1. Rules and regulations requiring the service of 1. _______otherwise known as the “Continuing
duly registered electronics and communications Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2016”, is
engineer in the planning and designing, an act which requires CPD as the mandatory
installation or construction governing requirement for the renewal of Professional
commercial radio operators Identification Card.
2. Date of Approval of Department Orders No. 88 2. EFFECTIVITY DATE OF RA 10912
3. Under PRC Resolution No. 1032, who may apply
RA 3846 as CPD Provider?
1. An act providing for the regulation of radio 4. How long is the validity of accreditation for CPD
stations and radio communications in the Providers?
Philippine islands, and for other purposes. 5. When will the Certificate of Accreditation for
2. Amendments to RA No. 3846 was approved CPD Program be released?
on_____ 6. How long is the period for the processing of the
3. The construction or installation of any station application of the application for accreditation
shall not be begun, unless a permit therefor has as CPD Provider?
been granted by the______________. 7. What is the Maximum Creditable Units for Self-
4. RA 3846, SECTION 3. The _________________is Directed and/or Lifelong Learning in a
hereby empowered to regulate the construction Compliance Period in Electronics Engineering
or manufacture, possession, control, sale and profession?
transfer of radio transmitter or transceivers
(combination transmitter-receiver) and the
establishment, use, and operation of all radio
stations and of all form of radio
communications and transmissions within the