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Tutorial Questions

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1. What do we mean by the term groundwater exploration and its origin?

2. With the aid of a diagram describe the hydrological cycle as used in groundwater flow
3. What are the two parameters that drive and resist flow of water in groundwater flow
4. Mention and explain the two methods which used to determine the movement of
5. List and explain the four categories of saturated formation as classified in groundwater
6. Differentiate the following terms with the aid of the diagram as used in groundwater
i. Influent and effluent stream
ii. Leaky aquifer and unconfined aquifer
iii. Water table and Piezo metric surface.
7. Explain five Problems associated with groundwater withdrawal.
8. What are the characteristics and roles of a good aquifer?
9. A sponge has high porosity but low permeability. Explain this statement?
10. Describe the term Perched water table with the aid of diagram
11. The space between the land surface and the water table marks the extent of zone of
aeration. Describe the categorize of this zone with the aid of the sketch.
12. A soil has a coefficient of permeability of 0.51 cm/s. If the kinematic viscosity of water
is 0.009cm2/s, the intrinsic permeability in Darcy’s is
13. An unconfined aquifer releases 600,000m3 of water for a water table drop of 1.5m over a
horizontal area of 2km2. Compute the specific yield. If the porosity is 30%, what is the
specific retention?
14. An unconfined aquifer releases 500,000m3 of water for a water table drop of 2 m over a
horizontal area of 1km2. Compute the specific yield. If the porosity is 35%, what is the
specific retention?
Eng. Elia. Z.L (Groundwater Engineering, CIU08103) (2023/24)
15. At a certain point in an unconfined aquifer of 3km2 area, the water table was at an
elevation of 102.00 m. Due to natural recharge in a wet season, its level rose to 103.20m.
A volume of 1.5 Mm3 of the water was then pumped out of the aquifer causing the water
table to reach a level of 101.20 m. assuming the water table in the entire aquifer to
respond in a similar way, estimate
(a) The specific yield of the aquifer and

(b) The volume of recharge during the wet season.

16. A field test for permeability consists in observation the time required for a tracer to
travel between two observation wells. A tracer was found to take 10 h to travel between
two wells 50 m apart when the difference in the water surface elevation in them was 0.5
m. The mean particle size of the aquifer was 2mm and the porosity of the medium 0.3 if
v= 0.01cm2 /s. Estimate

(a) The coefficient of permeability and intrinsic permeability of the aquifer and

(b) The Reynolds number of the flow

17. A field test, a time of 6 h was required for a tracer to travel between two In observations
well 42 m apart. If the difference in water-table elevation in these wells were 0.85 m and
the porosity of the aquifer is 20% calculate the coefficient of permeability of the aquifer.
18. A tracer test was conducted in an unconfined aquifer to determine its hydraulic
conductivity. For this, two observation wells were installed 30 m apart and the hydraulic
heads at these two locations were measured as 20.5 m and 18.4 m, respectively. During
the test, it was found that the tracer injected in the first observation well arrived at the
second observation well in 180 hours. If the effective porosity of the aquifer is 18%,
calculate the hydraulic conductivity of the unconfined aquifer.

Eng. Elia. Z.L (Groundwater Engineering, CIU08103) (2023/24)
19. In Budalangi area of Lake Victoria basin is an unconfined aquifer covering 150km2. A
drought is experienced in one year during which 100Millions m3 of water is pumped for
use, resulting in 6m drop of water table.
a) Estimate the specific yield of the aquifer.
b) If the specific retention b is 12%, what is the porosity of the material that forms
the aquifer?

