Gorton MasterMill Maintenance Manual
Gorton MasterMill Maintenance Manual
Gorton MasterMill Maintenance Manual
NO. 3352A
The machine to which this manual applies h a s been carefully assembled, in-
spected and test- run under maximum load at the Gorton factory. It i s i n
satisfactory operating condition. Routine operations and adjustments a r e
explained herein, but the manufacturer will not be held responsible for satis-
f a c t o r y o p e r a t i o n if u n a u t h o r i z e d m o d i f i c a t i o n s . a l t e r a t i o n s o r m a j o r r e p a i r s
a r e a t t e m p t e d w i t h o u t s p e c i f i c i n s t r u c t i o n s f r o m t h e f a c t o r y . One o f t h e s e
manuals i s furnished with each machine. Additional copies may be purchased
d i r e c t f r o m t h e G o r t o n M a c h i n e C o r p o r a t i o n a t $5. 00 e a c h .
T h e right i s r e s e r v e d to im p r o v e . c h a n g e , modify o r d i s c o n t i n u e a n y G o r t o n m a c h i n e , a t t a c h m e n t o r
a c c e s s o r y without obligation to m a k e s u c h i m p r o v e m e n t , c h a n g e o r modification o n e q u i p m e n t p r e v i o u s l y
sold or on order.
RACINE W I S C O N S I N 53403 U S A
SERVICE POLICY ----------------------------------------------------
COLUMN- PARTS LIST ----------------------------------------------
KNEE- PARTS LIST ----------------------------------------------------
SADDLE- PARTS LIST ------------------------------------------------
SADDLE LUBRICATION- PARTS LIST ---------------------------
TABLE- PARTS LIST ------------------------------------------------
RAM AND TURRET-PARTS LIST ---------------------------------
HORIZONTAL SPINDLE-PARTS LIST ----------------------------
VARIABLE SPEED HEAD-PARTS LIST --------------------------
SPINDLE DOWN FEED- PARTS LIST ------------------------------
SPRAY MIST COOLANT-PARTS LIST ---------------------------
FLOOD COOLANT- PARTS LIST ----------------------------------
ELECTRICAL- PARTS LIST -----------------------------------------
STYLE "B" ARBOR SUPPORT- PARTS LIST --------------------
DYNA DRIVE II-PARTS LIST -------------------------------------
Remove crating with c a r e s o that machine and Do not operate any moving part of this ma-
parts a r e not marred, scratched o r damaged. Exa- chine until it i s thoroughly clean and has been gi-
mine carefully for evidence of shipping damage. Re- ven a coating of oil. Remove shipping grease with
port a t once to transportation company and to Gorton clean olium spirits, o r other grease solvent. Use
representative any evidence of such damage. Check lintless rags, not cotton waste. Never use an air
shipment carefully against itemized packing list for hose. When machine i s clean, give it a light coat of
possible shortages. a good grade clean machine oil to prevent r u s t spots
and other corrosion. For lubrication s e e LUBRI-
The coolant r e t u r n line is connected to the left The filler cap on the top, right of the unit,
table bracket and runs through the left side of the should not be removed while the unit is activated.
column into the r e s e r v o i r . The outlet line h a s a The unit is activated by electrical interlock be-
flexible, nozzle and shutoff valve. tween the spindle motor and the solenoid on top of
the s p r a y m i s t unit. Coolant flow will s t a r t o r stop
A s c r e e n is provided in the table to remove with spindle motor control. Air flow will continue
chips and other foreign material f r o m the coolant. with coolant off.
However, we suggest that periodically the r e s e r v o i r
be removed and inspected f o r foreign material. If A sight gage on the front of the unit provides
any is present it should be removed to prevent dam- a visual means of checking coolant level when filling
age to the coolant pump. the unit, and directly below the sight gage is the drain
Fill re s e r v o i r to level m a r k before starting
pump. Water soluble oils a r e used in this unit and the
mixture should be to manufacturer's specification and
Before stopping the pump, s e t the shutoff on consistency to insure non r u s t and non clogging con-
the nozzle to the O F F position s o the " prime" will ditions. Multi nozzle manifold blocks a r e available
not be lost. To keep the r e t u r n line open, remove s o m o r e than one nozzle can be used for g r e a t e r cut-
and clean the s c r e e n on the left end of the table and ting efficiency.
the r e t u r n line.
