RTB8 Pack
RTB8 Pack
RTB8 Pack
T A B L E T O P S I M U L A T O R T H R E E - P A R T S E R I E S
Two tournaments of one month long (three rounds) will seed a top 8
into a single elimination championship in December.
It is not mandatory to play in all three events and only one is required
to have a chance to make the final
8 player teams with two optional subs/playing coaches
Players cannot play on more than one team
Each player submits one list each, list sub is 6th OCTOBER 11.59pm
GMT (tournament one), 3rd NOVEMBER 11.59pm GMT (tournament
Lists will be different for the three events
List submission via google forms, link in Discord. Captain to submit
All rules/FAQs released up until 23 September 11.59pm GMT will be
used, and those released thereafter ignored. Old Cities of Sigmar will
be used due to unavailability of rules. Dawnbringers II and Battlescroll
in play.
This tournament will not be swiss. Three matchups will be announced
at the start of the event and you will have the month to complete all
the games. Pairings must occur in the first week.
List Submission:
Tournament One: October 6th 11.59pm GMT
Tournament Two: November 3rd 11.59pm GMT
Championship: TBC
Tournament Runtime:
Tournament One: October 8th- October 31st
Tournament Two: November 5th- November 30th
Championship: TBC
Maps Available (same for all events): September 27th
Matchup Maker Map Available: Currently
Matchups must be done in first week of each month for all three
rounds or will be randomised.
Teams will be seeded into one of three pools (Pool 1, Pool 2, Pool 3)
based on skill. Myself and Luke Willoughby will decide the seeding on
the list review show. This will be based on both list and player strength.
This will be re-evaluated
Teams are guaranteed to play one team from each pool- so you
should get three opponents of differing skill level.
This is to ensure that some team doesn’t end up with three really
strong or three weaker opponents.
Otherwise will have no effect on competition.
Each game will be scored on the 20-0 differential system as follows:
Dead draw: 10-10
Minor Victory (follow GHB instructions): 11-9
Differential of 1-2 (Geo Pulse 1-4) : 12-8
Differential of 3-4 (Geo Pulse 5-6) : 13-7
Differential of 5-6 (Geo Pulse 7-8): 14-6
Differential of 7-8 (Geo Pulse 9-10): 15-5
Differential of 9-10 (Geo Pulse 11-12): 16-4
Differential of 11-12 (Geo Pulse 13-14): 17-3
Differential of 13-14 (Geo Pulse 15-16) : 18-2
Differential of 15-16 (Geo Pulse 17-18): 19-1
Differential of 17+ (Geo Pulse 19-20) : 20-0
At the end of the round, teams will submit their scores via Google Forms and then the scores will be capped as follows:
>130 scores will be rounded down to 130
<30 scores will be rounded up to 30
RTB 7 will be a bit different from the other matchup systems we have had in the past. We have adapted it to be more like real-
life team events to give people better practice in the team event environment.
Note these pairings must be done live instead of over text so Captains need to find time within the first 48 hours of matchups
to do pairings. Players may substitute for the captain in case of scheduling issues. In any case a maximum of three players may
be a part of the pairing process at one time.
Matchups consist of the following steps:
For the first mission (games 1-2 on the map slide), players will select one army card each and place it face down onto the
pairings table. These are the "Defenders" for that mission.
After both Defenders have been placed down, each player will flip over the card, revealing them.
Each player will then select two "Attackers" to play against that Defender army and place them face down next to the
After both pairs of Attackers have been placed down, they are revealed.
Each player will then pick one Attacker to play against the Defender and place it face down next to the Defender, and return
the remaining card back to the opposing player face down.
The chosen Attackers are revealed and the face down remaining attacker is returned to the original player's hand.
Repeat for games 3-4 and 5-6. For games 7-8, the defender will automatically be paired against the remaining attacker from
the 5-6 pairings.
Although games are concurrent, each opponent will represent a
“round” and the matchup will occur on the following map:
Although games are concurrent, each opponent will represent a
“round” and the matchup will occur on the following map:
Chess clocks are optional in this event. Chess clocks can be used if both players agree to use them. In the finals event though,
chess clocks are compulsory.
Clocks must be set to 105 minutes for each player and use the clocks available in the map pack (uploaded in Discord when
Clocks will be activated after the roll for picking deployment zones occurs. The player that wins the roll will activate their clock
first. After this, at anytime during the game that a player makes an action or thinks about making any kind of action, they must
activate their clock. It is the responsibility of both players to ensure the correct timer is active.
When a player has their time expired, they are unable to perform any optional actions in the game, and may only do the
Assign wounds and remove models
Make armor saves and attacking rolls (note piling in is not possible)
Any other misc. action that must occur for the game to continue
The following misbehaviors will result in banishment from Release the Beast. Banished players are banned for the next two
tournaments after the tournament of offense.
Dice hacking or random result fixing of any kind
Any form of results fixing or otherwise collusion with another team
Posting of inappropriate or egregiously offensive content onto the Discord
Verbal abuse to another player, for any reason
In addition, the following behaviors will be subject to a yellow-red card system. Players that receive two yellow cards from the
following offenses will be subject to banishment like the behaviors above.
Showing a pattern of improper and unfair use of chess clocks
Failing to show up for a game without any valid reason or reasonable notice. Life happens, but respect your opponent's time
where you can.
Failing to do matchups within the week period without a valid reason
Hopefully none of these things happen and I'm sure they won't, but this is the process just in case.
The maps (to be released at a later date) will have the terrain rules clearly marked on each terrain piece. Please right click the
terrain if you can't see the rules.
Mystical terrain will be used in the tournament and these terrain characteristics (mystical, arcane, damned, ignore the rest) will
be distributed by the defender. Since only three of them actually do something I have decided to just delete the remaining
three, so when you arrive to the table there will be fewer tokens than the terrain pieces available. The Defender will decide what
terrain features these rules go on by the available tokens, then the Attacker will pick the sides.
Some terrain features will have impassable or wyldwood marked on them, and these are the rules for that:
Impassable: You cannot move models over an impassable terrain feature unless the model can fly, and you cannot move a
model onto an impassable terrain feature (even if it can fly)
Wyldwood: Visibility between 2 models is blocked if a straight line 1mm wide drawn between the closest points of the 2 models
passes across more than 3" of a wyldwood terrain feature. Visibility to or from models with a Wounds characteristic of 10 or
more is not blocked by wyldwood terrain features.
Please contact Stuart Irongutsman on the Discord for any and all tournament issues. In case of desperate need, another TO
with the @TO tag may be contacted.
The TOs are playing in the event, but are spread across different teams such that the conflict of interest is diffused. Please
though, in event of any dispute, do not contact the TO you are playing against and instead contact another TO.
Also if you are interested in helping me out for the event, please do let me know as it is quite a bit of work and I'd love any help I
can get!