OR “Virtual Programming” 3.4 Data Extraction

C2: “Usability method” OR “Usability technique” OR “Usability The process of data extraction was conducted based on the protocol
Engineering” OR “Usability Practice” OR “Usability Approach” OR proposed by Kitchenham et al. [29]. For every paper extracted
“Usability Process” OR “Usability Test” OR “Usability Procedure” based on the search criteria, we captured the attributes like Type
OR “Usability Study” OR “Usability Studies” OR “Usability Assess- of Paper, UniqueID, Author(s), Editor(s), Title of the paper, Pages,
ment” OR “Usability Evaluation” OR “Usability Inspection” keywords, DOI, year of publication, ISBN, Publisher, Extraction date,
C3: “Industry” OR “Commercial” OR “Enterprise” Database. As part of data extraction, the search string returned 84
C4: “Publication Year” > “2000” papers across all the databases. We implemented the inclusion and
exclusion criteria over these research papers. We were able to filter
The resulting string can be formulated as ‘C1’ AND ‘C2’ AND them to 36 research papers which hold good for our literature
‘C3’ AND ‘C4’. review. Table 2 provides details of these finalized research papers.
While constructing the search string, we considered Virtual Re-
ality and Virtual Programming keywords first to filter the papers 4 DISCUSSION
from VR Space. As we are exploring Usability space, we included all
possible potential keywords in regards to Usability. To identify the Based on the data, we found that the Industrial researchers have
literature from VR Industry, we included Industry related keywords seriously considered Usability Evaluation as a pointer for practical
as the new level filter. In regards to the year of publication, we realization of their VR Product. The Table 2 contains the details
considered the year - 2000 as a limit to extract the literature. To the of Usability Evaluation methods applied on VR apps categorized
best of our knowledge, we believe there wasn’t any significant work based on the metric and by the type of Industry. In this section, we
in the VR space before that. We conducted a multi-level analysis dissect our research questions and discuss the relevant observations.
on VR research area and found that the VR technology was highly
simplified after the year 2000 with the advent of new hardware. R1: What are the evaluation methods used to measure usability in
Additionally, we reviewed the search strings multiple times and in- VR products?
crementally developed them based on a peer-review approach. We
worked with a few fellow researchers in the research area to build Widely Used Approaches - Controlled Experiments are found to
a robust string to generate effective results. Once the search string be the most widely used usability evaluation approach for Industry-
was finalized, the authors independently conducted the search ac- based VR applications. Industries like Health Care, Manufacturing,
tivity and were able to record identical results. The authors have Simulation studies and Software products have considered this ap-
conducted a string search against all available attributes of a re- proach as a better way to understand the usability issues. Almost
search paper including abstract, Contents of Paper, Keywords, etc. all these applications are built for training and simulation studies.
We filtered these attributes further to avoid miscellaneous papers. The VR application developers have followed Presence Survey (dis-
cusses the mental experience of the user) and Informal Usability
Survey (that do not require facilitators) to capture the participants’
3.3 Databases and Paper Selection overall reaction post usability evaluation.
The search was conducted using the search string against electronic
databases - IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, Scopus and Science Focused Approaches - Selective domains have made use of Us-
Direct. The search ordering was based on the databases that re- ability evaluation methods for a particular set of end users. Haptic
turned most of the results. The search fields were selected to assure centred controlled Experiments, Pluralistic Walk-through, Subjec-
that the search process is made similar across these databases. We tive and Objective Evaluation are implemented primarily in large-
omitted the grey literature and focused on active publications. Our scale enterprise VR applications. Other minor methods include Psy-
review considers research papers published until August 2018. chometric Assessment, Workload Assessment and Use-case based
Usability testing. Most of these methods are employed on applica-
Exclusion Criteria - Articles with poor details about the study tions like Mixed Reality based Simulator applications, Physiological
setup on VR Products. Articles which had irrelevant information Signal Sensor training applications and Venepuncture Training for
about HCI techniques, topics related to description of usability Medicinal Practitioners.
engineering or Non-Industry papers were excluded. We have also
not considered papers which do not mention anything about the Group Study Approaches - There are applications that require ob-
commercial aspect of the VR product built as part of their research. servations from targeted user groups. Usability evaluation methods
like Focus Group Experiments, Pluralistic Walk-through, Cognitive