1. Front Apron
2. Socket Head Screws
3. Adjustable Nut
21. CROSS FEED SCREW NUTS AND BEARINGS 8. Remove the bearing locknut (17) and take
(figure 5) out the ball bearings (9) and two spacers (10 and 11).
9. Take out the two capscrews (12) and r e -
Remove the c r o s s f eed screw, nuts and bear- move the front adjustable nut (13).
ings a s follows: 10. Lightly tap the r e a r stationary nut (14)
to remove it.
1. Move the saddle to i t s forward position.
2. Take out the r o l l pin (1) and pull off the NOTE
handwheel (2).
3. Unscrew the thumb s c r e w (3) and remove The 10" knee does not have an adjus-
the micrometer dial (4). table nut. To remove the stationary
4. Remove the three capscrews (5) and take nut, move the saddle forward. Re-
off the bearing plate (6). move the locknut (15) and tap out the
5. Replace the handwheel (2) and the r o l l pin stationary nut (16).
(1) holding the handwheel to the shaft.
6. Turn the handwheel until the c r o s s feed 11. Reassemble the p a r t s in r e v e r s e order.
s c r e w (7) backs out of the c r o s s feed nut. Be s u r e the dog point in the s e t s c r e w mates with the
7. Remove the roll pin (1) and again take off slot in the stationary nut. It may be necessary to
the handwheel (2), s o the other p a r t s can be remov- rotate the adjustable nut s o that the s c r e w p a s s e s
ed. through the nuts without binding.
Figure 5. Removing Cross Feed Screw Nuts And
24. FLAT GIBS (figure 7)
25. TAPERED GIB (figure 8) 26. SADDLE AND QUILL GIB CLAMPS (figures 11
and 14).
Adjust the tapered gib a s follows
If the saddle and quill gib clamp handles a r e
1. The tapered gib is on the left side of the misused, they will eventually become inoperative
narrow guide of the knee. Lift up the front and r e a r and will not be usable. If this occurs they can be
aprons (1 and 2) to gain access to the gib screws. adjusted a s follows:
2. Back off the r e a r gib screw (4) and take
up on the front gib screw (5) the s a m e number of 1. Back off the pipe plug in the clamp screw
turns. shaft.
2. Move the clamp handle to desired posi-
NOTE tion and retighten the pipe plug.
Any time a gib i s removed the clamp 27. BIJUR ONE SHOT SYSTEM
for that particular slide should be held
in extreme "off" position by using rub- The Bijur lubrication pump (5, figure 11) lo-
ber band, string, etc. This will pre- cated on the left side of the saddle, is operating pro-
vent the gib clamping rod f r o m moving perly when the handle returns slowly after i t i s pull-
into the space normally occupied by ed back. If the handle snaps back, the ball check i s
gib. If this should happen, i t i s very stuck open and oil i s returned to the reservoir in-
difficult to re-position the clamping stead of going to the lubrication fittings.
rod s o gib can be inserted.
If pump is not operating properly, remove i t
and i m m e r s e i t in solvent. Operate the plunger un-
til the plunger operates slowly instead of snapping
back to the closed position. Reinstall the pump and
check its operation.
1. Setscrew 17. Adjustable Nut
2. Handwheel 18. Adapter
3. Roll Pin 19. Fixed Nut
4. Handwheel 20. Feed Screw
5. Roll Pin 21. T h r u s t Bearing
6. Clutch 22. Thrust Bearing
7. Thumbscrew 23. Bearing T h r u s t Plate
8. Micrometer Dial 24. Capscrew
9. Spring 25. Bearing Locknut
10. Snap Ring 26. Spring
11. Left End Radial Bearing 27. Micrometer Dial
12. Left End Table Bracket 28. Thumbscrew
13. Capscrews 29. Handwheel
14. Left Adjustable Stop 30. Setscrew
15. Capscrews NOTE: Items 16 to 19
16. Capscrews
17. Fixed Nut
18. Adapter
19. Adjustable Nut
33. GIB (figure 12) 3. Remove the right and left adjustable stops
(9 and 11) by taking out the capscrews (10 and 12).
Adjust the tapered gib a s follows: 4. Take out the four capscrews (14) and re-
move the left end table bracket (13).
