BTSym2023 093
BTSym2023 093
BTSym2023 093
Abstract— Predictive maintenance plays a crucial role in In PdM applications, the challenges of handling big data
Industry 4.0 ensuring efficiency, product quality and a safe are magnified by the need for real time monitoring and
working environment. Edge computing is another trend that processing of a significant volume of data generated by
optimizes Smart Factories applications, bringing processing and sensors [1]. This poses difficulties in ensuring satisfactory
decision making closer to the data collection end node points, metrics such as latency, scalability, and network bandwidth,
reducing network traffic and latency. This paper proposed an particularly when immediate action is required to prevent
IoT platform to monitor industrial machines and perform failures caused by predicted events [4]. To address this,
predictive maintenance at the network edge. The effectiveness of another significant trend emerges within the Industry 4.0
the proposed platform is validated in a real industrial application
paradigm: Edge computing. By bringing processing closer to
project. Among the models considered in this study, the Decision
Tree model emerged as the most effective (reaching 96% of
the data collection point and delegating non-time-sensitive
accuracy) for the industrial machines analyzed. tasks to the cloud, edge computing effectively reduces the
strain on the network [5]. This approach optimizes the
Keywords—predictive maintenance, pdm, machine learning, distribution of processing workloads across edge nodes,
edge computing, industry 4.0, esp32 board. alleviating core network traffic and enhancing overall
application performance [6].
Within all this context of Industry 4.0 and smart
I. INTRODUCTION applications, the company ADATA Eletronics¹ (Amazonas -
Manaus' site), unfortunately did not have an automated and
This Industry 4.0 revolutionizes traditional industrial
integrated control of its facilities equipment (e.g., Generator,
automation by introducing advancements that lead to the
Compressor, QTA, Trafo), leading to some unwanted losses
creation of smart factories [1]. These facilities incorporate
and assets costs. In contrast to this scenario, the Utility
emergent technologies such as advanced robotics, high
Automation Research and Development (R&D) project was
computing power and connectivity [2]. Notably, remarkable
created, which consists of a partnership between INDT
advancements in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
(Instituto de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico) and ADATA team,
Internet of Things (IoT) are fueling unprecedented
whose objective is to improve ADATA's maintenance process
technological and scientific developments [1]. By harnessing
through the development of a monitoring and control platform
the potential of Industry 4.0, smart factories are able to offer
for industrial utility equipment (i.e., Generator, UPS, QTA,
customers a range of new services and products that exhibit
Chiller). Thus, the main contribution of this work is to (i)
higher levels of efficiency and quality standards compared to
propose an IoT platform for monitoring ADATA industrial
previous approaches [2].
machines and perform PdM at the edge of the network; (ii)
Predictive maintenance (PdM) stands out as one of the testing and validate the proposed platform together with the
most prominent opportunities discussed in the realm of client; (iii) presents all steps to performs PdM at the edge and
Industry 4.0 [2]. It relies on ongoing monitoring of machine or (iv) evaluates PdM models through machine learning and
process integrity, enabling maintenance to be carried out performance metrics.
solely when necessary. Furthermore, PdM facilitates early
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
detection of failures through the application of predictive tools
provides an overview of related work that involve PdM
that leverage historical data (i.e., machine learning
application at the edge, Section III describes the proposed
techniques), statistical inference methods and engineering
approach employed in our research, Section IV presents the
strategies[3]. In an industrial environment, the implementation
platform experiments, deploy and the discussion of the results
of PdM applications has the potential to optimize production
obtained; and, finally, Section VI presents the conclusions and
profits while minimizing costs and losses, including those
future works directions.
associated with assets [4].
