Tutorial 07
Tutorial 07
Tutorial 07
Q.1 Water is seeping downward through a soil layer, as shown in Figure 1. Two piezometers (A and B)
located 2 m apart (vertically) showed a head loss of 0.2 m. Calculate the resultant vertical effective stress for
a soil element at a depth of 6 m.
Fig. 1
Q. 2 for each of the case I and II of Fig. 2, determine the pressure head, elevation head and total head at
entering end, exit end and point A of the sample. What are the superficial and seepage velocities of flow?
Draw total, neutral and effective stress diagrams from El. 0m to 5m for case II.
Fig. 2
Q. 3 A masonry dam has pervious sand as foundation. Determine the maximum permissible upward gradient,
if a factor of safety 4 is required against boiling. For the sand porosity and specific gravity are 45% and 2.65,
Q. 4 A foundation trench is to be excavated in a stratum of stiff clay, 10m thick, underlain by a bed of coarse
sand (Fig. 3). In a trial borehole, the ground water was observed to rise to an elevation of 3.5m below the
ground surface. Determine the depth up to which an excavation can be safely carried out without the danger
of the bottom becoming unstable under artesian pressure in the sand stratum. The Sp, gr. of clay particle is
2.75 and void ratio is 0.8.
If excavation is to be carried out safely to a depth of 8m, how much should the water table lowered in the
vicinity of the trench.
Fig. 3
Q. 5 A flow net for flow around a single row of sheet piles in a permeable soil layer is shown in Figure 4.
Given that kx =kz = k = 5x10-3 cm/sec, determine
a. How high (above the ground surface) the water will rise if piezometers are placed at points a and b
b. The total rate of seepage through the permeable layer per unit length
c. The approximate average hydraulic gradient at c.
Fig. 4
Q. 6 A dam section is shown in Figure 5. The hydraulic conductivity of the permeable layer in the vertical
and horizontal directions are 2x10-2 mm/s and 4x10-2 mm/s, respectively. Draw a flow net and calculate the
seepage loss of the dam in m3/day/m.
Fig. 5
Q. 7 Figure 6 shows a weir, the base of which is 2 m below the ground surface. The necessary flow net also
has been drawn (assuming that kx = kz=k). Draw the pressure distribution diagram at the base of the weir.
Fig. 6
Q. 8 A flow net for seepage under the sheet pilling is shown in Fig 7 .Estimate approximately the quantity of
seepage in cu m/day/m length of the piling, if the permeability of the sand is 5 x 10-3 cm/s. If the saturated
unit weight of sand is 19 kN/m², what is factor of safety against piping in front of the piles?
Fig. 7
Q. 9 A concrete dam of 17.5 m base width retains 5 m of water. A sheet pile cut-off is provided at the upstream
end of the base of the dam upto a depth of 8 m. The base of the dam is 1.5 m below ground surface and the
pervious foundation extends to a depth of 14 m, below which is an impervious stratum. Draw the flow net
and compute the seepage flow below the dam per meter length of dam, if the coefficient of permeability is 2
x 10-3 cm/s. Compute the uplift pressure along the base of the dam and the exit gradient.
Fig. 8
Q. 10 If in Q9, a sheet pile cut-off is provided at the downstream end of the base of the dam instead of the
upstream cut off, with the length of cut-off remaining the same, how would the rate of seepage, uplift pressure
and the exit gradient be affected as compared to the case of upstream cut off?
Q. 11 Two rows of sheet piles are driven to a depth of 4.4 m below the bed of a river to form a coffer dam
(Fig. 9). Excavation is then carried out within the coffer dam upto a depth of 3.3 m below water level by
keeping the area free from water by pumping. The river bed is sand with k=3x 10-3 cm/s and is underlain by
an impermeable stratum at a depth of 6.0 m below the river bed. What is the quantity of flow into the coffer
dam per hour per meter length of the sheet pile walls? Is there any danger of quick condition developing at
the bottom of excavation?
Fig. 9
Q. 12. The section of a homogeneous earth dam is shown in Fig 10. The coefficient of permeability in the x
and z directions are 8x 10^-7 cm/s and 3.6 x 10^-7 cm/s respectively. Draw the flow net and estimate the
seepage through the dam section. What is the pressure head and pore water pressure at point X?
Fig. 10
Fig. 11