1. Move the table to a point somewhere near 5. Remove the gib s c r e w (3) on the right end
center to gain a c c e s s to the gib screws. of the table and take out the gib (1). (See NOTE, par-
2. To tighten gib, back off the gib screw (2) agraph 25).
on the left end of the gib (1) and tighten the gib screw 6. Use a hoist to remove the table, o r slide
(3) on the right end the s a m e amount. the table out and onto "horses". Raise o r lower the
34. TABLE (figure 12) knee s o table height matches height of the "horses".
7. Reassemble in r e v e r s e o r d e r of disas-
To remove the table proceed a s follows: sembly.
1. Follow steps 1 through 8 under paragraph 35. TABLE FEEDSCREW, BEARINGS AND SADDLE
28, page M-11 . NUTS
2. Rotate the feed s c r e w (4) to remove it and
the thrust bearings (5 and 7) f r o m the right side of To remove table feed screw, bearings and
the machine. saddle nuts, follow procedure in paragraph 28.
Figure 12. Table Exploded View
Figure 13. Adjusting Quill Retract Spring And 4. To obtain a "heavy feel" rotate the housing
Guide Ring clock-wise.
5. Retighten both s e t s c r e w s (1 and 4).
Setscrew 6. Spindle Sleeve Bushing
Collar 7. Spindle Feed Hand
Housing Lever 37. ADJUSTING QUILL GUIDE RING (figure 13)
Setscrew 8. Sleeve
Clamp Ring Adjusting 9. Setscrew The adjustable quill guide ring i s a feature
Screw of the Mastermil head. It i s to be adjusted for vary-
ing spindle loads--tighter f o r heavier cuts- - looser
for lighter cuts.
1. Setscrew (Housing) 6. Microswitch The torque output, using the power down feed
2. Setscrew (Collar) 7. Pin should be sufficient to drill a 3/4 inch hole in c a s t
3. Setscrew 8. Shifter Handle iron. If this i s not possible the over- riding slip
4. Dog Pt. Setscrews 9. Spindle Clamp Handle clutch may have lost i t s torque output due to lengthy
5. Brake Screw usage. Replace the s l i p clutch (paragraph 43).
The direction selector toggle switch must be 5. Retighten the setscrew.
in the "OFF" position and the feed r a t e selector must
be in "CLICK-OFF" position when the unit i s not in NOTE
use, since the unit is electrically interlocked with
table feed. If table i s moving, and power down feed When properly adjusted, the knob will
switch i s activated, the table will stop. "snap" into the engaged (high) position.
In the spindle high speed range, a clutch i s Adjust the spindle brake a s follows:
used between the bull g e a r and the timing gear. This
clutch must engage s o there i s "zero" backlash. Any 1. Loosen the setscrew (3) and the two dog
backlash between clutches will cause spindle rattle, point s c r e w s (4).
excessive backlash and poor cutting perfo-rmance. 2. With a screwdriver, turn the slotted end
of the brake s c r e w (5) clockwise, a s you face it.
To adjust the back g e a r shifter clutch proceed
a s follows: CAUTION
1. Be s u r e spindle i s turned off (not rotating) It i s extremely important that the mi-
and brake lever is in forward position. croswitch (6) i s contacted by the pin
2. Move the back g e a r shifter knob to the high (7), s o the switch cuts off electrical
range. power to the spindle motor BEFORE
3. Place a p i n (not supplied) in one of the two the brake shoes contact the sheave.
holes on the sleeve (8).
4. Loosen the setscrew (9) and, with the pin, When the brake i s properly adjusted, a n elec-
rotate the sleeve clockwise, a s you face it, until you t r i c a l interlock prevents starting the spindle when
feel a slight resistance. the brake i s engaged.
41. REMOVING SPINDLE (figure 15) 1. Loosen pipe plug (1) s o the locking handle
(2) can be removed.
The cutter spindle requires no adjustment.
The bearings a r e permanently g r e a s e -sealed and r e - 2. Remove the clamping s t u d (3) and locking
quire no lubrication. If an i r r e g u l a r pattern de- slug (4).
velops during face milling, o r if play should de-
velop after a long period of service, the super-
precision ball bearings which a r e fixed pre- load NOTE
should be replaced by bearings of the s a m e type f r o m
the Gorton Machine Corporation, which will put the Locking slug mates with spindle quill
spindle in "like new" condition. (6) through hole in quill ring (5). On
reassembly it i s necessary to align
NOTE hole in ring and tapped hole in cast-
ing s o spindle clamp will work free-
It i s strongly recommended that spin- ly.
dles requiring s e r v i c e be returned to
the factory for expert attention. How- 3. Remove the capscrew (12) and drive a
ever, if it i s necessary to replace soft metal wedge in slot at r e a r of spindle housing
bearings in the field, do so a s follows: thereby releasing quill guide ring.
