Online Exam System Worku
Online Exam System Worku
Online Exam System Worku
Result - Model exam for HHC CEP students 2nd round Print Result
Test: Model exam for HHC CEP students 2nd round Instructor: Wakjira Bekele Tadese
Date: 26-01-2024 Duration: 132 Minutes
Started: 10:02 AM Ended: 12:15 PM
No. Of Questions: 120 Exam Grade: 120
1) What Tag Is Used for Inserting a Line break in html page? Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
2) Which Tag Is Used To Include A Separately Defined Style Sheet Multiple Choice 0 Points
In Web Pages?
Your Answer:
3) Which Javascript Event Handler Pertains To Actions Enabled By Multiple Choice 0 Points
Mouse Clicks
Your Answer:
Onchange 1/30
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Your Answer:
None of these
Your Answer:
It is a reformulation of HTML in XML
6) Which of the following statements is false regarding “Cookies”? Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Cookies cannot contain more than 4Kb of
7) When trying to access a URL, the following message " Error 403" Multiple Choice 0 Points
is displayed on the browser: What could be the reason for the message?
Your Answer:
The URL refers to a CGI script and the
header of the script does not indicate
where the interpreter is located
8) Which of the following statements is true regarding HTTP? Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer: 2/30
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9) which of the following I/O devices is a block Devices Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
Tape drive
10) when a peripheral devices needs immediate attention from the Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
page File
11) The computer architecture aimed at reducing the time of Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
12) In CISC architecture most of the complex instructions are Multiple Choice 0 Points
stored in _____
Your Answer:
Register 3/30
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Your Answer:
Complex Instruction Set Computer
14) Which processor has the necessity of manual optimization for Multiple Choice 1 Points
the generation of assembly language code especially for the embedded systems?
Your Answer:
Your Answer:
16) Which of the following memory of the computer is used to Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
17) ____ is a computer program that translate source code written Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer: 4/30
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18) Which one of the following phase of compiler is considered as Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
code generation
19) The data structure used to record names of program during Multiple Choice 0 Points
compilation is called____________.
Your Answer:
20) How many parts are there in compiler? Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
21) Which one of the following construction tools is used to Multiple Choice 1 Points
generate token?
Your Answer:
LEX 5/30
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22) Grammar that produces more than one parse tree for some Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
23) The grammar A → Aa | b is not suitable for predictive-parsing Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
24) The specific token gets recognized with the help of some Multiple Choice 0 Points
diagrams called
Your Answer:
Pushdown Automata
Your Answer:
Always 20 bytes long
26) In ____________, the chance of collision can be reduced if a Multiple Choice 0 Points
station can sense the medium can sense trying to use it.
Your Answer: 6/30
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Medium Access
27) In ____________ methods, the station consults one another to Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Random access
28) Before data can be transmitted, they must be transformed to Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
Electromagnetic Signals
Your Answer:
30) UDP does not add anything to the services of IP except for Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
Process to process 7/30
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31) UDP and TCP are both ____________ layer protocols Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Data link
32) The WWW today is a ____________ client-server service, in which Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
Your Answer:
The program above doesn’t have any
problem it runs successfully 8/30
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Your Answer:
Not all is-a relationships should be
modeled using inheritance.
1. Regarding method Overridden vs overloaded which one of the following is NOT TRUE?
Your Answer:
Overridden methods are in different
classes related by inheritance; 9/30
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Your Answer:
Your Answer:
A subclass can override a method from
its superclass to define it as
abstract. 10/30
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Your Answer:
Each interface is compiled into a
separate bytecode file, just like a
regular class.
Your Answer:
Your Answer: 11/30
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41) The following statement, 6 <= 6 is evaluates to: Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
42) Which one of the following is not true about #include Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
It starts with # (signal) character and must
ends with a semicolon
43) The main() function in the header of a C++ program indicates Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
It tells the compiler that it is a C++ It tells the compiler that it is a C++
program program
44) The return 0; statement at the bottom of the program indicates Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
that the control is returned to the
Operating System 12/30
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Your Answer:
46) int myArray[5]; Which one of the following is not true about Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
It is an array of type integer
47) Which among the following statements is correct about the Multiple Choice 0 Points
program given below? void duplicate(int& a, int& b, int& c) { a *= 2; b *= 2; c *= 3; } int main() { int
x = 2, y = 4, z = 5; duplicate(x,y,z); cout << x << y << z; }
Your Answer:
The output will be 245
Your Answer:
Way that functions resist accepting the
calling program’s values 13/30
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Your Answer:
All of the mentioned
Your Answer:
51) __________ command is used to manipulate TCP/IP routing Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
52) Networks are monitored by security personnel and supervised Multiple Choice 1 Points
by _____ who set(s) up accounts and passwords for authorized network users.
Your Answer:
Network administrators
53) Which directory implementation is used in most Operating Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Acyclic directory structure 14/30
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54) Control of users’ access to network resources through charges Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
Accounting Management
55) The physical connection between an end point and a switch or Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Transmission circuit
56) Which of the following networks supports pipelining effect? Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
Packet-switched networks
been infected by malware and have come under the control of a malicious actor.