Questionnaire and Task-based Heuristic evaluations are employed Shift in Approach - We find a minor trend as part of the meth-
for VR Usability Testers to understand the multi-user experience in ods and metrics employed in the published works on Industry VR
business sensitive VR applications. products. There has been a progressive shift on using particular
usability evaluation methods over a period. Notably, the training
Empirical Methods - Apart from conducting usability evaluation based education VR products have shifted their evaluation strategy
methods, VR Industrial practitioners have applied survey-based from heuristic cognitive based methods to Group based evaluation
empirical approaches to capture the participant feedback to under- methods. The probably reason could be due to increased levels of
stand the impact of their usability evaluation. Standardized survey understanding of group learning setups. The domain-specific VR
methods like NASA Task Load Index, IBM Ease of Use Survey, Social apps pertinent to Health Care and Manufacturing initially followed
Response Scale and Systematic Usability Survey are implemented Controlled Experiments. Later, most of the products adopted Haptic
mainly on Simulation, Manufacturing and Healthcare related VR based methods due to the significant change in sensitivity of the
applications. The Usability practitioners have adopted these empir- tasks involved in the evolving VR product.
ical approaches as part of their usability study to understand the
Quality of Experience (QoE) of the VR product. All the VR products Automation in VR - We see a slight trend in automating the
collected as part of our research followed a usability evaluation usability evaluation methods across products in Industry. Industry
method to calculate the desired usability metrics. An empirical researchers have claimed that automation helped the practition-
approach was also observed to capture the user feedback corre- ers avoid manual biased results to some extent. However, there is
sponding to the conducted usability study. no strong empirical evidence to support their argument. Business
critical applications in the area of Construction [16], Health Care
R2: What are the metrics captured while conducting usability evalu- [36], Gesture Interaction [12] and Understanding force a certain
ation in VR products? level of automation with in their VR products. Haptic based virtual
environment [34] has some automation efforts by practitioners.
Regular Metrics - Table 2 contains a detailed portrayal of Us- Spaceflight operation evaluation [20], Electronic device evaluation
ability metrics which are captured during the usability evaluation. [9] has automated means to understanding usability challenges
Of these metrics, Effectiveness, Efficiency and Satisfaction are found replacing a human-based usability evaluation approaches. A small
to be the most widely captured metrics. There are few unique met- set of distinct products in the field of Manufacturing [4], Retail
rics like Inter-pupillary Distance, Physical Interaction Capacity, Product View [27], Fashion [8] and Museums [19] adopted auto-
Bio-mechanical Feedback, Force Exerted, Galvanic Skin Response, mated approaches to detect the usability metric and avoid human
Skin Temperature, Heart Rate and Spatial Orientation Test focused prejudice during usability evaluation.
to specific VR applications which are built for handling sensitive
tasks and their respective actions. R4: Is there anything unique about usability evaluation setup in
Industry VR Products?
Unique Metrics - Different practitioners across various VR prod-
ucts calculated the same characteristic in a unique manner. Inter- Product Liability - Industry VR Products are constrained by busi-
action Capacity is a metric which explains the capacity of a user ness decisions in line with the demands of the consumers. They are
to interact within the Virtual Environment. Practitioners have cap- expected to provide rich set of features that are attractive to their
tured the user interaction in Virtual Car Interior [32] based on the consumers and at the same be released at the right time. Most of
time spent by a user over each task in the virtual environment. the products face setbacks in the Product Quality Evaluation stage.
However, in a case of the tourism-based VR application [37], user Whenever an abnormal feature flow is identified, the relevant in-
interactions were captured based on navigation time across the tended behaviour requires serious inspection. The slightest change
virtual environment. Other studies include projection based appli- in a feature flow influences the relative design, code and work-
cations [19] where the first person experiences were captured based flow of the entire VR Product. When compared to non-Industry VR
on a wait and response time to calculate the interaction capacity of products, Industry VR products are bound to be compliant as they
the participant in usability evaluation. have real-world outcomes. Any loss of data or life has severe conse-
quences in real-world, and it is more concerning for Manufacturing
Novel Metrics - Efficacy is another unique metric which is be- and Healthcare. Most of these applications are involved in training
ing captured from a brain injury community-dwelling individuals and simplifying day-to-day activities.
[36]. The motive of this metric is to understand the ability of the
participants to produce intended results decided by a medical prac- Content Development - The results from Usability Evaluation
titioner. A degree of dizziness or Vertigo based metric is captured provide more options to VR product stakeholders to enrich the
[30] to evaluate the user experience in immersive 3D Map environ- product as needed. Every usability testing cycle requires review
ments. Apart from the above, the rest of the metrics are captured from the entire VR Product development teams to compare and
as per usability guidelines using survey-based empirical methods. critique the change implemented to address the usability issue.
Change in feature flow and task-actions drastically impact original
R3: Is there a trend in implementing a certain usability evaluation design and requires upgradation of the VR content to meet usability
methods in regards to VR products? requirements. Content Development is comparatively expensive as
it requires multi-level design strategy across all the VR Scenes. It is