4. Engage the clutch in hand feed box by
moving the shifter handle (8, figure 14) to the right.
This will hold the spindle in the vertical position
while the tension spring is being released.
5. Mark the nose of the spindle shaft (20)
and the pulley (21), s o that the splines can be r e -
mated in the s a m e position during reassembly.
6. Remove the two capscrews (8) and the
complete micrometer depth stop assembly (9).
7. Remove the two button head s c r e w s (14)
and slot cover shield (13). Remove the two cap-
s c r e w s (l0), the depth stop cover plate (7) and brac-
ket (11).
8. Loosen the s e t s c r e w s (18) and slide the
feed shaft collar (17) t o the right.
9. Place a pin spanner wrench in two holes
of the retainer (16) so the spindle spring (15) will
not recoil rapidly when the setscrew (4, figure 13)
is released.
45. REPLACING BULL GEAR BEARINGS (figure 19) s c r e w s (2) and the two s h o r t e r socket head capscrews
(1) f r o m the cover (3) and take off the cover.
To replace the bull gear bearings on the vari- 5. Loosen the s e t s c r e w (5) and remove the
able speed head, proceed as follows: pulley locknut (6).
6. Loosen the s e t s c r e w (7) and remove the
1. Turn the spindle speed control knob to i t s speed adjusting a r m shaft (8).
lowest r.p.m. setting. 7. Remove the r o l l pin (12) and, while r e -
2. Remove the draw bar (4) and adapters. moving it, place fingers inside of the sleeve (17) to
3. Turn off a l l power to the machine. catch r o l l pin s o i t doesn't drop into spindle spline.
4. Remove the two long socket head cap-
Figure 19. Replacing Bull Gear Bearings--Variable Speed Head
1. Capscrews 9. Shifter 18. Spindle Drive Belt
2. Capscrews 10. Front Variable Sheeve 19. Hex Bolt
3. Cover 11. Lower Sheave 20. Washer
4. Draw Bar 12. Roll Pin 21. Motor Variable
5. Setscrew 13. Bearing Retaining Nut Pulley Assembly
6. Pulley Locknut 14. Bearings 22. Motor
7. Setscrew 15. Spacer 23. Washers
8. Speed Adjusting Arm 16. Spacer 24. Hex Head Bolts
Shaft 17. Sleeve
Timing Belt Pulley
Counter Shaft Nut
Timing Belt
Bull Gear Assembly
Bull Gear
Bull Gear Retainer
Bearing Nut
Spindle Pulley Housing
Pulley Sleeve \ I
Figure 20. Replacing Bull Gear Bearings-- Variable Speed Head
8. Remove the two hex head bolts (24) and (See figure 20 f o r the following steps).
washers (23). Tilt the motor (22) back and wedge it
in position s o the front variable sheave (10) can be 13. Remove the four socket capscrews (1)
lifted off. holding the spindle pulley housing (13) to the spindle
9. Lift off the variable sheave (10). It may head.
be necessary to rotate the speed knob s o the shif- 14. Lift the pulley housing off of the machine.
t e r (9) disengages and can be removed. It may be necessary to rotate spindle to disengage
10, Lift the spindle drive belt (18) off of the the timing belt (5). If the pulley sleeve (14) does not
spindle upper drive section. disengage f r o m the bearing (12), tap on top of pulley
11. Remove motor, variable pulley and drive sleeve and remove it from the bearing. This sleeve
belt, Release the electric cable clamps s o cable will should have a light push fit through the bearings for
be f r e e and motor can be s e t on the floor o r a bench. e a s e of reassembly.
To remove motor variable pulley assembly (21), r e - 15. Remove the counter shaft nut (4) and the
move hex bolt (19) and washer (20) and slide off the timing belt pulley (3).
variable pulley assembly (21).
12. Remove the lower sheave (10). NOTE
On reassembly u s e one drop of Lock-
It may be necessary to use a wheel tite on the counter shaft nut (4) to s e -
puller to remove pulley sheaves. c u r e it.
Setscrew 8. Guide Pin
Setscrew 9. Brake Screw
Handle Assembly 10. Brake Shoe Assy's.