Your Answer:
Daniel of service
58) What is main purpose of penetration test (pen-tester)? Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer: 15/30
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59) From the type of hacker, which one of the following is based Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
Black hat hacker
Your Answer:
Your Answer:
Network security
62) _________________ is required because most organizations can be Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Cryptography 16/30
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63) _____________is a standalone malware computer program that Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
64) _____________is a special firewall that is specifically coded Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Software firewall
65) Which pillar of object-oriented concept is used for code Multiple Choice 0 Points
resusability ?
Your Answer:
66) Which UML diagram describes a blue print for the Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Use case Diagram 17/30
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67) In which software process model testing of the product is Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
V-shape Model
68) Identifying the relationships among actors & use cases enable Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
All of the above
69) Which one is a creative activity to recognize and understand Multiple Choice 0 Points
the problem, its related constraints, and the methods of overcoming those problems?
Your Answer:
70) A type of software testing that checks for functional behavior Multiple Choice 1 Points
of software system, memory, CPU usage and overall performance of the system.
Your Answer:
Dynamic Testing
71) Which analysis object model is used to represent the persistent Multiple Choice 0 Points 18/30
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Your Answer:
All of the above
72) The process of determining if the software is designed and Multiple Select 0 Points
Your Answer:
Your Answer:
74) What is disadvantage of Greedy Best First Search? Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
There can be multiple long paths with the
cost ≤ C*
Your Answer:
All of the above 19/30
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76) Which of the following is not a Characteristics of Expert Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
77) Which of the following are Components of Expert Systems? Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
All of the above
78) Which of the following is incorrect application of Expert Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Knowledge Domain
Your Answer:
All of the above
Your Answer: 20/30
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Your Answer:
A key that identifies a relationship
between two tables by referencing the
primary key in another table
Your Answer:
The process of converting a table into a
graph-based data structure
Your Answer:
A relationship in which one record in a
table corresponds to many records in
another table
Your Answer:
A virtual table that is based on the result
of a SQL query 21/30
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85) The ability to query data, as well as insert, delete, and alter Multiple Choice 0 Points
tuples, is offered by
Your Answer:
DCL (Data Control Language)
86) ______is an impasse (dead end) that may result when two (or Multiple Choice 1 Points
more) transactions are each waiting for locks held by the other to be released.
Your Answer:
87) When two transactions that access the same database items Multiple Choice 0 Points
are running and, successfully completed update is overridden by another user or transaction we
call the problem?
Your Answer:
Inconsistent analysis problem
88) ___is point of synchronization between database and log file. Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
A condition where two or more threads
attempt to access a shared resource
simultaneously, leading to unpredictable
behavior. 22/30
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Your Answer:
Your Answer:
accepted by Turing machine
91) A grammar G=(V, T, P, S) is __________ if every production taken Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
92) If the PDA does not stop on an accepting state and the stack is Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Goes into loop forever
93) Let L1 be a recursive language. Let L2 and L3 be languages Multiple Choice 0 Points
that are recursively enumerable but not recursive. Which of the following statements is not
necessarily true?
Your Answer: 23/30
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L2 ∪ L1 is recursively enumerable
94) Problems that can be solved in polynomial time are known as? Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
95) A turing machine that is able to simulate other turing Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
Universal Turing machine
96) The sum and composition of two polynomials are always Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
97) How can we describe an array in a best possible way? Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
The array shows hierarchial Structure 24/30
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98) Which of the following data structure is best suited for Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Linked List
99) Which of the following algorithm is an example of a greedy Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
Kruskal's algorithm
100) Which of the following is a dyanmic programming problem? Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
Longest common subsequence
101) Which of the following sorting algorithm has the worst case Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Merge Sort
102) Which of the following algorithm is used to find the kth Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer: 25/30
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Selection Sort
103) Which one of the following is incorrect about minimum Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
If every edge has a unique weight, there
exists a unique MST
104) What the worst time complexity of 0/1 knapsack problem? Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
Your Answer:
Priority Queue
106) In a max heap element with a greatest key is always in the Multiple Choice 1 Points
which mode?
Your Answer:
root node 26/30
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107) Which of the following traversing algorithm is not used to Multiple Choice 1 Points
traverse in a tree?
Your Answer:
108) Which of the following prooperties does a simple graph not Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Must have no multiple edges
109) What is the time complexity of deleting the first node and Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
110) Heap exhibits the propery of binary tree Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
111) Advantage of linked list representation of binary tree over Multiple Choice 0 Points
array is ?
Your Answer: 27/30
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112) Level order traversal of tree is formed with the help of Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
113) Data structure used to keep track of the relation between a Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
Page map table
114) Page which has not been used for the longest time in main Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Page buffering algorithms
115) When the same address space is shared by memory and I/O Multiple Choice 0 Points
devices it is called
Your Answer:
Interrupt Driven I/O 28/30
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116) Which of the given alternative is not correct I/O software Multiple Choice 1 Points
Your Answer:
117) Which of the following alternative is not True about actiities Multiple Choice 0 Points
of opearting system
Your Answer:
to schedule cpu
118) The Timesharing operating system can do all Except Multiple Choice 0 Points
Your Answer:
Avoid dupplication
Your Answer:
No need of communication network
120) The True alternatives about operating system related to Multiple Choice 1 Points
protection is/are
Your Answer: 29/30
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