unique for Industry practitioners to comply and also have sanity are built for the targeted users for the focused market. Despite the
in content design across the VR Product to provide a quality user variety of usability evaluation methods and their related usability
experience. metrics, there is uncertainty about the most suitable technique for
a particular Industry VR product. Our study is intended to serve as
Product Versioning - Industry VR product is poised to stay longer a contribution to support decision making in the choice of choosing
in the market as it is expected to generate revenue. Thus it is com- a usability evaluation method for future Industry VR products. Re-
mon to adopt product versioning methods which are unique to searchers intend to continue the study on a larger scale to capture
Industry VR Products. It is evident that it is complicated to manage further VR Product Development challenges and work towards
and maintain design versions of VR Product when compared with identifying suitable solutions.
code-based version repositories. Code repositories are robust and
mature when compared with design version repositories. Unlike ACKNOWLEDGMENT
code repositories, where structure of the artifact is well know, de- The authors would like to thank the empirical study participants.
sign artifacts involved in VR products, for example, a VR scene We also would like to thank Unity™, vamrr™, VR/AR Association™
design does not have a well established representation. Hence, sup- and DesignUp™ for their research collaboration by allowing us to
port for versioning must be looked at from multiple perspectives. interact with VR Industry ecosystem.
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Table 2: Usability Evaluation Methods - Categorized based on metric and by Industry Type.

Usability Empirical
Industry Calculated Metrics Primary Studies
Evaluation Approach Method
Heuristic Focused Interaction Capacity
Automobile Informal Usability Tests [32]
Group Experiment Response Time
Systematic Usability Scale
Psychomotor Assessment Inter-pupillary Distance [10]
Pluralistic Walkthrough Understandability Presence Survey [11]
Cognitive Walkthrough Engagement , Endurability Pictorial Rating [2]
Electronics Focus Group Experiments Usability Survey [9]
User Satisfaction
Fashion Cognitive Walkthrough Effectiveness Usability Survey [8]
Response Time
Controlled Experiments Informal Usability Survey [36]
Attention , Efficacy
Healthcare Reaction Time
Focused Group Experiments Usability Survey [18]
Response Time
Average Fixation Duration
Social Communication Questionnaire
Cognitive Walkthrough Effectiveness [7]
Social Response Scale
Response Time Index
Informal Controlled Group Experiment IBM Ease of Use Survey [14]
Overall Satisfaction
HRMS Focused Group Experiments Usability Tests [47]
Usability Survey [16]
User Satisfaction
Cognitive Walkthrough
User Satisfaction Presence Survey [24]
Ease of Usage Informal Usability Survey [15]
Manufacturing Interaction Capacity
Task based Heuristic Evaluation Response Time Use-case based Usability Tests [31]
Heuristic Information Evaluation Effectiveness Survey [4]
Visual Feedback
Biomechanical Feedback
Haptic based Subjective and Objective Evaluation Subjective Evaluation [45]
Physical Interaction Capacity
Controlled Experiments Understandability Usability Survey [40]
Pluralistic Walkthrough Satisfaction Systematic Usability Scale [5]
Use-case based formal evaluation Ease-of-use [44]
Retail Informal Usability Test
Interaction Capacity
Controlled Focus Group Experiment Efficiency [27]
User Satisfaction
Controlled Experiments Response Time [20]
Force Exerted Subjective Evaluation
Haptic based Controlled Experiments [34]
Response Time
Skin Temperature
Physiological Signal based Experiments Heart Rate [28]
Galvanic Skin Response
Context-of-Use Cognitive Questionnaire [42]
Efficiency , Satisfaction
Biomedical Feedback
Haptic based Pluralistic Walkthrough Subjective Responsive Index [39]
Reaction Time Systematic Usability Scale
Task based Focus Group Evaluation [43]
Completion Time NASA Task Load Index
Cognitive Walkthrough Visual Feedback - [21]
Immersion , Accuracy
Comfort , Fun
Software Non-fatigue , Non-dizziness Presence Survey [30]
Controlled Experiment Overall Satisfaction
Degree of Dizziness
Visual Feedback [12]
Usability Survey
Spatial Orientation Test [23]
Qualitative Expert Review Ease-of-Use Informal Usability Survey [38]
HAR Usability Scale [35]
Controlled Experiment Comprehensibility
Interaction Capacity
Informal Usability Survey [37]
Pluralistic Walkthrough Understandability Systematic Usability Scale [46]
Cognitive Walkthrough Informal Usability Survey [19]
Interaction Capacity


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