Button Head Screws 11. Brake Shoes
Switch Plate Cover 12. Setscrew
Capscrews 13. Gear
Brake Switch Housing 14. Speed Dial
46. REMOVING/RE PLACING SPINDLE DRIVE To replace the spindle brake shoes proceed
BELT as follows:
To remove o r replace spindle drive belt (17, 1. Follow s t e p s 1 through 12 under para-
figure 19), follow s t e p s 1 through 10, paragraph 45. graph 45, REPLACING BULL GEAR BEARINGS.
2. Loosen the s e t s c r e w (1) and the two set-
47. REMOVING/REPLACING TIMING BELT s c r e w s (2) s o the spindle brake handle assembly
(3) can be removed.
To remove o r replace timing belt (5, figure 3. Remove the four button head s c r e w s (4)
20), follow s t e p s 1 through 14, paragraph 45. and take off the switch plate cover (5).
4. Remove the t h r e e capscrews (6) s o the
48. REMOVING PULLEY HOUSING BEARINGS brake switch housing (7) can be removed.
(figure 19) 5. Take out the guide pin (8) and pull out the
brake s c r e w (9) and the two brake shoe a s s e m b l i e s
To remove the pulley housing bearings pro- (10).
ceed a s follows:
To remove the bull g e a r bearings f r o m the To replace the brake shoes on the standard
standard head proceed a s follows: head, proceed a s follows:
1. Turn off a l l power to the machine. 1. Remove the spindle drive belt (16) move
2. Remove the draw bar (1) and any tooling the motor back a s f a r a s possible and clamp it
in the spindle. 2. Remove the bearing locknut (15) and lock-
3. Take off the electrical cable clamps on washer (14).
the ram. 3. Loosen the s e t s c r e w (3) and the two set-
4. Remove the capscrew (23) and washer s c r e w s (2) s o the spindle brake handle assembly (1)
(22). Remove the nut (20). can be removed.
5. Loosen s e t s c r e w s (17) and with knob (15) 4. Remove the four button head s c r e w s (4)
loosen the clamp nut (18). and take off the switch plate cover (5).
6. Remove the knob (15) and handle (16)) un- 5. Remove the t h r e e capscrews (6) s o the
s c r e w the clamp handle nut (18) an d r e m o v e the wa- brake switch housing (7) can be removed.
s h e r (19). 6. Remove the guide pin (10).
7. Move the motor forward and remove the 7. Lift up the spindle pulley (13) s o the bra-
spindle drive belt (4). king flange will c l e a r the brake shoe assembly (12).
8. Lift the motor (14) off of the machine. 8. Slide the brake s c r e w (8) and brake shoe
9. Remove the ball bearing locknut (2) and assemblies (9 and 12) f r o m the housing.
ball bearing lockwasher (3).
10. Remove the four capscrews (29) holding NOTE
the spindle pulley housing (21) to the spindle head
(30). If only the brake shoes (11) are to be
11. Release the spindle brake if it is not al- replaced, they should be cemented in
ready released. place with Goodyear Pliobond No. 20
12. Remove the spindle pulley (6) and key cement.
13. Lift the spindle pulley housing (21) off of 9. Reassemble in r e v e r s e order.
the machine. If the pulley sleeve (12), does not r e -
main in i t s position, it may be necessary to rotate Handle
the spindle s o timing belt (34) will disengage f r o m Setscrew
timing belt spindle pulley (13). Setscrew
14. Unscrew the counter shaft nut (33) and take Button Head Screws
off the timing belt (34). Lift the timing belt pulley Switch Plate Cover
(32) off of the counter shaft (31). Capscrews ---
15. The bull g e a r assembly (11) can now be Brake Switch Housing
removed over the top of spindle. 14-----
Brake Screw l!J --
16. Take off the bearing nut (28) and slide the Brake Shoe Assembly
bull g e a r r e t a i n e r (27) and bearings (24) f r o m the Guide Pin
bull gear. Brake Shoes
17. P r e s s out the bearings (24) and the two Brake Shoe Assembly
s p a c e r s (25 and 26). Spindle Pulley
18. Reassemble the p a r t s in r e v e r s e o r d e r of Lockwasher
disassembly. Bearing Locknut
Spindle Drive Belt
53. REMOVING SWIVEL HEAD (figure 24) If electrical cables must be disconnected,
mark each individual wire, and make a sketch of con-
To remove the swivel head proceed as follows: nections for aid in re-connecting.