1. Three wells A, B and C tap the same horizontal aquifer. The distances AB = 1200m and BC =
1000m.The well B is exactly south of the well A and the well C lies to the west of well B.The
following are the ground surface elevation and depth of water below the ground surface in the
three wells

Surface elevation Depth of water table

(meters above datum) (m)
A 200.00 11,00
B 197.00 7.00
C 202.00 14.00

Determine the direction of groundwater flow in the aquifer in the area ABC of the wells

2. What would be the volume stored in a saturated column of aquifer with a porosity of 0.35,
cross-sectional area of 1square meters and of 3.0metres depth
3. Determine the volume of water released by lowering the piezo metric surface of a confined
aquifer by 5m over an area of 1km2. The aquifer is 35m thick and has a storage coefficient of
8.3 × 10−3 . ans [41,500m3]

4. A confined aquifer has a thickness of 30m and a porosity of 32%. If the bulk modulus of
elasticity of water and the formation material are 2.2×10^5 and 7800 N/cm2 respectively,
calculate (a) the storage coefficient and (b) the barometric efficiency of the aquifer.

Eng. Elia. Z.L (Groundwater Engineering, CIU08103) (2023/24)
5. An extensive aquifer is known to have ground water flow in N 300 E direction. Three
wells A, B and C are drilled to tap this aquifer. The well B is to East of A and the well C
is to North of A. The following are the data regarding these wells.

Distance (m) Well Ground surface Water table elevation

elevation (m above (m above datum)
A 160.00 157.000
AB=800m B 159.00 156.00
AC= 200m C 158.00 ?
Estimate the elevation of water at well C when the wells are not pumping.


1. . A confined stratified aquifer has a total thickness of 12m and is made up of three
layers the bottom layer has a coefficient of permeability of 30m/day and thickness
of 5.0m, the middle and top layer have permeability of 20m/day and 45m/day
respectively and are equal thickness. Calculate transmissivity of the confined
aquifer and the equivalent permeability, if the flow is along the stratification.
2. A pipe of 1.2 m diameter was provided in a reservoir to act as an outlet. Due to
disuse it was buried and completely clogged up for some length by sediment
.Measurements indicated the presence of fine sand (K1 =10m/day) deposit for a
length of 100m,at the upstream end and of course sand (K2=50m/day) at the
downstream end for a length of 50m.In between these two layers the presence of
silty sand (K3=0.1m/day) for some length is identified .For a head difference of
20m on either side of the clogged length the seepage discharge is found to be
0.8m3/day .Estimate the length of the pipe filled up by silty sand.

Eng. Elia. Z.L (Groundwater Engineering, CIU08103) (2023/24)
3. A confined horizontal aquifer of thickness 15m and permeability k=20m/day,
connects two reservoirs M and N situated 1.5 km apart. The elevations of the
water surface in reservoirs M and N measured from the top of aquifer are 30.00m
and 10.00m respectively. If the reservoir M is polluted by a contaminant
suddenly, how long will it take the contaminant to reach the reservoir N? Assume
the porosity of the aquifer n = 0.30.
4. An unconfined aquifer consists of three horizontal layers, each individually
isotropic. The top layer has a thickness of 10m and a hydraulic conductivity of
11.6m/day. The middle layer has a thickness of 4.4m and a hydraulic conductivity
of 4.5m/day. The bottom layer has a thickness of 6.2m and a hydraulic
conductivity of 2.2m/day. Compute the equivalent horizontal and vertical
hydraulic conductivities.

5. An infiltration gallery taps an unconfined aquifer (k=50m/day) situated over a

horizontal impervious bed in the figure below. For the flow conditions shown,
estimate the discharge collected per unit length of the gallery.

Eng. Elia. Z.L (Groundwater Engineering, CIU08103) (2023/24)
6. Two parallel rivers A and B are separated by a land mass as shown in figure
below. Estimate the seepage discharge from river A to river B per unit length of
the river

7. Two rivers A and B run parallel to each other and fully penetrate the unconfined
aquifer situated on a horizontal impervious base. The rivers are 4km apart and the
aquifer has a permeability of 15m/day. In each year, the average water surface
elevations of the rivers A and B measured above the horizontal impermeable bed
are 12.00m and 9.00m respectively. If the region between the rivers received an
annual net infiltration of 20cm in that year,
a) The location of the groundwater table divide and
b) The average daily groundwater discharge into the rivers A and B from the
aquifer between them.
8. An unconfined aquifer K= 5 m/day, situated on the top of a horizontal impervious
layer connects parallel water bodies M and N which are 1200 m, apart. The water
surface elevations of M and N measured above the horizontal impervious bed are
10.00m and 8.00m. if a uniform recharge at the rate of 0.002m3 /day per m2 of
horizontal area occurs on the ground surface. Estimate
a. The water table profile
b. The location and elevation of the water table divide
c. The seepage discharges into the lakes and