Fig. 1. Utility Project architecture. However, results showed that the error correction and
compensation process is mainly dependent on the types of
machines and processes. In [12] work, a total of six distinct
II. RELATED WORK supervised learning techniques were utilized for the PdM
approach. These methods encompass k-Nearest Neighbour
The continuous advancement of the AI and IoT (kNN), Back-propagation Feed-forward Neural Network
technologies has garnered significant attention in the research (FFNN), Decision Tree (DT), and Naïve Bayesian. The
community towards the PdM field [7]. In [8], the authors outcomes obtained from these approaches demonstrated
found that an IoT PdM system had the potential to enhance significant advantages in terms of economic benefits when
production throughput, minimize maintenance costs, and compared to conventional reactive maintenance and
facilitate effective decision-making. Their research showed time-based maintenance practices. The findings revealed an
that several design considerations are taken into account when estimated cost reduction of 40%, coupled with a remarkable
this kind of IoT system is proposed, including the types of six-fold decrease in the number of breakdowns.
analysis available, communication technology options, and the
sensors required for data collection. In this PdM context, the present work proposes to
contribute with insights and discussions about the PdM
In [5] study, a data driven PdM system was developed for solutions through an IoT platform to monitor industrial
production lines in manufacturing. They utilize real-time data machines and perform PdM at the edge of the network.
from IoT sensors and employ machine learning methods to Additional contributions concern in showing all challenges
identify signals indicative of potential failures. The evaluation and steps to perform PdM at constrained devices (32 bit
results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed PdM architecture) in a real world industrial application.
system and indicate that boosting and bagging ensemble
models perform well when the output of the model represents III. PROPOSED APPROACH
the estimated useful time remaining before a failure.
This paper proposes a methodology for monitoring
In [9], the authors proposed a PdM architecture based on electrical equipment in industrial environments, enabling end
containerized micro services on intelligent edge devices users, in this case, ADATA's facilities team, to remotely
together with a hybrid model which fuses generalized fault monitor the behavior of this equipment, identifying anomalies
trees (GFTs) and anomaly detection. Their results revealed a present in them. In addition to monitoring the variables of
significant estimated reduction of over 63% in current these devices (e.g. voltage, current, power factor), a PdM
maintenance costs. In [10], authors focused on estimating the module is also proposed at the edge, i.e., at the end nodes, in
remaining useful life (RUL) of electronic components through order to mitigate network latency and enable faster decision
a three-step process: selecting fault features using variance making. The following sections describe the monitoring
analysis, measuring fault severity with relative entropy architecture and the project architecture is presented in Fig. 1.
distance, and conducting fault prognosis using the gradient
The first stage of the proposed approach consists in
boosting decision tree (GBDT) model. Their results
establishing communication between the industrial machine
demonstrated superior prediction accuracy compared to other
(I) and the end node (II). The industrial machine component
distance-measuring methods for determining the RUL of
represents the equipment that will be monitored. In ADATA,
electronic elements.
there are equipments located in outdoor and indoor
The literature covers a wide variety of ML techniques for environments.
PdM (i.e., supervised classification, anomaly detection,
The end node (II) component of the Utility Control project
regression in high dimensional data), each with specific
is the component responsible for wired communication with
characteristics and applications [1][7]. The authors of [11]
the machines and inductive sensors installed in the ADATA
used ANN predictive maintenance in machine centers.
plant; and for wireless communication with the Dashboard
Evaluating Table I and II, the algorithm that had the best
performance on UPS end node was Decision Tree, since its
accuracy result (98 %) was superior to the others. Another
differential of this model, was inference time that leads to a
better latency and very compact model size, facilitating its Fig. 5. UPS detected an anomaly alarm screen.
execution on firmware project.
In this research, an IoT platform was developed to monitor
UPS and control the equipment of ADATA's industrial plant,
Mean improving their maintenance process. In addition, a PdM
Algorithm Accuracy inference
Model Size
time module on the edge was also developed, helping in the
Naive Bayes 87 % 2.4 kB 34 us
decision making of maintenance schedules.
Decision Tree 98 % 1.2 kB 6 us The results of the research were successful as they showed
that the proposed flow approach for the IoT platform worked
Random Forest 93 % 228 kB - well in the industrial environment considered. The INDT and
ADATA team conducted thorough testing of the end node and
For the QTA end node, Decision Tree and Random Dashboard components, validating the widget views and
Forest models were the best results (both with 96%). CRUD operations in the developed software.
Although, Random Forest compressed model are larger than