1. Turn off all electrical power to the ma- When re- assembling, the alignment of the pi-
chine. lot on swivel head and the bore in r a m must be pre-
2. Move the knee to i t s lowest position, and cisely made. It i s a l s o necessary to physically a s -
move the saddle completely forward. s i s t the head to obtain engagement of worm and worm
3. Move the r a m to the r e a r s o the motor wheel.
will not s t r i k e the table when the head is rotated.
If the swivel head turns under normal
It is good practice to support the swi- cutting p r e s s u r e , it is possible that
vel head while it is being inverted. foreign material is between the cutting
J u s t before the head i s completely in- f a c e s of head and ram. If this hap-
verted, the worm and worm wheel will pens, follow s t e p s 1 through 5 in this
disengage. Wood supports can be used paragraph. Clean off both faces and
under the inverted head to stabilize it be s u r e they a r e d r y before r e a s s e m -
on the machine table. bling.
1. Remove the two hex nuts (2). 56. ADJUSTING SPIDER CLAMP FOR TURRET
2. With a hoist and sling, lift the r a m straight (figure 25)
up off guide keys and rack. Use caution, as assembly
i s off center load. Set it on wood blocks to protect If the turret turns under normal cutter pres-
the way surfaces. sure, check the spider clamp f o r the turret, and, if
necessary, adjust it a s follows:
On reassembly be s u r e that the rack and gear
teeth a r e engaged a s r a m i s lowered into position. 1. Loosen the spider clamp screw (1) so ap-
proximately 1/2" to 3/4" of thread i s exposed below
55. REMOVING TURRET (figure 25) the spider clamp (5). This screw i s reached through
access hole in back of column.
To remove the turret proceed a s follows: 2. Loosen the setscrew (2) and rotate the hex
nut (3) until the ball nose on the spider clamp screw
1. Loosen the spider clamp screw (1). This (1) contacts the casting.
screw and the following parts can be reached through 3. Re-lock the setscrew (2) and re-clamp the
the access hole in the r e a r of column. spider (5) with the spider clamp screw (1).
57. REMOVING BEARINGS FROM STYLE "B" 3. Install new needle bearings by pressing
ARBOR SUPPORT (figure 26) into the housing (4) from either end, s o the outside
face of the bearings i s just past the shoulder in the
Remove the bearings from the style "B" a r - casting. This will allow clearance between the bear-
bor support a s follows: ings and the seals when the seals a r e installed.
1. No coolant o r inadequate supply. Plugged lines o r table screen. Clean out reservoir and table
(Flood type) screen (par. 16).
Pump rotation is wrong. Check rotation (par. 16) and cor-
rect by reversing leads to pump.
Prime i s lost. Re-prime.
3. Knee binds Tapered gib too tight. Adjust tapered gib (par. 18).
Knee clamp is "on". Release clamp.
4. Knee movement is too loose Tapered gib too loose. Adjust tapered gib (par. 18).
Elevate screw and nut worn. Replace screw and nut (par. 22
and 23).
5. No power elevate. Microswitch has moved past li- Manually operate knee (par. 19).
mit stop.
Microswitch worn out. Replace switch.
Relay inoperative. Use wiring diagram and check
Power elevate motor burned out. Replace motor (par. 22).
6. Inadequate supply of lubricant Check Bijur One-Shot pump. Clean pump if necessary (par.
7. Too much or too little backlash Anti-backlash nut needs adjust- Adjust (par. 20).
ing. (12" cross on1y),
8. No power to table. Feed motor burned out. Replace motor (par. 30).
Feed r a t e potentiometer faulty. Replace potentiometer.
D. C. Power supply fuse blown. Replace fuse.
Shifting shoes broken. Check and replace, using ex-
ploded view f o r reference.
Electrical failure o r disconnect. Check f u s e s and connections
using wiring diagram furnished.
Spindle downfeed switch in "on" Turnfeed dial to "click-off" po-
position. sition (par. 13).
10. Saddle binds. Tapered gib too tight. Adjust tapered gib. (par. 25).
11. Saddle movement too loose. Knee ways worn. Adjust flat gib (par. 24).
12. Table binds. Tapered gib too tight. Adjust gib (par. 31).
Lack of lubrication. Fill and check reservoir.
13. Too much o r too little backlash Anti-backlash nut needs adjusting. Adjust (par. 32).
in table feed.