Eng. Elia. Z.L (Groundwater Engineering, CIU08103) (2023/24)
d. The recharge rate at which the water table divide coincides with the
upstream edge of the aquifer and the total seepage flow per unity width of
the aquifer at this recharge rate.
9. A canal and a stream run parallel to each other at separation distance of 400m.
Both of them completely penetrate an unconfined aquifer (K = 3.m/s) located
above a horizontal impervious bed. The aquifer forms the separation land mass
between the two water bodies. The water surface elevations in the canal and the
stream are 5.0m and 3.0m, the datum being the top of the horizontal impervious
layer. Estimate
a. The uniform infiltration rate that will create a water table divide at a
distance of 100m from the canal
b. The elevation of the water table divide and
c. The seepage discharges in to the two water bodies.


1. A 30-cm diameter well completely penetrates a confined aquifer of permeability

45m/day. The length of the strainer is 20m. Under steady state of pumping the
drawdown at the well was found to be 3.0m and the radius of influence was
300m. Calculate the discharge.
2. To calculate the discharge in m3 /day from a tube well under the following
Conditions: Diameter of the well = 45cm
Drawdown at the well = 12m
Length of strainer = 30m
Radius of influence of the well = 200m
Coefficient of Permeability = 0.01cm/s
Aquifer = unconfined
3. A 30cm well fully penetrates an unconfined aquifer of 25 m saturated depth.
When a discharge of 2100lpm was being pumped for a long time, observation
wells at radial distances of 30 and 90 m indicated drawdown of 5 and 4 m

Eng. Elia. Z.L (Groundwater Engineering, CIU08103) (2023/24)
respectively. Estimate the coefficient of permeability and transmissibility of the
aquifer. What is the drawdown at the pumping well?
4. The discharge from fully penetrating well operating under steady state in confined
aquifer of 35m thickness is 3000lpm. Values of drawdown at two observation
wells 12m and 120m away from the well are 3m and 0.3m respectively.
Determine the permeability of the aquifer.
5. A 45 cm well in an unconfined aquifer was pumped at a constant rate of 1500lpm.
At the equilibrium stage the following drawdown values at two observation wells
were noted:
Radial distance from
Observation Drawdown(m)
pumping well(m)
A 10 5.0
B 30 2.0
The saturated thickness of the aquifer is 45m. Assuming the radius of influence to
be proportional to the discharge in the pumping well, calculate
a) Drawdown of the pumping well
b) Transmissibility of the aquifer
c) Drawdown at the pumping well for discharge of 2000lpm and
d) Radius of influence for discharge of 1500lpm and 2000lpm.
6. A full penetrating well of 30-cm diameter in an unconfined aquifer of saturated
thickness 50m was found to give the following drawdown-discharge relations
under equilibrium condition
Drawdown at the pumping well (m) Discharge (lpm)
3.0 600
11.7 180
If the radius of influence of the well can be assumed to be proportional to the
discharge through the well estimate the flow rate when the drawdown at the well is
6.0 m.

7. A 30-cm well completely penetrates an artesian aquifer. The length of the strainer
is 25m. Determine the discharge from the well when the drawdown at the
pumping well is 4.0m. The coefficient of permeability of the aquifer if 45m/day.
Assume the radius of influence of the well is 350m

Eng. Elia. Z.L (Groundwater Engineering, CIU08103) (2023/24)
8. For conducting permeability test in a well penetrating an unconfined aquifer, two
observation well A and B located at distance 15 and 30m respectively from
Centre of the well. When the well is pumped at a rate of 5 lpm, it is observed that
the elevations of water table above the impervious layer, up to which the well
extends are 12 and 12.5 respectively at A and B. Calculate the permeability of
aquifer in m/day.

Eng. Elia. Z.L (Groundwater Engineering, CIU08103) (2023/24)

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