14. E r r a t i c table movement. Table lead s c r e w and saddle nuts Replace s c r e w and nuts (par.
worn. 35).
15. Excessive float in spindle hand Setscrew loose. Tighten (par. 38).
feed lever.
16. Spindle torque output inadequate. Worn s l i p clutch. Replace the clutch. (par. 44).
(Power feed). Misalignment of motor and g e a r Align.
17. No power to spindle feed. D. C. power supply fuse blown. Replace fuse.
Feed r a t e potentiometer faulty. Replace potentiometer.
Table feed r a t e dial in "on" po- Turn dial t o "off" position.
18. Spindle brake not operating pro- Brake lever needs adjustment. Adjust (par. 40).
perly. Brake shoes worn. Replace brake shoes (par. 47 o r
19. Irregular pattern during f a c e mil- Spindle ball bearings worn. Return spindle to factory, o r if
ling, o r play in spindle. this is not possible, replace
bearings (par. 42 o r 55).
Cutting tool improperly sharp- Re-sharpen tool.
20. Quill binds. Clamp ring adjustment too tight. Loosen s c r e w (par. 37).
21. Heavy cutting causes chatter. Clamp ring adjustment too loose. Tighten s c r e w (par. 37).
23. T u r r e t turns under normal cut- Spider clamp too loose. Tighten (par. 54).
ter pressure.
24. Head turns under normal cutter Foreign material between mating Clean (par. 51).
pressure, surfaces.
25. Cutter spindle does not rotate Shifter knob in neutral position. Place in "High o r Low" position.
under power. Main electric switch open. Close switch on electric cabinet.
Drive belt broken. Replace belt (par. 46).
"Forward-Reverse" switch in Place in proper position.
neutral position.
Spindle brake "On". Release brake.
Main fuse blown. Replace fuse.
Heater coil activated. Push reset.
The 1-22 Mastermil must be properly lubri- Saddle/table slide lubrication pump and r e s -
cated before placing in operation and during opera- ervoir unit is located on left side of saddle. Hand
tion to insure continued trouble- free operation. The pump should be operated once, twice daily. Pull
illustrations locate lubrication points on the machine out handle and allow pump to r e t u r n slowly. The oil
and the lubrication plate. Due to the advanced de- level of the r e s e r v o i r should be checked daily and
sign, a minimum number of units r e q u i r e daily at- kept filled a t all times.
tention. However, adherence to the lubrication
schedule i s of major importance in obtaining maxi- Knee/column slide lubrication is through oil
mum performance and long life of the machine. cups on knee. Check daily and keep filled. Use
Socony Vactra #2 o r Sun Oil SWL #80.
Spindle downfeed motor bearings a r e lubri- Power elevate motor bearings a r e perma-
cated a t factory- - for two (2) year period. When nently grease packed and do not require replenish-
repacking u s e Socony BRB #4 or Sun Oil Prestige ment o r charge.
#42. Repeat at two (2) year intervals.
Spindle downfeed gear c a s e lubricated a t fac- The power elevate g e a r box is filled a t fac-
tory--for two (2) year period. When repacking u s e tory for two (2) year period. When repacking the
Socony Mobilplex EP-24 o r Sun Oil Prestige 740 AEP. g e a r housing, cover must be dismantled. Use Socony
Repeat a t two (2) year intervals. Mobilplex EP-24 o r Sun Oil Prestige 740 AEP.
a t factory. Requires no additional lubrication.
Dyna- Drive I1 motor bearings a r e g r e a s e
packed a t factory. Repack after three (3) y e a r s of 10. LUBRICATION PLATE
operation--under s e v e r e conditions, after approxi-
mately 18 months. Use Socony Mobilux No. 2 o r Sun The lubrication plate which indicates type and
Oil Prestige #42, frequency of lubrication a s outlined above, is located
on r e a r curved section of column.
For maximum efficiency and minimum down-
The spindle b a r r e l and depth stop should be time, always follow the directions a s outlined. It is
thoroughly cleaned and lightly oiled once per week. Use important t o u s e fresh, clean lubricants a t a l l t i m e s
Socony Velocity #10 o r Sun Oil Solnus #70. and to follow the specifications. Specific lubricants
have been developed through extensive testing. Do
NOTE: At s a m e time lubricate the spindle not substitute unless equivalent product is available.
splines with Fisk Refinery Lubriplate. 11. SPINDLE HEAD